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Food Policy 37 (2012) 171–178

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International trade related food miles – The case of Canada

Meidad Kissinger
Department of Geography and Environmental Development, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: At the beginning of the 21st century imports of agricultural and food commodities have become a major
Received 17 March 2011 part of many nations’ food baskets. Indeed the global food system has several merits for nations, busi-
Received in revised form 8 December 2011 nesses and individual consumers’ well-being. However, as increasing evidence suggests that we are
Accepted 4 January 2012
approaching an era of climate change and scarcity of cheap energy sources the sustainability of that sys-
Available online 15 February 2012
tem must be examined. One part of any food commodity chain is its ‘food miles’ – the distance the com-
modity travels from point of production to point of consumption, the required energy and resulting
emissions. This paper presents a 1 year ‘snapshot’ of Canada’s total import related food miles. It presents
International trade
Food consumption
an analysis of the distance imported foods traveled from around the world to major points of consump-
Energy tion in Canada and documents the equivalent carbon dioxide emissions related to those imports. It pre-
Carbon dioxide emissions sents both a macro scale picture of the equivalent emissions related to transportation of imported food
Food miles and a micro scale picture which focuses on specific commodities consumed in various parts of the coun-
Food policy try. It then discusses policy implications for food sustainability. Overall the research highlights that about
30% of the agricultural and food commodities consumed in Canada are imported, resulting in ‘food miles’
of over 61 billion tonnes km, leading to annual emissions of 3.3 million metric tonnes of CO2. Of the var-
ious agriculture and food commodities studied, fruits and vegetables had the highest food miles related
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction tainability of the global supply system and raise some questions
about food security (e.g., Ericksen, 2008; Godfray et al., 2011; Huang
Geographic and climatic circumstances combined with socio- et al., 2011). All suggest he need to examine ways to develop more
cultural and political arrangements have determined the diet com- efficient and sustainable food supply systems.
position and access to food of societies throughout human history. In response, some emerging national and international food pol-
While trade always existed as a means of food supply it was mostly icies are acknowledging the need to consider not only domestic pro-
supplementary to domestic sources. In recent decades processes of duction and supply issues but also international ones (Huang et al.,
globalization, combined with technological and shipping develop- 2011). Ideas for such policies include for example the integration of
ments have allowed international trade to become a central means carbon taxes, the implementation of carbon footprint standards and
of supplying the needs and wants of billions of consumers all over commodity carbon labeling. All can alter the relative prices of com-
the world. At the beginning of the 21st century the diet of people in modities according to their carbon content, can influence consum-
all wealthy nations and increasingly in other parts of the world has ers’ choices and thus may discourage or foster trade flows.
very little to do with their geographic locations or climatic circum- However, to support the development of such policies to create
stances. Food commodities are being grown and shipped from one more efficient and sustainable food supply systems, it is essential
part of the world to markets in another. to increase our knowledge of various parts of the current food sup-
While the global food system has several merits for nations, busi- ply system. In response to some environmental and sustainability
nesses and individual consumers, several constraints to this system challenges, researchers are investigating different dimensions of
should be considered. Evidence for peak oil (Campbell and Laherre, food-environment linkages. One particular linkage investigated in
1998; Nashawi et al., 2010), suggests we might be approaching the recent years is the use of energy and greenhouse gas (GHG) emis-
end of the cheap energy era. Consider also, rising energy prices as a sions along the food commodity chain (i.e., the carbon footprint)
result of political unrest in different parts of the world, increasing and throughout the life cycle (LCA) of food from the field to the
processes of climate change, and the degradation of agricultural/ landfill (e.g., Andersson et al., 1998; Roy et al., 2008; Garnett,
food supplying regions (MEA, 2005). All are undermining the sus- 2011). Within that literature one component that has received
some specific attention is the energy and GHG emissions related
E-mail address: to food shipping – or what has come to be known as ‘food miles’.

