Mains Notes

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26 November 2022 11:52


Industrial Revolution:
Britain - 1760 -1800
Belgium- 1800
France - 1810
Germany - 1819
USA - 1820
Japan - 1870
Russia - 1890/ 1918-20

Enclosure movement in Britain:

- Liberal thinking>> Better laws>> Increase in land holding >> fencing
- Class of British Entrepreneurs >> Inventions
- Farming of clovers and legumes >> Soil fertility increase
- Capital accumulation because of Success of British Merchantilism (State support + Favourable BoT)
- Geography and resources
- Political factors: Glorius revolution in 1688
- Protestant ethics of Hardwork : Simplistic lifestyle, No holidays in their calendar, Inclined towards

Capitalism :
Freedom, Competition, Individualism,
Class based social stratification
High social mobility

Liassez faire,
Profit motive,
Means of production are privately owned,
negligible role of govt,

Rule of law
Democratic political system
Objective rational and codified laws
Right to property and other FR

Industrial Capitalism
Free market capitalism
State Capitalism
Corporate capitalism
Welfare capitalism
Neo Capitalism


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The eveils, Health and social hazards of Industrial capitalism, invited reactions from intellectuals of the age.
There was widespread condemnation of the Smithsonian philosophy:
- Charles leonard - Swiss -demanded state intervention to safeguard interest of working class
- St Simon - French philosopher
- Robert Owen - British Industrialist - coined the term Socialism
- Louis Blanc established public workshops in france which could work as Models for French industries

Economic dimension:
- Coexistence of public and private ownership of means of production
- Regulated market forces
- Profit and public interest is the motive
- Planned economic development
- Inclusive growth
- Efficiency and efficacy
Political dimensions:
- True democracy (Political +Social+ Economic justice)
- Rule of law
- Codified and objective legal system
- Multi party democracy
Social dimensions:
- Class cooperation and class harmony
- Philosophy of social welfare
- High degree of social mobility
- Balance of individualism and collectivism
- Redistribution of resources
- Egalitarian outlook
• Variants:
- Fabianism: Democratic decentralisation
- Syndicalism: Popular in france : State power should be transferred to working class,Trade unions should
manage public affairs.
- Guild socialism: Wage system should be abolished. Guilds should control means of production as
trustee of the state.

Put forward by Karl Marx in his famous communist manifesto in 1848. It was the outcome of radical
reinterpretation of socialism.
Economic dimensions:
- All resources owned by community
- No role of market forces
- Community decides what and how much to be produced
- No role of market forces
- Profit motive was absent and Public welfare was desired.
- Centralised economic planning model
Political aspects:
- Dictatorship of Proletariats (WORKING CLASS)
- Objective codified law was absent
- No space for FR and liberty
- Multi party system or free elections absent
- Statelessness
Social Dimension"
- Ideology of collectivism
- From everybody as per capacity to everybody as oer need.
- Social equality of highest degree

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- Social equality of highest degree
- Classlessness
- Marxism: Revolution by working class
- Leninism: In Russia, there can be a small group of committed revolutionaries, can overthrow capilatists
- Stalinism: Ruthless suppression of opponent and establishment of strong dictatorial regime.
- Maoism: Mao Tse Tung/ Mao Zedong: Believed in role of peasants in overthrowing exploitative capitalist

Colonialism and Imperialism:

Philosophy that believes in exploiting the resources of territory of native people for the benefit of
motherland. Relationship of inequality.
Factors repsonsible: In modern sense stated in 12th cetury. Peripheral european states like Portugal and
Spain captured coastal strips of Africa and established trading depots and gradually colonialism changed into
Empire Building.
Fall of Constantinople to Turks in 1453 (Asia Europe trade of spices disrupted and there was need of
geographical exploration)
Bartholomew Diaz rounded the Cape of Good Hope in 1487. Vasco Da Gama reached Calicut in 1498.
Christopher columbus reached America in 1492.
1500 Poutguese trading co. reached India
Ferdinan Magellan reaches Philippines in 1421 and circumnavigated the world.
Christian missionaries
Growing population in European nations
White man's burden
Industrial revolution carried the process of colonialism to climax
Political prestige was proportional to extent of colonial empire

African Colonisation
Loose gunpowder used to get dampen and did not work

- Motor boats in 1840

- Quinine for malaria in 1817

Belgian king Leopold II sent explorers to Africa: David livingstone and Henry Stanley - Explored entire
continent in 2 decades.
Extremely rapid colonialisation,
Largely free from miliatry conflics among colonisers: Berlin Conference 1884-85 : Shared the continent among

Neo colonianism : Term was coined by Kwane Nkrumah - President of Ghana : Dominance by former
colonisers over newly independent nations by means of economic interference. Direct colonialism was
replaced by strategically designed economic policies Eg: Aids to third world , Decisions taken by colonial
powers under the guise of FDI, free trade . Foreign capital used to exploit resources.

Impact of colonialism
- Loss of independence
- Harm to native institutions
- Forcible imposition of foreign institutions

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- Drain of wealth
- Native industries harmed
- Peasants, merchants and traders suffer
- Recurring famines

Socio Cultural
- Imposition of Foreign culture
- Slavery
- Loss of self esteem
- Deaths in wars and battles
- New diseases

- Western education
- Nationalism
- Technology
- Institutions

Decolonisation commenced in the form of American revolution of 1776 trigerred by discontent against
exploitative rule
14 points of Woodrow Wilson, 1971 , atlantic Charter of 1941 by Anglo American leadership - liberty and self
African and asian soldiers returned with new ideas.
New powers emerged: USA and USSR
Cold war politics post world war II
Platforms like NAM supported the cause of natives
By 1990s - complete decolonisation

Imperialism is the philosophy of raising the power and prestige of crown. Present since ages
Inward dimension:
Centralised administration
Effective control over provinces
Through strong army to suppress opponent
External dimension:
Territorial Expansion > More resources > Prestige

In modern World Imperialism was a prominent part of expansioninst foreign policy of european powers. Its
salient manifestation was british colonisation of India, Spanish and Portuguese occupations in Asia, Africa etc

European Imperialism:
Took place in 2 phases:
1. 16-18th century : Driven by Economic factors
2. 19-20th century: Neo Imperialism : Spirit of nationalism was dominant, economic dimension was
secondary, use of advance technology, weapons, means of communication and medical facilities, rapid
pace of expansion
European govt influenced by nationalism pursued territorial expansion for enhancing national pride Eg
Germany: Bismarck and Kaiser William II (1888-1918) ,Australian Imperialism in Balkan lands

American imperialism in Philippines:

1521-1898: Spanish colony

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World War 1
Rapid nationalism
Imperialistic and colonial rivalry
Economic rivalry
Division of Europe into two hostine arm camps: Due to mismanagement of Bismarckian Alliances
Arms Race

Immediate circumstances:
Austria- Hungrary and Serbia rivalry : Multi racial and multi cultural : Rise of Serb-Slav nationalism
In 1908 Austria captured Bosnia: opposed by Serbia : Austrian imperialism in Bosnia resulted in revolutionary
nationalist movements: one of them Gabriel O Princep murdered Austrian Prince Ferdinand in Bosnian capital
on 24th June 1914 . This threatened the existence of Austrio-Hungarian empire. Since Austria was assured of
German support, it imposed impossible conditions on Serbia, when conditions were not met, war was
declared on 20th July 1914 on Serbia. Russia ordered General mobilisation in support of Serbia, Germany
declared war on Russia and WWI commenced.

• Downfall of 4 big empires : German, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Ottoman
• Principle of Self Determination: Redrawal of Europe boundaries: Non german territories taken were
taken from germany and declared independent : Austrio Hungarian empire disintegrated on same
• Independence of Finland and Albania was recognised. Democracy received boost.
• Boost to Nationalism
• Concept of Welfare of state '
• WW also triggered revolutions in Ottoman empire and Russia
• In 1921, Mustafa Kamal Pasha overthrew Caliphate system in Ottoman Emp, and established, modern,
liberal, demcratic, secular state Turkey.

- Economic impact:
• More than 400 billion dollars burden
• Industries shattered (Bombing of industrial towns)
• Change in direction of international trade : Europe was pushed into debt crisis >> Has to take loans
from USA.
• Inflation crisis
- Demographic:
• More than 85lakh killed and more than 21 million wounded.

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• More than 85lakh killed and more than 21 million wounded.
• Loss of property
• Atheistic attitude emerged
• Strong anti war attitude emerged which helped in improvement of social status of working class
• Feminism: Social status improved
• Spreading of education
Allied Powers:
British Empire
Italy (from 1915)
United States
(from 1917)
Romania (from 1916)[b]
Portugal (from 1916)
Hejaz (from 1916)
Greece (from 1917)
Siam (from 1917)
China (from 1917)
... and others

Central Powers:
Ottoman Empire
Bulgaria (from 1915)
... and others

There were 5 treaties under the Peace of Paris conference:

1. the Treaty of Versailles, 28 June 1919 (Germany)
was signed in June 1919 in a hostile environment after the first World War intended to bring peace in Europe.
It was based on the principles of Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points speech (1918) which calls for self government,
international peace and security through overall disarmament. However, when assessed on these principles,
the treaty cannot be justified.

1. the Treaty of Saint-Germain(Austria)

2. the Treaty of Neuilly(Bulgaria)
3. the Treaty of Trianon(Hungary)
4. the Treaty of Sèvres; subsequently revised by the Treaty of Lausanne (Ottoman Empire/Republic of
Treaty of Versailles critical analysis:
- Dictate Peace
- Imposed on Germany
- Germany not included in conference :Unilateral
- Revengeful in nature
- Germany was blamed for the WWI
- Treaty of Alsace and Lorainne were taken back by France
- Elements of impracticality as Germany was fragmanted and more than 70% industrial capacity was
distributed among newly created nations.
- Coal rich region of Saar was given to France for 15 years fro exploitation

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- Coal rich region of Saar was given to France for 15 years fro exploitation
- Wartime Reparations - 6600 million pound imposed on Germany
- Moral defects: principle of Self determination was used to selectively punish Germany.
- More than a million Germans left in Poland, > 3 mio in Sudetenland , and a lot of them in Denmark
- Very humiliating : Same hall of mirrors in Versailles where German unification was proclaimed in 1871

Seeds of World War II:

Policy of appeasement
Failure of League of nations
Emergence of alliances and counter alliances
Arms race
Great Depression and economic crisis
Foreign policy of Hitler

Consequences of WWII:
More than 6million people killed in concentration camps
Gave a death blow to power and prestige of Europe
Resulted in emergence of new power equation: Emergence of US and USSR as superpowers
Economic losses were immense
Countries under german occupation suffered the most: Belgium, Luxembourg, France

- Wave of Nationalism gripped Germany
- Rise of Hilter was the manifestation of the same.
- Failure of Wiemar Republic - all govt formed in Germany under the provisions of Wiemar constitution based
on the principle of Proportional representation. As a result large number of political parties emerged in
Germany on the basis of different ideologies, none could gain majority. WR also failed to find a solution to
German economic difficulties. Suffering forced masses to search for alternatives. WR was held for German
humiliation because they announced surrender.
- Rising dear of communism
- Economic harships.
- German currency depreciated.
- Hitler promised solutions.
- He portrayed himself as super patriot.
- 1932 - Nazis emerged as the biggest party. President Hinderburg had to appoint Hitler as German Chancellor
in 1933.

Foreign Policy of Hitler

He withdrew from Disarmament conference
Withdrew from League of Nations
Signed Non agression pact with Poland
Jan 1935 - Saar Region was re integrated
He reintroduced conscription
Anglo German naval pact - to keep 35% of UK
1936 - Rhineland was brought under German control
Rome Berlin Axis was created
1936 - Anti Comm intern Pact with Japan
Spanish Civil War : Germany won
Italy joined Comm intern pact - Rome Berlin Tokyo Axis
March 1938 - Austria was annexed
1938 - Munich pact
March 1939- Annexed whole Czechoslovakia
April - Demanded road and rail links through Polish Corridor
Pact of Non Aggression with Soveit Union - Molotov Pact

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Pact of Non Aggression with Soveit Union - Molotov Pact
1st Sept 1939- Germany attacked Poland, Britain and France supported Poland and WWII commenced

Specific consequences:
- Beginning of Cold war (coined by George Orwell) 1945-91 : Propoganda warfare
- Beginning of unification of western Europe
- Rise of third World - NAM
- Estb of UNO
- Decolonisation

Causes of Cold war:

- 1917 - Russian Revolution
- Western nations denied to recognise communist regime
- Lenin believed that communism is not safe in periphery of capitalism. Hence he formed communist
International Comm Intern- which made capitalist world insecure.
- Policy of appeasement of western democracy: Stalin believed it was to strenthen Hilter and Moussolini to
threaten USSR.

- Molotov Pact signed by Soviet Union and further intensified the differences : Treaty of non aggression !ugust
1939. in 1941 Hitler attacked soviet union after which communists and capitalists joined hands against
Fascism and Nazism. This was suspicious and full of distress.
- Issue of Second front intensified distress.
- Manhattan project: USA kept development of nuclear weapons from USSR but shared with UK and Canada.
- Soviet expansionist policy terrified the west. (March 1944-Feb 1945)
- Use of Nuclear weapons on Japan which Stalin felt were meant for USSR.
- Stalin wanted harsh treaties with Germanybut western world did not want another treaty like TOV.

- At Fulton college, W Churchill, from Stettin in Baltic to Triste in Adriatic an Iron Curtain has descended across
the continent. He asked capitalist nations to come together and fight the spread of communism. This was Feb
1946 speech of Stalin who called for communist revolution all over the world.
- Baruch plan of 1947: USA's disarmament program.
- Gromyka Plan : Russia asked USA to surrender armament first.
- US Ambassador to Moscow George Kennen sent a telegram that Russia looks at USA as having permanent
war with it. Russia is committed to root out capitalism hence USA should a patient and vigilant and firm
containment policy.
- Truman Doctrine: End of American isolation wrt Europe. Support to Democratic forces throughout the world
will be supported by USA fighting communism.
(Bkg: Civil War in Greece, democratists support by USA, communist by USSR, Greece requested USA to take
up leadership of capitalist world)
- Marshall Plan - By US Secretary of State: Aka European Recovery Program: Poverty could make european
nations susceptible to communism. Europe became destination for US investments and Dollar became
reserve currency.
- Berlin Blockade: When no peace treaty could be reached for Germany b/w capitalists and communists,
Germany was divided into 4 parts. All parts were free to make any treaties, divided among USA, USSR, France
and Britain. Berlin was in the USSR part and road and air access was giver to other three.
USA pumped money in the western part and USSR exploited the Eastern parts.
After this the Wall of Berlin was erected by USSR, to block access of US, Britain, France into Berlin.
- Policy of containment: Expansion of communism has to be checked in the beginning - responsible for Korean
War, Vietnam War, Arab War
- Détente: Comparative peace in international union due to failure of Policy of containment and Financial
difficulties of USSR.
- Soviet occupation of Afghan: Second/ New Cold war: President Ronald Reagan had strong policy towards
USSR, USA supported Afghans.

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USSR, USA supported Afghans.
- Election of Mikhail Gorbachev as Soviet President in 1985 was not interested in coldwar politics as it was
hurting soviet economy. He ensured fall of Berlin Wall.

Rise of Fascism
Ideology of Fascist party of Benito Moussolini, Outcome of volatile circumstances. Peace of Paris played an
important role: Peacemakers could not meet the aspirations of Italy.
When Italy entered the war it was promised number of gains by Entante powers. Promised territories
included Tristste, Trentino, Istir, Fume and Dalmatia. But later Fume and Dalmatia not given. More than 6.5
lakh Italians lost lives in WWI. High cost of war but gains were not commensurate. Italian PM Orlando ws not
taken seriously by Big3, so he left midway the conference and Italy felt humiliated which triggered a wave of
Fear of rise of communism, Economic crises.

Difference between Fascism and Nazism:

Hilter was racist, believed in superiority of pure German blood.
Anti Semaniticism dominitant in Germany
Pro Peasant outlook in Germany whereas Moussolini Supported corporates and hence state control over
economic activities.

