1st UNIT TEST Grade 8

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ART ____
PE ____

NAME: __________________________ DATE: ______________

SECTION: ________________________ TEACHER: __________

I.Multiple Choice: Read and understand the following questions. Write the correct
answer on the space provided for.

_____1. The most popular musical orchestra in Indonesia which the musicians bow
before playing the instruments
A. Gamelan B. Piphat C. Pinpeat
D. Hsaing Waing
_____2. Indonesian music scale(Male): Five equidistant tones in octave
A. Pelog B. Slendro C. Gerong
D. Pesindhen
_____3. Indonesian music scale(Female): Heptatonic tone scale with semi tone.
A. Pelog B. Slendro C. Pesindhen
D. Gerong
_____4. An Indonesian term for Tempo
A. Karawitan B. Irama C. Pelog
D. Slendro
_____5. It refers to the unison male chorus that sings with the Gamelan
A. Pesindhen B. Karawitan C. Irama
D. Gerong
_____6. A female soloist singer who sings with a gamelan.
A. Karawitan B. Pesindhen C. Gerong
D. Irama
_____7. Gamelan used for court music
A. Pinpeat B. Piphat C. Javanese
D. Balinese
_____8. Gamelan used for sacred music
A. Balinese B. Pinpeat C. Piphat
D. Javanese
_____9. Indonesian children song tells about “The cockatoo sits on the window sill, old
women has only two teeth”.
A. Burung Kakatua B. Si Patookan C. loi loi Gratong
D. Rasa Sayang
_____10. This country is formerly known as Siam and also called “Muang Thai” which
means “Land of the Free”
A. Indonesia B. Cambodia C. Thailand
D. Myanmar
_____11.This Thai Ensemble are used to accompany in large shadow puppet
theatre(nang yai) & dance drama(khon).
A. Piphat B. Khrueang Sai C. Mahori
D. Karawitan
_____12. It is an orchestra that combines some of the percussion and wind
instruments of the piphat
A. Piphat B. khrueang Sai C. Gamelan
D. Mahori
_____13. This ensemble is traditionally played by women in the courts of Central
Thailand and Cambodia.
A. Krueang Sai B. Gamelan C. Piphat
D. Mahori
_____14. Gratong in Thai language means “vessels made of banana leaves” Loi Loi
what is means?
A. Drift away B. Hello C. More blessings
D. Float
_____15. It is also known as Kampuchea, which their music gained a word-wide
reputation in the 1960’s until the
Dramatic political problems in this country.
A. Indonesia B. Thailand C. Cambodia
D. Myanmar

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_____16. Cambodian musical ensemble or an orchestra that usually accompanies
ceremonial music of the royal courts
A. Gamelan B. Pinpeat C. Hsaing waing
D. Piphat
_____17. It was known as Burma until 1989 and has similarities with many other
musical tradition in region, including
Chinese and Thai music.
A. Indonesia B. Thailand C. Brunei
D. Myanmar
_____18. . Myanmar’s traditional folk music ensemble
A. Gamelan B. Piphat C. Pinpeat
D. Hsaing waing
_____19. Myanmar harp which performed indoor with 13 string angular which
produces a soft sound.
A. Kyi waing B. Pat waing C. Saung gauk
D. Hne
_____20. An extensive collection of classical songs of Myanmar
A. Mahagita B. Karawitan C. Schwedago
D. Pattala

II. Classify the following instruments according to the Hornbostel-Sachs Classification

__________21 Salor
__________22. Ching
__________23. Hne
__________24. Samphor
__________25. Kempul


IDENTIFICATION: identify the word that corresponds to the sentence. Choose your answers
from the list inside the box.
Write your answer before each number

Weaving Mosaic Khorat

Ebony satin Artisan

Painting Sculpture Batik

Hand painted Dye

Sunken Relief Sculpture Alto form

Canting Ikat
_________26. Decorative art made by interlocking one material into other materials.
_________27. The expression of ideas and emotions with the creation of certain aesthetic
qualities in a two dimensional
_________28. It is decorative art involving small pieces of beads, stone or other materials
_________29. It is a three (3) dimensional artwork (width, height and depth)
_________30. Is the center of silk industry in Thailand
_________31. A point, a dot or drop
_________32. An all natural lustrous silk hand-woven & dyed using ebony fruit pods.
_________33. A skilled manual worker
_________34. To tilt or turn
_________35. A substance used to color materials
_________36. A method of printing woven fabric by tie-dyeing the yarns before weaving
_________37. An image that is carved into the surface rather than out of it.
_________38. The artist uses the canting, a small copper container with one or more different
sized pipes.
_________39. It is almost completely carved from its surface, highly shape with very little of the
structure touching the base

