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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 80, 220405共R兲 共2009兲

Model for frustrated spin-orbital chains as applied to CaV2O4

Gia-Wei Chern and Natalia Perkins

Department of Physics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, USA
共Received 28 July 2009; published 10 December 2009兲
Motivated by recent interest in quasi-one-dimensional compound CaV2O4, we study the ground states of a
spin-orbital chain characterized by an Ising-like orbital Hamiltonian and frustrated interactions between S = 1
spins. The on-site spin-orbit interaction and the Jahn-Teller effect compete with intersite superexchange leading
to a rich phase diagram in which an antiferro-orbital phase is separated from the orbital paramagnet by a
continuous Ising transition. Two distinct spin liquids depending on the underlying orbital order are found in the
limit of small spin-orbit coupling. In the opposite limit, the zigzag chain behaves as a spin-2 chain with Ising
anisotropy. The implications for CaV2O4 are discussed.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.80.220405 PACS number共s兲: 75.10.⫺b, 71.10.⫺w

Orbital degrees of freedom have been shown to play an Recent experimental studies on CaV2O4 seem to rule out
important role in understanding the electronic and magnetic a possible chiral liquid phase as well. A structural transition
properties of transition metal oxides.1 This is particularly so at Ts ⬇ 141 K reduces the crystal symmetry to monoclinic
for frustrated magnets with partially filled orbitals. A well- P21 / n.8,9 It was suggested in Ref. 8 that the simultaneous
studied case is vanadium spinels AV2O4 where the A-site orbital ordering relieves the magnetic frustration of zigzag
sublattice is occupied by divalent ions such as Zn2+ or chains. As the interchain frustration is also lifted by the lat-
Mn2+.2,3 The magnetic V3+ ions in spinel form a pyrochlore tice distortion, a three-dimensional Néel order sets in at
lattice. It is known that geometrical frustration of classical TN ⬇ 71 K. The collinear spins are parallel to the crystal b
spins on such a lattice precludes simple Néel ordering and axis as evidenced by both nuclear magnetic resonance and
gives rise to a highly degenerate ground state. Orbital order- neutron-diffraction measurements.6–8
ing in these compounds partially relieves the frustration by To make progress toward an understanding of the ground-
creating disparities in nearest-neighbor exchange constant,
state structure and the nature of phase transitions in CaV2O4,
hence setting the stage for magnetic ordering at lower
here we study the zero-temperature phase diagram of its
In this Rapid Communication, we investigate the physics building blocks, i.e., zigzag chains with S = 1 spins and Ising
of frustrated vanadium chains in which the interplay of geo- orbital variables. We propose a theoretical model which in-
metrical frustration, spin-orbital couplings, Jahn-Teller 共JT兲 cludes the superexchange 共SE兲 interaction, relativistic spin-
effect, and enhanced quantum fluctuations leads to a rich orbit 共SO兲 coupling, and JT effect. We find that antiferro-
phase diagram. Our work is partly motivated by an attempt orbital order favored by an Ising-like orbital exchange is
to understand another vanadium compound CaV2O4, which destroyed in the presence of large on-site spin-orbit or Jahn-
at room temperature crystallizes in the orthorhombic Teller coupling. Depending on the underlying orbital con-
calcium-ferrite structure 共space group Pnam兲.6–10 Contrary figuration, magnetic properties of the zigzag chain are
to its spinel cousins, V3+ ions in CaV2O4 are arranged in equivalent either to those of two weakly coupled S = 1 chains
zigzag chains of edge-sharing VO6 octahedra 共Fig. 1兲. Anti- or to those of an unfrustrated spin-1 ladder. In the limit of
ferromagnetic interaction on zigzag chains consisting of tri- large spin-orbit coupling, the zigzag chain can be viewed as
angular loops is subject to geometrical frustration as well. x2
(a) y2 (b)
The rather weak and frustrated interchain couplings make the
vanadium chains quasi-one-dimensional 共quasi-1D兲 systems z2

