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Naval War College Review

Volume 65
Article 16
Number 4 Autumn


Sun Tzu and the Art of Business: Six Strategic

Principles for Managers
Judy Malana

Mark R. McNeilly

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Recommended Citation
Malana, Judy and McNeilly, Mark R. (2012) "Sun Tzu and the Art of Business: Six Strategic Principles for Managers," Naval War
College Review: Vol. 65 : No. 4 , Article 16.
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Malana and McNeilly: Sun Tzu and the Art of Business: Six Strategic Principles for Man BOOK REVIEWS 155

and modern commerce. For example,

battlefield victory is likened to mar-
ket share and industry dominance. In
McNeilly, Mark R. Sun Tzu and the Art of Busi-
order to validate his points, the author
ness: Six Strategic Principles for Managers. New
York: Oxford Univ. Press, 2012. 330pp. $19.95
juxtaposes numerous business case
studies with military history. While
Two millennia ago, the original author certainly engaging, some of the paral-
of Sun Tzu’s Art of War presumably lels seem oversimplified and lacking
never intended the work to be ap- in critical analysis. The inclusion of so
plied to the twenty-first-century global many case studies tends to minimize
marketplace. However, Mark McNeilly the complexities of each one, and when
has taken the liberty of doing so. In a taken out of context, the case studies
novel approach, he has compiled a list become almost trivialized. There is also
of strategic concepts derived from the little discussion on risk assessment or
ancient military strategist and translated how one’s enemy or competitor may
them into a lexicon for modern cor- react to each of the principles outlined.
porate capitalists. Sun Tzu and the Art
For those who want a simple approach
of Business is a guidebook for business
to applying military strategy to the
managers looking to increase profit-
competitive marketplace, this book
ability for the sake of their companies
achieves that objective. It is an enjoy-
and their employees. The book was
able and quick read, written in a style
originally published in 1996 but has
that is brisk and easy to follow. Included
been revised to address the influence of
is a practical section designed to help
globalization, the increased use of the
readers develop and apply a business
Internet, the increase in cooperative al-
approach. What readers may find espe-
liances, and the economic rise of China.
cially helpful is the inclusion of Samuel
McNeilly, a former infantry officer and B. Griffith’s translation of Sun Tzu’s
corporate strategist, derives six prin- The Art of War and a list of references
ciples from Sun Tzu’s philosophy that, for further study. Overall, this work
if followed, will yield business success. may appeal more to a general audience
The prescriptive list consists of winning than to serious students of strategy.
without fighting—capturing your market
without destroying it; avoiding strength,
Naval War College
attacking weakness—striking where
they least expect it; employing decep-
tion and foreknowledge—maximizing
the power of market information; using
speed and preparation—moving swiftly
Wiarda, Howard. Military Brass vs. Civilian Aca-
to overcome your competitors; shaping
demics at the National War College: A Clash of
your opponent—employing strategy to Cultures. Lanham, Md.: Lexington Books, 2011.
master your opponent; and displaying 176pp. $60
character-based leadership—providing
Howard Wiarda’s memoir of his time at
effective leadership in turbulent times.
the National War College is a star-
McNeilly assumes there are natural tling book. During nearly a decade of
parallels between ancient warfare teaching in the professional military

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