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LEVEL 3 Name:



A. Read the text and choose the correct underlined word.


Setting up a broadband connection and wireless network in your home

 My wireless network is very slow and sometimes it doesn’t work. What can I do to improve

The most important thing is the position of your router (the machine that sends out the
wireless signals). You (1) can’t / have to put it in the center of the house. Also, it (2) mustn’t
be / doesn’t have to be next to a TV or computer as they may interrupt the signals.

 I’ve only got one phone line. (3) Do I have to / Can I have a second line for a broadband

No, you (4) don’t have to / can’t have a separate phone line, you can use one line.

 I don’t have a phone line in my house but my neighbor’s phone line runs across the front of
my house. (5) Can I / Do I have to use his line for my Internet connection?

No. You (6) don’t have to / can’t use somebody else’s phone line; it’s illegal in any case, it
wouldn’t work. You (7) will / have to get your own phone line, I’m afraid.

 Is it true that (8) you have to / you can set up a special password?

No, (9) you don’t have to / you mustn’t set up a password for your router, but it is a good
idea to do so, as it will prevent other people using your connection.

B. Find and underline the mistakes and correct them. Tick () the correct sentences.

1. Sylvia have to wear a uniform because she is a nurse. ___________

2. Henry must to wear glasses for reading. ___________

3. Do you must to take your holiday before the end of August? ___________

4. You must lock the doors at night. ___________

5. The car is very dirty; you have to wash it. ___________

6. Do you can park there? ___________

7. You mustn’t ride your bikes on the grass. ___________

8. You don’t have to eat in here, you can eat outside if you prefer. ___________

C. Complete the sentences using the words in bold. Use two to five words.

1. It is necessary to have a visa to visit the USA. (have)

You ______________________________ to visit the USA.
2. It isn’t necessary for Tom to work at weekends. (have)
Tom ______________________________ at weekends.
3. Is it necessary for all the applicants to take an exam? (have)
______________ all the applicants ______________ an exam?
4. There is no need for her to take the dog out today. (have)
She ______________________________ the dog out today.
5. Perhaps I will graduate next year. (might)
I ______________________________ next year.
6. Perhaps she isn’t at home right now. (might)
She ______________________________ at home right now.
7. Don’t chew gum during the lesson. (mustn’t)
You ______________________________ gum during the lesson.
8. It is forbidden to take photographs in this area. (not)
You ______________________________ photographs in this area.
9. It is not possible for students to leave the dormitory after 12 o’clock at night. (not)
Students ______________________________ the dormitory after 12 o’clock at night.
10. It is impossible to use pencils in the writing exam. (not)
You ______________________________ pencils in writing exam.

* Adapted from MyGrammarLab Intermediate

A. Complete the paragraph below by choosing the correct word in the box. You may need to
change the form of the word.

qualification necessary useful degree entertain fluently value

Maybe you’ve just graduated from university or maybe you already work at a job that you hate. If you
are looking for your dream job, there are surely some _____________ tips you should know about.

 First, it is _____________ to identify your dream job. Your dream job could be something that
will ________________ you; always make you happy and keep your mood positive.
 The next step is to identify your personal _______________. These are your beliefs and ideas
that are very important to you.

 You should make sure that you have the right _______________ and skills to apply for the job.
Most companies seek employees with a university _______________ or someone who speaks
English _____________.

knowledge deal with prepare suggestion patiently

It is a good idea to talk to other professionals; get their ______________, guidance and support
because they already do your dream job. This will _______________ you for the difficulties of
the job and in the future you can ________________ the problems more easily and
 Do online research about the job to increase your ________________ about the latest
developments and changes.

interview available earn keen general

 Start applying for _________________ positions. These are positions that are open to
 Now, all you have to do is to get ready for the job _________________.
 Mostly, the employers ask the applicants _______________ questions like “Why are you
interested in this job?” or “Why do you want to work for this company?”.
 While answering these questions, show that you are _______________ on making a good
impression on the employer. In other words, you should show how excited and enthusiastic you
are about impressing the people who are interviewing you.
 And finally, avoid asking questions about how much money you will _______________ if you get
the job. This will give the impression that your only goal and ambition is money.

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