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Setting Calculation Protection System


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End Customer:



DA NHIM UPPER 3 [2x4.25MW + 10% COL]

00 First Submission 17.06.2022 S.S SA AS

Re Modifications Date Prepared Checked Approved
Title By By By




Client COM
Prep. 17.06.2022 SS Filename RELAY SETTINGS_DA NHIM
Plant DA NHIM UPPER – 3 HEP Chk. 17.06.2022 SA Index / Date Filedate 17.06.2022
Contract Appr. 17.06.2022 AS 0 17.06.2022 Page 1 of 25
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DOC Nº E1 C-90-839330 004 01

Setting Calculation Protection System

Table of Contents
1 GENERAL.............................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Settings to be checked by the grid ................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Settings to be checked during commissioning ............................................................................... 3
2 TECHNICAL DATA .................................................................................................................. 4
3 GENERATOR PROTECTION RELAY (GPR) ............................................................................... 6
3.1 Generator Differential- 87G ................................................................................................................ 6
3.2 Voltage protection- 27/59 ................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Generator Over / Under Frequency Protection - 81O/U .................................................................. 8
3.4 Negative Phase Sequence- 46 ........................................................................................................... 9
3.5 Stator Earth Fault 95%- 59N ............................................................................................................. 10
3.6 Stator Earth Fault 100%- 27GN ........................................................................................................ 10
3.7 Reverse Power- 32R .......................................................................................................................... 12
3.8 Generator Overcurrent protection- 50/51 ....................................................................................... 13
3.9 Breaker Failure- 50BF ....................................................................................................................... 14
3.10 Voltage Restrained Overcurrent- 51V ............................................................................................. 15
3.11 Over fluxing (24) ................................................................................................................................ 15
3.12 Inadvertent Energization (Dead Machine) 51/27: ........................................................................... 16
3.13 Field Failure 40: ................................................................................................................................. 17
3.14 Pole Slipping 78: ............................................................................................................................... 17
4 TRANSFORMER PROTECTION RELAY (TPR) .......................................................................... 18
4.1 Transformer Protection - 87T ........................................................................................................... 18
4.2 Transformer Restricted Earth fault protection- 64REF ................................................................. 19
4.3 Transformer Over Current- 50/51..................................................................................................... 20
4.4 Over fluxing- 24 ................................................................................................................................. 21
4.5 Circuit Breaker Failure- 50BF........................................................................................................... 22
5 LINE PROTECTION RELAY – ................................................................................................. 23
5.1 Directional/Non-Directional Overcurrent & Earth Fault Protection (3ph.) – 67/50 & 50/67N .. 23
5.2 Under voltage Protection- 27 ........................................................................................................... 24
5.3 Over Voltage Protection- 59 ............................................................................................................. 25
5.4 Breaker Failure- 50BF ....................................................................................................................... 25


Client COM
Prep. 17.06.2022 SS Filename RELAY SETTINGS_DA NHIM
Plant DA NHIM UPPER – 3 HEP Chk. 17.06.2022 SA Index / Date Filedate 17.06.2022
Contract Appr. 17.06.2022 AS 0 17.06.2022 Page 2 of 25
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DOC Nº E1 C-90-839330 004 01

Setting Calculation Protection System


This document provides information about the protective scheme for the generator, generator-
transformer, auxiliary transformer protection and line
Please note that documentation with detailed descriptions of the various protection systems are pro-
vided in separate relay document of relays.

Please note:

The calculated relay settings are based on different input data sheets available during the workout
from generator data sheet, transformer data sheet and single line diagram.
In case of any equipment modification or change of various electrical characteristics this document
has to be revised.
Generally the calculation of the settings is done according to our best knowledge and conscience. As
mentioned before the relay settings depend on various data given by several suppliers and by the cli-
ent as well. We can’t accept any responsibility in case of wrong given information.

Some protection settings (e.g. frequency, voltage) have to be checked and approved also from the
power grid. All settings mentioned in this document refer to the secondary values (relay values).

1.1 Settings to be checked by the grid

The following settings would be confirmed by the power grid, which needs to match the power grid
other protection system settings.

Protection function Parameter

Over-frequency (81O) Operate Value and time day-
St.1 & 2
Generator loss of excitation (40) Network Reactance
Main transformer phase earth (51N) Operate Value St.1 time delay
Directional/Non directional Operate Value and time day-
Over current (67) St.1 & 2
Directional/Non directional Operate Value and time day-
Earth Fault (67N) St.1 & 2
Breaker failure operated (50BF) Operate Value and time day-
St.1 & 2

1.2 Settings to be checked during commissioning

Settings which have to be checked during commissioning

Protection function Parameter

Generator stator earth fault based on Operate Value
3rd harmonic (27GN)
Generator reverse power (32) Operate Value, Power Direction
Under excitation (40) Voltage Direction, Start value rotor


Client COM
Prep. 17.06.2022 SS Filename RELAY SETTINGS_DA NHIM
Plant DA NHIM UPPER – 3 HEP Chk. 17.06.2022 SA Index / Date Filedate 17.06.2022
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DOC Nº E1 C-90-839330 004 01

Setting Calculation Protection System



Rated active power 𝑃 4250 kW

Rated apparent power 𝑆 5000 kVA
Rated apparent power (+10 % COL) 𝑆 5500 kVA
Rated voltage 𝑈 6.3 kV
Power factor 𝑝. 𝑓. 0.85 -
Rated current 𝐼 458.23 A
Rated current (+10 % COL) 𝐼 504 A
Rated frequency 𝑓 50 Hz
Direct axis reactance 𝑥𝑑 0.99 p.u.
Transient direct axis reactance 𝑥𝑑´ 0.278 p.u.
Sub-transient direct axis reactance 𝑥𝑑´´ 0.214 p.u.
Quadrature Axis reactance 𝑥𝑞 0.929 p.u.
Sub-transient quad. Axis reactance 𝑥𝑞´´ 0.36 p.u.
Negative Phase Sequence Withstand 𝐼 %
Thermal Negative Phase Sequence (𝐼 /𝐼 )²𝑡 20 sec