0306-9192/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
172 M. Kissinger / Food Policy 37 (2012) 171–178

‘Food miles’ refers to the distance a food commodity travels have generated a system that demands fresh food commodities
along the chain from the point of production to the point of con- (e.g., fruits and vegetables) year round with no connection to
sumption and the related energy and CO2 emitted along that chain. domestic growing seasons (e.g., apples imported from New Zea-
While travel distance is not and should not be considered the land or Chile in the winter); (4) the attempt to diversify commod-
only indicator for the environmental impact of food, it is part of ities, increase consumer choice and increase profit means that
every food commodity chain, and analysing it can support quite often grocery shops will sell a domestic commodity as well
researchers, consumers, and policy makers with valuable informa- as competing import versions of the same commodity (e.g., Cana-
tion on one part of the food life cycle, highlighting the extent to dian and US origin potatoes).
which they depend on food from global sources, and identifying As a huge country, strongly engaged in agriculture and food
some points for potential intervention. Further, as energy costs trade, Canadian agricultural and food commodities travel long dis-
continue to rise, energy costs related to shipping distance will be- tances from the field to consumers within Canada and to ports for
come a more significant part of the commodity chain and therefore shipment to other countries. According to data from the UN Food
should be analyzed. and Agricultural Organization (FAOSTAT, 2010), in 2006 Canada
Two approaches for natural resources, energy, and emissions grew and produced the equivalent of over 75 million tonnes of
accounting are widely explored in academic literature – produc- agriculture and food commodities, out of which about 55% was ex-
tion and consumption. The most common one, embracing a pro- ported.1 According to Statistics Canada (2007a), shipping agriculture
duction perspective, documents the results of the economic and food commodities within Canada for domestic consumption and
activities within a study area (nation, city, etc.). Following that ap- to ports for export, resulted in just over 65 billion tonnes km (22% by
proach the documented ‘food miles’ would be those connected to truck, 70% by rail and 8% by ship). That figure represents the produc-
food produced within the study area and transported to domestic tion approach to calculating a nation’s food miles.
or export destinations. The consumption approach would docu-
ment the ‘food miles’ of commodities consumed within a study
area, tracking food supply from points of production, either domes- Food miles
tic or international to points of consumption within the studied
area. A growing number of studies embrace this consumption per- The use of the term ‘food miles’ goes back to the 1994 UK ‘Safe
spective and its importance is increasingly being recognized (e.g., Alliance’ publication (Paxton, 1994). Ever since, the concept has at-
Princen, 1999; Jackson, 2004; Dauvergne, 2008; Peters, 2008; Kis- tracted a lot of attention from a wide range of nongovernmental
singer and Rees, 2009). organizations as well as some governmental agencies in the EU
This paper presents a 1 year ‘snapshot’ of Canada’s external food (mostly in the UK), North America, Australia and New Zealand
miles. It presents an analysis of the distance imported food trav- (e.g., Pirog, 2001; Garnett, 2003; ATTRA, 2008; TDT, 2008; Smith
eled from a wide range of points of production all over the world et al., 2005). To date two Canadian projects focused on the Water-
to several major points of consumption in Canada, and it docu- loo region (Xuereb, 2005) and Vancouver Island (LCPS, 2008) have
ments the CO2 emissions related to those food imports. It presents documented parts of that country’s food miles. All of these studies
both a macro scale calculation of that part of Canada’s external car- intended to generate public awareness of food miles and attendant
bon footprint and a detailed breakdown of food commodity types CO2 emissions, and promoted the need to ‘go local’.
and sources information which highlights the relative share of spe- The food miles concept has also attracted the attention of sev-
cific food items. I then discuss some policy implications of the re- eral academics who have explored different dimensions of that ap-
search for food sustainability and highlight some directions for proach, including Carlsson-Kanyama (1998) who introduced the
future research. ‘Weighted Average Source Distance’ (WASD) measure, and studied
the case of grapes, tomatoes and carrots imported to Sweden. Pret-
ty et al. (2006) studied the UK food consumption full costs includ-
Background ing the food miles. Sim et al. (2007) studied the relative importance
of transport in determining an appropriate sustainability strategy
Canada, the world’s second largest country, is a major producer for food sourcing.
and exporter of a wide range of agricultural and food commodities Some recent studies have criticized the notion that domestic
including cereals, legumes, meat, and oils (FAOSTAT, 2010). Many sources of food supply (i.e. shorter food miles) are necessarily more
people all over the world are now consuming Canadian sourced sustainable. For example Saunders et al. (2006) studied New
food as part of their food demands (Kissinger and Rees, 2009). Zealand food miles and the relative energy and CO2 emissions of
However, analysing food consumption in Canada highlights that New Zealand’s agricultural sector. That study compared the life
despite its abundant resources and relatively small population cycle emissions of dairy products originating in New Zealand and
Canada’s reliance on external sources (i.e. imports) for food is sig- exported to the UK for consumption against those of dairy products
nificant. On average during the last decade more than 80% of fruits produced and consumed in the UK. The results showed that despite
and about 45% of vegetables consumed in Canada were imported. the shipping distance, it is more efficient for British consumers to
Some specific commodities such as rice, coffee, tea, peanuts, cocoa have dairy products produced in New Zealand. Weber and
and a wide range of tropical fruits were entirely imported (FAO- Matthews (2008) used an input–output life-cycle assessment
STAT, 2010). Even in the case of agricultural and food commodities (IO-LCA) to explore the relative contribution of ‘food miles’ to the
that Canada produces for domestic and export markets, imports sustainability of overall US household food choices. The study
play a role; for example 35% of oils, 17% of legumes and 15% of found that shipping is not necessarily the most significant factor;
meat consumption are imported (FAOSTAT, 2010). for example, changing diets (e.g., less meat) can achieve a more sig-
Several factors need to be considered in order to explain Can- nificant reduction in the carbon footprint. A recent study in the UK
ada’s food imports: (1) Canada’s geographic location and climatic (Coley et al., 2009) has illustrated that shopping for food products
conditions limit its ability to grow many products (e.g., coffee, ba- at local organic farms can result in larger carbon footprints than
nanas); (2) the diverse ethnic make-up of Canadian society influ- purchasing food from a box delivery system.
ences and shapes food preferences (e.g., rice, seafood, legumes,
different types of bread); (3) a high standard of living, combined 1
This figure reaches the 65% when including animal feed required for growing
with the influence of strong commercial marketing campaigns livestock for Canadian meat export (see Kissinger and Rees, 2009).
M. Kissinger / Food Policy 37 (2012) 171–178 173

