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Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is a new field of study that has given scholars several tools to

investigate the hidden ideologies behind any discourse that is otherwise taken for granted

(Gopang & Bughio 2015). The purpose of this term paper is to show how to use Fairclough's

three-part analysis model to Prime Minister Imran Khan's Victory Discourse, delivered in the

blink of an eye after the July 26, 2018 result. As a result of this successful narrative, the new

government appears to trust the people, so it is clear that such ideas and promises will be very

positively realized in the future. The goal of this study is to apply Fairclough's Model to

undertake a critical discourse analysis of Prime Minister Imran Khan's belief system in creating

victory speech content. The interconnections and designs of the discourse content that must be

depicted, interpreted, and clarified are included in this study. It is particularly informative

because it focuses on examining the discourse's hidden structure. It explores the discourse's

intended meaning and provides details on Fairclough's show's method. It teaches readers how to

apply simple words in a unique way to shape people's thinking in a specific civilization. The

study is still not executed as neatly as it could be because the approach is complex and relies on

three different types of phases that inserted one inside the other. It concluded that discourse

consists of expressing gratitude for people, clarifying the party's ideological intentions for the

future, providing feedback on earlier legislators' lives, and confirming the ability to overcome

challenges in a short amount of time. At this event, the PM delivered his speech not to persuade

people but rather to give transparent information to his employees about his goals.

Key Words: Critical Discourse Analysis, Fairclough’s Model, Analysis of political speech, Ideology.

1. Introduction
1.1 Background of the study

Language, it has been said, is both a concept and a mode of communication. People are

expressing emotions and their views through the use of language. These are all the ideas that

have the most impact and indicate the communication's unique goals. Ideas symbolize certain

beliefs in society as well as power interactions between various social groupings or classes. In

politics and political games, language plays an indisputable significance (Ghani & Hussain,

2021). Language is an instrument for shaping and manipulating reality. Talk is just one of those

techniques and channels of communication that may be used to influence and give direction.

Written or spoken speeches, as well as productive functions (audio-video) speech, are all choices

(Chomsky, 2004).

The researcher selected CDA of Prime Minister Imran Khan’s Victory Speech pertaining with

Pakistan's General Elections won in 2018, which is a significant national event, for the current

study, to examine the speaker's lexical choices that reveal his ideologies and reasoned

views about New Pakistani vision versus world voices with the application of Fairclough’s

model (1989). This study's analysis source is PM Imran Khan Victory speech on the internet in

audio-video and written mode. It employs a qualitative method to better comprehend the

circumstances and political relationship between speaker and audience in respect to social and

political considerations in the Pakistani context. There is a crisis within the PML-N as a result of

Nawaz Sharif's dismissal. Maryam Sharif's candidacy continues to be criticized by senior

authorities such as Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan. There's also the possibility that other national and

regional parties will put up a fight (Bhattacharjee, 2018). In order to hold free and fair elections,

Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has requested an impartial caretaker government. He also sought

assistance for the formation of a new province in Punjab's south. The way the courts and military
are participating in domestic politics indicates that they will play a significant role in the

elections as well (Bhattacharjee, 2018). Pakistanis voted in July 2018 for the third time in the

nation's 71-year heritage to transfer power through one civilian administration to the next. The

elections were found to be very high because winners were announced. The government's

capacity to affect election results and dominate sectors of the press was proved in the months that

followed up to the elections. Opposition parties cried, claiming that the election was rigged from

them because Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf leader Imran Khan appeared to be heading for victory

(Shah & Sareen, 2018).