Rated output 𝑆 11.5 MVA

Rated Voltage (HV Side) 𝑈 22 kV
Rated Voltage (LV Side) 𝑈 6.3 kV
Rated Current (HV Side) 𝐼 301.80 A
Rated Current (LV Side) 𝐼 1053.92 A
Vector group YNd1
Short circuit voltage 𝑢 %


Client COM
Prep. 17.06.2022 SS Filename RELAY SETTINGS_DA NHIM
Plant DA NHIM UPPER – 3 HEP Chk. 17.06.2022 SA Index / Date Filedate 17.06.2022
Contract Appr. 17.06.2022 AS 0 17.06.2022 Page 4 of 25
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DOC Nº E1 C-90-839330 004 01

Setting Calculation Protection System

Current Transformer


Generator Terminal side 600 1 A
Generator Neutral side 600 1 A
Generator-Transformer (HV Side) 400 1 A
Generator-Transformer (LV Side) 1200 1 A
Generator-Transformer (Star point) 400 1 A
Line CT 400 1 A

Voltage transformer


Protection Core 6300 110 V
Metering Core 6300 110 V
AVR Core 6300 180 V
Line PT 22000 110 V
Bus PT 6300 110 V
NGT 11000 110 V

1) Settings of some of the protection function may change if change in input data observed.
2) Settings of some of the function will be finalized during commissioning stage.


Client COM
Prep. 17.06.2022 SS Filename RELAY SETTINGS_DA NHIM
Plant DA NHIM UPPER – 3 HEP Chk. 17.06.2022 SA Index / Date Filedate 17.06.2022
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DOC Nº E1 C-90-839330 004 01

Setting Calculation Protection System


Manufacturer: Schneider
Model: P443

3.1 Generator Differential- 87G

This function protects the generator system from the generator neutral CT’s to the generator lead out
CT’s and operates for phase to phase and three phase faults.
A trip of the differential function will Trip the Unit Circuit Breaker and shut down the unit.

The function includes a saturation detection of the connected CT’s. Saturation phenomena can hap-
pen during high current through faults with short circuit currents which contain a high content of DC-
displacement current.
When the internal logic of the differential protection function detects a saturated current transformer,
the bias characteristic is changed to the saturated curve. The saturated curve can be set with different
bias slopes than the unsaturated curve. Therefore see the bias characteristic below. A specified high
set stage is also implemented. When the differential current overreaches the high set value the satu-
ration detection is not active any more. In this case it can be assumed that the fault is in the generator

Parameter Setting Setting calculation and comments

Start value dif- 0.10 A The differential setting value is calculated as follows:
Generator primary current
𝑆 5500 𝑘𝑉𝐴
𝐼 = = = 504 𝐴
𝑈 ∗ √3 6.3𝑘𝑉 ∗ √3
With the current transformer ratio the rated current on the
secondary side can be calculated:
𝐼 504
𝐼 , = = = 0.84 𝐴
𝐶𝑇 600𝐴⁄1𝐴
Differential current setting is chosen to be approx. 10% of
nominal secondary current of relay i.e. 0.84x0.10=0.084
≈𝐼 = 0.10 𝐴
Client COM
Prep. 17.06.2022 SS Filename RELAY SETTINGS_DA NHIM
Plant DA NHIM UPPER – 3 HEP Chk. 17.06.2022 SA Index / Date Filedate 17.06.2022
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DOC Nº E1 C-90-839330 004 01

Setting Calculation Protection System

The setting value in relation to the generator nominal

current corresponds to,
𝐼 0.10
∗ 100% = ∗ 100% = 11.90%
𝐼 , 0.84
The total tolerances of the measuring system are:

Tolerance CT 2% (max. 1% per CT)

Protection relay: 3%
Sum 5.0%
The measuring tolerances from the protection function
are well below the setting value.

Group 1 Gen Differential

Gen Diff Fun Percentage Bias
Gen Diff Is1 100 mA
Gen Diff K1 15%
Gen Diff Is2 8A
Gen Diff K2 30%

Trip Matrix
Stage – 1 (52G_Unit Breaker) Trip, Excitation Trip, Turbine Trip (Machine
Shutdown), 86G
Stage – 1 (52G_Unit Breaker) Trip, Excitation Trip, Turbine Trip (Machine
Shutdown), 86G

3.2 Voltage protection- 27/59

The function is enabled during the generator set being connected to the power system and is disabled
(blocked) by generator CB open position. It is a 1-stage function. The setting value of under voltage
may vary as per behaviour of grid voltage (as per site condition).

The overvoltage function protects the generator, the main transformer against electrical field
stresses. The function is provided with 2 stages whereby stage 1 has a lower setting value and a larg-
er time delay to cater for voltage regulator response time in case of full load rejections and stage 2 is
provided with a higher voltage setting above load rejection conditions and minimum time delay.

Parameter Setting Setting calculation and comments

Start value volt- 96.8 V The setting value is calculated as follows:
age delta The 1st stage is set to 88% of the rated generator voltage
11𝑘𝑉 ∗
𝑈 √3 = 96.8 𝑉
𝑈 = 88% ∗ = 0.88
𝑉𝑇 11𝑘𝑉
Operate time 3.0 s To allow enough time for regulation a time delay of 3 sec-
delay Stage 1 onds is set.