League of Nations:1920
To save future generations from wars and battles.
Principle of Collective security, The principle of Balance of power adopted by Vienna congress was
Attack on one member nation will be considered as attack on all
LON failed to provide lasting Peace because it was largely an Anglo French affair. Not Joined by USA and
Germany not allowed till 1926. Russia was not recognised till 1933. Japan left the league in 1935. Did not have
it own army. Dependent on voluntary contribution by member state. The verdict was not binding. Major
Event - Great Depression of 1929 took away financial strength of the league.
LON was burdened with impossible resposibility of discriminatory system made by peacemakes of Paris.
System was marred with impractical provisions and it was bound to fail.

Great depression :
- Wall street crash of 29 Oct 1929 >> Negative growth, because of Growing negative perception of US Economic
- Unrelaistic optimist led banks and other Fis to lend huge amounts to industries.
- US govt came with a New Deal (The New Deal was a series of programs, public work projects, financial
reforms, and regulations enacted by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the United States between 1933 and
1939) - Federal Emergency Bank Relief Act, FDIC Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (deposit of upto
$5000 insured), CCC Civilian Conservation corps, Assistance to States, Heavy famers' subsidy, national
Industrial Recovery Act - Corporate Code of Conduct, Tennesy valley Authority
- Dust bowl

Policy of Appeasement
- Approach of keeping someone happy by accepting even illegitimate demand.
- Western democracies adopted wrt Germany in particular and Italy etc in general
- Because mistakes committed in Paris Peace
- Failure of league of nations
- Anti War attitude
- Western democracies militarily weak
- Davis Plan 1924 - Germany was freed from paying Wartime indemnity
- US gave loan of 800 million gold Marks to Germany
- Locarno pact, 1925 by 7 important powers - Britain Belgium France Germany and Czechoslovakia , Italy
mutually guaranteed peace in western Europe.
- Rhineland Pact: Germany Belgium and France- agreed to respect each other frontiers - guaranteed by Britain

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- Rhineland Pact: Germany Belgium and France- agreed to respect each other frontiers - guaranteed by Britain
and Italy. Britain refused to guarantee the sanctity of German eastern frontiers with Poland.
- Young Plan - 6600 million was reduced to 2000 million.
- Hitler violated the provision of TOV, western democracies did not respond strongly
- Munich Pact: Sept 1938: Sudetenland was taken away Czechoslovakia was given to Germany

Italy and Germany gained strength and raised large armies
Failure of League of Nations
Fascists powers were convinced that Western democracies neither had intention nor capacity to war against
them>> Sow the seeds of WWII

Sykes Picot Agreement : Between Britain and France (1916) Secret agreement carving out spheres of
influence that ultimately created modern west Asia for WWI. The agreement was mainly concerned with
dividing Ottomon Empire territories among Britain and France to preserve their colonial interest.
They marked areas leaving several ethnic and social conflics unaddressed.Britain got palestine and Iraq and
French got what is now Syria. The boundaries after WWI were based on colonial interests and not on political
preferences of the people. Egypt and Syria went ahead to declare United Arab republic, but this plan collased
after 1961 coup in Damascus.

Korean War
First proxy war between US and USSR. Korea from 1910 to WWII belonged to Japanese.
Cairo conference to decide the future of Korea after WWII. Japan surrendered in 1945 and a provisional govt
in Korea, N.Korea under USSR and S. Korea under US control divided around 38th parallel.
US and SU could not agree on the kind of govt.
In August 1948- S Korea was named Republic of Korea. And North was named DPRK. Kim il Sung used force to
unite Korea. 1 lakh soldiers crossed the 38th parallel and reached Seoul
Meanwhile UN resolution was passed where UN members allowed military assistance to S Korea.

Battle of Incheon 1950: Victory of UN forces.

After this China intervened to support North Korean People's Army. Chinese gave series of defeat to UN
UN and S Korean forces under Doughlas McArthur, who has aggressive approach, advanced into N Korea and
China, But Harry S Truman having Cautious Approach took charge from Arthur and Korean War stale mate
around 38th Parallel but no Treaty was signed.

India's Role : India Under JLN was actively involved in negotiating peace engaging with all the stakeholders,
US, USSR, China. In 1952 Indian reolution on Korea was adopted in UN with unanimous Non Soviet support.
India rightly recognised any deal without USSR Support will fail. After diplomatic effort to bring USSR on
board, Korean Armstice agreement was entred into:
- Estb of NNRC Neutral nations repatriation commission to decide the fate of 20k POWs. India was the
chair. Tenure ended in 1954.
- A custodian force from India under General Thimayya was deployed in the inter Korean border. Work
was praised internationally for executing this operation successfully.
- By the end of NNRC, 80 POWs did not want to join N or S Korea, they were granted aboard in India

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06 December 2022 09:47

Impact of British on caste:

1. 1881 Census : Attempt to build heirarchy of caste which catalysed the differences
2. Practice of giving lands on the basis of castes
3. Reservations on the basis of caste
4. GOI Act, 1935 - Depressed class given separate electorates
5. In Army there were various reigments - Maratha, Gorkha , Sikh, Mahar
6. Propagated Aryan invasion theory

Positive impacts on caste:

1. Modern Law courts
2. Railways
3. Gradual urbanisation
4. Industries

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Criminal Justice System- That aims to deliver justice to victims of crimes. Free and
fair trial. Quick Justice, Protection of vulnerable section, prevention of crime.
Broken window syndrome: One crime leads to more crimes.

Pillars: Institutional framework, Courts/Judiciary, Advocates/Prosecutors

Legal framework (IPC and CrPC and State Laws)

Degrading in India- Backlog of Judicial cases 4.4 crore- National judicial data grid,
Criminal legislators, NCRB Crime in India report - 28% rise in crimes, increase in
cybercrime 4%, Conviction Rate is less, over occupancy in prisons 120%, 487 crimes
per lakh population (increased)

Types of justice: retributive- revenge, Reformative, Distributive

Impacts of poor CJS: - Liberty is compromised, Economic productivity declines,

Affects EoDB- Reduction in tourism and FDI, Individual growth restrained, Trust on
democracy vanishes, increase in non-state actors, Mob lynching, Brain drain,
criminalisation of politics, laws would be ineffective, increase in pendency of cases.

Reasons for pendency of cases: Less protection to judges, quality of prosecutors by

delaying (23 percent cases pending from 10 years), stifling prosecution, criminals in
powerful positions,

Vacancies at the judicial and Police level (India - 21 judges per mio population,
required 50), HC has 40% vacancies
UN - 222 per lakh (India sanctioned - 192, actual - 144)
Lack of clarity on laws
Poor Infrastructure - No clerical staff (Law comm reports)
ADR has not been on the forefront
Lack of accountability
Govt is one of the major litigant

Impact - access to justice is compromised

Bapu singh vs state of UP - Right to speedy trial is a fundamental right A21
Credibility of judiciary is affected

Steps for speedy delivery of Justice:

- ADR mechanisms - NALSA, Lok Adalat
- Fast Track Courts
- E court
- LIMBS - Legal info mgt briefing system- centralising the dB for ministries to
- NyayMitras - Guiding litigants

Way ahead : Consensus between judiciary and Executive


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Reforms in criminal law
Process reengineering
Increase funding in infra
PIL Screening
Ad hoc and retired judges
National Judicial Infrastructure Authority
National Litigation policy
National mission for Justice delivery and Legal reforms
Law comm - 1800 FTCourts

Alternative dispute resolutions: Unconventional way to settle dispute outside the

court to ensure speedy trials and fair access of justice.
Types: E courts, Arbitration and conciliation, mediation, Plea bargaining, NALSA,

2021- ACBill: Qualification of Arbitrator has been removed,

Mediation Bill 2021: For civil or commercial disputes: Mandatory: 180 days +
Mediation Council of India- Train mediators, recognise,
Benefits: Speedy trials, cost effective , access, quick disposal, easy to enforce,
informal and flexible, long term solutions
Issues: Awareness, Accessibility, Illiteracy among litigants, Judicial intervention,
Gurunanak Foundation Vs Ratan Singh Case - SC expressed disappointed wrt
procedural delays in ADR

All India Judicial Services: proposed by 14th law commission 1958. All india judges
association vs UOI - SC directed to form AIJS-1992

Pros: - Competent judges, efficient judiciary, clearance of backlog, wider

representation in judiciary, increase in judges to population ratio, transparency
Cons: Diversity in states, affects federalism, affects separation of power, promotion
of english youth, state specific solutions required.

Capital punishment:
Abolish - By law commission, EU members already have- Irreversible, Retributive,
Harban Singh Vs State of UP: Subjectivity in giving such punishment
Societal and circumstantial reasons of crimes
Not abolish: Avoids Re offenders,
Required: Creation of deterence by faster disposal of cases, 100 % conviction rate.

Reasons of huge number of cases under trials:

Uncompetitive Prosecutors, Costly trials, Corruption, Understaffed and
overburdened judiciary, Illiteracy, High bail amount
Issues of prisons: Poor Infra, HR vacancy >30%, Corruption in Jail Mgt, No focus on
reformation, Neglect on health and mental well being, Women prisoners are
Vulnerable, Human rights violations, Unhygenic, Convicted kept with undertrials.:
Amitava Roy Committee report:
- Overcrowding: Special courts, lawyers 1:30, Speedy trials
- Legal Aid to prisoners
- ICT - Video conferencing
- Accommodative transformation
- Compensation to undertrials

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- Compensation to undertrials
- Faster police investigation
- Liberalise bail condition
- E prison platform for smoother functioning

Ranbir Singh Committee - To Reform IPC 1860, CrPC 1973, IEA 1872
Need: - Archaic/ Colonial Laws
- Pendency of cases because vague
- Retribution to reformation
- Outdated Laws
- Cybercrimes sync, Economic and Environmental crimes
- Complex language
- Loophole
- Less focus on victim rehabilitation
- Ends have changed - Welfare
- Witness protection
- Integrated approach, Common Framework
- Gender neutral laws

124A : Sedition: Life imprisonment for Disaffection towards govt:

- Affects Freedom of expression'
- Kills dissent
- Colonial Law
- Gag the press
- Suppress Democracy
- Used to suppress criticism
- To kill political voice
Kedarnath Vs State of Bihar: Constitutional validity was upheld, but only if
words are causing violence directly or indirectly (only 3% conviction in 2019-

Pros: - National Security

- Anti National Elements
- Police requires special powers to suppress non state actors
- To tackle insurgency

Police Reforms:

- Politicization - No security of tenure
- Corruption
- Understaffing
- Overburden
- Underpaid
- No Specialisation between Investigation and Law and order
- Resources crunch
- Majorly Constablry
- Lack of training as per changing crimes - Outdated
- Attitude problem
- Less female officers 12%
- Poor Infra, Long working hours,

Required: Prakash Singh Committee

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Required: Prakash Singh Committee
- National and State security commission
- Police complaint authority
- Police establishment board

- Communication and soft skill training

- Upgrade skills - Specialisation
- Increase women police
- Citizen centric/ sensitized
- SMART - sensitive, Mobile, Accountable, Responsive, Tech savvy


Why Independent?
- Check on excesses on Executive and Legislature
- Final Interpreter of constitution
- Constitutionalism
- Rule of Law
- Protection of Fundamental Rights
- To protect federalism

Issues: - Vacancy 42% in HC

- Nepotism in appointment
- Lack of accountability
- Infrastructure
- Less Female judges 11 in SC
- Judges accepting political posts
- Judicial overreach
- No of holidays

Steps: - Process re engineering of court management

- Reducing paper work
- National Judicial Infrastructure authority
- Transparency in appointment of judges
- Indian court and Tribunal Service
- Judicial Standards and accountability bill
- Focus on ADRs
- Voluntary RTI
- Video Conferencing Eg Gujarat HC

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- A 142 - Complete justice by SC
- Judicial Review
- Expanded interpretation of constitution

Pros: - Human Rights and Fundamental rights

- Check and balance on excesses of executive
- Check arbitrariness
- Environment protection

Cons- Against separation of power

- Already pendency
- Not expert
- Popular govt undermine

Justice PN Bhagwati started PIL

SC issued directions in Balwant Singh Chaufal judgement:

- Every HC encourage bonafide PIL
- Verifying the credentials of the petitioner
- Checking the correctness of content
- If it is serving the public interest / Urgency
- No personal vendettas
- Genuine public harm
- Imposing exemplary cost on frivolous PILs


Reduce court burden

Issues: - Conflict of Interest

- Bureaucrats are appointed who worked for the Executive
- Majority of non judicial members

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- Majority of non judicial members
- Non transparent appointment
- Over Tribunalisation
- No uniformity wrt appointment or tenure
- Lack of expertise
- Huge pendency 272nd Law commission report - CAT - 44k cases, ITAT- 90k

Separation of power: A 50 - concept by Montesqueu

- To avoid encroachment or interference in the working
- Confusion of authority
- Clear accountability

A 121 and 211 - Conduct of SC and HC judges should not be discussed in the

Council of ministers are a part of both Exec and Legislature

Judicial Overreach
MPLADS scheme
Ordinances (1950s- 7.1 per year, 2019-16, 2020-20 ordinances)
Delayed decision making
Conflict / Deadlock

- Making laws
- Check and balance on executive
- Important issues in the country in front of exec
- Representing people
- Federalism
- Election of President

Data: 1 minute wasted costs 2.5 lakhs according to PRS

- Monsoon 2021 -85% time wasted in first 2 weeks , 5 bills in 44 minutes
General Insurance Business Amendment Bill - passed in 8 minutes
- 2022 Budget session - 26% provisions not discussed
- Aadhar Bill has been passed as Money bill to by-pass RS
- 3 years- No deputy speaker
- Percentage of bills referred to parliamentary committees:
Lok Sabha 15th- 71% >16th - 27% > 17th - 11%
- No of Women:15% in LS and 12% in RS
- Average sitting decreased to 60 days in LS (from 120 days in the first few LS)
Punjab LA - 15 days in 2020 and 11 days in 2021
Average of all State Las - 30 days a year
- No of MPs with criminal records:
2004 - 24%, 2009 - 30%, 2014 - 34%, 2019- 43%

- Criminalisation
- Degrading values
- Lack of training of MPs
- Anti-defection law
- Weakened opposition
- Regionalism
- Coalition govt

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- Coalition govt

Impact: - Decrease in trust on democracy

- Non state actor
- Pressure groups increase
- Brain drain
- Judicial Activism
- Lack of accountability
- Delegated legislature
- Substandard laws
- EoDB

Measures: Fix the sitting of LS/RS

- Code of conduct, Ethics commissioner
- Standardisation of functioning of Political parties
- Independent speaker
- Electoral reforms
- Experts to guide
- Every bill to committees
- Simultaneous elections
- Shadow cabinet

National Commission on working of constitution

- Compulsory parliamentary committees
- Longer tenure of committee members (current: 1 year)
- Major reports of comm should be discussed in parliament

Ordinances (1950s- 7.1 per year, 2019-16, 2020-20 ordinances)

A123 / 213 - Ordinances are passed by the President (Executive)/ Guv when the
either of the house is not in session for exceptional cases. Such ordinance survives
till 6 weeks from the first sitting of the next session.
Coalition govt, lack of majority, by pass discussions
Kerala - 80 ordinances in 2020
- Executive encroaching on Legislature
- Hasty and undemocratic
- Affects accountability
- Centralises power
- RC Cooper Vs UOI - 1970: SC held Ordinances can be challenged in court if
there was no immediate action required, under JR
- DC Wadhwa VS State of Bihar - Not a substitute to law, only in exceptional
cases, tool of last resort
- Krishna Kumar Singh Vs State of Bihar - 2017 - Mandatorily placed before

Political Party Reforms

- Over centralisation
- Intra party elections are non transparent and irregular
- Dynasty politics /Nepotism
- Personality cult
- Anti Defection- Poor right to dissent
- Elitism

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- Elitism
- Not covered under RTI
Need - Internal Democracy
- Reduce criminalisation
- No law governing
- Women participation

National Commission on the working of the constitution: Comprehensive laws

RTI, Audit, more powers to ECI,
Reforms in anti defection law

Reasons of criminalisation:
- Vote bank politics
- Weak judicial system (<0.5% conviction rate for cases against ministers)
- Corruption
- Political illiteracy
- Reduces morale of Civil servants