CDA is a method of analyzing a text by splitting it down into parts. In, between, and behind

super-sentential structures, CDA examines text and power interactions. CDA reveals hidden

ideologies and connections between text and individuals (Woods, 2006). CDA describes texts,

discursive patterns, and linkages, as well as how they are linked in social circumstances and

contexts. CDA examines written and spoken texts in order to uncover hidden relationships and

ideologies among the sources of power, dominance, racism, bias, and inequality. It is concerned

with the structure and reorganization of texts in social, political, and historical contexts. For

critical analysis, any spoken, textual, and multimodality (video) sources are employed as data

(Van Dijik, 1998).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

If one looks into the past of linguistic, pragmatic, and especially discourse analysis of political

speeches, one will discover that though much work has been done, very few researchers have

examined the inauguration speeches of prime ministers. Most attention was paid to the pragmatic

aspects of political speeches, but very few scholars analyzed the speeches from the perspective
of discourse analysis (Akram, Ahmad, Sarwat & Shahzad, 2020). On July 28, 2018, Imran Khan

made his victory address. He won the election after a 23-year political battle. During his election

campaign, he promised his countrymen that his government would bring about change, and he

adopted the phrase "New Pakistan." He fought against corruption. The current study aims to

investigate the linguistic strategies used by Prime Minister Imran Khan in his victory speech

following Pakistan's General Elections in 2018, taking into account the role of language in the

aspect of political discourse using the Fairclough model to evaluate the data that has been


1.3 Objective of the Research.

 To look at the speaker's linguistic choices in the speech in order to reflect views about the

new Pakistan's vision.

 •Using Fairclough's approach, investigate the power dynamic between the speaker and

the listener.

 •To analyze the national impact of Imran Khan's speech from a social and political


1.4 Research Questions

i. To what extent does Prime Minister Imran Khan's ideology show up in the language

choices he makes in his speech?

ii. What does the implementation of Fairclough's model mean in the context of the broader

socio-cultural and political relationship?

1.5 Significance of the Study

There has been a lot of study done on many speeches on various themes and elements pulled

from the text to demonstrate their hidden objectives or specific themes. The reason for choosing

this text is that few researchers have looked into Imran Khan's speeches. After a 23-year political

war, Imran Khan was elected as 22nd Prime Minister of Pakistan. His speech highlights the

many obstacles he will confront on political, social, and economic levels as a result of the PML-

N government's crisis of political and defensive strategy. The results of these elections all have

much and far-reaching consequences for Pakistan. Because of the Kashmir issue, there is reason

to hope for peace between Pakistan and India. Everyone may benefit from positive thoughts and

choices (Ghani & Hussain, 2021). The examination of this speech provides a critical knowledge

of the situation and exposes the motivations of the ruling political party toward internal and

foreign sociopolitical and security concerns. It will also be useful for sociocultural analysts to

comprehend the Pakistani leadership's strategies and plans. Others can adjust their sociopolitical,

economic, and defensive goals in accordance with new policies. It makes it easier for students to

comprehend literature that are linked with concerns of power.

1.6 Delimitation of the Study

The paper used a qualitative method to examine Imran Khan's victory speech, which addresses a

number of concerns, including the fact that there will be no political victimization under his

leadership (Naya Pakistan), using only the Fairclough model ("Imran's victory speech hailed

as'mature' and'encouraging' by Twitterati," 2018). From the vocabulary utilized in the speech's

formation to its reception and interpretation by a larger audience, this study explores social

events, behaviors, and social structures qualitatively. The data for the analysis on the

interpretative paradigms of the research is connected to the study's constraints. Because handling
all of Imran Khan's talks were challenging, just one speech was qualitatively assessed. The

analysis and interpretation of a portion of the speech were not good.

2. Literature review

Critical Dialogue Analysis (CDA) is a new area of research that really has given scholars a

variety of tools to investigate the hidden beliefs behind some discourse that otherwise would be

accepted as normal. Linguistic analysis, on the other hand, is a significant instrument for such

study (Gopang & Bughio, 2015). Language not only represents but also generates existence. Our

ideas are never impartial; they always have the ability to express the desires of people who talk

or write those (Taiwo, 2007). Political discourse has been studied extensively using Critical

Discourse Analysis methodologies (e.g., Fairclough 2000; Fairclough 2002; Jones & Collins

2006; Mulderrig 2003; Weiss & Wodak 2007; Wodak & Chilton. 2005; Wodak & Meyer 2009).

