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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Sanlibo National High School

S.Y. 2023-2024

Report in Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person

Topic: The Human Person as Embodied Spirit

Submitted by: Angel S. Castañeda, Sheila D. Domondon & Charlie Q. Brian

Submitted to: Mr. Romeo M. Laguardia Jr.

I. Objectives

• Recognize how the human body imposes limits and possibilities for transcendence and

• Evaluate own limitations and the possibilities for their transcendence.

II. Topic

The Human Person as Embodied Spirit

III. Discussion

The Human Person as an Embodied Spirit

The concept of the human person as an embodied spirit is a fascinating exploration into
the duality of our existence. This lesson delves into the idea that we are not solely
physical beings, but also possess a spiritual aspect that is intricately connected to our
bodies. In this report, we will discuss the implications of this connection and how it
shapes our experiences and growth.

1. The Connection Between Body and Spirit:

- Our spirit is not separate from our physical body but is intimately linked to it.

- This connection allows us to fully experience life and engage with the world around

- Our actions, emotions, and thoughts impact both our physical and spiritual selves.

2. The Impact of Actions and Growth:

- Every choice we make has an influence on both our physical and spiritual well-being.

- We have the capacity to transcend our limitations and strive for personal
- This empowerment enables us to reach higher levels of understanding and growth.

3. Embracing the Fullness of Our Being:

- Being an embodied spirit means embracing the combination of our physical and
spiritual selves.

- It is about recognizing that our journey through life is not limited by our physical

- We can explore our spirituality, seek meaning, and find fulfillment in both realms.

The lesson on the human person as an embodied spirit highlights the profound connection
between our physical bodies and spiritual selves. This connection allows us to fully
experience life, make choices that impact both aspects of our being, and strive for
personal growth. By embracing our embodiment as both physical and spiritual beings, we
can lead rich and meaningful lives, tapping into our full potential.

IV. Summary

The lesson about the “human person as an embodied spirit” is that we're not just
bodies, but also have a spiritual side. Our spirit is connected to our body, and this
connection allows us to fully experience life. Our actions, emotions, and thoughts affect
both our physical and spiritual selves. We have the power to surpass our limitations and
strive for growth. Being an embodied spirit means living a fulfilling life as both a
physical and spiritual being.

VI. References

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