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Archives of Medical Research - (2018) -

Evolving Ecosystems: Inheritance and Selection
in the Light of the Microbiome
Santiago Sandoval-Motta,a,b,c Maximino Aldana,a,d and Alejandro Franka,e,f
Centro de Ciencias de la Complejidad, Biologıa de Sistemas, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genomica, Genomica Computacional, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
Consejo Nacional De Ciencia Y Tecnologıa, Catedras CONACyT, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
Instituto de Ciencias Fısicas, Fenomenos no lineales y complejidad, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Morelos, Mexico
Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Estructura de la Materia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
Colegio Nacional, Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico
Received for publication October 21, 2017; accepted January 12, 2018 (ARCMED-D-17-00605).

The importance of microorganisms in human biology is undeniable. The amount of

research that supports that microbes have a fundamental role in animal and plant physi-
ology is substantial and increasing every year. Even though we are only beginning to
comprehend the broadness and complexity of microbial communities, evolutionary the-
ories need to be recast in the light of such discoveries to fully understand and incorporate
the role of microbes in our evolution. Fundamental evolutionary concepts such as diver-
sity, heredity, selection, speciation, etc., which constitute the modern synthesis, are now
being challenged, or at least expanded, by the emerging notion of the holobiont, which
defines the genetic and metabolic networks of the host and its microbes as a single evolu-
tionary unit. Several concepts originally developed to study ecosystems, can be used to
understand the physiology and evolution of such complex systems that constitute ‘‘indi-
viduals.’’ In this review, we discuss these ecological concepts and also provide examples
that range from squids, insects and koalas to other mammals and humans, suggesting that
microorganisms have a fundamental role not only in physiology but also in evolution.
Current evolutionary theories need to take into account the dynamics and interconnected-
ness of the host-microbiome network, as animals and plants not only owe their symbio-
genetic origin to microbes, but also share a long evolutionary history together. Ó 2018
IMSS. Published by Elsevier Inc.
Key Words: Microbiome, Holobiont evolution, Missing heritability, Adaptability, Allostasis.

Ecological Evolution Ernst Mayr and Sewall Wright argued that selective pres-
sures do not only act on single genes. Based on the obser-
The Object of Selection
vation that many genes’ functionalities depend on the
Natural selection has been a controversial subject since presence of other genes, Mayr and Wright proposed that
Darwinian times. With the discovery of genes and the the whole genome of an organism was the target of selec-
formulation of the modern synthesis some scientists tion (2,3). This idea prevails, along with Mayr’s definition
thought that selection should act upon genes, since they of species, and both are among the few lasting modifica-
were the subject of mutation and thus were the raw material tions to the basic Darwinian theory of evolution. Neverthe-
of evolution (1). However, evolutionary biologists such as less, we now recognize a vast number of ways in which
selection acts apart from genetics. For example, selection
can act upon the morphology of an organism (which may
Address reprint requests to: Santiago Sandoval-Motta, Associate Pro- not depend entirely on genetics), on its behavior, on its
fessor, Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genomica, Genomica Computacio-
nal, Periferico Sur No. 4809, Col. Arenal Tepepan, Delegacion Tlalpan,
metabolic capabilities, and over all of these (and many
Ciudad de Mexico 14610, Mexico City, Mexico; Phone: (þ52) (55) more) factors at the same time (Multilevel Selection The-
33899339; E-mail: santiago.sandoval.m@gmail.com ory). It seems now that the object of selection is the

0188-4409/$ - see front matter. Copyright Ó 2018 IMSS. Published by Elsevier Inc.
