SRCS 2-2 Earthworks Eng

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Publisher: Public Enterprise Roads of Serbia, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 282, Belgrade


MARKING DATE Description of amendments

1 30.04.2012 First edition
2 31.05.2018 Second corrected edition
Serbian Road Construction Specifications Earthworks

2.2.1 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................... 1 TECHNICAL REGULATIONS.......................................................................................1 TERMINOLOGY............................................................................................................ 1
2.2.2 DAILY EXCAVATIONS................................................................................................ 3 DESCRIPTION.............................................................................................................. 3 BASIC MATERIALS...................................................................................................... 4 EXECUTION METHOD................................................................................................. 6 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY.......................................................................................11 MEASURING AND TAKING OVER OF WORKS........................................................11 CALCULATION OF WORKS.......................................................................................12
2.2.3 FOUNDATION SOIL FORMATION............................................................................12 DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................ 12 BASIC MATERIALS.................................................................................................... 12 EXECUTION METHOD............................................................................................... 13 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY.......................................................................................14 QUALITY CONTROL.................................................................................................. 16 MEASURING AND TAKING OVER OF WORKS........................................................17 CALCULATION OF WORKS.......................................................................................19
2.2.4 BLANKETS, FILTER COURSES AND WORKING FIELD LAYERS.........................19 DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................ 19 BASIC MATERIALS.................................................................................................... 19 EXECUTION METHOD............................................................................................... 22 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY.......................................................................................24 QUALITY CONTROL.................................................................................................. 25 MEASURING AND TAKING OVER.............................................................................27 CALCULATION OF WORKS.......................................................................................27
2.2.5 EMBANKMENTS, FILLINGS AND FORMATION LEVEL..........................................28 DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................ 28 BASIC MATERIALS.................................................................................................... 29 EXECUTION METHOD............................................................................................... 31 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY.......................................................................................34 QUALITY CONTROL.................................................................................................. 36 MEASURING AND TAKING OVER OF WORKS........................................................39 CALCULATION OF WORKS.......................................................................................39
2.2.6 SLOPES AND LANDSCAPING..................................................................................40 DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................ 40 BASIC MATERIALS.................................................................................................... 40 EXECUTION METHOD............................................................................................... 41 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY.......................................................................................44 QUALITY CONTROL.................................................................................................. 44 MEASURING AND TAKING OVER OF WORKS........................................................45 CALCULATION OF WORKS.......................................................................................45
2.2.7 REINFORCED EARTH............................................................................................... 46 DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................ 46 BASIC MATERIALS.................................................................................................... 46 EXECUTION METHOD............................................................................................... 48 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY.......................................................................................49 QUALITY CONTROL.................................................................................................. 49 MEASURING AND TAKING OVER OF WORKS........................................................51 CALCULATION OF WORKS.......................................................................................51

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Earthworks Serbian Road Construction Specifications

2.2.8 SPREADING OF SURPLUS MATERIAL...................................................................52 DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................ 52 BASIC MATERIALS.................................................................................................... 52 EXECUTION METHOD............................................................................................... 52 CONSTRUCTION QUALITY.......................................................................................52 QUALITY CONTROL.................................................................................................. 52 MEASURING AND TAKING OVER OF WORKS........................................................53 CALCULATION OF WORKS.......................................................................................53

ii PE Roads of Serbia
Serbian Road Construction Specifications Earthworks

carriageway serving to support the

pavement; it is not intended either for motor
2.2.1 INTRODUCTION traffic or as emergency lane. Technical regulations California Bearing Ratio (vrednost CBR) is

the characteristic value of the deflection
The following technical regulations have deformation of materials pressed cylinder.
been used within these earthwork guidelines
in road construction: Subgrade (donji stroj/nasip) is a constructed
part of the road body (fill) between the
EN 1997 Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design foundation soil and pavement.

EN ISO 14688 Geotechnical survey and Frost depth (Dubina smrzavanja) is the
testing – identification and maximum depth to which the isotherm 0°C
classification of earth reaches in long periods of frost.
EN ISO 14689 Geotechnical survey and Granulometric composition (granulo-
testing – identification and metrijski sastav) is the grain size distribution
classification of rocks expressed as a percentage of the weightafter
the composition is sifted through a specific
SRPS EN 14475 Execution of special strainer.
geotechnical works –
Reinforced soil Hydraulic binder (hidraulično vezivo) is a
pulverized inorganic material; which forms a
SRPS EN 13242 Aggregates for incoherent paste when mixed with water, , and due to
and hydraulically coherent reactions and hydration processes, sets and
materials used in hardens; and after hardening remains firm
construction works and road and stable, even under water.
Hydrological conditions (hidrološki uslovi)
SRPS EN 13249 Geotextile and geotextile-
are the conditions that determine the state of
related products – Required
water in the soil near the road.
characteristics for use in the
construction of roads and
other traffic surfaces Mineral substructure/capping layer (kame-
na posteljica) is the final layer of fill and
SRPS EN 13251 Geotextile and geotextile- foundation soil made of a mechanically
related products – Required stabilised natural, mixed or mixture of
characteristics for the use in crushed stone grains.
earthworks, foundations and
supporting structures Stone material (kameni materijal) is a non-
cohesive material consisting of natural or
SRPS EN 13252 Geotextile and geotextile- artificial stone grains, whose mechanical,
related products – Required chemical, and mineralogical properties do not
characteristics for the use in change over the course of time due to the
drainage systems effects of water, air, and / or temperature, or
change within the limits which allow the
SRPS EN 13256 Geotextile and geotextile- material to remain mechanically sound; stone
related products – Required material can be of a natural or artificial rock.
characteristics for the use in
tunnel construction Drain capacity (kapacitet dreniranja) is the
capacity of water drainage through
connecting drainage spaces. Terminology
Climatic conditions (klimatski uslovi) the
The meanings of the technical terms used in
conditions set by the air temperature over
the special technical conditions for
time and at a specific location or area
earthworks in road construction are:
through which the road passes.
Shoulder (Bankett, bankina) is a
mechanically stabilised part of the Backfill wedge (klin uz objekat) is the area
between the coastal column (bank pier) and

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the surrounding embankment, to ensure a operations (improvement, hardening,

stable transition between the bridge and stabilising ).
embankment, a wedge should be built under
special conditions. Mixing on site procedure (postupak
mešanja na mestu ugrađivanja) is a
Ice lens (ledeno sočivo) is characteristic of procedure to improve, consolidate, and
water in the pores that occurs during freezing stabilise material: during which a range of
due to increased free water content in the mixers prepared at the site of the material,
material. that rises and mixes with the binder and
water as required.
Frost insensible material (materijal
neosetljiv na smrzavanje) is material in which Monitoring section (probna deonica) is part
the water freezing in pore spaces does not of the road, constructed in compliance with
cause a significant increase in the bearing the applicable regulations and instructions, in
capacity, nor a significant decrease in the professional methods which determine the
bearing capacity upon melting. behavior of building materials.

Micro-climate (mikroklima) is a group of Working / hardened field (provozna

equal conditions, such as temperature, podloga) is a filling layer of unbound mixtures
sunlight, humidity, precipitation, snow of rock material embedded on the surfaces
conditions and windiness, characteristic of a with the subsoil in order to facilitate transport
restricted area. and all other technological procedures that
are needed to build the road.
Embankment (nasip) is a part of a road body
between the formation level and the All-in aggregate (sastavljeni/prirodni
foundation soil, that is artificially constructed agregat) is a mixture of coarse and fine
from soils and/or rocks to such a level above mineral particles (sand), produced without
the ground surface that both slopes on the any separation into grain-groups, or by
carriageway edges are inclined downhill. mixing grain-groups of coarse and fine
grains, or of a natural source.
Bearing capacity (Tragfähigkeit, nosivost) is
the mechanical resistance of the embedded Soft soil/soil of low bearing capacity
material formation against (short-term) loads. (slabo nosivo tlo) is a soil that contains a high
percentage of water, thus having inadequate
Optimum water/moisture content physical and/or mechanical properties, and
(optimalna vlažnost) Is the proportion of slow draining properties.
water in the material at a maximum density,
determined by the Proctor method. Gauge (isotope) (sonda (izotopna)) is a
flexible element of an isotope gauge, with a
Frost damage (oštećenje zbog smrzavanja) source of ionizing radiation (gamma rays) at
is damage to the structure by the direct or the top of the lever.
indirect result of frost action in regard to
water, that can lead to structural failure. External / third party control
(spoljašnja/nezavisna kontrola) presents the
Thaw (otapanje) is a set of physical activities performed by a supervisory
phenomena occurring in materials when after institution established to verify the conformity
a period of freezing temperatures climb of products or the approval of the internal
above 0 ° C. control of the production and / or download of
the built construction products, includes
business, operations, independent testing
Formation (planum) indicates an area with
and measurement in production and / or
certain prescribed quality characteristics
installation of building products.
(height, roughness, density, deflection).
Stabilisation (stabilizaicja) is a procedure
Capping layer (posteljica) is the upper (final) that includes mixing a binder and water with
layer of the embankment and foundation soil, the existing material which, with the
up to 50 cm thick, with special properties appropriate compaction of the prepared
(increased bearing capacity, reduced mixture, permanently increases the
susceptibility to the effects of frost) achieved resistance of the embedded mixture against
by appropriate construction and technical

2 PE Roads of Serbia
Serbian Road Construction Specifications Earthworks

traffic load, as well as against climatic and embankment or filing the free space behind
hydrological effects. the supporting and end walls.

Filter stability (stabilnost filtera) is the Compaction (degree of) (zbijenost)

contact of two different-material-based layers indicates the achieved level of density of the
depending on their granulometric embedded material after completion of the
composition which prevents the transfer of compaction process.
hard substances from one layer to the other,
under the influence of permanent or variable
water gradients, and of a dynamic traffic load. 2.2.2 DAILY EXCAVATIONS

Compaction degree (stepen zbijenosti) is Description
the relationship between the measured (dry)
density and the highest (dry) density of the Daily excavations include:
material, determined by an appropriate - excavating the upper layer of fertile
procedure (e.g. Proctor) and expressed in %. soil (humus) to the appropriate thickness
(not more than 40 cm depth) moved to up
Voids/cavities (šupljine) are hollows in the to 50 m from the location or lloaded for
material, which are filled up with air or fluid, transport to landfill
which is accessible from the outside; water - all broad categories of excavation of
can penetrate into these voids/cavities. earth materials and rocks that are
designed to be moved up to 50 m or
Technical conditions (tehnički uslov) is the loaded for transport of the excavated
applied document regulating the technical material to embankments, backfill,
specifications for a construction product, as wedges, and / or landfills, depending on
well as the procedures of internal and how the material will be used during
external controls, and the procedures of the construction. These works also include all
determination of compatibility and
the excavations for stairs, excavations in
confirmation; this may bestandard or part of a
borrow pits and road deviations, as well
standard or an independent document.
as wide excavations in the course of the
execution of the structure work,
Foundation soil/subgrade (temeljno tlo) is
- all excavations for the structure
soils or rocks, normally found naturally,
foundations, canal and other trenches (for
directly adjacent to the fill, pavement
culverts, manholes, drains) of all-
structure, or the foundation of a civil
categories of materials and up to any
engineering structure, or is located
immediately below it.
- width up to 1.0 m,
- width ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 m.
Soil/earth (tlo) is the surface crust layer
(sediments and time degraded products)
These works also include
comprising incoherent and lightly coherent
- everything needed for lifting the
mineral and/or organic substances that are
excavated material to the required height,
subject to mechanical degradation with no
- all construction pit excavations that
use of force (e.g. covering with water).
are wider than 2.0 m in all categories of
materials and to all depths, with the
Road body (trup puta) is composed of all the
transport of excess material to landfills or
materials used for embankments and the
the place of installation in the
pavement between the foundation soil
embankments, backfills, or wedges. Work
formation and the pavement surface, or any
includes raising the excess material to the
other finished surface.
required height,
- all excavations for canals of various
Laying/placing (ugrađivanje) is the
depths and widths as well as similar
procedure which involves spreading and
works in all categories materials. These
compaction of material to the required
include the deepening and widening of
existing canals,
- all excavations for drains and
Water permeability (vodopropusnost) is waterways near the side of the body of
characteristic of a surface or a layer to the road finished formation or the existing
road, with the disposal of the excavated
Backfill (zasipanje) indicates the filling of the materials and/or loading and disposal at a
installation trench to the formation of the landfill,

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- all excavations for cobblestones and modern machinery to include excavations,

surface linings when planned, with transport and installation.
disposal of the materials and/or loading
and disposal at landfills and regulation of Earth material descriptions, the excavation
the formation. method and the usability grade are all
presented in table
The works also include
- all the necessary measures If the layers of earth material and/or rocks in
determined by the applied occupational the excavations are of a manner that making
health and safety regulations, such as and the exact material classification is difficult
bracing (including a structural analysis or even impossible the average type and
design,), grades, expansions, etc., category of material may be used.
- all works regarding atmospheric,
spring and ground water in the course of All materials excavated in the course of
construction (including the necessary overburden stripping and wide excavations,
pumping), in order to provide permanent excavations for foundations and trenches, as
and controlled drainage and prevention of well as for construction pits and drainage
water retention and adding water to the channels, are to be classified according to
filled materials. This includes all the the basics indicated in this chapter.
additional works for redirecting surface
and spring water flows, Prior to and in the course of works, samples
- all excavations, loading and for testing the usability of material for the
unloading of any inappropriate or surplus intended use are to be taken with each
materials moved to landfills off the site. change in the quality of material.
Landfill areas off the building site, are too
managed (spreading, sowing the grass, The contractor is to be provided with expert
drainage) and provided by the contractor. opinion on the usability of material for each
significant excavation or area that might
All works in this description are to be provide local material for stone grain mixtures
included in the unit price of material for incoherent and/or coherent bearing and
excavation and the contractor is not entitled wearing road courses, for cement-concrete
to any additional payment. mixtures and filling material, and for material
for preparatory loading and overloading. If
Special technical conditions for the execution the excavation material is to be used for any
of earthworks within road tunnel construction of these purposes, then the crumbly clay is to
are provided in detail in sub-clause 2.8 of be removed prior to blasting and used for
these technical conditions. embankments or set aside at a location
suggested by the contractor and approved by
the supervisory engineer. Basic materials

The basic materials, obtained by the

excavation works and/or at the borrow pits,
are earth materials and rocks and are used
for construction works.

All types of earth materials and rocks used

for construction works are classified in the
following nominal categories:
- fertile soil
category 1
- soft soil category 2
- earth materials category 3
- soft rocks
category 4
- hard rocks
category 5

The criterion for the classification of rocks

and earth materials in the categories are
specific properties that affect a particular
construction work. Taking into consideration

4 PE Roads of Serbia
Serbian Road Construction Specifications Earthworks

Table 2.2.1: Classification of earth materials and rocks

Cat. Material Description Grain Size Excavation Method Usability Grade
located at the field surface: suitable only as a base for
1 fertile soil top soil and rolled turf, with mixtures - bulldozer grassed area; neither
of gravel, sand, dust and/or clay bearing, stable nor erosion-
of lightly malleable to light-bodied
2 soft soil consistency more than 15 m.- %  less dredger, not applicable in its natural
(Ic  0.5); it may contain organic than 0.063 mm bulldozer state
(peat, decay)
located underneath the fertile soil in natural state and in
coherent - in medium malleable to solid more than 15 m.- %  more bulldozer, appropriate weather
consistency (earth, decay) or than 0.063 mm conditions applicable to
3 and dredger
embankments: the bearing
incoherent materials - in compacted state (sand, grit, more than 15 m.- %  more bulldozer with ripper and stability are dependent
broken stone, gravel, tailings) than 0.063 mm (occasionally) on external influences
more than 30 m.- %  more
than 63 mm
marl, flysch, slate, tuff, conglomerate, bulldozer with generally of high load bearing
4 soft rocks cracked, grinding and crumbly more than 30 m.- %  more callipers, pin capacity and stability; with
sandstone, dolomite and limestone than 63 mm and  less than dredger, cutting, appropriate grain size for
300 mm blasting embankments and the
(occasionally) formation layer
hard rocks limestone, compact dolomite or With the appropriate grain
5 (sedimentary rocks)1) material of more than 50 m.-% pieces  less than 600 mm blasting, cutting size, extremely high load
  600 mm that are to be blasted (occasionally) bearing capacity and stability,
appropriate for embankments
and/or processing

Eruptive silicate rocks are not classified.