Methods and data lottetown). I used an online shipping distance source (www.port- to build a full world ports distance matrix.
The analysis included the following steps: (a) documenting the
quantity of various food commodities imported into Canada and Mode of transportation
documenting their sources. The study covers hundreds of food
commodities (using HS 10 codes) originating in 100 countries Several data sources were used to determine mode of transpor-
and from each of the US states; (b) documenting the major modes tation. Statistics Canada (2007a) documents merchandise im-
of transportation associated with each source–location; (c) ported by sea and highlights the portion of containerized items
documenting the travel distance from points of production to imported from specific sources. Statistics Canada (2007c) docu-
major cities in each Canadian province; (d) calculating the energy ments merchandise imported by rail. The US department of trans-
inputs and CO2 emissions involved in delivering food from points portation documents US exports to Canada by mode of
of production around the world to Canada. For detailed background transportation (RITA, 2010). The two main modes are truck and
data included in this research (commodities, sources of supply, dis- rail, however it is obvious from that source that most of Canada’s
tances, etc.) see the supplementary materials. food commodities import from the US is by truck. Imports from
The year 2006 was studied for reasons of comprehensive data all other parts of the world, except Mexico, were assumed to be
availability (Statistics Canada, 2007a). For the sake of presenting by sea. I did not document import by air as it represents a very
the research results I aggregated the data into HS2 food commodity small portion of food imports (Weber and Matthews, 2008).
groups (e.g., vegetables, grains). The following paragraphs explain
the different research stages, the calculation procedure and Carbon dioxide emissions
assumptions I had to make.
After having the data on the imported quantity, distance and
Commodities and sources specific mode of transportation I multiplied that by the equivalent
carbon dioxide emitted in tonnes/km. Data used for that conver-
The main data source used to document the food commodities sion included 0.18 kg of CO2 per tonnes km for trucks (Davis and
imported into Canada was the Canadian CHASS (Computing in Diegel, 2007), 0.018 kg of CO2 per tonnes km for rail (Davis and
Humanities and Social Science) ‘Trade Analyser Database’ (2010). Diegel, 2007), 0.011 kg of CO2 per tonnes km for bulk sea freight
That database documents detailed trade data of Canadian mer- and 0.014 kg of CO2 per tonnes km for containerized sea freight
chandise imported from all over the world based on the ‘Harmo- (Corbett and Koehler, 2003).
nized System’ (HS). Canadian imports are classified at the HS 10-
digit level featuring the annual import at the province scale, from Assumptions and research limitations/what this study does not show
specific nations and from individual US states.
This research takes a conservative approach to calculating the
Distance food miles and related CO2. While it does cover most of Canada’s
external food miles there are several shortcomings that will have
Two kinds of distance measures were taken, land and sea. The to be developed further in future research. The study does not cov-
measured distance for land transportation was the shortest road er food miles of domestically produced food commodities, only im-
or rail distance from the centre of any exporting US state to the ports. It documents the final leg of transporting a commodity from
main cities in each of Canada’s 8 main provinces (the study did the exporting country into Canada and does not include any fur-
not include the Northern provinces and territories). I used the on- ther distances that some commodities have traveled along the
line ‘Google maps travel distance calculator’ for building a full US– commodity chain (e.g., the food miles of coffee imported from
Canada distance matrix (see ‘Supplementary materials’). Sea dis- the US did not include the extra food miles from growing areas
tance for shipping food commodities from other parts of the world in other countries to the factory in the US). More specific assump-
are assumed to be the shortest shipping route from the main port tions and limitations are related to each major source of supply:
in each exporting country to six main ports in Canada (including US–Canada food miles – (a) as mentioned above the import dis-
ports of Vancouver, Montreal, Toronto, Halifax, Sydney, and Char- tances were measured from the geographic centre of each export-


