R Raj Vishal 00770462 Ecis

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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours

Learner name VISHAL RAJ R

NEBOSH learner 00770462
Learning Partner name 1114-ECIS

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Answer sheet IG1-0031-ENG-OBE-V1 Oct23 © NEBOSH 2023

Task 1: Emergency response

Question 1
The DSO effectively managed the emergency situation in the following ways;
 The DSO tried to make immediate actions against the accidents and called NSO by
seeing the car in the parking area.
 The DSO tried to communicate with NSO through mobile phone and radioed
multiple times when there is no response from the NSO, so DSO tried to
communicate urgently with the NSO.
 DSO checked the computer system to find out the location of the last checked wind
turbine and the time of check by the NSO and identified the nearest location of the
 As precautionary measure DSO called the emergency services by searches of
proper networks for the easy rescue operations.
 The essential details required for the emergency services such as likely location of
the NSO and access codes of the gates are provided to the emergency team.
 The DSO getting ready to attend the situation of the accident by taking necessary
arrangements such as radios, first-aid kits and blankets.
 The DSO observed very well and finding out the NSO near the wind turbine 9.
 He evaluated the condition of the NSO and find the bleeding from the head wound
and asked the reason for accident such as slip.
 The DSO made the NSO to respond about the accident before going to
unconscious and tried to make him mentally calm.
 The DSO is a trained first-aider and he provided the immediate first aids after
realising the emergency.
 The DSO provided the required assistance to the NSO up to the arrival of the
emergency services, DSO cleared snow off the NSO, put a blanket near the NSO
and covered NSO with his coat.
 DSO stayed with the NSO in the lower temperature up to the arrival of the
ambulance to secure the NSO and scene of the accident.
 The DSO correctly reported the scene of the accidents to the regional office at the
right time for initiating the other procedures such as accident investigation
 Under this traumatic condition also the DSO extend his shift timing up to the arrival
of relief guards to take the shift.

Task 2: Managing risks for those working on site

Question 2 (a)
 Secure National conducted risk assessments for the safe operations and working of
the company.
 The health and safety policies and procedures are developed for lone working and
other works through general risk assessments.
 A well developed team exists in the organisation consisting of members such as
MD, MT and regional office managers for controlling and eradicating the risk in
the organisation.
 A good safety leadership was possessed in the organisation for managing the risk,
so that the MT is satisfied that ROMS successfully manage on site security
 Secure national appointing competent security officers only, whoever having
required government license only employed as security officer for managing the
 Information and instructions regarding health and safety are provided to the

Answer sheet IG1-0031-ENG-OBE-V1 Oct23 © NEBOSH 2023

workers for managing the risk through the induction training.
 Written documents about risk controls and generic risk assessments are provided
to the workers for managing the risks of the organisation.
 For reducing the risk of the accidents, first aid awareness is ensured in all security
officers and first aid kits are available in the organisation.
 The consultation arrangements provided by the secure national to reduce the risk is
very good, ROMs are arranging one to one meeting twice in a year and
discussing the local issues and progress of health and safety matters and
providing feedbacks.
 Electronics monitoring systems were updated by the addition of new turbines and
implementation of new techniques are adopted to reduce the risk from the
equipment change.
 Strong communicational arrangements are maintained between security officers
and regional offices to ensure the receipt of the transfer of information’s in every
six hours
 Two way radios are used for the better exchange of informationn regarding health
and safety issues.
 A well-developed shift hand overing process exists in the organisation. That is the
personal has to reach before 20 minutes early in the office for better
understanding of the summary of the day and minimising risks.
 Relief guards are available at the organisation to cover for sickness or annual
 Safety gates are available at the entry of the sites to avoid the risk of the accidents
by unauthorised entry.
 Safety audits are conducted for finding the necessary improvements for reducing
the risk of the accidents.
 Generic risk assessments, health and safety policies are available at the
organisation and accidents are reported to the higher managements. Hence the
risk for recurrence of the accidents has been reduced.
 The organisation is ready to control the risk for achieving continual improvement,
so that the review of annual risk assessments and participation of SO in risk
assessment are ensured after the audit.
Question 2 (b)
 Risk assessments in the organisation is incomplete and insufficient, all the risks of
the operations are not identified and communicated.
 The risk assessment process exists in the organisation are improper, all the
security officer involvement are not ensured in the risk assessment process, so
that the risk of slip hazards are missed.
 Risk assessment failed to eliminate the risk of lone working in night shifts in the
risky areas.
 The competency of the worker is not considered for doing the night shifts, NSO with
3-month experience was assigned for high-risk work. So, competency of the
workers is not covered in the risk assessments.
 Health and safety policies and procedures are very old and out dated, so scope of
risk assessments is failed to update the policies and procedures of the
 Last risk assessment was conducted on 2017 and not updated even the addition of
wind turbines are done.
 The challenging climatic conditions such as winter and the resulting slip hazards
were not identified and necessary PPEs are not provided to control the risks.
 The need of appropriate first aid arrangements are not identified because of lack of
proper risk assessments, that’s why only gloves, safety pins and plasters are
available in the first aid kits.
 Refreshment trainings are not provided to the SOs to increase the knowledge about
health and safety matters.

