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School DAYAP NHS Grade Level 7

Teacher ERNESTO V. DE LOS Learning Area MAPEH -ARTS

TeaDate ching Quarter FIRST
and Time

I. OBJECTIVES The learners should be able to:

a. identify characteristics of arts and crafts in the specific areas of Luzon;
b.incorporate the design, form, and spirit of highland/lowland artifacts and
objects in one creation;
c. appreciate the artifacts and art objects in terms of their functions and their
distinct use of elements and principles
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates the art elements and processes by synthesizing
and applying prior knowledge and skills.
B. Performance The learners create artworks showing the characteristic elements of the arts of Luzon
Standard (highlands and lowlands)

C. Learning The learners…

Competencies 1. analyzes elements and principles of art in the production of one’s arts and
crafts inspired by the arts of Luzon (highlands and lowlands) (A7EL-Ib1 )
2. identifies characteristics of arts and crafts in specific areas in Luzon (e.g.,
papier mâché [taka] from Paete, Ifugao wood sculptures [bul’ul], Cordillera
jewelry and pottery, tattoo, and Ilocos weaving and pottery [burnay], etc.)
3. reflects on or derive the mood, idea, or message emanating from selected
artifacts and art objects (A7PL-Ih1)

II. CONTENT Arts and Crafts of Luzon (Highlands and Lowlands)


A. Reference

1. Curriculum guide

2. Textbooks’ pages

3. Additional Resources

4. Learning Modules

5. Additional Material
from Learning
Resources (LR)

B. Other Learning
IV. PROCEDURE Activity Annotations

A. Reviewing previous Learner will answer the activity before the lesson starts.
lesson or presenting the
new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose Learner will answer the activity.

for the Identify what form of art is being shown in the pictures
lesson/Motivation/Motive below.
1. 3.

C. Presenting Learners will answer the activity. They will identify the
examples/instances of the similarities and difference of the textiles.
new lesson

D. Discussing new Teacher will discuss the lesson in Arts and Crafts of Luzon KRA 1, Objective 2 “. Used
concepts and practicing (Highlands and Lowlands) research-based
. Knowledge and principles
new skills #1 Luzon was originally inhabited by Negritos before of teaching and learning to
Austronesians from Taiwan scattered and displaced them. The enhance professional
Austronesian groups were divided into two types of nations; coastal practice”. I used “Video
lowland states or highland civilizations. Highland civilizations were Analysis” to lead the learners to
based in the mountains and had built up plutocracies based on the topic they will discuss. A
agriculture, such as the Igorot Society which is responsible for video was presented to the
building many of the rice terraces in the Cordillera Mountains, among learners with a question they
the most notable being the Banaue Rice Terraces. will be asked to answer.
According to Macie Hall (2013)
CENTRAL LUZON. strategy aimed at engaging
ILOCOS REGION students who have grown up in
Architecture a media-rich environment.
Architecture is defined to be the art and technique of
designing and building. The practice of architecture is employed to
fulfill both practical and expressive requirements, and thus it serves
both utilitarian and aesthetic ends.
Vigan, considered as the “Intramuros of the North”, retains the
Spanish colonial architecture along its narrow and cobblestoned
streets known as Calle Crisologo.
These old
Spanish-type houses
have huge, high-pitched
roofs, large and
rectangular living rooms
that are made of adobe,
bricks, lime, terracotta,
hardwood floors, and
windows of shells framed in wooden window

Inabel is a hand-weaving
technique using traditional wooden
looms. The different designs represent
different meanings: the dizzying
“Binakol” weave represents the waves
of the sea. They believe that it protects
them from bad spirits.
• The Inabel designs are inspired by natural elements: patterns that
depict different landforms, the colors of flowers and vegetation, plaid.
• Burnay is an unglazed earthen jar
with a small opening.
• It is used for storage for water and
rice grains and as a container for salt,
brown sugar, Basi (local wine), and
bagoong (fermented fish).
• Potters mix fine gravel, sand,
and ashes and fire the clay to
make the Burnay heavy duty
and sturdy.
• The designs are simple.
Sometimes, curved patterns can
be found around the shoulders
of the jar. They also prick the jar
with a stick while it is still soft to
make the surface more


The natives of Kalinga are skilled
One of their finest products is
their textile which is characterized by
red stripes and white yellow and black
geometric patterns. Kalinga women
wear the wrap-around skirt or Tapis
called “Kain '' which reaches below the
The colors used in their textile have cultural meanings: red
signifies bravery; black is for the soil or land; white is for the flowers
of the coffee trees; yellow for the sand; and green for the mountains.

The basketry of the Kalinga shows
their fine craftsmanship. The Labba is
a bowl-shaped basket made from
rattan, with sizes that vary from 20-
150 cm in diameter.

Tattooing is another form
of art of the Kalingas. Because
by tradition, it usually covers the
chest and the arms, it may be
considered as clothing and
decoration. It also signifies a rite
of passage from youth to
adulthood, a mark of
heroism, and bravery, and
one’s status in the

The term Ifugao means “natives of the Cordillera”.