JP Putevi Srbije 5
Earthworks Serbian Road Construction Specifications Execution method

1. All excavations are to be executed General according to the designed and required
cross-sections, envisaged height levels
All excavations are to be executed in and grades in accordance with the
accordance with the profiles, recorded levels, design documentation and requirements
grades and depths indicated in the design stated by the supervisory engineer.
documentation, taking into consideration the
properties of the appropriate material In the case that the bootom of the pit is
categories and the required properties for the uneven, the excavation is to be
intended use of excavated materials. executed in a way that the highest point
of the pit bottom corresponds to the
The works are to be executed in line with projected level of the excavation, and
schedules that are aligned and approved by the rest of the space is to be filled with
the Supervising Engineer. concrete when concreting the
Surface removal of the top soil to the
appropriate thickness is to be done where The excavations must comply with all
further excavation and/or foundation soil the applicable regulations on
preparations are planned. The excavated occupational health and safety in the
fertile soil is to be removed in accordance course of the works (bracing, opening,
with the design project and these technical terraced excavations, etc.) and secure
conditions. All the excavated material is to be all the existing structures,
deposited along the road area outside the communications and devices, and
envisaged excavation area with the least provide regular maintenance of any in
amount of obstruction to the works. Filling use public areas and accessible public
and removal of the top soil to the landfill are roads.
to be performed with care in order to avoid
mixing the material with other unfertile 2. Underground and wide excavations,
materials and to preserve the quality of the as well as excavations for foundations
excavated top soil for subsequent use in and trenches, construction pits and
arranging the slopes and grassed areas. canals are generally to be executed with
mechanical and other equipment with
Controlled drainage is to be provided at the the minimum amount of manual work.
top soil landfill situated at the excavation area This is to be performed only when the
that contains atmospheric water retention mechanical equipment cannot obtain the
and surface water collection. required quality or where it is necessary
due to the mechanical properties of the
While working in soft soil, all the excavated materials.
materials are to be transported and disposed
of at special landfills outside the construction 3. Soft soil is to be excavated with the
area (e.g. outside the lateral fill areas). Such appropriate mechanical equipment
landfills are to be appropriately managed. suited to the specific load and the
surface bearing capacity. Partial manual
All the remaining materials, determined to be work is necessary for the design of
useless for the road body construction, are to slopes and bottom, primarily for the
be disposed of. The contractor is to arrange removal of excavated materials.
the landfill for such materials at a location Removal of the excavated soft soil away
determined by the supervisory engineer. is usually not optional. The only usable
layer is the top soil, which may be used
The surplus materials are primarily to be for the protection and sowing on the
used for embankment widening to create slopes and lateral embankments.
parking spaces and observation points,
unless otherwise specified. Such areas are to 4. Hard and sometimes soft rocks are
be determined by the supervisory engineer, to be excavated with mechanical drilling,
unless specified by the design deep and regular blasting and additional
documentation. blasting of large rocks, if requested by
the future intended use of the excavated
In the course of the excavation works, hard rocks. If flat excavation slopes are
attention should be paid to the following: designed, then the appropriate smooth

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blasting method (pre-splitting) is to be The space between the steps is to be

used. 1.0 m wide on the slopes with grades of
between 20° and 30°.
For all pits requireing blasting, blasting
design is to be elaborated and Interspace-free steps may be built on
necessary approvals are to be obtained. slopes with grades exceeding 30°.

The 25 to 30 cm thick surface (levelling) The grade of the steps in coherent earth
layer of the remaining rock is to be materials is to be at least 3 % towards
disintegrated by blasting to provide the frontal surface and at least 3 % in
evenness to the foundation soil. the longitudinal direction, in order to
provide controlled drainage. If the design
5. The grade of the excavated slope will documentation excludes excavation of
depend on the soil category, moisture steps, the contractor is bound to execute
and stratification of the material. The them upon the recommendations of the
geotechnical properties are indicated in supervisory engineer, if they are
both the design documentation and the determined necessary.
geological-soil mechanical analysis.
Crumbly earth layers at the excavation, 7. The bottom and slopes of excavation
including crumbly layers in the top and in soft soil are to be flat in order to
middle areas, are to be used if the provide the possibility to place geotextile
conditions allow. Otherwise, they are to materials and/or permeable stone
be treated according to the regulations layers.
indicated in the design documentation
and the instructions provided by the 8. In the course of works, care should
supervisory engineer. be taken to not undercut or damage the
excavation slopes. Otherwise, the
The works include clearance of all the contractor is bound to repair any
areas in need of protection and safety damage in accordance with the
measures, such as the protection of instructions provided by the supervisory
crumbly areas, pockets, caverns, water engineer, with no rights to
springs, etc., unless such works are compensation or any additional payment
assigned elsewhere. In the course of for extra work.
excavation, the supervisory engineer,
along with the contractor and skilled If there is an excavation exceeding the
collaborators, are bound to determine existing plan that has come about as a
any necessary changes to the result of the contractor's error during the
excavation slope grades in accordance construction, the contractor is obliged to
with the properties of the earth professionally repair it at his own
materials, geological conclusions and expense and in a way as determined by
other aspects in the excavations; the the supervisory engineer.
contractor is to comply with the
aforementioned instructions in the 9. The organization of excavation works
course of the works. should exclude any disturbances caused
by atmospheric or any other water, and
6. Excavations of steps are to be particularly applies to earth materials.
executed on the sloped where the Special care is to be taken of the
embankments are to be built, all drainage of the excavation (the easiest
accirdng to the design. If the design way) and excavating only the amount of
does not define steps, they are to be earth that can be transported in one load
executed in the following fashion: that is then regularly transported and
stored, taking into consideration the
1.0 – 1.5 m wide steps are to be effects of machines and the means of
excavated in the foundation soil on transportation. The consequences that
slopes with grades of up to 20°, where might arise if the instructions are not
the embankments are to be built. The followed are to be borne by the
frontal surfaces of the steps are to be contractor with no right to neither claim
excavated with a slope of a 2: 1 ratio. any reimbursement nor change in the
working procedure to the detriment of
the client.

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10. In general, soft soil excavation must 14. Construction pits are to be shaped
not be open for long periods of time: the and treated in accordance with the
excavation progress should be design documentation (the vertical walls
synchronized with the filing and slope of the excavation, the slopes and the
preparation. Ground and atmospheric bottom). The works include the
waters are to be regularly pumped out preparation of drainage, canals and
as necessary, until the fill exceeds the gullies in the course of construction as
ground water level. Otherwise, any well as their removal in circumstances
damage is to be borne by the contractor. where the drainage of atmospheric and
The contractor is to clear locally spring waters is required.
damaged slopes (landslip) and fill them
with appropriate material at his own If required by the soil mechanical
expense. properties of the earth materials as well
as by the geological conditions, strutting
Due to the specific properties of and formwork are to be executed
coherent earth, the material excavation properly and professionally. The strutting
in the course of construction must not be methods of the excavated walls should
deposited into or along the excavation, be selected by the contractor himself,
but is to be loaded directly onto transport who is obliged to provide the supervisory
vehicles during the excavation works. engineer with the strutting plan
(including a structural analysis), unless it
If the soft soil excavation is intersected is already contained in the design and
by a reclaimed canal or a stream, a then should be executed in accordance
temporary culvert of appropriate section with this.. If there are any differences
is to be built or the water flow redirected between the actual condition and the
to flow to another one, if this is possible. design documentation, the contractor is
to take all necessary measures
11. If there is a danger of landslips or immediately and inform the supervisory
collapses, the slopes are to be executed engineer accordingly.
gradually in order to prevent this or
appropriate planking and strutting In the case that the foundation pit is
(primarily at great heights) are to be excavated for the needs of concreting
used. beneath the existing facility, the
excavations slope are to be of the
12. When explosives are being used the maximum angle of 60o. The pit is to be
contractor is bound to engage skilled executed in rings. The execution desing
and qualified labour. While blasting and must be elaborated for these
digging, any disturbances to traffic, excavations, and the supervising
people and environment are to be kept engineer has to approve it.
to a minimum, and the appropriate traffic
signs are to be used. The contractor is 15. While performing canal excavation,
obliged to eliminate any possible the excavated material may be
deviations immediately and at his own temporarily deposited at an appropriate
expense. distance from the canal top edge on
both sides, providing it is possible in the
If the contractor damages a rock slope terrain and other conditions. Otherwise,
by blasting, he is bound to repair it at his it is to be deposited on a single side.
own expense. The top soil is to be separated from the
rest of materials.
13. In the course of excavation works
near communications systems or along The work organization is to include
the structures, special safety measures prevention from any damages to the
are to be used. completed works due to inclement
weather. The contractor is, therefore,
When blasting or if the works are bound to pay special attention to any
executed near power or telephone water runoffs (spring water included).
installations and devices, the
appropriate regulations are to be If the design documentation excludes
followed and the relevant authorities’ the use of excavated materials for
approval are necessary. certain purposes, the material is to be
transported after completion of the

8 PE Roads of Serbia
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works and spread at appointed deposit deepened so as to enabling water flow

areas with the top soil on top. between the formwork and soil. This
additional excavation is to be filled with
The works are to be executed in the drainage material.
specified cross and longitudinal grades
in accordance with the design
documentation. In general, at no time Distribution of quantities
should water be at a standstill. All the
roots, plants and other obstacles should Materials obtained from the excavation works
be removed for no additional payment. are to be used primarily for contracted works
(embankments, backfills and wedges), while
16. Canals are to be excavated in the remaining surplus or useless material is
accordance with the design to be disposed of – in accordance with the
documentation. All the excavation design regulations – either in backfills or at
surfaces are to be flattened and landfills. The costs of loading, transport and
according to the specified grades and unloading or ploughing the surplus material
curves to prevent water from being at a are to be included in the excavation unit
standstill and any damages to the price. If necessary, the supervisory engineer
previously compacted soil. is to provide further instructions, unless the
use of excavated units is specified in the
Weather and climate conditions design documentation.
adversely affecting the excavated
surfaces are to be taken into The quantities are generally to be distributed
consideration in the course of the work. in accordance with the design
The contractor is, thus, bound to documentation, or with the quantity profile,
organize works in such a way that they which is only to provide assistance in
are completed simultaneously or calculating the bid price and does not oblige
harmonized with any canal works. the client in the case of any potential
Possible extra work or additional works alterations.
due to the lack of specified drainage
works are to be borne by the contractor. Borrow pits

In the course of construction on soft soil If the design documentation includes a

where lateral embankments are borrow pit, the contractor and the supervisory
envisaged, lateral drainage channels engineer are to survey the site prior to
along the outer edge of the lateral acquiring the material, if such acquiring is
embankments are to be prepared prior related to the measurement of the works. The
to the excavation, and simultaneously survey reports – bilaterally approved and
with the ground levelling. After signed – are the basis for the calculation of
completion of the works, the drainage qualities.
channels are to be finished and
repaired. Permanent lateral drainage The contractor is bound to:
channels are to be linked with the - prepare a proposal for the borrow pit
existing regulated reclaimed canals or arrangement after it has been used,
with other permanent drainage - acquire the approval for the
channels. proposed arrangement from the
supervisory engineer, and
17. Excavations for cobblestones and - Prepare the borrow pit based on the
linings are to be executed in full approved proposal.
accordance with the design
documentation or instructions provided If the design documentation for quantities
by the supervisory engineer. excludes a borrow pit and there is a lack of
materials in alignment, the contractor is then
The foundation soil formation for the obliged to provide a borrow pit, In which case
cobblestones or linings is to be in the contractor is (at his own expense) bound
accordance with the specified to acquire the approval from the land
conditions, depending on the planned proprietor, prove the quality and quantity of
type of cobblestones or lining. the material for the proposed borrow pit and
submit a proposal for a borrow pit (including
In the places where ground water is a plan and the cross-sections) to the
present, the excavation is to be supervisory engineer for approval.

JP Putevi Srbije 9
Earthworks Serbian Road Construction Specifications

of the wall and the external side of the

The location where the top soil and rest of structural formwork,
the surplus or useless material are to be - Supported construction pits as the
deposited must be indicated in the design clear distance between the pit formwork
plan. Based on the proposal and its verified and the external side of the structural
quality, the supervisory engineer is to grant formwork. Additional excavation for
approval for its utilization. working space is not acceptable after the
cement concrete has been cast into the
The contractor must receive the supervisory structure up to the excavation wall.
engineer’s approval in advance for any
additional alterations (widening, deepening) In excavations for trenches, the maximum
to the borrow pit. The contractor is to bear all required clear width of working space (unless
the work expenses that are not indicated in otherwise specified in the design
the design documentation, including documentation) is the width of the external
reimbursement for use of the land, for crops diameter, or the maximum width of the
and fields, as well as any other damages installation cross-section + 60 cm added to
caused. the external diameter, or to the maximum
width of the pipe installation, but not less than
Unobstructed drainage of the atmospheric 80 cm of the overall excavation width for a
and spring waters is to be provided in the trench depth up to 2.00 m and not less than
course of opening and using the borrow pit. 100cm width at greater depths. The clear
width in unsupported trenches is the bottom Openings width and in supported trenches, it is the
formwork spacing.
The contractor may execute openings for
trenches and/or other procedures and work The bottom depth and width is specified by
methods on condition that the construction the design documentation and necessary
method does not damage the quality of working space. The ultimate bottom depth
completed works and that the contractor is must be specified in the design
not to claim any payment for additional documentation.
The excavation bottom for foundations is to Obstacles be horizontal, and graded at different depths.

The contractor is obliged to inform the The bottom for trenches and drainage is to
supervisory engineer of any obstacles in the be executed with the properly specified grade
course of excavations, including installations, and in the designed shape.
cables, canals, drains, structural elements,
major separate rocks, etc., and the engineer The foundation pit bottom area should not be
is to instruct the contractor to take loosened. It is to be protected from any
appropriate measures. damage caused by transportation, spreading,
washing out, and freezing. Any damage to
While taking safety measures for structures, the bottom of the coherent soil is to be
installations, canals, drains, cables, etc., the excavated and replaced prior to any concrete
contractor is obliged to comply with the works or building. Any damage to the bottom
regulations and instructions provided by the of the incoherent soil is to be treated by the
regulatory authorities for the aforementioned appropriate compaction.
elements. Loads should not be applied to or
walked over any elements that are to be The excavation bottom of the foundation,
supported or suspended by special structures construction pit and drainage channel is to be
in the course of the construction works. prepared in full accordance with the design
documentation. Based on the design Working space documentation, height deviations from the
finished level of ± 2 cm are allowed, unless
A Maximum width of 100 cm is allowed for otherwise specified in the design
the contractor’s working space between the documentation. The bottom flatness of a
structure and the construction pit wall. Proper length of 4 m may deviate from the
working space width is defined as: measuring bar by 3 cm maximum in one
- unsupported construction pits as the direction.
horizontal distance between the basis of
the excavated slope or the external side

10 PE Roads of Serbia
Serbian Road Construction Specifications Earthworks

If the contractor is responsible for excavating

too deeply, he is then obliged to perform any The width of the excavation bottom formation
necessary repairs determined by the static flatness, measured with a 4 meter bar, may
conditions and the supervisory engineer with deviate
no additional payment. - By up to 3 cm from the measuring
bar or measuring plane in earth materials,
In order to obtain a flawless foundation of - Up to 5 cm in rocks.
coherent soil, the final excavation layer (of an
appropriate thickness) should be set aside Excavations for drainage channels are to be
and protected from damage unless otherwise constructed in such a way to provide
specified in the design documentation. The undisturbed water runoff.
layer is only allowed to be removed Excavations for drainage channels with a
immediately prior to the following planned lining or hardening are should match
construction (concrete works, pipe laying, the design. Deviations to the detriment of the
etc.). lining thickness or canal hardening are not
The contractor may proceed with the
construction only after the excavation is In the course of excavation works, the
completed and taken over. contractor is bound to inform the supervisory
engineer of any problems that occur and Slopes for unsupported construction affect the quality of executed works specified
pits herein. If the contractor fails to do so, he is to
take all the responsibility and possible repair
The slope grades will depend on the expenses.
properties of materials and the period of time
during which the pit is to be open. In addition, The contractor is bound to perform any
all loads and vibrations that could be caused necessary internal controls of the works in
by working in or near the pit are to be taken accordance with these technical conditions.
into consideration.

