Accomplishment Report On Women's Month Celebration

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1ST Quarter GAD Accomplishment Report (Women's Month Celebration)


The Women's Month celebration was conducted from March 1-31, 2023, with the
theme "WE for Gender Equality and Inclusive Society!" It was a month-long event
that aimed to highlight the importance of women in society and their contribution to
the community. The event featured various activities that engaged and celebrated the
women of our community.

Activity 1: Hanging of the National Women’s Month Banner

Activity 2: Social Media Campaign

To reach a wider audience, a social media campaign was also conducted

throughout the month. The campaign featured the different activities of the Women's
Month celebration, along with inspiring messages and quotes about women's
empowerment. The campaign was able to reach thousands of people, and it received
positive feedback from the community.

Activity 3: Purple Wednesdays

Activity 4: Poster Making Contest

The Poster Making Contest was held on March 20, 2023, and it aimed to
showcase the creativity and artistic skills of the women in our community. The
participants were given the theme "Women's Empowerment," and they were able to
create visually stunning and meaningful posters. The winner of the contest received a
cash prize, and the posters were displayed in the community center for everyone to see.

Activity 5: Slogan Making Contest

The Slogan Making Contest was held on March 28, 2023, and it aimed to
encourage the participants to come up with a catchy and inspiring slogan that would
represent the Women's Month celebration. The winner's slogan was used in all the
promotional materials for the event.
Activity 6: Photo Appreciation for Mothers

The Photo Appreciation activity was held on March 29, 2023, and it aimed to
celebrate the mothers in our community. The participants were asked to submit their
favorite photo with their mothers, along with a short message about why they
appreciate their mothers. The photos were displayed on a bulletin board in the
community center, and the participants were given tokens of appreciation.

Activity 7: Poem Recitation

Activity 8: ZUMBA

One of the highlights of the School-Based Women’s Month celebration was the
Zumba activity, which was held on March 31, 2023. The activity was participated by
more than 100 women who enjoyed dancing and exercising together. The participants
were able to bond and have fun while staying fit and healthy.


Another exciting activity was the cooking contest for mothers, which was held on
March 31, 2023. The contest aimed to showcase the culinary skills of the mothers in the
community. There were 14 participants, and each of them presented their best Pinoy
Merienda dish which is the Ginataan. The judges evaluated the dishes based on taste,
presentation, and creativity. The winners received a prize and were given certificates of

The Women's Month celebration was a huge success, and it was able to engage
and celebrate the women of our community. The different activities showcased the skills,
talents, and creativity of the women, and it emphasized their importance in society. The
event also promoted women's empowerment, and it encouraged everyone to support
and empower the women in our community.

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