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Sample Size Calculation for Proportions:

When conducting research to estimate the proportion of a population with a specific characteristic,
such as patient satisfaction in a hospital, it is crucial to determine the appropriate sample size. This
sample size should be sufficient to provide a reliable estimate of the population proportion while
maintaining a desired level of confidence.

Formula for Sample Size Calculation:

The formula used for calculating the required sample size for estimating a population proportion is
as follows:

\[n = \frac{Z^2 \cdot p \cdot (1-p)}{E^2}\]


- \(n\) represents the required sample size.

- \(Z\) is the Z-score associated with the desired confidence level. For a 95% confidence level, \(Z\) is
approximately 1.96. This value corresponds to the critical value of the standard normal distribution,
which captures the central 95% of the distribution's area.

- \(p\) is the estimated proportion of the population that possesses the characteristic of interest (in
this case, patients satisfied with hospital care). If an estimate is not available, a common practice is
to use 0.5, which maximizes the required sample size and is considered a conservative estimate.

- \(E\) is the desired margin of error, expressed as a proportion (e.g., 5% as 0.05).

Calculation with Given Values:

In this scenario, the researcher wants to estimate the proportion of patients satisfied with the
quality of care provided in the hospital with a 5% margin of error (0.05) and a 95% confidence level
(corresponding to a Z-score of approximately 1.96).

Now, let's calculate the required sample size:

\[n = \frac{(1.96)^2 \cdot 0.5 \cdot (1-0.5)}{(0.05)^2}\]

Simplifying the equation:

\[n = \frac{3.8416 \cdot 0.25}{0.0025}\]

\[n = \frac{0.9604}{0.0025}\]

\[n \approx 384.16\]

Rounding up to the nearest whole number (since you can't have a fraction of a patient):

\[n \approx 385\]


Based on the calculations, the researcher should sample approximately 385 patients to estimate the
proportion of patients satisfied with the quality of care provided in the hospital with a margin of
error of 5% and a confidence level of 95%. This means that if the researcher collects data from 385
patients and finds that a certain proportion of them are satisfied, they can reasonably infer that the
true proportion in the entire patient population falls within a 95% confidence interval around their

A larger sample size could provide a more precise estimate, but it would also be more resource-
intensive. Conversely, a smaller sample size might lead to a wider margin of error and lower
confidence in the estimate. The chosen sample size balances the need for accuracy with practical

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