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GE 9 - Gender & Society

Bachelor of Public Administration


Lesson 1. Introductions in Gender and Society

I. Objective

 Discuss the context of sex, sexuality, and gender following the Philippine social norms.

II. Discussion

It refers to a set of biological attributes in humans and animals. It is primarily associated with physical and physiological features
including chromosomes, gene expression, hormone levels and function, and reproductive/sexual anatomy. Sex is usually categorized as
female or male but there is variation in the biological attributes that comprise sex and how those attributes are expressed.

one of the fundamental drives behind everyone’s feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. It defines the means of biological reproduction,
describes psychological and sociological representations of self, and orients a person’s attraction to others. Further, it shapes the
brain and body to be pleasure-seeking. Yet, as important as sexuality is to being human, it is often viewed as a taboo topic for
personal or scientific inquiry (Lucas & Fox, 2023).

It refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviors, expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men, and gender diverse people. It influences how people
perceive themselves and each other, how they act and interact, and the distribution of power and resources in society. Gender identity is not confined to a binary

GE 9 - Gender & Society

Bachelor of Public Administration


(girl/woman, boy/man) nor is it static; it exists along a continuum and can change over time. There is considerable diversity in how individuals and groups
understand, experience and express gender through the roles they take on, the expectations placed on them, relations with others and the complex ways that
gender is institutionalized in society (Canadian Institutes of Health Research, 2023).

The Philippine’s Thought on Sex, Sexuality, & Gender

Filipino sexuality is affected by education received by Filipinos from schools, the media, the rise of the internet, religious teachings from their churches or
other similar spiritual institutions, legal policies and laws, and the influence of urbanization or urbanized regions in the Philippines. There are provisions and policies in the
constitution of the Philippines which promulgates that the sexual act should happen only within the framework of married life between a man and woman, because this
personal human expression is solidly connected to the family unit and to society as a whole.

Hunt, Dee Dicen and Cora Sta. Ana-Gatbonton. Filipino Women and Sexual Violence: Speaking Out and Providing Services

Lesson 2. Theories of Sexuality, Sex, & Gender

Freud’s Psychosexual Theory And 5 Stages Of Human Development

Mcleod (2023)
Sigmund Freud proposed that personality development in childhood takes place during five psychosexual stages, which are the oral, anal,
phallic, latency, and genital stages. During each stage, sexual energy (libido) is expressed in different ways and through different body
parts. These are called psychosexual stages because each stage represents the fixation of libido (roughly translated as sexual drives or
instincts) on a different area of the body. As a person grows physically certain areas of their body become important as sources of
potential frustration (erogenous zones), pleasure or both.

GE 9 - Gender & Society

Bachelor of Public Administration


Freud (1905) believed that life was built around tension and pleasure. Freud also believed
that all tension was due to the build-up of libido (sexual energy) and that all pleasure came from its
discharge. In describing human personality development as psychosexual, Freud meant to convey that
what develops is the way in which sexual energy of the id accumulates and is discharged as we mature

Note, Freud used the term “sexual” in a very general way to mean all pleasurable actions and

Freud stressed that the first five years of life are crucial to the formation of adult personality.
The id must be controlled to satisfy social demands; this sets up a conflict between frustrated wishes
and social norms. The ego and superego develop in order to exercise this control and direct the need
for gratification into socially acceptable channels. Gratification centers in different areas of the body at
different stages of growth, making the conflict at each stage psychosexual.

Role of Conflict
Each psychosexual stage is associated with a particular conflict that must be resolved
before the individual can successfully advance to the next stage. The resolution of each of
these conflicts requires the expenditure of sexual energy, and the more energy that is
expended at a particular stage, the more important characteristics of that stage remain with the
individual as he/she matures psychologically. To explain this, Freud suggested the analogy of
military troops on the march. As the troops advance, they are met by opposition or conflict. If
they are highly successful in winning the battle (resolving the conflict), then most of the troops
(libido) will be able to move on to the next battle (stage). But the greater the difficulty
encountered at any particular point, the greater the need for troops to remain behind to fight
and, thus, the fewer that will be able to go on to the next confrontation.

