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Part I: Mutiple Choice (Pilihan ganda)

Choose the best answer of the four options provided!

1. The time shows at 07.00 a.m. What should we say?
a. Good afternoon
b. Good morning
c. Good evening
d. Good night

2. When we meet our teacher at 02.00 p.m., We say ...

a. Good afternoon
b. Good evening
c. Good morning
d. Good bye

3. Complete the following dialogue!

How do you do?

Nice to meet you
Very well, thanks.

4. Complete the dialogue!

Good bye
Good night

5. Complete the following dialouge!

How are you?

How do you do?
Nice to meet you, too.
See you

6. Complete the following dialogue!

Good bye
Good luck

7. Where does the dialogue probably happen?

At home
At school
At a park
in a hospital

8. When does the dialogue happen?

In the afternoon
In the morning
In the evening
At night

9. Mother replies .... when Edo says good bye

Have a nice day

See you later
Good bye
Be careful

10. Complete the following conversation!

Good evening
Hi, Rani
Hello, Rani
Hi, Zahra

11. Complete the dialogue below!

I am a student
I am Vina
I’m seventeen years old
I’m fine, thank you.

12. Complete the blank!

Where do you live?

What are you doing?
What is your name?
Where do you come from?

13. Complete the dialogue!

Good bye
I’m fine, thank you
See you later
Nice to meet you, too

14. It is half past seven p.m. We say ... to other people.

Good morning
Good afternoon
Good evening
Good night

15. Complete the blank!

My name is Pino
I am from Pekalongan
Yes, I am
Thank you

II. Part II:True-False (Benar Salah)

State True or False based on the following dialgoue!

16. There are three persons in the dialogue.


17. Fatimah says Good afternoon to her teacher, Mr. Fayyadh.


18. Fatimah is a student.


19. Mr. Fayyadh will go to the market.


20. The dialogue happens in the morning


Part III: Matching (Menjodohkan)

Match the statements with the possible answers!

21. It is 04.00 p.m.

22. It is 06.00 a.m.

23. It is 07.00 p.m.

24. It is 10.00 p.m. It's time to go to bed.

25. I have to go now. . . . . See you tomorrow.

I. Fill in the blank areas with suitable greeting expressions!

1 Shidqi : Hello Zahra

Zahra : .........................................
2 Fatimah : How are you, Siti?
Siti : .........................................
3 Gabriel : Nice to meet you
David : ........................................
4 Tina : How do you do?
Tania : .......................................
5 Alex : Good bye
Risa : ........................................
6 Ken : Hi, John
Johny : .......................................
7 Rita : Good morning, sir
Mr. Adit : ......................................
8 Firman : ......................................
Fira : See you

II. Rearrange these sentences into a good paragraph!

1 a. Good morning
b. Fine, Ma’am, thank you
c. How are you today?
d. Good morning, students
2 a. You, too
b. Good night, honey. Sweet dreams.
c. Good night, Mom and Dad
d. Thanks, dear
3 a. Think nothing of it
b. I think I have to leave now. See you later
c. Thanks for the time to accompany me.
d. Why so hurry? Well, see you soon.
4 a. Everything is fine. No worry. Thanks and you?
b. Good afternoon, Rojak
c. Good afternoon, Ririn.
d. Yeah, all runs well, thanks, Ririn.
e. How is life, Ririn?

III. Match the expressions in column A with the correct responses in column B!

1. You greet your teacher at 1 p.m. a. Good morning, class

2. Mom takes her little son to bed b. Good evening, ladies and gentle men
3. A TV Presenter closes her evening’s program c. Good afternoon, Ma’am
4. A receptionist welcomes a guest at 10 a.m. d. Thank you for joining us, good evening
5. A teacher greets her students e. Good night, sweet dreams.
f. Good morning, sir.

1. Thanking
Thanking, to thank artinya berterima kasih atau mengucapkan terima kasih kepada orang lain yang telah membantu
atau menolong kita.
Berikut ini adalah ungkapan/ekspresi dan jawaban/respon yang biasa digunakan untuk mengungkapkan terima kasih
kepada orang lain:
a. Expressing gratitute/Thanking
- Thank you
- Thank you so much
- Thank you very much
- Thanks a lot
- Thanks
- Many thanks
- Thanks for helping me
- Thanks for your help
b. Responding to thanking
- You are welcome
- You’re welcome
- Don’t mention it
- No problem
- All right
- Never mind

2. Apologizing
Apologizing, to apologize artinya meminta maaf atas kesalahan/kekhilafan kepada orang lain. Dengan kata lain,
meminta maaf dapat berarti menyesali atas perbuatan yang telah dilakukan.
Berikut adalah ungkapan/ekspresi dan tanggapan atau menerima maaf yang umumnya digunakan untuk meminta
maaf kepada orang lain:
a. Making apology (Meminta maaf)
- Sorry
- I’m sorry
- I’m so sorry
- I’m really sorry
- Sorry it was my fault
- Forgive me
- I do apologize
- I apologize
- Pardon me
- Please accept my apology
- Sorry for my mistakes.
b. Accepting apology (Menerima maaf)
- That’s all right
- That’s okay
- It’s all right
- It’s okay
- It’s fine
- Forget it
- Never mind
- Don’t apologize
- It doesn’t matter
- Don’t worry about it.

