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You are required to prepare a system development proposal involving the creation of a
web-based system for an organization. Your proposal will serve as a foundation for the
project's approval and eventual development. In your proposal, you are required to
follow the guidelines provided and, additionally, gather user requirements through
interviews with stakeholders. This proposal should specifically be focusing on the issues
surrounding the current process, the objectives of the new system, system design,
timeline, benefits, and more, as per the guidelines.
Conduct interviews with key stakeholders (i.e. system’s users) to gather user
requirements for the new system. Document the findings and integrate them into your
proposal. These interviews should help you understand the specific needs and
expectations of the users.
Your proposal should demonstrate a clear understanding of the problem, the proposed
solution, and the needs of the system's end-users. Additionally, it should be well-
organized, free of errors, and persuasive, aiming to secure approval for the project.

Submission Requirements:
 Your assignment should be in the form of a professionally written proposal.
 Properly cite and reference any sources used in your proposal.
 Ensure that the proposal is clear, well-structured, and free from grammatical and
spelling errors.
 Submit your assignment (hardcopy by hand and softcopy via UUMOL) by 12
November 2023 (Sunday).

Assessment Criteria:
 Adherence to the provided guidelines.
 Effectiveness of the stakeholder interviews in gathering user requirements.
 Clarity, completeness, and organization of the proposal.
 Integration of stakeholder requirements into the proposal.
 Appropriateness of the chosen system development methodology.
 Adherence to APA or other specified citation style for references.
 Overall persuasiveness and quality of the proposal.

Guidelines for Preparing a Proposal for System Development
1. Company Background
Begin by explaining the company background.
2. Define the Problem
Clearly explain the problem or opportunity that the proposed system aims to
address. Explain the current challenges, inefficiencies, or limitations.
3. Objectives
Outline the specific objectives and goals you intend to achieve with the new system.
These should align with solving the identified problem.
4. Scope and Requirements
Identify and describe the key stakeholders who will be impacted by the system,
including end-users, administrators, and any other relevant parties. Define the scope
of the project, including the functionalities, features, and constraints of the system.
List the specific requirements, both functional and non-functional, that the system
must meet.
5. Modules
Identify the modules based on the requirements gathered. Module refers to a self-
contained and logically organized unit of code that performs a specific function or
task within a larger software system. Modules are a fundamental concept in modular
programming that involves breaking down complex systems into smaller, more
manageable pieces to facilitate development, maintenance, and collaboration.
6. Methodology
Explain the development methodology you plan to use, i.e. Rapid Application
Development (RAD) and describe how it will be applied.
7. Timeline and Milestones
Create a project timeline with specific milestones and deadlines. This will help track
progress and ensure the project stays on schedule.
8. Budget and Resources
Estimate the resources required for the project, including personnel, hardware,
software, webhosting, domain and any other costs. Provide a budget overview.
9. Risk Assessment
Identify potential risks and challenges associated with the project and propose
strategies for mitigating or managing them.

10. Benefits
Articulate the benefits of the proposed system, including improved efficiency, cost
savings, or other advantages.
11. Conclusion and Recommendations:
Summarize the key points of your proposal and provide a clear recommendation for
whether the project should be approved or not.
12. Appendices
Include any supplementary materials in the appendices for reference such as Gantt
charts and flow chart of the system development activities, proof of interview and
other related documents.

Note: Use the following cover page template as your proposal cover page

Project Title:

Group Name:

123456 Mohd Ali Husin
654321 Lee Chong Wei

Due Date:
12 NOVEMBER 2023

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