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Under the requirement of Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regul is 2005, the waste “generators are required to notify DOE in writing for generations of any scheduled wastes from the ~ “Gate that any scheduled waste was first generated? “Within 30 days 2 Which Convention for the control of tranboundary movements of Hazardous Wastes? Basel Convention 3 Categories of Scheduled Wastes, in Malaysia scheduled has how many categories? 77 categories 4. Categories of Scheduled Wastes, i groups?. S groups Malaysia scheduled wastes can be grouped into how many 5 Which are the components of the principle of “from Cradle to Grave" in toxic and hazardous waste management ? 1 Waste Generator 2 Waste Contractor 3 Waste treatment and disposal facilities (prescribed premises) 6 Which country not the patties to Basel Convention on the control of trans-boundary movements of hazardous wastes and their disposal? United States of America & Taiwan 7 Which one route of exposure and health effects 1 Inhalation 3. Ingestion 2. Contact 4 Injection 8 What is the Scheduled Wastes code for waste of lead acid batteries in whole or crushed form? ‘sw 102 9 What is the Scheduled Wastes code for waste of batleries containing cadmium and nickel or mercury or lithium? ‘SW-103 10 What is the Scheduled Wastes code for electrical and electronic waste? sw 110 11 What is the Scheduled Wastes code for sludges containing one or several metals including chromium, copper, nickel, zinc, lead, cadmium, aluminium, tin, vanadium and beryllium? ‘SW 204 12 Whats the Scheduled Wastes code for spent lubricating oil? SW 305 13 What is the Scheduled Wastes code for spent hydraulic oll? ‘SW 306 44 What is the Scheduled Wastes code for discarded drugs containing psychotropic substances or containing substances that are toxic, harmful, carcinogenic, mutagenic or teratogenic? ‘SW 403 15 What is the Scheduled Wastes code for disposed containers, bags or equipment contaminated with chemicals, pesticides, mineral oil or hazardous wastes? ~ *. swaoo 16 ‘What is the Scheduled Wastes code for rags, plastics, papers or filers contaminated with scheduled wastes? sw 410 17 Whatis the Scheduled Wastes code for waste of inks, paints, pigments, lacquer, dye or varnish? swa4i7 18 Whats the Scheduled Wastes code for obsolete laboratory chemicals? SW 430 49 Whatis the Scheduled Wastes code for any residues from treatment or recovery of scheduled wastes? ‘SW 501 20 What is the definition of Scheduled Wastes? ‘Scheduled wastes are wastes those listed in the First Schedule of the Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005 21 Which is the characteristics of Scheduled Wastes (need to rember all the points) 1 Reactivity 3 Corrosivity 5 Toxicity 2 Ignitable 4 Infectious 22 What is the penalty under Section 34B: Environmental Quality Act 1974? FM500,000 and 6 years Imprisonment 23 Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regulations 2005 came into force on? 15 August 2005 24 Under the Regulation 9 of Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regs. 2005, storage of scheduled wastes shall be stored not more than how many days of the accumulated quantity? 180 days 25 Under the Regulation 9 of Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regs. 2005, storage of scheduled wastes shall be stored not more than how many tonnes of the accumulated quantity? 20 tonnes 26 Under the Regulation 11 of Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regs. 2005, the inventory of scheduled wastes shall keep for a period of? 3 years 27 Under the Regulation 12 of Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regs. 2005, the waste generator shall submit the consignment note (6th schedule) within how many days from the date of transportation? 30 days 28 Under the Regulation 13 of Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regs. 2005, transport of scheduled wastes must be accompanied by information in accordance with? 7th Schedule 29 For questions no 29, 30, 31 and 32, please match these label with the correct name. 30 31 Solid spontaneously inflammable solids (waste) Inflammable liquids (waste) 33 Movement of hazardous waste under the Basel Convention only be allowed except? A Disposal of radioactive wastes B State of export does not have the technical capacity and necessary facilities C The wastes are required as a raw material for recycling or recovery D The transboundary movement is in accordance with other criteria decided bt the Parties 34 We are prohibited to export our scheduled wastes if? A To any state which has imposed a ban on the import of such waste B Lack of capacity or infrastructure or trained personnel in the state of import C Facilities or persons are not authorized to transport or dispose the wastes, D All of the above (A, B and C) 35 To control of e-Wastes, DOE will issue two types of licences, partial recovery facility and full ty. Is true or false? 