susceptible to quantum fluctuations. Couplings of vanadium n

orbitals to spins and phonons add yet another dimension to y1 n +1
the intriguing physics of zigzag chains.
z1 n+2
In CaV2O4, the zigzag geometry results in a spin-1 chain
with comparable nearest and next-nearest-neighbor interac-
tions. Combined with the observation that the 3d2 configu-
FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 共a兲 Two crystallographically inequivalent
ration of V3+ ions tend to have an easy-plane anisotropy,10 vanadium chains in CaV2O4. The V3+ ions are arranged in zigzag
the quasi-1D compound CaV2O4 has been a favorable can- chains of edge-sharing VO6 octahedra. For both vanadium sites, the
didate for the long-sought chiral spin liquid where a long- VO6 octahedra are flattened at room temperatures. A local reference
range chiral order coexists with algebraically decaying spin frame is defined in such a way that the z axis is parallel to the
correlations.10,11 However, as first pointed out by Pieper tetragonal axis of the crystal field. The black and white circles de-
et al.,8 orbital degeneracy in this compound drastically note the vanadium and oxygen ions, respectively. 共b兲 A simplified
changes the above picture. Since the t2g levels are split into a view of the zigzag chain. The red 共dark gray兲, green 共light gray兲,
singlet and a doublet due to a flattened VO6 octahedron, with and blue 共gray兲 bonds are parallel to the local 关011兴, 关101兴, and
the low-energy singlet always occupied, a double degeneracy 关110兴 axes, respectively. Consequently, electron hopping on the red
remains for the other electron. The orbital degrees of free- 共dark gray兲, green 共light gray兲, and blue 共gray兲 bonds is possible
dom in V3+ ion is thus described by an Ising-like variable. only when dyz, dzx, and dxy orbitals are occupied, respectively.