CDA examines discourse in this research, as a social practice and investigates the effects of

social, political, and cultural circumstances on discourse (Gopang & Bughio, 2015). According

to Fairclough (1995), CDA identifies key language properties of social connections and social

institutions (Carreon & Svetanant, 2017).

Critical discourse analysis (CDA) is based on a critical theory of language that views language

use as a type of social behavior (Janks, 1997). All social behaviors are linked to particular social

processes and function as a method of reproducing or contesting traditional social arrangements

and serving different aspects. The concerns of interests are what connect discourse to social

relations. How is the text placed or aligned? Whose objectives is this approach serving? Whose

interests are being undermined? What are the implications of this orientation? Critical discourse
analysis is used when an investigation seeks to investigate how discourse is involved in power

dynamics (Janks, 1997).

According to Van Dijik (2001), "researchers do critical discourse analysis, which seems to be a

type of discourse analysis, to explore when language practices its influence in a community."

Therefore, there is no direct connection among power and critical discourse analysis; rather, it is

a conceptual domain focused with how discourse patterns interact and replicate the control and

supremacy relation in a community (Shahzadi, 2018). According to Wodak and Meyer (2001),

Critical Discourse Analysis (hereinafter CDA) is a cross-discipline established in the early 1990s

by a community of researchers including Theo van Leeuwen, Gunther Kress, Teun van Dijk, and

Norman Fairclough (Amoussou & Allagbe, 2018). CDA is a type of discourse analysis that

uncovers strange links between various social and ethnic categories. He concentrates on text and

sequential occurrences, then connects them to a broader socio-cultural viewpoint of people's

discourse, demonstrating unequal and ideology-shaped power relations. He investigates how

power is exercised in a society through the elite's dominating attitude and intellectual content

(Fairclough, 1993).

Language is employed not merely to describe things, but also to do effectively. CDA examines

how language is used in everyday situations and how it exposes people's cultural, social, and

ethnic backgrounds. They believe that a language's selection of lexical and syntactic elements

reflects the speakers' diverse socio-cultural backgrounds (Brown and Yule, 1985). In binary

relations, critical discourse analysis focuses on how their language reflects social practices (Sipra

& Rashid, 2013). When people communicate in a social setting, language is considered a social

act. When it comes to communication, language and society are quite inextricably interwoven.

Our identities are shaped and constructed through the language (text). The same is true in our
situation. Because they speak the language of the socially and politically dominant, persons who

are fluent in English are considered socially and culturally dominating. In this example, the

linguistic variable appears to be the class's identity (Halliday's, 1978). The media and politics are

inextricably linked since the media propagates dominant thought and ideologies. He sees the

media as a supporter of dominant agenda, imperialism, and extortion. It always supports the

dominant class's and nation's ideologies. The language they choose reveals the high's prejudiced

mindset toward the poor (Van Dijk, 1991, 1993).

From ancient Roman-Greek civilizations to the earliest Islamic state of Madina, speeches with

socio-political contexts have a longer history and origins in human society (Ghani & Hussain,

2021). Speeches in the political context can be defined as public addresses delivered by political

leaders, officials, or heads of governments in written, spoken, or video format. Speeches can be

delivered at any political event or circumstance for a variety of reasons (Zhu, & Wang, 2020).

Speeches assist leaders in communicating their plans, manifestos, and ideas for future concerns,

as well as winning over the audience by tying themselves to others. Political discourses, in

general and political speeches, in particular, are well-known areas of critical analysis and

discussion in linguistics (Ghani & Hussain, 2021).

