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GREAT EMPHASIS has always been placed The Russian Air Force's latest standard Il-22 Coot-B, RA-75909,

75909, was a surprise 'exhibit' at the recent air

on the Command and Control of Russia's show at Akhtubinsk, celebrating 80 years of flying at this, Russia's most important test base. Clearly visible
armed forces, particularly in times of are the three new large hockey stick antennas mounted above and below the fuselage and an array of two,
conflict involving the potential threat of the use
possibly three tubular antennas on the fuselage centreline, aft of the nosewheel bay. SERGEI SERGEYEV
of nuclear weapons. As in the West, the idea of
using an aircraft as a mobile Command Post Electronic Countermeasures (ECM). Such ECM that traditionally the Soviet Union lagged
first arose in the former USSR in the second could be in the form of jamming the enemy's behind the West in the e l e c t r o n i c s f i e l d .
half of the 1950s when large capacity, long- lines of c o m m u n i c a t i o n , as well as radio Consequently, the realisation of various Airborne
range passenger and transport aircraft began to intercept of c o m m u n i c a t i o n s between an Command Post (ACP) projects in the former
appear on the scene. airborne command post and ground authorities. USSR only became possible in the mid-1960s,
Clearly, line of sight and HF radio Against this background, the installed when Russian electronics technology had
communications would be the sole means of c o m m u n i c a t i o n s e q u i p m e n t had to be matured sufficiently, and development of a
contact between command authorities on board sufficiently light, have low power consumption suitable platform was only able to commence at
an aircraft and their subordinate units on the and r e q u i r e minimum levels of s e r v i c i n g the end of that decade.
ground. It was essential, therefore, not only to personnel. Taking all these requirements and
maintain reliable two-way communications circumstances into consideration, Soviet Cub, Cat or Coot?
regardless of the mutual positions of aircraft designers of an Airborne Command Post (ACP) The main task facing the designers of the first-
and receivers on the ground, but also to take communications suite were faced with a very generation Soviet Airborne Command Post was
into consideration the possibility, or indeed, the complex task. the selection of a suitable airframe, which had
i n e v i t a b i l i t y of extensive enemy use of The main difficulty was caused by the fact to possess not only long flight endurance and
high reliability, but also sufficient space to
house the n e c e s s a r y command crew and
servicing personnel for the system.
Additionally, it had to have a high level of
compatibility with equipment to be found at its
deployed operating bases and be capable of
extensive autonomous operations away from its
home airfield. It also had to have low operating
The huge territorial expanse of the former
USSR also determined that the selected aircraft
The first service version of the Il-22 was known as the Bizon by the Air Force and was distinguish-
for the ACP task had to possess a range of at
able by the almost 65ft (20m) long tubular fairing of the prototype along the fuselage centreline. least 2,160-2,700nm (4,000-5,000km), to
The length of this fairing is consistent with it housing a real aperture sideways looking radar anten- provide a realistic on-task capability. Analysis
na. If allied to a short wavelength transmission frequency, this length of antenna would offer very of the flight performance of a range of aircraft in
fine resolution in azimuth at short range. However, there has been no confirmation that this was service in the USSR at the time led to the
ever the function of the device. YEFIM GORDON selection and modification, as was the case in

62 December 2000
all ll-22s retained the Il-18 designation painted
on the forward fuselage in order to 'blend in'
with standard Aeroflot Coofs.
From the outset, it was decided that several
variants of the ACP would be built, having the
same basic equipment, but furnished with
additional specialised installations depending
upon the actual task that the aircraft was to
perform. These various ACP versions were
intended for operation by specific arms of
service within the former Soviet Union's armed
forces structure.
As the basic airframe for the strategic ACP, the
II-18D (Dalnii/Long Range) was chosen on the
basis of its long endurance and range. In
service, the aircraft was to achieve a range
performance of around 3,850 miles (6,200km)
and an endurance of ten hours, making round-
the-clock operations quite feasible with three
aircraft in any given theatre.