6% 7%





Fig. 1. Canada’s food miles related CO2 emissions by specific food group.
174 M. Kissinger / Food Policy 37 (2012) 171–178

Table 1
Canada’s import related ‘food miles’ CO2 emissions by food category.

Quantity imported Major sources of supply Overall Overall CO2 Average CO2
per unit
Tonnes % of weight imported 1000s Tonne km Tonnes g/kg
Fresh Fruits 2,289,800 US (45%), Latin America (36%), Mexico (6%), Asia (6%) 13,348,600 739,100 323
Fresh vegetables 1,948,900 US (81%), Mexico (11%), Asia (4%) 6,347,700 807,700 414
Processed fruits and vegetables 1,044,200 US (65%), Asia (16%), Latin America (9%) 6,283,930 471,980 452
Coffee and tea 243,900 US (25%), Latin America (49%) Asia (18%) 2,034,080 47,510 195
Cocoa 287,900 US (42%), Africa (27%) Europe (18%), Latin America (7%) 1,597,730 38,170 133
Red meat and poultry 378,880 US (75%), Asia (15%), Latin America (8%) 2,042,450 110,520 292
Meat products 186,100 US (61%), Asia (35%) 1,385,800 39,980 215
Fish 449,200 US (67%), Asia (24%), Europe (5%) 2,498,150 56,270 125
Oils 1,335,950 US (85%), Asia (8%) 4,066,040 242,620 182
Grains 2,343,900 US (94%), Asia (4%) 4,587,800 311,490 133
Flour 330,500 US (87%), Europe (6%), Asia (6%) 895,880 50,910 154
Grain products 766,370 US (84%), Europe (9%), Asia (7%) 2,243,840 167,170 218
Sugar 1,691,800 Latin America (66%), US (25%), Asia (8%) 12,497,400 186,320 110
Dairy products 204,900 US (66%), Asia (19%), Europe (10%) 1,364,300 41,620 203
13,502,300 61,193,700 3311,360