GE 9 - Gender & Society

Bachelor of Public Administration


Fixation Psychology
Some people cannot leave one stage and proceed to the next. One reason for this may be that the
needs of the developing individual at any particular stage may not have been adequately met, in which
case there is frustration. Or, possibly, the person’s needs may have been so well satisfied that he/she is
reluctant to leave the psychological benefits of a particular stage in which there is overindulgence. For
example, during the first two years of life, the infant who is neglected (insufficiently fed) or who is over-
protected (over-fed) might become an orally-fixated person (Freud, 1905).

Both frustration and overindulgence (or any combination of the two) may lead to what psychoanalysts
call fixation at a particular psychosexual stage. Fixation refers to the theoretical notion that a portion of
the individual’s libido has been permanently “invested” in a particular stage of his development.

You can remember the order of these stages by using the mnemonic : “old (oral) age (anal) pensioners
(phallic) love (latent) grapes (genital).

Oral Stage (Birth to 1 year)

The Oral Stage is the first stage of Sigmund Freud’s theory of psychosexual development, occurring from birth until approximately 18 months.
During the oral stage, a baby’s libido, or innate pleasure-seeking energy, is focused on the mouth.


The baby derives immense satisfaction from engaging in oral activities such as sucking, biting, breastfeeding, and chewing various objects, satisfying their
inherent desires. During the oral stages, the baby gets much satisfaction from putting all sorts of things in its mouth to satisfy the libido. An example of this stage is
an infant who gains pleasure from sucking on a pacifier or bottle. This gives them satisfaction and helps them learn about their environment.

GE 9 - Gender & Society

Bachelor of Public Administration


Oral Fixation

Freud theorized that experiences during the oral stage significantly influence personality development. For instance, he suggested that a child underfed or
frustrated during feedings might become a pessimistic, envious, and suspicious adult. On the other hand, a child who is overfed or overly gratified could become
optimistic, gullible, and full of admiration. Freud also linked oral behaviors to specific personality types in adulthood. For example, a person fixated on the oral
stage may engage in excessive eating, smoking, nail-biting, or becoming overly talkative, symbolizing the continued fulfillment of oral needs. We see oral
personalities around us, such as smokers, nail-biters, over-eaters, and thumb-suckers. Oral personalities engage in such oral behaviors, particularly when under

Anal Stage (1 to 3 years old)

The anal stage is the second stage of psychosexual development happens between the ages of 18 months and three years. During the anal stage, the libido becomes
focused on the anus, and the child derives great pleasure from defecating. An example of this stage would be a child who takes pleasure in controlling and releasing their
bowels. Freud believed this type of conflict tends to come to a head in potty training, in which adults impose restrictions on when and where the child can defecate.
The nature of this first conflict with authority can determine the child’s future relationship with all forms of authority.

Anal Fixation

Unresolved conflicts or issues during this stage can lead to problems later on, such as excessive cleanliness, stubbornness, or a need for control. The way parents
approach toilet training can lead to two outcomes:

1. Early or harsh potty training can lead to the child becoming an anal-retentive personality who hates mess, is obsessively tidy, punctual, and respectful of
authority. They can be stubborn and tight-fisted with their cash and possessions. This is all related to the pleasure of holding on to their feces when toddlers and
their mum insist they get rid of it by placing them on the potty until they perform!

GE 9 - Gender & Society

Bachelor of Public Administration


2. Not as daft as it sounds. The anal expulsive, on the other hand, underwent a liberal toilet-training regime during the anal stage. In adulthood, the anal expulsive
is the person who wants to share things with you. They like giving things away. In essence, they are “sharing their s**t”!” An anal-expulsive personality is also
messy, disorganized, and rebellious.