2 Sandoval-Motta et al./ Archives of Medical Research - (2018) -

individual as a whole and therefore, in addition to its ge- through ingestion of pro/anti biotics. The holobiont concept
netics, we must also take into account the organism’s ca- defines the object of evolution as the fusion of the nuclear
pacity to modify its environment to its advantage, its genome of the host, its organelles, and its microbiome. As
heritage, and ultimately the interactions with individuals an evolutionary unit, selective pressures applied to the nu-
of the same species or from other species that change its clear genome prevent deleterious mutations and promote
survival and reproduction capabilities. Hence, if we favorable ones. Selection over the microbiome encourage
consider this wholeness for each organism, we will be the development of beneficial microbes (mainly in diges-
delving into the complex subject of ecosystem evolution. tive, immune and sexual processes) (8), while simulta-
An ecosystem can be described as a set of communities neously suppress pathogenic organisms. It is also
of different species of organisms living in the same place, at important to understand that the role of specific microbes
the same time, with a constant interchange of matter and in host biology is context dependent. This means than even
energy. This constant flux of matter and energy opens up though a strain is considered neutral under normal circum-
the possibility to determine the boundaries of an ecosystem stances, its role can change in a different condition. These
mathematically, as fluxes inside an ecosystem must be organisms, known as amphibionts or pathobionts, are
greater within the community than with external compo- known to become pathogenic in response to inflammation,
nents. It is important to mention that this interchange of antibiotics, infections and other types of stressful condi-
matter and energy occurs between the biotic and abiotic tions (9). It has been shown, for example, that the highly
components altogether, and the mechanisms by which the antibiotic resistant bacterium Clostridium difficile is a com-
interchange occurs can also modify the environment itself. mon dweller of adult intestines, but it is only under certain,
A change in environment can consequently change the dy- still unclear, conditions that it becomes pathogenic (10). In
namics and composition of the living parts of an ecosystem, summary, if selection applies at the level of the holobiont,
creating a feedback loop where change is the only constant. then dysfunctionalities (host or microbiome related) will
Always depending on the intensity, frequency and type of impact the survival and reproduction of the individual, un-
changes, also known as perturbations, ecosystems can often dergoing natural selection and thus evolving as a unified
withstand them. Sometimes the biotic composition of the entity.
ecosystem will remain unchanged, but often it will be
forced into other equilibrium states in which the abun-
On the Origins of Complexity
dances, interactions and chemical reactions of the organ-
isms that compose it, need to adapt to the new imposed By reconciling Mendelian genetics and Darwinian Natural
challenges (4). Selection, the modern synthesis theory of evolution ex-
There are many spatial scales in which ecosystems can plains: a) the diversity between individuals from a genetic
be defined. It is still a matter of debate where to draw the point of view, b) how natural selection can filter such ge-
line in size (and in that sense the comparative measure- netic variations, and c) how new species originate through
ments of fluxes mentioned above could be helpful), but gradual and cumulative genetic mutations and recombina-
research groups have defined and studied ecosystems as tion. However, it does not explain how complex organisms
small as a piece of cheese (5), or as vast as the Biosphere arise. For example, the modern synthesis cannot explain
(6). Nevertheless, a new kind of ecosystem is at hand: how eukaryotic cells were formed by the successive merg-
The holobiont, which is defined by the genetic and meta- ing of prokaryotic cells (11). These limitations in the
bolic networks of the host and its microbes as a single Darwinian Theory of evolution are understandable, as at
evolutionary unit. The main reason the holobiont defies the time of its formulation microbes were prominently
the standard concept of an ecosystem is because the ‘‘envi- catalogued as agents of disease. Additionally, the technol-
ronment’’ in which the species that comprise it thrive, is ogy available to look into the genetics of such microbes
another living organism. This is not a trivial factor. The was far from being developed. However, the origin of the
fluxes between biotic and abiotic components in traditional eukaryotic cell is now widely accepted as being the result
ecosystems depend almost entirely on the abilities of the bi- of endosymbiosis, and now we have a less biased view of
otic to extract, use or transform the abiotic. However, in microbial communities as well as many tools to study
holobionts this exchange is highly regulated by the host, them.
