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Introduction/Company Overview

- Company background
- Product/service offered

Country Analysis:
Political system

1. Government type: The type of government system in the country, such as a

democracy, monarchy, or dictatorship, and how it functions.
2. Political stability: The level of political stability in the country, including the
potential for civil unrest, political violence, or regime change.
3. Political risk: The likelihood of political risks that may affect business operations,
such as corruption, government intervention, or nationalization.
4. Foreign relations: The country's relationship with other nations, including trade
agreements, diplomatic alliances, and geopolitical tensions.
5. Legal system: The legal framework and rule of law in the country, including the
protection of property rights, intellectual property, and contracts.
6. Regulatory environment: The regulatory framework for businesses, including tax
policies, labor laws, and environmental regulations.
7. Political actors: The key political actors, including political parties, interest groups,
and influential individuals, and their positions on key issues.
8. Public opinion: The views and attitudes of the general public towards the
government and key issues that may affect business operations.
9. Transparency: The level of transparency in government decision-making,
including access to information and accountability.

Economic system

1. Economic growth: The rate and direction of economic growth in the country,
including key economic indicators such as gross domestic product (GDP),
inflation, and employment rates.
2. Fiscal policy: The government's policies related to taxation, spending, and debt,
and how they may affect the economy and businesses.
3. Monetary policy: The central bank's policies related to interest rates, money
supply, and currency exchange rates, and how they may affect the economy and
4. Trade policy: The country's policies related to international trade, including tariffs,
trade agreements, and restrictions, and how they may affect businesses.
5. Industry structure: The structure of the economy, including the dominant
industries and sectors, and how they may affect businesses.
6. Labor market: The labor market conditions, including wages, availability of skilled
labor, and labor laws, and how they may affect businesses.
7. Infrastructure: The quality and availability of infrastructure, including
transportation, communication, and energy, and how they may affect businesses.
8. Foreign investment: The policies and regulations related to foreign investment,
including restrictions, incentives, and protections for investors.
9. Market access: The ease of access to markets, including competition, market
entry barriers, and regulatory requirements.


1. Demographics: The population demographics, including age, gender, ethnicity,

and income levels, and how they may affect businesses.
2. Social trends: The social trends, such as lifestyle changes, consumer behavior, and
values, and how they may affect businesses.
3. Education: The education system, including the quality of education and literacy
rates, and how they may affect businesses.
4. Healthcare: The healthcare system, including the quality of healthcare and access
to medical services, and how they may affect businesses.
5. Religion: The role of religion in society and how it may affect businesses.
6. Language: The primary language spoken in the country and its impact on
communication and business operations.
7. Cultural norms: The cultural norms, such as attitudes towards work, gender roles,
and hierarchy, and how they may affect businesses.
8. Social institutions: The social institutions, such as family, community, and
government, and their impact on social and cultural dynamics.
9. Media and communication: The media and communication systems, including
access to media and internet, and their impact on social and cultural dynamics.

Regional economic integration

Market analysis
Market prospect analysis/Potential demand

1. Market size: The size of the market, including population, income, and consumer
spending, and how they may affect businesses.
2. Market growth: The rate and direction of market growth, including key market
indicators such as GDP, inflation, and employment rates, and how they may affect
3. Market potential: The potential for growth in the market, including emerging
trends and opportunities, and how they may affect businesses.
4. Market competition: The level of competition in the market, including dominant
players and market entry barriers, and how they may affect businesses.
5. Market segmentation: The market segments, including demographics,
psychographics, and geographic regions, and how they may affect businesses.
6. Distribution channels: The distribution channels, including retail, wholesale, and
e-commerce, and how they may affect businesses.
7. Pricing: The pricing dynamics, including consumer price sensitivity and price
competition, and how they may affect businesses.
8. Market regulation: The regulatory environment for the market, including
import/export regulations, consumer protection laws, and industry-specific
regulations, and how they may affect businesses.
9. Market trends: The market trends, including emerging technologies, changing
consumer behaviors, and shifting market dynamics, and how they may affect

Customer’s preference and tastes

1. Demographics: The demographic characteristics of the target customers,

including age, gender, income, and education level.
2. Psychographics: The psychographic characteristics of the target customers,
including lifestyle, values, beliefs, and attitudes.
3. Needs and wants: The needs and wants of the target customers, including
product features, benefits, and pricing.
4. Purchase behavior: The purchase behavior of the target customers, including
purchase frequency, channel preferences, and decision-making processes.
5. Brand perception: The perception of the target customers towards the business's
brand, including brand awareness, brand loyalty, and brand image.
6. Competitor analysis: The analysis of the business's competitors, including their
strengths and weaknesses, and how they may affect the preferences and tastes of
the target customers.
7. Market trends: The analysis of the current and emerging market trends, including
technological advancements, cultural changes, and economic conditions, and
how they may affect the preferences and tastes of the target customers.
8. Product positioning: The positioning of the business's products and services in
the target market, including the unique selling proposition, benefits, and value
9. Customer feedback: The collection and analysis of customer feedback, including
complaints, suggestions, and reviews, and how they may affect the preferences
and tastes of the target customers.
Competitive analysis

1. Competitor identification: Identifying the main competitors in the target market,

including their strengths and weaknesses.
2. Market share analysis: Analyzing the market share of each competitor in the
target market, including their market positioning and customer perception.
3. Competitor's product or service analysis: Analyzing the products or services
offered by each competitor in the target market, including their features, benefits,
and pricing.
4. Competitor's marketing strategy analysis: Analyzing the marketing strategy of
each competitor in the target market, including their advertising, promotions,
and branding.
5. Competitor's distribution strategy analysis: Analyzing the distribution strategy of
each competitor in the target market, including their channels, logistics, and
supply chain.
6. Competitor's pricing strategy analysis: Analyzing the pricing strategy of each
competitor in the target market, including their pricing structure, discounts, and
7. Competitor's customer analysis: Analyzing the target customers of each
competitor in the target market, including their demographics, psychographics,
and purchase behavior.
8. SWOT analysis: Conducting a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses,
Opportunities, and Threats) for each competitor in the target market, to identify
their competitive advantages and disadvantages.
9. Competitive benchmarking: Benchmarking the business's performance against
each competitor in the target market, to identify areas for improvement and
opportunities for growth.

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