DPSIR Analysis of The Mangrove Ecosystem

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DPSIR analysis of the Mangrove Ecosystem

Information on environmental conditions and the relationship between human activities and the
possibility of environmental changes that occur, especially the mangrove ecosystem in Sorong
City, carried out a DPSIR (Driving force-Pressure-State-Impact-Response) analysis. The DPSIR
analysis is carried out in order to provide clear and specific information regarding the driving
force, the resulting environmental pressure (Pressure),

the state of the environment, the impact resulting from environmental change (Impact) and the
possibility of a response from the community or community. government (Response). This
approach is based on the concept of a causal chain of relationships that begins with human
activities (trigger factors) that cause pressure on the environment and the possibility of changing
the quality and quantity of natural resources until finally resulting in community responses.

1. Diving Force

Based on the results of the research, the diving force or the triggering factors for the damage to
the mangrove ecosystem are from the economic sector and the social sector. The economic
sector occupies the first position because of the very fast development that is taking place in
Sorong City. The rapid development caused the demand for mangrove wood to increase so that
a group of people depended heavily on the sale of mangrove wood in order to earn a decent
income. As a result of this dependence, the cutting of mangrove wood by the community no
longer thinks about the impacts that will occur in the future and does not pay attention to
sustainable use. Mangrove wood was chosen to be used in the construction of houses, shop
houses and hotels because mangrove wood is considered very strong when compared to other
wood and the price of mangrove wood is quite cheap. The mangrove wood needed for the
construction of a shophouse with a building length of 18 meters, a width of 24 meters and

a construction of 3 floors requires ± 1,250 sticks of wood or ± 38 m 3 . Meanwhile, for the

construction of a hotel with a building length of 100 meters and a width of 60

meters with a height of 5 floors requires mangrove wood for the construction of 12 stems/m 2 .
Simultaneous development requires ±

360,000 sticks of mangrove wood or 10,801 m 3 . Seeing the large use of mangrove wood, this
can cause damage to the mangrove ecosystem.

in addition to being sold, mangrove forests are also cut down to be used as oil drilling areas by
companies (industry). The conversion of the function of the mangrove forest into an oil drilling
area because in addition to being sold in the mangrove forest area, the mangrove forest is also
cut down to be used as an oil drilling area by the company (industry). The conversion of the
function of the mangrove forest into an oil drilling area is due to the fact that in the mangrove
forest area,

another sector that is no less important is the social sector, where the increase in population in
the city of Sorong occurs so quickly that it cannot rule out the possibility of opening new land to
serve as residential areas. This development also has an impact on the mangrove ecosystem
where mangrove areas are also cut down to be used as residential areas. Indirectly, there are
parties who have stated that the mangrove forest area has become private/company property.
2. Pressure

Social problems that exist in the people of Sorong City such as increasing population and low
education (in certain community groups) and the absence of alternative jobs result in high
dependence on mangrove ecosystems. This dependence creates pressure on the mangrove
ecosystem. The use of wood in the mangrove ecosystem is not balanced with the ability of
mangroves to regenerate. People do logging without thinking about the sustainability of the
mangrove forest ecosystem.

People still cut wood in the traditional way, namely by using machetes and not only mangrove
wood that is used in the mangrove ecosystem but coral is also taken from the area by digging in
the substrate where the mangroves grow.

In the industrial sector, the pressure received by the mangrove ecosystem is from logging
activities for reclamation so that it is used as a road to get to drilling points and oil drilling sites.
This is a pressure on the mangrove ecosystem in Sorong City. On the one hand, this activity
contributes to local revenue, but on the other hand it causes environmental degradation.

3. State

Research conducted through observations and interviews with the community and government
in Sorong City shows that there is a degradation of the mangrove forest ecosystem in Sorong
City. Excessive use of mangrove forests results in a decrease in the amount of mangrove wood.
Mangrove wood that wants to be cut has begun to be difficult to find, so sometimes you have to
look outside the Sorong City area. Mangrove land damaged due to coral excavation makes it
difficult to carry out the mangrove rehabilitation process. The destruction of the mangrove area
makes it difficult to find animals in the mangrove forest.

The biological functions of mangrove forests are such as spawning grounds (spawining ground),
post-larva growth (murseery ground), protection of biodiversity and carbon sinks and oxygen
producers. The physical function of the mangrove forest is as a barrier to sedimentation so that
it does not enter the sea, keeping the coastline stable, protecting the coast from waves,
currents, flooding due to high tides, wind blowing, and capturing pollutant substances because
the mangrove forest area has been destroyed. turned into a residential area and converted into
an industrial area (oil drilling).

4. Impact

Losses due to degradation of the mangrove ecosystem are felt along with the destruction of
existing forest areas. Mangrove forest from year to year the percentage of its cover is
decreasing day by day. In 2009 the area of mangrove cover reached 2,430 ha and in 2012 it
was 2,154 ha. With the rate of decline in the last 3 years reaching 276 ha or 92 ha/year the
average decline. The existence of damage to the mangrove forest has a direct impact on the
community, namely the strong winds that blow from the sea to the land can no longer be
restrained by the mangrove forest but directly hit the residential area. Another impact on the
mangrove ecosystem is the destruction of mangrove land due to coral excavation, making it
difficult to rehabilitate mangrove forests. The more pressure received by the mangrove
ecosystem, the greater the impact that will be received by the community. This causes less
income to be obtained by people who depend on mangrove ecosystems for their lives if the
ecosystem becomes increasingly critical.
5. Response

The response given by the government to the condition of the mangrove ecosystem in Sorong
City is the need for conservation activities. This activity aims to restore the damaged mangrove
ecosystem due to high logging activities. In conservation activities, there are also rehabilitation
activities that target mangrove areas that have been damaged. In addition, there is a monitoring
and monitoring process carried out so that the response given by the government to the
condition of the mangrove ecosystem in Sorong City is the need for conservation activities. This
activity aims to restore the damaged mangrove ecosystem due to high logging activities. In
conservation activities, there are also rehabilitation activities that target mangrove areas that
have been damaged. In addition, there is a monitoring and monitoring process carried out so

if these conservation activities run well, the mangrove ecosystem in the future can be utilized by
future generations to fulfill life. If the condition of the mangrove ecosystem is good, what can be
utilized is not only the wood but the ecosystem can also be used as a tourist attraction.

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