D u r i n g d e v e l o p m e n t of the ACP by the
Myasishchev design team, the aircraft received
the code name II-18D-36 (where 36 referred to
the Myasishchev design project or product
number). The external appearance of the
aircraft was slightly changed from the standard
airliner, mainly as a result of the addition of a
large number of transmitting and receiving
antennas, covering a broad spectrum of the
radio bands. Below the fuselage, on the
centreline, other antennas were mounted in a
long hemispherical di-electric housing and a
long bullet fairing was mounted on top of the
fin. Comfortable workstations for the mission
commander, his subordinates and mission
equipment specialists were installed in place of
the standard passenger seats.
The workstations were designed to provide a
the USA, of an existing civil airliner design. the Experimental Machine Building Plant comfortable working environment both during
This led to economies in financial resources (EhMZ), headed by famous strategic bomber long operational flights and on the ground,
allocated to the programme, c o n s i d e r a b l e designer, Vladimir Myasishchev. The official when required to operate in this mode. Apart
saving in development time and simplified explanation for this was that llyushin was from a plethora of radio communications
operation of the ACP at c i v i l and military already heavily committed to strategically equipment and a satellite navigation system,
airfields where the basic aircraft type was important tasks such as the development of the the aircraft was also equipped with a multi-
already being used. Il-76 Candid freighter and upgrade work on the channel encryption and decryption system, as
The criterion of long flight endurance for the Il-38 May ASW aircraft. well as an on-board computer for the analysis
ACP led inevitably to the selection of only two and storage of information. The precise internal
main contenders for the role of the Soviet The choice is made layout of the aircraft has never been revealed,
Union's first Airborne Command Post. These The decision to proceed with the development but it is known that there is a 'war-room' on
two aircraft were the llyushin Il-18 Coot and of an airborne command post based on the II- board to facilitate execution of battle plans.
A n t o n o v An-10 Cat, both e q u i p p e d w i t h 18 airframe was taken following the issue of The majority of the special role equipment was
pressurised cabins. (The widely used and joint Directive No.603-215 of the Communist i n s t a l l e d in the u n d e r - f l o o r baggage
potentially more suitable An-12 Cub did not Party Central Committee and the Council of compartments. This early Soviet Airborne
have a sufficiently large pressure cabin.) The Ministers, on August 7, 1968. This was further Command Post was also equipped with an
An-10 possessed certain advantages as a endorsed by Ministry of Aircraft Production Electronic Countermeasures (ECM) suite and
c o n s e q u e n c e of the fact that many of its Order No.312 issued on September 6 of the radar warning receiver (RWR) equipment.
components had commonality with those of the same year. The selected design was later to To facilitate use of the Il-22 from unprepared
An-12, but the Il-18 had the greatest range receive the designation Il-22 Coot-B, although grass strips and to avert possible damage to the
performance and, as it transpired later, had
none of the design defects which effectively put
an end to the service career of the An-10.
Apart from this, two major modifications of the
Il-18 had already entered military service, as
the Il-38 May Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW)
variant and the Il-20 Coot-A Signals Intelligence
(SIGINT) aircraft. This greatly improved the
chances for an ACP based on this design, to be
based at airfields in the north and far east of
the USSR, where joint deployment of the three
types would have mutual operational benefits.
It is interesting that the Soviet Government
and the Ministry of Aircraft Production did not
choose the llyushin 0KB itself to be the design The prototype of the Il-22 differed noticeably from the standard Il-18 airliner by the addition of the
authority for conversion of the Il-18 into an very long tubular under-fuselage fairing and a profusion of aerials on the top of the cockpit and
Airborne Command Post. Instead they chose cabin area. The cigar-shaped fairing at the fin tip is also characteristic of the type. PIOTR BUTOWSKI 63
under-fuselage antennas from debris thrown up
by the nose wheels, they were fitted with
special mud flaps covering the rear part of the
wheel assembly. However, there is no recorded
use of the aircraft from unprepared surfaces
during service operations.