for example through its immune system (7). In traditional The term ‘‘holobiont’’ was first proposed by Lynn
ecosystems, perturbations often come either from a cata- Margulis (12) and derives from the Greek word holos,
strophic natural event (disruptions such as earthquakes, meaning whole. This term was originally proposed
fires, floods, etc.) and/or are caused by the biotic compo- to describe symbiotic associations between organisms
nents themselves. In holobionts this may not always be throughout most of their lifetimes, and now it refers to
the case, as the host can quickly introduce or remove car- the collection of microbes associated with a host plus the
bon sources and other metabolites through a change in diet, host itself. In 1967 Lynn Margulis also demonstrated the
or even increase or decrease the diversity of the ecosystem endosymbiotic emergence of eukaryotic cells, proposed
Evolution in the Light of the Microbiome 3

around 1910 by the botanist K. Mereschkowski. In this that when a species is forced to grow separated from others
work Margulis proved that the functional complexity and it often develops faster reproduction rates but does not
organization of eukaryotic cells was produced by a well- develop mechanisms for alternate resource usage. However,
defined succession of mergers between protist organisms the opposite happens when these species are grown
(11). This theory showed that the nuclear genome and the together. In such a case, three-quarters of the species that
organelles of a eukaryotic cell work as a unity to perform were grown together developed mechanisms to consume
many of the complex tasks required for the cell to survive either new environmental resources or waste products pro-
and duplicate. It also shows that endosymbiosis, the fusion duced by the other species, thus avoiding direct competi-
of independent and already formed organisms, is another tion. It was also observed that only one species developed
mechanism by which life gains complexity and produces a dramatically faster reproduction rate whereas the other
new species. Sexual reproduction, along with genetic ones decreased their own duplication rates. In the light of
recombination and mutation, ensure that the newly formed these results, and because processes such as autophagy
offspring closely resemble their parents. However, endo- and endocytosis are induced in a low nutrient medium
symbiosis is capable of generating organisms that can (17), it is possible that cell merging arose from an incom-
significantly differ from their predecessors, positioning it- plete digestion caused by starvation. Indeed, when colonies
self as a mechanism that may produce a great evolutionary of microorganisms are subjected to low levels of nutrients,
change. The evolutionary pathways of a set of organisms is cells start ingesting each other to improve their survivabil-
usually represented as independent branches of a phyloge- ity (18). An incomplete phagocytosis can leave parts of the
netic tree. Once a branch arises, it either continues its path ingested cell untouched, leading to a possible merging of
indefinitely or disappears, but it never merges with other functions.
branches as what is thought to have happened at the origin Coming back to the holobiont, it can be described as a
of eukaryotic cells (Figure 1). This merging of independent multilayer network in which encompassed networks can
organisms occurs very often (13), and although symbiotic have different properties but are all interconnected. In a
organisms do not necessarily integrate in the same way as multi-species community, one species can alter the environ-
the eukaryotic cell (14,15) they can and must be studied ment of another, which may facilitate its survival or impose
as an evolutionary unit. a new selective pressure (19). Evidence suggests that when
The merging of two or more independent individuals two species coevolve, specific adaptations exhibited by
into a coordinated polygenic organism can yield many ad- either one of them would not exist in the absence of the
vantages. For instance, all of the metabolic capabilities of other, and emerging co-adaptations can feedback to influ-
former cells are joined allowing the new organism to utilize ence ecosystem functioning (16). This process is known
the resources that were harnessed by them. Any specializa- as Diffuse Coevolution and as discussed below, is of the
tion present in any of the former individuals may also be utmost importance for the evolution of holobionts and their
preserved in the new being. It has been shown that commu- correct functioning. Understanding the ecology of holo-
nities composed of several species, tend to develop distinc- bionts requires considering not only changes in the abun-
tive characteristics to avoid competition over the same dances of each individual species of a microbiome, but
nutrients (16). In these experiments, Turcotte et al. showed also evolutionary co-adaptations that modify the metabolic

Figure 1. (A) Representation of a traditional phylogenetic tree of independent species. (B) Representation of a phylogenetic tree where the evolutionary unit
is considered a metabolic and genetic junction of more than one organism.
4 Sandoval-Motta et al./ Archives of Medical Research - (2018) -

capabilities of those species. These studies, in turn, will plethora of factors can influence its composition. Diet, ge-
require transgenerational tracking. ography, physical activity and stress have been correlated
with changes in abundance of certain microbial species as
well as their behavior (21). These multiple interactions
Heredity and Heritability; the Information within the
create such a vast amount of variability across individuals,
particularly in humans, that it has not been possible to
With respect to human biology, the holobiont concept has define a ‘‘core microbiome,’’ that is a well-defined set of
deep consequences that go beyond lessening our sense of species that are unambiguously present in any individual
independence. Several reviews on the influence of the mi- (30). Nevertheless, recent studies have shown that it is
crobiome on our biology are already available (20e23). possible to identify certain conserved metabolic functions
These include studies that demonstrate the influence of present in the microbiome, allowing research groups to
microbes in weight gain, development of the immune sys- define a ‘‘core functionality’’ of the human microbiome
tem, cancer, and even neurological disorders. However, it (30). Regarding of the ecology of the holobiont, these re-
is not our intention to further reinforce the importance of sults suggest that there are basic functions of the micro-
the microbiome on our physiology but to focus on the biome that are needed for maintaining an ecological
importance of the microbiome in the transmission of phe- equilibrium within the species of the microbiome, as well
notypes from one human to another. In fact, we stress the as between them and their host.
idea that microbiome-related phenotypes can be transmitted
between phylogenetically close holobionts (humans or not)
Horizontal and Vertical Transmission of Microbes
as well as transgenerationally.