Phallic Stage (3-6 years old)

The phallic stage, which spans ages three to six, is the third phase of psychosexual development, identified by Sigmund Freud. This period is marked by the
child’s libido (or desire) focusing on their genitals as the primary source of pleasure. In this stage, children become increasingly aware of their bodies, exhibiting a
heightened interest in their own genitals and those of the opposite sex. Additionally, their understanding of anatomical sex differences begins to form, sparking a
complex mixture of emotions – erotic attraction, rivalry, jealousy, resentment, and fear – collectively termed the Oedipus complex in boys and the Electra complex
in girls. This period of conflict is resolved through identification, where children start adopting the characteristics of their same-sex parent.

Phallic Stage Fixation

Freud theorized that unresolved conflicts during this stage could potentially lead to future issues such as sexual dysfunction, problems with gender identity, or
difficulties in forming relationships. If fixation occurs during this stage, Freud suggested it may lead to various issues in adulthood.
Freud suggested that fixations at this point could lead to adult personalities that are overly vain, exhibitionistic, and sexually aggressive. In men, phallic fixation
might result in anxiety about sexual performance, the need for reassurance and validation, or a tendency to be overly assertive or aggressive.In women, fixation at
the phallic stage could lead to a desire to dominate men, a rivalry with other women, or the need for male attention or approval.

Oedipus Complex
The most important aspect of the phallic stage is the Oedipus complex. This is one of Freud’s most controversial ideas that many reject outright.
The name of the Oedipus complex derives from the Greek myth where Oedipus, a young man, kills his father and marries his mother. Upon discovering this, he
pokes his eyes out and becomes blind. This Oedipal is the generic (i.e., general) term for both Oedipus and Electra complexes.

GE 9 - Gender & Society

Bachelor of Public Administration


In the young boy, the Oedipus complex or conflict arises because the boy develops sexual (pleasurable) desires for his mother. He wants to possess his mother
exclusively and get rid of his father to enable him to do so. Irrationally, the boy thinks that if his father were to find out about all this, his father would take away
what he loves the most. During the phallic stage, what the boy loves most is his penis. Hence the boy develops castration anxiety.
According to Freud, the fear of retaliation from the father (castration anxiety) eventually leads the boy to repress these incestuous desires and identify with the
father, adopting his characteristics and values.The little boy then begins to resolve this problem by imitating, copying, and joining in masculine dad-type
behaviors. This is called identification and is how the three-to-five-year-old boy resolves his Oedipus complex. Identification means internally adopting another
person’s values, attitudes, and behaviors. The consequence is that the boy takes on the male gender role, and adopts an ego ideal and values that become the

Note: Freud (1909) offered the Little Hans case study as evidence of the Oedipus complex.

Electra Complex

The Electra Complex, a component of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory, posits that during the phallic stage of psychosexual development (roughly between ages 3-6), a girl
unconsciously cultivates a sexual attraction towards her father, viewing her mother as a competitor. In essence, the girl covets her father, yet recognizes that she lacks a
penis, leading to the phenomenon Freud labeled as ‘penis envy‘ and a subsequent wish to be male. This girl then ostensibly resolves her dilemma by repressing her
desire for her father and replacing her yearning for a penis with a longing for a baby. During this process, the girl purportedly blames her mother for her ‘castrated state,’
generating significant tension. In order to alleviate this tension, she then represses her feelings and begins to identify with her mother, thereby adopting a traditional
female gender role. However, it’s important to note that these theories have been widely contested and aren’t broadly accepted in contemporary psychology.

Latency Stage ( 6 years to Puberty)

The latency stage is the fourth stage of psychosexual development, spanning six years to puberty. The libido is dormant during this stage, and no further
psychosexual development occurs (latent means hidden). In this stage, Freud believed sexual impulses are repressed, leading to a period of relative calm.
During this stage, children’s sexual impulses become suppressed (the libido is dormant), and no further psychosexual development occurs (latent means hidden).

Example: The focus shifts to other pursuits such as education, social relationships, and other skills necessary for successful adult life.

GE 9 - Gender & Society

Bachelor of Public Administration


Children focus on developing social and intellectual skills, including school, friendships, and hobbies, instead of on sexual or romantic interests.
Freud thought most sexual impulses are repressed during the latent stage, and sexual energy can be sublimated towards school work, hobbies, and friendships.
Much of the child’s energy is channeled into developing new skills and acquiring new knowledge, and play becomes largely confined to other children of the same gender.
An example of this stage would be a child who engages in hobbies and interests rather than sexual activities.

