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1 Submit your assignment at the administrative counter.

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1 Version 3 EC 2017- Oct
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7 You must obtain 50% overall to pass this module.

Name: Aaron Yie Chern Yuan

TP Number: TP059057

Intake: APD2F2206SE

2 Version 3 EC 2017- Oct

Executive Summary

An innovative and creative development called AIGO mobile application is a new

technology designed to ensure women's personal safety and provide peace of mind at all times.
The features of application provided includes safety route planner, AR navigation, trace last
location and nearby place. Besides that, the technologies used to develop the application
including Maps API, Crime Rate Data API, Geolocation API, Routing Algorithm, Database,
Augmented Reality SDK, Voice Recognition API, Crowdsourced Data API, and Push
Notification API. Furthermore, Here Technologies and Huawei has been selected as the
competitor analysis of this report. The uniqueness, limitations, and technologies used of the
competitor’s products will be discuss in the following section. Furthermore, the idea generation
tools and techniques used to propose the new idea which are mind mapping and SCAMPER. In
addition, the idea evaluation tools and techniques used to evaluate the product including
evaluation matrix and SWOT analysis. Overall, the AIGO mobile application represents a
significant advance in technology for women's personal safety and has the potential to become a
valuable tool for women to feel secure and protected at all times. The application is easy to use
and highly accessible, making it a valuable resource for women everywhere.

3 Version 3 EC 2017- Oct

Table of Contents
Part 1________________________________________________________________________5

1.1 Introduction___________________________________________________________5

1.2 Problem Statement______________________________________________________6

1.3 Objective Statement_____________________________________________________7

Part 2________________________________________________________________________8

2.1 Idea Generation________________________________________________________8

2.1.1 Mind Mapping________________________________________________________8
2.1.2 SCAMPER__________________________________________________________10

Part 3_______________________________________________________________________12

3.1 Competitor Analysis____________________________________________________12

3.1.1 Common attributes___________________________________________________13

3.2 Product Concept Description____________________________________________15

3.2.1 Features____________________________________________________________19
3.2.2 Functions___________________________________________________________19
3.2.3 Technologies________________________________________________________19

Part 4_______________________________________________________________________21

4.1 Market Identification___________________________________________________21

Part 5_______________________________________________________________________22

5.1 Idea Evaluation________________________________________________________22

5.1.1 SWOT Analysis______________________________________________________22
5.1.2 Evaluation Matrix____________________________________________________23

Part 6_______________________________________________________________________24

6.1 Survey Forms_________________________________________________________24




4 Version 3 EC 2017- Oct

Part 1

1.1 Introduction

As the software development manager for an information technology consulting business,

it was my responsibility to figure out how to assist the business's consumer products or services
stay ahead of the competitive trend. In addition, the approach has to be commercially viable and
feasible in the next five years. Moreover, the suggested solution should aid users with their
regular requirements, operations, and responsibilities, as well as have relevance to women
empowerment in the contemporary age. Moovit Inc will be presented with the suggested
solutions after substantial study has been conducted to identify and isolate the underlying causes
of their problems.

As the inventor of the most popular urban transportation application, Moovit Inc is a
frontrunner among MaaS solution providers. By merging all of the available choices for real-time
travel planning and payment in a dedicated app, Moovit Inc enables users all over the world to
reach their destination in the smoothest and most convenient manner possible. The mobile
application available on iOS, Android, and the Website platform. It was first introduced in 2012,
and it currently serves over 1.5 billion people in over 3,500 cities across 112 countries.
Furthermore, Moovit Inc collects as much as six billion data points every day from anonymous
users to contribute to the biggest database of its kind, which focuses on urban transportation.
Moovit Inc provides artificial intelligence powered MaaS solutions for governments, cities,
transit agencies, and private organisations, with demonstrated benefit in alleviating congestion,
expanding ridership, and maximising efficiency and asset usage (Moovit, 2022). Moovit Inc
makes a concentrated effort to preserve their position in the market among other competitors by
catching up with emerging technology as well as introducing innovative and creative
products and services. Meanwhile, Moovit Inc will prioritise the term of women empowerment
while developing new technologies so that women in the civilized era may utilise these
innovations to overcome the challenges which they encounter.

5 Version 3 EC 2017- Oct

1.2 Problem Statement
The single mom at home may face difficulties in dealing with technical issues as she may
not have the required technical knowledge to solve them. They do not have the technical
knowledge to deal with because there’s a possibility that previously was the husband will settle
the technical stuff at home. Without the knowledge, single mom feel stress and this will lead to
frustration and time wastage.