Client COM
Prep. 17.06.2022 SS Filename RELAY SETTINGS_DA NHIM
Plant DA NHIM UPPER – 3 HEP Chk. 17.06.2022 SA Index / Date Filedate 17.06.2022
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DOC Nº E1 C-90-839330 004 01

Setting Calculation Protection System

Start value volt- 123.2 V The setting value is calculated as follows:

age delta St. 1 The 1st stage is set to 112% of the rated generator voltage
𝑈 11𝑘𝑉 ∗ 110𝑉
𝑈 = 112% ∗ = 1.12 ∗ = 123.2𝑉
𝑉𝑇 11𝑘𝑉
Operate time 3.0 s To allow enough time for regulation a time delay of 5 sec-
delay St. 1 onds is set.
Start value volt- 132 V The 2nd stage is set to 120% of the rated generator voltage
age delta St. 2 𝑈 11𝑘𝑉 ∗ 110𝑉
𝑈 = 120% ∗ = 1.20 ∗ = 132.0 𝑉
𝑉𝑇 11𝑘𝑉
Operate time 1.0 s A time delay of 1 seconds is set
delay St. 2
Reset time de- 0.1s Time delay where the function drop off, if the value is under
lay the start value. Setting is chosen according to our experi-

Group 1 Voltage Protection:

Name Value Address
V< Measurement T Mode Phase – Phase 42.02
V< Operate Mode Any Phase 42.03
V< 1 Function DT 42.04
V< 1 Voltage set 96.8V 42.05
V< 1 Time Delay. 3.00 S 42.06
V<1 Poledead Inh Enable 42.07
V< 2 Status Disabled 42.08
V> Measurement T Mode Phase – Phase 42.0E
V> Operate Mode Any Phase 42.0F
V> 1 Function DT 42.10
V> 1 Voltage set 123.2 V 42.11
V>1 Time Delay. 3.00 S 42.12
V> 2 Status Enable 42.14
V> 2 Voltage set 132 V 42.15
V>2 Time Delay. 1.00 S 42.16
V2> 1 Status Disable 42.22

Trip Matrix
Stage- 1&2 (52G_Unit Breaker) Trip, Excitation Trip, 86GZ

3.3 Generator Over / Under Frequency Protection - 81O/U

The protective function has 4 Stages providing separate adjustable over- and under-frequency alarm
and trip facilities. In addition to the mechanical over speed and excitation system under speed detec-
tion it provides backup protection for such conditions. All stages will initiate an alarm and a trip.

The function settings are selected as follows

Stage 1 over frequency f81-1 = 51.5 Hz time delay=3 sec Trip
Stage 2 over frequency f81-2 = 52.0 Hz time delay=1 sec Trip
Stage 3 under frequency f81-3= 48.5 Hz time delay=3 sec Trip
Stage 4 under frequency f81-4= 48.0 Hz time delay=1 sec Trip


Client COM
Prep. 17.06.2022 SS Filename RELAY SETTINGS_DA NHIM
Plant DA NHIM UPPER – 3 HEP Chk. 17.06.2022 SA Index / Date Filedate 17.06.2022
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DOC Nº E1 C-90-839330 004 01

Setting Calculation Protection System

Name Setting Value Address

F<1 Status Enable 43.02
F<1 Settings 48.5 HZ 43.03
F< 1Time Delay 3.00 Sec 43.04
F<2 Status Enable 43.05
F<2 Settings 48.00 HZ 43.06
F<2 Time Delay 1.00 Sec 43.07
F<3 Status Disable 43.08
F<4 Status Disable 43.0B
F< Function Link 0000 43.0E
F>1 Status Enable 43.10
F>1 Settings 51.5 HZ 43.11
F>1Time Delay 3.00 Sec 43.12
F<2 Status Enable 43.13
F<2 Settings 52.00 HZ 43.14
F>2Time Delay 1.00 Sec 43.15
Turbine F Status Disabled 43.22

Note: Settings will be finalized at site during commissioning as per the Fluctuation in grid.
Trip Matrix
52G, 86GZ Non-Urgent Relay and Excitation

3.4 Negative Phase Sequence- 46

Negative phase sequence protection is provided by function with an inverse time characteristic follow-
ing closely the continuous thermal I22 x t= k withstands capability of the generator at different unbal-
anced load conditions. The function will protect the generator for asymmetric external power system
loads and also will act as a sensitive backup for two phases or two phases to ground internal genera-
tor winding faults. An alarm and a trip stage are provided which will trip the unit.
The inverse time negative phase sequence protective function is set according to the generator nega-
tive phase sequence current withstand according to the manufacturers data I22 x t= 20 sec (or in p.u.)

These setting values are.


I2 Thermal>1 Alarm Enable 33.01
I2 Thermal>1 Set 50.00mA 33.02
I2 Thermal>1 Delay 20.0 S 33.03
I2 Thermal>2 Trip Enable 33.04
I2 Thermal>2 Set 100.00mA 33.05
I2 Thermal>2 Kset 15.00S 33.06
I2 Thermal>2 KReset 15.00S 33.07
I2 Thermal>2 tMAX 1000S 33.08
I2 Thermal>2 tMIN 250.0ms 33.09

Trip Matrix
52G, 86GZ Non-Urgent Relay and Excitation


Client COM
Prep. 17.06.2022 SS Filename RELAY SETTINGS_DA NHIM
Plant DA NHIM UPPER – 3 HEP Chk. 17.06.2022 SA Index / Date Filedate 17.06.2022
Contract Appr. 17.06.2022 AS 0 17.06.2022 Page 9 of 25
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DOC Nº E1 C-90-839330 004 01

Setting Calculation Protection System

3.5 Stator Earth Fault 95%- 59N

The stator earth fault function will protect the major part (95%) of the generator winding and all other
parts of the 6.3kV system (all parts galvanically connected to the generator) against earth faults.
The function measures the displacement voltage with the open delta winding at the generator lead
The digital system only considers the nominal frequency. Any other harmonics will be repressed by fil-
The setting values of this function are below:

Parameter Setting Setting calculation and comments

Start Value 6.35 V The setting value is calculated as follows:

The rated voltage of the generator is 11kV.


=127.0 V

For a protection range of 95% we are able to calculate

the setting value:

63.5 V

= 6.35 V
With a setting value of 𝑈 = 6.35𝑉, the protection range
of the generator winding will be 95%.
Operate time 1.0 s For a fast clearance of the earth fault a time delay of 1.0
delay s is set
Trip Matrix
52G, 86G-Urgent Relay and Excitation

3.6 Stator Earth Fault 100%- 27GN

The 100% stator earth fault function will protect together with the 95% stator earth fault protection the
whole generator against earth faults. This function will protect the last 5% of the generator winding
against earth faults. The 100% stator earth fault protection measures the 3rd harmonics of the two
measuring points in the generator lead out and the generator neutral. The function evaluates the dif-
ferential voltage of both measuring points. In normal condition the voltage difference is 0V. When an
earth fault occurs the differential voltage will rise. See the picture below.
This magnitude of this 3rd harmonic is produced by each generator differently and has to be evaluated
during the commissioning. The setting value will then be chosen accordingly.