Table 2
ing US state. I did not measure the distance from a specific field or
Canada’s import related ‘food miles’ CO2 emissions by modes of transportation.
food processing factory; (b) the measured distance included was
the shortest. The study presents a calculated measure not a full Weight Truck Rail Sea
tonnes tonnes tonnes
measure based on documenting each truck or train.
Canada’s food miles from countries other than the United Grains 1,530,230 691,970 121,690
States: I used the distance from a selected main port in the export- Grain products 700,120 129,660 168,400
Vegetables (fresh) 1,506,280 78,080 363,940
ing country to each of the major ports in Canada. The study does Fruits (fresh) 1,019,950 15,880 1,253,940
not cover the extra mileage traveled in each country from the field Oil products 1,060,220 77,330 198,400
to the port. Meat and Fish 692,300 6470 315,550
Dairy products 134620 – 70310
Sugar 200,420 216,320 1,275,070
Other Ag + prepared food 755,010 107,140 715,040
Research results
Total 7,599,150 1,322,850 4,482,340
The study traced and documented the food miles and CO2 emis-
Tonnes Km Truck Rail Sea
sions related to more than 13 million tonnes of food commodities tonne km tonne km tonne km
imported by Canada in 2006. Overall that food traveled more than
Grains 1,462,606,320 1,104,080,440 2,021,110,750
61 billion tonnes km and generated about 3.3 million tonnes of Grain products 1,042,199,520 262,046,600 1,835,467,850
CO2. Fig. 1 displays Canada’s total CO2 emissions from import food Vegetables (Fresh) 3,776,537,570 195,759,400 2,375,427,050
miles and presents the share of emissions related to each food Fruits (Fresh) 2,910,783,140 45,324,760 10,392,457,420
commodity group. The commodities with the highest CO2 related Oil products 1,270,202,300 92,649,220 2,703,189,700
Meat and Fish 781,253,340 7304,750 5,138,871,970
emissions are fruits and vegetables, followed by grain and oil
Dairy products 135,661,800 – 1,228,639,850
products. Sugar 262,063,730 437,138,300 11,798,216,860
The calculation of a commodity’s food miles energy and related Other Ag + Prepared food 1,372,520,130 194,771,580 8,352,807,400
CO2 emissions, integrates the quantity imported, distance traveled, Total 13,013,827,850 2,339,075,050 45,846,188,850
and mode of transportation. Tables 1 and 2 present a detailed anal-
ysis of the food miles related CO2 emissions of specific commodity CO2 Truck Rail Sea
CO2 (tonnes) CO2 (tonnes) CO2 (tonnes)
groups. Table 1 highlight major sources of supply of each food cat-
egory and the average food miles related emissions of each food Grains 263,270 19,870 28,350
category. Overall, the US is the major source of supply of Canadian Grain products 187,600 4720 25,760
Vegetables (fresh) 679,780 3520 124,370
import food, almost 70% of the imported weight involving more Fruits (fresh) 523,940 820 214,350
than 15 billion tonnes km and resulting with 2.4 million tonnes Oil products 228,640 1670 40,380
of CO2 (76% of the overall) were related to import from the US. Meat and Fish 140,630 130 65,010
The rest of the food was imported from several sources, mostly Dairy products 24,420 – 17,200
Sugar 47,170 7870 131,280
Asia (17%) and Latin America (9%). For detailed breakdown of those
Other Ag + prepared food 247,050 3510 276,320
sources of supply and specific destination in Canada see the ‘Sup-
Total 2342,500 42,110 923,020
plementary materials’ of this paper.
Table 2 breaks the overall ‘food miles’ into specific food catego-
ries and modes of transportation. Overall, approximately 50% of the
food imported (in weight terms) was transported by truck, 43% by
ship, and only 7% by train. In terms of the overall tonnes km (i.e., with less than 2% of out of the overall CO2 emissions. This is a result
the integration of quantity and distance) 68% were transported of mode of transportation – mostly sea and rail freight.
by ship, 28% by trucks and 4% by rail. It highlights the carbon re- Of the variety of food commodities documented in this study,
lated differences between modes of transportation. For example fruits represent a category in which Canada is mostly reliant on
as shown in Table 2 while sugar account for about 13% of the over- external sources. On average during the recent decade about 80%
all imported weight and almost 21% of the tonnes km as result of of fruits consumed in Canada were imported (Statistics Canada,
the location of sources of supply (mostly Latin America), it results 2010). As documented in Table 1, a total of 2,289,800 tonnes of
M. Kissinger / Food Policy 37 (2012) 171–178 175

Table 3
Analysing the composition of fruit ‘food miles’.