The Il-22 also has a TA-6 auxiliary power unit
to supply electrical power to the many items of
equipment which can be used when the aircraft
is on the ground. This APU is similar to that
used on the Il-62, Il-76 and Tu-154 and
replaced the original TG-16 unit, which was
unsuitable for the increased electrical load
requirement of the Il-22. The Coot-B also had
Previously operated in support of the Commander of the Western Group of Forces and based at
a special egress system, with a slipstream
deflector in front of the port rear entry door, Sperenberg in the former East Germany, II-22M Zebra RA-75913 was photographed at Chkalovskaya AB
which was designed to be used by the rear in the summer of 1999. It is possible to appreciate from this view the extensive range of communica-
crew when abandoning the aircraft in an tions antennas required by an airborne command post, for its LVHF, V/UHF and HF radios. YEFIM GORDON
emergency. It was later acknowledged that with entirely new mission avionics, where the assigned to the General Staff of the Soviet
successful egress of the entire rear crew suffix U possibly relates to its overall command Armed Forces and the Commanders-in-Chief of
through the one exit was virtually impossible and control function (Upravleniye in Russian). the Strategic Rocket Forces, the Ground Forces,
and the bulky hydraulic rams and fairings for The design and external appearance of the II- the Homeland Air Defence organisation (PVO),
the deflector were replaced by a standard door. 22M Zebra exhibited a number of small the Soviet Air Force and the Navy. Numbers
changes over the preceding model; the lower allocated to each branch of service varied,
Bizon and Zebras centre fuselage antenna housing was reduced in possibly as a function of status in the military
The first two converted II-18D-36 test-bed length and hockey stick antennas were now not hierarchy, but the precise distribution is not
airframes were completed in 1970-1971. At only installed on the upper fuselage, but also on known.
the same time, State Acceptance Trials of the the rear underside of the fuselage. The main operating base of the strategically
communications elements of the Airborne assigned ll-22s was, and still is, Moscow-
Command Post system began. The leading test An essential military tool C h k a l o v s k a y a and the a i r c r a f t are the
pilot for the programme was Kir Vladimirovich Military demands and appreciation of the responsibility of the 8th Special Purpose Air
Chernobrovkin, who was later killed, (in 1978), command and control capabilities of the first Division (8-aya Aviatsionnaya Diviziya Osobovo
during a tragic unplanned take-off at Kumertau Russian Airborne Command Post turned out to Naznacheniya). At the more 'tactical' end of
in the first prototype M-17 Mystic high-altitude be greater than expected, to the extent that the strategic operations, single ll-22s were assigned
research aircraft. initial low volume production by the 'Znamya to the Commanders of Military Districts in the
After completion of the State Trials in 1974, Truda' plant had to be supplemented by a former Soviet Union, as well as the
the II-18D-36 was put into production with the number of airframes converted from civilian II- Commanders of the Northern Group of Forces
designation Il-22 (regardless of the fact that the 18s. At the beginning of the 1980s, the at Legnica in Poland and the Western Group of
a i r c r a f t was built by a t o t a l l y different Moscow plant was heavily engaged in the Forces at Sperenberg in the former East
manufacturer from the original) and accepted manufacture of MiG-23 Floggers and was Germany.
for operational use with the Soviet Armed preparing for the introduction of the MiG-29 Other ll-22s are known to have operated from
Forces. In military service the aircraft received Fulcrum. Consequently, aircraft earmarked for Baku, Irkutsk and Khabarovsk. Occasionally an
another code name - Bizon (Bison) - not to be conversion into ACPs underwent airframe Il-22 would also fly in to Moscow-Kubinka and
confused with the Myasishchev M4 and 3M modification at the 'Znamya Truda' factory and remain there for some time without flying. Often
bomber designs, which were given the were then transferred to Zhukovsky, where the these aircraft were only used as VIP transport, to
completely unrelated NATO code name Bison. Myasishchev design team was based. The fly senior officers into Afghanistan or Chechnya,
Series produced ll-22s were manufactured at entire communications installation was then for example, rather than for command and
the same factory as the standard civil ll-18s, at completed by EhMZ personnel at Zhukovsky. control and this practice continues today. Apart
Moscow's 'Znamya Truda' plant, today one of Manufacture of ll-22s of all versions continued from this, after the II-18SIP (Samolyotnyy
the RSK-MiG factories. After a while, the Il-22 until the mid-1980s and in total more than 30 Izmerityel'nyy Punkt/Airborne Telemetry System)
( A r t i c l e 36 or Bizon) gave way to series aircraft were built from new or converted from space-tracking aircraft were withdrawn from
production of the II-22M (Article 40 or Zebra), civil airframes. All carried civil registrations in service, the task was handed over to the Il-22/Il-
which was a modification of the original design the series CCCP-75895 to CCCP-75929, 22M ACPs.