The distinctiveness between host associated microbes Endosymbionts (organisms that live within others with
and free living bacterial communities (24), along with the others with mutual benefit) often carry out important func-
similarity between phylogenies of microbial communities tions for their hosts (31). These organisms can be trans-
and phylogenies of their hosts (25), are strong indicators mitted directly from their parents (vertical transmission)
that many animals and plants have coevolved with their from other non-related individuals (horizontal transmis-
associated microbes since ancient times. Powerful interde- sion) or the environment. Although all types of transmis-
pendencies have arisen. For instance, it has been proposed sion are widely distributed across phyla, it has been
that the vertebrate immune system, given its potential to in- suggested that most endosymbionts in vertebrates are envi-
fluence microbial development, has evolved as a means to ronmentally acquired (32). However, this environmental
manage more complex microbial communities (26). How- acquisition is often mediated by the parents. It has been
ever, the extent to which this coevolution has influenced shown that infant horses and iguanas consume the feces
both the host and its microbial genomes is only beginning of their parents thus colonizing their own intestines with
to be revealed and could be more profound than we have appropriate microbial communities (33). Mother koalas
imagined. A recent study on mice has shown that when are known to directly feed feces to their offspring providing
two subspecies of mice are crossed, bacterial communities them with the necessary endosymbionts that metabolize
of the hybrids were significantly different, and transgressive secondary toxic compounds of their food (eucalyptus)
phenotypes were encountered (extremely different from (34). In many other species, parental care and interaction
parental features). Hybrid mice also displayed aberrant im- with individuals of the same species is often enough to
mune systems and intestinal problems, both associated with ensure a correct colonization of the infant’s gut (35). Other
altered microbial communities. On the one hand, these re- non-coprophagic mechanisms exist, particularly in aquatic
sults restate the importance of stabilizing selection (favor- environments where it has been shown that the bacterial
ing intermediate phenotypic values) and show that symbiont Vibrio fischeri of the squid Euprymna scolopes
hologenome variation correlates with phenotypic variability is transmitted to youngsters through increasing the concen-
upon which selection can operate. On the other hand, this tration of the bacteria around their birthplace. E. scolopes
study demonstrates the consequences of evolutionary diver- blows high concentrations of Vibrio into the water (mecha-
gences in holobionts, which as we discuss in a later section, nism know as winnowing), significantly increasing its envi-
are an important factor of reproductive isolation, which in ronmental concentration and thus helping the colonization
turn may lead to speciation. of the next generation of squids.
So far we have discussed two different levels of interde- Vertical transmission has also been widely reported in
pendence in the holobiont. One is the dependence of mi- insects. Diverse associations with viruses, protists and bac-
crobes among each other (27) and the second is the teria have been studied in these arthropods. Many of their
interdependence between the microbiome’s functionality associated microbes live exclusively within specialized or-
and the genetics of the host (28,29). This hologenome gans of their hosts, with some of them, for instance,
(the collective genomes of the holobiont), can be modeled residing in the female reproductive organs. These
as a multilayered genetic network where a complex ‘‘endemic’’ endosymbionts are essential for the survival
Evolution in the Light of the Microbiome 5

and reproduction of their host (36,37). By supplying microbes enter the uterus are not well known, it is highly
missing dietary compounds, the complementary metabolic likely that a human first inoculation of beneficial microbes
networks of these symbionts allow the host to exploit food happens in the womb (42,46). Mode of delivery is the next
sources that would be otherwise nutritionally insufficient step by which human babies (as well as other mammals)
(e.g. tree sap) (38,39). Contrary to environmental acquisi- are inoculated by parental microbes. Passing through the
tion, these indispensable endosymbionts are transferred vaginal duct at birth is now recognized as a significant in-
maternally to offspring, as in the case of some ants, cock- fluence on the development of microbial communities
roaches and termites (36,40). This means that the concept across the baby’s body, including skin, oral cavity and
of heredity, the passing of genetic information from one gut. Cesarean section (C-section) babies are not exposed
generation to another, can be extended beyond sexual or to the same microbes. Instead, their microbial communities
asexual reproduction. Heredity can also happen through resemble human skin, with no significant distinction be-
vertical and horizontal transmission of microbes (32). tween that of the mother or the medical personnel (47).