Answer sheet IG1-0031-ENG-OBE-V1 Oct23 © NEBOSH 2023

 Even though consultation arrangements are available, the issues of the workers are
not solved by the ROMs, that’s why they not provided the refreshment training.
 There is a communication delay due to the network issues, so absence of reliable
communication systems increases the severity of risks.
 The reactive monitoring processes are not strong, and the accidents are
investigating if only there is an accident reporting.
 Workers are not motivated to report the accidents to MT, so that the ROM is
confused that whether all the accidents are reported or not.

Task 3: Active and reactive monitoring measures

Question 3 (a)
The reactive monitoring measures that can be put in place by the organisation are
 The accident and incident rates can be evaluated through the accident investigation
procedures, it’s a lagging indicator of health and safety. So that the head wound
resulted from the slip injury can be evaluated.
 The number accidents reported to be investigated to be calculated and it is a
lagging indicator of health and safety, so here the accident of the NSO to be
reported and investigated.
 Sick leaves and employee absenteeism to be noted, so that the trends and patterns
of the absenteeism in winter and summer can be identified and solved.
 Here the worker taken six weeks to join the company after the accident, hence the
study of lost working days is also a part of reactive monitoring measure.
 The number of first aid treatment given by the organisation is a lagging indicator,
hence the details of the first aids given to be recorded.
 Complaints about the health and safety of the organisation by the workers are the
lagging indicators of the health and safety, So the lack of refreshment training
addressed by the workers need to be taken into account.
 To study about the consultation arrangements and work issues raised by the
 The late commencement of start of work and handing over of shift is a lagging
indicator, so measures to be taken to avoid these kind of unnecessary delays and
unsafe conditions.
 The report of inadequacy of arrangements is a lagging indicator, so the lack of first
aid arrangements in the organisation need to be checked and provided.
 The formal enforcement actions such as prohibitions notices, fines and
imprisonment of the employer are the lagging indicators, so it is necessary to
implement additional control measures to avoid the same.
 Review of the previous audit reports are a type of lagging indicators.
 The direct and indirect costs resulting from the accidents such as head injury of the
NSO is a lagging indicator, so measure to be taken to avoid these costs.
 The compensation paid to the NSO as a part of the accident are also a lagging
Question 3 (b)
The active monitoring measures that can be readily available for the use of organisation
are follows;
 The details of the training provided such as first aid training provided and training
given to the SO to attain RGL are the leading indicators available in the
 The details of the induction training and health and safety documents provided to
the SO are also a leading indicator.
 The safety audit conducted by the consultant and the review reports are active
monitoring measures.

Answer sheet IG1-0031-ENG-OBE-V1 Oct23 © NEBOSH 2023

 The inspection, installation and maintenance reports and outputs of the electronic
monitoring system are a part of reactive monitoring measures.
 The reports of one-to-one consultation arrangements and risk assessments are
also a reactive monitoring measure.
 The regular inspection on wind turbines and pre-use checks on equipment are also
leading indicators of health and safety.
 The safety tours conducted by the MT on various regional offices and Secure
National is a part of reactive monitoring.

