SNA Conditional Acceptance

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(Council Name)
Represented by (name of CEO) Doing Business as From:
(Council name) et al :jane-mary: on behalf of all living men and women on
NZ CROWN and all agents and contractors the land
NB: All of the above are referred to in this document as Communication delivery address:
‘your’ c/o (insert address)
Notice to principal Notice to Agent, Notice to Agent
Notice to Principal

I living woman :jane-mary: affirm that the testimony (Notice of Conditional Acceptance) is correct to the best of my

Notice of Conditional Acceptance

We advise our intentions and actions on land and resources that you perceive are under your governance;

1. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof a legal fiction can own any land of substance
2. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof you can Govern something you do not own
3. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof the (name of the council company) is not a company
4. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof the (name of the council company) is not bound by
contract law
5. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof fraud does not vitiate every transaction and all contracts
6. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof that full and specific disclosure was given to every
man/woman/child in relation to all LINZ ,CROWN,COUNCIL,NZ JUSTICE,INTERNAL AFFAIRS et al Forms,
presentations, contracts, claims of authority, permits, consents licences, crimes against humanity, Significant
Natural Area claims, removing necessities in life, administering a living mans affairs et al
7. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof that anyone or thing can administer a living man’s affairs
without his consent
8. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof the man/woman doing business as
CEO/AGENT/CONTRACTOR is not liable for prosecution for actions of bad faith using any jurisdiction that
finds true justice in the matter
9. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof a legal fiction can obstruct, detain, injure, demand, claim
authority over any living man, land, natural resources, animals, flora, fauna, coast line, water, sky et al
10. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof the council and all its representatives have any form of
uncontested authority, ownership over any living man and his affairs, absolute
11. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof the government, council, contractors in the matter of
significant natural areas (SNA) is not administering a living mans affairs and lands of substance he is gaining
sustenance from
12. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof any or all forms in relation to SNA posted out to many
people, have provided full and specific disclosure including true intent
13. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof that if anyone fills out any form, they are not entering into
a contract that may have misleading intent
14. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof that the names on the mailing instruments used in relation
to SNA forms and documents, is not addressed to a legal person’s name as recognised in law
15. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof that a legal name is not an artificial persons
16. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof that the name of the artificial persons used in reference to
a living man is not fraudulent
17. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof that absolutely no misleading fraudulent materials have
been sent via the UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION (UPU)
18. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof that no crime has been committed by sending misleading
fraudulent materials through the UPU
19. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof that the address, number and name asked for will not be
representing a legal fiction and an artificial person as recognised in law
20. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof the forms used, if filled out as required, confirms both
address number, legal name and SNA number are not that of NZ CROWN property
21. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof that the NZ CROWN Acts and Statutes used to empower
the companies, agents and contractors in the SNA matter, do not only bind the CROWN
22. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof that the NZ CROWN Acts and Statutes used to empower
the companies, agents and contractors in the SNA matter, bind living men and women
23. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof that the NZ CROWN Acts and Statutes used to empower
the companies, agents and contractors in the SNA matter, bind land of substance
24. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof absolutely no trickery, deception, coercion, force, actions
of slavery using fraudulent documents and actions of covin are used
25. We accept your claim of Governance upon proof that a living man on the land of substance, does not hold
supreme authority over himself and his affairs, absolute

These requests shall be answered with proof of your claim within 5 days of receipt of this notice

Until a rebuttal point by point with proof of your claim, signed under penalty and perjury is received, the following

All living men/women/children/animals/birds et al will be living, gaining sustenance from/on the land of substance
and all resources- water, ocean, air flora, fauna with absolute honour and respect for his fellow man, as he sees fit
Any obstruction by any man/woman/ corporate entity will be considered as a threat to their lives and dealt with
accordingly. No Significant Natural Area boundaries or legislation pertaining to such will be regarded as valid, and
council/governments requests to survey and create SNA boundaries are denied in their entirety- no contract, no

This is final

Silence through acquiescence will be considered as no objection to this content in its entirety

All Absolute Rights Reserved

All Interpretations and Definitions are that of the hand that has written them

We have no intent to overthrow the NZ Crown/Government

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