Caption Kelas 12

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There are several types of caption, including :

Identification Bar Caption
This type of caption text is usually used to explain or
identify each person in the photo, but does not explain
a story. The focus in this type of identification caption
text is on clarity.
Cutline Caption
Cutline type captions are the ones most often found in
images and writing in newspapers and media, both
offline and online. The cutline caption explains the
subject in the image and what the subject is doing.
Summary Caption
For the summary caption type, it usually contains an
explanation of the subject in the picture, the activity
carried out in the picture, the time of the incident, the
location of the incident and the reason why the
activity was carried out.
2. Expanded Caption
The expanded caption type is the type of caption with
the most complete information. As the name of the type
suggests, this expanded caption text is a development
of the previous text, especially the summary caption.
Group Identification
The same as the caption identification bar,
the difference is that in the image there is
more than one person
Quote caption means it contains a quoted
sentence from someone related to the image.
Table/Graph/Chart/Diagram Caption
Identification Bar Caption

Ruth at the Sarah’s house

taken by : Dilenia Ngabalin

Who? Where?
Ruth Sarah’s house

Identification Bar Caption

What is the caption What is the purpose Who is the target
about? of the caption? reader of the
a girl who named tell who is in the anyone who see the
Ruth was at the picture and where she picture
Sarah’s house is

Identification Bar Caption

Cutline Caption

Alfred harvests water

spinach in a hydroponic

taken by : Palmadea Amabel

Who? What? Where?
harvest hydroponic
Alfred water house

Cutline Caption
What is the caption What is the purpose Who is the target
about? of the caption? reader of the
A boy who named to show people who anyone who see the
Alfred harvests the seen the picture the picture especially for
water spinach activity taking place Entrepreneurship
in the pictures teacher because this
is an assignment

Cutline Caption
Summary Caption

Protestant and Chatolic

students of SMA Negeri 1
Manokwari implement
student council worship
every Friday in the hall
of SMA Negeri 1
taken by : Dilenia Ngabalin
Who? What? When?
Protestant and implement student
Chatolic students of
every Friday
council worship
SMA Negeri 1 What?

Where? Why?
in the hall of because the council
SMA 1Negeri 1 2
worship is implement
Manokwari. every Friday

Summary Caption
What is the caption What is the purpose Who is the target
about? of the caption? reader of the
the caption is to show people the
about student activity that anyone who see the
council worship implement by SMA picture
activities are held Negeri 1 Manokwari
every Friday students every Friday
after school

Summary Caption
Expanded Caption
Students of Twelve Scince Nine do a
discussion group about “The Penalty for
drug dealers must be consistent” with Mrs.
Dessy Suawa in the classroom. Duanitha,
Hartama, Giorgio, Felicia, Lamtiur and
Neysa were presenting the result of
discussion. The discussion aims to train
students critical thinking regarding of the
death penalty and upholding human right.
Mrs. Dessy suawa said : “You must know
about the law, especially those related to
human rights, so that if you become an
taken by : Palmadea Amabel
official you can be wiser in making
decisions”. September 20, 2023
Who? What? When?
Duanitha, Hartama, do a discussion group
Giorgio, Felicia, about “The Penalty September 20, 2023
Lamtiur, Neysa and for drug dealers must
Mrs. Dessy Suawa be consistent” What?

Where? Why? How?

Because students twleve of
Science Nine studied material they did a discussion
in the classroom on law enforcement and some topics and
human right. Also, Mrs Dessy presenting the result
1 Suawa wan to train students
critical thinking in front of class

Expanded Caption
Mrs. Dessy suawa said : “You must know about
the law, especially those related to human
rights, so that if you become an official you
can be wiser in making decisions”

Expanded Caption
What is the caption
about? What is the purpose Who is the target
the caption is about of the caption? reader of the
discussion group by caption?
Duanitha, Hartama, the purpose of the
Giorgio, Felicia, the caption is to
Lamtiur and Neysa anyone who see the
which presented the show people about picture
results of their the activities that
discussion regarding occur in class twelve
the death penalty for science nine which is
drug dealers must be a discussion in Civic
consistent also Education lesson
several other topics.

Expanded Caption
Group Identification

Duanitha with her bestfriends. From the

left Vivian, Claudia, Ophelya. They take a
selfie at the classroom

taken by : Duanitha Tata

Who? Where?
Claudia and Classroom

Group Identification
What is the caption What is the purpose Who is the target
about? of the caption? reader of the
Duanitha with her tell who is in the anyone who see the
bestfriends take a picture and where picture
selfie at the they are

Group Identification

“Friends can be your second

family, they can always put a
smile on your face”
- Palmadea Amabel-

taken by : Alfred Mailoa

Who? What?
Sarah, Ruth, Grace,
Felicia, Ceinthiya
and Dilenia

Identification Bar Caption

What is the caption What is the purpose Who is the target
about? of the caption? reader of the
The caption is a the purpose of the
quote or a sentece caption is to convey anyone who see the
created by picture
an implied message
Palmadea Amabel through sentence
with the theme of arranged based on
friendship the picture
Table/Graph/Chart/Diagram Caption



Pie Chart : Data and percentage
22.2% 59.3%
on music of class twelve
Science nine
What? Who
Pie Chart twelve science nine

Table/Graph/Chart/Diagram Caption
What is the caption What is the purpose Who is the target
about? of the caption? reader of the
the caption is about
short description, it to provide
tells that the pie chart information about anyone who see the
is about Data and what data is picture
percentage on music of contained in the pie
class twelve Science chart

Table/Graph/Chart/Diagram Caption
i saw a big eagle
so i took a picture
school is a struggle
to achieve the future


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