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II. Matching Type: Match column A to column B. Write the letter of the correct answer


_________40. A piece of cloth tied around the head

A. Songkok
_________41. Popular architecture in Cambodia
B. Borobudur
_________42. A cap worn by male Muslims
C. Wayang kulit
_________43. Constructed & dedicated to the goddess Mariamman,
who is worshipped for her power to cure disease
D. Wau
_________44.A mythical creature which is the national symbol of Singapore
E. Flying Lantern
_________45. Traditional products produce by Cambodian to generate
supplementary income in order to support their livelihood
F. Wat pho
_________46. It is made out of rice paper with bamboo frame which contain
a fuel or small candle
G. Basket
_________47. Magnificent sculpture in Thailand
H. Merlion
_________48. A traditional kite that is popular in Malaysia
I Sri Mariamman Hindu Temple
_________49. Popular architecture in Indonesia
J. Dastar
_________50. Is a type of puppet shadow play performed around
the Indo-Malayan archipelago.
K. Angkor Wat

I.Modified True or False: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. If Incorrect, change
the underlined word with a correct
Word or group of words to make the statement true.

______51. Physical Fitness is the ability of an individual to perform his daily tasks
with fatigue and
has extra energy in case of emergency.
______52. Skill Related Fitness enhances one’s performance in sports events.
______53. Flexibility refers to the maximum amount of force a muscle can exert
against an opposing force
______54. Body Composition is the ratio of body fat to lean body mass.
______55. Height refers to the heaviness or lightness of a person
______56. Doing household chores helps a lot in maintaining Physical Fitness

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______57. Body Mass Index is a good predictor of the amount of visceral fat which
increases risk for cardio-vascular disease
______58. Health Related Fitness focus on factors that promote optimum health and
prevent the onset of disease and
Problems associated with an activity
______59 Basic Plank is to measure strength/stability of the core muscles
______60. Teenagers should do 15 minutes of physical activity each day.

II Multiple Choice: Select the correct answer from the following choices. Write the
letter only.

_____61. Formula in computing Body Mass Index (BMI)

A. Weight/Height B. Height/Weight C.
Weight/Height D. Height /weight
_____62. Maintenance of equilibrium while stationary or while moving
A. Coordination B. Speed C. Balance
D. Agility
_____63. The amount of time it takes to respond to a stimulus
A. Reaction Time B. Speed C. Agility
D. Coordination
_____64. The ability to use the senses with the body parts to perform motor tasks
smoothly and accurately
A. Reaction Time B. Speed C. Agility
D. Coordination
_____65. The ability to move in different directions quickly using combination of
balance, coordination, speed,
strength and endurance.
A. Power B. Agility C. Speed
D. Strength
_____66. The ability to perform a movement in one direction in the shortest period
of time.
A. Speed B. Endurance C. Power
D. Flexibility
_____67. The ability of the muscle to generate force against physical objects
A. Strength B. Speed C. Flexibility
D. Balance
_____68. The ability of the muscle to transfer energy and release maximum force at a
A. Power B. Endurance C. Flexibility
D. Speed
_____69. The ability of the joints and muscles to move through its full range of motion
A. Cardio-vascular B. Endurance C. flexibility
D. Strength
_____70. Physical Fitness and Sports Talent tests are administered ____ every school
A. Once B. Twice C. Thrice
D. Not administered
____71. It has been identified as the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality
causing an estimated 3.2 million
deaths globally.
A. Physical in activity B. Computer games C. salty
foods D. soda drinks

III. Problem Solving: Show your solutions (5pts)

 Alpha has a weight of 40 kilos and height of 1.60 meters. Solve for the BMI and
evaluate her nutritional status.