3. Contoh Dialog Thanking

a. Shidqi : Laila, May I borrow your dictionary?
Laila : Of course, Shidqi. Here you are.
Shidqi : Thank you.
Laila : You are welcome.

b. Ana : What are you doing, Ali?

Ali : I’m finishing my homework, An.
Ana : Can I help you?
Ali : Oh, Thank you very much.
Ana : Don’ t mention it.

4. Contoh Dialog Apologizing

a. Ahmad : Imam, can you lend me your calculator?
Imam : I’m sorry, Ahmad. I’m still using it.
Imam : That’s okay. I’ll borrow another.

b. Sofyan : Sorry, sir. I’m late.

Mr. Sulton : It’s all right. Why are you late, Sofyan?
Sofyan : I got up at seven in the morning, sir. I watched TV until eleven at night.
Mr. Sulton : You must sleep early. Please don’t do that anymore.
Sofyan : All right, sir.

Present Tense merupakan tenses Bahasa Inggris yang digunakan untuk mengeskpresikan aktifitas/kegiatan yang
menjadi rutinitas berulang-ulang. Untuk lebih jelasnya sebagai berikut:

  Digunakan untuk menyatakan Kebenaran umum(general truth)

1. The sun sunsets in the west
2. Water drifts from the higher place to the the lower one.
3. The moon is round like a ball
4. Indonesia has two seasons, Wet and dry seasons.

 Digunakan untuk menyatakan kebiasaan yang berulang(Habitual actions)

1. I teach English at MTs Darul Hikmah every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
2. Mother has lunch at 01 p.m.
3. They play football in the afternoon.
4. We take a bath twice a day.

 Digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang sudah direncanakan atau terjadwal.

1. The course begins at nine o’clock.
2. She meets her fans on Sunday
3. When does the match start?

 Digunakan untuk untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang terjadi sekarang.

1. I sit beside you
2. He is in his bedroom now.
3. They have much money

Simple Present memiliki dua bentuk kalimat yaitu Kalimat nominal dan kalimat verbal. Kalimat Nominal adalah
Kalimat yang di dalamnya tidak terdapat verb. Di dalam kalimat nominal biasanya terdapat adjective, noun, adverb
dll. Sedangkan kalimat verbal adalah kalimat yang di dalamnya terdapat verb.

Contoh Kalimat nominal:

1. My mother is happy.
2. He is handsome.
3. We are in the classroom.
4. Arman is a doctor.

Contoh Kalimat Verbal:

1. My father goes to his office by car.

2. The cat catches the mouse everyday.
3. Buffaloes eat grass.
4. Shinta makes a cake on Wednesday.
5. They visit their friend every Sunday.

Rumus untuk Kalimat Nominal:

Affirmative/positif (+): S + to be + adj/noun/adverb

Negative: (-): S + to be + not + adj/noun/adverb
Interogative/Question (?): To be + S + adj/noun/adverb?

Subject: I menggunakan to be am
Subject: You, we, they menggunakan are
Subject: He, she, it menggunakan is

Rumus kalimat verbal :

Affirmative/positif (+):
S + V1 + O + adv + …

Negative: (-):
S + V1 + does not/do not + O + adv + …

Interogative/Question (?):
Does/do + S +V1 + O + Adv + …

o He, she it kata kerjanya(V1) ditambah s/es

o I, you we, they kata kerjanya(V1) masih utuh
o Untuk membuat kalimat negative maupun pertanyaan digunakan kata bantu do/does
o Untuk Subject He, she, it kata kerjanya tanpa s/es di dalam kalimat negative maupun pertanyaan.

Contoh Penggunaan kalimat nominal dan verbal dengan bentuk negative dan interrogative.

1. Aryo Yoso is a teacher.

(-)Aryo Yoso is not a teacher.
(?) Is Aryo Yoso a teacher? Yes, he is atau No, he is not (isn't).

2. We are sad to hear the news.

We are not sad to hear the news.
Are we sad to hear the news?

3. Ronaldo kicks the ball beautifully.

Ronaldo does not kick the ball beautifully.
Does Ronaldo kick the ball beautifully?

4. They go to Bali every year.

They don’t go to Bali evey year.
Do they go to Bali every year? Yes, They do atau No, they do not (don't)

Aturan kata kerja untuk orang ketiga tunggal He, she it yang ditambah akhiran s/es:

1. Verb (kata kerja) yang berakhiran -s, -sh, -ch, -x, -z, atau -o
mendapatkan akhiran -es.
Guess menjadi goes
Wash menjadi washes
Watch menjadi watches
Go menjadi goes

2. Verb (kata kerja) yang berakhiran -y, yang didahului oleh

huruf mati (consonant) mendapatkan akhiran -es
dengan merubah akhiran -y menjadi -i.
Dye menjadi dies
Cry menjadi cries
Study menjadi studies

3. Verb (kata kerja) yang berakhiran -y, yang didahului oleh huruf hidup (vowel), medapatkan akhiran -s dengan tidak
mengubah akhiran -y menjadi –i
Stay menjadi stays
Enjoy menjadi enjoys

4. Selain aturan Verb (kata kerja) di atas, mendapatkan akhiran -s.

Sing menjadi sings
Cook menjadi cooks
Read menjadi reads

5. Khusus untuk verb Have berubah menjadi has jika menggunakan subject Orang ketiga tunggal seperti: He,
she dan it.

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