1098-0121/2009/80共22兲/220405共4兲 220405-1 ©2009 The American Physical Society



a spin-2 chain with anisotropic interaction. Finally, we dis- Explicit expressions relating the exchange constants to
cuss implications for CaV2O4. microscopic parameters are obtained from the SE Hamil-
Model Hamiltonian. We first define a local reference tonian of vanadium spinels,12 where neighboring VO6 octa-
frame for the two crystallographically inequivalent vanadium hedra share the same edge as in zigzag chains considered
chains 共referred to as type-I and -II chains here兲 in CaV2O4 here. Assuming an exact octahedral site symmetry, we find
such that the z axis is parallel to the tetragonal direction of K = 共1 + 2␩兲共t2 / U兲, J2 = J1 = K⬘ = 共1 − ␩兲共t2 / U兲, and J1⬘
flattened VO6 octahedron 关Fig. 1共a兲兴. Nearest-neighbor = ␩共t2 / U兲 to lowest order in Hund’s parameter ␩ ⬅ JH / U.
bonds along the chain are parallel to the local 关011兴 and Here, t is the hopping integral and U is the on-site Coulomb
关101兴 directions alternatively. In the following, we employ a repulsion. The parameters of the model can be estimated
convention in which even-numbered bonds are along the from known values of the same parameters in other vana-
关011兴 axis. dium compounds. Measurements on cubic vanadates yield
Geometrical frustration of the zigzag chain comes from JH ⯝ 0.68 eV, U ⯝ 6 eV, and t ⯝ −0.35 eV,13,14 which gives
the fact that second-nearest-neighbor bonds parallel to the ␩ ⯝ 0.11 and t2 / U ⯝ 20.4 meV. The estimate of ␭ is less
local 关110兴 axis have a length close to that of nearest- certain; we find ␭ ⯝ 13– 25 meV.5,13,15,16 In the following,
neighbor bonds. In fact, the second-nearest-neighbor interac- we shall measure the energy in units of t2 / U.
tion is the dominant one as the dxy orbital is occupied at The remaining single-ion interactions are included in the
every site due to the flattened VO6 octahedra. The remaining Hamiltonian
orbital degeneracy is described by a pseudospin 21 with
␴z = ⫾ 1 corresponding to the 兩yz典 and i兩zx典 states, respec- Hon-site = − ␭ 兺 ␴xnSzn − ␦ 兺 ␴zn . 共3兲
n n
Having introduced the basic notations, we now discuss a The first term originates from relativistic SO coupling
minimal model for the spin-orbital chain. Since orbital inter- ␭共L · S兲. Since the dxy orbital is always occupied, the x and y
action with a 90° angle between vanadium-oxygen bonds is components of the orbital angular momentum are quenched;
governed by direct dd␴ exchange of t2g orbitals, the corre- the remaining Lz = −␴x in the pseudospin representation. A
sponding spin interaction on a bond depends on whether the similar situation has been studied in cubic vanadates.17 The
relevant orbital is occupied.12 Essentially, orbitals participate effect of the monoclinic structural transition at Ts is modeled
in the superexchange only via orbital projectors Pyz/zx. Not- by the second term with 2␦ denoting the level splitting due to