Task 4: Considering the impact and management of change

Question 4 (a)
The competence of the team is important in the management of change because of the
following reasons;
 A competent team member has skill, ability and knowledge about health and safety
and also, they were experienced in safety and they behave as a safety leaders.
So they can plan for improving the health and safety of the organisation.
 The competent person can develop and review the health and safety of the
organisation, implement and execute the plans for improving the health and safety
of the organisation.
 Because of the management change and work change, the risk associated with the
work activities also changed. Hence the team should be competent to conduct
risk assessments for this change.
 The competent person can only take the risk mitigation processes such as
separation and segregation for the safe working operations.
 For ensuring the effective communication between stake holders, regional officers
and with other interested parties the management team should be competent.
 For proper allocation of resources for health and safety matters, competency of the
MT is a very important factor. Competent person only can calculate the budget
and use it effectively for health and safety.
 There is a need to conduct health and safety performance check through active
and reactive monitoring processes, so competency is required to plan the
inspection and investigation measure to find out the short falls in the health and
 The MT is gathering the information from the regional offices and all is going well,
so only a good competent team can focus their business with good health and
 Competent team can only develop positive attitude among the workers of the
organisation and positive culture in the organisation to achieve continual
 To take actions for complying the country health and safety rules and regulation,
wind turbine safety actions the competence of the MT is required.
 A good long term security services can be provided to all interested parties by
having a good competent management team.
Question 4 (b)
 The organisation re-structuring happens in the company due to take over of the
another company, so it is necessary to develop good health and safety team and
to review the policies and procedures to in line with the management change.
 Five more wind turbines are newly added to the wind farms, so additional workers
are required to monitor and complete the work activities. So, this change has to
be noticed and essential care to be taken for safe operations.
 New technology such as electronic monitoring system was implemented near all
the turbines, so proper trainings and transfer of technology are required to attain
health and safety.

Answer sheet IG1-0031-ENG-OBE-V1 Oct23 © NEBOSH 2023

 The NSO is new joiner to the company and have 3-month experience only, so like
these cases the organisations need to conduct induction training programmes for
the new joiners. So, management change is necessary to ensure the competence
of the workers.
 The management arrangements such as emergency procedures, risk assessments
to be revised and updated after the accident such as slip hazard in the
 The safety consultant forwarded the information such as review of risk
assessments and participation of workers in the risk assessments. So,
management change is necessary for attaining the conclusions of the safety
 The ROM are not sure about all the accidents are reported or not, so hence it is
necessary to ensure a formal standard reporting procedures and investigation
procedures. So, management change is necessary for achieving a formal
reporting procedure.

Task 5: Policy review

Question 5
 The health and safety policy existing the organisation is outdated and in the year of
February 2021, after this time period many changes are happened in the
organisation. So, it is necessary to review the health and safety policy.
 Secure national was re structured due to take over of another company and the key
personnels of the company has also changed, so hence it is required to review
the policy of the company.
 Unexpected Major accidents such slip hazards happened in the organisation, so it
is necessary to review and find the short falls in the health and safety system.
 New arrangement such as electronic monitoring system was implemented in the
organisation, so the risk associated with the new techniques to be addressed by
reviewing of policies.
 Five more turbines are added to the wind farm, so the changes in the work sites
and work activities requires policy updating.
 The complaints and concerns of the workers against the works required review of
the policy. The requirement of refreshment training needs to be considered in the
next policy updating on the secure national.
 Health and safety policy need to reviewed as a part of recommendation by the
auditor to minimise the accidents and risks.
 The legal changes in health and safety standards of the nations are also required to
review the policy to in line with the amendments in the rules and regulations of the
 It is necessary to arrange dynamic updates on health and safety policy periodically
and it is not a static document.
 The policy of the company to be changed based on the nature of the work and work
 The ROM is not sure about the reporting of all accidents in the organisation, so
policy to be reviewed to ensure a good standard reporting procedure.
 Here there is lack of refreshment training due to lack of health and safety
knowledge, so policy to be reviewed for finding the opportunities of the various
training programmes.
 There is communication challenge exists in the organisation such as lack of proper
networks, for finding the solution for this policy need to be reviewed.
 From the summary of the consultant, it was clear that the slip hazards are more in
the winter seasons and these risks are not covered in the risk assessments, so it
is necessary to review the risk assessment for better execution of risk

Answer sheet IG1-0031-ENG-OBE-V1 Oct23 © NEBOSH 2023

 In Secure Nation, the first aid arrangements are very poor and necessary
arrangements are not available, hence policy to be reviewed for ensuring good
first aid arrangements.
 The changes in the code of practices and receipt of legal notices from the
enforcement agencies also leads to review the policies of the organisation.