Distance range Quantity imported (metric-tonnes) % of fruit imports Quantity of CO2 emitted (metric-tonnes) % of fruit miles related CO2
Under 500 km 91,520 4.00 5080 0.71
500–1000 km 63,300 2.77 8250 1.15
1000–1500 km 14,580 0.64 3430 0.48
1500–2000 km 145,150 6.34 45,780 6.36
2000–3000 km 378,920 16.56 172,280 23.94
3000–5000 km 493,450 21.57 368,470 51.20
5000–7000 km 583,570 25.50 46,030 6.40
7000–12,000 km 257,980 11.27 32,260 3.58
12,000–15,000 km 184,690 8.07 33,570 3.77
15,000–30,000 km 74,880 3.27 23,940 2.43
2,289,800 100 739,100 100

Map 1. Fruit related food miles of specific Canadian regions.

fresh fruits were imported into Canada in 2006 generating 739,100 generated 51% of the CO2 emissions related to fruit’ food miles,
tonnes of CO2 emissions. Table 3 disaggregates the food miles of the equivalent of 740 kg of CO2 for each tonne of fruit. The expla-
fruits into several ranges of distances. It reveals that more than nation is mode of transportation: import by truck from the US
92% of the fruits imported to Canada travel a distance larger than and Mexico.
1500 km. The vast majority of imported fruits (47%) traveled be- Analysing the food miles of such a large country as Canada high-
tween 3000 and 7000 km, and 22% traveled more than 7000 km. lights differences in food miles related CO2 emissions for different
While, 21% of imported fruits traveled 3000–5000 km, that travel parts of the country. The following Map 1a and b illustrate the
176 M. Kissinger / Food Policy 37 (2012) 171–178

Table 4
Major fruit miles and sources of supply.

Average distance Average CO2 Major sources of supply

km/kg gCo /Kg US States Other countries
Apples 4990 360 Washington, California, Michigan New Zealand, Chile, South Africa
Bananas 6566 75 – Columbia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras
Pears 7970 350 California, Michigan, Oregon, Washington Argentina, China
Peaches 4100 480 California, New York, Washington Chile
Plums 5400 530 California, Michigan, Washington Chile
Strawberries 3250 580 California, Florida, Michigan Mexico
Kiwi fruit 10,700 190 California Chile, New Zealand, Italy
Dates 13,800 130 California China, Iran, Tunisia
Pineapples 6300 160 California, Hawaii Columbia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras
Avocados 3200 450 California Chile, Mexico
Oranges 5500 500 California, Florida Mexico, Spain, South Africa

