Eng Asl Report

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In the past few years, the number of people traveling has increased exponentially
which dropped over the lockdown. It shot back by 2021. Many people travel for
various reasons other than to have some leisurely time.

This study employed a survey research strategy.

Most of the people travel only during the vacations. Traveling has made people
come out of their comfort zones and to expand their social skills. After teachers
and parents, travel to different places teaches us all the life lessons and critical
chapters on survival skills.

We will try to bring out all possible reasons to travel and how it leaves a
long-lasting impact on us.


“Travel is an investment in yourself.”

The term "travel" may originate from the Old French word travail, which means
'work’. Travel is the movement of people between distant geographical locations.
Travel can be done by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, bus, airplane, ship, or
other means, with or without luggage, and can be one-way or round trip. Travel
can also include relatively short stays between successive movements, as in the
case of tourism.

Purpose of traveling:
● Tourism
● Research
● Visiting people
● Religious pilgrimages and mission trips
● Business travel, trade, commuting
● Obtaining health care

Impact of traveling :
The major benefits of traveling would be:

● Traveling Can Improve Your Communication Skills

● Traveling can expand your horizons
● Traveling can make you more mindful of other people’s cultures and values
● Traveling Can Help You Make Memorable Memories
● Traveling Can Help You Meet New People and Mingle with them

Travel is not just about leisure, it also plays a significant role in personal growth
and self-discovery. It allows us to step out of our comfort zones, explore new
experiences, and challenge our assumptions. By engaging with locals, learning
about their traditions, and witnessing different worldviews firsthand, we develop
a greater appreciation for the richness and diversity of human experiences. This
broadens our empathy and enhances our ability to connect with people from all
walks of life.

Travel also cultivates cultural awareness by breaking down stereotypes and

challenging preconceived notions. By interacting with people from different
cultural backgrounds, we come to realize that cultural diversity is multifaceted and
goes beyond simplistic assumptions.
Travel provides moments of solitude and tranquility away from the demands and
distractions of everyday life, allowing us to gain clarity, introspect, and better
understand our desires, fears, strengths, and weaknesses.

Embracing new perspectives through travel is essential for personal growth and
self-discovery. By interacting with people from different backgrounds and
exploring unfamiliar territories, we expand our understanding, challenge our
assumptions, and foster empathy and tolerance.

Traveling to new places requires adaptability and flexibility, as we face unique

situations like transportation delays, logistical issues, and cultural


Research design and approach:

The research is completely based on a survey conducted via Google form.

Sampling process and data collection instruments:

The survey was conducted among common people of different age groups. We
sent them a Google form containing 12 questions in total. It had multiple-choice
questions as well as subjective answers.

We received a total of 55 responses ( which included both males and females ).

Finally, we analyzed the responses and came up with conclusions and


Ethical consideration:
We followed the ethical procedures. Once we were done with the questions we
got suggestions from the teacher and then we proceeded with creating the form.
Every response was kept confidential.

RESULTS: (Evidence attached)

People’s perspective on traveling:

For the majority of them, traveling is a way to escape from reality and have fun. It
is a mode of exploration and learning new skills. People used this as an
opportunity to widen their comfort circle.

Importance of traveling:
Around 80% of the respondents have said that traveling makes you realize how to
enjoy every moment of your life. 65-68% of respondents believe that traveling
helps you to communicate better with others and learn many life lessons such as
how to handle stress, think outside of the box, be spontaneous, and be patient.
Last but not least, some people travel to taste various cuisines.

Places people like to travel:

More than half of the respondents( 70%) are more interested in traveling to hill
stations and adventurous places. This shows as much as people want to visit a
calm place, they want to spend their time in a place that gives them energy and a
boost. People also travel to beaches, hometowns, islands, etc.

● Travel light
● Immerse in local culture
● Taste authentic cuisine
● Respect the environment
● Engage with locals
● Capture memories.
● We couldn’t send the form to many of the students. We didn’t have proper
● The number of responses in the first few days was deficient and stagnant. It
delayed our analysis process.


In conclusion, traveling is a multifaceted activity that offers numerous benefits. It
caters to a wide range of personal tastes and interests, making it a universally
appealing pursuit. Whether it’s for the thrill of adventure, the serenity of nature,
or the joy of trying new cuisines, traveling provides an enriching experience that
extends beyond mere sightseeing.

We would recommend people that use traveling as a way to work on themselves

and become better humans.

Unlocking personal growth and self-discovery through travel (funender.com)

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