Lily Thomas case- Immediate disqualification if an MP is convicted

Public Intt foundation vs UOI - List of criminal candidates have to be
published on website/ social media handles
Ram babu Singh Vs Sunia Arora: SC held mandatory publication of criminal
cases within 48hrs, with reasons of selection of such candidates
SC directed ECI - people can get aware about such criminal candidates

Punjab Election: Know your candidate - app

Sc directed Govt to establish Fast track courts

LC 244th report - MP should be disqualified when a crime of >5y is framed.
Additional power to ECI
False affidavit - ban

State funding of election could be resorted to

Pressure Groups:
Are organised groups of individuals or industry representatives who bring to the
notice of the government, the concerns faced by a sector or public in general
thereby influencing the govt to make laws and policies to address the same.
When done by privte groups/ corporates - called Lobbying
Reason for proliferation:
- Mis governance
- Parliament mal functioning
- Inefficient Political parties
- Lack of grievance redressal mechanisms
- Increased awareness of rights
- Non awareness of ground reality by the legislature
- Lack of laws regarding emerging new fields
Methods used - Advocacy, Social media campaign, strikes, research, PIL

Pros - safety valve

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Pros - safety valve
- Participatory democracy
- Feedback
- Inputs to policy
- Empower people / Vulnerable sections

Cons- Non state actors

- Might fulfil personal vendettas
- Anti national elements can cause destabilise in democracy
- Lack of accountability
- Narrow interest
- Can cause violence and disrupt public order
- Vote bank politics
- Crony capitalism

Need- Laws to regulate, enhance transparency

Guardian of parliamentary privileges
Principal spokesperson of the house
Checks order and decorum
Decides Money bill
Anti - defection decision
Casting vote
Secret meeting
Joint sitting

So far, a joint session has been called only three times:

- Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961
- Banking Service Commission Act (Repeal), 1978
- Prevention of Terrorism Act, 2002

Keisham Megha chandra Singh Vs Speaker MLA 2020- Govt should revisit Anti
defection law and est a Tribunal, Decision by speaker - 3 months

Office of Profit:

Posts having Financial remuneration

- SC has given 5 step guidelines to identify such an office:
1. Appointment by Govt
2. Govt has power to terminate
3. Govt decides remuneration
4. Certain power associated with the position

A 102, 191 : MP/ MLA - holding OOP is disqualified : Conflict of interest and
separation of power
As per Constitution:
- Unsound mind
- Undischarged insolvent
- Ceases to be citizen
- Disqualified as per parliamentary law

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- Anti defection 10th Sch

Laws: - RPA, 1951

- Election offence, corrupt practices
- Convicted for an offence for > 2years
- Failed to lodge account of expenses in election
- Interested in govt contract works
- Corrupt
- Promoting enmity between groups
- Supporting crimes such as untouchability, sati, dowry

91st CAA- Max 15% Council of ministers : to bypass this, posts like Parliamentary
secretary are created in huge numbers

Election commission of India

Issues :
- Chief election Commissioner - can be removes similar to SC Judge, but not
other ECs
- Salaries NOT Charges on CFI
- NOT debarred from further appointment
- Appointment done by Govt and NOT Collegium
- Not a separate staff
- Cannot regulate intra party democracy

C-vigil app by ECI - other party can capture violation of MCC


World Bank: NPO that pursue activities to relieve suffering, promote the interests
of the poor, protect the environment, provide basic social services, or undertake
community development.

- Non State
- Self governed
- Non profit
- Public purpose

To voice public opinion
Feedback on govt policies
Govt is unable to reach
Capacity building
Participatory democracy
To redress public grievances not being addressed through laws
To provide recourse to victims and survivors of abuse

Less rule bound
Prompt decision

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Prompt decision
High commitment
Can experiment freely
Accepted by local people
Conflict resolution Eg Nyay Jyoti
Good governance - MKSS

Assumes executive function of the government
Poor internal governance
Narrow perspective
Wastefulness of resources due to lack of knowledge
Prudence might be absent with others' money
Mismanagement can cause wastage of donations
Funded by foreign agencies, violating FCRA, Anti national
Money laundering

FCRA 2020 - Amendment:

- Aadhar based registration of the functionaries
- All bank accounts in SBI New delhi to recieve foreign funds
- Not more than 20% of the funds for admin purposes
- Transfer of funds to an org unregistered under FCRA is not allowed
- Renew certificates
- Public servants banned from foreign funds

Darpan Portal : NGOs can use to reach Govt

E-Samvaad: by MoWCD

Vijay Kumar committee - For reforms in governance of NGOs

- Modernize registration process
- Reduce need of physical interface
- Ensure seemless operation of the IT Act
- 3 tier monitoring system

Way forward:
- National Accreditation council
- Updated policy on voluntary organisation

Electoral Bonds:
2019-20 : BJP - 78.34 % donations - undisclosed sources
- Anonymity (only with Opposition and general public)
- Cash use deterred
- Transparent way to receive money

Issues - crony capitalism

- Infinite funding

43.8% money used in elections of 2014 was through black money'

Self Help Groups:

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Self Help Groups:
- Informal association , similar interests, self governed.
Ashwini Despande and Shantanu Khanna - Maharashtra - SHG leads to political
participation, decision making, Economic empowerment, financial literacy, decision
making of women, knowledge of administration.

Present 66lakh
Additional 17lakh by 2022

Successful :
Kudumbashree Kerala
Mahila Arthik Vikas Mahamandal

Most important officer - BR Ambedkar
Guardian of the public purse
Guides PAC
Audit of CG and SG organisations

Regulatory body: independent govt authorities which implement rules and laws to
ensure smooth functioning of a specific sector
To set standards and code of conduct
To address information asymmetry
To protect minority stakeholders
To ensure fair and healthy competition
To avoid monopoly
Protect public from market failure
Ensure sector growth
Grievance redressal mechanism

- Over regulation leading to policy paralysis
- Appointment by govt undermines independence
- Overlapping functions
- Recommendations are not binding
- Corruption Eg Medical council of India
- No regulatory impact assessment
- Bureaucrats appointed, leads to conflict of interest
- Poor parliamentary oversight over their functioning
- Politicisation

2nd ARC: Clear cut objectives

Transparency in appointment
Periodic evaluation
Autonomy and independence

630 Zila parishad, 6614 Panchayat samiti, 2,53,163 Gram Panchayats (Jan 2019)
- To strengthen grassroot democracy
- To move from paper democracy to functional democracy

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- To move from paper democracy to functional democracy
- Decentralised Democracy
- Women empowerment
- Better accountability

Interference: Schemes like MPLAD - create alternative authority
Power of taxation is not a mandatory provision
SG has found other authorities to perform PRI functions Eg Water user group in UP
Vacancies, inadequate staff
Low incentives
Posts like SarpanchPati
Poor capacity building and skill training
Huge bureaucratic control
Delay in elections
Independence of state election commissions

Rashtriya Gram swaraj Yojana: Sabka sath, sabka gram, sabka vikas
E panchayat - for evaluation, implementation, monitoring of schemes
E Gram swaraj portal: Transparency and e governance through planning and better
work monitoring

Way forwards:
- Principle of subsidiarity - Central authority should not perform functions that
can be carried out effectively by local government
- ICT for better delivery of services
- Citizen centricity
- Delineation of functions

Bhuria Committee,1995: PESA was enacted since 73rd CAA was not applicable to
the scheduled areas
Every state govt to form separate laws as per local requirement
Gram Sabha powers: Approve plans, Allocation of MFPs, Land Acquisition, Mineral
resources, regulating intoxicating drugs, maintaining cultural identity
- Partial implementation - XaXa committee
- Rules not performed
- State and CG pass laws to bypass powers of Gram sabha
- MoPR and MoTA - confusion
- Bureaucratic apathy

Schedule 5 : Tribal Advisory Council - 20 members : 3/4th from Tribal community. -


Governor submits a report on working of such areas

Guv has the right to decide the applicability of law
Guv has right to make laws for peace and good governance
Guv can make regulations to prohibit or transfer of land
Regulate allotment of land to members
Regulate money lending

Issues: Guv didn’t submit report on time

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Issues: Guv didn’t submit report on time
No criteria in selection on 1/4th members in TAC
Every law is automatically unless Guv decides otherwise

Way forwards:
No automatic application of law
Steps taken by Guv should be clearly mentioned in his report
Modif in membership of TAC
Tribal development plans should be increased
TAC empower
TWD should be made accountable to TAC

6th Schedule:
Autonomous district council in Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Mizoram
Legislative - Land, Marriage, Shifting cultivation etc
Exec - to run and establish school, market dispensary, waterways etc
Judicial - petty crimes and disputes. NOT allowed if death penalty or
Financial- Power to tax

Issues: lack of funds

Guv has excessive powers wrt ADCs
Rising disputes tribals and non tribals
No time limit for reconstitution of ADC after dissolutions
Dependent on SECs for elections
Act east policy hindered

Way forward: ADC should be convered by SFC

1/3rd women reservation
ADC should be reconstituted within 6m
Panchayat at village levels
Redefine boundaries of ADC

Geriatric population:
A41 DPSP: 71% elderly in Rural
- Financially dependent
- Lack of formal saving sector
- Health neglected
- Multiple disabilities
- Lack of health insurance penetration
- Lack of Geriatric care facilities
- Neglect/ Alienation
- Rising individualism and materialism
- Vulnerable to disaster

Silver economy - Products for elderly

- SACRED: Employment of elderly
- SAGE: Encourage private ent to bring out products and services for old age
- Atal Bima Yojana
- IG pension Scheme

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- IG pension Scheme
- Annapoorna
- PM Vaya Vandana Yojana
- Voyoshree yojana - physical aid to old
- Maintenance and welfare of Parents and Sr citizen Act

Way forward:
- Old age homes
- Value education at school
- Increase the beneficiary and amount of pension schemes
- Hospitals especially for geriatric care
- E governance
- Formalise
Support NGOs such as Help Age India

Indian Diaspora:
People living in other countries who trace their origin to India, permanently or
temporarily settled.

WB - Migration and Displacement brief : 18 million Indian diaspora

Importance: - 87 Billion remittance
Source of FDI
Source of new knowledge and technical expertise
Spreading culture across the world
Strengthening ties with other countries
Strengthening the idea of Brand India
During emergencies : Philanthropic donations

- Middle east: violation of employment contracts
- Harsh working conditions
- Racial discrimination
- S. Lanka- Prosecution of Tamil minorities
- Wave of Anti globalisation and nationalism affects jobs
- Crises situation like Russia Ukraine wars - due to inefficient embassies
- Brain Drain
- Sudden policy changes. Eg H1B visa in USA
- Multiple clearances required

Role of Civil Services in Democracy:

Competency framework:
1. Ethos -
- Ultimate aim should be public good
- Citizen centricity
- Interest of nation
2. Ethics -
- Integrity
- Honesty
- Transparency
- Fairness
3. Effectiveness
- Efficiency
- Operational Efficiency

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- Operational Efficiency
- Manage Human Capital
4. Equity
- Not waste resources

- Policy implementation
- Public services
- Support and guide legislative members
- Expert support
- Continuity in administration
- Regulatory authority
- Crisis Management
- Grievance redressal

- Rule bound
- Only Implementation
- Value degradation
- Nexus between bureaucracy and political executive
- Bias
- Politicisation
- Generalists not experts
- Elitist attitude
- Not accountable to public

Needed - Decentralisation
- Code of ethics
Mission Karmayogi
IGOT platform
360 degree appraisal
Compulsory retirement
Aarambh initiative

Operationalisation of Lokpal
Ethics in upsc exam
Removal of A311


Deficiency, Excess, Imbalance of nutrients.

FAO - 14.5% population is undernourished.

NHFS- 5:
Stunting - Height for age - Chronic: 36%
Wasting - Weight for height - Acute- 19%
Underweight - Weight for age - 32%
Anaemia - 52%
Obese - BMI > 25 : Among Men - 24% , Women - 23% (Both increased from NHFS 4)


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1. Accessibility
- due to poverty
- PDS inefficient: leakages and corruption
- Patriarchy
- Inflation
- Drought
2. Diseases
- Lack of access to sanitation
- Burning coal
- Access to health services
- Immunization
3. Lack of awareness about nutrition
4. Globalisation: Food fats
5. Bad food habits
6. Poor regulation of Restaurants
7. Lack of exercise

- HR loss
- High MMR, IMR
- Productivity loss
- Expenditure on health services

Poshan Abhiyan
PM Matru Vandana Yojana
Anaemia Mukta bharat
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
One nation One Ration Card
Computerisation of PDS

Eat Right
RUCO - banning use of used oil
Fit India Campaign
Trans fat elimination
NM on Non communicable diseases
Promotion of millets

HEALTH Sector:

A47 of COI
Bandhu Mukti Morcha Vs UOI: Right to health is a FR

Doctor : 1:1600 , should be 1:1000 WHO

Beds: 3/1000, should be 2:1000
Out of pocket expenditure: 60.62%

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Out of pocket expenditure: 60.62%
55 mio driven into poverty due to health costs
Public spending : 1.25 - 1.3% (Nigeria - 6%)
MBBS seats - 91k
61% - 1 doctor
7% - No doc
33% - no lab technician
20% - No pharmacists

- Low budget spending
- Insurance premium is very high
- Policy shift from tertiary to primary care
- Infra - 30% PHCs don’t have doctors
- Almost 25% PHCs do not meet Indian Public health standard norms
- Only 16% CHC meets PHS norms
- Less insurance penetration
- NITI Aayog : Missing middle: close to 56 crore individuals not insured
- Pvt Hospitals unregulated
- Unethical practices
- Fake docs
1. National Medical commission
2. Ayushman Bharat
4. PM Swasthya Suraksha Yojana
5. Increase budget allocation by 2.5% by 2025
6. Generic medicines
7. PMBJP - JanAushadhi Kendra
8. Poshan Abhiyan
10. Indradhanush
11. PMAY

Way forward:
- All India Health services
- Medical colleges in every district
- PHCs improve
- Synthesis of Allopathy and AYUSH - holistic approach
- Tele medicines
- Infra improvement


Pre primary education - Building cognitive abilities, foundation strong, 90% brain
growth, Social interactions, inculcate values
Strengthen anganwadi

- Unavailability of teachers
- Untrained Anganwadi workers
- No standard syllabus

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- No standard syllabus
- Focus on rote learning
- Acting as Day care centres

Primary and secondary:

- ASER Report: Huge gaps due to pandemic
- Class 4 students who could do simple division:12 --> 3.6%
- Dropping out of Secondary:14%
- Gross Enrollment :Elementary: 97%, upper primary : 87%, Secondary: 77%,
Higher secondary: 51%
- 45% teachers feel they have skill gaps
- Dysfunctional management in schools

- Samagra Siksha
- PARAKH - evaluation
- Atal tinkering labs for startups
- Darpan for management
- NISHTHA - training school headmasters, teachers
- Budgetary exp is less

Higher education: GER:27.1% (Global - 33%)

- Share of female students in Institutes of national importance is very less
- Poor RnD expenditure 0.8% of GDP
- Lack of funds with universities
- Only 3 institutes in top 200 in world ranking
- Disparity wrt access
- Lack of multimodal education

RISE Revitalising infrastructure and system in Education

NIRF - national Institute Ranking framework
STARS Scheme
NEFA - national education financing authority

Need - industry - academics linkage

- Update curriculum
- Universal regulatory authority
- Increase RnD exp
- Incr budget 6%
- Availability of university funding
- Collab with foreign universities

National Education policy

- 10+2 --> 5+3+3+4
- Computer skills
- Vocational education from 6th standard
- Reforms in exams of 10th and 12th
- Curriculum updation, moral education, discovery based, critical
- Teacher training 4 years
- Mother tongue 5th grade
- National mission on foundational literacy and numeracy: till 3rd grade

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- National mission on foundational literacy and numeracy: till 3rd grade
- GER in Higher ed 50% by 2035
- National testing agency
- National Research foundation
- Higher education commission of India
- Foreign universities should be given chance to setup in India
- 3 language formula

