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* Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.

* This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the
* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
* @flow strict-local

import {enableLogger} from 'react-devtools-feature-flags';

export type LoggerEvent =

| {
+event_name: 'loaded-dev-tools',
| {
+event_name: 'error',
+error_message: string | null,
+error_stack: string | null,
+error_component_stack: string | null,
| {
+event_name: 'selected-components-tab',
| {
+event_name: 'selected-profiler-tab',
| {
+event_name: 'load-hook-names',
+event_status: 'success' | 'error' | 'timeout' | 'unknown',
+duration_ms: number,
+inspected_element_display_name: string | null,
+inspected_element_number_of_hooks: number | null,
| {
+event_name: 'select-element',
+metadata: {
+source: string,
| {
+event_name: 'inspect-element-button-clicked',
| {
+event_name: 'profiling-start',
+metadata: {
+current_tab: string,
| {
+event_name: 'profiler-tab-changed',
+metadata: {
+tabId: string,
| {
+event_name: 'settings-changed',
+metadata: {
+key: string,
+value: any,

export type LogFunction = LoggerEvent => void | Promise<void>;

let logFunctions: Array<LogFunction> = [];

export const logEvent: LogFunction =
enableLogger === true
? function logEvent(event: LoggerEvent): void {
logFunctions.forEach(log => {
: function logEvent() {};

export const registerEventLogger: (logFunction: LogFunction) => () => void =

enableLogger === true
? function registerEventLogger(logFunction: LogFunction): () => void {
if (enableLogger) {
return function unregisterEventLogger() {
logFunctions = logFunctions.filter(log => log !== logFunction);
return () => {};
: function registerEventLogger(logFunction: LogFunction) {
return () => {};

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