For materials that could dry out, or are Measuring and taking over of
susceptible to water absorption, freezing or works
sliding, appropriate slight slopes are to be
executed and all the necessary efforts should Measuring of works
be made for water drainage, in order to avoid
any damages. Measuring of completed works is to be in
compliance with the sub-clause of the
The slope grade is to be selected by the general technical conditions and use the
contractor, unless otherwise specified in the following provisions:
design documentation. However, it is to be - All excavations (pits, wide cuts,
previously approved by the supervisory foundations, trenches and construction
engineer. The contractor is responsible for pits, drainage channels) are to be
the safety and maintenance of the slopes measured according to actually executed
during the course of the construction works. quantities in cubic metres in various
categories of materials according to the
At least a 100 cm wide clear protective area sub-clause
is to be maintained as a protection at the top - A survey of the cross-sections prior
edge of the slope for unsupported to and after the excavation is completed
construction pits. to determine the actual excavated
quantities. The appropriate cross-
sectional area, measured from the Construction quality
excavation top edge to the bottom
Excavation works are to be executed to a (considering the thickness of certain
high quality and in accordance with the layers and soil categories and cross-
regulations, design documentation and sectional spacing) is the actual accounting
provisions and requirements determined quantity, but only within the design
herein. documentation, and alterations approved
and instructed by the supervisory
All excavation finishes are to be in engineer.
accordance with the requirements In the course of measurement, special
determined in the design documentation. attention should be made to the following:

JP Putevi Srbije 11
Earthworks Serbian Road Construction Specifications

- The pit includes a layer up to 40 cm - all the works related to transportation

thick. and unloading at the specified location for
- in wide excavations, the lenses, usage or landfill, executed according to
pockets and caverns not exceeding 1 m2 the design documentation and/or
(in cross-section) should not be deducted, instructions provided by the supervisory
while anything larger is deducted from the engineer,
specific material category in the entire - all the works related to spreading the
area. surplus materials at a landfill,
- In excavations for foundations, - all the works related to removal of
trenches and construction pits, only the roots and stumps, along with excavation
actual excavation is calculated according of the soft soil of malleable to light-bodied
to the provisions stated in the sub-clause consistency, The reference level for - all the works related to the
determination of the excavation depths is arrangement of permanent and temporary
the average field level and excavation landfill for surplus or useless materials,
perimeter. - obtaining the appropriate areas for
- The reference level in excavations permanent and temporary landfills with
for drainage channels is indicated by the appropriate reimbursements,
average height levels of the field and - grading of all the excavated and
excavation in cross-sectional axis, damaged adjoining areas,
representing the medium value of both - site clearing after completion of the
height levels at the canal end points. works and the transport of surplus
All excavated materials used for any - removal of all the obstacles occurring
purposes other than for embankments, in the course of works, apart from the
backfills and the formation level are deducted ones of cultural and historical significance,
when calculating excavation quantities, - Maintenance of the executed works
unless the contractor has compensated for until the final takeover.
the material from the borrow pit (with no
additional payment). Apart from the aforementioned, the unit price
also includes: Taking over of works - in wide excavations:
- slope arrangement and removal of
The completed works are to be taken over in individual rocks from the slopes and
accordance with the provisions stated in the - excavation of steps, determined in the
sub-clause of the general technical design documentation or due to
conditions and according to the provisions subsequently determined purpose,
stated in these special technical conditions. - in excavations for all the foundations
and trenches:
- all the necessary strutting and Calculation of works
formwork in trenches for foundations or
Completed works are to be calculated in canals,
accordance with sub-clause of the - in excavations for construction pits:
general technical conditions. - necessary formwork remaining in the
construction pit,
Quantities determined in sub-clause - restoring the structure and field
are to be calculated according to the affected by the construction works to
determined unit price per 1 m 3 of the its original condition
excavated materials, separately by the - all the necessary strutting and
categories of materials, where the unit price formwork on the construction pit slopes
includes: - in excavations for canals:
- all the works related to excavation - arranging the lining formation in
and removal to the specified location for accordance with the provisions
usage or landfill, executed according to determined in the design
the design documentation and/or documentation; this provision is
instructions provided by the supervisory applied if the linings are carried out in
engineer, the existing canals.
- all the works related to excavation
and loading, executed according to the
design documentation and/or instructions
provided by the supervisory engineer,

12 PE Roads of Serbia
Serbian Road Construction Specifications Earthworks

2.2.3 FOUNDATION SOIL FORMATION upgrading or stabilising, then another

appropriate technical or technological
procedure should be performed. Description - Humus and organic mixture content
must not exceed the quantity that will
The arrangement of the foundation soil
affect the colour of the sodium hydroxide
formation includes:
solution to be darker than the reference
- foundation soil preparation for
colour in the course of testing according
embedding the embankments, backfills,
to EN 1744-1.
wedges and/or the formation level after
the completed surface excavation of fertile Coherent earth materials
soil or wide excavation in earth material or
rocks, including
Applicability of coherent earth materials in the
- rough grading and
foundation soil is to be determined by
- compaction of the foundation soil
preliminary testing of typical samples. The
surface layers,
following properties are to be tested:
- upgrading and/or stabilising with
- moisture content,,
binders and
- optimum moisture content and
- binder delivery and spreading,
maximum density with the standard
- wetting,
Proctor procedure,
- mixing and
- Maintenance of the foundation soil - consistency limits and
formation to the point of further - Humus and/or organic mixture rate.
Medium and high plastic clays (with liquid
limit of WL > 35 % and plasticity index of Ip > Basic materials 12 %) are allowed to be set in layers
underneath the foundation soil formation (up
The formation of natural, upgraded or to a maximum of 0.5 m below the formation
stabilised foundation soil may be arranged in level), if they meet the CBR volume weight
earth materials and rocks, which do not and do not swell.
contain the materials that with biochemical
processes could, change the mechanical and The crucial criterion for determining the
physical properties of the substance over assessment of the earth material quality for
time to the extent that they could damage the stabilising is the endurance of the stabilised
stability of the road body. earth material.
Earth materials and rocks in the foundation The type and number of tests are to be
soil are to provide foundation soil compaction determined by the supervisory engineer.
able to take the loads determined in the
design documentation. Incoherent materials
Dry hydrate and pozzolan or blast-furnace
In general, all types of incoherent materials
cement is to be used for upgrading and
are appropriate for the arrangement of
stabilising the foundation soil. In some cases
foundation soil formation.
of foundation soil upgrade, it is possible to
use mechanical stabilisation of the subgrade
If the required properties of the foundation
by embedding stone grains of an appropriate
soil formation cannot be provided due to the
content of material, they might be upgraded
by adding and mixing an appropriate stone Earth materials and rocks
grain aggregate.
For earth materials and rocks in the If the material contains too much humus
foundation soil, the classification to be used and/or organic admixtures, an appropriate
is based on sub-clause Earth test should be conducted at the request of
materials and rocks in the foundation soil are the supervisory engineer.
to meet the following requirements:
- Moisture content in the earth material Binders
is to provide the specified density in the
course of compaction. If the appropriate All types of binders that provide the required
moisture content in the compacting properties of upgraded or stabilised material
material cannot be provided either by may be used for upgrading or stabilising

JP Putevi Srbije 13
Earthworks Serbian Road Construction Specifications

coherent and/or incoherent materials Upgrading, hardening and stabilising the

underneath the foundation soil formation. coherent or incoherent earth materials in the
foundation soil with the use of binders is only
The application of binders is to be verified possible at temperatures above + 3°C and in
with the appropriate documents submitted by dry weather.
the contractor and they are to include:
- The binding capacity (compressive Compacting
strength) and
- The commencement and completion After grading and mixing, the natural
of the binding. foundation soil and upgraded, chemically
The contractor is also to indicate the stabilised coherent or incoherent materials in
percentage of the applied binder. the foundation soils are to be compacted for
the full width of the layer and full thickness of
at least 20 c with adequate rollers. Execution method All areas inaccessible to rollers are to be
compacted by compacting tools as required Rough grading by the design documentation or by
procedures approved by the supervisory
After the surface is executed or wide engineer. The supervisory engineer is also to
excavations are executed, the foundation soil determine the conditions under which the
formation is to be roughly graded in order to tools or procedures are to be implemented.
provide a high-level drainage for the
appropriate terrain conditions. The usage of compacting tools and
technological procedure are to be previously
The works are to be executed in accordance tested in compliance with sub-clause
with the design documentation and technical of the general technical conditions.
Prior to commencement of compaction, the Upgrading or stabilising the layer of natural, upgradedand stabilised
foundation soil materials with the foundation soil or mixture should contain a
use of binders sufficient amount of water appropriate for the
Upgrading or stabilising the earth materials
with the use of binders is necessary in order If necessary, the supervisory engineer may
to provide the appropriate moisture and/or determine additional procedures that are to
stability of the foundation soil. provide the appropriate moisture and
embedding of the material and/or mixture.
Binders for upgrading, hardening or
stabilising the coherent or incoherent If embedding of embankments, backfills or
materials are to be spread over previously wedges is not performed immediately after
roughly graded foundation soil formation in the compaction and quality check of the
the amount and way that ensures the foundation soil formation but after a
required uniformity of the added binder prolonged l period of time and under various
(dosing accuracy of ± 1 kg/m2) as well as the weather conditions, then the density of the
required mixture properties. layers underneath the foundation soil
The spread binder is to be mixed by the formation is to be rechecked prior to any
appropriate machines with earth material in, continuation of works. The works are to
generally, at least a 20 cm thick layer, in proceed only if the quality is adequate.
order to provide uniformity of the earth
material mixture with binder. Storing of binders

If necessary, an additional amount of water Binders for upgrading and stabilising the
can be added to provide a uniform and coherent and incoherent materials in the
optimum moisture content of the upgraded, foundation soil are generally to be stored in
hardened and/or stabilised material. silos or tanks.

Mixing is to provide a uniform mixture of

earth material and binder containing water in Construction quality
the entire planned layer thickness. Compaction

14 PE Roads of Serbia
Serbian Road Construction Specifications Earthworks

The contractor is to verify the compaction of compaction and capacity in accordance with
the materials underneath the foundation soil table
formation by testing within the internal
control, which is, in general, a short
procedure of a non-destructive measurement
with an isotope gauge.

The layer of natural, upgraded and stabilised

materials underneath the foundation soil
formation is to meet the require values of

Table Requirements for compaction and capacity of the foundation soil formation

Required compaction Required

capacity Ev2
Description of works acc. SPP acc. MPP
% MN/m2

Foundation soil formation more than 2 m

underneath the formation level made of
- coherent earth material 95 - -

- upgraded coherent earth material 95 - -

- hardened and stabilised coherent earth 95 - -
- incoherent earth material - 95 -

Foundation soil formation less than 2 m

underneath the formation level made of
- coherent earth material 98 - 15
- upgraded coherent earth material 98 - 20
- hardened and stabilised coherent earth 98 - 30
- incoherent earth material - 98 60

Foundation soil formation at the formation level

made of
- coherent earth material 100 - 20
- upgraded coherent earth material 100 - 25
- hardened and stabilised coherent earth 100 - 40
- incoherent earth material - 100 80

SPP – standard Proctor procedure

MPP – modified Proctor procedure
As per the mixed materials (coherent materials with more than 20% of stone grains) required
bearing capacity is to be determined by linear interpolation according to the percentage of stone
grains intervals of 20%

JP Putevi Srbije 15
The required compaction values indicated in formation, he should determine further
table are the lower values. The lower measures.
value must not be more than 3 % lower than
the required average value. Stabilised coherent and
incoherent materials
The compaction of the coherent and
incoherent materials underneath the The contractor is bound to verify the
foundation soil formation is to reach the lower properties of natural materials stabilised with
value at each measurement point. The binders by providing the test results within
contractor is bound to compact any the internal controls, including:
inappropriately compacted material in - The compressive strength tests
accordance with the requirements provided in conducted on a specimen preserved for 7
the technical conditions and with no days and prepared in accordance with the
additional payment. conditions based on the appropriate
Proctor procedure and providing the
If, based on the results of internal and/or following results:
independent tests, the supervisory engineer - a minimum of 0.4 MN/m² for coherent
subsequently determines that there are materials
inappropriate compaction spots in the - a minimum of 1.5 MN/m² for incoherent
foundation soil formation; he is to determine materials and
further measures himself. - A specimen tested for endurance that
was prepared under the described Bearing capacity conditions, that is determined by the ratio
of compressive strengths of the dry and
The contractor is bound to verify the bearing moistened (for 24 hours) specimen after 7
capacity of the foundation soil formation days and should be at least 0.70.
(unless compaction measurement is
executed) with the results of the capacity If necessary, the supervisory engineer may
internal tests by measuring the static and/or alter the specified conditions for the quality of
the dynamic deformation moduli (Ev2 i Edin). the stabilised natural materials of the layers
underneath the foundation soil formation.
The required average lower values of static
deformation moduli Ev2 in the foundation soil The required compressive strength values
formation are indicated in table are the lower values. The lower value may be
0.1 or 0.2 MN/m², lower than the required
Informative lower values of the dynamic one ², and the lowest value may be lower by
deformation moduli Evd are approximately 0.2 or 0.5 MN/m².
50 % of the required lower values of the
static deformation moduli Ev2. Evenness and height of the
foundation soil formation
The ratio of the static deformation moduli
Ev2 : Ev1 must not exceed 2.2. If the measured Evenness
value of modulus Ev1 exceeds 50 % of the
required value of modulus Ev2, the required The method of measuring the evenness is
ratio is not crucial for evaluation of the provided in the guidelines SRMG, sub-clause
bearing capacity of the constructed
foundation soil formation.
The foundation soil formation of a length of 4
The required bearing capacity values based m may deviate from the measuring bar or
on table are the lower values. measuring plane (in any direction in regard to
the road axis)
In general, the capacity of the foundation soil - In natural, upgraded and stabilised
formation made of binder-hardened or coherent materials
stabilised material can be tested only 7 days max. 30 mm
after the compaction process. - In incoherent materials
max. 30 mm
If, based on the results of internal and/or - In rocks max. 50 mm
external tests, the supervisory engineer
subsequently determines that areas of Height
inappropriate capacity in the foundation soil
The foundation soil formation may deviate
from the designed level at any place Prior to the commencement of works, a
- In natural, upgraded, hardened and technology procedure is to be determined for
stabilised coherent materials each typical type of material underneath the
max. ± 25 mm foundation soil formation, as well as for any
- In incoherent materials type of compacting tool and its depth effect.
max. ± 25 mm
- In rocks max. ± 40 mm Improving control

Any deviation is to be corrected by material Internal control

removing, i.e., by filling the material of the
next layer. Based on the prior testing, the supervisory
engineer is to determine the extent of internal
control in the foundation soil formation Quality control upgrading even if it has already been
determined by the programme of the average Prior testing control frequency.
Prior to upgrading the foundation soil, the
contractor is bound to check whether the
properties of the materials, determined by
prior geotechnical tests, comply with the
properties of material samples taken at the
beginning of works.

By conducting tests on the test area, the

contractor is bound to check the properties
determined in table In accordance
with the instructions provided by the
supervisory engineer.
Table Prior tests for the foundation soil preparation

Material properties Measurem Required Value Testing

ent Unit procedure

- Applicability of material :
- natural moisture m.-% sub-clause
- Proctor-based testing EN 13286-2
- optimum moisture m.-% -
- maximum density t/m -
- consistency limits: TS CEN ISO
- liquid limit wL % ≤ 35

- plasticity index Ip % ≤ 12
- humus and/or organic mixture rate - sub-clause EN 1744-1

- Binder applicability:
- binding capacity: m.-% sub-clause
- mixture compressive strength EN 12390-2
- coherent earth material MN/m ≥ 0,4
- incoherent earth material MN/m ≥ 1,5
- endurance - ≥ 0,7 -
- commencement and completion of h - EN 196-3

The minimum internal control frequency in The ratio of the extent of independent control
foundation soil formation upgrading , that is generally conducted by an institution is
including 1: 4 to internal control.
- The testing of materials and
- The testing during incorporation, The internal control sampling areas and
spots for measuring evenness, heights,
Is determined in tables and densities, moisture and bearing capacity are
to be determined by the supervisory engineer
If, based on the results of the internal control with a statistically random selection. The
tests, the supervisory engineer determines procedure is determined in the guidelines
that there are higher deviations than in the SRCS, sub-clause 1.4.1.
results of prior tests or properties, indicated
in the conformity certificates; he is entitled to
alter the extent of the internal control. In Measuring and taking over of
cases of homogenous test results, the works
supervisory engineer is entitled to reduce the
extent of internal controls. Measuring of works Independent control Completed works are to be measured in

accordance with sub-clause of the
general technical conditions.
The quantities of the works executed on the the type of works within the design
foundation soil formation are to be measured documentation.
in square metres.
The contractor is bound to submit the
All the quantities are to be measured appropriate certificates of the quantities of
according to the actually executed extent and the binders delivered to the site.

Table The minimum material test frequency within the internal control of the foundation soil
formation upgrading

Foundation soil properties Testing procedure Minimum testing


- natural moisture per 40 m1

- Proctor-based testing EN 13286-2 per 400 m1
- consistency limits TS CEN ISO 17892-12 per 400 m1
- humus and/or organic mixture rate EN 1744-1 per 400 m1

Table The minimum incorporation test frequency within the internal control of the
foundation soil upgrading

Foundation soil Testing procedure testing Evaluation base
properties frequency

- moisture content and 20 sub-

natural material density m1 clause
- quantity of spread 100 m1 sub-clause
- granulation: 100 m1
- moisture content and 40 m1 sub-clause
- compressive strength EN 12390-3 100 m1 sub-clause
- endurance 200 m sub-clause
- foundation soil 100 m
- compaction SRCS, sub-clause 20 m1 sub-clause
- bearing capacity (Evd) SRDM, sub-clause 20 m1 sub-clause
- evenness and height SRMG, sub-clause 20 m1 sub-clause Taking over of works Prior to proceeding with works, the contractor
is bound to remedy all the defects that have
The foundation soil formation is to be taken been found based on the quality
over by the supervisory engineer in requirements.
accordance with the quality requirements
within the technical conditions and in All the expenses for remedying defects are to
compliance with sub-clause of the be borne by the contractor, including those
general technical conditions. for measuring and testing to prove the
appropriate quality of the executed works,
thus resulting in additional work with There is to be no deductions in the
repeating the quality testing after remedy of calculation due to binding compaction and
the defects. bearing capacity.

