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ENGLISH Language and Literature (184)

Time Allowed: 2 hours Maximum Marks:40

Roll No.: Date:23/03/2022

(General Instructions)
 This question paper contains six printed pages.
 Write down the question number before attempting.
 Reading time of 15 minutes.
 The question paper contains three sections Reading, Writing & Grammar and Literature
 Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part

Section A - Reading (10 marks)

I. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
1 “The tree depicts life, so when you are in the midst of this forest area and
participating in this attempt to grow more trees, you are actually promoting healthy life in
the world,” said Delhi‟s lieutenant governor Najeeb Jung. Citing his own childhood, he also
told schoolchildren that it was their duty to go outside and enjoy nature and to ensure that
the capital‟s green cover was preserved.
2 Jung was speaking on Friday while inaugurating the Neela Hauz Biodiversity Park
as part of the Green Drive launched by TOI with Hero Moto Corp and the Delhi
Development Authority (DDA). Jung planted a sapling to mark the start of the day‟s
activities. By evening, over 10,000 saplings had been planted at Neela Hauz, DDA‟s newest
biodiversity park. Commending TOI on taking up this initiative, said Delhi needed to create
and protect a green cover for future generations.
3 Over 500 children from 11 different schools under NIE took part in the drive on
Friday. They planted a number of native Aravalli tree species that included kullu, bijasal,
birbira, bel, dhaora and babool. Over 10 different kinds of threatened Aravalli shrubs were
planted at the biodiversity park. The fruit that these bear are known to attract different bird
4 Jung compared Delhi‟s green cover favourably with those in European cities and
said it was the children‟s responsibility and of future generations to protect it. “Delhi is

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wonderful green city. Delhi has more green cover than the moist European cities, but slowly,
as more and more people come in and as there is more colonization, we are harming our
green cover. It is your responsibility now to make sure that this green cover actually grows
and the Ridge also grows,” he said.
5 Under DDA, the near 10-acre biodiversity park has also seen the revival of a dead
water body through a constructed wetland system designed by scientists and engineers of
DDA. Sewage water flowing into the water body is now naturally treated through the wetland
that is home now to 20 different species of aquatic plants and gradient levels constituted of
pebbles to naturally cleanse the water.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any five questions
from the six given below. 1x5=5
1. What do we actually promote when we attempt to grow more trees?
2. What did Najeeb Jung advise the schoolchildren?
3. How many saplings were planted in the Neela Hauz, DDA‟s Biodiversity Park, in a single
4. How many children and schools took part in the drive?
5. How does Jung compare Delhi‟s green cover with those in European cities?
6. What means have they used to revive the lake?
II. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:
1 Search engines have changed the way we use the Internet, putting vast sources of
information just a few clicks away. But Harvard professor of psychology Daniel Wegner‟s
recent research proves that websites – and the Internet – are changing much more than
technology itself. They are changing the way our memory‟s function. Wegner‟s latest study,
“Google Effect on Memory: Cognitive Consequences of Having Information at our
Fingertips,” Shows that when people have access to search engines, they remember fewer
facts and less information because they know they can rely on “search” as a readily available
2 Wegner, the senior author, believes the new findings to show that the Internet has
become part of a transactive memory source, a method by which our brains
compartmentalize information. Now computers and technology as well are becoming virtual
extensions of our memory. Cell phones have become the primary location for phone
numbers. GPS devices in cars remove the need to memorize directions.

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3 Wegner points out that we never have to stretch our memories too far to remember the
name of an obscure movie actor or the capital of Kyrgyzstan – we just type our questions
into Google. “We become part of the Internet in a way, “he says. “We become part of the
system and we end up trusting it. “Working with researchers Betsy Sparrow of Columbia
University and Jenny Liu of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Wegner conducted four
experiments to demonstrate the phenomenon, using various forms of memory recall to test
reliance on computers. Through the different levels of tests, the participants proved that they
were better able to recall the folder locations than the statements themselves. Wegner
concedes that questions remain about whether dependence on computers will affect
memories negatively: “Nobody knows now what the effects are of these tools on logical
4 Students who have trouble remembering distinct facts, for example, may struggle to
employ those facts in critical thinking. But he believes that the situation overall is beneficial,
likening dependence on computers to dependence on a mechanical hand or other prosthetic
device. And even though we may not be taxing our memories to recall distinct facts, we are
still using them to consider where the facts are located and how to access them. “We still
have to remember things,” Wegner explains. “We‟re just remembering a different range of
things.” He believes his study will lead to further research into understanding computer
dependence, and looks forward to tracing the extent of human interdependence with the
computer world-pinpointing the “movable dividing line between us and our computers in
cyber networks.”

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any five questions

from the six given below. 1x5=5
1. What is the main purpose of the above passage?
2. What does Wegner‟s latest study speak?

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3. Which choice best supports the idea that reliance on computers does not necessarily
diminish human memory?
4. What is Wegner‟s belief about computer?
5. Why did Wegner conduct four experiments?
6. What is Wegner‟s opinion about the usage of internet?
Section B -Writing & Grammar (10 marks)
III. Attempt ANY ONE of the following: (5 marks)
1. The pie chart shows the proportion of people from different households living in poverty
in the UK in 2002. Write an analytical paragraph to describe the information in 100-120

2. You are waiting for your class 10 results. Meanwhile you would like to do a short-term
course on personality development. Write a letter to the director, Professional Careers
institute, Chennai, enquiring about the course details. You are Kailash/Rani of 148, Model
town, Chennai. (120 words).

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IV. The following paragraph has not been edited. There is an error in
each line. Identify the error and write its correction against the correct
blank number. Remember to underline the correction. The first one has
been done foryou. 1x 3= 3
Error correction
Thousands of bats emerge emerge emerged
1. from under the bridge. It were _________ _________
2. a amazing sight. I learned _________ _________
3. a lot of fact about these creatures. _________ _________
V. Rearrange the following words and phrases to form meaningful
sentences. 1x2=2
1. of/most/ nowadays/ the/ attitude/ parents/ is/ different
2. work and play/ different things/ they see/ as two
Section C – Literature (20 marks)
VI. Answer ANY SIX of the following question in 30 – 40 words : 2 x 6 = 12
1. What is the importance of Bread for the Goans?
2. How did Valli gather all the information?
3. According to Kissa Gothami what is the greatest grief of life??
4. Do you consider Amanda‟s mother a nagging mother?
5. Why does the poet like animals?
6. What did custard look like?
7. What did the hack driver tell the narrator about Lutkin‟s mother?
VII. Answer ANY TWO of the following question in 120 words: 2x4=8
1. In such a fast-moving world when we hear so many incidents happening with people, do
you think Valli did right by not telling her mother about the bus journey?
2. The principle „forgive and forget‟, helps a lot in maintaining cordial relation with our
neighbours. Do you think Anton Chekov conveys this message in the play „The Proposal‟?
3.Metilda wanted to live a life above her status. How did this desire of her led to her
sufferings? Comment in the context of the lesson „Necklace‟.

End of Paper

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