Politics is a fight for power that aims to implement specific political, financial, and social beliefs

into action. Language is vital in this approach since every government policy is planned,

followed, directed, and performed by language (Horváth, 2009). Discourse analysis is the study

of speech in action. Several conversational activities that are carried out using speech (Al-Majali,

2015). A speaker's goal in communicating with a listener is to somehow enlighten him about

something or to compel him to take some action (Bennett, 1976). The procedural and

interpersonal aspects of language are the two main functions of language. The use of language to
communicate factual or conceptual information is known as transactional function. Humans have

been able to establish many cultures, laws, and literatures as a result of this function. To create

and operate social relationships and mutual understanding, interactional language is used (Al-

Majali, 2015).

Fairclough (1992) discusses three levels in discourse analysis. The first stage of CDA examines

the speaker's own experience and expertise while keeping his beliefs in mind. Second, how do

social relationships influence discourse, and third, what does the speaker realise about reality and

identity? He believes that language choices in a discourse, such as lexical choice and syntactic

patterns, convey a speaker's social background and identity (Sipra & Rashid, 2013). According

to Fairclough (1992), language shapes discourse and various socio-political viewpoints, which

leads to the exercise of power relations. Fairclough (1992) believes that persons from different

social groups have varied relational and expressive standards, which are conveyed in their

speeches. This demonstrates that the social and linguistic elements are inextricably linked (Sipra

& Rashid, 2013). The main goal of CDA is to examine the text in context of social theory of

language and how it functions in ideological and political systems (Sipra & Rashid, 2013).

3. Research Methodology

PM Imran Khan's victory speech was evaluated using Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). It

looks at how linguistic expression, grammatical organization, and coherent speech affect public

perceptions in a socio-cultural context with a worldview. The researcher's contribution has been

the analysis of textual/stylistic techniques. Understanding of social, linguistic, and cultural

meanings in speech, with such a special emphasis on broader political and social perspectives.

By emphasizing and analyzing speech on the basis of linguistic choices, discursive practices, and
socio-cultural perspective, this study contributes to existing information. It also examines how

specific linguistic structures aid the speaker in efficiently propagating his or her views and

convincing others to accept them wholeheartedly.

Data collection.

The script of Imran Khan’s (26th July 2018) speech was taken from the web.

This speech was conveyed before long after Imran Khan's winning election and chosen as Prime

minister of Pakistan. Subsequently this discourse has an critical part in Pakistani legislative

issues and Pakistan Imran Khan's political party's future steps in government's democracy.


In this study, the researcher used Norman Fairclough's (1992) 3D model and framework.

According to Norman Fairclough's (1992) 3D model has three components for critical analysis of

any conversation or text. This approach includes text, socio-cultural activity, and discursive

practices in a society. Because political and social circumstances have an impact on society's

social practice, text can be examined. According to Fairclough (1989), the purpose of this

approach is to promote universal rise in awareness of oppressive interpersonal relationships by

emphasizing upon words.

This project's theoretical perspective is Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), which was selected

by the researcher. CDA critically examines discourses and uncovers social activities such as

power, monopoly, extortion, and victimization of the downtrodden. CDA is a diverse discipline

that brings together social sciences and linguistics. Its main subjects include nationality, the
dominating attitude of the upper class toward the lower class, gender inequality, power,

ideology, discursive practices, and sexuality. Only language is used as a criterion for analysis,

and it demonstrates how speech displays discursive behaviors in a social setting. The focus of the

article exemplifies the issues with which CDA is most concerned. The topic includes elements

such as social, economic, political, and ideological inequality, all of which are fundamental

topics addressed by CDA. This theoretical framework gives a solid foundation and framework

for analyzing the variables mentioned above in PM Imran Khan's victory speech.

While carrying out this study, ethical aspects are carefully considered. There will be no

interaction with human subjects because this study is completely qualitative in nature. There are

no interviews in this study; hence there are no ethical concerns.