The contractor is not entitled to claim any Stabilised materials

payment for any works not meeting the
requirements determined in the technical
conditions which he failed to remedy There is no deduction in the calculation due
according to the instructions provided by the to binding quality set under sub-clause
supervisory engineer. In such cases, the
client is entitled to extend the warranty period
for at least 5 years for any works depending Formation evenness
on those not remedied.
There is to be no deductions in the
calculation due to the binding formation Calculation of works evenness. General Formation height
Completed works are to be calculated in There is to be no deductions in the
accordance with t sub-clause of the calculation due to the binding planned
general technical conditions. formation evenness.
Quantities are determined according to sub-
clause and are to be calculated by 2.2.4 BLANKETS, FILTER COURSES
the contract unit price. AND WORKING FIELD LAYERS

The contract unit price is to include all the

services necessary for the ultimate Description
completion of works. The contractor is not
entitled to subsequently claim any additional Guidelines for pervious blankets, filter
payment. courses and working field layers include
delivery and the incorporation of incoherent
In the case of the replacement of soft soil in materials/mixture of stone grains, and
the subgrade, layer replacement is to be paid secondary raw materials for the working field.
as the embankment construction.
The guidelines also include specific
Additional formation correction height works conditions for geotextiles implementation in
are not to be paid. pervious blankets, filter courses and working
field layers. Deductions due to inappropriate Basic materials
Mixtures of incoherent natural, crushed or Materials either natural or crushed materials may be
used for pervious blankets, filter courses and
There is to be no deductions in the working field layers, provided that they meet
calculation of completed works due to the all the regulations and technical conditions.
binding quality of materials. Grain mixtures made of secondary raw
materials may be used for in the working Binders field.
There is to be no deductions in the Along with the incoherent material,
calculation due to binding quality of geotextiles may also be used for layers,
upgrading, hardening or stabilising the pervious blankets, and filter courses,
materials. providing that they meet the required
technical conditions determined in the Compaction and bearing guidelines SRDM, sub-clause 8.1.4.
capacity Incoherent materials
Incoherent materials for pervious blankets,
filter courses and working field layers may be The ratio of grain size non-uniformity U is to
obtained directly through excavation and/or be higher than 8 in mixtures for pervious
at the borrow pit (gravel pit, quarry) and/or by blankets and filter courses, if the mixture is
the indirect crushing of natural rocks or not incorporated with a middle layer made of
secondary raw materials. another material. If a geotextile is placed
between the pervious blanket or the filter
Stone grain mixtures for pervious blankets course and the layer of coherent earth
filter courses and working field layers are to material, and the stone grain mixture and it
be comprised of certain fractions so to meet comprises several basic fractions, then the
the specified requests, depending on the ratio of the stone grain mixture non-uniformity
purpose. U must be higher than 3. There is no lower
limit value of the non-uniformity U ratio in
Stone grain mixtures for pervious blankets, equally sized stone grain mixtures (basic
filter courses and working field layers are to fraction).
be appropriate in terms of
- grain mixture composition, The rate of the grain of up to 0.063 mm in the
- humus and/or organic mixture mixture for pervious blanket or filter courses,
content and in cases that such course is placed in a frost
- Stone grain endurance. prone a then the ratio is U  15, to comply
with (according to EN 13242)
Stone grain mixtures for pervious blankets - category f5 (up to 5 -%) at a landfill
and filter courses are to meet the USBR and
conditions, specified by the screening curve - category f8 (up to 8 -%) in
yield values. incorporated course.

If the ratio of non-uniformity is U  6, the rate

of the grain of up to 0.063 mm in mixture for
the incorporated pervious blanket or filter
Where: course is to comply with the category f15 (up
d15F,d50F – grain diameter at 15 -% and at to 15 -%).
50% of screened mixture for
pervious blankets and filter If the coarse stone grain mixture is used in
courses the working field (grain size 0/250 mm or
d15Z,d50Z – grain diameter at 15 -% and at more) the allowed rate of the grain of up to
50 % of screened coherent earth 0.063 mm complies with category f15 (up to
material that is to prevent access 15 -%).
to adjacent layers and filter
courses The permeability ratio of the stone grain
mixtures for pervious blankets and filter
The diameter of the largest grain in the courses (coated with geotextile) and working
mixtures for pervious blankets and filter fields is to be at least 10-5 m/s. The specimen
courses must not exceed 2/3 of the layer should be prepared according to the modified
thickness, and in mixtures for the working Proctor procedure.
field must not exceed 1/2 of the layer
thickness. Humus and/or organic mixture content in the
stone grain mixtures must not affect the
If any geotextile material is incorporated as colour of the sodium hydroxide solution to be
the middle layer between the pervious darker than the reference colour in the
blanket or filter course made of incoherent course of testing according to EN 1744-1.
material and the layer of coherent earth
material, then the composition of the Stone grain mixtures for pervious blankets
incoherent material mixture is determined by and filter courses must not contain
the ratio of grain size non-uniformity U = - clay, shell and graphite slates,
d60/d10 and permeability ratio. - clay and lightly malleable
sandstones nor
Denotation d60 refers to the stone grain - marl grains.
diameter (screen opening) at 60 -% of the
screen mixture, and d10 refers to the stone Mechanical and spatial endurance, as well as
grain diameter at 10 -% of the screen resistance to water and frost are to be
mixture. determined by a macroscopic mineralogical –
petrographic analysis (according to EN 932- The required minimum for pervious
3) or additional tests (according to EN 1367- geotextiles is equals to that specified in table

If the grain mixtures based on secondary raw The minimum required property values
materials are used in the working field, then indicated in tables and are to
their chemical inertness and resistance to be provided with the appropriate verifications
extraction are to be verified. that are to be submitted by the contractor to
the supervisory engineer prior to the
Prior to using any material, the contractor is commencement of works.
bound to inform the supervisory engineer the The mechanical and hydraulic properties of
location that the stone material is to be the pervious geotextiles are to be determined
obtained from and used for layers for by the calculation within the design
drainage, sliding and surface filtering. He is documentation indicated in table
also to submit the appropriate quality When compressible geotextiles are used for
certificates and acquire approval for using the pervious blankets, the external load effect on
material. the reduction in their thickness and eventual
reduction in permeability are to be calculated. Geotextiles for separating layers,
pervious blankets and filter If a geo-membrane, rough foil or geo-mesh is
courses planned to be included in the in separating
layer, pervious blanket or filter course, the
Geotextiles for separating layers, pervious required properties are to be specified in
blankets and filter courses are generally detail in the design documentation.
bound to comply with the properties specified
in the design documentation and meet the Additional conditions for works involving
requirements specified in guidelines for their geotextiles are specified in detail in the
usage SRDM, sub-clause 8.1.4. guidelines for design and usage of
geotextiles for separating layers, pervious
The required minimum of geotextile blankets and filter courses in road
properties for separating layers, pervious construction (SRDM, sub-clause 8.1.4).
blankets and filter courses is to comply with
the conditions determined in the geotechnical If the contractor, in the correct timeframe,
analysis and guidelines for the design and provides the supervisory engineer with the
usage of geotextiles for separating layers, appropriate verifications regarding the quality
pervious blankets and filter courses in road of the materials used for the separating
construction (SRDM, tč. 8.1.4). layers, pervious blankets and filter courses,
additional prior tests are generally not
The selected geotextile for separating layers, necessary. Nevertheless, under special
pervious blankets and filter courses is to be circumstances, the supervisory engineer is
determined with the general description of entitled to require such documents even after
- material type and compatibility verification has been submitted.
- dimensions.
The contractor is bound to provide all the
In general, geotextile properties specified in verification documents regarding the
tables and are to be defined compatibility of materials that are to be used,
and verified by carrying out geotechnical unless they are already provided in the
analysis. design documentation or appendix.

The contractor is not entitled to claim any

extra payment for additional tests.

Table Minimum requirements for separating general geotextiles, with no selection
according to the procedures provided in the guidelines, appendices or by geotechnical design

Measurem Minimum
Geotextile properties ent Unit Testing procedure

- Mechanical properties:
- cross-longitudinal tensile kN/m > 14 EN ISO 10319
- rupture stretching % > 30 EN ISO 10319
- resistance to dynamic break mm < 30 EN 918
- resistance to break (CBR) N > 2000 EN ISO 12236

- Hydraulic properties:
- typical pore size mm 0.05 ≤ O90 < 0.5 EN ISO 12956
- velocity index m/s 3 x 10 EN ISO 11058
- permeability index at 20 kPa m/s > 10 kcoh. mat. E-DIN 60 500-4

Table Minimum requirements for general filter geotextiles, with no selection according to
the procedures provided in the guidelines, appendices or by geotechnical design

Geotextile properties Measurem Minimum Testing procedure

ent Unit requirements1)

- Mechanical properties:
- cross-longitudinal tensile kN/m > 14 EN ISO 10319

- rupture stretching % > 302) EN ISO 10319

- resistance to dynamic break mm < 35 EN 918
- resistance to break (CBR) N > 1500 EN ISO 12236

- Hydraulic properties:
- typical pore size mm 0.05 ≤ O90 < 0.2 EN ISO 12956
- velocity index m/s 3 x 10 EN ISO 11058
- permeability index at 20 kPa m/s > 10 kcoh. mat. E-DIN 60 500-4
Recommended selection of the filter geotextile according to the guidelines
For wall drainages ≥ 10 %, for embedded vertical drainages ≥ 20 %

Table Mechanical and hydraulic properties of pervious geotextile to be defined by

calculation in the design documentation

Geotextile properties Measurement Unit Testing procedure

- Mechanical properties:
- cross-longitudinal tensile strength kN/m EN ISO 10319

- rupture stretching % EN ISO 10319

- resistance to dynamic breakage mm EN 918

- resistance to breakage (CBR) N EN ISO 12236

- Hydraulic properties:
- typical pore size mm EN ISO 12956
- velocity index m/s EN ISO 11058
- permeability index at 20 kPa m/s E-DIN 60 500-4
- transmissivity m /s EN ISO 125958 Execution method pervious blankets, filter courses and working
field. Preparation of base formation
Vehicles with muddy wheels or chassis must
The base formation designed to accept the not move over the spread or compacted
incorporation of the pervious blanket and/or material.
filter course and working fields made of stone
material is to be, prior to the commencement For coherent earth material formation of an
of incorporation, in accordance with the extremely low bearing capacity (e.g. swamps,
requirements specified herein and in the moors) where special technological
design documentation. conditions for working field construction are
envisaged in the design documentation, the
following provisions are generally applied,
unless otherwise specified in any additional
The base formation which is to accept the technological conditions:
incorporation of geotextile as the separating - stone grain mixtures (under sub-
layer, pervious blanket and/or filter course is clause are to be spread over
to be previously prepared in accordance with previously laid geotextiles in accordance
the requirements specified in the technical with the design documentation and
conditions. technical conditions stated herein,
- Sections where vertical drainages Transport of stone materials for are envisaged, the stone grain mixture for
works related to pervious the working field is to be placed prior to
blankets and filter courses and the installation of vertical drainages, and
working field the required mixture for pervious blanket
and/or filter course is to be placed after
The transport of stone materials for works the installation.
related to pervious blankets and filter courses
and working field to the adequately prepared Spreading and profiling of the
base formation (according to the stone grain mixture for pervious
requirements specified in sub-clause blankets, filter courses and may be commenced only after the working field
formation is taken over and approved by the
supervisory engineer. After spreading, using the adequate
machines, each layer is to be levelled in
The transport of the stone grain mixture for profile and graded, as required within the
the working field is only possible over a design documentation.
previously spread layer of a stone grain
mixture. Under no circumstances is transport For coherent earth material formation of an
of the grain mixture allowed to be carried out extremely low bearing capacity where special
over previously arranged and taken over technological conditions for the working field
foundation soil formation. construction are envisaged according to the
design documentation, the stone grain
Well-equipped spreading vehicles and/or mixtures are generally spread with a light
machines providing the required distribution bulldozer or a grader.
of materials in uniform layers are to be used
for transport. The layer thickness of the Compaction of stone materials
spread materials is to comply with the for pervious blankets, filter
thickness specified in the design courses and working field
After spreading is completed, the full width of
In cases of multiple-layer incorporation, each the course is to be compacted using rollers
separate layer must be appropriately shaped with smooth or pneumatic wheels.
and compacted prior to providing materials
for the following layer. In general, rolling is to be performed from the
external course edges towards the middle
In the course of transport, lead openings of and/or from the lower edge to the upper one.
certain vehicles are to be distributed as The number of necessary roller passing
equally as possible over the entire width of actions is to be determined by testing the
the spread layer to uniformly compact the compaction during the course of work. If
course compaction is not possible to be
carried out according to the design
documentation, then additional compaction is Laid geotextiles are generally to be covered
to be performed in accordance with the with the filling material the same day, which
instructions provided by the supervisory is why it is to be laid in accordance with the
engineer. work progress.
Each area inaccessible to rollers is to be Geotextile windings are to be protected and
compacted with other compacting tools. The stored according to the recommendations
usage and conditions under which such tools made by supplier or manufacturer.
are to be used is determined and approved
by the supervisory engineer. Movement of vehicles over the laid geotextile
is not permitted. Vehicle transport is only
The application of the compacting tools and allowed for stone material layers for the
the technological procedure are to be working field of an adequate thickness (40
previously tested in accordance with sub- cm minimum), frontally spread over
clause geotextiles.
If not otherwise specified by the technological
conditions, for coherent materials of an Construction quality
extremely low bearing capacity where special
technological conditions are envisaged in the Compaction of working field
design documentation for pervious blankets
and/or filter courses and working field, only Compaction of the stone grain mixture in the
light rollers weighing up to 10 KN are allowed working field is generally to be determined by
to be used for the compaction of the stone a swift and non-destructive procedure of
grain mixture (for surface shaping and density (and moisture) measuring, using an
preventing infiltration of fine particles filling isotope gauge SRCS (sub-clause 1.2.4).
from the subsequent layers).
The compaction rate of the stone grain Storing of stone materials and mixture incorporated in the working field is to
geotextiles be – related to the maximum density of the
mixture according to the modified Proctor
If the contractor has to store the incoherent procedure – on average
materials and geotextiles for the separating - 95 %, if the working field is
layers, pervious blankets and/or filter courses incorporated up to 2.0 m depth
and working file layers, then an area should underneath the formation level, or
be previously prepared and cleaned so as to - 92 %, if the working field is
prevent material contamination. The storing incorporated deeper.
area for geotextiles for separating layers,
pervious blankets and/or filter courses is to
comply with regulations specified by the Formation capacity
The bearing capacity of the formation for Execution method for separating pervious blanket and/or filter course is to be
layers, pervious blankets and specified in the design documentation. The
filter courses using geotextile requirements for such actions are to be
specified in detail.
Geotextiles are only permitted to be
incorporated in surfaces prepared in The bearing capacity of the formation for the
accordance with the technical conditions working field is generally to be determined by
stated herein and in the following manner: measuring the static and dynamic
- by forming approximately 10 cm wide deformation moduli specified in the
overlaps, guidelines SRDM, sub-clause 8.2.3.
- by thermal welding of 10 to 15 cm
wide overlaps, The static deformation modulus Ev2 on the
working field formation should be a minimum
- By 50 cm wide loose overlaps.
of 50 MN/m2, and the Ev2 : Ev1 ratio must not
exceed 3.0.
Laying geotextiles in separate strips with
loose overlaps (50 cm each) is only permitted
The dynamic deformation modulus Evd on the
when the weather conditions prevent them
working field formation is to be a minimum of
from being formed or welded.
25 MN/m2. Formation evenness - The geotextile properties.

The formation pervious blanket and/or filter Based on the aforementioned test results, the
courses of a length of 4 m may deviate (in supervisory engineer may approve the
one direction in regards to the road axis) from incorporation procedure or require an
the measuring bar or measuring plane by a alternate to the planned procedure or
maximum of 30 mm and from the working material and preparation, taking into
field formation by a maximum of 50 mm. consideration the incorporated/existing
The specified evenness should be created. If the contractor, within the timelines, fails to
The contractor is not entitled to claim any provide the supervisory engineer with the
additional payment for any necessary applied verifications regarding the
remedies of the completed works (for compatibility of the stone grain mixtures
fulfilment of the aforementioned condition). and/or the geotextiles planned for
incorporation in the pervious blanket, filter Formation height course, separating and working field layers,
The formation for the pervious blanket and/or then, under special conditions and if
filter course may deviate at one point from approved by the supervisory engineer, tests
the designed level by ± 30 mm maximum and may be conducted at the beginning of the
from the working field formation by ± 50 mm incorporation works in accordance with the
maximum. technical conditions. The number of tests
should be determined by the supervisory
The specified height of the formation for engineer, depending on the materials.
pervious blanket and/or filter course and the
working field layer should be created. The Incorporation verification
contractor is not entitled to claim any
additional payment for any necessary Internal control
remedies of the completed works for The contractor should conduct internal
fulfilment of the aforementioned condition. controls to inspect the property compatibility
of the stone grain mixtures in the pervious Quality control blankets, filter courses and working fields
along with the incorporated course, as
Prior to the initial incorporation of the stone required within the design documentation and
grain mixture and the geotextiles for pervious technical conditions.
blankets, filter courses, separating and
working field layers in the construction site, The frequency and type of tests to be
the institution (independent control) is bound conducted by the internal control are
to verify the certificates proving that all determined in the approved programme of
requirements have been met. When the average frequency and control. If these
necessary, the institution may also conduct are not stated, they are to be determined by
identification tests, if specified by the the supervisory engineer.
supervisory engineer. Sampling areas and measuring spots are to Prior testing be determined by the supervisory engineer
using a statistically random selection (sub-
At the beginning of the incorporation of the clause 1.4.1).
pervious blanket, filter course, separating and
working field layers, the following is to be In the course of the incorporation of the stone
checked: grain mixtures in the pervious blanket or filter
course and working field, the laboratory is to
- The grain size of materials
take samples and check the property
preventing access to subsequent or
compatibility with the frequency specified in
adjacent layers,
- grain size of materials planned for
the pervious blanket, filter course and
working field layer, and

Table Minimum frequency of stone grain mixture testing within the internal control for
pervious blanket, filter course and working field layer

Stone grain Testing Minimum testing frequency

mixture properties procedure for pervious blanket for working field
and filter course
- mixture composition EN 933-1 per 200 m3 per 2000 m3
- share of fine particles EN 933-1 per 200 m3 -
- density acc. modified Proctor
procedure EN 13286-2 per 400 m3 per 8000 m3
- humus and/or organic mixture
rate EN 1744-1 per 400 m3 -

Table Minimum testing frequency within the internal control for incorporated pervious
blanket, filter course and working field layer

Properties of Testing Minimum testing frequency

the incorporated course procedure for pervious for working field
blanket and filter