The Bul’ ul is a wooden sculpture that represents the rice
granary spirits.
It is used in rituals that are performed to call the ancestors to
protect their rice fields from pestilence and to ask for an abundant
It is a carved wooden human figure with simplified forms.
The Bul’ ul is usually
made of Narra wood, which
signifies wealth, happiness,
and well- being to the Ifugao.

•The amulets of Ifugao are

called lingling-o or dinumog.
These are made from jade,
gold, copper, bronze, stone,
and other materials. These
are fertility symbols worn
around the neck.



The Ivatans are the people
living in the Batanes Group of
Islands. Their houses have
unique architectural forms made
up of limestone walls, reed, and
cogon roofs. The design and
materials were chosen because
they are strong enough to
withstand the numerous
typhoons and earthquakes that
hit the group of islands because of their geographic location.

Vakul is a headgear used by

the Ivatan women to protect them
from the heat of the sun and the
rains. The men, on the other hand,
wear soot, a rain cape made from
fronds that cover the upper part of
the body down from the neck. This
special clothing is made up of
woven fibers of the Vuyavuy palm –
a plant similar to coconut.

Isabela is one of the largest
provinces in the Philippines. It is
located in the Cagayan Valley
region. Isabela is a host to several
historic sites, which highlight the
rich cultural heritage of the
• Tumauini Church is a Roman Catholic Parish Church of
San Matias Apostol. This Baroque Church was built in 1873 and can
be found in the municipality of Tumauini, Isabela.
• The church is made from red bricks. It is also ornamented
with flower carving, leaves, scallops, saint, religious symbols, and
other fanciful motifs. The unique cylindrical belfry of the church looks
like a huge wedding cake because of its design motifs like laces,
hearts, and beads.

• Bulacan arts and
crafts include the
Singkaban, pastillas
wrapper, fire crackers and
goldsmithing in
• The old women
cut intricately designed
pastillas wrapper with
different linear,
curvilinear, and
geometric patterns that
depict local flora and
scenes of everyday
rural life.
• Singkaban is
the local term for
bamboo arches designed with kayas or wood shaving. These are
used as decorative arches that adorn the entrance to a barangay or
town where a fiesta or any grand celebration is being held.
• Meycauayan, Bulacan is known for its jewelry industry.
Craftsmen fashion trinkets from precious metals such as gold and
silver, and precious and semi-precious stones, pearls, and diamonds.


• Pampanga is known for its giant lanterns or parol. Its

special feature is its dancing lights in several shapes, and colors that
form intricate geometric patterns. The patterns change with the
rotation of a special rotor that controls the lights inside the parol. The
parols are used to adorn houses, streets, and buildings, not only in
Pampanga but all over the Philippines during the Christmas season.
• These are created from steel frames and other locally
available materials. The Pampanga lanterns are progressively
developed as they become bigger and the designs become more

E. Discussing new Activity. Arts and Crafts in Various Styles

concepts and practicing
new skills #2 Given below are different sample artworks from various
places/ regions in Luzon. Your task is to figure out the
distinct characteristics (elements, principles) of each
artwork by comparing two or more art samples placed
Clay jars called

Kalinga Basket called


I.Arts and Crafts of Ilocos Region and Cordillera

Administrative Region.

A) “Binakol” Weaving Design

B) “Kain” Skirt Weaving Design

F. Developing mastery Based on the activity, learners will answer the follow up
(leads to Formative question.
Assessment 3)
1. How did the Filipino artists express their artistic
expression in textiles?
2. In general, how can you describe their attire,
fabrics and tapestries, crafts and accessories,
and body ornamentation?

G. Finding practical ACTIVITY:

applications of concepts Learner will answer the activity.
and skills in daily living “Luzon reminds me of my locality” The arts of Luzon resemble a
huge chunk of how Filipinos value arts concerning many of our day-
to-day activities. You might have noticed that some of the arts and
crafts featured in this lesson are also found in your locality. The art
forms found in the various regions of Luzon include architecture,
sculpture, and woodworking, painting, textile, pottery, and
handicrafts, etc. In this activity, let’s test how well you know your
local art culture concerning the arts and crafts of Luzon.”

Choose one (1) among the artforms given above which you think
has/have a specific resemblance to the artforms that also exist in
your locality. Example: You are from “Compostela, Cebu'', then you
realize that the Catholic Church of Compostela resembles that of the
Tumauini Church in Isabela because of the use of bricks in its
construction, so you will choose “architecture”. The rest of the
information can be answered through the guide questions below.

1. What artform in your locality can you compare to the Arts of

2. What specific art product/structure from Luzon is similar to the
product/structure in your locality?
3. How can you say that these art products/ structures from Luzon
and that of your locality are similar in terms of “art elements” ? “art
______________________________________________4. Although
you might think they are very similar, to what aspects make them
different? ______________________________________________

5. Can you show that sample product/ picture of the structure side by
side with the picture of the product of Luzon?

H. Making generalizations Learner will answer the following question as Reflection

and abstractions about the to the lesson.
1. What did you discover about the different arts
and crafts of Luzon?
2. How important are the arts and crafts of Luzon in
our daily living?


I. Evaluating learning

J. Additional activities for

application or remediation

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