with a different equipment installation. At least although there were some inexplicable gaps in The most recent exercise in which the Il-22
one modified version of the aircraft was known the sequence. They were painted in the took part was a Long-Range Air Force event
as the II-22M-11 Zebra and also reported as II- standard 1970s-era Aeroflot colours when they held on September 17, 1999. On that day, a
18M-11 Zebra. There are indications that this entered service and c a r r i e d the normal pair of Tu-95MS-6 Bear-Hs of the 326th Heavy
variant was developed in 1977 under Project designation Il-18 on the nose, as mentioned Bomber Division, operating out of Anadyr
11U, dealing with airborne command posts earlier. Originally, II-22/22M Coot-Bs were (Chukotka) took off on a mission taking them to
the neutral waters of the Pacific Ocean. A
second pair of Bear-Hs took off from Tiksi and
flew over the North Pole towards the Canadian
coast. Both groups of aircraft were controlled
and co-ordinated from an Il-22 Coot-B orbiting
in the region of Kamchatka. It is believed that
the communications suite of the Il-22 is
operated by a team of six specialist personnel,
working on behalf of the embarked commander.

Enter the big jets

Midway through the 1980s, the former Soviet
The Il-76 can scarcely be described as an elegant design, but the addition of the numerous bulges Union initiated work on the design and
and aerials which have turned it into the Il-80 have clearly robbed it of what grace it did have! construction of a new generation of Airborne
There is little doubt, however, that this reliable and capacious transport is an ideal basis for the Command Posts. Two types of aircraft were
specialised electronic role it was designed to perform. YEFIM GORDON once again selected as the platform for the

64 December 2000
Airborne Command Post System - the Il-76
Candid freighter and the wide f u s e l a g e
passenger liner- Il-86 Camber.
Unlike the selection process for the first
generation ABNCP, both contenders for the
follow-on type were selected to be built. The
first, based on the Il-76, was designated Il-80
and two airframes were completed, initially
registered CCCP-76450 and -76451. The
second a i r c r a f t , based on the Il-86, was
designated Il-82 and the four airframes built
received the registrations CCCP-86146, -
86147, -86148 and -86149 respectively.
Both types made their first appearance in the
This interesting study of one of the four Il-82 Maxdomes in landing configuration provides some
second half of the 1980s. (It should be noted
additional detail of the aircraft's external layout. The faired housing for the retracted stabilising
that the designations Il-80 and Il-82 have in
the past been applied to the wrong airframes by cone of the VLF communications system can be seen on the rear fuselage just ahead of the
a succession of authors - the designations used tailplane. The two podded containers between the engines and the fuselage house auxiliary power
in this article are correct and are confirmed by generation equipment for the extensive communications suite on this aircraft. VIKTOR DRUSHLYAKOV
the llyushin Design Bureau.) Of interest is the SATCOM antenna, as on the Il-82. The glazing command and control coverage for Russian
fact that only the Il-82 received a new standard of the navigator's station is faired over with military operations.