In this project, the researcher used CDA as an approach. The speech is evaluated using

Fairclough's 3D Model; hence the research is essentially qualitative. CDA was also used as a

methodology for the study on a larger scale. On the theoretical basis of CDA, Prime Minister

Imran Khan's first victory speech was evaluated. It was used as a method to look into how a

political leader might utilize language to spread his philosophy.

4. Discussion and Analysis

The data was gathered from PM Imran Khan's victory speech then analyzed and interpreted using

Fairclough's 3D model, which discusses communicative, structural, and conceptual values. The

victory speech has been divided into fourteen sections for analysis. It critically examines the

entire text on the basis of three components on a macro and micro level, all of which are related

to the analysis of linguistic choices (text), discourse practices in the back scene of that particular

text, and socio-cultural practices, with a focus on social, economic, and political circumstances.
The researcher used CDA as a theoretical framework for this study because it focuses on text that

discloses social inequalities, representative democracy challenges, or other discursive practices

when seen from a socio-cultural perspective. Its nature is critical and explanatory. Fairclough's

method systematically illuminates all elements, beginning with an analysis of the linguistic

qualities used in that text document. Second, it attempts to understand the relationship between

that specific text and the connection, and third, it explains the relationship between interaction

and wider socio-political aspects.

Text Analysis

One of the key pillars and crucial to the Fairclough model analysis is text. Text analysis is

inextricably tied to the study of language used by humans in real-life situations. This approach

was originally known as 'Critical Language Study,' because the main goal was to enhance

awareness of socially exploitative relationships with a particular focus on language (Sipra &

Rashid, 2013).Text analysis examines vocabulary choices, cohesiveness, coherence, and other

stylistic aspects with a focus on the speaker's specific theme and broader socio-political

perspective. This leads to an analysis that goes beyond the syntactic level.

All text can be evaluated on semantic, syntactic, morphological, and cohesion stages (Fairclough,

2001). Words reveal subjective qualities and themes in and of themselves. Any word that is

instantly noticeable in the text is referred to as fundamentally controversial. The most common

words that reflect the ideas of this text are Politics, Leader, Election, Vote, City of Madina,

Human development, Political victimizing, corruption, supremacy of the law, Accountability,

economic crisis, overseas Pakistanis, unemployment, tax, foreign policy challenge, CPEC, war

on terror, Kashmir, governance, lower classes, rigging. The speaker addressed Pakistanis,
thanking them for their participation and praising Baluchistan and other election martyrs. The

speaker is fully aware of the difficulties affecting the country and has detailed strategies in place

to address them in order to make Pakistan a great country in the globe by fostering unity among

national and international groupings.

The procedures used to build a link between the pieces or elements of a sentence are referred to

as cohesion. Rewording, over wording, synonyms, antonyms, demonstrative and personal

information, as well as function and lexical terms, are all utilized in the text for this goal. Imran

Khan, Pakistan's Prime Minister, employed cohesive techniques in his speech to make it more

complete and effectively deliver his points to persuade the public of his point of view. The usage

of anaphoric references throughout the discourse binds it together.

“I want to especially praise the people of Baluchistan, the kind of difficulties that they had to

face. The way they came out to vote, I want to thank all those people.”

Imran Khan employed an anaphoric reference in the example above by utilizing "the kind of

challenges," "they had to encounter," and "they came out." Imran Khan expresses his gratitude to

the Baluchistan’s who voted in his favour. As a result, Imran Khan recognized the nation's

sacrifice for free and fair elections.

The majority of speech sentence structures are declarative and argumentative. He used facts and

figures to make his message genuine and persuasive, leaving a lasting impression on his

listeners. Here are some examples of how he has employed facts and figures.

 The weak are dying of hunger. I will try my best – all of my policies will be made to raise

our weaker classes, for our laborers … for our poor farmers, who work all year and get
no money … 45 percent of children have stunted growth, they don’t reach the right

height, or their brains don’t develop.