71. Formula in getting the BMI:

72-74. Computations:

75. Nutritional Status: ___________________

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Classification below 18.5 wasted
18.6 - 24.9 normal
25.0 - 29.9 obese
30.0 - above


I.MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read and understand the following questions. Write the correct
answer on the
space provided for
____76. It is the way in which we experience and express ourselves as human beings.
A. Human Sexuality B. Human Behaviour C. Humanity
D. Humanitarian
____77. It is the manner in which humans experience and express their sexuality
A. Sexual Orientation B. Sexual behaviour C. Sexual identity
D. Sex
____78. It refers to biological basis of being male or female
A. Gender B. Human sexuality C. Gender equality
D. Sex
____79. It is a social concept on how men and women should think, feel and act
A. Gender B. Human sexuality C. Sex
D. Gender Equality
____80. It refers to a person’s sense of identity based on those attractions, related
behaviours and
membership in a community of others who share those attractions.
A. Sexual orientation B. Gender equality C. Gender role
D. Human sexuality
____81. It has been described as a component of individual’s identity that reflects
their sexual self-concept
A. Sexual identity B. Identity crisis C. Sexual
orientation D. Gender role
____82. Someone who is attracted to opposite sex
A. Homosexual B. Heterosexual C. Bisexual
D. Asexual
____83. Someone who is attracted to people of the same sex
A. Bisexual B. Homosexual C. Asexual
D. Heterosexual
____84. Someone who is attracted to people of the same and opposite sex
A. Asexual B. Bisexual C. Heterosexual
D. Homosexual
____85. Someone who is lack of sexual attraction to others
A. Bisexual B. Homosexual C. Asexual
D. Heterosexual
____86. Failure to achieve ego identity during adolescence
A. Sexual identity B. Gender C. Identity crisis
D. Sex
____87. Permits man and woman equal enjoyment of human rights
A. Human sexuality B. Gender role C. Gender equality
D. Humanitarian
____88. It refers to a set of roles, characteristics and expectations of how man or
woman should feel, think
And act as influenced by parents, peer and society
A. Gender B. Identity crisis C. Sexual
behaviour D. Gender role
____89. It refers to a person engaging sexual intercourse without sacrament of
A. Teenage pregnancy B. Sex C. Sexual
behaviour D. Pre-marital sex
____90. Pregnancy between 13-19 years old
A. Adulthood pregnancy B. Unwanted pregnancy C. Teenage
pregnancy D. Single mom

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____91. It is a termination of a pregnancy or closely followed by the death of the
embryo or fetus.
A. Teenage pregnancy B. Miscarriage C. Abortion
D. Induced expulsion
____92. It is the decision in which you have carefully considered the outcome of each
A. Decision B. Good Decision C. Refusal Skill
D. Evaluation
____93. It will help you make decision based on your needs and desire
A. Decision B. Decision-making skills C. Good decision
D. Refusal skill
____94. It is a way to say no to something that you don’t want to do.
A. Decision B. Refusal skill C. Good decision
D. Life skill

II. Read and understand the problem, Use the six steps in decision making, label it
with the letters DECIDE vertically (6pts) 95-100

Problem: One of your closest friends tells his/ her problem and asks for your
support. He got his girlfriend pregnant.
How can you show your support and stand firm with the morals that
having children should be the choice
of matured individuals under the blessing of marriage?



1 A 2 Weaving 5 Without 76 A
6 1
2 B 2 Painting 5 True 77 B
7 2
3 A 2 Mosaic 5 Power 78 D
8 3
4 B 2 Sculpture 5 True 79 A
9 4
5 D 3 Khorat 5 Weight 80 A
0 5
6 B 3 Batik 5 True 81 A
1 6
7 C 3 Ebony satin 5 True 82 B
2 7
8 A 3 Artisan 5 True 83 B
3 8
9 A 3 Canting 5 True 84 B
4 9

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1 C 3 Dye 6 60 minutes/1hr 85 C
0 5 0
1 A 3 Ikat 6 C 86 C
1 6 1
1 B 3 Sunken Relief Sculpture 6 C 87 C
2 7 2
1 D 3 Hand painted 6 A 88 D
3 8 3
1 A 3 Alto form 6 D 89 D
4 9 4
1 C 4 J 6 B 90 C
5 0 5
1 B 4 K 6 A 91 C
6 1 6
1 D 4 A 6 A 92 B
7 2 7
1 D 4 I 6 A 93 B
8 3 8
1 C 4 H 6 C 94 B
9 4 9
2 A 4 G 7 B 95 D-
0 5 0
2 Idiophone 4 E 7 A 96 E-
1 6 1
2 Idiophone 4 F 7 97 C-
2 7 2
2 Aerophone 4 D 7 98 I-
3 8 3
2 Membranophon 4 B 7 BMI: 15.62 99 D-
4 e 9 4
2 Idiophone 5 C 7 wasted 10 E-
5 0 5 0

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