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No revised manual pages are enclosed. Retain this notice in you manual for future reference.


• Alabama • Minnesota • Pennsylvania

• Arizona • Mississippi • Puerto Rico
• Florida • Nevada • Rhode Island
• Georgia • New Hampshire • South Carolina
• Kansas • New Jersey • Washington
• Louisiana • New Mexico • West Virginia
• Maine • New York • Wisconsin
• Michigan • North Dakota
The Personal Auto Manual General Rules Revision announced in Notice to Manualholders 89-1 is
effective in most jurisdictions December 1, 1989. That revision does not apply in the jurisdictions
listed above.

This Notice to Manualholders (89-2) includes Personal Auto Manual General Rules 1.A., 14.D.,
14.F., and 14.G., which applied in all jurisdictions prior to December 1, 1989. Do not discard this
Notice to Manualholders until we advise you of the approval of the revision in all jurisdictions.

Any exceptions to these rules, as contained on the existing state exception pages of the jurisdictions
listed above, continue to apply.

We will advise you via future Notices to Manualholders of the approval of the General Rules revision
announced in Notice to Manualholders 89-1 in the jurisdictions listed above.

The manual pages provided with Notice to Manualholders 89-1 incorporated changes to Rule 5.,
Safe Driver Insurance Plan (originally announced in Notice to Manualholders - June, 1989) and Rule
4., Classifications (originally announced in Important Notice - February 1, 1987). These changes
may be used in the jurisdictions listed above, unless an exception is made on the state exception

1 Edition 12-89
In the jurisdictions listed above, the following Personal Auto Manual General Rules continue to apply
in lieu of the rule changes distributed with General Rules Notice 89-1:

Item 1: Rule 1., Section A. is replaced by the following:

A.1. A private passenger auto is a four wheel motor vehicle, other than a truck type, owned or
leased under contract for a continuous period of at least six months, and

a. not used as a public or livery conveyance for passengers.

b. not rented to others.

2. A motor vehicle that is a pickup, panel truck, or van, shall be considered a private passenger
auto, if:

a. owned by an individual or by a husband and wife who are residents of the same
household, and

b. not customarily used in the occupation, profession or business of the insured, other than
farming or ranching.

3. A motor vehicle owned by a farm family co-partnership, or farm family corporation shall be
considered a private passenger auto owned by two or more relatives who are residents of the
same household if:

a. it is principally garaged on a farm or ranch, and

b. it otherwise meets the definitions in 1. and 2. above.

4. A motor vehicle that is a pickup, panel truck, or van used in the business of the United States
Government, by an employee of the Government, may be considered a private passenger
auto, if:

a. it is owned by an individual or by a husband and wife who are residents of the same
household, and

b. not customarily used in any other occupation, profession or business of the insured other
than farming or ranching, and

c. liability coverage is limited in accordance with the federal employees using autos in
government business endorsement.

Item 2: Rule 14., Section D. is replaced by the following:

D. Rental Reimbursement/Transportation Expenses (Cov. Code 053)

1. This coverage may be written only when comprehensive coverage is afforded.

2. Rate - $10.00 per car, per year.

3. Attach rental reimbursement/transportation expenses endorsement.

2 Edition 12-89
Item 3: Rule 14., Sections F. and G. are replaced by the following:
F. Sound Reproducing Tapes (Cov. Code 064)

1. Coverage is available for tapes, wires, discs and other accessories used with sound
reproduction equipment permanently installed in the auto.

2. Rate – $10 per car, per year.

3. Attach coverage for tapes, records or other devices endorsement.

G. Sound Receiving and Transmitting Equipment (Cov. Code 014)

1. Coverage for loss of or damage to any device or instrument designed as a citizen band
radio, scanner, two-way mobile radio or telephone – including its accessories, equipment
and antenna – is available if the equipment is permanently installed in the owned auto.

2. Premium charges are as follows:

Premium Per Auto Per Year
Cost New of Equipment Premium
$ 0 - 200 $ 20
201 - 500 40
501 - 1,000 68
1,001 - 2,500 122
2,501 and over 190
3. Attach coverage for sound receiving and transmitting equipment endorsement.

4. This rule does not apply to equipment permanently installed in the opening of the dash or
console of the auto normally used by the motor vehicle manufacturer for the intallation of a



December 1, 1989

3 Edition 12-89
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4 Edition 12-89

DECEMBER 1, 1989.




a 5th Edition 12-89
b, c 6th Edition 12-89
G-1 7th Edition 12-89
G-2 9th Edition 12-89
G-3 6th Edition 12-89
G-4 through G-6 5th Edition 12-89
G-7 6th Edition 12-89
G-8 4th Edition 12-89
G-9 through G-11 3rd Edition 12-89
G-12 6th Edition 12-89
G-13 7th Edition 12-89
G-14, G-15 5th Edition 12-89
G-16 5th Edition 12-89
G-17 8th Edition 12-89
G-18 7th Edition 12-89
G-19 9th Edition 12-89
G-20 6th Edition 12-89
G-21 7th Edition 12-89
G-22, G-23 5th Edition 12-89
G-24 through G-28 1st Edition 12-89

