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National Diploma in Teaching ICT
Academic Year 2016-2018

Ruwanpura National College of Education


Acknowledgement 02
Introduction 03
Aims and Objectives 04
Target Group 05
Details of Beneficiaries 06
Resources Utilized 07
Steps of Implementation 08
Time Frame 09
Results Gained 10
Conclusions and Proposals 11
Annexes 12
Copy of Project Proposal 14

Forming Sivali Hardware Unit was a tremendous challenge for us. But today it has been a successful due to
the help of great hearts. So, we would like to extend our heartiest gratitude to them.

First, we would like to extend our heartiest gratitude and sincere thanks to the President of Ruwanpura
National College of Education, Mr. Ajantha Nimirathne for being the pillar of our success. Next the Former
President of Ruwanpura National College of Education, Mr. Sugath Marasinghe who was with us from the
beginning of this internship period and giving his valuable advices.

Next, we would like to thank the Vice Presidents of Ruwanpura National College of Education and specially
the Vice President of Continuing Education, Mrs. Champa Jayamanna and Internship Coordinator, Mrs.
Priyangani Kalawitigoda for giving us this great opportunity of doing a project and gathering the experience
for our journey of becoming prospective teachers in the society one day.

Next, we would like to extent our gratitude and sincere thanks to our Internship Supervisory Lecturers,
Miss.Chandima Dissanayake and Mrs.Buddhika Chandrasekara for their inspiring guidance, expert
consultancy and tremendous cooperation which was given throughout this project to make it a successful one.
Also, we would like to thank all the other lecturers of Ruwanpura National College of Education who guided
and helped us by giving their valuable advices.

Next, we would like to thank the Principal of R/Sivali Central College Mr. Kamal Ariyasinghe, Our Mentor
Mrs. Shrini Abeydheera, the In-Charge-of the ICT unit Mr. Jagath Sapumal, the Sectional Head Mrs. Upeka
Wanigasekara and all the members of the academic and non- academic staff and specially the members of the
ICT unit who guided us by giving their fullest cooperation to make this endeavor a successful one.

Finally, we would like to extend our gratitude and sincere thanks to all the other internship teacher trainees of
Ruwanpura National College of Education and grade 8,9 and 10 students of R/Sivali Central College who
extended their supporting hands by providing the necessary resources and participating for this.

In this day and age, it is hard to deny the influence of technology in our lives. We live in an era where
pretty much is automated and computerized. And amidst all the technological advancement that
humankind has achieved, one important device has been created that will only sure to become more
relevant to our lives as technology progresses, the computer. No one can deny that computers are now an
essential part of our lives, the same way a cell phone and television does. It is safe to say that in this day
and age, having no computer would be an inconvenience. Which is why it is important that we know the
how our computer works so that we would be aware of the things that we should do in case it stops
working. The hardware of the computer is considered to be the most important because without it, it will
simply not work.

Simply put if you know how to handle the hardware of a computer and know each of their function for the
unit, then you can easily determine what the problem is in case the unit stops functioning. In order to be
familiar with basic computer troubleshooting, then you also need to be familiar with computer hardware.
So, when it comes to computer hardware, you have to make sure that it is not obsolete, so you need to
upgrade depending on what sort of program that you are usually using.

So, in order to give students, the knowledge about hardware, we as ICT teacher trainees decided to make
a hardware team for R/Sivali Central College by undertaking this task as one of our group projects to be
done to get the National Diploma in Teaching.

By undertaking this project, we formed the Sivali Hardware Unit by participating the grade 8,9 and 10

▪ To develop the hardware knowledge of students.

▪ To provide students the opportunity of working with hardware components.

▪ To reduce the hardware maintenance cost of school.


▪ The Principal

▪ The Vice Principals

▪ The teachers of R/Sivali Central College

▪ The students of R/Sivali Central College (Specially grade 8, 9 and 10)


We were successful enough to achieve our target group by forming Sivali Hardware Unit.
So, they are as follows,

▪ The Principal

▪ The Vice Principals

▪ The teachers of R/Sivali Central College

▪ The students of R/Sivali Central College (Specially grade 8, 9 and 10)


For this project we used both human and physical resources as follows,

Human Resources

▪ ICT teachers

▪ Students

▪ Teacher Trainees of Ruwanpura National College of Education

▪ Other resource person

Physical Resources

▪ Computers

▪ Hardware

▪ Hardware tools & equipment

▪ Computer lab

▪ Main hall

▪ Classrooms

▪ Other physical resources


▪ Discussing about forming a hardware unit with the mentor and other ICT teachers at the school

and getting their ideas

▪ Getting the approval of principal

▪ Planning the tasks to be done before forming a hardware unit

▪ Collecting the necessary resources

▪ Carrying out the project according to the plan

- Giving students the theoretical knowledge

- Giving students the practical knowledge

- Giving students the opportunity of practicing the gained knowledge

▪ Forming the hardware unit






▪ Getting the approval of principal to

form a hardware unit

▪ Getting the approval of supervising

lecturer to form a hardware unit

▪ Planning the tasks to be done before

forming a hardware unit

▪ Collecting the necessary resources

▪ Carrying out the project according to

the plan

▪ Forming the hardware unit


We launched this project to achieve three objectives.

As this project was a successful one, we were lucky enough to achieve them.
So, the results gained from this project are as follows,

▪ Could develop the hardware knowledge of students.

