Lesson 2-My Values My Guide

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Module 1:


My Values, My Guide


▰ explain the meaning and kinds of values;

▰ identify personal values;
▰ explain how values influence personal and social
choices; and
▰ discuss teacher's role in promoting the core
values, maka-Divos. Makakalikasan, maka-tao,
and makabansa.
▰ By this time you have a pretty good idea of who you are as a
person. Now you can describe yourself accurately since with the
help of a friend you are aware of your good qualities as well as the
not so good.
▰ You have also learned to accept the things you like and the things
you don’t really like about yourself with the desire and
determination to improve. With a clear picture of who you are, you
are now ready to continue your journey through life.
▰ But wait, you need something more, the one that would give you
directions - our values - they are like street signs that would lead
you to the right path that would bring you closer to your
4 destination.

▰ Draw a big tree, complete with roots, a trunk, and branches.
▰ At the roots of the tree, write down the values you developed
since childhood that you learned from your parents/family.
▰ On the trunk of the tree, write down your values developed
from friends, school, travel, books and other sources.
▰ Finally, on the branches, write down values you want to
develop as you continue to live your life.

▰ Are there overlapping values on your tree?
▰ Highlight values which you think are important to
focus on at this time.
▰ Which among those values are most needed for the
tree (you) to thrive?
▰ Do you think the values that you identifed are evident
in the way you live your life now?
▰ What realizations/learnings/ have you gained from
this activity?
Multiple Definitions of Values
▰ When an ordinary person who is preoccupied with earning a living is asked to
define value, the first thing that may come to his mind is the value of a peso
compared to a dollar, euro, etc.
▰ For psychologists, it is that which makes something desirable, attractive,
worthy of approval, admiration; that which inspires feelings, judgments,
attitudes of esteem, commendation; that which is useful in view of certain
ends (Esteban, 1990).
▰ Values motivate, inspire, or lead you to choose and reach your goals in life.
Multiple Definitions of Values
For Sociologist.
▰ goals of personal behavior during social interactions

▰ considered important for the welfare of the members of a group

▰ common to all of them and represent their concept of what is good and
desirable for everyone.
▰ They are also what people see, hear, perceive, and appreciate.

For Sociologist.

▰ In a society there exists a value system, a configuration of

cultural practices, the dominant motivations and basic principles
of their behavior; cultural ethics that binds them together, their
concept of what is important and the desired reactions and
responses to situations.

▰ In reality, we all perceive ourselves positively or
negatively at one time or another
▰ colors our outlook in life which in turn
manifests in our relationships with others.
▰ Self-esteem issues

▰ Values are transcendent beliefs and moral precepts one learns from teachers
of religion .

▰ For parents they are the ideals or virtues which they try to inculcate to their

▰ Professional educators view values as totality of objective, universal truths

and standards that should govern man's decisions, motivations, conduct, and

Esteban 1990
▰ Moral values are universal truths which man holds to be good and important;

▰ they are the ethical principles which he struggles to attain and implement in
his daily life..

▰ They are the ideals which transcend all time and space; those which are valid
for all men regardless of race or religion; the ones which unite strangers,
families, nations - all of humanity - with God

Two Kinds of Values
1. Absolute Moral Values

▰ absolute because no human being is exempted, every human being is called to

uphold and live by them during his lifetime.

▰ Examples are love, respect for the dignity of man, love of truth, justice,
peace, respect for property, family solidarity, respect for life, freedom,

▰ They are universal because they are common to all people and are based on
human nature which is universal.
Two Kinds of Values
2. Cultural Behavioral Values
▰ Behavioral values are the inner personal responses or incentives which
prompt a person to act in a certain way.

▰ Cultural values are the modes of conduct of a group or society.

Two Kinds of Values
2. Cultural Behavioral Values
▰ Behavioral and cultural values are changeable and internal; they emerge from
within man, individually or collectively, and lead to the fulfillment of more
immediate goals. They are each man's views, attitudes, or inclinations which
are prompted by inner senses, emotions, thoughts, motives, experience, and
training. They are customs and traditions which are expressed and transmitted
in interpersonal relationships. For example, in western culture people value
open, frank, and clear interpersonal relationships while Asians conduct
themselves in ways which they ways perceive will preserve harmonious
relationships and self-esteem. Hiya, pakikisama, utang na loob are examples of
Filipino cultural values.
Values of a Teacher

▰ Teachers have a special responsibility to foster values. Their purpose is to help

to clarify the meaning of values and ensure that all learners understand and
share the same principle.
▰ To promote and implement these values requires an understanding that they are
mirrored in each of the teacher's actions and decisions. Values are taught
when teachers foster them in daily life.
▰ There are many things that a values teacher can do but before that, it has to start
with the teacher himself by developing his total personhood composed of
physical, intellectual, emotional, psycho-social and spiritual dimensions.

1. Maka-DIYOS
▰ Expresses one's spiritual beliefs
while respecting the spiritual
beliefs of others. This is manifested
by engaging oneself in worthwhile
spiritual activities, respecting
sacred places, respecting the
religious beliefs of others, and
demonstrating curiosity and
willingness to learn about other
ways to express spiritual life.
2. Maka-TAO
▰ Is being sensitive to individual, social, and cultural
differences. This can be observed when one shows respect
for all, waits for one's turn, takes good care of borrowed
things, views mistakes as learning opportunities upholds
and respects the dignity and equality of all including
those with special needs, volunteers to assist others in
tires of need, recognizes and respects people from
different economic, social, and cultural backgrounds,
cooperates during activities, recognizes and accepts the
contribution of others toward a goal, considers diverse
views, communicates respectfully, accepts defeat and
celebrates others' success, enables others to succeed,
speaks out against and prevents bullying.
▰ Caring for the environment and utilizing
resources wisely, judiciously, and
economically. This is practiced by
showing a caring attitude toward the
environment, practicing waste
management, conserving energy and
resources, taking care of school materials,
facilities, and equipment, keeping the
work area in order during and after work,
and keeping one's work neat and orderly.

4. Maka-BANSA
▰ Demonstrates pride in being a Filipino;
exercises the rights and responsibilities of a
Filipino citizen. This is illustrated as one
identifies himself as a Filipino. Respects the
flag and national anthem, takes pride in diverse
Filipino cultural expressions, practices, and
traditions, promotes the appreciation and
enhancement of Filipino languages, abides by
the rules of the school, community, and country
and enables others to develop interest and pride
in being a Filipino.


▰ Values for me is ___________________________________.

▰ My most important role as a future GMRC teacher is _______.

▰ What I find most challenging in teaching values is _________.

At this point, try to reflect on your daily activities and assess which of them contributes to
the promotion of the core Filipino values. Use the table below to illustrate those activities.

CORE VALUES My Activities that promotes the Core Values





The virtue of a man ought to be measured not by his extraordinary

exertions, but by his everyday conduct- Pascal


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