- Easy to understand and implement
- Electing representatives >> Link between voters and electors
- Wider participation: Independent candidates can contest
- Stable govt
- Voters know the representatives

- Disproportionate value of each vote

- Vote bank politics
- Minorities are affected
- Identity based politics

Proportional representation:
- Equal value to each votes
- Fair representation
- Inclusive govt
- By elections need not be conducted

- Complicated
- Unstable govt
- Eliminates link between govt and people

Competition commission of India CCI

Stat org under Competition Act 2002 replacing MRTP 1969
- To promote healthy competition
- To protect consumers
- Prevent cartelisation
- Domestic industry
- Against market distortion
- Predatory pricing

- Adjudicated 1200 anti trust cases

- Reviewed 900 mergers
- Average time of 30 days

Issues :
- Ecommerce
- Conflict between CCI and other regulators
- New entrants not possible in a few industries
Competition Act Amendment Bill 2022
- Board with part time members to supervise activities of CCI
- Mandatory on CCI to give reasons for penalty
- Reduces MnA time from 210 to 150 days
- Green channel for MnA for a few sectors
- New kinds of anti competitive deals Eg Hub and Spoke

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- New kinds of anti competitive deals Eg Hub and Spoke

National Human Rights Commission:

Cases > 1y cannot be taken up

Recommendatory only
No investigating agency
Limited power wrt armed forces

Mostly retired politicians

Inadequacy of funds
Post retirement
No eligibility for selection

- 2021-22 : Pendency 32.75%

- Disposal rate : 8.35%
- Drop in Suo Motu cases :
2016- 96K
2021- 76K
Pendency 20k
Investigation in only 3% cases
Public authorities who fail to take actions :
2016- 7800
2021- 3000

Way forward: Power to penalise

Action taken report by Govt
Independent office

NCST: Annual reports pending from 3-4 years

HR and funds shortage
No regular meetings
Pendency of cases

NGT: Vacancies since inception

Lack of environmental experts
Created layer of adjudication
WPA and EPA excluded
Narrow view over environment over economic growth
Function overlapping with CPCB
CG interference
Lack criteria for imposing fines

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Vulnerable section
28 September 2022 10:45

Any condition of body or mind that restricts the interaction of a person with the world
around them
2.21% disabled (2.64 cr) - 69% rural : National draft policy on disability 2022
Globally: 15%

- Education 54% Literacy rate whereas world average is 74%
- Infrastructure - lack of disabled friendly
- Lack of employment opportunities
- Attitudinal - Charity, Sympathy, Discrimination
- Social Stigma
- Poor Data collections and Stats
- Less political rep
- No focus on prevention and early intervention
- Less budget allocation
- Accessible India Scheme

Right of persons with disabilities Act , 2016 : 21 disabilities covered

National and state funds for financial support
In Consonance with -UN convention on Rights of persons with Disability

National draft policy on PwD

- Prevention and early intervention
- More jobs
- Mobilising Voluntary sector
- Greater social security

- Sign language in every hospitals

- Dedicated Sports centre
- Making cinema halls etc disabled friendly
Issues with draft policy
- Reframing of 2016 Act - no out of the box thinking
- Most framers from Delhi
- Lacks inter ministerial coordination
- Does not focus on increase the funding
- Pension is 300, silent on it
- Silent on repealing all types of guardianship

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- Silent on repealing all types of guardianship
Way forward:
- One size fits all approach doesn’t work
- Change governance from charity to empowerment
- Inclusive growth


World Bank - pronounced deprivation in well-being and comprises multiple dimensions ,

not just lack of goods and services but beyond. <$1.9 per day\
2004-11 : 2.5% p.a. reduction
2011-19 : 1.3% p.a. reduction
MDPI - 66th rank

Causes : Unemp, Population, Corruption, Ineffective implementation, Poor labor force

participation rate, lack of manufacturing sector

Capability Approach : Amartya Sen

- Skill India programme

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07 October 2022 10:50

Inclusive Growth:

Benefits all
Equal contribution in economic growth
Equal opportunities
Based on concept of Sarvodaya by Gandhiji

Oxfam report: 1% pop has 42% of wealth

10% pop owns 74% of wealth
HDI- 131
UR - ~7%
Multidimensionally poor - 25%
4cr people slipped into poverty due to pandemic
Labor force participation rate ~20%
50% women Anemic
Gini Index: 31.7% in 1991, 35.7% in 2021
Informal economy - 90%
Population explosion
Jobless growth
Poor agriculture sector
Public capex very less
Low social sector expenditure
Caste based discrimination

Effects: Naxalism
Reservation demands

Kuznet curve and Trickle down theory : Did not work

Basic needs: PDS. Food for work : Temporary
Right bases approach: RTE, MGNREGA
Capability approach: Skill development

Need : Capability approach and Social security like insurance

- Focus on MSME
- Focus on tax to GDP ratio
- Good governance
- Women empowerment (SHGs)
- Skill development, health
- Focus on Environment, economy, equality,


6.3 cr MSMEs provide employment to 120 million people

Rural development
Women empowerment
Rural migrations avoided
Inclusive growth

Mains Page 35
Inclusive growth

Dwarf MSMEs : more than 10yo but employing less than 100 people
Credit crunch : NPA crisis: 30-35% GDP getting 15-17% of Credit
Lack of skilled labour
Archaic labor laws and overregulations
Competition with Imported goods from China
Technological obsolete
Lack of market access
E commerce is a threat

Steps taken: MUDRA yojana

59 minutes loan
Skill India
Collateral free loans under Atmanirbhar Bharat
Priority sector lending
Udyog aadhar
Aspire and SFURTI
Udyami Mitra Portal
MSME Innovate scheme
Emergency credit line guarantee
Handholding for Exports
Gandhiji gave importance to production by masses and not mass production


Centre for monitoring of Indian economy - 6-7% UR

- Lack of development in Manufacturing sector
- Mismatch between availability and demand of skills
- Tech upgradation
- MSMEs growth is slow
- Low agricultural growth
- Lack of focus on horticulture, commercialisation, diversification
- Archaic labor laws
- Low LFPR of women

Skills: Skill India


Entrepreneurship: Stand up India

ARYA Attracting rural youth for agriculture

Other ways: FDI relaxation

National infrastructure pipeline
Labor reforms
MUDRA yojana


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- Transportation, warehouse, storage, packaging, SCM, Material management

-$200 billion - 14% of GDP

14-> 10% : increase in export 5-7 %
Potential: 23 million jobs
Supports other sectors
Support food processing industry
Better environment

55% of goods are through roads, 36% through rail, 2.5% inland waterways
Lack of uniform policy making
Informal and fragmented
No multi modal integration
Cross subsidisation
Less private investment
Poor digitalisation
Multimodal Transportation of Goods Act 1992 : Tight regulations

PM GATI Shakti : Multi modal logistics

Dedicated Freight corridors
E way bills
LEADS Index of NITI Aayog
Sagarmala, Bharatmala
PMKSY : Cold storage
DFIs for infrastructure
National logistics efficiency and advancement predictability and safety act
National logistics policy


Port led industrialisation

Blue economy
Coastal economy

Poor evacuation infrastructure

Poor mechanisation and digitalisation
High turnaround time - 2.7 days
Port Trust Act, 1963 --> Poor governance---> Major Port trust authority Act,2021
Pollution, invasive alien species
Less private investment


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• SAROD : portal for grievances
• Allowed FDI 100%
• Sagalmala
- Port led development
- Modernisation
- Connectivity
• RFID for goods management
• Major Port trust authority Act,2021: Lesser members than a trust, appointed by CG
- More power and autonomy wrt land utilization, deciding rates
• Tariff authority for Major Ports ----> Independent port trust authority to decide rates
• Independent adjudicatory board for grievance redressal
• Private investment : PPP terminals do not have to take permission from CG for rates

• India Port Bill 2021:

- International Ship and Port facility Security Code 2004
- International convention for the prevention of pollution from ships
- International ballistic water management convention 2017
Will provide safety and security to ships
Adequate reception facility to dispose off wastes
Maritime state development Council : Headed by Minter for port shipping and waterways
- Permanent - CG
- Formulate national plan for development of existing and new ports and revise them periodically
- Monitor development of major and non major ports
- To ensure integrated development
- Penalise port officers

Issues :
MSDC does not have members from State maritime boards or experts
Can control minor ports - Federalism affected


Service sector
Time save
Connectivity to difficult terrains
6.3 million job potential
Disaster management

Fuel prices
Archaic rules : Indian aircraft act 1934, AC rules 1937
Regulation by DG of Aviation - lack of professionalisation, over bureaucratization, Under staffed
MRO - Customs, Rules etc
Poor maintenace
Over competitiveness

Privatisation: Prices will increases, Will not serve areas with less demand
High carbon footprint
RCS flight not started
Air cargo sector lagging
Cap on air prices by regulatory bodies

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Airport development through PPP
Global Hub for MRO
Hub for Aircraft leasing and financing
NAV - New generation airports


Nutritional security of India

Reduce food inflation
Import for export
Rural development

Lack of logistics
Essential commodities act
Lack of mechanisation

Measures: PMKSY Krishi Sampada : Mega parks, lab facilities, HR training, Cold storage
100% FDI
PM formalisation of Micro food processing enterprise scheme
Organised supply chain
Professional and technical support
One district one product
Operation Green
Kisan Rail : Krishi UDAN
Private entrepreneur Guarantee Scheme
Is under PSL


Employment to 28 mio people

India is the 2nd largest producer, 4th largest exporter
Close to 7% of agricultural GDP
Protein and nutrition
RM for FPI
7500km coastline advantage
Coastal economy development

Maritime disputes
Informal sector
Lack of cold storages and logistics support
Sanitary and phytosanitary standards are not met
Lack of mechanisation

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Lack of mechanisation
Lack of quality seedlings

1. PM Matsya sampada yojana:

- Fisheries and Aquaculture Development fund
- GEMINI devices on ships
2. Development of Inland fisheries and aquaculture scheme
3. National fisheries policies - 2020 - holistic : protection of native fishes, sustainable practices, productivity
4. Blue revolution

Sunrise sector and double digit growth since 2015

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International Relations
29 September 2022 12:22

G20: Italy, France, USA, Canada, Japan, Germany, UK

Saudi Arabia
South Korea
South Africa
- Economic growth to sustainable development
- CC
- Financial crisis
- New emerging issues
- Bilateral talks
- Inclusive growth
- Humanitarian crisis
- Suspended debt payments of poorest countries

- 90% of global GDP
- Almost 2/3rd of world's population
- 70-80% Trade

No formal charter
Mini UN - endless discussion no result
Coudnt predict 2008 crisis
No new commitment on CC

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Challenges -2023:Indian presidency
- Ukraine war
- Global supply shock
- Inflationary trends across countries
- Cooperation on monetary policy
- Pandemic preparedness, prevention and response
- Digital Economy: Crypto currency
- Unfair practices by big companies
- Global min tax rates

SAARC: China, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, S.

India boycotted summits since 2016 after Pathankot attacks

- Cooperation with neighbours

- Densely populated
- Asian Century
- 3 trillion dollar economy

- Counter BRI
- One China policy

- SAARC satellite, university

- SAARC food bank
- SAARC Development fund
- Funding for hydro projects between countries
- Covid relief funds
Reasons for failure:
- Historical enmity
- Border disputes
- Support to terrorism by pak
- No dispute resolution mechanism
- Asymmetry of power
- Lack of trade among the countries
- China's expansionists policy

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- China's expansionists policy
- Competing economies
- Lack of stable democracies in neighbouring countries , S Lanka,

Way Forward:
- Common point of convergence

BIMSTEC : India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar, S. Lanka,

Shyam Saran says BIMSTEC bridge b/s SA and South East
- Pillar of development of NE region
- 1/5th population
- Tool to Act east policy
- Bay of bengal important trade route
- Maritime security
- SAGAR strategy
- China's string of pearls counter
- IMT highway
- Kaladan project
- Border issues and insurgency in NE
- Only 5 summits in last 20y
- Strong influence of China on Myanmar and Thailand
- Lack of stable govt in Myanmar
- India unable to provide strong leadership
- Rohingya issues bw Bangladesh and India
- Sub org within -BBIN

United Nations:
- Preserve peace
- Safeguard human rights
- Develop friendly relations among nations
- Achieve cooperation in solving intl issues
- Remove cause of conflict
Peace, Protecting Hrights, Humanitarian asssitance

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Peace, Protecting Hrights, Humanitarian asssitance

- Global Org
- Successful in avoiding 3rd WW
- H Aid in Africa
- Function increased : Environment and climate change
- UN peacekeeping forces
- UN WFP in food security

- Control civil wars in S Lanka, S sudan
- Stop Arms and nuclear proliferation
- No outcome on Terrorism
- Failed in handling Covid-19
- Taking Shops
- Genocide in Rwanda
- Ukraine russia war
- Ineffective in dealing with Crypto currency, Cyber crimes
Need reforms:
- UNSC - no democratic representation, only 5 permanent, no african
country, Japan and India not included, Excessive Veto
- Countries not fulfilling UN funding commitments
- Over lapping of functioning
- Trusteeship council has become defunct
- Lack of accountability
- Red Tapism, Lack of resources,
- UNPKF : Poor funding, restrictions on movements, contribution
from limited countries, complex issues and wider mandate, lack of
equipped and trained forces

India's candidature for UNSC:

- 2nd largest contri to UNPKF
- Followed Non violence/ Panchsheel
- Representative of emerging countries
- Actively worked for refugee crisis
- Largest democracy

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- Largest democracy
- Founding member of UN
- Fastest growing economy
- Not signed NPT
- Opposition by Coffee club
- Allegations of HR violations against minorities
- S. Africa better candidate


1st conf : Belgrade, Yugoslavia 1961

120 members now : 2nd largest after UN
Maintain strategic autonomy
- Self determination
- Non adherence to multilateral military pacts
- National Independence
- Oppose racism and neo colonism
- Disarmament

Avoided 3rd WW
Voice of 3rd world countries

PM Modi did not attend last two NAM summits

Relevance: to avoid world wars
Raise voice on various platforms like WTO, UN
Refugee crisis, Immigration, Trade wars

Central Asia Region

- Kazakhstan
- Kyrgyzstan
- Uzbekistan
- Tajikistan
- Turkmenistan

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Energy Security: Hydrocarbon reserves
Kazakh - Uranium
Tajik- Oil
Turkmenistan - Gas

Mineral Resources
Stability of Afghanistan
Gateway for trade in Russia and Europe : INSTC
Drug trafficking
Source of Investment from India
Counter China's BRI
Air base in Tajikistan - only foreign

Challenges :
- China's Debt diplomacy
- Lack of geographical connectivity (Ashgabat Agreement / INSTC/
Chabahar Port)
TAPI pipeline
India has Strategic cooperation with Kazakhstan
Part of SCO
Indian technical and economic cooperation
Connect Central Asia Policy
India - Central Asia Dialogue : 2nd summit: Delhi declaration


3 million Diaspora
$17 billion (20X in 15 years)
2002-2021 - 51 billion concession
150 MT of oxygen
$100 million Covid recovery

Why: Huge natural resources

India is an importer of pulses from africa
Maritime security
Strategic location

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Strategic location
Medical tourism
Students in large number come from africa
Counter Chinas growing influence
Opportunity for business investment

Social conflicts in some african nations
Trade reduced during pandemic
Last summit 2015 (I-A summit)
Administrative difficulties

India + Japan - Asia Africa growth corridor

Pan Africa - E network
Line of credit to African coutnries
Techno Economic approach TEAM

Way forward:
- Connect with sub regional groups in Africa
- Economic relationship
- Development of Infra
- International Solar Alliance
- Special trade access to poor african countries
- IA summit should be every year

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18 October 2022 15:47

Tax to GDP Ratio : OECD =17-25% / India - 9.88% in 2020, 11.7% in 2021
- Low per capita income - 3-4% file (85% zero tax)
- Agriculture is not taxed
- Cash based
- Complex tax laws
- Unorganised and informal economy
- Value degradation
- Concessions
- Money laundering
- Tax avoidance (BEPS)