The previous examples reflect a direct influence of par- These different compositions (Vaginal or C-section) have
ents on the microbial colonization of their offspring. How- significant health consequences as C-section babies are
ever, it is important to note that there are cases in which a more prone to develop metabolic, allergic and immune
group of individuals of the same species does not only pass related diseases (48e51). In fact, some hospitals are start-
this information onto youngsters but also create a ‘‘safe- ing to ‘‘swab’’ C-section babies with maternal vaginal
guard’’ for their microbial partners. This is the case of fluids (52), however in more than 50% of the world C-sec-
the ant Lasius niger, which exhibits an interesting group tion rates are more than 15% (53), making C-section an
behavior that is possibly related to transgenerational inher- important health issue. Finally, breastfeeding represents
itance of microbes. It has been shown that these ants store the final step of direct maternal microbial transmission
their feces into specialized compartments inside their nests, (non-parental transmissions are discussed in a later sec-
despite the fact that the hive’s waste products (e.g. corpses, tion). As with the womb, breast milk was thought to be
or food waste) are always disposed of (41). The authors sterile. However it is now known to contain hundreds of
suggest that this behavior helps the ants acquire specific microbial species correlated with the correct development
odors that let other ants recognize them as part of the col- of the immune system (54). Furthermore, bacterial compo-
ony. However, since essential digesting microbes reside in sition of the milk changes throughout the breastfeeding
the guts of these ants (a phenomenon also observed in ter- process, probably to prime the digestive system to forth-
mites), it is possible that these compartments function as a coming diet changes. Milk from six-month mothers shows
safeguard for important microbial endosymbionts that are an increased abundance of species of genera such as Prevo-
to be transmitted to future generations. tella and Leptotrichia while displaying less lactic acid bac-
teria of genera such as Streptococcus and Lactococcus (55).
In a very similar way as with C-section babies, formula-fed
Microbial Transmissions in Humans
infants are more prone to disease (54). As previously stated
In humans, several examples of transgenerational microbial by Funkhouser and Bordenstein: ‘‘[.] it seems that mod-
transmission have been reported (42). They consist essen- ern medicine designed to prevent infant mortality (such
tially of the mother transmitting her microbes to the as emergency Cesarean sections and formula feeding)
newborn. This microbial inoculation of human babies has has likely contributed to the rise in immune-mediated dis-
several steps that will be described in chronological order. eases in developed countries due to the inherent lack of
However, further studies are needed to determine the exposure to maternal microbes associated with these
importance of each step for the correct development of practices.’’ (42).
the human microbiome.
Starting with the embryo, the placental barrier is known
Extinctions and Famines
to filter undesirable pathogens from newborns throughout
pregnancy. Nevertheless, experimental evidence suggests It has been well established that many of our functions as
that the placenta may not be as sterile as previously thought holobionts depend on our microbial partners (20,56). Thus,
and those specific microbes can inoculate the child’s body any situation interfering with their structure and composi-
before delivery (43). This hypothesis is still controversial, tion can alter our functioning as a reproducing ecosystem.
as it has been demonstrated that intrauterine infections For instance, starvation is known to change the functioning
are strongly correlated with preterm deliveries (occurring and structure of microbial communities (57). This may be
in less than 30 weeks) (44). Nevertheless, when the first relevant to understanding a surprising case originated at
stool of an infant (meconium) is tested for microbial pres- the end of World War II, when the population of the
ence, Enterococcus, Escherichia and other microbial mem- German-occupied part of the Netherlands was subjected
bers present in adults’ intestinal tract can be found (45). to one of the most studied human famines in history. From
Despite the fact that the precise mechanisms by which the end of 1944 to mid-1945 the Dutch population struggled
6 Sandoval-Motta et al./ Archives of Medical Research - (2018) -

to survive with only 30% of their normal dietary intake. and many others (63e66). However, microbial transplants
When this dreadful situation finally ended, survivors were have emerged as an alternative treatment for microbial in-
recruited by the Netherlands healthcare system to record fections. Controlled microbial transplants were first re-
their recovery and to study any possible long term effects ported around the year 2010 and are often used to fight
of the famine. Unsurprisingly, mothers that were pregnant highly antibiotic-resistant pathogens (67). This technique
during the majority of the famine, often gave birth to small aims to restore the microbial ecosystem of a patient by
children. However, these children were never able to attain introducing whole microbial samples from healthy donors.
normal weights (58). The surprising part of the story is that Fecal samples are the most common, but oral and mucosal
the malnourishment effects remained present even in the samples have also been used (68). This practice is now
grandchildren of the famine-affected families. The most beginning to be used more often as it prompts rapid recov-
accepted hypotheses for this transgenerational effect are ery of the patients and shows restoration of the structure
epigenetic-related, with no mechanistic description capable and function of the microbiome without any of the side ef-
of explaining such effects. However, it has been shown that fects of antibiotics. All of the results discussed in this sec-
malnutrition and stress can affect the composition of the gut tion demonstrate that transmission of microbes can directly
microbiome, even causing the loss of certain species (57). affect holobiont phenotypes.