ing that Pyz/zx = 共1 ⫾ ␴z兲 / 2, we first define the antiferro-orbital the induced orthorhombic distortion of VO6 octahedra. Note
and ferro-orbital bond operators, that the orthorhombic distortion is different on type-I and -II
On,n+1 = 21 共1 − ␴zn␴n+1
兲, On,n+1 = 41 共1 ⫾ ␴zn兲共1 ⫾ ␴n+1
兲, Orbital orders. We first consider a simpler case of the
model Hamiltonian by assuming the presence of a collinear
with ⫾ signs for even- and odd-numbered bonds, respec- Néel order on the zigzag chain. This is a plausible assump-
tively. The model Hamiltonian is divided into three parts: tion as the SO term ␭␴xnSzn breaks the spin SU共2兲 symmetry
H = H0 + H⬜ + Hon-site. The first H0 term represents decoupled and, as will be discussed later, closes the energy gap of lon-
spin and orbital systems, gitudinal magnons at large enough ␭, hence signaling a tran-
sition to the Néel state with Szn parallel to ⫾ẑ. Even with this
H0 = J2 兺 Sn · Sn+2 − 兺 共KOn,n+1 + K⬘On,n+1兲. 共1兲 simplification, the competition between intersite exchange
n n
and various on-site interactions still poses a rather nontrivial
Since J2 couples every second-nearest neighbors, the spin problem. This study also sheds light on orbital orders in the
part can be viewed as two decoupled S = 1 Haldane chains, ground state of CaV2O4, where spins develop a three-
corresponding to the two vertical blue 共gray兲 lines in Fig. dimensional collinear antiferromagnetic order at TN ⬇ 71 K.
1共b兲. The K and K⬘ terms denote the energy gain of an Due to the strong second-nearest-neighbor exchange J2,
antiferro-orbital and a ferro-orbital bond, respectively. In collinear orders on a zigzag chain consisting of repeated
general, we have K ⬎ K⬘ due to a finite on-site Hund’s cou- ++−− spins have a quadrupoled unit cell. There are a total of
pling JH, and hence an antiferro-orbital order in the ground four degenerate Néel states related to each other by lattice
state of H0. translations and time reversal 关Figs. 2共a兲 and 2共b兲兴. After
The H⬜ term introduces interactions between the two applying a ␲ rotation about the z axis to pseudospins at
spin-1 chains, Szn ⬍ 0 sites, we obtain an effective orbital Hamiltonian,
Horb = 兺 关J + 共− 1兲nK兴␴zn␴n+1
− 兺 共hz␴zn + hx␴xn兲. 共4兲
H⬜ = 兺 共J1On,n+1 − J1⬘On,n+1兲Sn · Sn+1 . 共2兲 n n
This model is equivalent to an Ising chain with alternating
As discussed above interaction between spins depends on nearest-neighbor couplings in a skewed magnetic field. The
orbital occupations: the antiferromagnetic coupling J1 is non- effective exchange constants are J = 共2K − K⬘兲 / 4 and
zero only when the dyz 共dzx兲 orbital is occupied at both sites K = ␯2共2J1⬘ + J1兲 / 4. Here, we have assumed 具Sn · Sn+1典 = ⫿ ␯2
of an even 共odd兲 bond, whereas the strength of ferromagnetic on even and odd bonds, respectively. The longitudinal and
J1⬘ term depends on the expectation value of the antiferro- transverse fields are given by hz = ␦ + ␯2J1 / 2 and hx = ␭, re-
orbital bond operator On,n+1. spectively. The parameter ␯ ⬍ 1 characterizes the magnitude