range of distances fruits travel to reach Ontario, Canada’s largest consumers in other parts of the world. Also, the large size of that
province, and British Columbia on the Pacific coast. The maps show country implies that food shipping within its borders involves a
that the travel distance compositions are different. For example significant amount of energy inputs and CO2 outputs as well. These
while B.C imports 17% of its fruits from a distance under 500 km, factors all emphasize the interest Canada should have in address-
Ontario imports only 0.1% of its fruits from that distance. Further ing the issues raised here. As highlighted earlier in this manuscript,
in both cases about 40% of the fruits travel more than 5000 km by using data from Statistics Canada, domestic food (for local con-
(15% and 10% in Ontario and British Columbia respectively travel sumption and for export) involves approximately 65 billion ton-
over 10,000 km). nes km, out of which about 55% is for export purposes. My study
Beyond measuring the food miles of an entire nation or specific highlights that another 61 billion tonnes km’s are related to food
region the study results can also be used to present the CO2 emis- supply through imports. In other words, approaching food miles
sions related to transport of specific commodities. That approach and CO2 emissions accounting from a consumption perspective im-
allows highlighting commodities with ‘higher mileage’. The follow- plies that there is a good chance that most of Canada’s food supply
ing Table 4 presents a detailed analysis of Canada’s fruit food miles (i.e., domestic production plus imports) food miles and related CO2
by specific fruit category. emissions are connected to food imported from around the world.
The case of Canada implies that future food miles driven policy
should not necessarily suggest only the use of domestic food
Discussion and policy implications sources as is commonly promoted and was the logic behind the
development of the food miles concept in the first place; rather
Analysing a nation’s food miles from consumption approach re- policy design should lead to a more energy efficient supply chain.
veals the amount of energy inputs and CO2 outputs involved in While reliance on domestic food is important for reasons such as
delivering peoples’ food needs and wants. It also highlights the ex- food security (i.e. self-sufficiency), as well as for social and eco-
tent to which that nation depends on far away food sources. Doc- nomic reasons, from an energy and GHG emissions reduction per-
umenting external ‘food miles’ can therefore help a nation in spective, in some cases food imports can achieve better and more
monitoring the sustainability and security of its food system and efficient results. Consider for example the case of apples consumed
inform related policy; a useful practice in an era of peak oil and in Canada’s province of British Columbia – imported apples grown
increasingly unstable environments resulting from processes of cli- across the border in the US state of Washington will travel fewer
mate change and environmental degradation. Furthermore, analy- miles than ‘domestic’ apples from the Canadian province of
sis of food miles highlights a part of any nation’s carbon footprint Ontario.
that is generally not taken into account in current formal GHG To date, however, despite the work of several Canadian NGOs
accounting frameworks. All are just starting to be acknowledged promoting the food miles concept, and despite the need to consider
in policy making circles. the issues raised and discussed here, official Canadian agri-food
Several researchers have called for the need to look at environ- policy has mostly focused on finding ways to establish Canada’s
ment and sustainability beyond domestic boundaries (e.g., Princen, role as a major player in global agri-food business – e.g., increase
1997; Norgaard, 2001; Conca, 2001; Rees, 2004; Dauvergne, 2005; Canada’s food sector competiveness and increase exports. Issues
Young et al., 2006; Kissinger and Rees, 2010a,b). All argue for the of food supply focus mostly on food safety issues and food security
interests and moral responsibility of consumers, producers and for specific populations. Not only have those policies not reduced
governments in overseas commodity sources. Analysing external energy inputs or the CO2 output related to freight in general and
‘food miles’ can contribute to generating awareness of that food shipping in particular, but Canada’s freight related CO2 emis-
responsibility. sions have increased in recent years (Environment Canada, 2010).
The need to document GHG emissions produced is now widely According to Natural Resources Canada (NRCan, 2009), emissions
accepted and developed throughout the world; some researchers from heavy-duty diesel vehicles (large trucks) rose by 18 Mt be-
are calling for the need to implement a consumption approach, tween 1990 and 2009, a 91% increase. This is a result of the ongoing
also quantifying emissions embodied in trade (e.g., Peters, 2008; rise of free trade (i.e., NAFTA) and the deregulation of the trucking
Peters and Hertwich, 2008; Wiedmann et al., 2007). Documenting industry. In addition, the quantity shipped by truck (as opposed to
a nation’s external ‘food miles’ and related CO2 emissions as done other modes of transport, such as rail) increased as a result of cus-
in this study contributes to that emerging approach. tomer requirements for just in time delivery and cross-border
While the focus of this paper is on import related food miles, the freight.
case of Canada’s food miles energy and CO2 emissions is also rele- One drawback is that issues of energy and GHG emissions pol-
vant to domestic food supply and exports. Canada is a major expor- icies related to freight transportation in Canada are usually ad-
ter of agricultural and food commodities and a breadbasket for dressed separately from food policy. Instead they comprise part
M. Kissinger / Food Policy 37 (2012) 171–178 177