- moisture content and SRCS, sub- per 20 m1 per 40 m1

density of stone grain mixture clause 1.2.4
- course capacity – SRDM, sub- per 40 m1 per 40 m1
dynamic deformation modulus clause 8.3.3
- course capacity – static SRDM, sub- per 100 m1 per 200 m1
deformation modulus Ev2 clause 8.3.3

- course formation SRMG, sub- per 20 m1 per 40 m1

evenness and height clause

The minimum number of tests within the testing the requirements provided in the
internal control for stone grain mixtures in design documentation and technical
incorporated pervious blanket, filter course conditions.
and working field layer is specified in table course capacity – dynamic The minimum testing frequency of the
deformation modulus Evd independent control for incorporation of the
stone grain mixture in the pervious blanket, Independent control filter course and working field layer is
specified in table
An Independent control should to supervise
the internal control and determine the The minimum number of tests within the
compatibility of the produced and independent control of the incorporated
incorporated mixtures of the stone grain and pervious blankets, filter courses and working
geotextile in the pervious blanket, filter field layers is specified in the table
course, separating and working field layers,

Table Minimum testing frequency within the independent control of incorporation of layers
for drainage, filtering and working field layer

Properties of Testing Minimum testing frequency

the incorporated materials procedure for pervious for working field
blanket and filter

- stone grain mixture composition EN 933-1 per 1000 m3 per 8000 m3

- share of fine particles EN 933-1 per 1000 m3 -
- density acc. modified Proctor EN 13286-2 per 400 m per 16000 m3
- humus and/or organic mixture EN 1744-1 per 4000 m3 -

Table Minimum testing frequency within the independent control of incorporated pervious
blankets, filter courses and working field layers

Properties of Testing Minimum testing frequency

for pervious blanket for working field
the incorporated course procedure and filter course

- moisture content and SRCS, sub- per 100 m1 per 200 m1

density of stone grain mixture clause 1.2.4
- course capacity – SRDM, sub- per 200 m1 per 200 m1
dynamic deformation modulus clause 8.3.3
- course capacity – static SRDM, sub- per 400 m1 per 800 m1
deformation modulus Ev2 clause 8.3.3 Measuring and taking over verifications regarding the geotextile

quantities delivered to the site. Measuring of works Taking over of works
The completed works are to be measured in
accordance with the sub-clause of the The completed works are to be taken over in
general technical conditions and the following accordance with sub-clause of the
provisions: general technical conditions and according to
- The quantities of the stone grain the provisions of the special technical
mixtures incorporated in the pervious conditions stated herein.
blankets, filter courses and working field
layers in cubic metres in a compacted The supervisory engineer is bound to take
condition and in accordance with the over the incorporated pervious blanket, filter
actual quantity of the completed works course, separating and working field layers.
within the design documentation. The The contractor is bound to submit in due time
value specified in the design all the information and reports relating to the
documentation is to be considered as the internal control of the compatibility and final
limiting (top) thickness of the incorporated evaluation of the compatibility, issued by an
course institution or an independent control.
- The quantity of incorporated
geotextiles in square metres in The supervisory engineer is to take over the
accordance with the actual quantity of pervious blanket, filter course, separating and
completed works; the specified overlaps working field layers in accordance with the
are not to be measured separately. requirements specified in the technical
conditions stated herein and according to any
The contractor is bound to provide the special and additional requests which are
supervisory engineer with the appropriate
subject to contract documentation for the Deductions due to inappropriate
execution of works. quality

In case of any defects found in the taking Stone material

over of the works, or the minimum quality
requirements not being met, the contractor is The quality of the stone material for pervious
bound to remedy the defects prior to the blankets, filter courses and working field
continuation of works. He is to remedy the layers, determined in sub-clause, is
defects at his own expense; including the to be provided.
costs of additional measuring and testing that
are to be performed after the defects are There are to be no deductions in the
remedied. calculation due to the required appropriate
quality of the stone material.
The contractor is not entitled to claim any
payment for any work not remedied Geotextiles
according to the supervisory engineer’s
instructions or not meeting the quality The minimum requirements for geotextiles for
requirements specified in the technical the separating layers, pervious blankets and
conditions stated herein or in the design filter courses, determined in sub-clause
documentation and contract and in the design documentation,
are to be provided and, thus, there are to be
In this case, the client is entitled to extend the no deductions in the calculation.
warranty by 5 years for all the works
depending on the incomplete works. Compaction of stone material

The minimum requirements for compaction of Calculation of works the stone material incorporated in the
working field, determined in sub-clause General, are to be provided.
The works are to be calculated in accordance There are to be no deductions in the
with sub-clause of the general calculation due to the required appropriate
technical conditions and the following quality of compaction of stone material.
- Quantities determined in the sub- Bearing capacity
clause are to be calculated
according to the contract unit price which The bearing capacity of the working field
is to include all the works related to the formation, determined in sub-clause
delivery, transport, incorporation and all, is to be provided and, thus, there
the other works envisaged by the design are to be no deductions in the calculation.
documentation and technical conditions
and are compulsory for the completion of Formation evenness
the works. The contractor is, thus, not
entitled to claim any additional payment. There are to be no deductions in the
- Stone grain mixtures for the pervious calculation due to the required appropriate
blankets filter courses and working field evenness of the formation of pervious
layers are to be calculated in cubic metres blankets, filter courses and working field
of the incorporated materials. layers (under sub-clause
- Geotextiles for the pervious blankets,
filter courses, separating and working field Formation height
layers are to be calculated in square
metres of the incorporated materials. There are to be no deductions in the
calculation due to the required appropriate
If the contractor incorporates material not height of the formation of pervious blankets,
meeting the minimum requirements into the filter courses and working field layers (under
pervious blanket, filter course, separating or sub-clause
working field layers, or does not provide the
required capacity of the working field
formation, the calculation procedure is then
to be determined by the supervisory
2.2.5 EMBANKMENTS, FILLINGS AND For embankments, fillings and formation
FORMATION LEVEL level, it is possible to use the appropriate
coherent or incoherent materials according to
the design documentation, including soft and Description hard rocks, fly ash from thermal and heating
power plants, as well as the appropriate
The guideline for the embankments, fillings secondary raw materials (slag, recycled
and formation level includes: construction materials).
- The mechanical spreading of
materials for embankments, Neither humus, soft soil nor any other
- The mechanical and/or the manual material subject to changes in mechanical
spreading of materials in foundation and physical properties due to biochemical
backfills, trenches, construction pits, process over time is permitted to be
reclamation and regulation canals and incorporated in embankments, fillings and
drainage channels, formation level.
- The mechanical and/or the manual
spreading of materials in wedges for Materials for embankments, fillings and the
structures or at the transition areas from formation level may be obtained by
cuts to fills, excavations in alignment and/or borrow pits.
- The mechanical and/or the manual
spreading of materials for the formation Materials used for the construction of
level in accordance with the requirements embankments, fillings and formation level are
specified in the design documentation specified in sub-clause of the
and/or by the supervisory engineer and technical conditions stated herein.
according to the technical conditions
stated herein, Materials for embankments, fillings and
- The moistening, mixing, rough formation level are to meet the following
grading and compaction of materials in requirements:
embankments, fillings and wedges in - moisture content at a specified
doses and qualities specified in the design density in the course of compaction,
documentation and technical conditions - Humus and/or organic mixture
stated herein, content in materials must not affect the
- The mechanical spreading of colour of the sodium hydroxide solution to
materials for prior load and overload at be darker than the reference colour in the
areas envisaged by the design course of testing according to EN 1744-1.
documentation and in accordance with the Organic substances may also be
technical conditions stated herein, determined with hydrogen peroxide or
- The formation level construction in sulphuric acid.
dimensions and quality specified in the
design documentation and technical The contractor is to acquire the supervisory
conditions, engineer’s professional opinion on the
- The arrangement of formation for the applicability of materials from each typical
top layers of the embankment, filling and large excavation or area providing local
formation level, as specified in the design materials or secondary raw materials for
documentation and according to the embankments, fillings and formation level.
technical conditions stated herein.
- preparation of geo-networks to
upgrade bearing capacity of the
foundation soil, embankment and Coherent earth materials
foundation layers
- preparation of geotextile for the The applicability of the coherent earth
preparation of drainage pad. materials is to be determined by preliminary
testing of typical samples taken from the
excavation and/or borrow pit. The following
properties are to be tested: Basic materials - moisture content,
- optimum moisture content and Coherent and incoherent
maximum density obtained with the
standard Proctor procedure,
- consistency limits and General
- Humus and/or organic mixture rate.
Medium and high plastic clays (with a liquid The largest grain in the incoherent materials
limit of WL > 35 % plasticity index of Ip > 12 for the formation level must not exceed 1/2 of
%) are not permitted to be placed in the the incorporated layer thickness and,
finishing layers unless they are to be generally, must not be larger than 125 mm.
upgraded or stabilised with a binder. The
crucial criterion for determining the Any deviation from the abovementioned
assessment of the coherent earth material conditions may only occur if the required
quality for hardening or stabilising with a properties of the incorporated layer of
binder is the endurance of the mixture. incoherent material are verified by the
incorporation in the testing section.
Materials not meeting required quality
criteria, dust and sand of equal grain size Prior tests for incoherent materials containing
may be used provided that the techniques for grains with a diameter above 30 mm are to
execution of works were approved by determine:
supervising body. Embankments, fillings, but - the density of the incorporated layer
not wedges, are to be secured against made of the appropriately thick material
penetration of huge quantities of water. (replacement method under sub-clause which may be used as a base for
The type and number of coherent earth further compaction measurements of the
material testings are to be determined in the top layer material, and
programme of the average frequency and - the optimum moisture of material.
control. Otherwise, they are to be determined
by the supervisory engineer. If the incoherent material is incorporated in
embankments, fillings and formation level up Incoherent materials to the critical frost depth hmin, determined by
the pavement dimensioning procedure (in
The applicability of incoherent materials for reference book SRDM, sub-clause 8.2.4), in
embankments, fillings and formation level is unfavourable hydrological conditions (high
to be determined by preliminary testing of water table, possibility of capillary water
typical samples taken from the excavation elevation), it may contain:
and/or borrow pit. The following properties - when U ≥ 15: - in the landfill up to 5 -%
are to be tested: of grain size up to 0.063
- grain size mm (category f5),
- optimum moisture content and - incorporated, up to 8 -%
maximum density obtained with the of grain size up to 0.063
modified Proctor procedure, and mm (category f8),
- Humus and/or organic mixture rate. - when U ≤ 6: - up to 15 -% of grain size
up to 0.063 mm
The ratio of non-uniformity of incoherent (category f15),
materials U = d60/d10 for embankments,
fillings and formation level is to be at least 6, The intermediate values between the
with recommended values of 8 ≤ U ≤ 50. abovementioned limiting values are to be
determined by linear interpolation.
The largest grain in the incoherent materials
for embankments, fillings and formation level Within an area of frost penetration hm (below
must not be larger than 2/3 of the layer the critical frost depth hmin), the mixture of the
thickness (layer thickness corresponds to 1.5 volume constant grains must contain
of the diameter of the largest grain) but must ≤ 15 -% of grain size up to 0.02 mm
not exceed 300 mm (in 10-% of the total (according to the USCS classification).
material mass grain diameter that can range
from 300 to 400 mm), unless otherwise If the incoherent material for embankments,
specified in the design documentation. fillings and formation level is prone to decay,
it is to be appropriately protected from the
Filling material for canal trenches is to be weather conditions immediately after
sand of a thickness of 10 cm in the subsoil incorporation.
and 20 cm above the pipe, unless otherwise
designed under design documentation. Filling Pre-consolidated clays, marls and other
of the other part of the sewage trench may be materials subject to disintegration due to
executed with either type of quality material weather conditions are to be crushed and
after checking the lines.
incorporated in a way to avoid any remaining frequency and control. Otherwise, they are to
unfavourable effects. be determined by the supervisory engineer. Geotextile Prior to using, the binders for upgrading

and/or stabilising the material should be
Woven textile is to be applied for creation of properly stored (in silos and/or tanks).
drainage pad or subgrade reinforcement
layer. Characteristics of geotextile are to be Secondary raw materials
defined under the design.
If secondary raw materials are used for Binders for upgrading and embankments, fillings and/or formation level,
stabilising then their chemical inertness and resistance
to extraction are to be verified.
Hydraulic binders such as dry hydrate,
pozzolan or blast-furnace cement may be Prior testing of materials
used for upgrading or stabilising natural
materials in embankments, fillings and Prior to incorporation into embankments,
formation level. Fly ash may also be used. fillings and formation levels, all the required
Depending on its composition and if properties of the coherent and incoherent
necessary, an adequate quantity of lime for materials, binders and mixtures are to be
bind enhancing (electrostatic filter-based tested, if so determined by the supervisory
mortar) may be added. engineer.

Fly ash with fine pozzolan properties and In general, a single typical sample of the
volume constancy is appropriate for material is sufficient for the prior tests for the
incorporating in embankments, fillings and required properties of the materials. In
formation level. The old crushed fly ash special circumstances, the supervisory
appropriate for binding can also be used. engineer is entitled to determine any
additional number of samples.
When certain conditions require lightest
lightweight of embankments, fillings and At the request of the supervisory engineer,
formation level, fly ash with the lowest the contractor is bound to provide and
volume weight is appropriate to use. conduct all the prior tests of applicability of
the coherent and incoherent materials,
The typical properties of fly ash are optimum binders, secondary raw materials and
moisture content and maximum density, mixtures, unless the test results are already
determined by the preliminary test according included in the design documentation or
to the standard Proctor procedure. The type additional information. The contractor is not
and number of tests are to be determined in entitled to claim any additional payment for
the testing programme. Otherwise, they are such tests.
to be determined by the supervisory
engineer. Earth material depositing