Task 6: Monitoring and measuring (audits)

Question 6
The strengths of the audits in the organisation are follows;
 The MT taken very quick action after the accident to conduct safety audit in the
organisation, it shows the visible leadership of the management towards health
and safety.
 ROM is himself making available in the opening of the audit day to meet the safety
 An experienced external health and safety consultant was appointed for the audit,
he is a chartered member of the health and safety professional body. So, his
competency will helpful for finding the risks and suggesting solutions.
 From the words of the ROM it was clear that conducting audit in winter seasons
required much more efforts and the organisation successfully completed the audit
in this difficulty also.
 The SOs are DSO are involved and provided the adequate information and
assistance to complete the audit in a successful manner.
 Site tours are conducted as part of safety audit to evaluating and minimising the
current risks near the wind turbines.
 The work procedures, written safety documents and work locations are closely
inspected by the audite for better understanding of the health and safety of the
 DSO of the secure nations sharing the adequate information such as accident
investigation procedure and existing consultation arrangements to the auditor. So
the communication is very clear between the audite and DSO.
 Auditor is cross checking the responses provided by the ROM with the DSO, that’s
why again confirmed the distribution of the health and safety documents in the
induction training.
 DSO actively participated in the audit process and reviewed about the need of
refreshment training arrangements to the auditor, So this fear free behaviour also
a strength of the audit.
 The lack of standard reporting procedures is identified as a part of the safety audit.
 The consultant thanked the DSO and ROM to their support and confirmed to deliver
the audit report to the MT, it is a strength of the audit.
 As a result of the audit, organisation recognised to review and ensure the
participation of SO in the risk assessments, it is the strength of the audit.

Task 7: Financial arguments to improve health and safety

Question 7
The financial arguments used to convenience the MT of the Secure National are follows;
 Direct and indirect costs are arising from the accidents and some of the costs are
insurable and most of the costs are un insurable, so it is necessary to maintain
health and safety to avoid these costs.
 There is a potential to cause ill health and even death in the organisation, so it is
necessary to prevent the accidents by providing adequate resources to health and

Answer sheet IG1-0031-ENG-OBE-V1 Oct23 © NEBOSH 2023

 The medical costs and first-aid costs arising from the accidents can be avoided by
maintaining health and safety of the organisation.
 The increased insurance premium after the accident is a financial loss to the
company, so it can be prevented.
 The news of the accident among the public will negatively affect the reputation of
the company and cause loss of tenders for new business.
 The penalties and court fees given by the enforcement agencies in the case of non-
compliance of safety is very high, so better to maintain health and safety.
 The delays in service completion as a result of manpower shortage due to
accidents will cause loss to the company.
 Staff turnover will increase because of the absence of safety and repeated
accidents, the loss of competent workers will interrupt the business.
 The expenses for the recruitment process and arrangements for induction training
as a result of staff turnover is also loss to the company.
 The accident investigation and safety audit procedures required the involvement of
ROMs and SO, so this productive time delay is also loss to the company.
 The costs associated with further control measures resulting from the enforcement
agencies are also an uninsurable cost to the company.
 The compensation given to the workers are also a financial loss to the company.
 The damages to the infrastructure and equipment are financial barrier to the
 Here the accidents follow a safety audit, the charges paid to the consultant is extra
barrier to the company.
 The accidents will reduce the morality of the workers and thus by the quality of the
work, hence it will reduce the profit of the organisation.
 The time delay resulting dure to prohibition notices by the enforcement agency
reduces the competitive advantage of the company.

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Answer sheet IG1-0031-ENG-OBE-V1 Oct23 © NEBOSH 2023

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