NATO c o d e - n a m e , d e v i s e d by the A i r metal panels and the undercarriage fairings are In contrast, the newer ACPs scarcely ever take
Standardisation Co-ordination Committee. also taken from the A-50, the front sections are to the air. It is possible, therefore, that
A s s i g n e d the name Maxdome, this w a s noticeably deeper and wider and each fairing derivative versions of the Il-22 will continue in
probably also the last use of this naming has two round air intakes of different sizes. service for many more years yet. During their
system for Russian aircraft, effectively marking These elongated fairings house additional power operational careers the 'Bizon' and 'Zebra' have
the end of the 'Soviet watching' era. generating equipment, allegedly based on been progressively upgraded and the original
As a consequence of the lack of appropriate converted Ivchenko AI-24 turbine engines. communications and electronic suites have
modern technology at the time, the They also house electronic equipment, which been replaced by more modern systems. The
development teams working on these aircraft has resulted in the aircraft's standard APU latest variant of the Il-22, which underwent a
have had to overcome huge difficulties in being moved to the left rear side of the fairing modification programme at Zhukovsky, carried
creating new communications and electronic with the air intake mounted above, as on the A- out by Myasishchev personnel and handed over
equipment for the second generation ACP. 50. to the military in the spring of 1998, does not
Because of this, the entire process of testing the On the sides of the rear loading ramp of the II- have the long under-fuselage centreline antenna
new ACP complex has been considerably 80 there are two large blade aerials. Under the housing. It does, however, have two new large
protracted. For example, the first completed outer wing panels of the aircraft there are two hockey stick antennas on the upper fuselage
experimental Il-82, sometimes also known as short pylons on which are mounted two cigar- and a s i m i l a r antenna on the starboard
the II-86VPU (Vozdushny Punkt shaped containers housing forward protruding underside of the fuselage, just ahead of the
Upravlyeniya/Airborne Command Post), had to HF rod antennas. On the central door section wing leading edge. This aircraft carries the civil
commence flight tests without its special role of the rear loading ramp there is a drum registration RA-75909, but as yet it has not
equipment being installed. The flight tests were housing for a Very Low Frequency (VLF) wire received a separate identifying name like
conducted out of Zhukovsky and Chkalovskaya antenna, which is reeled out with a stabilising the earlier examples.
under the supervision of, and with the active cone attached to the end. The 3 mile (5km)
participation of military test pilot, Colonel long antenna permits communication with
Anatoly Andronov, Head of Transport Aircraft submersed submarines over thousands of miles.
Flight Testing at the Air Force S c i e n t i f i c The drum is a c t u a l l y situated within the
Research Institute. fuselage and only the fairing and partially
According to some specialists, the Il-82 was retracted cone is visible from outside. An
conceived as the equivalent of the United antenna with a similar function is used on the
States Government Boeing E-4B, to become the Il-82 (II-86VPU), but is mounted on the left-
former Soviet Union's own National Emergency hand side of the rear fuselage. Both types of
C om m and Post. The Il-80 would then second generation Airborne Command Posts are
complement the long-range communications painted in standard Aeroflot colours and carry
performance of the Maxdome by acting as an the designations II-76MD and Il-86
airborne radio relay aircraft, a role which has respectively, in the normal position on the nose
always been regarded as pivotal in Russian of the aircraft.
military air operations.
Life extension for Il-22?
Worldwide communications It was not possible to carry out the full range of
As already mentioned previously, two II-76MD acceptance tests with the Il-80 and Il-82 ACPs
airframes were converted into Il-80 ACPs, on because of the introduction of 'perestroika'
the special authority of the Ministry of Defence measures and the subsequent collapse of the
of the former USSR. Sometimes these aircraft Soviet Union. For a long time the aircraft were
are also known as II-76SK (Spetsial'ny based at Zhukovsky, and parked within the
Komandnyy/Special Command aircraft) and are Flight Test Institute area of the airfield, where
known by the airframe manufacturer, TAPO, as they were first seen publicly by the thousands
'Radio-relay aircraft 65S324'. Part of the of spectators who visited the Moscow Air Show
equipment of the Il-80 has commonality with in 1992 and 1993. Later, they were moved to
A close-up view of the rear fuselage of the II-
that of the Il-82 (II-86VPU) whereas other Chkalovskaya airfield just outside Moscow,
80 showing the position of the retracted stabil-
elements s h a r e c o m m o n a l i t y with the where they are still based today. This airfield is
Ilyushin/Beriev A-50 Mainstay-B AWACS. the central base for all Russian Airborne ising cone of the VLF antenna between the two
Externally, the Il-80 is very distinctive - the Command Posts. massive blade aerials. Note also the addition-
entire upper forward fuselage from the cockpit As it turns out, the operating costs of the Il-80 al cooling vents in the vicinity of these aerials,
to the wing carry-through fairing - is covered by and Il-82 are substantially higher than for the indicative of localised heat generation by
a huge upturned boat-shaped housing for the II-22/II-22M, so the latter continue to provide equipment in this area. PIOTR BUTOWSKI 65

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