Since microbial transmissions occur from mothers to
offspring at birth, it is entirely possible that these transge- Missing Heritability Problem
nerational effects are due to an incomplete parental micro-
Relevant problems in human genetics can be turned around
biome being transmitted to offspring causing an improper
through the holobiont perspective. As a community, our mi-
development of their own microbiome.
crobiome has more than 2000 times the amount of protein-
coding genes than our nuclear genome (69,70). This fact
Extinctions and Antibiotics: Microbial Transfers as a has significant consequences. For instance, it can provide
Solution some answers to the missing heritability problem
(71e73). This particular challenge refers to the huge
Along with Cesarean section and feeding formula to in-
discrepancy observed between the heritability calculated
fants, antibiotic prescription is another common practice
in familial studies vs. the heritability calculated in Genome
in modern human societies that severely affects the struc-
Wide Association Studies (GWAS). Heritability is a mea-
ture and functions of the microbiome. Since the introduc-
sure of the phenotypic variance that can be explained by
tion of antibiotics as antimicrobial agents the minimum
the genotypic variance of a population (74). GWAS studies
inhibitory concentration baselines for antibiotics have
only take into account the genetic variation in human cells
significantly increased (e.g. up to 250 fold for erythro-
and do not consider all the effects on the phenotype caused
mycin) (59). Apart from the widely accepted effects of an-
by the microbiome. Therefore, it is not surprising that
tibiotics in the development of super resistant organisms,
GWAS studies can only explain a very limited part of the
another issue is the permanent eradication of important mi-
phenotypic variability for many human traits (75). Further-
crobial functionalities from the human microbial reservoir.
more, when phenotype variability is measured in families
It has been demonstrated that modern societies have a
and genetic identity is inferred by kinship, the heritability
significantly decreased microbial diversity when compared
of several human phenotypes is significantly higher than
to the diversity in more traditional societies (57,60). Antibi-
that resulting from GWAS studies. This is so because in
otics are widely used and are often prescribed unnecessarily
the familial studies what is observed is the net phenotype,
(61). Antibiotic usage can have long lasting effects in the
which includes any effect the microbiota can have on it
composition of the microbiome which can last up to several
(in addition to several other important effects). In a previ-
months (62). Furthermore, if important species are extin-
ous paper, our group has proposed that considering the vari-
guished from the microbiome, reacquiring them may not
ability of our microbial companions can significantly
be a simple task. First, because even if probiotics are
reduce the gap between these measurements as it increases
administered, stable colonization is not always ensured.
the genetic variability associated to any microbiota-related
Second, a probiotic for the specific extinct species may
phenotype (71).
not be available. Third, due to the interdependence of spe-
cies in the microbiome, the eradication of one species may
Robustness and Adaptability in Evolution, a General
cause a cascade effect that ends up eradicating several other
Hypothesis for the Holobiont
species. This in turn can create an all-or-non phenomenon,
as newly extinct microbes could be necessary for re- Evolution of living systems is often considered to happen at
introducing the originals. Although antibiotics are still crit- two separate scales. Microevolution is related to evolution
ical to counter bacterial infections, antibiotics function as a below the species level. It involves processes such as gene
double-edged sword that induces dysbiotic processes that flow, genetic drift, mutation, recombination, selection and
have been associated with diseases such as obesity, diabetes ecological interactions between species. Macroevolution,
Evolution in the Light of the Microbiome 7

in contrast, includes phenomena involved in much larger rate in both (in fact it is much higher in bacteria), taking
taxonomical groups. Geographical changes, mass extinc- into account the population size of E. coli in the intestines
tions and long term diversification processes involved in and the higher division rate, it is clear that in the same time
the generation of evolutionary novelties are examples of lapse significantly more DNA mutations are produced by
macroevolution (76). Whether or not macroevolution can the microbes. Thus, the rapid mutation rates and fast divi-
be explained by microevolutionary processes is an ongoing sion times of the microbiota provide the holobiont with
debate. However, metabolic and genetic features that led to excellent mechanisms to adapt to sudden changes in their
major evolutionary shifts did not occur through an accumu- environment. Nevertheless, biological systems need also
lation of small changes, but instead through a fast and large to be robust in order to survive in a constantly changing
acquisition of metabolic capabilities. That is, endosymbi- environment (83). The host cells, with their slower division
osis. Endosymbiosis is the process where two or more inde- rates and their vast repertoire of metabolic and genetic reg-
pendent organisms join to become one. Lynn Margulis ulatory networks, must function as a stabilizing force for
argued that processes such as endosymbiosis are likely to the holobiont. We are currently testing these ideas in
happen quickly and to bring saltational evolutionary events, models by using systems of coupled networks with
such as the acquisition of the energy generation capabilities different reproductive and mutation rates.
