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soingi2023, 14.40 Matthew Eldridge - Conservatoire Personal Statement - Google Docs Whether music is to be composed, performed or listened to, the fact remains that there needs to be some kind of messenger to bridge the gap between the composer and the listener. And this is where the performer comes in, The performer takes scribbles on a piece of paper and turns it into an experience of sheer joy, excitement, sadness or contemplation for the listener. Yet being a performer is not just about being part of a process; the ability to play music is also a deeply rewarding experience. Playing music gives me a true understanding of its meaning and the composer's intention, and this is one of the reasons why | want to study music at a conservatoire. In March 2019, | atlended Stradfest, a one-day event for string players which enabled me to take part in workshops and connect with other musicians. Here I was particularly fascinated by a workshop led by jazz violinist Max Grosch called ‘Introduction to Improv’. Having self-taught myself a small amount of jazz piano, I was intrigued by how Max Grosch used rhythm, a simple G major scale, and a loop pedal to produce music that was similar to that of a jazz trio, Although this masterclass was focused on the jazz style, | look forward to exploring new genres of music, classical as well as styles like jazz and folk, through masterclasses and workshops. | found the talk on healthy practise very interesting, as topics included the Alexander Technique, warming up and mental relaxation. Since then, | have started reading the book ‘Alexander Technique for Musicians’ and I now incorporate stretching, breathing and warming up the body properly into my playing. | look forward to exploring these areas more at a conservatoire. In June 2019, | took my grade 8 violin and passed with distinction. At the time | was also having to revise for school exams and although this was a very pressurised period, | leamed to balance my practise ‘schedule alongside my revision. | believe | have the skills and dedication needed to develop my ability as performer and as a well-rounded musician, In addition, | ke to challenge myself. I recently took up the viola, and have enjoyed experimenting with its warm tone and lower range, a highlight being having the ‘chance to play the viola with the school string group, including a performance in Barcelona Cathedral. At school, | have taken up a plethora of musical opportunities. Playing in the pit band for the ‘Sound of Music’ production helped me to see what a potential job in the music industry could look like, while the ‘school music tour to Catalonia gave me the experience of setting up a sound system as well as adjusting to different acoustics, whether that be for an outdoor concert or one in a Cathedral. | have been awarded the role of subject captain in Music which has involved talking to students about Music A-level and helping lead various orchestral and choral ensembles. Outside of school, | ama keen member of Thames Youth Orchestra and play the piano for church services. In December 2018 I helped set up a very successful A Capella group at my church youth group which now performs at our church concerts. Having developed the skills of leadership, teamwork and initiative, | am looking forward to collaborating with other musicians at a conservatoire, As primarily a composer and musicologist, | hope to study music at a university for a degree. However, | am planning to take a gap year with the aim of being accepted on to a foundation course at a conservatoire, | am excited to learn new approaches to playing such as the Alexander Technique and Dalcroze Eurythmics, as well as departmental lessons on topics such as orchestral auditions. | look forward to spending a year dedicated to my instrument, in an environment with other aspiring artists before studying music at university, hZewPqAOpShOKWUtgQIORWUpgfSDBRIcs4lCdnplagledt eno

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