(a) (c) λ

λ c1
(b) (d) N2
λ c2

(e) δ
up down δc
yz zx
FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 Schematic phase diagram of the zigzag
FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 Spin and orbital orders on a zigzag va-
vanadium chain. The various phases are characterized by the mag-
nadium chain. Néel orders 共a兲 and 共b兲 are related to each other by
netic properties. SL and N represent spin-liquid phase and Néel
lattice translations. There are a total of four degenerate Néel states;
order, respectively. The SL1 and N1 phases are accompanied by an
the other two are related to states 共a兲 and 共b兲 by time reversal. 共c兲
antiferro-orbital order, while in the N2 and SL2 phases the orbitals
Antiferro-orbital order consisting of staggered dyz and dzx orbitals.
behave as an orbital paramagnet. The first-order transition along the
共d兲 and 共e兲 correspond to ferro-orbital orders with real orbital dyz
dashed line is an extension of the multicritical point 共␦c , 0兲 in the
and complex orbitals 共dyz ⫾ idzx兲 / 冑2, respectively.
phase diagram in Fig. 3.
of the Néel order. Its value can only be determined with a bounded by the critical points 共␦c , 0兲 and 共0 , ␭c兲. Figure 3共b兲
proper treatment of the SO coupling term. For simplicity, we shows ␦c and ␭c as functions of the parameter ␩ = JH / U. As
set ␯ = 1 in the following calculation. Hamiltonian 共4兲 with- expected, the antiferro-orbital phase shrinks with decreasing
out the staggered exchange K is one of the simplest models Hund’s coupling JH. In a full quantum treatment of the zig-
exhibiting nontrivial quantum critical point:18 numerical cal- zag chain, we expect a similar critical line characterized by
culation shows an order-disorder transition belonging to two- massless orbital excitations 共Fig. 4兲.
dimensional Ising universality class. The staggered exchange Spin-liquid phases. We now discuss the original Hamilto-
K involves higher-order spatial derivatives in the continuum nians 共1兲–共3兲 in the small ␭ limit without assuming the exis-
limit and thus represents an irrelevant perturbation in the tence of a magnetic order. It is important to note that the spin
renormalization group 共RG兲 sense. part of the Hamiltonian in this limit preserves a continuous
A schematic phase diagram of model 共4兲 is shown in Fig. SU共2兲 symmetry, which cannot be broken in one dimension.
3共a兲, where an antiferro-orbital phase is separated from the One thus expects stable spin-liquid phases whose properties
orbital paramagnet by an Ising transition line. Along the ␦ depend critically on orbital configurations. Furthermore, the
axis 共␭ = 0兲, the antiferro-orbital phase coexists with ferro- absence of ␴x term at ␭ = 0 indicates that the orbital part is
orbitally ordered phase, shown in Figs. 2共c兲 and 2共d兲, respec- described by a classical Ising-like Hamiltonian. Conse-
tively, at the multicritical point ␦c = 共2K − K⬘ − J1兲 / 2. On the quently, the search of ground states reduces to first enumer-
other hand, in the large ␭ limit, the pseudospins are polarized ating over all possible Ising configurations 兵␴zn其 and then
by the transverse field hx such that spins Sz = ⫾ 1 are accom- comparing their energies taking into account contribution
panied by complex orbitals 冑12 共dyz ⫾ idzx兲, respectively, result- from spins. As antiferro-orbital and ferro-orbital orders are
ing in a uniform orbital occupation nyz = nzx = 1 / 2 at all sites favored by SE and JT interactions, respectively, it is natural
关Fig. 2共e兲兴. Using the infinite-system density matrix renor- to consider these two configurations first.
malization group 共DMRG兲 method with periodic boundary In the case of antiferro-orbital order 关Fig. 2共c兲兴 where
condition,19 we obtain a critical ␭c at ␦ = 0, taking into ac- bond operators 具On,n+1典 = 0 and 具On,n+1典 = 1, the zigzag chain
count the effect of staggered K. The Ising transition line is behaves as two spin-1 chains weakly coupled by a frustrated
ferromagnetic J1⬘. The corresponding spin-liquid phase 共SL1
phase in Fig. 4兲 has an energy gap at an incommensurate
wave vector.20 On the other hand, the frustrated J1⬘ coupling
0.3 dc is quenched by the ferro-orbital order shown in Fig. 2共d兲.
0.2 Depending on the sign of the ferro-Ising order 具␴zn典 = ⫾ 1, the
0.1 J1 term is nonzero only on even or odd bonds, but not on
0 both. The spin Hamiltonian is equivalent to that of a spin-1
0 0.04 0.08 0.12
h ladder with rung coupling J1. The magnetic ground state is
FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 共a兲 Schematic phase diagram of orbitals
again disordered 共SL2 phase in Fig. 4兲.21,22 The magnetic
in the presence of a collinear Néel order on the zigzag chain, effec- energy of spin-1 ladder with arbitrary rung coupling has been
tively described by Hamiltonian 共4兲. AF and PM refer to antiferro- calculated using quantum Monte Carlo method in Ref. 21.
orbitally ordered and orbital paramagnetic phases, respectively. 共b兲 Comparing the energy of the two phases, including both spin
Critical boundaries ␭c and ␦c measured in units of t2 / U versus and orbital contributions, yields a boundary ␦c surprisingly
Hund’s parameter ␩. The critical distortion is determined analyti- close to the one obtained assuming a Néel order.
cally from ␦c = 共2K − K⬘ − J1兲 / 2, whereas ␭c is obtained from Although the SU共2兲 symmetry is broken in the presence
DMRG calculation. The various effective parameters in Eq. 共4兲 are of SO coupling, both spin liquids persist up to finite ␭. In the
expressible in terms of model parameters J1, J1⬘, J2, K, and K⬘ of the SL2 phase, stable at large JT distortion ␦ ⬎ ␦c, SO coupling
original SE. Hamiltonian, whose relations to ␩ and t2 / U can be provides an easy-axis anisotropy DSz2 with D ⯝ −␭2 / 2␦. The
found in the text. spin-1 ladder undergoes an Ising transition to a Néel phase