Latency Stage Fixation

According to Freud, unresolved conflicts or issues during this stage can lead to problems later on, such as difficulty expressing emotions or forming healthy relationships.
For instance, if a child fails to make strong social connections or falls behind academically during this stage, they may struggle with feelings of inadequacy, insecurity, and
social isolation in adulthood.If a child fails to make strong social connections – perhaps they struggle to make friends or fit in with their peers – this could impact their social
skills and potentially lead to feelings of isolation or inadequacy.Similarly, if a child falls behind academically during this stage – perhaps struggling with reading, writing, or
math skills – they might feel less competent than their peers, leading to insecurity or inadequacy.This stage ends with the onset of puberty, when sexual urges resurface,
and the individual enters the final stage of Freud’s psychosexual development, the Genital Stage.

Genital Stage (Puberty to Adult)

The Genital Stage is the fifth and final phase of Freud’s psychosexual development theory, beginning at puberty and lasting into adulthood.
During this stage, the libido re-emerges after its latent period and is directed towards peers of the other sex, marking the onset of mature adult sexuality.
During this stage, individuals start to become sexually mature and begin to explore their sexual feelings and desires more maturely and responsibly.
This period marks the onset of romantic and sexual emotions, leading to the formation of intimate relationships.

Sexual instinct is directed to heterosexual pleasure, rather than self-pleasure, like during the phallic stage.


An example of this stage would be a teenager who begins to experience sexual attraction and begins to explore their sexuality. As they mature physically, they
develop deeper romantic interests and sexual attractions toward others. These feelings may lead to their first romantic relationship, or perhaps a crush on a peer.
The teenager might also learn about sexual education and understand the importance of consent and safe sex. They might experience emotional ups and downs
as they navigate these new feelings and relationships. This stage isn’t just about sexual attraction, but also about forming meaningful emotional bonds with others.
Through their experiences, they better understand their own sexual identity and learn how to form mutually satisfying relationships. It is a time of adolescent sexual
experimentation, the successful resolution of which is settling down in a loving one-to-one relationship with another person in our 20s.

GE 9 - Gender & Society

Bachelor of Public Administration


Genital Stage Fixation

For Freud, the proper outlet of the sexual instinct in adults was through heterosexual intercourse. Fixation and conflict may prevent this with the consequence that
sexual perversions may develop. For example, fixation at the oral stage may result in a person gaining sexual pleasure primarily from kissing and oral sex, rather
than sexual intercourse. According to Freud, if individuals have unresolved conflicts or issues during this stage, it can lead to problems such as sexual dysfunction,
difficulties forming healthy relationships, or other emotional problems.

Freud vs. Erikson

Sigmund Freud Erik Erikson
Focused on psychosexual stages Focused on psychosocial stages
Downey, J. I., & Friedman, R. C. (1995). Biology and the oedipus complex. Psychoanal.
Proposed five stages (emphasizes childhood) Proposed eight stages (throughout the lifespand) Q, 64, 234-264.
Stages focused on psychological needs and social
Stages focused on physical needs and urges
Fisher, S. & Greenberg, R. P. (1996). Freud scientifically reappraised: Testing the
theories and therapy. New York: Wiley.
Id, ego, and superego are the three levels of Identity, intimacy, and generativity are the three
personality levels of personality Kohlberg, L., & Ullian, D. Z. (1974). Stages in the development of psychosexual concepts
and attitudes.
Identity, intimacy, and generativity are the three Identity, intimacy, and generativity are the three
levels of personality levels of personality Kupfersmid, J. (2019). Freud’s clinical theories then and now. Psychodynamic
psychiatry, 47(1), 81-97.
Each stage must be mastered for a healthy
Each stage must be resolved for a healthy personality
Freud, S. (1905). Three essays on the theory of sexuality. Standard Edition 7: 123- 246.

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