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An Assignment on English Writing

Electronics and Communication Engineering Discipline

Khulna University

Course Title: English

Course No.: 0231 09 Eng 1281

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Submitted by:
Name: Safayet Islam Shuvo Md. Sarwar Jahan
Student ID: 220932 Professor
1st year, 2nd Term English Discipline
Electronics and Communication Khulna University, Khulna
Engineering Discipline
Khulna University, Khulna

Date of Submission: October 19, 2023

A conversation between parents and child on academic
pressure and depression.

Father: Abdullah, we've noticed that you've been under a lot of pressure lately
with your engineering studies at Khulna University. We're concerned about your
well-being and wanted to talk to you about how you've been feeling.

Abdullah: Thanks for noticing, Dad. Yeah, the coursework has been really
challenging, and it's been quite stressful.

Mother: We understand that engineering can be tough, but we want you to know
that we're here for you. Your mental and emotional well-being is just as important
as your academic success.

Abdullah: I appreciate that, Mom. It's just that the expectations and competition in
my program are intense. Sometimes I feel like I must keep pushing myself to the

Father: We want you to excel, but we also don't want you to burn out. How have
you been coping with stress?

Abdullah: Well, I've been trying to manage my time better and stay organized. But
there are times when I feel overwhelmed, and it's hard to see a way out.

Mother: It's okay to feel overwhelmed at times, Abdullah. Everyone does,

especially in demanding programs like engineering. What's important is how you
handle it. Have you considered seeking help or talking to someone about it, like a
counselor or a mentor?
Abdullah: I haven't thought about that, but it might be a good idea. I sometimes
feel like I can't talk to anyone about my struggles because they won't understand.

Father: We want you to know that we understand how challenging it can be, and
we're here to listen and support you in any way we can. We also think it's crucial to
have open and honest conversations about mental health.

Abdullah: Thanks, Dad. I'll think about talking to someone. But it's not just the
academic pressure; it's also the fear of not living up to everyone's expectations,
including yours.

Mother: We understand that you want to make us proud, but what's most important
to us is your happiness and well-being. Your mental health should always come
first. We'll love and support you no matter what.

Abdullah: I know, Mom, but it's hard not to feel the pressure, especially when
you've invested so much in my education.

Father: We have invested in your education because we believe in you, Abdullah.

But that doesn't mean you have to be perfect or never face challenges. It's okay to
stumble sometimes, and it's okay to ask for help when you need it.

Abdullah: Thanks, Dad. I'll try to keep that in mind. It's just that sometimes the
workload and the competition in engineering can be so isolating.

Mother: That's a common feeling among students in demanding programs. It's

essential to remember that you're not alone in this. Many of your classmates might
be going through similar struggles. You can always reach out and offer support to
each other.
Abdullah: I suppose you're right, Mom. Maybe I should try to connect more with
my classmates and form a study group or something.

Father: That's a great idea, Abdullah. Building a support system with your peers
can make a significant difference in how you cope with the stress. Remember,
seeking help and talking about your feelings is a sign of strength, not weakness.

Abdullah: Thanks, Mom and Dad. I'll take your advice to heart and try to manage
my academic and emotional well-being better. It's reassuring to know that you have
my back.

Mother: We're always here for you, no matter what. And we're proud of you for
your dedication and hard work.

Father: Absolutely, Abdullah. We'll support you through the ups and downs of
your academic journey and help you navigate the challenges that come your way.
Abdullah: Thanks, Mom and Dad. I love you both, and I'm grateful for your
understanding and support.
Prepare an argumentative essay on “Does young
generation undervalue sleep?”


Sleep is a fundamental aspect of human well-being, playing a crucial role in

physical and mental health. However, in recent years, there has been a growing
concern that the young generation undervalues sleep. With the proliferation of
technology, busy schedules, and societal pressures, many young individuals seem
to prioritize other activities over getting adequate rest. This essay aims to explore
the reasons behind the undervaluation of sleep by the young generation and argue
that this trend has detrimental consequences for their health, well-being, and
overall quality of life.

I. The Prevalence of Sleep Deprivation among the Youth

To address the issue of young people undervaluing sleep, it is essential to first

acknowledge the prevalence of sleep deprivation among this demographic. A
significant portion of young individuals, particularly teenagers and young adults,
do not get the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep per night. The reasons for this are

1.1 Technological Distractions

One of the primary factors contributing to sleep deprivation among the youth is the
widespread use of electronic devices, such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops.
The constant access to digital entertainment and social media can keep young
individuals engaged late into the night, cutting into their precious sleep time.
1.2 Hectic Schedules

Another factor is the demanding nature of many young people's schedules.

Balancing academic commitments, extracurricular activities, part-time jobs, and
social engagements leaves little time for sleep. This busy lifestyle often leads to
compromised sleep quality and duration.

II. Consequences of Undervaluing Sleep

Undervaluing sleep has serious consequences, both short-term and long-term, for
the young generation.

2.1 Impact on Academic Performance

Sleep deprivation negatively affects cognitive functioning, memory, and

concentration. This can have a detrimental impact on academic performance,
leading to lower grades and decreased learning capacity.

2.2 Physical and Mental Health

Chronic sleep deprivation is associated with a range of health issues, including

obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Furthermore, it can exacerbate mental health
conditions such as depression and anxiety, which are already prevalent among
young people.

2.3 Safety Concerns

Drowsy driving is a major concern, as sleep-deprived young drivers are at a higher

risk of accidents. Additionally, the impaired judgment and decision-making
associated with inadequate sleep can lead to risky behaviors, including substance

III. The Societal Factors Contributing to Sleep Undervaluation

The undervaluation of sleep among the young generation is not solely the fault of
individuals. Several societal factors play a significant role in perpetuating this

3.1 Academic Pressure

High academic expectations, particularly in competitive educational environments,

often lead young people to sacrifice sleep for the sake of studying or completing
assignments. This culture of academic pressure can be relentless.

3.2 24/7 Connected World

The constant connectivity of the modern world has blurred the boundaries between
work, social life, and personal time. Young individuals may feel pressured to be
available around the clock, which can lead to disrupted sleep patterns.

IV. Solutions and Counterarguments

To address the problem of young people undervaluing sleep, it is crucial to

consider possible solutions. While some argue that the responsibility lies with the
individual, others contend that systemic changes are needed.
4.1 Individual Responsibility

Advocates of individual responsibility argue that young people must make

conscious choices to prioritize sleep. They emphasize the importance of time
management, setting boundaries with technology, and creating a bedtime routine
conducive to sleep.

4.2 Systemic Changes

On the other hand, proponents of systemic changes argue that society, including
educational institutions and employers, should adapt to support a healthier work-
life balance. This could involve reducing homework loads, setting reasonable work
hours, and creating awareness campaigns about the importance of sleep.


In conclusion, the undervaluation of sleep among the young generation is a

complex issue with significant implications for their well-being. While many
factors contribute to this problem, it is imperative to recognize that adequate sleep
is a fundamental human need. The consequences of sleep deprivation on academic
performance, physical and mental health, and overall quality of life cannot be
ignored. To address this issue, a multi-faceted approach is necessary, including
individual responsibility and systemic changes that prioritize the importance of
sleep in the lives of young people. Only by acknowledging the problem and
implementing comprehensive solutions can we hope to reverse the trend of sleep
undervaluation and promote a healthier and more balanced lifestyle for the young

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