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2. Compare
3. Commentary
4. Conclusion

whereas the believing Ephesians, in common, were sealed; and the Spirit of God continues still as a
sealer of his people, and as an earnest and pledge of their inheritance until the day of redemption;
but it is to be understood of the confirming, certifying, and assuring the saints, as to their interest in
the favor of God, and in the blessings of grace, of every kind, and their right and title to the heavenly
glory; (See Gill on 2 Corinthians 1:22), and the seal of these things is not circumcision, nor baptism,
nor the Lord's supper, nor even the graces of the Spirit; but the Spirit himself, who witnesses to the
spirits of believers the truth of these things, and that as a "spirit of promise": so called, both because
he is the Spirit promised, as the Syriac and Ethiopic versions render it, whom the Father and Christ
had promised, and who was sent by them; and because he usually seals, or certifies believers of the
truth of the above things, by opening and applying a word of promise to them: and which he does
also, as the "Holy" Spirit; for this sealing work of his leaves a greater impress of holiness upon the
soul, and engages more to acts of holiness; wherefore the doctrine of assurance is no licentious
doctrine; no persons are so holy as those who are truly possessed of that grace; and as for such who
pretend unto it, and live in sin, it is a certain thing that they in reality know nothing of it.(

ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise; that is, The Holy Spirit, which is promised to them
who believe on Christ Jesus, was given to you, and thus you were ascertained to be the children of
God, for God has no child who is not a partaker of the Holy Ghost, and he who has this Spirit has
God's seal that he belongs to the heavenly family. It was customary among all nations, when a
person purchased goods of any kind, to mark with his seal that which he had bought, in order that
he might know it, and be able to claim it if mixed with the goods of others; to this custom the
apostle may here allude but it was also customary to set a seal upon what was dedicated to God, or
what was to be offered to him in sacrifice. See this proved in the note on "John 6:27". The Jews
themselves speak of the seal of God, which they term emeth, truth, and which they consider as a
representation of the unoriginated and endless perfections of God. As the apostle is here speaking of
the doctrine of truth, which came by the Holy Spirit, and is sealed on the souls of believers by this
Spirit, he may have in view the Jewish notion, which is at once both correct and elevated. This Spirit
of truth, John 14:17, who leads into all truth, John 16:13, and teaches all things, John 14:26, makes
the impression of his own eternal purity and truth in the souls of them who believe, and thus they
bear the seal of God Almighty. And they who in the day of judgment are found to bear this seal-
TRUTH; truth in the inward parts, having truly repented, truly believed, and having been in
consequence truly justified, and truly sanctified; and having walked in truth and sincerity towards
God and man; these are sealed to the day of redemption; for, having this seal, they are seen to have
a right to eternal life. Clarke's Commentary

The KJV rendition shows that the sealing of the Holy Spirit of promise took place in those "in Christ"
at some point in time "after" they had become believers in Christ; but the English Revised Version
muddles the meaning, leaving the possible interpretation that the "sealing" took place coincidentally
and at the same time of their believing. In the general sense, of course, if "believing" is understood
as the whole complex of actions involved in conversion (faith, repentance, confession, and baptism),
no error is implied; however, "believing" or "faith" as used in the limited, technical sense of the
theological jargon current today, is alleged to be something apart from being baptized into Christ.
That this is a false view is evident since both versions reveal the sealed persons to be those "in
Christ"; and since no one was ever "in Christ" except by being baptized into him, the true meaning
shines through despite all efforts to hide it.

Bruce made a big point out of the fact that the participle "having believed" here is identical with the
same words in Acts 19:2, where the English Revised Version rendition is "when ye believed."[26] But,
of course, the ERV missed it in both places; and the device of proving one false rendition by a second
false rendition cannot prove Bruce's notion that the sealing and believing were "coincident in time."
Those believing in Acts 19:2 had not only failed to be sealed with the Holy Spirit at the time they
became believers, they never were sealed until they were Scripturally baptized! (Acts 19:5).
Coffman's Commentaries on the Bible

Ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise. —This word “sealed” is found in exactly the same
connection in 2Corinthians 1:22. The original idea of this sealing (which, it should be observed, is not
of documents, but of men) is best seen in the “sealing of the servants of God in their foreheads,” in
Revelation 7:3-8. In that passage, and in the passage of Ezekiel which it recalls (Ezekiel 9:4), the
sealing is simply an outward badge, to be at once a pledge and means of safety amidst the
destruction coming on the earth. In like sense, circumcision appears to be called “a seal” of
previously existing righteousness of faith, in Romans 4:11; and the conversion of the Corinthians “a
seal” of St. Paul’s apostleship, in 1Corinthians 9:2. (Comp. also John 3:33; Romans 15:28; 2Timothy
2:19.) But the word is used in a deeper sense whenever it is connected with the gift of the Holy
Spirit. Then it corresponds to the “circumcision not made with hands” (Romans 2:29; Colossians
2:11); it has the character of a sacrament, and is not a mere badge, but a true means of grace. In this
connection we read first of our Lord, “Him God the Father sealed” (John 6:27), with a clear reference
to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at His baptism (comp. John 1:33; John 5:37; John 10:33); next of
His people (as here, in Ephesians 4:30, and in 2Corinthians 1:22) as being, like Himself, baptized with
the Holy Ghost. In this passage the very title given to the Spirit is significant. He is called (in the
curious order of the original) “the Spirit of the Promise, the Holy One.” “The promise” is clearly the
promise in the Old Testament (as in Jeremiah 31:31-34; Joel 2:28-32) of the outpouring of the Spirit
on all God’s people in “the latter days.” The emphatic position of the epithet “Holy One” seems to
point to the effect of His indwelling in the actual sanctification of the soul thus sealed. From this
passage was probably derived the ecclesiastical application of the name “seal” to the sacrament of
baptism, which is undoubtedly made the seal of conversion in Acts 2:38. Ellicott's
Commentary for English Readers

Paul said the seal was “the Spirit” but when John saw the forehead the name of Christ and the Father
was written in their head…

Is Paul and John contradicting to their views?

No, when we heard the word of salvation “Gospel” we were sealed with the spirit, but why Christ name
and father are written not the spirit? Because Spirit reflects us to Christ, and Christ reflect us to the
Father. So, we can see here that even in sealing time, the three persons, they go hand in hand…

The spirit helps us to know CHRIST and have a character of Christ

1:13-14 The Holy Spirit is God’s seal that we belong to him and his pledge guaranteeing that he will do
what he has promised The Holy Spirit is like a down payment, a deposit, a validating signature on the
contract. The presence of the Holy Spirit in us demonstrates the genuineness of our faith, proves that we
are God’s children and secures eternal life for us. His power works in us to transform now, and what we
experience now is a taste of the total change we will experience in eternity (life application study Bible)

 1:13-14 The Holy Spirit was promised by the prophets and Paul’s life. By Jesus (Joel 2:28-29; John
14:15-26; 16:5-16). The Spirit is described as both a seal showing ownership and as a guarantee
pointing to future redemption. Though believers have not yet experienced redemption in full,
God will bring about final redemption (life in His immediate presence) for all who of authority
have received the Spirit.

 The Holy Spirit within us is a seal or guarantee that we be- long to God. For more on this
thought-NASB study Bible

If the HOLY spirit is the Seal of God, how can we reconcile rev.14 that the angels was stopping the four
winds? And Ephesians says we received the seal after we receive the word of salvation…….

When was the sealing happen?

Revelation says it will happen at the last day after the angels open the seventh seals of the book……

Ephesians says it happens or started when the person started to hear and believe the message of
salvation…. It was a statement from Paul to encourage and tell the security of the believers in Ephesians
that the moment they received the message they are secured to their salvation….

Connections of Ephesians 1:13 to Revelation 7

1. Sealing is a mark of security of the saints

2. Sealing is a mark of ownership of God
3. Sealing is a security for future destructions
4. Sealing is a mark of authority


The "Holy spirit" was given as a seal. If the believer has the Holy Spirit, the spirit will help them
point out Christ so the believer will reproduce Christ's character.

The moment you believe in Jesus the Holy Spirit will be given to you. The Holy Spirit will guide

Those who have the spirit will be secured for the future destruction

The Holy Spirit does. He is like that moving sidewalk. He makes following Christ easier. Yet, it
will require developing my character for Him to follow Jesus Christ.

The 144,000 has the Holy Spirit in their life, the Holy Spirit transform The Holy Spirit helps
them develop their character to become more like Jesus Christ.

Holy Spirit is a guarantee fo

1. ephesians tell us about the sealing started and revelation tell us about having the results

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