Time constraints: Being a single mom, she may not have extra time to spend on
troubleshooting technical issues due to working alone to support the whole family. The burden to
earn more money lead to the need of working overtime. If they force themselves to solve the
technical issue that they have to learn from scratch, this can result in delays in completing tasks
or even missing important deadlines.

Difficulty in accessing technical support for the single mom because they may not know
who to reach out to for technical support. She may feel overwhelmed or intimidated by the
technical service system and may not know where to begin seeking assistance. This can lead to a
lack of resolution for technical problems and can result in more frustration and stress for her.

1.3 Objective Statement

Hence, the new creative and innovative technology that has been presented makes it possible
to guarantee the personal safety of women, allowing them more confidence when going out
without anxiety of being stalked, sexually harassed or any others kind of crime. Women are able
to be respected and treated equally so that they may take advantage of the same opportunities,
rights, and responsibilities in all aspects of life as well as eliminate the violence that is committed
against women to make the communities safer and healthier.

6 Version 3 EC 2017- Oct

Part 2

2.1 Idea Generation

An idea is any notion of a feasible means of accomplishing a desired end result or plan of
action. Ideas may have tangible or intangible forms. Idea generation is the process of coming up
with new ideas or concepts, and it's important for manifesting abstract thoughts. This is also
known as the "ideation" stage. To generate ideas, a group must first generate a large number of
ideas, then figure out how to implement those ideas, and then apply those implementations to
pratical scenarios (Hartin, 2022).

2.1.1 Mind Mapping

It is possible to create an understandable framework around a key idea with the use of a
diagram called a mind map, which uses a non-linear graphical arrangement to depict actions,
words, notions, or items linked and grouped around that idea. The principle of "radiant thinking,"
in which ideas branch out from a central concept represented visually, is central to the mind
mapping process. The branches both originate from and return to the main concept. There's no
denying that mind mapping's benefits are considerable: the technique may aid in the development
of novel approaches to resolving issues, the enhancement of memory retention, the development
of fruitful group brainstorming, and the consequential increase in output (DeBara, 2021).

Figure 1 shown the mind mapping of the proposed suggestion.

7 Version 3 EC 2017- Oct

Based on the mind mapping mentioned above, the idea of safety route planner is
generated in order to gather resources and map real-time data from target users, and it will plot a
short distance and secure route for them to avoid passing through dark, sparsely populated, and
cramped areas as well as to prevent targeted by a series of crime including sexual harassed,
stalked, robbed, etc. The safeguarding flow will trigger for users while navigated in real-time and
will receive alerts if they are not following a planned route or fouled. In addition, the idea of AR
navigation is generated for users to move freely without impediments, and travel in live is
seamless because real-time interaction with the reality environment as well as the output will be
more detailed and accurate. Furthermore, the idea of trace last location is generated in order to
provide real-time location updates and allows emergency contact person including family,
friends, spouse, or others to easily find the user's location during an emergency once they allow
them to send the last location to them. Last but not least, the concept of nearby place is conceived
in order to enable users to locate nearby facilities, such as police stations, hospitals, shopping
malls, etc. to obtain any kind of assistance when they experience feelings of anxiety and
discomfort while they are waiting for a taxi or travelling alone on the street including found to be
stalked by stalker.

8 Version 3 EC 2017- Oct


The SCAMPER technique encourages seven distinct sorts of questioning to better

understand how current products, services, challenges, and ideas may be innovated upon and
improved. SCAMPER is able to assist teams in generating new ideas for products, processes,
services, and more by pushing them to consider ways in which they might enhance the current
ones. This method is extremely beneficial for coming up with concepts for the creation of new
products (Hanks, 2017).

Substitute Instead of using a traditional navigation system where users search

for a route and navigated to their desired destinations, AR
navigation is generated to allows users to see virtual objects and
information overlaid on the real world through their device's
camera to provide a more immersive and interactive experience as
well as provide more reliable and accurate navigation information.

Combine The current function of navigation has combined with the artificial
intelligence algorithms to gather users’ resources and real time
map data in order to plan a short distance and safer route for users
to avoid passing through dark, sparsely populated, and cramped
areas as well as reach the destinations quickly.

Adapt Make its services more affordable and easier to use, provide more
accurate and detailed output, and become more intelligent and
humanised so that these variables enable users to utilise their
services more adaptably.

Modify The existing application can be enhanced with the proposed

solution to make it possible for users to use it function well when
the system is under offline mode or unavailable network support.