Lack of trust
Social sector spending decreases
Fiscal deficit increases
Poor services delivery

Simplification: e Sahyog and Project Saksham
Sugam and Sahaj Forms
Faceless appeal
Faceless tribunals
Global min corporate tax at G20
Digitalisation of transactions
Land reforms
Social media campaigns
Direct tax simplification
Vivad to Vishwas for quick dispute resolutions

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12 October 2022 12:33


No global standards or consensus, can be a threat to humanity, double edge sword

Complex cyber attacks, Moral less technology, social inequality increase, Huge infra, more e waste

- AICCI : AI cloud computing Infrastructure by NITI Aayog
- National Strategy on AI by NITI Aayog
- Centre for excellence by NIC
- National AI Portal : NASSCOM and MEITy
- Global partnership for AI
- ART- AI and Robotic Technology Park
- National mission for super computers : 70 SCs
- RAISE Summit by NITI and MEITy
- N Chandrashekhar and V Kamakoti committee on AI


1.23 lakh crore- total investment

1937/13000 patents granted in india were by Indians.
0.8% of GDP is the expenditure

Reasons: Brain drain

Less budget allocation
IPR Related issues
Not world class HEIs
Bureaucratic hurdles and hierarchy
Poor social recognition
Outdated curriculum
Lack of quality STEM talent pool

Measures : AIM
National IPR Policy
Jigyasa Portal
VAJRA Scheme to bring foreign faculty to India
KIRAN for women scientists
NIDHI Tech ideas converted to start ups
Rashtriya awishkar abhiyan
AWSAR Scientific writing
Collab with Israel and US
India innovation fund by SIDBI


Manipulation of matter at atomic, sub atomic and molecular levels, 1-100nm

Inorganic : Gold, Silica, Fullerene, Graphene: Carbon nano tubes
Organic: Micelle, liposomes, dendrimer

Large surface to volume ratio

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Large surface to volume ratio
Show quantum effect
Super conductors - some
Used as catalysts
Some are anti bacterial

Tech textiles
Precision Medicine: Better reach
Nanosensors to Identify bio markers: Diagnosis
Silver is anti bacterial
Heal wounds faster
Gene editing
Agriculture : Nano fertilisers, Nano sheets to prevent soil erosion, Pesticides
Construction: due to strength,

Long term effects not known: can affect pulmonary function
Lack funds and manpower
Increase inequality
Might affect privacy
More damage>> wars

National Mission on Nano science and technology

- Capacity building
- RnD
Institute of Nano SnT


8000cr allocated in budget 2021-22

Quantum entanglement and Superimposition
Quantum supremacy : Sycamore by Google, over power the super computers

4 domains:
Q- communication : secure communication via Q Key distribution
Q- Computing: Huge power
Q- Simulation: Like simulating nuclear reactions etc, drug discovery
Q - Meteorology: Predict weather

Huge funding required

Very low temperatures required

National mission on Q-tech and application

QUEST : Quantum enabled SnT


Uses biological systems, living organisms

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Uses biological systems, living organisms
Red: Health sector:
- Gene therapy Eg SMA disease - Zolgesma gene therapy
- Gene editing - CRISPR
- Vaccine production
- Molecular diagnosis - PCR , ELISA
- Hormone deficiency
- Stem cell

Green: Agriculture
- GM Crops
- Bio pesticides
- Pest resistance
- Bio fertilisers
- Biofortification

Blue: Marine
- Biorocks
Grey: Restoration of ecosystem:
- Bio remediation
- Biofuels

White: Manufacturing process

- Food processing industries

- India contribution - 3% in the world

- 100 billion dollar by 2024
- Among 12 top destinations for BT investments
Access to Lab
Skilled manpower
Low wages for scientists
Public funded
Low data protection
Low manufacturing
Information asymmetry
Ethical issues
Environmental concerns
Institute industry linkage is active

National Biotech development Strategy 2015-26:

- Make India a Bio manufacturing hub
- Focus on infra, RnD and Funding

Biopharma Mission: Industry academy linkage

- Improve discovery of medicines through RnD

- Promotion of biotech in NE
- Atal Jai Anusandhan Mission: Nationally relevant technological innovation
- Malnutrition
- Anti Microbial resistance
- Clean energy

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- Clean energy
- Maternal and child health

Bill: National DNA data bank: Habitual offenders, missing, etc DNA Fingerprinting dB
DNA fingerprinting labs regulated by DNA Regulatory board
Consent: If crime >7y, no consent required, if <7y : consent required unless overturned by DM

- No automatic removal from data bank
- No strong data protection law
- Medical history also collected : Threat to privacy
- Can lead to racial segregation
- Not adequate FP labs
- Consent can be overturned by DM
- Can be used in civil disputes too


- Sequencing genes
- To identify mutations in a virus
- Gene editing
- To cure hereditary disorders
- Personalised medicine
- Cancer
- Study evolution

May lead to development of designer babies

Affect diversity

Genome India Project



- Reconnaissance and surveillance

- Weaponhead delivery
- Disaster management
- Reach in difficult terrain - mapping
- Rescue and search
- Forest fires tracking
- Wildlife conservation
- Precision culture
- Analyse crop loss
- Delivery medicines
- Spraying pesticides

- Privacy concerns
- Security threats
- Drug smuggling inter borders
- Poor regulations

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- Poor regulations
- Difficult to regulate
- Threat to birds
- Reliability issues - less battery capacity, limited range
- Remotely operated - perpetrators unidenitifiable

Drone Regulation:
Digital Sky Platform: - Every drone needs to be redg
Every operator requires -Unmanned Aircraft operator permit - 50 ft
Red zone - No fly zones
Yellow zones - permission required
Green Zones - Automatic permission
Every drone will have UIN

MoCA - Unmanned System Aircraft Rules 2021:

Nano - <250gm
Micro 250 to 2kg
Small 2kg - 25kg
Medium 25-150kg
Large >150kg

Eligibility for ownership

- Citizen
- Min 18y
- Company - Major ownership - Indians, 2/3rd directors - Indians

Flying beyond visual line of sight not allowed

Penalty for unauthorised buying selling or leasing
Carriage of harmful good not allowed
Dropping of articles not allowed


Human action by machines

- Automobile industry - precision, speed, accuracy, easy to operate, aversion of accidents
- Health sector - Robotic surgeries, high precision,
- Manufacturing
- Aerospace
- Manual scavenging and cleaning
- Security
- Agriculture

Coro robot - meds during covid

HCARD - Helping frontline workers
DAKSH - DRDO - fight detect and disable explosives
NETRA - for intelligence gathering
MUNTRA - Unmanned armored vehicle developed by India's Defence Research and Development

Low adaptation rate
Lack of SOP
Loss of jobs
High cost of installation

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High cost of installation
Lack of skilled manpower
High maintenance
RnD poor

AICRA Tech park

Nuclear Technology

Nuclear reactions are at the atomic levels

- Clean Energy generation - fission and fusion
- ITER - Nuclear Fusion
- Cancer treatment I131 used
- Radio diagnosis
- Sterilisation of equipment
- Radio pharmaceuticals
- Agriculture: increasing shelf life
- Positive mutation in agricultural plants
- Space - Kilopower reactor being developed by NASA
- Weapons of mass destruction
- Carbon dating

- Issues:
- Can create havoc
- Radioactive wastes
- Lack of infrastructure
- Availability of uranium
- No first use policy
- Contamination of ground water
- Fukushima incident : long lasting effect of disasters
- High initial costs
- Increasing temperature affect biodiversity

1- Pressurised heavy water
2- Fast breeder reactor
3- Thorium based : Abundant in monazite soil
- Nuclear weapons cannot be generated
- Less nuclear waste
- Mining is easier
- High energy efficiency
- Stage 2 power plants

No first use policy: Only in retaliation, never against non-nuclear attack

Nuclear weapons under political and not military control

- Ballistic missile defence system

- Powerful radars and early warning system
- Sharing of information of testing of weapons between countries


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IMDP: Integrated Missile development program

Satellite Launch vehicle technology
Light Combat Aircraft - TEJAS
Pokhran Nuclear test
Kalam Raju Stent
Light weight caliper for disabled people
CSA to the PM

Satish Dhawan:

Father of experimental fluid dynamic research

SLV - Liquid engine fuel tech
Developed supersonic wind tunnel at Indian Institute of Science
Focused on indigenous capacity to build satellite


Father of Indian Space programme

Physical research lab in Ahmedabad
Setting up of Thumba rocket launching centre
Worked on Aryabhatta
Worked in IIT-Ahmedabad
Setup - Uranium corporation of India Ltd
Electronics corporation of India Ltd - (Developed EVMs)
Space application centre at Ahmedabad
Variable energy cyclotron project

CN Rao and CV Raman, MS Swaminathan - ?


Any information, code, number or token generated through cryptographic means and which has a
digital representation of value or has utility in business activity or as a store of value or unit of

Used for money laundering
No backing of physical assets
Power consumption high during mining
No international regulations
Cyber attacks
Artificial money can cause inflation

Banning of cryptocurrency and regulation of official digital currency Bill 2019

- Crypto not a legal tender
- Prohibits mining, buying, holding, selling, disposal, dealing of cc

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- Prohibits mining, buying, holding, selling, disposal, dealing of cc
- Any violations - 10y imprisonment, promoting the above - 7y
- Declare CC holding, and dispose in 90days

Regulation of trading
Awareness on volatility
Development of blockchain
Global consensus

Decentralised distributed ledger that records information in encrypted form

Time stamp for all transactions

Information cannot be changed
Peer to peer review
Audit would be easier

- Food supply chain management
- Land records management
- Blood bank
- Drug supply chain
- Verification of certificates
- Fertiliser distribution

Lack of skilled force
Lack of awareness
Lack of scalability
Legal system changes needed
Permanent proof of record

Blockchain the India Strategy : NITI Aayog

Centre for excellence


- Adoption of state of the art technology
- Resource inefficiency
- No disposal norms
- Recycling is costlier than manufacture of new product
- Cost of technology has reduced
- Per capita income has increase
- Consumerism
- Shift from manufacturing to service sector

Global E Waste report : said there will be a Tsunami of e-waste.
India - 3rd largest generator
2017 to 2020: 7 to 10 lakh tonne
Increase by 38% by 2030

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Increase by 38% by 2030
Only 10% waste is being collected - CPCB

95% segregation - informal sector

Lack of collection centres
Governance deficit: NGT said CPCB not implementing rules effectively
Less focus on recycling
Unscientific ways of disposal
Dumping of waste from developed countries

Heavy metal penetration in the soil
Economic loss
Spread of diseases Eg due to lead
Wastage of precious metals used in components
Ground water pollution
Rare earth minerals

E - waste management rules 2016 - extended producer responsibility

Deposit refund scheme
Safety and skills to people handling e-waste
CPCB has to set standards and regulate the producers
70% collection by 2023 by producers

Reduction of Hazardous substances: Sampling for testing cost by govt if co. has followed the rules
and by the co. if not.
Incentivise the sector to attract private investment

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19 October 2022 11:46


Intellectual property index : Global policy center part of US Chamber of commerce : India ranks 40th/53
Period of Examination of TM > 13months to 30 days
TM regd in 7m from 3-5 y
TM 2015-19 = 1996 11lac TM registered
Patent examination from 22k to 85k
15k from 6k Patents

Good IPR Rules>> More RnD >> More knowledge based economy >> More FDI
Better tech >> better EODB
More research in health> solve global problems
Promote startups

- Poor data protection
- Poor awareness
- Delay in granting patents
- Poor enforcement of act
- 1.18% of patents globally
- Only 2000 patent officers
- Dispute resolution lengthy and poor
- Compulsory Licencing and Sec 3(d) - evergreening barred
- 2/3rd of the patents filed by foreigners
- Red tapism and regulations

National IPR policy 2010:

IPR awareness
Legal and legislative Framework
Enforcement and adjudication
Development of Human capital

KAPILA : Kalam Program of IP literacy and awareness : To promote IP awareness at the school level my
Patent prosecution highway program : Joint initiative with Japan. Smoothen and fastening patent
examination registration
Cell for IPR promotion and management: Increase awareness about patents
Use of modern computing tech by IPO
MoU between USA and India : promoting IPR, improving governance, online filing of patents

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A2 cost: Seeds, fertilisers etc

Fl : Family labour
Presently: (A2+FL ) +50%
MS Swaminathan recommended: C2X1.5
C2= A2+FL + Rental of land and Interest on capital

Incentivise and insurance
Food security
PDS programme

- Only 6-8% of famers availing benefit under PM KISAN are taking benefit of MSP
- Change cropping pattern : Focus on Wheat and rice : Water intensive crops
- Monoculture
- Announced for 23 crops but procurement of 2-3 only
- Very few procurement centres
- Rising buffer stock
- Huge imports of oil seeds and pulses
- Affected ecology because of excessive use of fertilisers and pesticides
- 60% benefit by farmers of Punjab and Haryana - Regional disparity
- 68% are subsistence farmers

Measures: - Bhavantar Bhugtan Yojana: Price difference should be given

Focus on Contract Farming
Per hectare subsidy
Differential MSP based on cereals

Buffer stock:
Operation reserve for 4 months of PDS
Strategic reserve for exigencies

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Why buffer?
- FCI and govt poor coordination
- Vote bank of farmers
- Automatic liquidation (FCI cannot sell grains automatically)

Wastages - lack storages

1 lakh crore of money locked
Affects FPI
See Shantakumar Committee recommendations

PMASHA: Private procurement and stocking

Private Enterpreneur guarantee scheme: Warehouses


APMCs regulated by SG
Monopoly as farmers cannot sell outside apmcs
Cartelisation: APMC members decide prices
Lack storage facilities
Development of FPI
Commission Agents
Barrier for True price realisation
Barrier in forming a common market

eNAM - common markets for all APMCs

GrAM Gramin Agri market

Agri Infra fund to modernise APMCs


140 mio ha land - 48.8% irrigated, 51.2 is rain fed

Canal - 29%
Tubewell - 61%
Tank - 4.5%

High productivity
Multiple crops
Tackle droughts

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Tackle droughts
Deal with sudden temperature changes

Surface : Flood , Border strip, Furrow
Sub surface
Micro : Drip, Sprinkler (presently 137l ha)

Micro irrigation pros:

- Productivity increase by 42-52%
- Farm income increased by 48%
- Water use efficiency
- Soil erosion
- Weed growth contained
- Saving of fertilisers
- Precision agri
- Less power consumption (reduction by 31%)
- High initial cost (Most farmers small and marginal)
- Clogging of pores
- Maintenance required
- Poor extension services affects reach
- Cannot be used with saline water
- Most subsidy for MI is used by rich farmers
- GST is 12%
- PM Krishi Sinchayi Yojana
- National Micro irrigation fund under NABARD
- 55% subsidy to farmers
- Krishi Vigyan Kendras - to create awareness


- Helps to deal with frost

- Easy

Increases salinity
Land degradation
Promoted growth of weeds
Exploitation of ground water
Focus on water intensive crops like sugarcane and rice


Invisible resource: 2.5 billion depend for everyday activities

89% irrigation
22nd March World GW Day

In arid regions for sustaining life

99% of freshwater is gw
Helps during uneven monsoon

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Helps during uneven monsoon

Punjab could turn into a desert in 25 y due to exploitation

Winter cropping intensity would be reduced by 20% in India
21 major cities are on the brink of exhausting GW resources affecting 100 million people

CGWB - 17% over exploited
Rapid urbanisation
Poor regulations
MSP : Over irrigation
Contamination (Uranium nitrates Arsenic flouride)
Stage of GW Development = 62% (means 62l is being used out of 100l available)
Rate of decrease in GW table : 40cm
18% population and 4% resources
Per capita availability is decreasing drastically
Water foot print : amount of water used to produce a unit good and servcices : Global ~1243cubic
meter , India - 980 cubic metre

MORD Atal Bhujal Yojana
Neeranchal: reduce surface run
CGWA: NOC will be required, regulating usage
Jal Shakti Abhiyaan: Increase in availability in 256 districts : Artificial recharging and Rain water
Composite Water management Index
National Hydrological project
Dr. Mihir Shah Committee, 2016: CWC and CGWB should be merged

