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Electronics and Communication Engineering Discipline, Khulna University. An Assignment On CSE-1251 Course Title: Object Oriented Programming Course Code: CSE-1251 Submitted By : Hisam Uddin Student ID: 220912 1 year, 2 Term Electronics and Communication Engineering Discipline Khulna University Submitted To = Atanu Shome Assistant Professor Computer Science and Engineering Discipline Khulna University Khulna Submission date: 15"* October, 2023 CSE 1251 Assignment 9-218 Credle a Fle and write 10 aroma about Khulna Univeasely im sepewate lines . Ans? packoge sedasadi rilhighseheo! 3 import Javacio. xy publie class Assignment ay public stedie vord main (oirg oO angs try X File file = new File C KhulnabtiverstyTn-fo be 9) 3 FileWriter: widens new Fileweiten (Silk) ; [Joniche 10 Linus of infoamedion aboucl tehulna Universi ky Stoingl] os = 4 ikhdna Ubivensily loeded iw Khana, Bongladesh , isa renowned public research, undvewly®, arg uns establish im 1994 and as one of Abe -to p univeastl ies ty ha courtlag “y Me Aehulnia Univensily ofeas a wide rtomge 64 academe programs, inelading avrlengrodkate and postgraduate degrees au "ome tovivertily compus ts known for ds beaudifel neelerreal sunnoundings and medean facilities. 5 t 4 4 ‘54 has a” hong focus on feel and innevedion in vacious fields. ”, "OC Khulna Universtly Nas a diverse and vibrant student community US) "3-The Sacully members are highly qualitied and dediceded to eveellence in Aeehing and rewsecaech.”, Ilg"The aaniversly eonhiibudes signif few clo the development oy Ake region vy 15.5luderts and neseanehens od Khulna University “engage in various cornmanily and sovicl aclivilies.”, ok \nalnes University MS committed to oeademie erecllenee and social cesponsibality A 5 fon (Staing xt 9s) 4 univer. warte (« ‘3 conten. onibe (”\n")5 Syston owt. pnt ("Indonmaction abeeet khalnor Univenily has been cvaitHen le the Kile) conten. closes; ? cot (TOE xeeption &) { Syslem-oud print hy (e-gel Message C1) ; é x © Fie Gat View Neve Sonee felaaor Rin, Debug Pete Teor Tos. 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