Put to Another Use The solution that was proposed may be implemented as a regular
navigation function that is compatible with the Global Positioning

9 Version 3 EC 2017- Oct

Eliminate If the function of trace last location is removed, the user cannot
send their last location in an emergency moment and their family
or lover cannot trace the user's location, which presents a certain

Reverse The application could rearrange the order of features in such a way
that women in an emergency situation can easily access them, such
as the first page shown to users being the trace last location page,
because users can send the location to their family or friends
immediately when they are in danger.


The numerous benefits of SCAMPER rely on the convenience in which it integrates all
results by asking predefined queries for each word. SCAMPER stimulates creative thinking by
encouraging individuals to consider different perspectives and come up with unique solutions to
problems. By following the structure of the SCAMPER technique, individuals are able to focus
their thoughts and avoid getting sidetracked. SCAMPER is an effective tool for group
brainstorming sessions, as it provides a common structure for individuals to follow and helps
facilitate the flow of ideas.

10Version 3 EC 2017- Oct

Part 3

3.1 Competitor Analysis

Here Technologies

Here Technologies is a multinational technology company that specializes in mapping,

location data, and related services. It was founded in 1985 as Navteq and later acquired by a
consortium of German automotive companies. The company's main product is the HERE Open
Location Platform, which provides mapping, location, and navigation services to customers in a
variety of industries, including automotive, enterprise, and government (Here Technologies,
2023). Here Technologies has a strong reputation for the accuracy and quality of its maps and
location data, which are used by leading companies and organizations around the world. The
company's mapping and location data is also used by a growing number of autonomous vehicles
and other connected devices, as well as by developers building location-based apps and services.
In addition to its core mapping and location services, Here Technologies also offers a range of
other products and services, including real-time traffic and road conditions, location-based
advertising, and geospatial analytics. With a focus on innovation and sustainability, Here
Technologies is committed to helping businesses and consumers make the most of location data
and technology.


Huawei is a Chinese multinational technology company headquartered in Shenzhen,

Guangdong Province, China. Founded in 1987, Huawei has grown into one of the largest
telecommunications equipment and services providers in the world. The company offers a wide
range of products and services, including smartphones, laptops, network equipment, cloud
services, and artificial intelligence solutions (Huawei, 2023). In recent years, Huawei has
emerged as one of the leading players in the global smartphone market, with a growing presence
in Europe, Asia, and other regions. The company's smartphone offerings are known for their high
quality and competitive pricing, as well as for their innovative features, such as high-end cameras
and long-lasting batteries. Huawei has also been at the forefront of the 5G revolution, investing
heavily in research and development to advance the technology and bring 5G services to
consumers. The company has faced challenges in some countries due to concerns about its
relationship with the Chinese government and allegations of intellectual property theft, but
Huawei has consistently denied these claims.
11Version 3 EC 2017- Oct
12Version 3 EC 2017- Oct
3.1.1 Common attributes

Company Name Here Technologies Huawei

Product Name HERE WeGo Petal Maps

- allows users to download - allows users to download maps

maps and navigate without an and navigate without an internet
internet connection. connection.
- supports navigation for - provides real-time traffic
different modes of information to users, allowing
transportation (driving, public them to make informed
transportation, cycling, and decisions about the best route to
walking) take.
- provides real-time traffic and - fully integrated with other

Uniqueness road condition information. Huawei services, such as

- available in multiple Huawei Health and Huawei
languages. Music.
- integrates with other services, - supports voice navigation,
such as ride-hailing, car- making it easier for users to
sharing, and parking. navigate while driving or
- user-friendly interface makes walking.
it easy for users to access. - provides users with personalized
- provides access to a wide recommendations based on their
range of location data and location and preferences.

- lack of safety considerations - lack of safety considerations for

for women. women.
- the app may not have - the app may not have complete
complete coverage in some coverage or may not be
regions. available at all.
- some features, such as real- - while Petal Maps is known for
time traffic and road the accuracy of its maps, the
conditions, require an internet data is still dependent on user
connection to work even offer contributions and may not be
13Version 3 EC 2017- Oct
offline maps. 100% up-to-date or accurate in
- the data is still dependent on all areas.
user contributions and may - concerns about privacy and data
not be 100% up-to-date or security, especially for users
accurate in all areas even the outside of China.
app is known for the accuracy - some features, such as real-time
of its maps. traffic information, require an
- does not have as internet connection to work.
comprehensive POI - not have as comprehensive
information as some other integration with third-party
mapping and navigation apps. services as some other mapping
- displays advertising to users, and navigation apps.
which can be intrusive and - does not have as comprehensive
detract from the user POI information as some other
experience. mapping and navigation apps.