The following settings will be approved during commissioning.


Client COM
Prep. 17.06.2022 SS Filename RELAY SETTINGS_DA NHIM
Plant DA NHIM UPPER – 3 HEP Chk. 17.06.2022 SA Index / Date Filedate 17.06.2022
Contract Appr. 17.06.2022 AS 0 17.06.2022 Page 10 of 25
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DOC Nº E1 C-90-839330 004 01

Setting Calculation Protection System

Parameter Setting Setting calculation and comments

This setting value has been verified during the commis-
Start value 4.0V sioning and is set to,
𝑈 = 4.0𝑉
For the measuring range close to the neutral point the time
Operating time
1.0 s delay can be chosen smoothly. We recommend a time
delay of 1.0 seconds.

Group – 1 100% Stator Earth Fault.

Name Settings Value Address.

100% St. EF Status VN3H> Enabled. 3C.01
100% St. EF VN3H> 4.00 V 3C.0B
VN3H> Delay 1.00 S 3c.0C

Trip Matrix
52G, 86G-Urgent Relay and Excitation


Client COM
Prep. 17.06.2022 SS Filename RELAY SETTINGS_DA NHIM
Plant DA NHIM UPPER – 3 HEP Chk. 17.06.2022 SA Index / Date Filedate 17.06.2022
Contract Appr. 17.06.2022 AS 0 17.06.2022 Page 11 of 25
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DOC Nº E1 C-90-839330 004 01

Setting Calculation Protection System

3.7 Reverse Power- 32R

The reverse power function disconnects the generator from the grid, if the opening command from the
control system will not open the circuit breaker during the shut-down sequence.
The setting value is selected to be well below the active motoring power of the generator set. Due to
our experience a setting value of -4.0% of the generator rating power is selected. The setting value
has to be coordinated with the synchronous condenser mode and will be verified during the commis-

Parameter Setting Setting calculation and comments

Start value -6.82 W The setting value is calculated as follows:
The rated power of the protection relay with its current
and voltage inputs is
𝑃 , = √3 ∗ 𝑈 ∗𝐼 ∗ 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜑
= √3 ∗ 110𝑉 ∗ 1𝐴 ∗ 1.0 = 190.52𝑊
With the CT and VT ratios corresponds a rated primary
power of
𝑃 , = √3 ∗ 𝑈 , ∗𝐼 , ∗ 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜑 =
𝑈 , 𝐼 ,
110𝑉 1𝐴
= √3 ∗ 6.3𝑘𝑉 ∗ 600𝐴 ∗ 1.0 = 6.54𝑀𝑊
110𝑉 1𝐴
The required -5.0% primary reverse power setting of the
rated primary machine power is
𝑃 , = −5.0% ∗ √3 ∗ 𝑈 ∗𝐼 ∗ 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜑 =
= −0.05 ∗ √3 ∗ 6.3 𝑘𝑉 ∗ 504𝐴 ∗ 0.85 = −0.234𝑀𝑊
This corresponds to a relative value of
𝑃 , −0.234𝑀𝑊
𝑃 ,% = ∗ 100% = ∗ 100% = −3.58%
𝑃 , 6.54𝑀𝑊
The relay setting value can be calculated
𝑃 , =𝑃 ,% ∗𝑃 , = −3.58% ∗ 190.52𝑊 = − 6.82𝑊
Operate time 4.0 s Time delay is set to 4.00 seconds
Reset time de- 0.1s Time delay where the function drop off, if the value is
lay under the start value. Setting is chosen according to our
Trip Matrix
52G, 86GZ Non-Urgent Relay and Excitation

Group – 1 Power:
Name Setting Value Address
Operating Mode Generating 31.20
Powe 1 Function Reverse 31.24
-P >1 Settings 6.82 31.28
Power1 Time Delay 4.00 S 31.34
Power1 DO Timer 0S 31.38
P1 Pole dead Inh. Enabled 31.3C
Power2 Function Disabled 31.40
S2> CT Source IA – 2, IB – 2, IC – 2, 31.61
S2>1 Status Disabled. 31.62


Client COM
Prep. 17.06.2022 SS Filename RELAY SETTINGS_DA NHIM
Plant DA NHIM UPPER – 3 HEP Chk. 17.06.2022 SA Index / Date Filedate 17.06.2022
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DOC Nº E1 C-90-839330 004 01

Setting Calculation Protection System

3.8 Generator Overcurrent protection- 50/51

The Overcurrent stage will generate an alarm and trip when the generator is operated above its nomi-
nal current value. For this function an overcurrent stage is in use. Short Circuit stage as stage two is
also possible if needed.

Parameter stage Setting Setting calculation and comments

Start value current 0.93 A The secondary current to the relay at maximum load is
Stage - 1 0.84 A
The overcurrent stage is set to 110% of rated genera-
tor current
𝐼 = 110% ∗ 𝐼 , = 1.1 ∗ 0.84𝐴 = 0.93𝐴

Start value current 3.36 A The secondary current to the relay at maximum load is
Stage - 2 0.84A
The overcurrent stage is set to 400% of rated genera-
tor current
𝐼 = 400% ∗ 𝐼 , = 4.0 ∗ 0.84𝐴 = 3.4𝐴

Group – 1 Over Current:

Name Setting Value Address
I> CT Source IA – 1, IB – 1, IC – 1, 35.21
I> 1 Function IEC Standard Inverse 35.23
I> 1 Directional Directional 35.24
I> 1 Current Set 0.93 A 35.27
I> 1 Time delay 1.00 S 35.2A
I> 1 t Reset 0S 35.2F
I> 2 Function DT 35.32
I> 2 Directional Non-Directional 35.33
I> 2 Current Set 3.36 A 35.36
I> 2 Time delay 0S 35.38
I> 2 t Reset 0S 35.3E
I> 3 Status Disable 35.40
I> 4 Status Disable 35.47
I> Char Angle 30˚ 35.4E
I> Function Link 1111 35.4F
I2> CT Source IA – 1, IB – 1, IC – 1, 35.51
I2> 1 Status Disable 35.52
I2> 2 Status Disable 35.62
I2> 3 Status Disable 35.72
I2> 4 Status Disable 35.82
I2> VTS Blocking 1111 35.90
I2> Char Angle -60˚ 35.94
I2> V2Pole Set 5.00V 35.98