36 For partial recovery, product is still scheduled wasted. Is it true or false? A True E 37 For full recovery, product is not scheduled waste. |s il true or false? ‘A True 8 False 38 For partial recovery, exportation of product requires export permit from DOE (Basel Convention procedures). Is it true or false? A True B False 39 For full recovery, exportation of product dees not require export permit from DOE. Is it true or false? A True B False 40 Container shall be labeled clearly as specified in 4th Schedule? 7 B False (Labeling is according to 3rd Scheduled) 41 Container label can be altered? B False 42 Under the Regulation 11 of Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regs. 2005, inventory of 43 44 45 aT 48 4g 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 scheduled wastes is in accordance with 6th Schedule? 4 B False Under the Regulation 14 of Environmental Quality (Scheduled Wastes) Regs. 2005, in the event of spill or accidental discharge, the waste generator is responsible to inform the authority, to do clean-up and to study the impact due to the spill or discharge B False In the event of spill or accidental discharge, the waste generator is responsible to provide technical expertise. A True B Training to be provided by waste generator to all employees involved in scheduled waste management. A True E ‘waste generator may apply in writing to store scheduled wastes more than 20 metric tonnes. A True ' 8 Scheduled wastes can only be stored for 180 days or less after its generation provided : the quantity accumulated for al types of scheduled wastes on site is not exceeding 20 metric tones. A Tre t B False For on site storage:iis the storage in site the premise while waiting the scheduled waste to be treated and disposed. A True ©: 8 For off-site storage: is the storage out site the premise while waiting the scheduled waste to be treated and disposed. A True B False We can put more than one label on our scheduled wastes drum? A True E For E-waste, we can divided into hazardous waste and precious waste? A True B False Group of Scheduled Wastes. For group 1 - metal and metal bearing waste, Is it true or false? A True B False Group of Scheduled Wastes. For group 2 - wastes containing principally ‘organic constituents which may contain metals and inorganic materials. inorganic constituents Is it true or false? which may contain metals . B False and organi materials Group of Scheduled Wastes. For group 4 - wastes which may contain either inorganic or organic constituents. Is it true or false? A True 3 False Group of Scheduled Wastes. For group 5 - Other wastes. Is it true or false? A True B Definition of recovery means, reuse of a waste after some processing. Is it true or falso? he 58 Definition of tretment means, processing to reduce the hazardous properties of a waste. Is it true or false? A True 59. Definition of final disposal means, final disposal of the waste by landfiling. properties of a waste. Is it true or false? A True B Faiso 60 Fora storage design - we also can stacked our waste drum horizontally? Ke B False 61 Fora storage design - for outdoor storage, we need to store our scheduled wastes at least 20m from the buildings, 4m from storm drains. B False Atleast 10m 62 Fora containment and drainage - containment bund of sufficient capacity of container shall be 110% of volume of largest container or volume of largest container whichever Is greater. A True 8 63 Fora storage area for incompatible and high risk wastes - for explosive or highly flammable wastes, area to be located at least 16 metres trom factory boundary fence. A True 8 False 64 One of the objectives of licensing is to ensure that all wastes is only disposed of at authorized SWPPFs (scheduled waste prescribed premises and facilities). Is it true or false? A True B False 65. Mismanagement of hazardous wastes. Minamata incident is due to methyl mercury from chemical plant was discharged and then bioaccumulated in selfish and taken up in the food chain of. community. Is it true or false? SWPPFs (scheduled waste prescribed premises and facilities). Is it true or false? A True 8 False 66 Mismanagement of hazardous wastes, Love Canal, New York, USA incident is due Hooker Chemical dumped nearly 22,000 tonnes of various chemical wastes including dioxins. Is it true or false? A True B Fal 67 LEDis nota scheduled wastes? Is it true or false? A True BF 68 Radioactive is not cover under Basel Convention A True Fale!

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