Strengthen RWH
Regulate private use of community resource
Change the cropping pattern
Penalise polluters

UNCCD: Loss of biological and economic productivity of land resulting from land uses or forms of
combination or huma activities
Causes :
- Water erosion
- Deforestation
- Mining and quarrying
- Grazing
- Slash and burn
- Fertilisers use
- Intensive cropping
- ISROs - Desertification and Land degradation Atlas - close to 30% area is degraded
- Decrease in biological productivity
- Leads to migration
- Loss of carbon sink
- Affects livestock
UNCCD - Land degradation neutrality


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- 26 mio ha by 2030
- Centre of excellence to find scientific solutions
- Green India mission
- Soil health card
- Micro irrigation
- Zero budget natural farming
- Bonn challenge
- Bamboo BOLD Bamboo oasis on lands and droughts by KVIC

ICT in Agriculture:

Better price discovery

Access to scientific knowledge about crops
Learning best practices
Resource efficiency
Precision agriculture - using right amount of inputs at the right place
Access to weather and soil information
Better market access
Access to credit
Adoption of energy efficient and environment friendly technology
Reduce use of urea and excessive fertilisers

Digital divide
Non availability in local language
Internet and electricity
Tech literacy poor

Kisan Vikas Kendra
DD Kisan TV
Kisan Drones
National Mission on agri extension and technology
Radio shows
ISRO and IMD provides info about weather

Need: Connect colleges

Train and incentivise farmers
Big Data analytics
Machine learning and AI
Advanced Algorithms

Direct/ Indirect:To incentivise, to help during distress, to influence decision making, welfare
Direct subsidy : Better targeting, choice available, direct help, better for small farmers
Misuse cash, Inflation, vote bank politics

Mains Page 63
Misuse cash, Inflation, vote bank politics
- Eg:
- KALIYA - Odisha
- Ryutu bandhu - Telangana

- Irrigation subsidy
- Fertiliser subsidy : Pollution, eutrophication, change in NPK ratio, diversion and smuggling, Majorly
taken by rich farmers, under Nutrient based subsidy : Only Urea subsidy - has caused diversion
and excessive use. Govt has started promoting Neem coated urea, soil health card, zero budget
farming, organic farming, liquid urea, planning DBT, promoting Micro irrigation.
- Power subsidy: GW depletion, land degradation, NPAs in DISCOMs, change in cropping pattern:
Govt has lauched PM KUSUM - Provision of Solar pumps, DDGJY - feeder separation.
- Interest subvention

1.3lakh crore- high fiscal burden

Politically sensitive
Affected Capex
Price distortion
Affected environment

Way forward:
DPT - better targeting, JAM
Increase RnD
Capex promotion

Climate smart agriculture

An approach that helps to transform agriculture towards green and climate resilient practices
To increase productivity
Reduce GHG

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Internal security
22 October 2022 12:47


- Structured group based on hierarchy

- Serious crimes
- Aim is to gain financial gains
- Eg Drug or human trafficking, Hawala, smuggling, Extortion, Cyber crime - Ransomware
- Transnational
- Dark Web

- Transnational
- Hierarchy
- Technology used
- Poor coordination with state police
- NO single comprehensive law
- Nexus between criminals and Politicians

OC used to finance Terrorism

Terrorism creates law and order problem, OC become easier


NCRB : 44546 cases of cyber crimes

Increase of 63%

Against state: - cyber espionage,

Against individual - Denial of service, ransomware, phishing, Trojan, juice jacking
Eg Wannacry, Petya, Mirai Botnet, pegasus

Financial security
Digital India
E governance
E commerce
Secure critical information infrastructure

Import dependence on China
Digital illiteracy

Mains Page 65
Digital illiteracy
Skilled personnel lacking
Transnational - difficult to catch perpetrators
New crimes not in old Acts
Poor coordination between agencies
No data protection of law
Poor training of cops
No single global convention/consensus

Cyber Dome - Kerala
CDAC and CSIR monitoring dark web and dark net
Institutional measures:
- National cyber crime portal
- National cyber crime coordination centre - MOHA
- cyber swachhta kendras

National Cyber security policy 2013
Surakshit bharat initiative
National electronic policy
IT Act

Global centre for CS - WEF
Budapest convention

IT and Evidence act to be in line with new crimes, Uday Kotak committee suggested cyber security



Armed forces: 162
Civilians - 463
Naxals : 473
Arrested - 4319
Incidents of violence - 2168

From 2009 to 2020: 70% reduction in incidents

- Jal Jungle Jameen: Displacement and poor rehab, poor land reforms, forced eviction, Forest rights
taken away, - --
- Development deficit: poor education and health, lack of inclusive growth, Huge poverty causing
feeling of alienation
- Administrative reasons: Corruption, govt insensitivity, excessive use of police force, poor

Mains Page 66

Still persists:
No ideological measures
No focus on causes
Dealt with symptoms
Lack of intelligence
Poor coordination between states
Poor SOPs
Delayed implementing new technology
Poor focus on Grievance redressal

Reasons for decrease:

- Better policies, development focus
- Rehabilitation
- Increased presence of forces
- Better monitoring of schemes
- Demonetisation
- Grey Hound forces- Training and terrain awareness

Nayi Manzil
Nayi Roshni
Implement XaXa committee recommendations
Tribal Panchsheel by JLN


Golden crescent : Pak, Afghan, Iran

Golden Triangle: Thailand Laos Mayanmar

Porus borders
Changes in Values

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Changes in Values
Poverty joblessness
Green revolution
Poor rehabilitation centres
Political patronage

Terror funding
Affecting demographic dividend
Reducing productivity
Family disruptions
Domestic violence
Poverty and unemployment
Increasing crimes

Laws: Narcotic substances and psychotropic drugs, substance abuse Act

Institution: Narcotics control bureau MoHA
• Bureau of Narcotics control - MoFinance
• ED

UN conventions on Drug and crime
UN convention on NDPS
MoU with neighbouring countries

MOSJE: National Action Plan for Drug demand reduction

Nasha Mukta Bharat Abhiyan
Project Sunrise
NGOs : Drug Rehab
National Fund for control of drug abuse

Central Armed Police Forces

Border security - BSF, ITBP, Assam Rifles, SSB

Transboundary management
Disaster management -NDRF
Sensitive location - CISF
Counter insurgency operations - Naxalism
Protecting industrial locations
Wars - UNPKF
Security to important private organisation
Smooth conduct of elections

Vacancies causing huge burden
Poor remuneration
Poor promotion prospects
Harsh working conditions
Lack adequate infrastructure
Deficiency of arms and ammunitions
Burdened with state responsibilities
Lack of grievance redressal
Cadre management : Headed by IPS
Lack proper training

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Lack proper training
Issues of modernisation

SC - Status of Organised Group A services: Promotions and cadre management efficient
Plan to recruit 50k
Ayushman CAPF - Free treatment to CAPF and families
At least 100days away from duty rule

Way forward:
Ending IPS hegemony
Focus on modernisation
Expediting promotions
Regulating the working condition
Perks and privileges of armed forces


Means trade, sale, transport, recruitment, harbouring of a human by threat or coercion for exploitation.
95% - Women, 4-5% - Children

Terror Financing
Stereotype against women and lack of institutional support
No comprehensive law
Narrow definition in law
Porus Border
Bonded labour
Modern Slavery

Linked to drug trafficking
Inadequate legal structure
Social Stigma

6616 cases every year, and conviction rate has reduced from 29 to 22%

A23: FR against trafficking and bonded labour
Immoral Trafficking prevention Act 1956 : Narrow definition, No concept of Rehabilitation
UN convention on combating transnational Organised Crime ratified
Ujjwala : Rehab of Trafficked person
Agreement with Bangladesh and Nepal to share information regarding trafficking

BILL: Trafficking of Persons (Prevention, Protection and Rehabilitation) Bill

- Expanded the definition
- Supporting or promoting persons shall be tried too
- Differentiates between Victims and Criminals
- Punishment increased
- Confidentiality of victim
- Rehab Fund

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- Rehab Fund
- Institutional mechanism: State, Central and district level
- Under NIA: Anti Trafficking Bureau at the Central level

Way forward:
Gender sensitisation
Empowerment of women
Inter state coordination
Improving intelligence system


Disputed borders : Unclear demarcation

Multiple agencies (BSF, ITBP, AR)
Dual control : Assam Rifles (MOHA, MOD)
Lack of fencing
Lack of use of modern technology
Hostile neighbours
Shifting of rivers
Difficult terrain
China's Expansion policies
Refugee crisis in neighbouring countries like Rohingyas in Bangladesh

Influx of illegal immigrants
Drugs, animals and person trafficking
Capture of areas by neighbours
Refugee crisis
Counterfeit currency
Regional instability
Fugitives escape
Arms smuggling

100th CAA: India Bangladesh border dispute resolved
Border road organisation improving connectivity
Integrated check post
Agreement between BSF and Bangladesh Force
Comprehensive integrated border management system
Border area development program
BOLT QIT : Use of latest tech like night vision, laser walls
Smart fencing across India Pak border
Drone surveillance
Use of space technology - Task force setup


Is a process of channelising the money earned from illegal sources into the formal financial system with
the objective of legitimising it. It involves placement, layering and Integration.

Shell companies
Round tripping

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Round tripping
Gold and diamond smuggling
Fake invoicing

Augmentation of Black money
Govt revenue decreases
Promote crimes
Destabilisation of financial markets
Disincentivise tax payers
Artificial price ballooning of real estate

Laws: PMLA: Empowers ED, Confiscation of property

Non bailable and cognisable
Benami Transactions Act

Financial intelligence unit
EGMONT group
BEPS and POEM to deal with Tax erosion
UN convention on transnational crimes
RBIs KYC guidelines

International law
AI to identify trails
Financial intelligence
Digital economy
Inter country information

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15 October 2022 12:54

ROADS: 63 lakh kms (2nd largest)

National Highways: 2.09%

State Highways: 2.8%
Rural roads: 71.4%
District: 10%
Urban roads: 7%

Freight transportation 57%

Passenger transportation 90%

- Doorstep delivery of services

- Automotive industry
- Rural urban connectivity
- Economy 5% of GDP
- Helpful during disasters
- Easy accessibility, tourism
- National integration
- Border Roads for transport of essentials/ ammunitions
- Arteries of the countries economy
- Hilly area access

Issues: Congestion (Because rail transports under developed)

National highways carry 40% of road transportation
Building new roads tougher as land acquisition costs rising
Poor maintenance
High accidents (4.37 lakhs(1.5 lakh deaths) - 2019, 3.8 lakh (1.3 lakh deaths) - 2021)
High NPAs, projects stalled due to environment clearances
Current account deficit increase because of import of oil

Scientific way of construction is lacking

Poor maintenance
Rash driving, drink and drive
Fog, rain, landslides.
Most vehicles fail in crash test: Inadequate safety standards as focus is on cost cutting
No post accident investigation
Motor vehicle act did not create deterrence
Corruption in administration

Awareness campaign (Affect, Behaviour, Cognition)
National Road safety month and week
Setting up of driver's training and research institute
Road safety Audit
Identification of black spots
eDAR - Detailed accident report to analyse

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eDAR - Detailed accident report to analyse
Basic safety measures for all models , Overspeeding system
Speed limits for heavy vehicles
Fire alarm in school buses
Old vehicle scrappage policy
Increased fines under MVA
Automatic number plate
Good Samaritan Law

National Road safety board: Road safety, traffic management, Road construction, technical advice to CG
SG, promote best practices, use of latest technology, focus on research on road safety
NITI Aayog: at least 10% of the cost of the project should be allocated for maintenance
Need for investment in RnD
PM Gram sadak yojana
Special accelerated road development programme
BS6 Standards
Bharatmala and Setubharatam
Vehicle scrappage policy
VAHAN and SAARTHI portal for driver and vehicle licensing
Flexi fuel vehicles promoting
BOT --> Hybrid annuity model of construction
To streamline acquisition of road: BHUMI Raashi Portal
Eco Bridges
Green Highways


Caters to 1.3 million people

Environment friendly
Cost effective
Almost 36% freight
4th largest network
90% of coal transportation
Revenue 2lakh crore
Movement of troops
Metro decongests roads
Krishi Rails

Cross subsidisation
Not 100% electrification
Operating ratio: 96.98
Speed of trains less than global average
67000km (compared to China's 1.2 lakh km)
Poor Completion of projects
Poor connectivity with NE
Hygiene and sanitation issues
92% punctuality

Merged budgets
Train collision system - NETRA

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Train collision system - NETRA
Merger of 7 rail services: Efficiency, faster decision making, affects specialisation, integration difficult
IR innovation policy: Startups for railways
Setu Bharatam
Dedicated freight corridors
IRCTC in stock markets
100% FDI in Railway sector
National rail plan vision 2030:
- TO increase railway freight transportation to 45%
- Identify New dedicated freight corridors
- 100% electrification
Merging Manufacturing ent into one PSE
Merger of training insts
Stations development through PPP

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31 October 2022 11:36

Renewable energy : 95 GW
Target for 2030: 450 GW

International Energy Agency: India energy Outlook 2021

- 3rd largest consumer by 2030
- Oil and Natural Gas is going to double by 2030 and treble by 2040

Government support in form of credit and tech
Situated b/w Equator and TOCancer
Large coastline - Tidal and Wind energy
Geothermal in Himalayan Region
Huge potential of BioGas
Rivers for Hydro power

- Carbon Neutrality - INDCs
- Achieving SDGs
- Economic growth
- Farmers income
- Shortage of coal in the world
- Decrease in pollution
- Reduction in GHGs
- Decrease oil imports
- Energy Security

Huge initial costs
Non availability of indigenous technology, lack of RnD
Solar panels being imported
Destabilisation of Grid with power fluctuation
HEP - displacement
High cost of maintenance
Climate dependent
Lack of evacuation infrastructure
Land acquisition issues
Investor confidence decreased due to change in energy rates by Govt

- 1.5lakh MW potential
- Development of NE region
- Less polluting
- Multi purpose projects can be developed
- Stability to the grid

Nation Hydro power policy 2015

- Flexibility for deciding tariffs

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- Flexibility for deciding tariffs
- Budgetary support
- Debt repayment flexibility

National Solar Mission

Surya Mitra
Solar city scheme
Included in PSL

National biofuel policy

PMJIVAN : 2nd Gen Biofuel plants
Ethanol blending : 20% till 2023
Renewable energy purchase obligation
REInvest summit
Green energy corridors (Common evacuation infra)
Make in India - Promotion
First offshore wind PP- G of Khambat, with support of EU

- Ample RM
- Less polluting
- Spill over effect on Agri
- Use of waste

Efficiency of vehicles decreases
Promote Monoculture
Land degradation
Food shortage
High initial cost
Fuel costly

Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency IREDA
Solar Energy Corporation of India SECI

National Hydro Energy Mission:

Promote Hydrogen as a fuel - Manufacturing, RnD

- Clean Fuel
- Can be used in space sector
- High calorific value
- Most abundant

Highly flammable
Grey Hydrogen -from fossil
Blue - from fossil but sequestered
Green - from RE

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Green - from RE

Storage and transportation issues (Cryogenic needed)

Not enough knowledge
Not as efficient as Li-ion batteries


To ensure Energy Security:

- Avoid wastage
- Increase production
- Improve efficiency

Usage of resources sustainably with minimum wastages and optimum utilisation.