Trip Matrix
Stage – 1 (52G_Unit Breaker) Trip, Excitation Trip, Turbine Trip
(Machine Shutdown), 86G
Stage – 1 (52G_Unit Breaker) Trip, Excitation Trip, Turbine Trip
(Machine Shutdown), 86G


Client COM
Prep. 17.06.2022 SS Filename RELAY SETTINGS_DA NHIM
Plant DA NHIM UPPER – 3 HEP Chk. 17.06.2022 SA Index / Date Filedate 17.06.2022
Contract Appr. 17.06.2022 AS 0 17.06.2022 Page 13 of 25
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DOC Nº E1 C-90-839330 004 01

Setting Calculation Protection System

3.9 Breaker Failure- 50BF

The circuit breaker failure function is only started by operation of any other protection function in the
protected branch which trips the generator CB. The function is working with two independent princi-
ples. These are current and GCB position criteria.
The current criteria determine after start the current flow in the generator. If the current flow is not un-
der reaching a set value in a specified time, a trip command will be sent to the higher level circuit

The GCB position criterion is evaluating the position signal of the CB. When the GCB-off signal is not
received, or the GCB-on signal will not disappear in the set time, the function is tripping also the high-
er level circuit breaker.
The function also includes also a monitoring function for the CBF-start signal. If the signal is to long
active an error message will be sent to the control system.

Parameter Setting Setting calculation and comments

Start Value 0.1 A The Generator rated current is,
Current The setting value is calculated as follows:
Generator primary current
𝑆 8117.7𝑀𝑉𝐴
𝐼 = = = 426𝐴
𝑈 ∗ √3 11𝑘𝑉 ∗ √3
With the current transformer ratio the rated current on the
secondary side can be calculated:
𝐼 426𝐴
𝐼 , = = = 0.85𝐴
𝐶𝑇 500𝐴⁄1𝐴

The setting value 𝐼 is chosen to be 10% of the nomi-

nal generator current (so the function is also able to de-
tect a broken CB in part load operation) and is according-
𝐼 = 10% ∗ 𝐼 , = 0.1 ∗ 0.85 = 0.1𝐴
Monitoring 3s The supervision for the start inputs of the CBF function is
time set to 3 seconds.
Operate time 200 ms The tripping time is set to 200ms to guarantee a fast
delay clearance of the fault,
Reset time de- 0.1s Time delay where the function drop off, if the value is
lay under the start value. Setting is chosen according to our
Trip Matrix
52G-2, 52T1 Open

Group 1 CB Fail & I<:

Name Setting Value Address
CB Fail 1 Status Enable 45.02
CB Fail 1 Timer 200 ms 45.03
CB Fail 2 Status Disable 45.04
CBF Non I Reset CB Open & I < 45.06
CBF EXT Reset CB Open & I < 45.07
I<Current set 100 mA 45.09
IN< Current set 150 mA 45.0A
ISEF < Current 20 mA 45.0B
I< CT Source IA – 1, IB – 1, IC – 1 45.15
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3.10 Voltage Restrained Overcurrent- 51V

Three-phase, voltage-dependent overcurrent function with independent time delay.

The input variables are the 3-phase current-transformer signal, Current L123, and the 3-phase volt-
age-transformer signal Voltage L123, where in both cases the amplitude of the fundamental wave,
H1, is selected for detection.
The function can be used for phase voltages and for phase-to phase voltages.

Parameter Setting Setting calculation and comments

Start Value 1.0 A The Generator rated current is,
Current The setting value is calculated as follows:
Generator primary current
𝑆 5500 𝐾𝑉𝐴
𝐼 = = = 504 𝐴
𝑈 ∗ √3 6.3 𝑘𝑉 ∗ √3
With the current transformer ratio the rated current on the
secondary side can be calculated:
𝐼 504 𝐴
𝐼 , = = = 0.84 𝐴
𝐶𝑇 600𝐴⁄1𝐴

The setting value 𝐼 is chosen to be 10% of the nomi-

nal generator current (so the function is also able to de-
tect a broken CB in part load operation) and is according-
𝐼 = 120% ∗ 𝐼 , = 1.2 ∗ 0.84 = 1 𝐴

Trip Matrix
52G, 86G-Urgent Relay and Excitation

Group 1 System Backup

Name Settings Values Address.

Backup Function Voltage Controlled 34.01
Vector Rotation None 34.02
V Dep OC Char DT 34.20
V Dep OC I> Set 1.000 A 34.23
V Dep OC Delay 1.00 S 34.27
V Dep OC V < 1 Set 80.00 V 34.2D
V Dep OC K Set 250 mS 34.2F

3.11 Over fluxing (24)

The over fluxing function protects against electrical field stresses. The degree of saturation over fluxing is
calculated according to following formula: S= (VxFN)/ (VNxF)
Where V and VN are the actual voltage and rated voltage and F and FN the actual frequency and rated
frequency respectively.