 “There are countries with less than 25 million people, and …………….we tries our best

to raise these people up, that all of our policies be focused on human development.

 We want to learn from China how they brought 700 million people out of poverty

 The other thing we can learn from China is … the measures they have taken against

corruption, how they have arrested more than 400 ministers there.

He utilized allusions to The Holy Prophet PBUH as well as renowned leader Muhammad Ali

Jinnah, which is an overt approach to identify himself as a member of the Muslim people. He

began his statement by saying:

 I wanted Pakistan to become the kind of country that our leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah


 Look, my inspiration is the Prophet Muhammad, the city of Medina that he founded how

it was based on humanity.

The frequent use of first-person pronouns like "I," "We," "Our," and "Us," as well as second-

person pronouns like "You," and "Your," transforms the speech into a direct conversation

between two individuals on opposite ends. Imran Khan regularly used the pronouns "I," "Our,"

and "We" in his discourse. The following are some examples:

 I want to thank all those people.

 I saw the scenes on TV.

The speaker here employed the pronoun "I" for himself to draw the audience's attention, as well

as the first-person pronoun "I."

 I wanted Pakistan to become the kind of country that our leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah


 The Prophet Muhammad, the city of Medina that he founded how it was based on

humanity. For the first time, the state was formed based on humanitarianism. That is my

inspiration, that Pakistan should have that kind of humanitarian state, where we take

responsibility for our weaker classes.

He asserted that we (Muslims) are a peaceful country, using the word "Our" to signify Pakistanis

as a single nation. The state of Medina was established as a welfare state by our Prophet PBUH.

These statements are intended to demonstrate Islam's peaceful nature and the Holy Prophet's

PBUH's message.

 The biggest challenge we are facing is the economic crisis.

 We need to make an atmosphere for doing business.

 Our second problem is unemployment.

Imran Khan employed modal verbs in his speech to demonstrate his level of affinity in some

extracts in a subjective way and others in an objective way.

 All governor houses will be used for the public. We might convert some of them into

hotels, as we did in Nathia Gali.

 Pakistan and India’s leadership should sit at a table and try to fix this problem.
 The unfortunate truth is that Kashmir is a core issue, and the situation in Kashmir, and

what the people of Kashmir have seen in the last 30 years …. They have really suffered.

The example demonstrates Imran Khan's emphasis on the need for "them" (the Kashmiri people)

to be given their rights, especially Kashmiris who are waiting for assistance. The usage of the

word "must" conveys power. Imran Khan has urged India to find a solution to the problem.

 To end, I pledge to my Pakistani nation that I will prove that we can fix our governance

system in this country; we can also bring a governance system that can make the people’s

lives easier. I pledge this to you today, it will be my foremost aim to remain as simple as

possible … in this poor country, these huge symbols, these mansions and protocols, on

public’s money, I pledge that there will be a different kind of governance in Pakistan.

The doer of the material process in the preceding example is "I," who is performing an action,

wishing to inform, and demonstrating the process (of doing). The speaker here asserts his

domination and power over the country by stating that he is there to highlight the country's major

issues and that he will address them by implementing a governance system.

 Processing Analysis

P.M Imran Khan has put together a lovely montage for his speech. In awe-inspiring fashion, he

moved from one issue to the next.

 Spending over human development will be our priority.

 Kashmir is our vital issue. Human rights violations are on the rise in the valley.

 Pakistan and India should sit on table to settle the decisive matter like Kashmir.

 Indian media made propaganda against me and portrayed me a villain.

 We want good relations with India.

 People’s money will not be spared.

 Simplicity is what will be adopted during the tenure of PTI.

The Prime Minister began his statement by utilizing a discourse marker.

 When I came into politics, I wanted Pakistan to become the kind of country that our

leader Muhammad Ali Jinnah wanted.