- global positioning system - artificial intelligence

- map data - cloud computing
- location data - augmented reality
Technology - routing algorithms - BeiDou technology
- user interface design - global navigation satellite
- mobile platform development system (gnss)
- cloud computing - 3D-mapping

14Version 3 EC 2017- Oct

3.2 Product Concept Description

Register Page: The register page in AIGO

mobile application is a page where users can
create a new account by providing personal
information such as their username,
password, phone number, email address and
Mykad details. Given that the AIGO app
was developed for women's personal safety
in mind, one of the reasons for requesting
users to submit their MyKad data is to verify
the user's gender as women. This
information is stored in a database and is
used to identify and authenticate the user
when they log in to the software.

Figure 1 shown the register page of AIGO

mobile application (Lim Chee Hui, 2023)

Figure 2 shown the login page of AIGO mobile

15Version 3 EC 2017- Oct

application (Lim Chee Hui, 2023) that users see when they login to the
application. The home page includes links to
Login Page: The login page in AIGO
different section of the application such as
mobile application is a page where users can
safety route planner, AR navigation, trace
enter their account credentials, such as their
last location, and nearby place.
username and password, to gain access to
the application once they complete the steps
to register. The purpose of the login page is
to verify the identity of the user and grant or
deny them access to the restricted features or
content within the application.

Figure 4 shown the safety route planner page of

AIGO mobile application (Lim Chee Hui, 2023)

Safety Route Planner Page: The function

of safety route planner page is to provide
users with a way to plan and navigate a safer
and faster route based on real-time data and
resources which gather from users to avoid
Figure 3 shown the home page of AIGO mobile
passing through dark, sparsely populated,
application (Lim Chee Hui, 2023)
and cramped areas as well as to prevent
Home Page: The home page in AIGO targeted by a series of crime including
mobile application is typically the first page sexual harassed, stalked, robbed, etc. The
16Version 3 EC 2017- Oct
safeguarding flow will trigger for users provide a live view of the user's
while navigated in real-time and will receive surroundings with overlaid navigation
alerts if they are not following a planned information such as directions, distances,
route or fouled. The purpose of safeguarding and other relevant information. Besides that,
flow is to ensure the personal safety of the system will inform users while there are
women always protected. sparsely populated ahead, and request users
always be vigilant.

Figure 5 shown the AR navigation page of

AIGO mobile application (Lim Chee Hui, 2023) Figure 6 shown the trace last location page of
AIGO mobile application (Lim Chee Hui, 2023)
AR Navigation Page: The function of the
AR navigation page is to provide users an Trace Last Location Page: The function of
immersive and interactive navigation the trace last location page is to allow users
experience. This page uses the camera and to receive emergency notification which
GPS capabilities of the user's device to their friends send out that including their

17Version 3 EC 2017- Oct

name, phone number and location. Besides the emergency person while they faced
that, the page also enables users to send out dangerous, and on the other side, they can
the location to others once they done select receive the location immediately.

Figure 7 shown the nearby place page of AIGO mobile application (Lim Chee Hui, 2023)

Nearby Place Page: The function of the nearby place page is to provide users with information
about nearby points of relevant locations for users to get assistance when they experience
feelings of anxiety and discomfort while they are waiting for a taxi or travelling alone on the
street including found to be stalked by stalker. This page may use the user's current location,
along with data from maps, and other sources, to provide information about nearby police station,
hospital, shopping mall, restaurants, and bus station.

18Version 3 EC 2017- Oct

3.2.1 Features

The proposed AIGO mobile application can help to ensure the own personal safety of
women while they travel alone by providing a lot of features including safety route planner, AR
navigation, trace last location and nearby place. The safety route planner provides the real-time
crime rate data, safety-focused route optimization, alternative route suggestion, security level and
road conditions to avoid. Besides that, AR navigation provides live camera view, overlaid
navigation information, immersive experience, voice navigation and crowdsourced safety data. In
addition, trace last location provides real-time location tracking and location sharing.
Furthermore, the nearby place provides real-time location-based information, maps integration,
as well as search and filters.

3.2.2 Functions

Overall, the significant functionality of proposed AIGO mobile application is designed to

empower women by providing them with the tools they need to stay safe and informed while
travel alone. By combining features such as the Safety Route Planner, AR Navigation, Trace Last
Location, and Nearby Place, the mobile application provides a comprehensive and user-friendly
solution to help women protect their personal safety.