Increase in forex
Reduction in Fiscal deficit
Improvement in forest and biodiversity
Decrease in carbon footprint
Competitive economy
Import decrease
CAD reduce
Potential of 40 million jobs in recycling industry
Dealing with poverty
Less tribal displacement
Inter generational equity
Waste reduction

Limited resources
Growth in population
Increase in consumption
Strategic autonomy
Economic: CAD
Deal with jobless growth

Ways to improve:
Focus on recycling industry
Refurbish reuse
Extending the life cycle of the product
Behavioural change

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Behavioural change
Circular economy
Better planning
Better product design - durability

Per drop more crop
Precision agriculture
Neem coated Urea
Micro irrigation
Solar pumps

Star rating program

PAT - perform achieve trade
Energy conservation Building code - GRIHA
Ujala - LED

NITI +EU : Strategy on Resource efficiency

Draft RE policy- National Resource Efficiency authority - MOEF
6Rs - Reduce, Reuse, Redesign, Remanufacture, Recycle, Refurbish


- Lesser carbon footprint

- Less pollution
- Reduced use of Fossil fuels
- More efficient
- Reduced usage costs
- Reduction in imports >> reduce CAD

Lack of charging infra

Range is less
Time taking to charge
Li-Ion battery production : India imports
National E mobility

National E mobility plan
FAME 2.0 2019-23
28--> 18 percent tax
Agreement with Chile, Bolivia, and Argentina for Li Exploration and mining
Lithium ion refinery in Gujarat
MORTH - charging infra across India
E- buses are being procured

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02 November 2022 12:56

- Focus on Outlays
- No outcome analysis
- No data with regard to demand
- Guillotine passing
- Lapse of funds: March Rush
- Cash account not accrual
- Unrealistic budget announcement
- Lack of Data

- Focus on Outcomes
- Zero based budgeting
- Top down approach
- Data analytics and AI
- Separate Service of Financial Analysis

Outcome budgeting
Monitoring and control
Efficient use of resources
Performance evaluation and improvement


Gender sensitive to create Gender equality

- 4.72 to 4.4% of total expenditure in Budget is Gender focused

Lack of dedicated Human resource
Lack of sensitivity


FSR said the NPAs would rise by 9.8% by 2022


- Inefficient working of Public banks
- Ever greening of loans
- Poor due diligence
- Improper KYC norms
- Demonetisation, GST, Covid
- Lag in adoption of robust tech.
- Global slow down
- Poor governance of PSB
- Dual regulation of urban cooperative banks
- Competition to provide loans
- Overhang - Eg EIA

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- Overhang - Eg EIA
- Delayed land acquisition
- Disasters damaging projects
- Consumption based lending
- Corporate banks nexus

- Public credit registry
- SMA (0,1,2)
- Asset quality review
- Credit score of individuals

- DRT and DRT

- IBC :
○ Resolution of large recovery
○ Time of recovery <270d from 4.3 years
○ Recovery rate - 60 % (from 25%)
○ Liquidation done by professionals
○ Also deals with Real state companies
- Issues in IBC
○ Large no. of cases
○ Lack of clarity regarding cross border insolvency
○ Vacancies
- Mission Indradhanush
- Prompt corrective action
- Bank merger
- Recapitalisation
- Bad Banks

Bad Banks (ARC/AMC)

- Cleaning up of BS of banks
- Actual capital required as per adequacy norms can be determined
- Pooling of loans can help in faster recovery
- Banks can focus on business instead of recovery
- Percentage of recovery will increase

Doesn’t solve core problems
Pvt sector not interested
Mixed performances in countries
Might increase reckless lending
One pocket to another tfr

Pvt AMC should look after less riskier loan
National AMC - would look into Infra loans
Project Sashakt - Sunit Mehta committee - Setup India AMCs run by professionals
PARA - Public sector rehab agency

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PARA - Public sector rehab agency
KV Kamath committee - identified 26 Companies based on 5 parameters where restructuring can be
Parivesh portal for EIA clearance

Merger of banks
PJ Nayak committee, Narsimham committee

Reduce competition
Less operational costs
Geographical reach
Global banks can be developed
Easy to monitor
Synergy of operations
Early adoption of technology
Capacity building
Resilience - cannot go bankrupt easily

Specialisation is affected
Merger of culture is difficult
Affect inclusive growth
TBTF - if fails - threat to economy
Will not solve core problems
Technological harmonisation takes time
Slow decision making


Employment intensive - 4.5 crore

Relations with Agriculture
Women Employed
12% of exports
Handloom supports culture and artisans
Inclusive growth

Abundant RM
Entire value chain present
Domestic market
E commerce
Growing importance of Technical textile
Various textiles :jute cotton silk

RM -> Ginning -> Spinning -> Yarn -> Weaving -> Fabric -> Garment
Informal work, unorganised
Mostly dwarf MSMEs
Non recognition of artisans
Lack of access to credit
Power supply for power looms

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Power supply for power looms
Competition from neighbouring countries
Delay in disbursal of subsidies
No FTA with European markets - High tariffs
18% GST on manmade fibres - focus on cotton
Obsolete tech

Weaver Mudra Yojana

SAATHI - power looms promotion
Power tax
Mega investment textile park - MITRA :7 Mega parks
India Handloom Brand
National handloom development program
Yarn supply scheme
Handloom weaver comprehensive welfare scheme
Bunkar Bima Yojana
Pehchan Card for handloom
Khadi Gram Udyog
Local 4 diwali
GeM - linked with Handloom
Cotton - Kasturi
National Mission on Technical textile

Technical textile

Textiles produced from material other than natural fibres. Used in automobile industry, cement
industry, agriculture, defence (bullet proof and fire resistant jackets) etc

Rise in demand , 12% growth p.a.
Export potential
Multiple sector application
Import substitution
2 lakh crore rupees - market size
India share - 6%

Lack of technical capability

Lack of technology
Lack of awareness
Lack of standardisation
Poor RnD

National mission on TT:

40-50 billion dollars by 2024-25
100% FDI allowed

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03 November 2022 17:59

Human Animal Conflict

- Land use change

- Habitat loss : Land degradation, Forest fire, Urbanisation
- Wildlife trade
- Connectivity project
- Forest fragmentation
- Climate change

A Future for All : A need for human wildlife coexistence

Human elephant conflict : UNEP and WWF
2014-19 : 2391 people died

Loss of human life
Affects foodchain
Loss of biodiversity
Cropping area affected

Project RE-HAB : Karnataka: At Nagarhole NP: Reducing Elephant attacks using Bees
(Part of Honey Mission) - KVIC
Eco bridges
National wildlife action plan
MIKE sites
Elephant corridors
Mumbai Delhi Highway has overbridges and under passes to connect forest areas
National Board for Wildlife:
- Instant relief - medical assistance and compensation
- Fodder and water availability in forest should be increased
- Control room around forests
- Biofencing

1. Understanding conflict
a. Hotspot mapping
b. Analyse the reasons
2. Prevention:
a. Barrier
b. Community awareness
c. Land use planning
d. Early warning system
3. Response
a. SOP
b. Response team
c. First aid
d. Measure towards crowd control
4. Mitigate
a. Compensation

Mains Page 83
a. Compensation
b. Insurance
c. Alternative livelihood
d. Livelihood diversification
5. Regulations and policies
a. International Programs
b. Plans and programs
6. Monitoring


Climate change
Slash and burn agriculture
Pine forests shed needles
Land degradation
Dry deciduous forests in India
Bush fires in Australia
El Nino

Loss of biodiversity
Release of CO2
Air pollution

1100 crore lost

Livelihood loss of forest community
Loss of sacred groves affects culture

Nurtures soils
Weeds controlled
Invasive alien species control

FFAS 3.0 - satellite based
Forest fire prevention and management scheme
- Capacity building
- Awareness
- Community dealing
- Use of new technology
• National action plan for FF
- Prevention
○ Increasing resilience
▪ Increase soil moisture
▪ Weed management
▪ Biomass management
○ Empowering communities
○ Awareness generation
- Preparedness:
○ Early detection
Forest fire lines

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○ Forest fire lines
○ Separation : Equipping with latest equipment to fire fighters
○ Post fire management


Identify social economic and environmental impact of a project prior to decision making

To identify development projects that can adversely affect environment
To ensure sustainable development
Achieve SDGs
Inter generational equity
Inclusive growth
Biodiversity protection
Community participation in decision making
Prevent hazard turning into disasters

Screening: 2006: A - CG appraisal, B1- SG does EIA, B2 - no EIA
Scoping - Effects
Baseline data -
Mitigation measures
Public hearing
Decision making
Post implementation monitoring

Lack of data
Requires skilled manpower to predict
Mitigation measures more
Technical report presented to public
Monitoring poor
Poor Grievance redressal
No accreditation of EIA committees

Draft EIA notification

Public hearing -- 30 to 20 days
List of exempted projects
Compliance report -- 6m to 1 year
Public cannot complain about non compliance
Post facto clearance

Reports should be in local language
Accreditation of EIA committees
Independent oversight authorities
Advanced tech
Robust grievance redressal

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Strengthening forest fire management in India : WB+ MOEF - 125% increase, 60% area affected, Top -

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Disaster Management
02 November 2022 13:28

Exposure to cyclones due to vast coastline
12% prone to Flooding
59% prone to earthquakes (Active fault lines )
68% drought prone
Poor disaster resilient infra
Lack of planned development
Poor capacity building
Lack of inclusion
Land use change

Water: Flood , cyclone
Land: landslide, Earthquake
Climate: Hailstorm
Biological: Pandemic
Man made: Industrial disaster

• Disaster management Act,2005

• Sendai Framework: UN framework : Adaptability and Mitigation
Disaster Risk Reduction:
1. Understanding disaster Risk:
- Vulnerability/ Hazard mapping
- Risk analysis
- Early warning detection and
- Dissemination of information
2. Strengthening risk governance
3. Investing in disaster risk reduction:
- Strong inter agency coordination
- Guidelines and codes
- Strong legal framework
- Capacity building
- CRZ rules

- Infrastructure eg Coalition of Disaster Risk Infrastructure

- Shelter homes
- Food banks
- Earthquake resistant area
- Afforestation - Mangroves
4. Climate change risk management

Quick relief faster response

Mains Page 87
Build back better

Overlapping functions
Capacity building lacking
Various posts in NDRF and SDRF vacant
National executive committee to implement recommendations of NDMA and a similar org with
overlapping functions National Crisis management committee
Most expenditure in Rehab

Mains Page 88
06 November 2022 18:33

550 billion dollar industry by 2050

Soft power
New warfare stage
Disaster management
Bhuvan Panchayat
Scientific temperament
Tele edu and tele medicine
Climate and weather forecasting
Security and surveillance
Military purpose
Environment protection
Forest fires

Lagging in RnD
Expenditure less compared to China
Lack of quality HR
No private sector involvement until recently
Brain drain
Lack of clear legislative framework
Space debris will be a problem in future

InSPACE - under DOS - handholding with pvt sector
New Space India Ltd : PSU under ISRO : transfer tech with private, manufacturing of SSLV with pvt
sector, commercialisation of tech
Human Space light
Startups in the space sector being promoted
Draft space activities bill to regulate pvt sector activities

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06 November 2022 20:57

Core values: Universal access across culture: - Love, truth, freedom. Don’t change
with time
Peripheral values: Differ with cultures. Change with time

Meta Ethics: Origin on the concepts of ethics, what is good what is bad
Normative ethics: How one should act, moral rules
Teleology: the end is important , Utilitarianism
Deontology: Means should be ethical
Virtue ethics: Plato, Aristotle - Virtues possessed - those actions considered
Descriptive ethics: individuals' ideas of ethics
Applied ethics: in various fields.

Nolan Values
1. Objectivity
2. Selflessness
3. Accountability
4. Leadership
5. Openness
6. Honesty
7. Integrity

RTI,2005 : By Initiative of MKSS mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan

Section 8(2) and Sec 22 : Any information can be revealed in public interest even if in
contradiction with OSA, RTI > OSA
Section 7 : If information sought required huge resources of the govt to be expended -
would not be given
Sec 24: Cannot file RTI for intelligence agencies
Sec 11 : Third party information cannot be sought.
Sec 4: Proactive disclosure of info: Rajasthan : Jan Soochna Portal

2.18 lakh cases pending

24/155 posts vacant
97% times CIC/ SIC failed to impose fines on PIO for non provision of information

Official Secrets Act : Hinders transfer of information from Govt/ Public servants to
public. Sections 2(8) and Section 3.
Section 5 : Potential breach of national security - information cannot be disclosed
Colonial Era Act. 2nd ARC recommended repealing.

Civil services conduct rules, 1964 - prohibits communication of official documents

without authorisation.

Section 123 of Indian Evidence Act, 1872 prohibits the giving of evidence from
unpublished official records without the permission of HOD.

"Let the people know the fact and the country will be safe" - Lincoln

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E Governance: UN Egovernance Report - 105th
Citizen centric administration.
Accountability(RTI online), transparency(MyGov), accessibility, simplicity(SAHAJ and
SUGAM), better use of resources (Public finance management system- PFMS), cost
reduced, speed of delivery increase (JAM), corruption curb(E tender) , feedback (eg
GARV - Gramin Vidyutikaran app, C-VIGIL - ECI to report political parties violating

Promotes Ethical infrastructure

- Laws
- Citizen Participation
- Institution : NIC, C-DAC
- Systemic reforms

G-G: LIMBS : Legal information management and briefing system: Centralised dB for
e-office under National E- governance mission

G-Citizen: JAM trinity, Common service centre, Bhumi - Karnataka, Gyandoot - MP

G -Corporates - E Biz, MCA21, Parvesh

Poor motivation
Digital divide
Poor digital literacy
Fragmented approach of implementation
Infra issue - poor implementation of National Fiber optics network
Language barrier
Data security
Electronics - import dependency

Other steps:
National Electronics policy
Digital Saksharta Abhiyan
Digital India


Written voluntary declaration by service providers that outlines the commitment

towards standard, quality and timeframe of the service delivery.

Ideal CC:
Vision Mission, nature and quality of services, expectations from client.


Mains Page 91

Lack of awareness
No legal backup
Poorly designed and complex content
Unilateral drafting no public participation
Lack of monitoring
Hierarchy gap between operational staff and officers

2nd ARC:
- Internal restructuring
- One size does not fit all
- Redressal mechanism in defaults
- Periodic evaluation
- Benchmarking
- Sensitization of officers

Sevottam Model:


5 dimensions of service quality (RATER)

Mains Page 92
5 dimensions of service quality (RATER)

Poor DOS:
Poor infra
Poor planning
No standards
Bureaucratic attitude
Poor capacity building
Poor accountability
Poor citizen awareness of rights

Sevottam Model
Social Audit
E Governance

- E district - MEITy
- Digital India
- Bhoomi Project - Karnataka - Online delivery of Land records
- eSeva -Andhra Pradesh
- Gyandoot - MP - Service delivery initiative
- Lokvani - UP - Handling Grievances, Land record maintenance
- FRIENDS - Fast Reliable Instant Efficient Network for disbursement of services -
- InDEA - by MEITy - Meghalaya 1st state to transform traditional delivery service
process into digital service system.


