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BEDRO Grade Level: 9

DAILY Teaching Dates July 6, 2023 Learning Area: MATHEMATICS
LESSON and Time: 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
PLAN Year & Section: Grade 9 – SILICON Quarter: 4TH

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates of the basic concepts of trigonometry.
B. Performance Standard The learner is able to apply the concepts of trigonometric ratios to formulate and
solve real-life problems with precision and accuracy.
C. Learning The learner illustrates the six trigonometric ratios: sine, cosine,
Competencies tangent, secant, cosecant, and cotangent.(M9GEIVa-1)
D. Specific Objectives At the end of the lesson, the learners must have:
a) identified the six Trigonometric Ratios;
b) recognized relationships between primary Trigonometric Ratios and secondary
Trigonometric Ratios; and
c) illustrated the six Trigonometric Ratios
II. CONTENT Illustrating the Six Trigonometric Ratios
III. LEARNING RESOURCES Nivera, G., et al. (2013). Grade 9 Mathematics: Patterns and Practicalities by: Gladys C.
Nivera, Ph.D.
Bryant, M., et al. (2014). Mathematics learner’s material (Grade 9). Republic of the
Philippines: DepED
Preliminary Activities
A. Prayer The teacher will ask one student to lead the prayer.

B. Checking of When the teacher calls the name of the student, he/she should make any sound to signify
Attendance that he/she is present in class.

C. Setting Classroom  Ask students how they are doing.

climate, ground  Make sure students’ necessary things are ready for the class.
rules and  Set rules and boundaries
A. Reviewing previous Pictures of different churches in Iloilo City will be shown to the students and the following
lesson or presenting questions will be asked to them:
the new lesson  Are you familiar with these Churches?
 Can you name the church in picture no. 1, 2, 3, and 4?
 Have you ever been in these churches before?
 What stories can you share about these churches?
 What shapes or figures are commonly seen in these pictures?
 What is the most dominant shape or figure than you can see in these pictures?


In this part,
I used local
pictures to
catch the
interest of
the students.

Possible answers:
 Yes/Maybe.
 St. Anne Parish Church/ Miraculous Medal Parish Church/ Jaro Metropolitan
Cathedral /San Jose Parish Church
 Yes/Not yet.
 Answers may vary.
 Circle, Triangle, Rectangle, Crescent, Cross, Pentagon etc.
 Triangle

Thank you for your answers! Now, let’s have first a fact about the famous Jaro
Metropolitan Cathedral.
Did you know that?

B. Establishing the You have mentioned earlier that the most dominant shape or figure that you have seen
purpose of the lesson the pictures is a triangle. Now, let us focus first about the different triangles that you
know according to their sides and angles. Who can enumerate or give examples about the
triangles that you know?
Possible answers:
Based on Angles Based on Sides
ACTIVITY 2 Acute triangle Isosceles triangle
Obtuse triangle Right triangle
Equiangular triangle Equilateral triangle
Right triangle Scalene triangle

Before presenting the topic and objectives to the students, the teacher will tell the
students to focus on Right Triangle and ask them of their ideas about “RIGHT TRIANGLE.”

The teacher will present the Topic and the objectives of the lesson.
Topic: Illustrating the Six Trigonometric Ratios
Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners must have:
a) defined the six Trigonometric Ratios;
b) recognized relationships between primary Trigonometric Ratios and secondary
Trigonometric Ratios; and
c) chosen the appropriate Trigonometric Ratio in a given problem.

The teacher will explain what Trigonometry and Ratios are accordingly.
Trigonometry (n.) - the branch of mathematics dealing with the relations of the sides and
angles of triangles and with the relevant functions of any angles.
Ratio (n.)- In Mathematics, it is an ordered pair of numbers a and b, written a/b where b
does not equal to 0.
The teacher will then ask the students to give some examples of ratio.
The teacher will ask the students what is Ratio translated in Filipino and in Hiligaynon.
-In Filipino, Ratio is still ratio, dahil ito ay hiram na salita sa Matematika.
-In Hiligaynon, Ratio tumbasan, katumbasan, or panumbasan.

Trigonometric Ratios – a ratio of the length of 2 sides of a right triangle.

C. Discussing new The teacher will post 4 right triangles on the board. Then, the teacher will ask the
concepts and students to label the sides of each triangles ABC with hypotenuse, opposite side, and
presenting new skill adjacent side given the reference angle C.

Possible answer:

Then the teacher will play a short video about Trigonometric Ratios, then ask the students
the following questions:
 How is the video?