Copyright Explanation
The material distributed by Insurance Services Office, Inc. is copyrighted. All rights reserved.
Possession of these pages does not confer the right to print, reprint, publish, copy, sell, file or use
same in any manner without the written permission of the copyright owner. Permission is hereby
granted to members, subscribers and service purchasers to reprint, copy or otherwise use the
enclosed material for purposes of their own business use relating to that territory, line or kind of
insurance or subdivision thereof for which they are duly affiliated, provided that:
(A) where ISO copyrighted material is reprinted, copied or otherwise used as a whole, it must
reflect the copyright notice actually shown on such material, viz.
Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 19_____________
(B) where ISO copyrighted material is reprinted, copied or otherwise used in part, the following
credit legend shall appear at the bottom of each page so used:
Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission.
Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 19______________

5 Edition 12-89

4. AGE, SEX AND MARITAL STATUS CLASSIFICATIONS ............................................................. G-4
19. ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES ............................................................................................................ G-27
19. ANTIQUE AUTOS ......................................................................................................................... G-28
4. ANTI-THEFT DEVICES, VEHICLES EQUIPPED WITH................................................................ G-6
14. AUDIO, VISUAL AND DATA ELECTRONIC ................................................................................. G-22
10. CANCELLATION ........................................................................................................................... G-16
10. Pro Rata Tables .................................................................................................................... G-18,19
15. CERTIFIED RISKS – FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY LAWS ....................................................... G-23,24
4. CHANGES IN CLASSIFICATION.................................................................................................. G-3
9. CHANGES – REQUIRING ADJUSTMENTS ................................................................................. G-16
19. CLASSIC AUTOS.......................................................................................................................... G-28
4. CLASSIFICATIONS – AUTOS ...................................................................................................... G-2
14. COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE.................................................................................................. G-21
ASSOCIATION VEHICLES ........................................................................................................... G-3
14. CUSTOMIZING EQUIPMENT COVERAGE .................................................................................. G-23
14. DEDUCTIBLE INSURANCE.......................................................................................................... G-21
14. Comprehensive ..................................................................................................................... G-21
14. Collision................................................................................................................................. G-21
14. Liability .................................................................................................................................. G-21
1. DEFINITIONS................................................................................................................................ G-1
4. Age, Sex and Marital Status .................................................................................................. G-4
1. Auto ....................................................................................................................................... G-1
1. Comprehensive Coverage..................................................................................................... G-1
4. Driver Training....................................................................................................................... G-4
4. Good Student ........................................................................................................................ G-5
5. Inexperienced Operator......................................................................................................... G-8
1. Liability .................................................................................................................................. G-1
4, 5. Multi-Car Discount................................................................................................................. G-5,8
1. Owned ................................................................................................................................... G-1
1. Private Passenger Auto......................................................................................................... G-1
1. Single Limit Liability............................................................................................................... G-1
5. Total Base Premium.............................................................................................................. G-8
4. Use Classifications ................................................................................................................ G-3
4. DRIVER TRAINING....................................................................................................................... G-4
5. DRIVING RECORD POINTS (SDIP) ............................................................................................. G-7
5. DRIVING RECORD SUB-CLASSIFICATION (SDIP) .................................................................... G-8
19. DUNE BUGGIES ........................................................................................................................... G-27
19. ELECTRIC AUTOS ....................................................................................................................... G-28
2. ELIGIBILITY – PERSONAL AUTO POLICY .................................................................................. G-1
5. ELIGIBILITY – SAFE DRIVER INSURANCE PLAN ...................................................................... G-7
3. EXPENSE FEES ........................................................................................................................... G-2
5. EXPERIENCE PERIOD................................................................................................................. G-8
14. EXTENDED TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES COVERAGE........................................................ G-21
19. GO-CARTS.................................................................................................................................... G-26
19. GOLF CARTS................................................................................................................................ G-27
4. GOOD STUDENT CLASSIFICATIONS ......................................................................................... G-5