All the binders providing properties defined in The surface is to be properly prepared for
sub-clause may be used for temporary depositing. The typical properties
upgrading and/or stabilising the natural of the temporary deposited materials are to
materials in embankments, fillings and be retained.
formation level.
A permanent landfill is to be prepared and
Therefore, the applicability of any binders is arranged in accordance with the design
to be verified with the appropriate documentation, providing stability, drainage
certifications and preliminary tests regarding: and adaptation to the environment.
- binder type,
- binding capacity (compressive
strength) and Execution method
- commencement and completion of Preparation of the subsoil
The incorporation of embankments, fillings
The type and number of binding tests are to
and formation level may commence when the
be determined by the programme of average
subsoil (foundation soil) formation is
arranged in accordance with the
requirements specified in the design In the cross direction, each material course is
documentation and technical conditions to be spread in a single-sided or double-
stated herein under sub-clause 2.2.3 and/or sided (roof) cross grade, which is to be at
separating layer, pervious blanket or filter least 3 % for coherent material. For
course is incorporated according to sub- incoherent material, fly ash, secondary raw
clause 2.2.4 and after the completed work is materials and stabilised coherent materials
taken over from the supervisory engineer. the cross grade of a course is to be similar to
the designed grade of the road surface. Transport of materials and
binders If, due to provided and field conditions, the
arranged foundation soil formation does not
The transport of materials to the properly have the appropriate cross grade for
prepared subsoil (under sub-clause drainage (3 %), then the minimum cross
may commence only after it is approved by grade is to be provided with the first
the supervisory engineer. If there is a incorporated course of the embankment or
possibility of unfavourable weather conditions filling.
or the completed works protection is in Each material course is to be immediately
danger the supervisory engineer spread to the full width providing the required
quality to the embankment edge (slope) after
Materials for the embankments, fillings and the rough grading and course compaction.
formation level are generally not permitted to
be distributed over the subsoil, but only over The thickness of each course of spread and
the spread material course. With the graded material is to be in accordance with
utilisation of machines, the prepared material the depth effects of the planned compacting
is to be frontally or laterally moved to the tools and properties of the used materials,
incorporation spot. which are to be tested by incorporation in the
test section, whereby the maximum thickens
The lead openings of the vehicles distributing of the course of coherent material cannot
the materials are to be distributed as equally exceed 25 cm, and of incoherent material
as possible over the entire width of the 40cm.
spread layer formation.
The material must not be spread nor
Appropriate vehicles are to be used for the incorporated on frozen surfaces, and frozen
distribution of the binders for upgrading materials must not be incorporated in
and/or stabilising the coherent and/or embankments, fillings and formation levels.
incoherent materials. Upgrading and/or stabilising the
Vehicles with muddy wheels or chassis must materials
not move over the spread or compacted
stone grain mixture for the formation level. Material upgrading (coherent earth material
above all) with binders is necessary in order
When making drainage pad over the to provide the appropriate quality for
prepared subsoil, geotextile with halving is to inappropriate materials for embankments,
be installed or sewed, and then filled with fillings and formation level.
sand and gravel material. The thickness of
the course is to be defined under design Stabilising the materials with binders to
documents, but should not be less than 50 provide preservation to enhanced the
cm. When the filling is completed, edges of properties of natural materials under
the geotextile are to be bent inwards, and unfavourable weather conditions.
then the next layer is to be filled. Slopes are
to be protected with humus with no delay. Binders for upgrading and/or stabilising the
materials are to be spread over the Spreading and grading previously properly prepared formation of the
spread and profiled materials in the amount
Each material course for embankments, (according to the requirements specified in
fillings and formation level should be spread the design documentation and/or additional
and graded in a longitudinal direction along information) and the manner that will provide
the slope, equal to the designed longitudinal the required uniformity of the added binder
road grade. (dosing accuracy ± 1 kg/m2) and obtained
properties of the material.
The spread binder is to be mixed with slopes are to be humified. Grass is to be
material utilising machines in the course planted on this humus.
which generally at least 15 cm thick is
providing a uniformity of the mixture of The contractor is obliged to make design
material and binder. documentation for embankment with all
access roads and dragging design, and to
To provide the uniform and optimum moisture submit them to the supervising engineer for
content of the stabilised material, water is approval.
added where necessary. Mixing is used to
provide uniformity to the mixture and of the Compacting
material containing water for the entire
designed course thickness. After spreading and grading, the incoherent
materials and coherent earth materials
Upgrading and/or stabilising the materials stabilised with binders are to be compacted
with binders are only possible at to layers of an appropriate thickness (for the
temperatures above + 3 ˚C and in dry full width of the layer) with appropriate rollers,
weather. and natural and/or upgraded coherent earth
materials are to be compacted with
As the angle of internal friction increases with sheepsfoot rollers.
the stabilising of the natural materials, an
appropriate increase in the slope grade is In general, compaction is to be performed
also possible. from the external edge towards the middle of
the compacted surface and from the lower Incorporation of fly ash edge towards a higher one. To provide the
appropriate compaction and bearing capacity
Fly ash is generally be incorporated in the over the entire designed width of the course,
road body in an appropriate manner and with each edge should be widened by the
optimum moisture. The optimum moisture of designed course thickness + 10 cm.
the fly ash is to be provided (by
homogenization) at the location of obtaining The height of a single spread material course
or incorporating. The moisture content of the should be in accordance with the depth effect
fly ash to be transported by vehicle may be of the used compacting tools, the type of the
lower (approximately 15 -%), and the embankment material and the required
remaining amount of water that is necessary compaction of the material incorporated in
can be added be added at the location of the embankment.
All areas inaccessible to rollers are to be
The contractor may transport dry fly ash in compacted by other compacting tools as
tanks and homogenize it with water at the required by the design documentation or by
site. Additional silos and homogenization procedures approved by the supervisory
devices are necessary for such deliveries. engineer. The supervisory engineer also
determines the conditions under which the Incorporation of single grain tools or procedures are to be implemented.
Compact cautiously in the canals with
Single gain sands are to be incorporated installations so as not to make any damages
under the special approved design. Material to the installations.
for construction of embankment can be
obtained The usability of the compacting tools and
- by “on the site” dredging technological procedures should be
- from the sand landfill obtained by previously tested in the test section and in
dredging. compliance with sub-clause of the
general technical conditions. The compacting
When constructing embankments from tool rate is to be measured after each
dredged sand from landfill, material is not to passing for each material course.
be transported over previously rolled layer,
but is to be transported over spread material. The following should be completed at the
embankment course formation after the
In order to better protect embankment slopes compaction is completed:
of dredged sand upon removal of spread - Measurement of density and
non-compacted material, embankment moisture content by a non-destructive
procedure with an isotope gauge, and the
results verified by conducting other The contractor has the right to propose an
appropriate procedures for determining alteration of the technological procedure to
the density and moisture content (sub- the client. In such case, he is to verify the
clause 1.2.4), quality of the proposed alteration in
- Measurement of the bearing comparison to the envisaged works by
capacity by determining the static and providing prior test results which he is to
dynamic deformation modulus according conduct at his own expense.
to the reference book SRDM, sub-clause
8.3.3, and Storing of materials and binders
- Taking of samples of material to
determine the optimum moisture content If, prior to incorporation, the contractor stores
and density using the Proctor procedure natural materials, fly ash and/or secondary
(EN 13286-2). raw materials planned to be used for
embankments, fillings and formation level,
The technological procedure and compacting then the area for such purpose must be
tool type are to be determined in detail prior previously appropriately prepared and
to the commencement of the works and cleaned in order to prevent the mixing of
based on the results of the tests conducted at useful and inappropriate materials.
the test section.
Binders for upgrading and/or stabilising of the
If the density of the incorporated material is materials are generally to be stored in silos or
assessed by a procedure of continuous tanks.
measurements, a system calibration should
be conducted at the test section. Arrangement of formation level

Prior to compaction, each course of materials The arrangement of the formation level
and/or mixture must contain the appropriate includes
amount of water to provide compaction to the - for incoherent material – grading of
material type to reach the required density. the remaining peaks and, in some cases,
filling of the stone grain mixtures for
If necessary, the supervisory engineer may levelling (in course thickness of up to 10
determine additional procedures that will cm), as well as spreading, wetting, fine
provide the appropriate moisture content of grading and compacting the levelling
the material and appropriate incorporation. course,
- Fine grading of the formation in the
If the contractor does not proceed with works coherent earth materials, upgradedand/or
on the subsequent course immediately after stabilised natural materials and fly ash.
the compaction and quality check but after a
prolonged period of time and under various In cases where the high natural moisture
weather conditions, the density of the content of the materials prevents the
incorporated material or mixture should be appropriate compaction of the formation
checked prior to continuation of the works. level, the supervisory engineer is entitled to
The works may proceed only if the quality is specify the necessary measures needed to
appropriate. provide the required quality of the executed
The construction of embankments, fillings
and formation level is to be ceased when it is For material incorporation into embankments
not possible to obtain the required material behind the end posts (wedges), additional
compaction due to atmospheric conditions. execution conditions are to be considered,
alongside the specified ones.
If the contractor is responsible for any delays,
the expenses for additional measurements The contractor is bound to fill the foundation
and any additional necessary improvements excavation up to the field level in accordance
are to be borne by the contractor. Otherwise, with the technical conditions stated herein
all the expenses are to be borne by the client. regarding works on embankments and this
should be in alignment with the direct vicinity,
The binder compaction of the upgraded and which should be verified by measurement.
stabilised materials should be completed
during the period of time determined by the Embankments behind the end posts of the
technological procedure. structure are to be constructed as follows
(gradually in the completed embankment or Construction quality
field, if necessary)
- from the top to a 2 m depth below the Compaction
formation level, the slope connected to
the embankment to be graded 1:4, The contractor is bound to verify the
- in the upper half of the remaining compaction of each course of the
height, the grade is 1:3, embankment, filling and formation level by
- in the lower half of the remaining providing test results (within the internal
height, the grade is 1:2, control) conducted by the procedure of (non-
- At the post foundation, the distance destructive) measuring the density and
between the slope connected to the moisture content by an isotope gauge (sub-
embankment and the post is at least 1 m. clause 1.2.4).

Works above the foundation soil are general The required compaction values for materials
considered as embankments behind the end incorporated in embankments, fillings and
posts of the structure. formation level are presented in table
According to the table, the required
Embankment areas behind the end posts compaction values represent the lower
underneath the transition slabs are to be values. The lower value of a result must not
consolidated prior to slab installation to the be lower than the appropriate limit value by
degree specified in the design more than 3
documentation. The compaction of material courses for
embankments, fillings and formation level
Wedges between the embankment and the should reach the lower value at each
excavation area should be constructed in the measuring spot. The contractor is bound to
excavation area compact the inappropriately compacted
- up to a depth of 1.0 m in coherent material courses in accordance with the
earth materials, and conditions specified in the technical
conditions and with no additional payment.
- up to a depth of 0.3 m in incoherent
materials, Bearing capacity
and in cases of a thicker decay layer, they
should be placed deeper according to the
If the compaction has not been measured,
supervisory engineer’s instructions, and with
the contractor is bound to verify the bearing
a longitudinal grade of 1:4, allowing the
capacity of the materials incorporated in
decay i to be completely removed in the
embankments and fillings by providing the
course of the contact between the
bearing results of the internal control.
embankment and excavation.
The contractor is bound to verify the bearing
Transition embankments are to be
capacity of the formation level by providing
constructed with materials similar to those
results of the internal control.
used for the upper course of the adjoining
The bearing capacity should generally be
determined by measuring the static and/or
The connection of embankments in
dynamic deformation moduli.
excavations in incoherent material to the
levelling course of the stone mixture is to be
In general, deformation moduli are to be
executed to a thickness of 10 cm.
measured at the formation of the
embankment upper course, but at the depth
Filling of sewage trenches is to be executed
of not more than 0.5 m below the formation
in accordance with the applicable standard.
level, along with at the formation level.

Table Requirements for the compaction and capacity of the embankment, filling and
formation level

Required compaction in Required

Description of works regard to density of capacity Ev2
acc. SPP acc. MPP
% MN/m2

- Embankments and fillings over 2 m

underneath the formation level made of
- coherent earth material 95 - -
- upgraded coherent material 95 - -
- stabilised material and fly ash 95 - -
- incoherent material - 95 -

- Embankments and fillings less than 2 m

underneath the formation level to the
formation level made of
- coherent earth material 98 - 15
- upgraded coherent material 98 - 20
- stabilised coherent material and fly ash 98 - 30
- incoherent material - 98 60

- Embankments and fillings at the

formation level made of
- coherent earth material 100 - 20
- upgraded coherent material 100 - 25
- stabilised coherent material and fly ash 100 - 40
- incoherent material - 100 80

SPP – standard Proctor procedure

MPP – modified Proctor procedure
Ev2 – deformation modulus
As per the mixed materials (coherent materials with more than 20% of stone grains) required
bearing capacity is to be determined by linear interpolation according to the percentage of stone
grains intervals of 20%

The required lower values of the static The formation capacity of the course of fly
deformation moduli Ev2 are indicated for ashand stabilised material may generally be
certain required measuring spots in table controlled only 7 days after compaction of the incorporated mixture.
The ratio of the static deformation moduli
Ev2:Ev1 for coherent and incoherent materials The capacity of the material courses for
must not exceed 2.2. If the measured value embankments, fillings and formation level as
of the static deformation modulus Ev1 a takeover criterion instead of compaction
exceeds 50 % of the required value of the are to be approved by the supervisory
static deformation modulus Ev2, the required engineer, who may also determine additional
ratio is not crucial for the evaluation of conditions for evaluating the capacity results.
bearing capacity of the incorporated material
course. Stabilised materials

For courses of incoherent materials for The contractor is bound to verify the
embankments and fillings, the ratio of the properties of the materials stabilised with
static deformation moduli Ev2:Ev1 must not binders (mixtures) by providing the internal
exceed 3.0. control results regarding:
- The compressive strength of the
The values of the dynamic deformation specimen made of stabilised material and
moduli Evd may be at least 50 % of the prepared in accordance with the
specified values of the static deformation conditions based on the appropriate
moduli Ev2. Proctor procedure, conducted on a
specimen preserved for 7 days and
providing the following results: The formation level grade is generally to be
- 0.5 MN/m² for coherent materials, equal to the cross and longitudinal grades of
- 2.0 MN/m² for incoherent materials, the road surface and may deviate from the
- The endurance of a specimen made planned grade by a maximum of ± 0.4 % of
of stabilised material and prepared under the absolute grade value.
the described conditions which is
determined by the ratio of compressive
strengths of dry and moistened (for 24 Quality control
hours) specimens after 7 days and is to
Prior to commencement of works, a
be at least 0.70.
technology procedure should be determined
for each typical type of material incorporated
The supervisory engineer may alter the
in the embankment, filling or formation level,
specified conditions for the quality of
as well as the type of compacting tool and its
hardened and stabilised materials for
depth effect.
embankments, fillings and formation level in
accordance with the design.
Completed works should be in accordance
with the requirements specified in the design
The required mixture compressive strength
documentation and technical conditions and
values are the average values.
this will be verified by
- The prior testing of the properties of
materials planned to be incorporated in Course evenness
the embankments, fillings and formation
level, and
The contractor is bound to incorporate each
- An incorporation check by the
course of the embankment, filling and
internal or independent control.
formation level in accordance with the
conditions specified in sub-clause Prior testing
The top course formation evenness may
At the beginning of incorporation of the earth
deviate in one direction in regards to the road
materials in the embankment, filling and
axis (except in the formation level) from a 4
formation level, the contractor is bound to
meter long measuring bar or measuring
verify the material properties indicated in
plane by a maximum of
- 30 mm in coherent earth materials,
upgradedstabilised materials, fly ash and
secondary raw materials, Incorporation verification
- 50 mm in coarse-grained rocks. Internal control
The contractor is to remedy any defects due
to the inappropriate evenness of the
The contractor’s internal control in the course
incorporated material courses for
of works must verify whether the properties of
embankments and fillings, at his own
all materials used for embankments, fillings
and formation level are in accordance with
the requirements specified in the design
If such evenness deviations are continuous,
documentation and technical conditions.
the supervisory engineer should determine
remedial action
The frequency and type of tests within the
internal control are to be determined in the Formation level height and grade
approved programme of the average
frequency and control. If not, they should be
Transport over the formation level is not
determined by the supervisory engineer.
permitted, as vehicle and machine
movements could damage the formation level
Sampling areas and measuring spots are to
which might disturb the normal water runoff.
be determined by the supervisory engineer
using a statistically random selection (sub-
The formation level may deviate at any place
clause 1.4.1).
from the designed level by a maximum of 20
Table Prior testing of materials for embankments, fillings, wedges and formation level

Material properties Measure- Required Testing procedure

Unit Value

- Applicability of material:
- natural moisture m.-% sub-clause EN 13286-46
- Proctor-based testing: EN 13286-2
- optimum moisture m.-% -
- maximum density t/m -
- consistency limits: TS CEN ISO 17892-12
- liquid limit wL % ≤ 35

- plasticity index Ip % ≤ 12
- humus and/or organic mixture - sub-clause EN 1744-1
- granulometric composition of
incoherent material m.-% sub-clause EN 933-1

- Binder applicability:
- binding capacity:
- mixture compressive strength: EN 12390-2
- coherent earth material MN/m ≥ 0,5
- incoherent material MN/m ≥ 2,0
- endurance - ≥ 0,7 -
- commencement and h - EN 196-3
completion of binding

In the course of incorporation of materials in that higher deviations than in the results of
the embankment, filling and formation level, previous tests have been seen; the extent of
the laboratory is to take samples and check the internal control is subject to alteration. In
the property compatibility with the frequency case of homogenous test results, the
specified in table supervisory engineer is entitled to reduce the
extent of the internal control.
If, based on the results of internal control
tests, the supervisory engineer determines

Table Minimum frequency of material testing within the internal control of the incorporation
of embankments, fillings and formation level

Material properties Testing Minimum testing

procedure frequency

- granulometric composition of incoherent EN 933-1 1000 m3

- natural moisture EN 13286-46 1000 m3
- Proctor-based testing EN 13286-2 4000 m3
- consistency limits of coherent earth material TS CEN ISO 4000 m3
- humus and/or organic admixture rate EN 1744-1 4000 m3

The minimum number of tests is within the procedures, if agreed with the supervisory
internal control of the incorporation of engineer. In such case, the supervisory
embankments, fillings and formation level is engineer’s consent must indicate the criteria
specified in table for the incorporation quality as well as the
manner and extent of testing.
The quality of the incorporated courses may
be determined according to other approved

Table Minimum testing frequency within the internal control of the incorporation of
embankments, fillings and formation level

Minimum testing Evaluation

Material properties Testing procedure
frequency base

- moisture content and TS CEN ISO 17892-12 200 m3/20 m1 sub-clause

natural material density
- quantity of spread 100 m1
- granulation:
- moisture content and SRCS, sub-clause 200 m3 sub-clause
density 1.2.4
- compressive strength EN 12390-3 100 m1 sub-clause
- endurance 200 m1 sub-clause
- coarse-grained rock SRCS, sub-clause 4000 m3/200 m1 sub-clause
density 1.2.4
- formation of
embankment, filling and
formation level
- bearing capacity: SRDM, sub-clause sub-clause
- deformation modulus 10 m1
- deformation modulus 100 m1
- evenness SRMG, sub-clause 20 m1 sub-clause
- height 20 m1 sub-clause Independent control technical conditions which he failed to
remedy according to the instructions provided
The ratio of the extent of independent control by the supervisory engineer. In such case,
that is generally conducted by an authorised the client is entitled to extend the warranty
institution is 1:4 to the internal control. period for at least 5 years for any works
depending on the ones not remedied.
The sampling areas and spots for measuring
evenness, heights, densities, moisture and
bearing capacity are to be determined by the Calculation of works
supervisory engineer with a statistically
random selection (sub-clause 1.4.1). General

Completed works are to be calculated in Measuring and taking over of accordance with sub-clause of the
works general technical conditions. Measuring of works Quantities determined according to sub-

clause are to be calculated by the
Completed works are to be measured in contract unit price.
accordance with sub-clause of the
general technical conditions and the following The contract unit price is to include all the
provisions: services necessary for the ultimate
- quantities of materials incorporated completion of works. The contractor is not
in embankments, fillings and formation entitled to subsequently claim any additional
level are to be measured in cubic metres payment.
- Quantities of the incorporated
material formation are to be measured in If necessary, the supervisory engineer is to
square metres. determine delimitation of the works between
the alignment earthwork contractor and
All the quantities are to be measured structure contractor.
according to the actually executed extent and
type of works within the design Deductions due to inappropriate
documentation. quality

The contractor is bound to submit the Materials for embankments,

appropriate verifications for all the quantities fillings and formation level
of binders, fly ash, secondary raw materials
and other materials delivered to the site. There are to be no deductions in the
calculation of completed works due to the Taking over of works required appropriate quality of materials.

Each completed course of embankment, Binders for upgrading and

filling and formation level is to be taken over stabilising the materials
by the supervisory engineer in accordance
with the quality requirements specified in the There are to be no deductions in the
technical conditions stated herein and calculation due to the required appropriate
according to sub-clause of the quality of binders.
general technical conditions. Prior to
proceeding with works, the contractor is Compaction and bearing
bound to remedy all the defects determined capacity
according to the requirements.