of the mitochondria (77). Even though it is still a matter of Biological systems need to integrate the ability to with-
controversy, present-day neo-Darwinian evolutionary the- stand change with the ability to innovate and adapt, i.e.,
ory states that DNA mutations, gene duplications, and rear- create new phenotypes. When computer simulated biolog-
rangements act as the only source of novelty. Despite that ical networks are left to evolve and duplicate under such
endosymbiosis is an important possibility for an organism constraints (to produce new phenotypeseattractors without
to outsource or include new metabolic processes, it is not losing the original ones), the networks that survive usually
the only one. The metabolic capabilities of a holobiont end up with a unique set of characteristics. For instance,
can expand or shrink in a matter of days either by incorpo- such networks tend to acquire the properties of ‘‘critical
rating or eradicating microbial species from its microbiome systems,’’ in the sense that they respond to perturbations
(60,62,78). We now know that the metabolic repertoire of in a collective way. Critical systems are those poised at
holobionts is distributed among the host and their microbial the brink of a phase transition between two different
companions. Thus, if we consider the evolutionary impor- dynamical regimes, for example, ordered and chaotic. In
tance of the microbiome to be mainly metabolic and not on- the ordered regime the system dynamics is frozen, so that
ly genetic, as has been proposed for endosymbiosis (76), its the system does not respond to perturbations and hence
role would become much clearer. It is important to note that cannot evolve. Contrary to this, in the chaotic regime the
from a theoretical point of view, this acquisition of micro- system is extremely sensitive to perturbations and can
bial metabolic capabilities cannot be easily treated as a completely change its entire state under even the smallest
large mutational change, as has been proposed for endo- perturbation. At the critical point the system is neither
symbiosis. In this metabolic context, endosymbiosis deals frozen nor extremely sensitive to perturbations. Critical sys-
with biochemical networks instead of particular genes, tems produce responses at many different scales character-
phenotypic interactions rather than lineal inheritance, com- ized by power-laws. This means that the response of the
munities rather than lineages, and focuses on the major di- system to a perturbation can either be confined to a small
versifications of life. We believe this view is not exclusive subset of its constituent elements, or it can travel across
for endosymbiosis, as the more encompassing view of the the entire system (like a domino effect). In the context of
holobiont shares the same principles. gene regulatory networks this means that if the organism
Holobionts can (and should) be treated as evolutionary faces a new condition, or the state of some of its compo-
units, but the timescales at which their constituting parts nents is externally modified, a subset of the regulatory
change and adapt to the environment are not equal. network will change its state in order to withstand these al-
Although major evolutionary changes may not come from terations without changing the genetic functions the organ-
microevolutionary processes, microevolution can produce isms have already acquired through evolution. It is the
significant amounts of genetic diversity, in turn proportional delicate balance between phenotypic robustness
to the duplication rate of the organism. In this sense the mi- (conserving the old phenotypes) and phenotypic innovation
crobial part of the holobiont should adapt at a faster pace (generating new phenotypes to contend with new environ-
than the host due to its faster duplication rates and higher mental challenges) that drives the genetic network of the
susceptibility to its surroundings (78e80). For instance, hu- evolving organism to operate at the critical point. Several
man Paneth cells in the intestine’s epithelium are replaced papers that deal with this topic in depth are available
on average every 20 d, whereas common microbial inhabi- (84e86). Here it suffices to say that many biological sys-
tants of the intestine such as Escherichia Coli have a 17 min tems exhibit behaviors that would be difficult to explain
average generation time (81,82), representing a factor of without this ‘‘critical dynamics’’ characteristic. The bal-
1,694. This means that even if we assume an equal mutation ance between robustness and innovation that generates
8 Sandoval-Motta et al./ Archives of Medical Research - (2018) -

critical dynamics may also be valid for the holobiont, but to traditional taxonomical classification methods including
our knowledge there is yet no experimental evidence of this sequence based similarity, exhibit subjective problems
hypothesis. (such as defining the similarity threshold to consider two in-
dividuals as members of the same species). In ecology, a
species is defined as a set of organisms adapted to a partic-
ular set of environmental resources (niche). Many organ-
Conclusions and Perspectives