共N2 phase in Fig. 4兲 with increasing ␭. At large ␦, the con- Assuming a dominating easy-axis anisotropy 兩D兩 Ⰷ E, the N2
dition D = Dc gives rise to a critical ␭c ⬀ 冑␦. On the other phase can also be viewed as Néel ordering of the effective
hand, Néel transition at small ␦ can be understood by con- spins Jz = ⫾ 2 in such a way that spins of a given direction
sidering the ␭ dependence of the spin gap in SL1 phase. The Sz = ⫾ 1 are coupled to orbital angular momenta Lz⬘ = ⫾ 1,
singlet ground state of weakly coupled Haldane chains has respectively. The corresponding ferro-orbital order with
triply degenerate magnon excitations with dispersion complex orbitals dyz ⫾ idzx is shown in Fig. 2共e兲. The V3+
␻k = 冑⌬20 + v2共k − k0兲2. In the limit of vanishing J1⬘, the system ions have a reduced magnetic moment ␮ = 共2S − L⬘兲␮B = 1␮B.
reduces to two decoupled Haldane chains with k0 = ␲, We have presented and analyzed a minimal model of frus-
⌬0 = 0.410J2 共Haldane gap for spin 1兲, and v = 2.49J2.23 A trated vanadium chains, pertinent to quasi-1D compound
simple second-order perturbation calculation adds a correc- CaV2O4. A conjectured phase diagram 共Fig. 4兲 is obtained
tion to the spin gap, based on analytical arguments and numerical calculations.
The observed P21 / n crystal symmetry of CaV2O4 at low
␭2兩具0兩Szn兩k0典兩2 temperatures indicates that only two inequivalent vanadium
⌬ = ⌬0 − , 共5兲 sites exist as in the high-temperature phase. The absence of
⌬␴ − ⌬0
doubled unit cell resulting from antiferro-orbital order thus
where ⌬␴ ⬇ 2共␦c − ␦兲 is the energy of a domain-wall pair implies that both vanadium chains are in the orbital paramag-
共a flipped pseudospin in the antiferro-orbital state兲, 兩0典 netic phase. This is a plausible conclusion noting that a
is the singlet ground state, and 兩k典 denotes one-magnon rather small ␭c1 ⬇ 0.22共t2 / U兲 ⬇ 4.5 meV is estimated from
excitation with wave vector k. The matrix element Fig. 3 assuming ␩ ⬇ 0.11. However, the monoclinic distor-
具0兩Szn兩k典 = 冑Zeikn, with Z ⬇ 1.23 For ⌬␴ ⬎ ⌬0, the spin gap tion below Ts places the two types of vanadium chain at
decreases with increasing ␭ and eventually reaches zero at rather distinct regions of the phase diagram.
␭c2 ⬀ 冑2共␦c − ␦兲 − ⌬0, signaling a transition into magnetically The type-I chain acquires a small ␦ in addition to the
ordered phase 共N1 phase兲. dominating tetragonal crystal field and behaves as a spin-2
The two Néel phases in Fig. 4 are distinguished by the chain subject to an easy-axis anisotropy. This Ising aniso-
underlying orbital orders; the phase boundary ␭c1 separating tropy is important to the stabilization of three-dimensional
N1 from N2 phases is thus analogous to the Ising transition Néel order in CaV2O4, as the collinear spins are found to
line of the orbital only model 关Fig. 3共b兲兴. Since the upper point along the easy axis of type-I chains.8 The measured V
critical ␭c1 ⬀ JH, at small Hund’s coupling the zigzag chain moment of 1.06␮B is also consistent with the picture of an
could bypass the N1 phase and enter the orbital paramagnetic anisotropic spin-2 chain.7 On the other hand, a strong ortho-
phase simultaneously with a magnetic ordering. A conjec- rhombic distortion ␦ at type-II ions completely removes the
tured phase diagram of the zigzag chain is shown in Fig. 4. orbital degeneracy and makes the vanadium chains effec-
Anisotropic J = 2 spin chain. In the limit of large SO cou- tively spin-1 ladders. In fact, the well-separated t2g levels at
pling, the appropriate degrees of freedom are effective spins type-II ions lead to a possible easy-plane spin anisotropy.8
of length J = 2, where J = L⬘ + S and L⬘ = 1 is the angular mo- Consequently, induced collinear order on type-II chains fol-
mentum of the unoccupied t2g hole. The system thus behaves lows the spin direction of type-I vanadium ions, as indeed
as a spin-2 chain with anisotropic exchange interaction.5 Fur- observed in CaV2O4.
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