of transportation policy in the context of climate change policy consumers can make more sustainable purchasing decisions.
promoted by the Canada Transportation and Environment Minis- To date in Canada that educational approach has not been
tries. However, rising energy prices combined with increasing promoted by governments, only by international and
awareness and regulation in different parts of the world in recent domestic organizations. However, in other parts of the world
years suggests that food policy should be more comprehensive, (France, the UK and Germany) we can see more active
exploring ways to promote more efficient and sustainable food involvement of governmental policies to encourage volun-
supply systems – i.e., in the context discussed here, exploring ways tary (and slowly even mandatory) reporting on commodity
and relevant policies to reduce food miles related energy inputs carbon footprints including food miles.
and CO2 emissions outputs. Indeed some recent Canadian food pol- (c) Technical – this can include, for example, promoting more
icy documents recognize the need to plan comprehensive food sys- energy and GHG efficient modes of shipping, such as increas-
tems, and to consider various dimensions of the sustainability of ing the share of food delivered by train as opposed to the
food supply including food shipping and distribution (e.g., FSPG, current dominant use of trucks; or by investing in technol-
2010; CAPI, 2011). Analysing food miles can contribute to the pro- ogy to increase energy efficiency in land and sea transporta-
motion of such planning and policy development; such policy can tion. Indeed in recent years Canadian governments have
contribute to encouraging suppliers as well as consumers to at promoted a variety of relevant policies to address the chal-
least consider that issue. lenge of climate change and reducing GHG emissions. In par-
The results of this research reveal that focusing on domestic ticular freight transportation has received some specific
freight characteristics is insufficient as a base for developing na- attention including such measures as: promoting regulation
tional food miles related policy. Integrating a consumption/import around heavy vehicle emissions standards (Transport Can-
approach as suggested here, reveals differences in freight composi- ada, 2011), generating the Freight Efficiency and Technology
tion between domestic and import food miles. For example unlike Initiative (FETI), which stimulated such projects as truck dri-
domestic food miles, in which approximately 70% of agriculture ver training programs (e.g., optimization of tire pressure to
and food commodities traveled by train, in the case of imports only reduce friction, use of information technology, etc.), and
7% traveled by train because trucks and sea shipping are the main the Freight Sustainability Demonstration Program aiming
modes of transportation. to examine the potential of different new technologies that
As highlighted in other studies and acknowledged in this paper, can reduce GHG from freight. The Canadian freight market
food miles related GHG emissions is just one component of the en- is also influenced by environmental policy in the US because
tire food life cycle, and in some cases a relatively small part of a vehicle manufacturers sell into both markets and thus pro-
product’s carbon footprint. Nonetheless it is necessary to analyse duce vehicles to similar environmental and technological
this component to determine full life cycle emissions. Further, standards. Therefore in several cases Canadian policy and
the analysis can identify commodity specific emissions character- regulation follows that of the US.
istics, such as commodity source, domestic or import; and food
miles as a share of overall life cycle emissions which in some cases One of the reasons trucking has become the main mode of
will be more significant than in others. This analysis can also flag freight in general and for food delivery in particular is connected
specific commodities for which the food miles related CO2 emis- to the nature of existing infrastructure in North America. While
sions are relatively high. both the US and Canada have fairly advanced rail networks within
After documenting and analysing import related food miles and each country the connections (South–North) are not as advanced.
CO2 emissions, it is possible to consider means to reduce this com- Through mutual promotion of bilateral rail systems food as well
ponent of a product’s life cycle. Specific policies should be pro- as other commodities can easily be shipped with significantly low-
moted toward various ends: regulative, educational and more er GHG related food miles.
technical. Each approach on its own, and of course all three to-
gether, can contribute to reducing the CO2 emissions related to
food miles. Summary

(a) Regulative – as widely acknowledged in the literature, the The continuous globalization of the food system at the begin-
present economic system does not sufficiently reflect the ning of the 21st century means that food policy should consider
external environmental costs of food consumption, particu- environmental implications related to food production and con-
larly shipping as discussed here. Internalizing some of the sumption along the entire commodity chain. One component
environmental costs into product price (in the form of a car- documented in this paper is the ‘food miles’ and related CO2
bon tax for example) will make domestic, or at least con- emissions along that chain. While consuming from local sources
sumption from closer sources more appealing. The ability can have some advantages, after years of getting used to certain
to rely on cheap agricultural and food commodities gener- food items (coffee, tea, bananas, etc.) it is hard to imagine the
ates the illusion that we do not necessarily need to maintain willingness of consumers to change their habits; therefore
farm land near our cities. Indeed according to Statistics Can- perhaps instead of thinking about a fully local diet, a first step
ada (2001) from the 1970s to mid-1990s Canada lost would be to find ways to make the existing food miles and their
1,200,000 ha of agricultural land to urban uses, a process CO2 related emissions more efficient. It is important to acknowl-
that is continuing. Further, even existing local farmland is edge that measuring ‘food miles’ cannot and should not be used
quite often being used for other uses (e.g., leisure) than as the only indicator for the environmental impacts of food com-
growing food for local consumption. By promoting policy modities, and that other ‘parts’ of the commodity life cycle
that will benefit locally grown (or at least short food miles) should be considered as well. Also, as shown by some studies,
or even taxing food that could have been grown locally but the assumption that locally grown food is better for the environ-
has been imported from larger distances, maintaining local ment is not always true as some regions of the world employ
farm land for food production can be made more attractive. more energy efficient practices than others. Furthermore, in the
(b) Educational – consumers informed of food miles analysis 21st century many nations cannot grow enough food domesti-
may voluntarily change their food purchasing habits. Gov- cally even if they would aim to do that and therefore must
ernments should promote eco-labeling of commodities, so import their food.
178 M. Kissinger / Food Policy 37 (2012) 171–178

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