All the expenses for remedying defects are to There are to be no deductions in the
be borne by the contractor, including the calculation due to the required appropriate
ones for measuring and testing proving the quality of compaction and bearing capacity.
inappropriate quality of the executed works,
thus resulting in additional work to test for Hardened and stabilised
quality after the adequate remedying. materials

The contractor is not entitled to claim any There are to be no deductions in the
payment for any works not meeting the calculation due to the required appropriate
quality requirements determined in the quality of compaction and bearing capacity.
- grassing seeds. Formation evenness
Construction protection of slopes may be
There are to be no deductions in the provided by
calculation due to the required appropriate - using woven meshes,
evenness of the formation (under sub-clause - rubble placing, - stone cladding (dry penning)
- shotcreting, and Formation height - using prefabricated elements.
There are to be no deductions in the The quality of all used materials is to be in
calculation due to the required designed accordance with the general and special
height of the formation (under sub-clause technical conditions and requirements specified for the materials.

Prior to the commencement of works, the

2.2.6 SLOPES AND LANDSCAPING contractor is bound to provide the
supervisory engineer with the compatibility
verifications of all the products he intends to Description use for slope protection.
The guideline determines the arrangement Vegetative protection
and protection against erosion of slopes,
excavations, embankments and grassed Humus
areas by
- spreading humus and sowing grass,
Active humus material providing permanent
- bio shotcrete with litter,
growth is to be used for the arrangement of
- planting decorative trees and shrubs, slopes and grassed areas.
- meshes,
- rubble placing, Litter
- stone cladding (dry penning)
- concrete slabs The thickness of the litter made of straw or
- shotcreting, and hay is to provide the grassing and a durable
- Using prefabricated elements protection when appropriate fertilizing and
(cribwork, cement concrete hollow bituminous emulsion spray are provided.
elements, grassing slabs and similar
elements). Wattle

The works include For wattle, fresh and living osiers (selix
- all materials, including loading, purpurea) of 0.5 to 3 cm thickness or other
transport and unloading, types approved by the supervisory engineer
- surface preparation, are to be used. The types used are to provide
vegetative reproduction.
- sowing and planting,
- Incorporating and hardening the
It is also possible to use stronger and more
stable anti-erosion witter-work with vegetative
aquifers or seedlings. Props for wattle are to Basic materials be 70 to 80 cm long and 2 to 3 cm thick.

The execution of the works requires the Trees and shrubs
utilisation of appropriate materials for the
various methods of arranging and protecting The types of trees and shrubs should meet
slopes and grassed areas. the biological conditions. Seedlings that
provide permanent growth are to be selected.
The following materials may be used for the The types of trees and shrubs that resist the
vegetative protection of slopes and green effects of wind and snow are to be selected
areas: for locations exposed to wind.
- humus,
- straw and hay for the litter, Grassing seeds
- osiers, seedlings,
- trees and shrubs, and Mixed grass and clover seeds that meet the
biological (effects) conditions and that
provide permanent growths are to be purpose and to the instructions provided by
selected for grassing. It is also possible to the manufacturer.
use corn seeds for temporary protection. Construction protection Execution method Protection by meshes Vegetative protection

Woven meshes of double-galvanized steel Vegetative protection is to be performed at

wire with a diameter from 1.6 mm to 3.1 mm locations and in the manner specified in the
and an overall thickness of the protective zinc design documentation and the technical
coat of at least 0.07 mm may be used. The conditions stated herein.
wires may be woven in meshes with
rectangular or hexagonal openings of 5 to 10 The contractor is to perform the vegetative
cm in size. protection of works so that protected areas
are optimally overgrown regardless of the
Double-galvanized anchors made of steel required quality and conditions. The
with a 0.07 – 0.08 mm thick anti-corrosion contractor is bound to subsequently repeat
protective coat may be used for fixing the any unsuccessful works.
meshes. Double-galvanized pipes of 3/2"
diameter (external diameter 48.25 mm, wall On slopes with smooth surfaces where
thickness 3.5 mm) with at least a 0.07 mm landslips might occur, the roughness should
thick protective zinc coat may also be used be provided by 15 cm wide horizontal cuts
for additional fixing of meshes on the slopes. with spacing of approximately 1.0 m.

Cement concrete weights of an appropriate Excavations and embankments are to be

shape and size according to the design graded to provide stability and protection of
documentation may be used for straining the the slope. If the instability is caused by water,
protective woven meshes. The cement then the slopes are to be properly drained.
concrete for weights should be in accordance
with the applied cement concrete The surface water of the slope catchment
requirements (EN 206-1). backing is to be drained in a controlled
manner. Rubble placing and stone
cladding (dry penning) The edges of the embedded slopes and
embankment beginnings are to be rounded
The rubble for placing and dry penning off in a 3.0 m radius.
should be sound and durable.
Trees swaying due to wind and loosening pf
Unfinished rubble is used for placing and dry the ground are to be cut to an approximate
penning. The thickness of the rubble for width of 3 to 4 m from the excavation edge.
placing must not exceed 50 cm, and the
thickness of the rubble for dry penning is not Slopes of the embankments and particularly
to exceed 30 cm. of the excavations are to be roughly graded
in order to provide the appropriate roughness Concrete spraying protection for connecting the vegetative protection and
the slope.
Cement concrete and reinforcing steel
meshes for the protection of slopes by The thickness of the humus layer on the
shotcreting should be in accordance with the roughly graded cut slope must not exceed 10
conditions specified in the design cm in the course of spreading. Humus filling
documentation. is to be done from the bottom of the slope
towards the top. Protection by prefabricated
elements Fly ash embankment slopes are to be
previously covered with filter material for road
Prefabricated elements for the protection of protection. The surface water is to be drained
slopes should be in accordance with the in a controlled manner from the embankment
applied technical regulations, including all the formation.
basic materials. Prefabricated elements are
to be selected according to the intended Embankment slope surfaces may be treated
by spreading up to a 20 cm thick layer of
humus. At locations where the lateral per are should be applied. The litter (60 kg
embankment is envisaged by the design per are) made of straw or hay that will be
documentation, the filter coat is to be sprayed with a bituminous emulsion (80 kg
protected with a 20 – 30 cm thick course of per are) should be spread for stability. 0.8 kg
stone material, which is to be covered with a of grass seeds per are should be sowed in
humus coat. Grass should be sowed in the the prepared litter. 0.4 seedlings or aquifers
same manner as for the rest of slopes. per square meter are to be planted.

15 cm wide horizontal cuts with an Embankment slope surfaces of coherent

approximate spacing of 1 m are to be made earth materials (clay, loam) should be
on slopes in excavations in crumbly and interlaced with wattle (0.2 m1/m2).
grained rocks which are stable but subject to Approximately 8 kg of fertilizer per are should
rapid disintegration and are highly erosive be applied and grassed in canals (batting)
(e.g. corruptible dolomite, mylonite parts in where the consumption of about 0.8 kg of
dolomite, marl, or flysch). If the earth material seeds per are should be considered.
does not contain at least a minimum of an Seedlings of the appropriate plants are to be
active coherent material (5 -% and more), the planted (0.4 pcs. per m²) and a partial
surface is to be treated with humus and additional spreading of humus should be
covered with a layer of an active coherent considered.
material of 8 – 10 cm thickness
(approximately 6 cm thickness when sunk). Grassing by sowing, particularly in the litter
protected with a bituminous emulsion or over
Surfaces of such slopes are to be interlaced the humus surfaces, should be performed to
with wattle at approximately 5.0 m distance. cover the area with grassy vegetation,
The litter (approximately 60 kg of straw or without any weeds.
hay per are), sprayed with bituminous
emulsion (about 80 kg per are), is to be Wattle for prevention from batting due to
grassed by sowing approximately 0.5 kg of water torrent and for hardening the surface
seeds per are. The amount of fertilizer to be layers of materials is to be fully incorporated
used is to be approximately 8.0 kg per are. so that the upper edge of the wattle matches
One seedling is to be sowed every 2 m2 of the level of the finally graded slope surface.
the area.
Shrubs and trees should be planted in groups
For incoherent materials, disintegrated in humus-spread pits so they do not disturb
materials, alluvial deposits, coherent earth grassed protective slopes and do not reduce
materials (loam, clay), disintegrated marl visibility to road users. Therefore, striking
and flysch, along with the other earth trees and shrub groups should be placed
materials that contain clay filling materials, particularly on the convex side of the road.
the surface is usually sufficiently fertile and it For better protection of materials against
is not necessary to treat the sloe with humus erosion, trees and bushes should be planted
or grass,; however if this is not so the in groups (approximately 1 seedling per m²
execution is the same as described above.. on 50 % of the overall area), as agreed and
instructed by the supervisory engineer.
For embankments of the incoherent pervious
material obtained by excavations in hard and After the works are completed, the
semi-hard rocks, the slope surfaces are to be constructor is bound to clear the site, restore
treated with humus in 10 cm thick layers, the original condition and treat all vegetative
interlaced with wattle (approximately 0.2 m1/ protections until the ultimate taking over of
m2) and grassed by sowing in canals (0.75 works, which is at least for a year. The
kg of seeds per are). Approximately 8 kg of treatment involves additional sowing, regular
fertilizer is to be applied. 0.4 seedlings of fertilizing, cleaning surfaces from dirt, waste
appropriate trees or shrubs per square meter and weeds as well as watering the surfaces
are to be planted. in case of drought. Construction protection
For embankments of materials obtained from
the fills, or by excavating corruptible rocks, it Protection by meshes
is not necessary to treat the slopes with
humus if the materials are sufficiently active The location and type of protection by
(more than 5 m.-% of active particle mass). meshes should be determined by the
The surface should be interlaced with wattle supervisory engineer in accordance with the
(0.2 m1/m2). Approximately 8 kg of fertilizer requirements specified in the design
documentation and the technical conditions at least a 2 cm thick coat of sprayed cement
stated herein. Prior to placing a mesh, the concrete.
slope is to be arranged according to the
design documentation and technical Protection by prefabricated
conditions. Anything that could prevent the elements
mesh sinking into the ground is to be
removed. For broken stone protection of When protecting slopes with prefabricated
steep slopes (3:1 to 2:1), hanging meshes elements (cribwork, cement concrete hollow
are to be used, loaded with cement concrete elements, concrete slabs and similar
weights in the lower part and anchored with elements) most following the manufacturer’s
anchors and pipes at the top edge, so the instructions and requirements of the design
broken stones may slide down to the documentation is most important. For specific
excavation plinth in a controlled manner. work, the appropriate prefabricated element
is to be selected in accordance with the
Anchored meshes should be used for less regulation specified in the design
steep slopes. The distance between the documentation or by the supervisory
anchors should be set in accordance with the engineer.
soil mechanical properties of the rock, with
an approximate 1.0 m distance. In rocks The surface for slope cladding should be
where direct ramming of anchors is not properly prepared. If the soil is sandy, sand
possible, the holes should be bored for this of up to 4 mm grain size is to be used for the
purpose. surface. The surface must be properly
hardened and of a thickness of between 2
Some meshes are to be interlaced with and 5 cm when compacted, depending on
double-galvanized wire of 3.1 mm in diameter the purpose.
and of the same quality as the mesh material.
If the soil is of low bearing capacity, the Rubble placing and stone surface thickness should be appropriately
cladding (dry penning) increased by 10 cm and made of sand and
gravel material. In cases where additional
Rubble placing and dry penning are to be atmospheric or ground water erosion effects
performed so the rubble is placed accurately to the cladding or higher loading are
in the embankment profile, as specified in the expected, the surface should be constructed
design documentation and marked by of an appropriately thick cement concrete
construction profiles at the site. (according to the design documentation).

When dry penning, each stone is to be safely Prefabricated elements should be placed so
placed and secured with a wedge so there is they are separated with 3 – 5 mm wide joints.
no damage to the f embankment slope due to After placing, the prefabricated elements
the instability of the rocks or for any other (mainly hollow) are to be filled with an
reason. The base of the dry penned sloped appropriate material (humus, sand material,
should be firmly incorporated into the sound slag, etc.), depending on the purpose and
surface in a manner that will protect the dry requirements specified in the design
penned slope from damage due to documentation.
atmospheric effects or any other damages.
Prefabricated elements are to be installed
Dry penning finishing at the top of the slope from the bottom towards the top.
should be performed in a manner to prevent
any damage due to shoulders, etc. If the claddings are to be used for periodical
traffic loads, then the laid claddings should
be appropriately incorporated. Protection with shotcreting
(sprayed cement concrete)

Cement concrete for slope protection should

be sprayed over an appropriately prepared Construction quality
slope under pressure. Vegetative protection
Reinforcing steel meshes should be
previously fixed to the slope and covered with The contractor is bound to control the
pedology properties of certain groups of earth
materials for proper selection of plant and
fertilizer types. Results of the internal control Only prefabricated elements providing the
are to be submitted to the supervisory appropriate endurance and those the
engineer for inspection. contractor submits with the appropriate
compatibility verifications are to be used.
The internal control of seed quality is to be
conducted according to the generally applied The quality of constructing the surface of
regulations and generally applicable prefabricated elements should be in
methods. Manufacturer’s verifications accordance with the design documentation
regarding seed adequacy are to be submitted and requirements made by the supervisory
to the supervisory engineer prior to engineer.
commencement of works.
Slope shaping is determined by the design Construction protection documentation or requirements made by the
supervisory engineer. Therefore, deviations Protection by meshes with no prior consent are only allowed within
the limits of visible accuracy between certain
The contractor is bound to provide the construction profiles according to the design
supervisory engineer with the manufacturer’s documentation.
verifications regarding the compatibility of the
meshes and anchors, containing information
on the quality of the basic materials and the Quality control
quality of the anti-corrosion protective
coating. Vegetative protection Rubble placing and stone The supervisory engineer should check the
cladding (dry penning) selection and usage of plant and fertilizer
types based on the provision specified in the
The quality of the applied material should design documentation and by conducting an
meet the endurance requirements. internal control of the pedology composition
of the earth material. The quality of seeds
Slope surfaces of dry penned embankments should also be checked according to the
should be in accordance with the applied applied regulations and methods, or by
technical regulations and provisions specified testing or evaluating the manufacturer test
in the design documentation regarding slope results based on the proposed
shaping. manufacturer's verifications regarding seed
Deviations from the planned surface are
permitted to be within the limits of visible The final quality of works should be
accuracy between certain constructions determined by the supervisory engineer and
profiles according to the design the contractor in the course of taking over of
documentation. the works. Concrete spraying protection Construction protection

The quality of the applied cement concrete Protection

spray and reinforcing steel meshes should be
in accordance with the requirements The supervisory engineer should check the
specified in the technical conditions stated compatibility verifications for the delivered
herein (EN-206-1). meshes and anchors, as well as their
protective coat. If he evaluates that the used
Completed works should be in accordance material and proposed verifications do not
with the applied technical regulations and provide a guarantee of quality, he is entitled
provisions specified in the design to ask for additional verifications, or order
documentation, as well as with the additional tests.
requirements made by the supervisory
engineer. Rubble placing and stone
cladding (dry penning) Protection by prefabricated
elements The supervisory engineer should check the
quality of the delivered stone in terms of the
specified properties and requirements. If he
evaluates that the quality of stone material
and work is not guaranteed, he is entitled to Rubble placing should be measured in cubic
order additional tests. metres and based on the design
documentation. Concrete spraying protection
Dry penned surfaces within the design
The supervisory engineer is bound to check documentation should be measured in
the quality of the delivered cement concrete, square metres. The horizontal finishing
compatibility verifications for the delivered embankment surfaces should not be
reinforcing steel meshes and their measured and form part of the finishing dry
incorporation in accordance with the penning works.
provisions specified in the design
documentation. The cement concrete sprayed surfaces of
slopes as well as slopes covered with Protection by prefabricated prefabricated elements within the design
elements documentation should be measured in
square metres.
The supervisory engineer is bound to check
the quality of the delivered prefabricated Taking over of works
elements and their compatibility according to
the provisions specified in the design The works should be taken over in
documentation, as well as the shape and accordance with the provisions specified in
surface construction and quality of the sub-clause of the general technical
material incorporated in the prefabricated conditions and according to the provisions of
elements. The supervisory engineer should the special technical conditions stated herein.
also check the quality of their incorporation,
surface compaction and visual compatibility The contractor is bound to remedy all the
with the surroundings. defects determined according to the quality
requirements specified herein at his own
expense and within a specified period of Measuring and taking over of time. The contractor is also to bear the
works expenses of all the necessary measuring and
testing indicating the inappropriate quality. Measuring of works

Completed works are to be measured in Calculation of works

accordance with sub-clause of the
general technical conditions. Eventual General
additional provisions are particularly to be
considered. Completed works are to be calculated in
accordance with sub-clause of the Vegetative protection general technical conditions.

Surfaces covered with humus and grass All quantities determined under sub-clause
should be measured in square metres and are to be calculated by the contract
within the design documentation. unit price.