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Setting Calculation Protection System

Parameter Setting Setting calculation and comments

Start Value Stage 1 2.45 The 1st stage is set to 110% of the degree of saturation
𝑈 = 110% ∗ = 1.1 ∗ 2.2 = 2.42𝐴
Operate Time delay 3.0 s To allow enough time for regulation a time delay of 5 sec-
Stage 1 onds is set
Start Value Stage 2 2.70 The 2nd stage is set to 120% of the degree of saturation
factor 𝑈 = 120% ∗ = 1.2 ∗ 2.2 = 2.64𝐴
Operate Time delay 1.0 s A time delay of 3 seconds is set
Stage 2
Reset time delay 0.1 s Time delay where the function drop off, if the value is un-
der the start value. Setting is chosen according to our ex-

Name Setting Value Address
V/HZ Alarm Status Enable 3D.01
V/HZ>1 Status Enable 3D.10
V/HZ>1 Trip Function DT 3D.13
V/HZ>1 Trip Set 2.45 3D.16
V/HZ>1 Delay 3.00 S 3D.1A
V/HZ>2 Status Enable 3D.20
V/HZ>2 Trip Set 2.70 3D.25
V/HZ>2 Delay 1.00 S 3D.2A
V/HZ>3 Status Disable 3D.30
V/HZ>3 Status Disable 3D.40

52G, 86G-Urgent Relay and Excitation

3.12 Inadvertent Energization (Dead Machine) 51/27:

The inadvertent energizing pick up is specified by the parameter "Operate Value I". The
corresponding setting value is normally more sensitive than the value of the conventional overcurrent
protection function (setting depends on the setting of the overcurrent function). So it has to be ensured
that the function only works during nominal conditions.
For this case the inadvertent energizing is blocked by exceeding a setting value called "Operate Val-
ue U" to be delayed that it isn´t active immediately during an inadvertent energizing,

Parameter Setting Setting calculation and comments

Operate Value I 1.2 120% of the nominal relay current
Operate Value U 70 V 70% of the relay nominal voltage
Pick Up Delay 0.3 s Default value, actual value will be set on site during commissioning
Drop Off Delay 3 sec Default value, actual value will be set on site during commissioning


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Setting Calculation Protection System

Group – 1 Dead Machine:

Name Settings Values Address
Dead Machine Status Enabled 40.01
DM CT Source IA – 2, IB – 2, IC – 2. 40.02
Dead Mach I> 1.200A 40.03
Dead Mach V< 69.99V 40.04
Dead Match tPU 0.300S 40.05
Dead Match tDO 0.500S 40.06

52G, 86G-Urgent Relay and Excitation

3.13 Field Failure 40:

This Function Protect the generator against under excitation Condition by Measuring the rotor angle on the
generator Terminal. During a loss of field, the generator voltage will reduce and current will Increase, hance
a power factor will occur.

The settings values are:

Name Settings Values Address
FFail 1 alm Angle 15˚ 32.01
FFail 1 alm Delay 2.00S 32.02
FFail 1 Status Enable 32.03
FFail 1 -Xa1 20.ohm 32.04
FFail 1 -Xb1 220.ohm 32.05
FFail 1 Time Delay 5.00S 32.06
FFail 1 DO Timer 0.00S 32.07
FFail2 Status Disable 32.08

52G, 86G-Urgent Relay and Excitation

3.14 Pole Slipping 78:

The settings values are:

Name Settings Values Address

Pslip Function Enable 49.01
Pole slip Mode Generating 49.03
Pslip Za Forward 100.00 Ohm 49.04
Pslip Zb Reverse 150.00 Ohm 49.05
Lens Angle 120.00 Deg 49.06
Pslip Timer T1 15.00 ms 49.07
Pslip Timer T2 15.00 ms 49.08
Blinder Angle 75˚ 49.09
Pslip ZC 50.01 Ohm 49.10
Zone1 Slip Count 1 49.11
Zone2 Slip Count 2 49.12
Pslip Reset Time 1.00S 49.13


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Setting Calculation Protection System

Trip Matrix
Stage – 1 (52G_Unit Breaker) Trip, Excitation Trip, Turbine Trip (Machine Shutdown),


Manufacturer: SCHNEIDER
Model: P642

4.1 Transformer Protection - 87T

Stabilized differential functions are provided for 3-phase systems. This differential function has two
measuring points and protects the transformer and operates for phase to phase, three phase and
earth faults.

The function includes a saturation detection of the connected CT’s. Saturation phenomena can hap-
pen during high current through faults with short circuit currents which contain a high content of DC-
displacement current.
When the internal logic of the differential protection function detects a saturated current transformer,
the bias characteristic is changed to the saturated curve. The saturated curve can be set with differ-
ent bias slopes than the unsaturated curve. Therefore see the bias characteristic below. A specified
high set stage is also implemented. When the differential current overreaches the high set value the
saturation detection is not active any more. In this case it can be assumed that the fault is in the
transformer winding.

Further is the transformer differential function equipped with a 2nd and 5th harmonic blocking. This
blocking is necessary during switching an unloaded transformer to the grid. During this switching an
inrush current appears and this current can cause the differential protection to trip inadvertent. The
inrush current has quite high magnitudes of 2nd and 5th harmonics. The differential function detects
this harmonics and can block the operation of the differential function.

Parameter Setting Setting calculation and comments

Start value dif- 0.20 A The differential setting value is calculated as follows:
The reference voltage level for the transformer differential
is the 22kV HV-side (sys1). All values will base to the 22kV

The Transformer HV nominal current is,

𝑆 11.5 𝑀𝑉𝐴
𝐼 = = = 301.80𝐴
𝑈 ∗ √3 22𝑘𝑉 ∗ √3
With the current transformer ratio, the rated current on the
secondary side of relay can be calculated:
𝐼 301.80
𝐼 , = = = 0.76𝐴
𝐶𝑇 400⁄1𝐴

System-2 is Gen-Transformer LV side i.e. 6.3KV

The Transformer LV nominal current is,
𝑆 11.5 𝑀𝑉𝐴
𝐼 = = = 1053 𝐴
𝑈 ∗ √3 6.3 𝑘𝑉 ∗ √3
With the current transformer ratio the rated current on the
secondary side of relay can be calculated:
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𝐼 1053
𝐼 , = = = 0.88𝐴
𝐶𝑇 1200⁄1𝐴
The differential current setting is chosen to be 20% of the
rated relay current, i.e.
𝐼 = 20%𝐼 = 0.20 ∗ 0.88𝐴 = 0.18𝐴
This setting value correspond to a generator differential
current of
𝐼 0.18
∗ 100% = ∗ 100% = 0.20%
𝐼 , 0.88
TRI MATRIX 52T2 & 52T1, 86T-Urgent Relay

The settings valuec are:

Name Values Address
Trans Diff Enable 31.01
Set Mode Simple 31.02
Is1 180mA 31.03
K1 30.00% 31.04
IS2 4 31.05
K2 60% 31.06
tDIFF LS 0.0S 31.07
HS2 Statsu Enable 31.11
2nd Harm Blocked Enable 31.28
Ih (2) %> 20.00% 31.29
Cross Blocking Enable 31.2A
CTSat and NoGap Enable 31.2B
5th Harm Blocked Enable 31.33
Ih (5) %> 25.0% 31.34
Circuitry Fail Disabled 31.40

4.2 Transformer Restricted Earth fault protection- 64REF

In solid earth grid a zero-sequence current will flow in the neutral point in case of a one phase fault on
the HV-side. To detect such a fault and protect the transformer from any damages high impedance
restricted earth fault is realised. The function calculates the differential current from the sum of the 3-
phase current at the HV-side and the current in neutral point.

A fast clearance of the fault is provided with this protective function.


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Setting Calculation Protection System

Parameter Setting Setting calculation and comments

Start value dif- 0.1 A The differential setting value is calculated as follows:
The Transformer HV nominal current is,
𝑆 11.5 𝑀𝑉𝐴
𝐼 = = = 301.80𝐴
𝑈 ∗ √3 22𝑘𝑉 ∗ √3
With the current transformer ratio the rated current on the
secondary side of relay can be calculated:
𝐼 301.80
𝐼 , = = = 0.76𝐴
𝐶𝑇 400⁄1𝐴
The differential current setting is chosen to be 10% of the
rated relay current, i.e.
𝐼 = 10%𝐼 = 0.10 ∗ 0.76𝐴 = 0.07
Trip Matrix 52T2, 52T1, 86T

The Settings Value are:

Name Values Address
REF HV Status Low Z REF 32.01
HV IS1 Set 0.1 A 32.03
HV IS2 Set 0.3 A 32.04
HV IREF K1 25% 32.05
HV IREF K2 15% 32.06
HV tREF 0.0S 32.07
HV Trans. Bias Enabled 32.09
REF LV Status Disabled 32.20

4.3 Transformer Over Current- 50/51

The Overcurrent stage will generate an alarm and trip when the transformer is operated above its
nominal current value. For this function an overcurrent stage is in use.

Parameter Stg- Setting Setting calculation and comments

Start value cur- 0.84 A The secondary current to the transformer relay at maxi-
rent Stage 1 mum load is 0.76A
The overcurrent stage is set to 110% of rated transformer
𝐼 = 110% ∗ 𝐼 , = 1.1 ∗ 0.76𝐴 = 0.84𝐴
Start value cur- 0.99 A The secondary current to the transformer relay at maxi-
rent Stage 2 mum load is 0.76A
The overcurrent stage is set to 110% of rated transformer
𝐼 = 130% ∗ 𝐼 , = 1.1 ∗ 0.76𝐴 = 0.99𝐴
52BG-A & 52GT-A, 86T-Urgent Relay


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Setting Calculation Protection System

The Settings Values are:

Name Values Address
Over Current 1 T1 35.01
I>1 Status Enabled 35.02
I>1 Char IEC S inverse 35.03
I>1 Current Set 0.84 A 35.05
I>1TMS 1.00 S 35.07
I>1 tReset 0.00 S 35.0B
I>2 Status Enabled 35.12
I>2 Char DT 35.13
I>2 Current Set 0.99 35.15
I>2TMS 0.00 S 35.16
I>1 tReset 0.00s 35.1B
I>3 Status Disabled 35.21
I>4 Status Disabled 35.27
Over Current 2 T2 35.31
I>1 Status Disabled 35.32
I>2 Status Disabled 35.42
I>3 Status Disabled 35.51
I>4 Status Disabled 35.57

4.4 Over fluxing- 24

The over fluxing function protects the main transformer against electrical field stresses.
The degree of saturation over fluxing is calculated according to following formula:
S= (VxFN)/ (VNxF)

Where V and VN are the actual voltage and rated voltage and F and FN the actual frequency and rat-
ed frequency respectively.

Parameter Setting Setting calculation and comments

Start value St. 1 2.53 The 1st stage is set to 115% of the degree of saturation
𝑈 = 115% ∗ = 1.15 ∗ 2.2 = 2.53
Operate time 10.0 s To allow enough time for regulation a time delay of 3 sec-
delay St. 1 onds is set.
Start value St. 2 2.75 The 2nd stage is set to 125% of the degree of saturation
𝑈 = 1.25 ∗ 2.2 = 2.75
Operate time 3s A time delay of 3 seconds is set
delay St. 2
Reset time de- 0.1s Time delay where the function drop off, if the value is under
lay the start value. Setting is chosen according to our experi-
Trip Matrix
Stage 1, 2 52BG-A & 52GT-A, 86T-Urgent Relay


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Setting Calculation Protection System

The Settings Values are:

Name Values Address
V/HZ Alm Status Enabled 3D.51
V/HZ Alarm Set 2.310 V/HZ 3D.52
V/HZ Alarm delay 5.00S 3D.53
V/HZ >1 Status Enabled 3D.60
V/HZ >1 Trip Func Dt 3D.63
V/HZ >1 Trip set 2.53 V/HZ 3D.66
V/HZ >1 Delay 10.00S 3D.6A
V/HZ >2 Status Enabled 3D.70
V/HZ >2 Trip set 2.75 3D.75
V/HZ >2 Delay 3.00S 3D.7A
V/HZ >3 Status Disabled 3D.80
V/HZ >4 Status Disabled 3D.90
TPRE – Trip Alarm 200S 3D.9F

4.5 Circuit Breaker Failure- 50BF

The circuit breaker failure function is only started by operation of any other protection function in the
protected branch which trips the generator CB. The function is working with two independent princi-
ples. These are current and GCB position criteria.
The current criteria determine after start the current flow in the generator. If the current flow is not un-
der reaching a set value in a specified time, a trip command will be sent to the higher level circuit

The GCB position criterion is evaluating the position signal of the CB. When the GCB-off signal is not
received, or the GCB-on signal will not disappear in the set time, the function is tripping also the high-
er level circuit breaker.
The function also includes also a monitoring function for the CBF-start signal. If the signal is to long
active an error message will be sent to the control system.