Learners were
able to watch
a video which
 What can you say about the video?
 What is the video all about?
 What have you learned from the video?
The teacher will make sure that the students
understand how to identify the parts of a right
The teacher will review the Mnemonic presented in
the video.
Opposite Leg
SOH= Sine=

Adjacent Leg
CAH= Cosine=

Opposite Leg
TOA= Tangent=
Adjacent Leg
The teacher will show the primary trigonometric ratios and the secondary trigonometric
There are six trigonometric ratios: sine, cosine, tangent, cosecant, secant and cotangent.
These six trigonometric ratios are abbreviated as, sin, cos, tan, csc, sec, cot respectively.
Primary Trigonometric Ratios Secondary Trigonometric Ratios
Opposite Leg Hypotenuse
SOH= sin θ= CHO= Csc θ=
Hypotenuse Opposite Leg

Adjacent Leg Hypotenuse

CAH= cos θ= SHA= Sec θ=
Hypotenuse Adjacent Leg

Opposite Leg Adjacent Leg

TOA= Sec θ= CAO= cot θ=
Adjacent Leg Opposite Leg

Speaking Mathematically
Given Trigonometric Ratio Read as
sin θ sine theta
cos θ cosine theta
tanθ tangent theta
Csc θ cosecant theta
Sec θ secant theta
cot θ cotangent theta
Note: For our reference angle, we can also use other Greek letters, numbers, or any
variables in the given situation.

The teacher will go back to the video again and show how the ratios are presented with
respect to an angle.

Additional Examples
1. In ∆ ABC , determine the primary and secondary trigonometric
ratios for ∠C .

Possible answers:

2. In ∆ PQR , determine the primary and secondary trigonometric ratios for ∠Q.

Possible answers:

 What can you observe with the values of trigonometric ratios in examples
number 1 and number 2?
 Is there a relationship between the primary trigonometric ratios and secondary
trigonometric ratios? If there is, what is it?
 Do you have any questions about our lesson for today?

D. Making Ask students some questions to check their understanding about the lesson.
generalizations and Questions:
abstraction about the 1. What are the six trigonometric ratios?
lesson 2. What is the ratio for each trigonometric ratio? (Sine, Cosine, Tangent, Cosecant, Secant,
and Cotangent)
3. What is the relationship between the primary trigonometric ratios and secondary
trigonometric ratios?
GENERALIZATION Possible answers:
1. Sine, Cosine, Tangent, Cosecant, Secant, and Cotangent.
Opposite Leg Hypotenuse
2. sin θ= Csc θ=
Hypotenuse Opposite Leg

Adjacent Leg Hypotenuse

cos θ= Sec θ=
Hypotenuse Adjacent Leg

Opposite Leg Adjacent Leg

Sec θ= cot θ=
Adjacent Leg Opposite Leg
3. The primary trigonometric ratios are the inverse of the secondary trigonometric ratio.
E. FInding practical Now that you already know what are the 6 trigonometric ratios, and the relationship
applications and between the primary and secondary trigonometric ratios, it’s time for you now to apply
concept skillsin daily your knowledge in our next activity.
The teacher will group the students into 5. Each group will be given a situation. Each
group will be given 10 minutes to finish the activity, and then they should present it in

Directions: Prepare 1 whole sheet of pad paper. Read the situation carefully. Illustrate the
given situation by drawing in the paper, and answer the given questions.
The students are falling in line while facing the flag pole for the flag ceremony is about to
start. Let z be the distance from the bottom to the top of the pole. There are 10 columns
all in all. Let x distance from the first student in the first column to the pole. The said
student is looking at the top of the pole, and let y be the distance from the line of sight of
the student to the top of the pole.

What to do:
1. In your 1 whole sheet of pad paper, draw a right triangle ABC based on the situation
2. Label each side of the triangle using the quantities in the given situation.
3. Determine the 6 trigonometric ratios with respect to the angle on top of the pole.

Good work everyone! Please give a clap to yourselves for a job well done.
F. EVALUATION Given the situation below, evaluate whether the given example is correct or not. Then,
explain in essay form why it is correct or not. Write your answers in a 1 whole sheet of
pad paper.
Situation: Determining the six trigonometric ratios of the given right triangle below by
completing the table.

Rubrics for scoring:
Points 8 6 4 2
Quality of Very Somewhat Gives some Gives no new
Writing informative informative new information
and well- and well- information and very
organized. organized. but poorly poorly
organized. organized.
Grammar, Virtually no Few spelling A number of So many
Usage and spelling, and spelling, spelling,
Mechanics punctuation or punctuation punctuation or punctuation or
grammatical errors, minor grammatical grammatical
errors. grammatical errors. errors that it
errors. interferes with
the meaning.

Learners were
given the A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.
opportunity to B. No. of learners who required additional activities for remediation
share their who scored below 80%.
knowledge to C. Did remedial lesson work? No. of learners who have caught up
other people with the lesson
outside the D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
classroom. E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I us/ discover which I
wish to share with other teachers?
As you go home today, ask some of your family members of what they know about right
triangle and about trigonometric ratios. Share also the things that you’ve learned today to
them and help them understand and appreciate trigonometric ratios.

Thank you for your active participation today. Let’s see each other again soon for another
fun Mathematics lesson. Keep safe!

Prepared by: Checked by:


T I, Mathematics MT I, Mathematics

Noted by:


HT III, Mathematics

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