isms fit both definitions and match standard taxonomical
In this review we have covered a wide range of topics classifications. However, complex microbial communities
related to the evolution of holobionts. We have shown that where many genetically diverse organisms coexist and
the holobiont concept, in addition to being consistent with share resources and genetic material, are hard to accommo-
experimental observations, also provides a new perspective date in either of these definitions. This issue is yet to be
to reformulate fundamental evolutionary questions. Since resolved, but it is important to note that more complex
hosts and microorganisms have coevolved through millions problems can arise when we deal with holobionts. It turns
of years, it is reasonable to expect the latter to be well out that that there are examples where the presence of spe-
suited to hold information about past and present environ- cific microbes alters the reproductive capabilities of a set of
mental conditions (together with genetic and perhaps epige- genetically identical macro organisms. For instance, it has
netic mechanisms in the host). Furthermore, the holobiont’s been reported that bacterial communities in hyenas are
microbial information can be transferred to offspring, func- capable of broadcasting scented information about gender
tioning as a generator of phenotypic-memory for selection and the fertilization status of females. When these microbi-
to act upon. al communities are compared between spotted and striped
In the light of recent developments about the relation- hyenas, they prove to be compositionally different. More
ship between the host and its microbes, one can postulate importantly, these differences bias partner selection for
that: mating, preventing gene flow between spotted and striped
individuals (89). Thus, although it is perfectly possible
a) The object of natural selection is the holobiont. The
for spotted and striped hyenas to mate and exchange genetic
phenotypes of the host are strongly influenced by its
material, they do not do because they carry different sets of
microorganisms. A similar example occurs in Drosophila.
b) Although the Darwinian theory cannot explain the
When two populations of fruit flies where given different
‘‘complexification’’ of organisms through evolution,
diets for 25 generations (starch vs. molasses), females were
this complexity can arise from the union of distinct
more likely to mate with males that had the same diet as
phylogenetic branches. The holobiont is a prominent
they did (90). This effect was shown to be triggered by a
example of the emergence of complexity at different
commensal bacterium living inside the flies. As stated in
(91), the role of microbial symbionts in behavior and speci-
c) The concept of heritability needs reformulation in the
ation can yield a broader understanding of the origin of spe-
light of the microbiome, as parents systematically
cies. The hyenas and fruit flies examples show that the
transfer (inherit) microorganisms to their progeny.
microbiome can act as a non-physical barrier between
d) A great variety of microorganisms play an essential
two genetically identical populations and thus promote an
role in multiple metabolic and immunological func-
allopatric-like speciation process. An even more dramatic
tions of the holobiont. The holobiont should be
example is observed in Nasonia wasps. By a process known
considered as an ecosystem rather than as an
as cytoplasmic incompatibility, it has been shown that due
to the presence of different bacteria, two species of the
e) The microbiome provides a vast source of genetic
jewel wasp (Nasonia giraulti and Nasonia vitripennis) were
variability, which if not taken into account when
unable to interbreed. Nevertheless, if individuals were sub-
calculating heritability of phenotypes, may underesti-
jected to antibiotic treatments, hybrids were much more
mate its value.
likely to survive (91).
f) An equilibrium between robustness and evolvability is
The holobiont concept is changing the way we think about
achieved in holobionts by the interplay of host and mi-
‘‘individuals’’ and their evolution. The evidence and ideas
crobial genetics, basically due to their very different
presented in this article are based on specific cases, but they
reproduction and mutation timescale.
cannot yet be considered as generalized rules for evolution.
It is clear that many questions remain unanswered. For However, we believe that it is already clear that when we
instance, does the holobiont concept change the definition study the development and evolution of organisms we should
of ‘‘species’’? Ernst Mayr defined a species as a group of take into account their microbiome, as it can strongly influ-
interbreeding organisms that are reproductively isolated ence variability, reproduction, and behavior. Perhaps an
from other groups (87,88). However, microbiologists are appropriate summary of these ideas is that we should think
well aware that whenever microbes are involved, all of ourselves more as a forest than as a tree.
Evolution in the Light of the Microbiome 9

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