Parameter Setting Setting calculation and comments

Start Value 0.1 A The Transformer HV nominal current is,
Current 𝑆 11.5 𝑀𝑉𝐴
𝐼 = = = 301.80𝐴
𝑈 ∗ √3 22𝑘𝑉 ∗ √3
With the current transformer ratio the rated current on the
secondary side of relay can be calculated:
𝐼 301.80
𝐼 , = = = 0.76𝐴
𝐶𝑇 400⁄1𝐴

The setting value 𝐼 is chosen to be 10% of the nomi-

nal generator current (so the function is also able to de-
tect a broken CB in part load operation) and is according-
𝐼 = 10% ∗ 𝐼 , = 0.1 ∗ 0.76𝐴 = 0.07𝐴
Trip Matrix
52L, 52BG-B & 52GT-A


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Setting Calculation Protection System

The Settings Values are:

Name Values Address
T1 CBF Status Enabled 45.01
I< Current set 10.00% 45.02
IN < Status Disabled 45.03
CB Fail 1 Status Disabled 45.07
CB Fail 2 Status Enabled 45.09
CB Fail 2 Timer 200.0mS 45.0A
CBF Non. I Reset CB Open & I< 45.0C
CBF Ext Reset CB Open & I< 45.0D
T2 CBF Status Disabled 45.11


Manufacturer: GE Model: P14D

5.1 Directional/Non-Directional Overcurrent & Earth Fault Protection (3ph.) –

67/50 & 50/67N
If a fault current can flow in both directions through a relay location, it is necessary to add direc-
tionality to the overcurrent relays in order to obtain correct co-ordination. Typical systems that re-
quire such protection are parallel feeders (both plain and transformer), each of which are relatively
common in distribution net-works.
In order to give directionality to an overcurrent relay, it is necessary to provide it with a suitable ref-
erence, or polarising signal. The reference generally used is the system voltage, as its angle re-
mains relatively constant under fault conditions.
Relay settings calculated by considering the case that both machines are put on only anyone out
going transmission line.

Primary current of gen-transformer is 301.80 A

CT Ratio of line is 400/1A

Secondary current to the relay in line is 301.80/400=0.76A

The relay setting for stage-1 is 110% of lines relay secondary current.
1.10x0.76= 0.825 A≈0.83A

For stage 2, the setting is chosen to be 120% of the line secondary current.
1.20x 0.76= 0.912 A ≈0.93A

The relay setting for stage-1 is 20% of lines relay secondary current.
0.20x 0.76= 0.16 A

For stage 2, the setting is chosen to be 50% of the line secondary current.
0.40x 0.76= 0.30 A


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Setting Calculation Protection System

The Settings Values are:

Name Values Address
I>1 Function IEC S Inverse 35.23
I>1 Direction Directional 35.24
1> 1 Current set 0.83 35.27
I>1 TMS 1.00S 35.2A
I>1 DT Adder 0.0S 35.2D
I>1 tRESET 0.0S 35.2F
I>2 Function Dt 35.32
I>2 Direction Non – Directional 35.33
I>2 Current set 0.93 35.36
I>2 Time Delay 0.0S 35.38
I>2 tRESET 0.0S 35.3E
IN2> 1 Function IEC S Inverse
IN2> 1 Direction Directional
IN2> 1 Current 160mA
IN2> 1 TMS 1.00S
IN2> 1 DT Adder 0.00 S
IN2> 1 t RESET 0.00S
IN2> 2 Function DT
IN2> 2 Direction Non – Directional
IN2> 2 Current 300mA
IN2> 2 Time Delays 0.00S
IN>2 t RESET 0.00S

5.2 Under voltage Protection- 27

The function is used to check the availability of grid as well as to disconnect the system from grid
when there is any dip in voltage below the set values. The setting of the function shall be lower most
to the Similar functions used in the complete system. This function behaves as a backup to the gener-
ator and trans-former under voltage protection.

The function settings are selected as follows.

V27-1 = 88%VNominal

This implies V27= 88% of 110V= 96.8 V

V27-2 = 82%VNominal

This implies V27= 82% of 110V= 90.0 V

Parameter Setting Value
Operate Value (U1<) 96.8 V
Time Delay (TU1<) 2.0 sec
Operate Value (U1<<) 90.0 V
Time Delay (TU1<<) 1.0 sec

Trip Matrix
Alarm & Trip


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Setting Calculation Protection System

5.3 Over Voltage Protection- 59

The overvoltage function protects the transmission lines against electrical field. The function is pro-
vided with 2 stages. Both stages of this function will initiate an electrical master trip.

The calculation of the setting value for Stage-1 is as follows:

The setting is chosen to be 112% of the line rated voltage, therefore

This implies V59-1= 112% of 110V= 123.2 V

Stage 2 is selected to be 115% of the line rated voltage, therefore

This implies V59-2= 115% of 110V= 126.5 V

Parameter Setting Value
Operate Value (U1>) 123.2 V
Time Delay (TU1>) 1 Sec
Operate Value (U1>>) 126.5 V
Time Delay (TU1>>) 0.5 Sec
U1 > (>) Reset 0.98

Trip Matrix
52L & 86L

5.4 Breaker Failure- 50BF

This type of protective function is started upon operation of any protection which trips the CB and
measures the fault current flow of the system via the CT’s located in line. Should the current flow not
be interrupted by the 22kV Line Breaker, the other CB’s will be tripped.
The current function setting is well below the rated current and is obtained as follows.


Setting Value
FCT breaker fail ON
I>BF 0.1
T1-1pole 0.00sec
T1-3pole 0.00sec
T2 0.15sec
T3-BkrDefective 0.00sec
Trip BkrDefect No
End Flt. Stage OFF
T-Endfault 2.00 sec
PoleDiscrepancy OFF
T-PoleDiscrep. 2.00 sec
Trip Matrix
Tripping To surrounding breakers


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