He has a natural style of conversation, which is a highly current strategy for engaging people in

large groups electronically or in person. The era of keynote speakers and one-way presentations

is gradually fading away. In addition, technological advancements such as Augmented Reality,

Virtual Conferencing, and Telepresence are boosting the conversational presentation style. The

entire address was intended to be a dialogue between Imran Khan and every Pakistani citizen.

In the beginning, he touched the emotional mind by praising Baluchistan and other electoral

martyrs. One of the techniques for winning the instinctual mind is to use Metaphors intelligently,

which he first introduced by referring to "Medina" as a reference welfare state as his ideal, which

people can easily envision and relate to (and agreed without doubts)

He established common ground with all people by using examples of simplicity, such as

discussing female fetal death and the exclusion of 2.5 million children from schools. Because

these are common people's problems, everyone felt connected. Speaking more about Simplicity,

which resonates with ordinary people who struggle with food, electricity, and health care and

expect it from leaders, Imran Khan was able to win their instinctive mind completely.
He gained Logical Mind by revealing statistics such as 45 percent of children not growing

properly, 2.5 crore children out of school, and female pregnancy death. Stories and narratives

without facts cannot build credibility; he accomplished this rather well.

Social Practices

In 1st passage, investigation appears Prime minister has past motivation of Mr. Jinnah. This was

talked deliberately to form a spell on individuals that Prime serve has an perfect figure to take

after in his rule. Besides, right after this he tries to win the hearts of individuals that he is obliged

of masses for their commitment either it was related to their fund or lives.

Investigation of 2nd passage illustrates that this election accomplished its effective completion in

show disdain toward of terrorist’s assaults indeed on the decision candidates. He advances

increases in value the individuals and staff who were included in this election who sacrificed

their wellbeing and riches. In addition, he shows his motivation with Prophet Muhammad PBUH

and idealizes his vision for the state of Pakistan by embodying the state of Madina, beneath the

run the show of Prophet Muhammad PBUH.

Within the 3rd passage, recently chosen prime minister of Pakistan expressing a few focuses

which would be beneath his government by saying great considerations for the overlooked lower

classes and he is locks in the farmers by considering the current issues of them. He appears to

require few steps down within the current issues of the individuals to create them fulfilled that

their Prime Minister is aiming to overcome their all inciting issues. Assist, he shows the

distinction between destitute and wealthy individuals and generalizes that no nation can advance

in such condition where wealthy is getting to be wealthier and destitute is getting to be poorer.
The 4th paragraph’s examination illustrates that he has no awful feeling of any kind of exact

retribution for the individuals who were in against him within the decision and he needs to

accumulate the scattered country of Pakistan beneath the one supervision of him. He gives

illustration of west and mentions that he accepts within the amazingness of law and suggestion of

it since he knows exceptionally well the history of created nations that as it were through the

application of law would make able the Pakistan to urge freed of debasement and other important


Within the investigation of the 5th passage, the speaker notices the annihilating financial

emergency which is the reason of the dangerous working teach of the nation. He takes out his

one of the government approaches and emphasizes Pakistani outsiders almost the sensible

commerce environment since he knows that it is one the beneficial way to require his nation out

of the financial emergency. He talks on another issue of unemployment at the tremendous level

in Pakistan and appears the assurance of great administration to resolve this issue as well.

In 6th passage, he highlights past rulers’ misleading and individual utilize of the money of the

individuals and guarantees the individuals around the genuine and sensible utilize of their cash in

his administration. Encourage, for being a destitute people’s pioneer he uncovered his vision of

not to utilize of the government legacies of Pakistan like PM House since concurring to him it is

gigantic and requires loads of money to run. So, it might be utilized for another reason to raise

cash for the province.

