Uk'D Co Er,: Liollutll

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Crud Addirti<m
dn,gs, ur elt( eXC~'&liv~ly tu the poilll ur self"destn,ctiull. Th~se P'-"<JI,I"
unable tn stop . It is at"" pOllsible that the addictl'd I",,,,,,n willI", the unl'
whu looks back at us lfl the mirTOr every morning.
Studies have shown that people who are addicted to one thing are
likdy to be addicted 10 any or all of the uther possible addictiw sub"'ane"".
OfICn, lughlyaddlcted indi,;dunls can lead successful!; ves If Iheir addic"
liuns can be cuntrolled or if IIwy "'e.... lIt"rsu:uk'd by ,.,3Sull ur eireu","
IItanc.e 10 avoid co mact with addiNive substances when they were young.
Iluw"" er, onc.e they succumb to the temptation of all a([<H,;live sub;;ta"c.e
or beba,;or, they are often s"'ept a"'ay by it.

Tht· lIollutll 1,1111"

PrOlll what We kllUw aOOlll addictions, it is 1101 IIII .... "~nable tu " 'ake th"
educated " ... umpli<>tl thaI trade.,. wh" emer till' bu.~ines.. for the excit ...
I"em are in "eed IIf that hit or the emotional high to reel alive. TheS<'
traders are addicted 10 the relea5l' of the bram chemicals tllal makes them
feel lIappy or relaxed or euphoric. These same tratlers are VII1nerabie to
all possible addictions. Then, one day, tt,cy suddenly encounter Ihelr Ii"'t
opponuruly 10 achieve thdr Ii"'t big scor<' in the markets. Once they "'-'"
alld f",,1 t he poosibilily uf makillg a killing ill HIe markets, th~y suddt·nly
I"'gin 1<, ~xperi"n,!e a rush or euphoria. A.. so<'" as they sample the power-
ful emotional high that c.mnes wilh thaI first hil or g"",d, Ihey are hooked.

f;ll 11 Ihl' f;r."I· d ,\thlirliun l\fl U1'1I ~' lit- (;uUlI

rur "nllr Trlullnj.;'!
Sometimes in the short run, a .""Ir·d""tru~live b<>havior or p.~ttem call pm,
duce p""itive results making it even more addictive. lIowever. the only P"~
dictable long-term result for any addiction is " '()('. short and simple.

[II there an :mtido!.e to the greed addictio,,? For sume, Uke Roy our I",ren"
nia! I"""r, the amidote to the greed addIction", tota! IOSI!. Without the
ProsIK>ct of making money, his addiction is under control. [f you know that
you ar<' a grCftl junki~, here is a Ii", of scven possible antidotes:
I . Stop or limit your tradlllg. Limiting the amount of trading that you do
can cut duW'n on your exposure 10 the addICli,,, cycle.
l . Make note oflhe pIctures that you create when you are heading toward
the addIctive stale of grCftl and change the pictures to snap you back
",W a "om",1 stale.

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