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ANGEL || Absolutely! Do you ever feel like you’ve got a wardrobe full of clothes but nothing to wear?
Do you get tired of your clothes, but you can’t afford to buy new ones? Me too! That’s why I was so happy
when I was told by a friend about Rentez-Vous, a clothes-sharing website based in London and Paris. The
idea is that you rent clothes and accessories from other people for one week, for far less than what you’d pay
to buy them. You always have something new to wear without going broke, and if you need extra cash, you
might consider renting out your own clothes!

BIZWIZ || Not being a car owner, I sometimes use taxis – or I did until Uber came along! With Uber,
drivers use their own cars to transport people. When you request a trip using the Uber app, the nearest driver
will automatically be sent to you. The fee is set and paid directly through the app, which is an amazing
advantage, as you don’t have to worry about having cash. And best of all, they charge less than taxis. I know
taxi drivers in many cities are protesting against Uber, which is understandable. But when customers are
offered a cheaper and more convenient service, they’ll always prefer it! I know I do!

JEM22 || My mum was keen on trying Airbnb instead of a hotel for our family trip to Rome. She spent
hours on the company’s website comparing homes that people were offering to rent out and finally booked
one that had been given great reviews: Modern, spacious and clean! and Arnoldo was the perfect host! Well,
the flat was large, but our host hadn’t had it cleaned for ages and his stuff was everywhere. Arnoldo was a
nice guy, though – he even showed us around the city one day – so we decided to relax and make the best of
it. I still prefer hotels, but it was interesting to live like a local – and my parents saved lots of money.

CLEVERALEX || I’m a drama student, and I can only work part-time. That’s why TaskRabbit is the
perfect solution. It’s a service that matches clients who need to get odd jobs done with people who want to
work. I’m notified by the app whenever there are jobs nearby, and I can select whatever I want. I’ve done all
sorts of things, like saving a place in a queue for the new iPhone, assembling a dining table and even helping
decorate for a birthday party. Working at TaskRabbit really suits me, even though I can’t see myself doing
this forever. I never get bored, and I don’t have to work if I’ve got lessons or exams.

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