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ETS 2020

Bài tập điền từ vào phần nghe

Test 4 part 3
- Hello. I’m _____ room _____. I wanted to use the hotel’s _____ around seven this
morning, but my room key wouldn’t _____ to the pool.
- I’m sorry, but the pool’s only _____ between the _____ eight A.M. and eight P.M. If
you go between _____, your key should work.
- Hmm, I’m here _____, so I can only _____ early in the morning.
- Well, you’re _____ our fitness center. It’s on the second floor and it’s open _____.
- Great. That will a_____ me to exercise before work.

- Thanks for _____, Kenji. I wanted to _____ to see if our _____ is ready for the
_____. Any updates?
- Well, we always have a lot of _____ from customers with questions about _____.
This year we’ll be introducing something new – customers will be _____ _____ to a
holiday _____ to _____ their questions _____.
- I was thinking of _____ Peter and Maria, _____ they have a lot of experience. I’ll go
talk to them now.

- Hi. I’m _____ a room in my house. The _____ flooring’s scratched in places and I’d
like to _____. Do you have a product that I can use for that?
- We have _____ stains to repair scratched flooring, but for _____, I’d recommend the
Kilgore brand. Applied _____, Kilgore products _____.
- Ok, thanks. And how can I be sure the stain will _____ the floor color?
- Well, it _____ all the standard wood colors. I can give you some _____ to _____, so
you can check before you _____.

- Hello, I’m interested in the _____ services your firm _____. I own some _____, and
one of my _____ just _____ his coffee shop _____. I’m planning to buy it, but I want
to _____ in the _____.
- Of course. We have several _____ contract _____ on staff. Let me _____ for you to
come into the office this week to talk with one of our _____.
- Great. But _____ it be _____ to _____? I’ll be _____ in San Diego the next few days
for _____.

- Mariko, Kenichi – welcome to your first day of work at Willow Hospital. We’re glad
to have _____ _____ assistants like you join our staff. Today we’ll _____ hospital
_____ and _____. Any questions before we start?
- I have one. After today, will we need identification _____ to _____ the building?
- Yes. We’ll be _____ the security center later to get them.
- And is there a designated _____ for staff?
- Yes. _____ should use the West Parking Area only.
- Ok, thanks.

- Juan, sorry to _____ you, but there’s something wrong with the _____ for Eun-Hee’s
office and the meeting room next to it. Whenever you _____ one of the rooms, the
other one gets _____ too.
- Really? It should already be _____. Eun-Hee told me about it last week, so I had one
of my maintenance _____ change the wiring over the weekend.
- I was there this morning. Would you _____ to the meeting room now and _____?

- Hi, Laura. _____ the news? Our company ordered _____ desks for all of the
employees here. This way we can work either standing or sitting.
- I’m happy to hear that. I just read an _____ about adjustable desks. It said that _____
is good for people’s health.
- That’s right. Standing more often is _____ good for your back. I _____ when the
new desks will be _____.
- Let’s ask Min-Soo. He’s in _____ and he might know.
- Min-Soo. Laura and I _____ when the new standing desks will arrive?
- I _____ the delivery order. They _____ next week.

- Jian, I was on _____ and _____ the meeting _____. Could you tell me what I
- Sure. There was _____ about an _____ software update. The software that we use to
_____ orders from _____ will change _____ after next month.
- That’s soon! I wish I _____ to hear the information.
- I have a _____ of the _____ they showed at the meeting. I’ll _____ them to you.

- Indira, do you have the _____ from all our _____? Our meeting with Lian is in
- It’s not on Thursday?
- Lian sent a new meeting request _____. She had to _____ our meeting because she’s
- Oh no! I don’t have our sales information _____. I’ve been _____ my computer all
morning, so _____ is looking at it now. I can’t _____ the _____.
- Hmm, well, I’ll ask Lian if we can meet when she comes back.

- _____ your new position as video director! I was _____ to hear about that position.
Since we’re an art _____, I didn’t _____ we needed a video director.
- Thanks. I know; it’s a bit of an _____ position, isn’t it? But with _____ becoming
more popular, stores really need to have a large Internet _____. I’ll be _____ creating
how-to-videos that’ll be _____.
- That _____. And it sounds very interesting! What’s your _____?
- Well, we’ve just _____ the first video on how to make your _____ beaded _____.
It’s on our Web site. Actually, could you tell me what you think of it?
- Excuse me. Do you _____ at the mall?
- Yes, I’m _____ here. How can I help you?
- Well, I’m looking for the _____. I need to return _____ I bought online.
- Sure. Let’s look at _____. Ok, we’re here, next to The Blue Hut. Just _____ the
fountain. The shoe store is right _____ the food court.
- Ok. Thank you.
- Also, the mall is closing in about _____, so just be _____ the time.
- I will. Thanks for the _____.

- Good morning, welcome to the Grafton _____. How can I help you?
- I’ll take one _____ ticket, please. I’m here in the city _____. I thought I’d stop by
before my meetings to see your _____ collection.
- Ok. That’ll be _____.
- Hmm…I thought it would be more… Oh, I see.
- Right. And if you’re interested, we have _____ talking about art _____ in the
auditorium. It’s just about to start.
- Great, I’ll go there now. Where’s the auditorium?
- It’s just at the end of this _____.

- Lena, do you _____? Remember how we _____ creating an _____ course for the
new _____ software?
- Yes, _____ our real estate _____ will learn how to use it quickly.
- So, I found a company that can _____ design the course for us – here’s their design
- Ok, but how can we be sure it’ll be _____ what _____?
- They won’t _____ us _____ until we’ve _____ the prototype version. I can show you
more if you have time.
- I’d like that. But not now, I have to _____ the _____ of that _____ property on Pine
Street in ten minutes.

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