Surfaces treated with bio shotcrete and The contract unit price is to include all the
wattle should be measured in square metres services necessary for the ultimate
and within the design documentation. completion of works. The contractor is not
entitled to subsequently claim any additional
Seedlings of trees and shrubs should be payment.
calculated in areas of planted and grown
living seedlings, separated by types. The final taking over regarding horticultural
works is to be executed only after an Construction protection appropriate period of time determined by the
contract, when permanent growth and
Incorporated meshes within the design success of completed works can be provided.
documentation should be measured in During this period of time, the contractor is
square metres. bound to, at his own expense, replace any
faded seedlings and repeat the sowing
process until the ultimate success is reached. Deductions Basic materials

There are to be no deductions in the All earth materials that are applicable for
calculation of completed works due to the embankments according to sub-clause 2.2.5
specified appropriate quality of certain works. of the technical conditions are appropriate for

2.2.7 REINFORCED EARTH Cement concrete for foundations

All types of cement concrete providing the Description designed construction of foundations, with
the purpose and endurance according to the
Reinforcing of earth materials within this
provisions specified in the technical
guideline includes:
conditions (EN 206-1 and SRCS, sub-clause
- The delivery and incorporation of
2.5.1) may be used.
- cement concrete for foundations,
- cement concrete cladding elements,
- wooden dowels and steel anchors, Cement concrete cladding
- stone material for pervious blanket elements
behind the cladding elements, and
- strips for reinforcing the earth Cladding elements are load bearing elements
materials, and must accept the overall load of the
- the delivery and incorporation of the normal earth pressure elements; they are
steel and geosynthetic mesh and reinforced in areas where reinforcing strips
other appropriate materials for are fastened (images to
reinforcing the earth material course,
and The basic construction material and the
- spreading materials for the reinforced constructed cladding elements must provide
embankments and pervious blankets the designed reinforcement of earth materials
behind the cladding elements (only and embankment stability, as well as to
allowance for aggravated works), in full comply with the provisions of the technical
accordance with the requirements conditions stated herein.
specified in the design documentation
and made by the supervisory engineer as Dowels and anchors
well as with the technical conditions
stated herein. Wooden dowels (made of hard timber) and
steel anchors (made of reinforced steel) are
The design of earth material reinforcing with to provide the appropriate interconnection
geotextiles are completely processed and and fitting of cladding elements. Their
included in the guidelines SRDM, sub-clause surfaces must be properly protected for
8.1.4. endurance.

Image Position of cement concrete cladding elements Stone material for pervious

For the pervious blanket behind the cladding

elements, natural and/or crushed stone grain
mixtures are applicable, in accordance with
the provisions of the technical conditions for
stone material for pervious blankets stated
herein (sub-clause Reinforcing strips

Like anchors, the strips for reinforcing the

earth material transfer earth pressure into the
filled material. They may be made of:
- polyester laminate,
- protected or stainless steel sheet, or
- another appropriate material.

The strips for reinforcing the earth are to be

in accordance with the requirements
Image Element A1 - details specified in the design documentation and
provisions stated within these technical
- straining strength
min. 3.3 kN/cm of strip width
- rupture stretching max. 1.5 %

The Bending strength, dynamic and tenacity

strengths are generally conditioned by the
type of the reinforcing strip. Therefore, when
determining values of these and other
properties (strip dimensions, surface
processing, and material composition) the
information from the manufacturer, which is
part of the technical conditions, should be
considered. Steel meshes

Steel meshes providing reinforcement of

earth materials and complying with the
requirements specified in the design
documentation and technical conditions
stated herein may be used.

Steel meshes should be in accordance with

the requirements specified in the design
documentation for the reinforcement of earth

The quality of the cement concrete for

foundations and cladding elements, the
quality of dowels, anchors and stone
Image Element B1 - details materials for the pervious blanket behind the
cladding elements must comply with the
general and special technical conditions and
requirements specified in the design
documentation. If there is no appropriate
regulation for any of the materials, then the
instructions made by the supervisory Construction of reinforced earth
engineer are final. embankment Geosynthetic Cement concrete cladding elements must

structurally comply with their conditions of
Geosyntetic may be used (woven or meshes) use and, thus, must be incorporated in the
enabling reinforcement of soil material and appropriate areas.
meet requirements of the design
documentation and these technical The first row of cladding elements should
specifications. have appropriate openings to allow water
Meshes must meet requirements from the
design documentation, whereby depending The required slope of the first row of cladding
upon the geosynthetic type the following is to elements set into a groove in the foundation
be obligatorily prescribed should have mortar appropriately
- Mesh type incorporated into the prepared groove where
- Maximum mesh size cladding elements are to fit into the
- Ultimate strength in both directions under foundation.
different elongations
- Maximum elongation The embankment material should be
Material must be resistant to chemical incorporated up to the level of (bottom row)
influences and sunrays. the openings in the cladding elements. The
following row of the cladding elements should
then be set over the separate vertical steel Execution method anchors (in the first row of the cladding
elements). The stable fitting of the cladding Preparation of the foundation soil elements is made with sloped wooden
formation dowels. All the cladding elements should be
appropriately sloped towards the
The foundation soil formation, where a embankment.
reinforced earth embankment is to be
constructed, should be prepared prior to the Reinforcing strips should be pulled through
commencement of spreading the earth the first row of openings in the cladding
material for the reinforced embankment, in elements, then tensioned,, then they are to
accordance with the project documentation be manually covered with a thin layer of the
and the requirements of the technical embankment material (to protect the strips
conditions stated herein. against mechanical damage) and finally, the
remaining amount of earth material should be
In general, the foundation soil formation incorporated up to the required layer
should be sloped towards the reinforced thickness – of the following rows of the
earth embankment cladding and openings in the cladding elements. The
appropriately compacted. If this is not procedure should be repeated after the
specified in the design documentation, then incorporation of the following layer of
the supervisory engineer should decide upon cladding elements.
the preparation of the foundation soil
formation. The stone material for the pervious blanket,
that is not necessary to be compacted with Construction with cladding rollers, should be regularly incorporated in an
elements approximately 50 cm thick vertical layer
between the cladding elements and the filled Foundation construction earth material.
Loading of the foundation is proportionally Construction by steel mesh
low due to the friction between the cladding
elements and the embankment material. Embankments reinforced with steel mesh
Therefore, the foundation is, above all, the may be constructed on the prepared
sub-structural element of the reinforced earth foundation soil formation by incorporating the
cladding, and must provide the appropriate proportionally clean stone material of a
incorporation and stability of the first row of minimum of 30 cm thickness as the first layer
cladding elements (without any additional which will provide flawless drainage over the
formwork). reinforced material that is spread over the
appropriate surface. After the correct Construction quality
compaction of this layer, the external side
should be wrapped with the extended part of Foundation soil formation
steel mesh bottom layer. The required
wrapping length should be determined in the The required compaction or bearing capacity
design documentation. In the course of mesh of the foundation soil formation, as along with
coating, its edges may form a regular figure the slope towards the cladding of the
to be filled in with stone material. These reinforced earth embankment are generally
works are to be executed as gabion specified in the designed documentation,
structure. depending on the properties of the materials
in the foundation soil and the embankment
The next layer of steel mesh should cover the material.
entire first incorporated layer of the
embankment (stone material) and provide Reinforced earth embankment
necessary length for covering the following
layer of earth material, which could be up to According to the provisions specified in sub-
50 cm thick (compacted). The compacted clause of these technical conditions
earth material should be covered up to 50 cm and prior to the incorporation of the
from the slope of the reinforced earth reinforcing strips, the compaction of each
material, which should be appropriately (max. 50 cm thick) layer of earth material
sloped (at least 4%). incorporated in the embankment should be
performed up to 50 cm from the external
In cases of higher embankments that are edge of a layer. An average of 95 % rate of
reinforced with steel mesh, the required the incorporated material compaction
reinforcing of the earth material, or the (according to the modified Proctor procedure)
execution procedure, should be repeated. must be obtained. The lower limit value that
should be reached at each measuring site Construction with geosynthetic should not be lower then 3% of reduced
required average value.
Embankments reinforced with geosynthetics
may be constructed in the prepared
foundation soil formation. Geosynthetic is
installed on the designed embankments Reinforced earth embankment
layers or formation level. Layer over which formation
geosynthetics is to be installed must be
compacted and must ensure appropriate If the reinforced earth embankment is
drainage. constructed as a supporting structure, the
bearing capacity value should be provided at
Geosynthetic is to be laid in direction of the the formation of the embankment, i.e. a static
centre line with overlap of 50 cm or deformation modulus Ev2 of at least 45 MN/m2
assembled in line with the manufacturer’s and a ratio of Ev2 : The Ev1 must not exceed
instructions. 2.2. If the measured value of static
deformation modulus Ev1 exceeds 50 % of
Next layer material is to be filled over such the required value Ev2 the required ratio is not
laid geosynthetics, whereby there should not crucial for the evaluation of the bearing
be any traffic over the mesh. Upon the capacity of the reinforced earth embankment.
construction of the embankment layer,
geosynthetic is to be folded on its edges are The minimum value of the dynamic
folded and cover the embankment ends in deformation modulus Evd should be at least
the width of 2 m. Then a new layer of 20 MN/m2.
geosynthetics is to be laid and the whole
process it to be repeated. The indicated value of the bearing capacity is
the lower value and is to be provided at each
Instructions and recommendations of the measuring point.
geosynthetic manufacturer are to be
obligatorily applied when laying it down. Unevenness determined by a 4 m long
measuring bar must not exceed 25 mm in
order to provide appropriate drainage of the
reinforced earth embankment formation.
The reinforced earth embankment formation Quality control
should be graded by at least 4 % towards the
cladding (slope). Prior testing

Embankment reinforced with geosynthetic Prior to the commencement of works related

mesh, on all layers and on its foundation soil to the reinforcement of the earth material, the
formation is to be of the same quality as the contractor is bound to check the properties of
embankment without mesh. the materials specified in the table

Bearing capacity value, i.e., compaction, may

be different if specified as precondition under
design documentation.

Table Prior testing of materials for the reinforced embankment

Material properties Measurement Required Value Testing Procedure


- natural moisture of earth material m.-% -

- Proctor-based testing:
- optimum moisture m.-% - EN 13286-2
- maximum density t/m3 -
- grain size of material for pervious m.-% sub-clause EN 933-1

Prior to the commencement of reinforcing of frequency and type of tests are to be

the earth material, the contractor is to provide determined by the supervisory engineer.
the supervisory engineer with all compatibility The contractor’s laboratory should take
verifications for all the materials and products samples in the course of reinforcing the earth
with all specifications of the design material along with checking the property
documentation to be incorporated. compatibility is in accordance with the
frequency specified in table Incorporation verification Internal control

The frequency and type of tests related to the

reinforcing of earth material, which should be
conducted in the internal control, are
determined in the approved programme of
the control frequency. If this is not so, the

Table Minimum frequency of material testing within the reinforcement of earth material

Material properties Testing Minimum Testing

Procedure Frequency

- moisture of earth material - 100 m3

- Proctor-based testing EN 13286-2 400 m3
- grain size of material for pervious blanket EN 933-1 100 m3
- compressive strength of cement concrete in
cladding elements (C 25/30) EN 12390-3 1/100 elements
- geosynthetic (under-clause EN ISO 10319 2500 m2

The supervisory engineer is entitled to alter The minimum frequency of testing within the
the extent of material testing within earth internal control of the incorporation of the
material reinforcement if he determines reinforced earth material is specified in table
higher deviations from previous test results.

Table Minimum frequency of quality testing of the incorporation of reinforced earth material

Material properties Testing Minimum Testing

Procedure Frequency

- moisture content and density of incorporated earth SRCS, sub-clause 100 m3/20m1
material 1.2.4
- bearing capacity:
- deformation modulus Evd SRDM, sub- 10 m1
clause 8.2.3
- deformation modulus Ev2 SRDM, sub- 40 m1
clause 8.2.3
- evenness measuring SRMG, sub- 20 m1
- embankment height measuring - 20 m1
Testing the quality of the incorporated material quantities (related to the
materials and the incorporation of reinforced reinforcement of earth material) that were
earth materials should be conducted by other delivered to the site.
approved methods, at the consent of the
supervisory engineer. The consent must Taking over of works
indicate the quality evaluation criteria to be
used. The embankment of reinforced earth should
be taken over by the supervisory engineer in Independent control accordance with provisions specified in sub-
clause of the general conditions,
The basic conditions for the independent quality requirements and special technical
control are specified in sub-clause conditions stated herein.
The ratio of the extent of independent control
that is generally conducted by an institution is Prior to proceeding with works, the contractor
1:4 to the internal control. The results of the is bound to remedy all the defects
independent control are to be provided in the determined according to these requirements.
final report and are the basis for taking over
and calculation of works related to earth All the expenses related to remedying the
reinforcing. defects are to be borne by the contractor. Measuring and taking over of Calculation of works

works General Measuring of works
Measuring of the completed works is to be in Completed works are to be calculated in
compliance with clause of the general accordance with sub-clause of the
technical conditions and following provisions: general technical conditions.
- The foundation soil formation
surfaces underneath the embankment Quantities determined according to sub-
made of reinforced earth materials are to clause of the technical conditions
be measured according to the actual are to be calculated by the contract unit price.
constructed amount in square metres, The contract unit price is to include all the
- The foundation for the slope services envisaged in the design
cladding, as along with the cladding documentation and those technical
elements, anchors, dowels and stone conditions that are necessary for the ultimate
material for the pervious blanket are to be completion of the works. The contractor is,
measured and determined according to therefore, not entitled to claim any additional
the average value for each piece of the payment.
cladding element type and for the amount
of materials, The arrangement of the foundation soil
- strips for the reinforcement of the formation underneath the embankment that
earth materials are measured according was made of reinforced earth materials
to the actual incorporated quantities in should generally be calculated according to
metres, the provisions specified under sub-clause
- due to aggravated work, an 2.2.3 of these technical conditions, and the
additional payment for the incorporation of embankment construction (excluding
materials in embankments within the area reinforcing works) should be calculated
of reinforcing strips is approved for the according to the provisions under sub-clause
measured incorporated quantities in cubic 2.2.5.
- quantities of steel meshes and other Deductions due to inappropriate
materials related to the reinforcement of quality
earth material is determined according to
the actual incorporated quantity in square The quality of the cement concrete in the
metres and a quantity evaluation of the foundations and cladding elements is
actual reinforced earth material in cubic financially estimated according to the
metres. conditions for cement concrete and cement
concrete-related works in accordance with
The contractor is bound to submit the sub-clause 2.5.1 and EN 206-1.
appropriate compatibility verifications for all
Compaction of embankment made of Basic materials
reinforced earth material should be estimated
according to sub-clause The lower All the inappropriate materials that are not
value, which is provided at each measuring useful and/or necessary for embankments,
point, refers to 100% of the value in terms of fillings or formation level, or which are
the tender unit price. Therefore, there are to surplus, are to be spread in accordance with
be no deductions in the calculation of the the sub-clause of the technical
completed works. conditions stated herein.

The bearing capacity of the embankment There are no quality requirements for surplus
made of reinforced earth material should be spreading materials. Such materials may be
estimated according to sub-clause excessively dry, wet or frozen.
The lower value refers to 100% of the value
in terms of the tender unit price. Therefore,
there are to be no deductions in the Execution method
calculation of the completed works.
Execution of works, organization method and
selection of types of machines or devices are
There are to be no deductions in the
to be selected by the contractor. The
calculation of the completed works due to the
contractor is also free to select the depositing
conditioned evenness of the reinforced earth
areas outside the alignment, as well their
embankment formation (under sub-clause
arrangement. In the course of works, the
contractor is to follow the regulations
specified in the design documentation as well
The required properties of the reinforcing
as instructions provided by the supervisory
strips and geosynthetics refer to (as lower
engineer. In the course of works, the
values) 100% of the value in terms of the
contractor is also to meet other technical
tender unit price. The lowest values may be
conditions related to proper arrangement of
lower than 10 % than the required (limiting)
material types, adaptation to the field and
values and represent in some properties of
environment, dewatering in the course of
the reinforcing strips and geosyntheticsand
spreading of materials and, afterwards,
with them, the completed work with no value.
spreading humus and sowing grass over
The intermediate value are to be determined
surfaces after spreading is completed. Areas
by linear interpolation.
of landfill and some courses are to be
properly compacted to prevent excessive
2.2.8 SPREADING OF SURPLUS non-uniform settlements.
MATERIAL Construction quality
Provisions in this chapter include only
technical conditions for spreading of surplus No special quality is required for landfills;
materials and conditions for execution, since there are only general requirements for
spreading works are calculated in daily aesthetic work, adjustment to surroundings,
excavation unit price (sub-clause sowing grass and draining surface, ground
and spring waters. Description The existing natural conditions on surfaces

envisaged for spreading of surplus materials
The works include all types of spreading and must not deteriorate. It is desirable that they
filling of surplus materials from excavations of ameliorate.
all types and categories, at landfills or along
the alignment after completed work.
Spreading and filling of surplus materials are Quality control
to be performed as envisaged in the design
documentation and in the manner determined The quality is only visually checked according
by the supervisory engineer. In the course of to the following criteria:
spreading, the appropriate esthetical and - adjustment to environment,
technically proper shaping of spread material - suitability of layering,
as well as proper stratification of various - suitability of layer evenness,
earth material types are to be considered. - suitability of dewatering,
- suitability of grassing,
- suitability of arranging in accordance
with the requirements specified in the
design documentation and by the
supervisory engineer. Measuring and taking over of

works Measuring of works

Completed works are not to be measure,

since the quantities are determined with
determining categories of excavated
materials in terms of provisions specified in
the sub-clause Taking over of works

Completed works are to be taken over in

accordance with the general requirements
specified in the sub-clause Calculation of works

Completed works are to be calculated in

accordance with the provisions specified in
the sub-clause of the general
conditions and according to the contract unit
price for cubic metre of spread surplus of
coherent or incoherent earth material.

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