Solved MCQs

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Smart Guess & Test Papers

Student Name ______________________ Father Name ______________________ Roll Number _______

Class: 10th - English Marks : 54 Exam Format : Chapter Wise MCQs
Time : notespk.com_Nauman Sadaf | Date _________________ Examiner Sig __________ Chapter#: 0

MCQ's S/Q L/Q Total

Objective Type

1. Choose the correct form of verb. (1 x 54 = 54)

1) It ________ to rain an hour ago.
a) is begin b) begin c) began d) was being

2) You _________ rest since morning.

a) take b) have been taking c) has been taking d) taken

3) They buy _______ cards.

a) selling b) sold c) sell d) sells

4) Does she _______ tea?

a) liked b) like c) liking d) likes

5) Yesterday, the teacher was _________ with the students.

a) pleased b) pleasing c) please d) pleases

6) All the students had _______ their home work.

a) dose b) done c) do d) did

7) The horseman noticed a beggar _________ along the road.

a) limp b) limping c) limped d) limps

8) They ________ to Karachi tomorrow.

a) will leave b) shell leave c) leave d) leaves

9) Two man _________ over the horse.

a) fighting b) fight c) fought d) fights

10) Qazi _________ also present int he court.

a) were b) was c) be d) has

11) Qazi could not __________ the case.

a) decide b) deciding c) decided d) decides

12) He ________ the horse with a whip.

a) striking b) struck c) strike d) strikes

13) He had ________ in this house for five years.

a) lived b) lives c) live d) living

14) He _________ his prayers regularly.

a) say b) says c) saying d) said

15) She has _________ the table for tea.

a) lain b) lies c) lie d) laid

16) She ______ her daughter.

a) loved b) loves c) love d) loving

17) Have you _______ this poem?

a) reading b) read c) reads d) red

18) It has been _______ since morning.

a) raining b) rained c) rain d) rains

19) The culprit will be ________ soon.

a) arrest b) arrested c) arresting d) arrests

20) He _________ up the hill yesterday.

a) climbing b) climbed c) climb d) climbs

21) Good students always__________ hard.

a) work b) worked c) working d) works

22) I have _______ a new shirt.

a) bought b) buying c) buy d) buys

23) Is he not ______ to you?

a) listening b) listen c) was listen d) has listen

24) Make hey while the sun ________

a) shining b) shines c) shine d) shines

25) It will _______ as a best of burden.

a) use b) be used c) is use d) used

26) A few days before, they had __________ us.

a) met b) meeting c) meet d) mets

27) He has not __________ me since 1998.

a) see b) seen c) seeing d) saw

28) They ______ that the mission was dangerous.

a) know b) knew c) known d) knows

29) He was __________ the vacant post.

a) offered b) offering c) offer d) offers

30) I have not ______ that story.

a) forgotten b) forgetting c) forget d) forgets

31) Do not _________ this metal.

a) melt b) melting c) melt d) melts

32) He inquired whether i had ________- in Lahore.

a) lived b) live c) lives d) living

33) She has been ________ for the last two months.
a) waited b) waiting c) wait d) waits

34) He was ______down by a bus.

a) knocked b) knocking c) knock d) knocks

35) The thief was ______ by the neighbors.

a) caught b) catch c) catching d) catches

36) Have I ________ you before?

a) seeing b) seen c) see d) sees

37) Please _______ here.

a) came b) come c) coming d) comes

38) The patient had before the doctor_________.

a) reached b) reaching c) reach d) reaches

39) God helps those who ________ themselves.

a) help b) helping c) helped d) helps

40) Have you _________to him?

a) written b) wrote c) Write d) writes

41) Did you __________ him?

a) saw b) see c) seeing d) sees

42) They __________ tea everyday.

a) taking b) take c) taken d) takes

43) I __________ my country.

a) love b) loved c) loving d) loves

44) He _______ his lesson daily.

a) hears b) hear c) heard d) hears

45) She ________ her home work in the evening.

a) do b) does c) done d) did

46) She had left before the party __________

a) beginning b) began c) begin d) begins

47) Elephants __________

a) trumpeting b) trumpet c) trumpeted d) trumpets

48) Nobody __________ to know about it.

a) seems b) seem c) seemed d) seems

49) The colour of his eyes, __________ blue.

a) was b) is c) be d) has

50) Some students in the class ____________not done their work.

a) had b) have c) has d) are

51) Their _________ no one is the office now.

a) was b) be c) is d) are

52) She ____________ her daughter.

a) love b) loved c) loves d) loving

53) Good students always __________ hard.

a) working b) work c) worked d) works

54) I have _________ a new shirt.

a) buy b) bought c) buying d) buys

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