▪ Could provide students the opportunity of working with hardware components.

▪ Could reduce the hardware maintenance cost of school.



▪ By forming a hardware unit, we can share a good hardware knowledge among a group of


▪ By forming a hardware unit, we can identify the students who are more interested and

talented in computer hardware maintenance

▪ By forming a hardware unit, we can give students an opportunity to exhibit their talents for

handle computer hardware

▪ By forming a hardware unit, we can reduce the school cost for hardware maintenance as

students themselves engage in hardware maintenance without involving a outside person


▪ Continuing the Sivali Hardware Unit

▪ Arrange more workshops to improve the hardware knowledge of students

▪ Give an opportunity for to show their talents in computer hardware

(ex: Organizing a hardware competition, etc.)
Members of the Hardware Team

No. Names Grade Responsibility

01 W.M.L.D. Weerasooriya 10A Team Leader, Grade 6 Section

02 A.D.T.S. Fernando 9A Hardware Maintenance Grade 6A,6B and 6C
03 J.M.T.S.B. Jayasundara 8A Hardware Maintenance Grade 6D,6E and 6F
04 G.M.L.K. Gurugoda 10B Team Leader, Grade 7 Section
05 M.D.J.V. Ranathunga 9B Hardware Maintenance Grade 7A,7B and 7C
06 R.M.O. Bopeththa 8B Hardware Maintenance Grade 7D,7E and 7F
07 B.V.O.T. Abeysekara 10C Team Leader, Grade 8 Section
08 A.W.T.A. Deshitha 9C Hardware Maintenance Grade 8A,8B and 8C
09 M.K.D. Wijerathne 8C Hardware Maintenance Grade 8D,8E and 8F
10 M.O.N. Dissanayake 10D Team Leader, Grade 9 Section
11 S.M.R.S. Bandara 9D Hardware Maintenance Grade 9A,9B and 9C
12 A.A.C.K. Kumara 8D Hardware Maintenance Grade 9D,9E and 9F
13 S.M.R.S. Malaviarachchi 10E Team Leader, Grade 10 Section
14 K.R.R.S. Abeysinghe 9E Hardware Maintenance Grade 10A,10B and 10C
15 M.T.D. Malaviarachchi 8E Hardware Maintenance Grade 10D,10E and 10F
16 A.S.M. Chandrasekara 10F Team Leader, Grade 11 Section
17 K.D.R. Jayalath 9F Hardware Maintenance Grade 11A,11B and 11C
18 P.D. Ranasinghe 8F Hardware Maintenance Grade 11D,11E and 11F
Names : U. H. T. S. Ariyarathne
N. C. K. Cooray

PROJECT Reg. Nos : 2016/RP/ICT/E/F/1447


PROPOSAL Course : Information Communication & Technology

School : R/Sivali Central College, Rathnapura
Date : 02nd January 2020


2. Introduction :

In this day and age, it is hard to deny the influence of technology in our lives. We live in an era where
pretty much is automated and computerized. And amidst all the technological advancement that
humankind has achieved, one important device has been created that will only sure to become more
relevant to our lives as technology progresses, the computer. No one can deny that computers are now an
essential part of our lives, the same way a cell phone and television does. It is safe to say that in this day
and age, having no computer would be an inconvenience. Which is why it is important that we know the
how our computer works so that we would be aware of the things that we should do in case it stops
working. The hardware of the computer is considered to be the most important because without it, it will
simply not work.

Simply put if you know how to handle the hardware of a computer and know each of their function for the
unit, then you can easily determine what the problem is in case the unit stops functioning. In order to be
familiar with basic computer troubleshooting, then you also need to be familiar with computer hardware.
So, when it comes to computer hardware, you have to make sure that it is not obsolete, so you need to
upgrade depending on what sort of program that you are usually using.

So, in order to give students, the knowledge about hardware, we as ICT teacher trainees decided to make
a hardware team for R/Sivali Central College by undertaking this task as one of our group projects to be
done to get the National Diploma in Teaching.

3. Objectives :
▪ To develop the hardware knowledge of students
▪ To provide students the opportunity of working with
hardware components
▪ To reduce the hardware maintenance cost of school
4. Implementation of the Project :
▪ Discussing about forming a hardware unit with the
mentor and other ICT teachers at the school and getting
their ideas
▪ Getting the approval of principal
▪ Planning the tasks to be done before forming a hardware
▪ Collecting the necessary resources
▪ Carrying out the project according to the plan
▪ Forming the hardware unit
5. Proposed Time Frame :




▪ Getting the approval of principal to

form a hardware unit

▪ Getting the approval of supervising

lecturer to form a hardware unit

▪ Planning the tasks to be done before

forming a hardware unit

▪ Collecting the necessary resources

▪ Carrying out the project according to

the plan

▪ Forming the hardware unit

1. Name of the Teacher Trainee : …………………………………………………………….

Signature and Date : …………………………………………………………….

Name of the Teacher Trainee : …………………………………………………………….

Signature and Date : …………………………………………………………….

2. Recommendation of the Mentor :

Name : …………………………………..……. Signature and Date : ………..……...…………

3. Approval of the Principal :

Name : …………………………………..……. Signature and Date : ………..……...…………

4. Approval of the Supervising Lecturer :

Name : …………………………………..……. Signature and Date : ………..……...…………

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