Natural ability to learn something

Future potential

Aptitude + Training = Skills and Skills + Values = Holistic competence


Right person for right job
Best results in limited resources
Innovative solutions
Handle emotional sensitive matters

Work culture: values, beliefs, principles, practices, followed while dealing with

Mains Page 93
Work culture: values, beliefs, principles, practices, followed while dealing with
customers and employees


N.Murthy - Compassionate Capitalism

Gandhi Sin - Commerce without morality
- Trust in the company
- Reduction of fraud
- Taxes increase
- Motivate employees
- Protection of minority stakeholders

Corporate social responsibility

Corp. Ethical responsibility
Corp. Environmental Responsibility


Nolan Committee: High standards of Probity:

- Selflessness
- Integrity
- Objectivity: Sticking to facts, e-bidding, clear rules
- Accountability
- Openness
- Honesty
- Leadership

ETHOS: Exhibit citizen centricity

EQUITY: treat citizens alike

Platos Cardinal values:


Sympathy --> Empathy --> Compassion ---> Altruism

- Mother Teresa
- Kailash Satyarth - Child labor
- Baba Amte - Leprosy
- Sonu Sood

Conflict of interest : Professional actions regarding Primary interest is influenced by

secondary interest

Corporate vs Private intt --> Chandra Kocher in ICICI

Mains Page 94
Corporate vs Private intt --> Chandra Kocher in ICICI
Decentralization, devolution and delegation
Code of conduct, code of ethics
Disclosure of Interest
E Governance
Integrity pact

Misutilisation of funds:
Poor accountability
Collusive corruption
Poor criminal justice system
No checks and balances
Secrecy in administration

- Trusteeship
- Public trust
- Appropriateness

ICT integration
Social audit
Capacity building and budgeting and accounting
Decentralization in decision making

Smart city project:- 80%underutilisation of funds

MPLAS - misutilisation of funds



Mains Page 95
Lokpal and Lokayukta,2013
Social Audit
Citizen charter
E Governance

Jan Soochna Portal of Rajasthan

GoaMining scam out because of RTI


Focus on following rules

No choice
No human Factor
Value free


Value attached

Mains Page 96
Types of Intelligence

1. Linguistic: Ability to express through language

2. Musical
3. Bodily
4. Logical or Mathematical
5. Spatial
6. Interpersonal
Mains Page 97
6. Interpersonal
7. Intrapersonal

Elements of EI
- Perceive emotions
- Understanding Emotions


Western Philosophy - Secular/ Socrates, Plato / Universal

application of words
Indian Philosophy - Religious/ Mythological
character/Timeless wisdom

Socrates: "Father of ethics"

- Purpose of life is to be Happy
- Knowledge is virtue: Dialectic method
- Allegory of Cave: Truth can be arrived at by dialogue
and questioning
- Socratic Irony : I know that I know nothing
- Was against Democracy because people are unaware

- Maladministration of Athens : was his purpose - to
bring perfect state
Metallic theory
- Gold class - Concerned about knowledge and wisdom--
Ruling class -- Edu till 55 years
- Silver class -Power --> Soldier class -- Edu till 35y
- Copper Class - Wealth ---> Business -- Education till 20y
To identify above - Education --> Philosopher King will get
ultimate power

- Rule of Law/ Rule of reason - Not sentiments
- Teleology: Family -> Village -> Society - > Politics
Man by nature is a political animal

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Man by nature is a political animal
- Eudaimonia - " Golden Mean is golden rule" -
- Functionalism -
○ Mentally strong - Politics
○ Physically strong - Slaves

Thomas Hobbes- said I and fear were born together. Says

all Human Minds are equal- loves pleasure and wants to
avoid pain - this doctrine is Hedonism.
State of Nature - Man has power no rights -> People come
under a Social Contract --> Leviathan --> Powerful state, No
power separation

John Locke : Father of Liberalism

Law of nature --> People in Bliss > Create state for
administrative convenience: legislature, judiciary,
executive >> Natural rights
People will not give 3 rights to state
- Right to life
- Right to property: Most sacred
- Right to liberty

Bentham: Jurist --> Interested in right and wrong

Pleasure > Moral
Pain > Immoral
Features of pleasure:
- Direct
- Should not be followed by pain
- Immediate
- Quantity not quality
State: Maximum happiness for maximum people

JS Mill: Disciple of Bentham

Quality if more important than quantity
Better to be an unsatisfied man than a satisfied pig
Supported Liberty > Freedom of speech

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Supported Liberty > Freedom of speech
Types of liberty:
- Self regarding action : No restriction
- Others regarding action: Reasonable restriction
Harm Principle: RR by state
Democracy should be conditional: People allowed to vote
should have
- Property or
- Education
AKA Reluctant democrat


Father of French revolution

State of nature - Man is under complete bliss but
impossible to go back
Authority + Liberty
Types of will:
Real will>> General will >> Will of all >> Real liberty
Actual Will

Theory of justice:
Distributive justice system:

People are behind a Veil of Ignorance

- Maximum liberty
- Equality of opportunity
- Difference principle : Rich people shall contribute for
Poor (Reservation, Progressive taxation)

Perfect justice system is not possible
One should be concerned about ending injustice
Democracy : Lee Kaon Yew : Development is more
important than democracy for third world countries

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Sartre Existentialism -

Thomas Aquinas : 1. Just war - War for justice -

International ethics
2. State war
3. Peace should also be explore

Bastard knowledge --> Reasoning ---> Legitimate

Gave the superman theory
Beyond evil and good
"Be yourself"

Machiavelli - Power is the end. Means not important in

Dual morality - Prince should only be concerned about
national interest
Gandhi and Gokhale - Ends cannot justify means.

Emmanuel Kant
Against Consequential Ethics - If an action is right its right,
if its wrong its wrong - Aka Kantian Ethics - or Deontology

Formula for right and wrong : Categorical imperative - the

thing not liked by most people to be done to themselves is
Human dignity: Every man is a end in himself and no one is
a means to other.

Balanced mind, not go to extremes
Most easy thing is to blame external factors for

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Indian Philosophy


Dharma - Holds the society> Duties, rights, justice

Theory of Purusharth -
Dharma - Moral/Duties
Artha - Materialistic
Kama - Sensual
Moksha- Salvation

Guna Dynamics:
Every man has : Rajas (Power), Tamas (Darkness), Satvik

Karma -
Sanchita Karma - Like deposit
Agami Karma - Instant result
Prarabdha - Spending karma
Kriyamaan - Free will

Nishkama Karma - Goal shouldn’t be focused on

If goal will not be focused upon, the process can be

Ashrama Dharma:
- Brahmacharya
- Grihastha
- Vanaprastha
- Sanyasa


The ten meritorious deeds are:


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Mental culture
Reverence or respect
Service in helping others
Sharing merits with others
Rejoicing in the merits of others
Preaching and teaching the Dhamma
Listening to the Dhamma
Straightening one's views

10 Evils
Killing of living beings
Unlawful sexual intercourse
Slander and tale-bearing
Harsh speech
Frivolous and meaningless talk
Covetousness, or eagerly desirous especially of things
belonging to others
Wrong view.


Right faith
Right conduct
Right knowledge

Panch Vikaars
1. Lust

10 Commandments

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10 Commandments
Zakat - Charity
Interest free loan- Islamic banking

7 deadly sins and 7 virtues

BHAKTI Movement:

Religious unity
One ness of God
Against social evils
Sant Ramananda - Inter dining can end cateism
- Relation of man with God is like that of a servant and
- Hindu and Muslims are children of one God
- God knows no discrimination

Sant Kabir:
- Rationality
- One God
- Against caste, idolatory
- Milk of Black cow and White cow
- Purity is about internal things

- No caste complex
- Path to reach God should be accessible by everyone
- Life of a man is rarest, and should not be wasted in
ignorance, but should realise by knowledge
- To reach salvation one should be free from all kinds of
evils like jealousy, lust etc
- Devotion is the only way to reach God
- Personification of God
- Poor has no religion

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Sant Tukaram:
Man who loves the name of God, is a real Brahmin and any
outcaste can reach the status of Brahmin
Real service to God is service to Poor
Supreme creature lives in that Human being which shows
compassion to other creatures
No man should be means to others - Human dignity
Man should never leave the world but one should assist
God in functioning of this world

Dayanand Saraswati
Go back to Vedas
Caste should be determined on the basis of work and not
Women and untouchables are same - Liberation of women
can end all the social evils

Swami Vivekananda
Insult to offer religion to a hungry man who is more
concerned about his life
Freedom is presence of conditions rather than absence of
Supporter of progressive ideas
Every man is a part of Brahmaan
Supported secular education
Caste consciousness of the biggest barrier to progress of
Emancipation of women and upliftment of masses are two
requisites for social regeneration
All social evils are because of continuous neglect of women
No nations is great because parliament enacts this or that
but because of citizens

Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan
Education is the vehicle for any social change

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Education is the vehicle for any social change

JP Narayan
Purification of politics and democratic decentralisation

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Report card
21 August 2022 20:25


1 Infrastructure 1 Income Inequality & sufferance of lower & middle class
National Infrastrure pipeline – 100 lakh 25% Budget cut for MNREGA
crore Corporate Tax rate – reduced from 25% to 22%
National Highways – tremendous Surcharge (for income above 1 cr.) reduced from 12% to 7%
increase Alternate Minimum Tax – reduced from 18.5% to 15%
Atal tunnel As per ‘Inequality kills Report’ of Oxfam International,
Vande Bharat Trains income of 84% household decline by at least 20% in 2021
Ropeway development (Parvatmala while Indian billionares grew from 102 → 142
Narendra Modi Stadium
Gujarat GIFT City – Fintech industry
UDAN Scheme (Ude Desh ka Aam
2 Ease of Doing Business & Digitization 2 Criminalization in politics
Faceless Tax assessments (Source – Report by Association of Democratic Alliance)
National Single Window System 2014 – 34% legislators had criminal cases against them
Digital Banks (Fintech) 2021 – 43% legislators are having criminal charges
IBC Code, 2016 (MP-wise %age highest in – BJP (116), followed by INC (29))
Simplified forms, e.g., MCA SPICe+, An increase of 109% in MPs with serious crimes
less permissions for operating drones 50% MPs = criminals – remark by Singapore PM
E-KYC & Aadhar Authentication
National e-Governance Plan Conviction rate less than 0.5%, whereas normally 46%
Liberalised Passport rules
Unified Logistics Interface Platform
Broadcast Seva (BS) Portal

3 Science & Technology Societial hatred, instigating extremism (which perhaps was
UPI & digitization decreasing with time)
Digital Health Records Result – exposure of instability at international markets &
ULPIN – for lands (14 digits) discouragement of FDI in India
UPI123Pay, Digisaathi, RuPay Deterioration of International image
Apps like Digilocker, mParivahan Increasing religious radicalization
E-KYC & Aadhar Authentication More incidents of religious conflicts, e.g, Haridwar Dharm
e-NAM National Agricultural Market – Sabha, 24 year Bajrang Dal youth killed, IIT Madras chemical
integrating APMC mandis engineer killed by Bajrang Dal, Jesus statue vandalization
e-Rupi vouchers (VHP), etc
Drones in agriculture & defence

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Drones in agriculture & defence
(Drone Shakti)
Inter Operable Criminal Justice System
Indian Neutrino Observatory (INO) –
1500 Crore
Geospatial technology is being
leveraged in various schemes – (Digital
India mission, Smart Cities, AMRUT,
National Afforestation Programme,
Namani Gange, River Interlinking, NE
Region Urban Development
Programme, Industrial Corridors, Gati
Shakti, SVAMITVA etc)
Improved Rank (10th) in Global
Cybersecurity Index (Index released
since 2017)
National Supercomputing Mission,
4 Environment Failed Schemes
Electric Vehicles PM Saubhagya – 100% nationwide electrification by 2019
Ethanol Blending of Fuel Namami Gange Programme – 20,000 crores
Green Highway Policy (255 lakh plants) Demonetisation Scheme (99.3% notes received back by RBI)
Green Hydrogen/ Green Ammonia PM Fasal Bima Yojana – financial contraints, claim settlement
Policy process & ground level implementation
GOBAR DHAN Scheme (Asia’s largest
Biogas plant)
5 Landmark Reforms & Schemes Contriversial/ Anti-constitutional laws
Jan Dhan Yojana – Financial Inclusion Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019
New Education Policy, 2020 IT Rules, 2021
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan Electricity Amendment Act
Mission Indradhanush GNCTD Act – Government of NCT of Delhi (Amendment) Act,
GST (although structure is questioned 2021 Criminal Procedure (Identification) Bill, 2022
by many experts) Wetlands Conservation & Management Rules, 2017

6 Education Increasing Capitalism

New Education Policy, 2020 Electoral bonds, Removing 7.5% corporate cap, Allowing
Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Foreign Funding in 2018
National Youth Parliament Festival Low Corporate Tax Ratio – as low as FY 2018-19
Corporate Tax (as a percentage of GDP) –
2013 = 3.5%
2022 = 2.8%
Disinvestments in key industries like Railway & mining

7 Sports Personal life interference by the State

Scheme for assistance to National Personal Data Protection Bill, 2019
Sports Federations – direct under IT Rules, 2021
National Air Sports policy

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National Air Sports policy
8 Women Empowerment Frequent use of draconian laws
Women fighter pilots allowed in Air IT raids & UAPA upon the government critics
Force now after SC judgement in Rampant use of PMLA even in ordinary cases
Babita Punia Case 75% of India’s prison population are ‘under-trials’ (highest in
Women have been allowed for the decade) – as per Report by ‘India Justice’ based on NCRB
admission in Sainik Schools (2021) data
Vigyan Jyoti Scheme – in S&T field NEET protestors – doctors, Farm law protest, Students NCRB
Women Entrepreneur-ship Platform protests, etc
Macro-economic Indicators Establishing Dominance of Power
Forex reserves increased Weakening of Democratic institutions like CVC, ECI, etc
Economy size increased
Exports increased & record high amid
Ukraine War (e.g. electronics)
Defence imports decreased
Cooperative Federalism Compromising freedom of Press
Ministry of Cooperation Central Media Accredition Guidelines, 2022
NITI Aayog for bottom-up approach
GST Council
Job creation & entrepreneurship Compromising independence of judiciary
scheme 99th Amendment, 2014 – National Judicial Appointment
MUDRA Yojana Commission could have compromised judicial
Make in India independence – but struck down by SC
Defence indigenisation
PM Kaushal Vikash Yojana
PLI Schemes, etc
Indian Culture & freedom fighters Increasing Job losses
recognition Female Labour Force participation rate – 31.2% (2011-12)
Statute of Equality, Statue of Unity, and 24.5% (2018-19) – Global average is 45%
Rashtriya Ekta Diwas, Kakatiya Gaurav As per CMIE (Centre for monitoring Indian Economy) – labour
Diwas force participation rate declined from already low 47% to →
Bose’s hologram statue 40% in 6 years (2016-22), & labour force shrunk from 445
Nalanda University revamped million to → 435 million
NEP, 2020 focusing on vernacular
Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav (75th)
Vigyan Sarvatra Pujyate programme
Devayatanam – Temple architecture
Annual Bharat Parv since 2016
National Virtual Library of India
Agriculture Deterioration of Agriculture Industry
KISAN Drones Share of income from ‘crop production’ in monthy income of
PM KISAN Scheme farmer – 37.2% in 2018-19 (48% in 2012-13) – “State of India
Lavender/ Purple Revolution Environment Report” by “ience & Environment”
PM Fasal Bima Yojana 54% increase in farmers suicide

Mains Page 109

Social Welfare Increasing crimes
Ayushman Bharat Insurance As per ‘Crime in India’ report of ‘NCRB’ – Crime rate against
Covid 19 management – Atmanirbhar women (Rapes, kidnapping, sexual harassment) reached
package 57.9% in 2017-18 (3 times of 2011-12) & communal riots
Elderly schemes like SAMPANN, increased by 96% in 2020
Rashriya Vayoshri Yojana, SACRED
portal, etc
PMAY – 2.5 crore houses
Healthcare Macroeconomic Parameters (however, Covid effects also
National Ayush Mission needs to be considered)
AYUSH sector grown by 17% since Lowest GDP growth rates p.a – 4.9% in 2019-20 (lowest since
2014 (faster than gobal average) 2008-09) (affect of demonetisation, GST)
Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission Highest ever inflation rates (post covid scenario)
(ABDM) Lowest ever Rupee exchange rate – 2022 (post covid
National Health Policy, 2017 scenario)
PM Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana FPI investments sucking out
(PM-BJP) Banks NPAs significant increase
Decrease in maternal mortality rate Record highest trade deficit (2021-22, 87.5% increase)
International Prestige Weakening Democracy
Multiple evacuation missions Democracy Report, 2022 rank – 93rd/100th – levels of 1989
Larger say in geopolitics (e.g. Ukraine India classified as ‘Partly Free’ by Freedom House’s ‘Freedom
war) in the World Report, 2021’
India classified as ‘Electoral Autocracy’ as per V-Dem
Institute’s “Autocratisation goes viral” Report, 2022 (worse
than BD)
1st time export – Brahmos to
Defence Acquisition Policy, 2020
Improved Internatioanal Rankings India losing in International Rankings
Global Innovation Index Global Gender Gap Index – 140/156 (2021), 103/136 (2013)
Ease of Doing Business Index Global SDG Index – 117/192 (2021), 110/192 (2011)
Corruption Perception Index – 85/180 World Happiness Report – 136/146 (2022), 111/156 (2012)
(2022), 94th (in 2013) Global Hunger Index – 101/116 (2022), 55/116 (2014)
HDI Index – 131/189 (2022), 135/187 Human Capital Index – 116/174 (2021), 78/174 (2013)
(2013) International IPR Index – 43/53 (2022), 2/30 (2015)

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