The investigation of the 7th sections appears that the speaker collectively talks around the

centered and major issues and overlooked issues of the state. He appears his intrigued within the

favor of farmers, little businessmen and solid foundation of the anticorruption institutions.
8th section investigation, Prime Serve Imran khan unveils another point to set up relations with

all Pakistan’s neighbors to drive Pakistan out from all of its financial issues. Concurring to him,

Pakistan needs modern approaches to overcome on its current issue, and in this respect, he says,

able to learn these strategies from the china because it has beaten debasement and destitution

within the country.

Within the investigation of 9th section shows that speaker says they want peace in Afghanistan

because it would bring peace in Pakistan since Afghanistan may be a source of fear based

oppression in Pakistan because of having it in neighbors. He assist depicts the residency of his

government to set up well-mannered and adjusted relationship with US where both nations will

have clear cut terms for each other.

In the 10th passage, the investigation appears Imran khan’s government vision of playing key

part in creating relationship with Center East nations with each other. Imran khan passes pitiful

and wry comments on the way in which India’s Media depicted him and he proposed in this way

that India’s government does not need him to be the prime Serve of Pakistan, but Imran khan still

have great considerations of connection with India.

Within the examination of 11th Section, Imran Khan shows his profound concern approximately

the Kashmir issue and needs both nations to come together to resolve this issue. Encourage, he is

concurred to drag his nation close towards India on the off chance that India would be concurring

to have companionship with Pakistan since the fellowship of these both nations would

demonstrate advantageous for subcontinent. The 12th paragraph’s examination illustrates that

Prime Minster needs individuals of his nation to accept in his unused government since his party

to begin with time got the chance to lead Pakistan. He is attempting to lock in individuals by the
develop authority points and by giving his words for his future effortlessness and around the

government with modern positive patterns.

The examination of 13th passage highlights needs of Imran khan’s government for the lower

social course and for the minorities of the nation as they are not being engaged similarly within

the past eras.

Within the examination of section 14th, Imran khan talks around the straightforwardness of

decision and demonstrates his clean triumph by saying that decision commission was shaped by

PPP and PML-N, his party was not included in any kind of prepare of it. So, agreeing to Imran

Khan, they have not any reason to respond against the process of election.


The present study sought to discover the linguistic choices that reveal the speaker's ideological

position, as well as how such choices establish a link between both the speaker and the listener,

and how they absorbed the speaker's political and social standpoints, associations, and concerns,

as well as the speaker's hidden agendas and ideology towards other people. Fairclough's three-

level 3D model application on discourse attempted to grasp conceptual patterns.

The study attempted to reveal the ideology, future policies, and aims of the new Pakistani

government. The speaker transmitted his message of peace and logical plans for the future to

others by pointing to how we should fix our government system in this country as simply as

possible, with no mansions and protocols, on public money, and policies that will not benefit a

few wealthy individuals. Imran Khan's speech is rich in these components, which he successfully

used to clarify his ideology and future strategies for his national and international audience. He

practiced them with great mastery and care in order to win over his audience and show them his
tenacity. His statement was delivered in a direct and unbiased manner, demonstrating that the

speaker was well aware of and admitted to these unequal social, ethnic, political, and cultural

concerns in Pakistani society. With phrases like countries, unity, work, hope, love, religion,

cooperation, 'we, our, and you,' he invited them all and assigned the task of reformation to

combat the economic catastrophe. Other countries consider Imran Khan's election as a favorable

sign for global, political, economic, and military issues, hoping for amicable relationships with

India at many levels and various cooperation initiatives.

The current study demonstrates that political leaders' speeches, particularly those delivered on

special occasions such as victory speeches, might be of considerable importance to scholars

interested in the function of language in demonstrating power and identity. It also has far-

reaching consequences for anyone attempting to be public speakers in academic, political, or

social settings. Future scholars may additionally investigate the political leaders' conversational

styles and nonverbal characteristics, as well as assess language use in context-discourse. They

may also contrast his past or recently delivered talks in various forums. His statements can be

compared to those of other prior prime ministers to better understand his approach to difficulties

and power dynamics with other countries.


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