3.2.3 Technologies

a. Safety Route Planner

 Maps API: to provide real-time traffic and road condition information and to
calculate the safer and faster route.
 Crime rate data API: to provide real-time crime rate information for different areas.
 Geolocation API: to determine the user's current location and to track their
 Routing algorithm: to prioritize safety when calculating the best route.
 Databases: to store the user's location history and other relevant data.

19Version 3 EC 2017- Oct

b. AR Navigation

 Augmented Reality SDK: to provide the AR navigation experience, including the

live camera view with safety overlays.
 Voice Recognition API: to provide voice navigation and to allow the user to control
the app hands-free.
 Crowdsourced data API: to provide real-time safety information about a user's
current location.

c. Trace Last Location

 Geolocation API: to determine the user's location and to track their movements in
 Push Notification API: to send emergency alerts to designated contacts.

d. Nearby Place

 Maps API: to provide information on nearby places including police station, hospital,
bus station, restaurants, and shopping mall as well as to calculate distances and
estimated travel times.
 Crowdsourced data API: to provide real-time information on the safety of nearby

20Version 3 EC 2017- Oct

Part 4

4.1 Market Identification

The following are some marketing strategies that could be used to effectively promote the AIGO
mobile application, focusing on the four P's of marketing:

a. Price: Offering the application for free can increase its visibility and attract more users,
as there is no financial barrier to entry. Besides that, consider offering premium features
for a fee to generate revenue once the mobile application recognized by customers and the
popularity it deserves.

b. Product: The product should be easy to use, and its features and benefits should be
clearly communicated to potential customers. Consider conducting user testing to refine
the application and make it user-friendly.

c. Place: The application should be made available in Google Play store and Apple App
store where women are likely to search for safety-related products.

d. Promotion: Use targeted advertising, community engagement, and content marketing to

reach out to women and create awareness of the application's features and benefits.
Partner with local organizations and government that support women empowerment to
reach a wider audience. Utilize influencer marketing and endorsements from well-known
personalities to generate buzz and increase the application's credibility. Utilize social
media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, to create awareness of the application
and its features. Host events and workshops to educate women on how to use the
application and to promote its benefits.

21Version 3 EC 2017- Oct

Part 5
5.1 Idea Evaluation

1. Cost-benefit analysis
2. Decision trees
3. Evaluation matrix
4. Force field analysis
5. Sticking dots
6. SWOT analysis

5.1.1 SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning tool used to evaluate the Strengths,

Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of a business, project, or product. It is used to
identify internal and external factors that can impact the success of the business or product
(GUREL, 2017).

Strengths Weakness
 Unique features such as safety route  Lack of brand recognition and market
planner, AR navigation, trace last saturation may make it difficult to gain
location, and nearby place, provide added traction in a competitive market.
value and differentiate the application  Limited budget for marketing and
from competitors. promotion may limit visibility and user
 Availability on both iOS and Android acquisition.
platforms increases accessibility for users.  Technical limitations, such as a reliance
 Free pricing can attract more users and on GPS, may affect the accuracy and
increase visibility. reliability of the safety features.
 Partnerships with local organizations and
government that support women
empowerment can increase awareness and
Opportunities Threats
 Growing market for personal safety  Competition from established personal
solutions, particularly among women, safety applications may limit market share
provides potential for growth and success. and growth potential.
 Potential to monetize premium features,  Changes in consumer behavior, such as
such as advanced safety alerts and real- decreased reliance on mobile devices for
22Version 3 EC 2017- Oct
time tracking, to generate revenue. navigation and location services, may
 Integration with other personal safety impact the application's relevance and
devices and technologies, such as usage.
smartwatches and smart home systems,  Privacy concerns may limit adoption and
can enhance the value of the application. usage of the application's features.
5.1.2 Evaluation Matrix
The Evaluation Matrix is a tool used to evaluate and compare options based on
specific criteria. It involves rating each option based on a set of predefined criteria, and
then comparing the scores to determine the best option. The Evaluation Matrix provides a
structured and objective way to evaluate options and make informed decisions.

Criteria AIGO HERE WeGo Petal Maps



Ease to use



Based on this evaluation, the new propose AIGO mobile application for women's
personal safety appears to be a better option in terms of cost, but there are trade-offs in
terms of safety and reliability compared to the alternative. This tool can be a useful way to
objectively compare options and determine the best solution.

23Version 3 EC 2017- Oct

Part 6

6.1 Survey Forms

24Version 3 EC 2017- Oct


25Version 3 EC 2017- Oct


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