b 6th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1983, 1989


manual refers to other than collision damage to a
A. 1. A private passenger auto is a four wheel motor motor vehicle.
vehicle, other than a truck type, owned or leased F. OWNED as used in this manual includes an auto
under contract for a continuous period of at least leased under contract for a continuous period of at
six months, and least six months. If an auto lease contract requires
a. not used as a public or livery conveyance for the lessee to provide primary insurance for the les-
passengers, sor, attach the additional insured-lessor endorse-
b. not rented to others.
2. A motor vehicle that is a pickup or van shall be 2. PERSONAL AUTO POLICY – ELIGIBILITY
considered a private passenger auto, if it:
a. is owned by an individual or by a husband A. A Personal Auto Policy shall be used to afford cov-
and wife who are residents of the same erage to private passenger autos and motor vehi-
household; cles considered as private passenger autos in Rule
1., if:
b. has a Gross Vehicle Weight of less than
10,000 lbs.; and 1. They are written on a specified auto basis, and
c. is not used for the delivery or transportation 2. They are owned by an individual or by a hus-
of goods or materials unless such use is: band and wife who are residents in the same
(1) incidental to the insured's business of
installing, maintaining or repairing fur- B. A Personal Auto Policy shall be used to afford cov-
nishings or equipment, or erage to private passenger autos that are owned
jointly by two or more:
(2) for farming or ranching.
1. relatives other than husband and wife; or
A pickup or van used in the business of the
United States Government, by an employee of 2. resident individuals;
the Government, shall be considered a private if: (i) They are written on a specified auto basis,
passenger auto only if: and
a. it meets the conditions in a., b. and c. above; (ii) Coverage is limited in accordance with the
and miscellaneous type vehicle endorsement.
b. coverage is limited in accordance with the C. A Personal Auto Policy shall be used to afford cov-
federal employees using autos in govern- erage to motorcycles, motor homes, golfcarts or
ment business endorsement. other similar type vehicles and snowmobiles if:
3. A motor vehicle owned by a farm family co- 1. They are written on a specified vehicle basis,
partnership, or farm family corporation shall be
considered a private passenger auto owned by 2. They are owned by an individual, by a husband
two or more relatives who are residents of the and wife who are residents of the same house-
same household if: hold, or by two or more resident relatives, and
a. it is principally garaged on a farm or ranch, 3. Coverage is limited in accordance with the mis-
and cellaneous type vehicle or snowmobile en-
b. it otherwise meets the definitions in 1. and 2.
above. D. A Personal Auto Policy shall be used to afford cov-
erage to a named individual who does not own an
auto. The named non-owner coverage endorsement
B. AUTO as used in this manual refers to a private must be attached.
passenger auto or a vehicle considered as a private Exception: Exposures in A., B. or C. above may be
passenger auto. written under a commercial auto policy
C. LIABILITY as used in this manual refers only to when combined with a commercial risk.
Bodily Injury and Property Damage Coverages.
D. SINGLE LIMIT LIABILITY as used in this manual
refers to one limit of liability that covers both Bodily
Injury and Property Damage.

G-1 7th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989

16. NAMED NON-OWNER POLICY (For individuals who do not own an auto)

a 5th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1983, 1989

18. INCREASED LIMITS ..................................................................................................................... G-25
5. INEXPERIENCED OPERATORS (SDIP) ...................................................................................... G-8
8. LONG TERM POLICIES................................................................................................................ G-16
18. MEDICAL PAYMENTS INCREASED LIMITS................................................................................ G-25
7. MINIMUM PREMIUM RULE .......................................................................................................... G-15
14. MISCELLANEOUS COVERAGES ................................................................................................ G-20
19. MOTORBIKES............................................................................................................................... G-26
19. MOPEDS ....................................................................................................................................... G-26
19. MOTORCYCLES ........................................................................................................................... G-26
19. MOTOR HOMES ........................................................................................................................... G-25
19. MOTORSCOOTERS ..................................................................................................................... G-26
4. MULTI-CAR RISK – CLASSIFICATION ........................................................................................ G-5
5. MULTI-CAR RISK – SAFE DRIVER INSURANCE PLAN (SDIP).................................................. G-8
16. NON-OWNED AUTO COVERAGE ............................................................................................... G-24
14. NON-OWNERS – UNINSURED MOTORISTS INSURANCE........................................................ G-21
4. PANEL TRUCKS, PICKUPS AND VANS ...................................................................................... G-7
4. PASSIVE RESTRAINT DISCOUNT .............................................................................................. G-6
5. PERFORMANCE VEHICLES ........................................................................................................ G-14
2. PERSONAL AUTO POLICY – ELIGIBILITY .................................................................................. G-1
8. POLICY PERIOD........................................................................................................................... G-15
3. PREMIUM DETERMINATION ....................................................................................................... G-2
4. PRIMARY CLASSIFICATION........................................................................................................ G-2
1. PRIVATE PASSENGER AUTO, DEFINITION............................................................................... G-1
10. PRO RATA TABLES ..................................................................................................................... G-18,19
PAGES .......................................................................................................................................... G-20
4,5. RATING FACTORS....................................................................................................................... G-10-14
20. RATING TERRITORIES ................................................................................................................ G-28
5. SAFE DRIVER INSURANCE PLAN (SDIP) .................................................................................. G-7
4. SECONDARY CLASSIFICATION ................................................................................................. G-2
5. SECONDARY RATING FACTORS AND STATISTICAL CODES.................................................. G-14
8. SHORT TERM POLICIES ............................................................................................................. G-15
19. SNOWMOBILES AND ALL TERRAIN VEHICLES ........................................................................ G-27
14. TOWING AND LABOR COST ....................................................................................................... G-21
19. TRAILERS..................................................................................................................................... G-25
14. UNINSURED, UNDERINSURED MOTORISTS INSURANCE COVERAGE ................................. G-20,21
4. USE CLASSIFICATION................................................................................................................. G-3
11. WHOLE DOLLAR PREMIUM ........................................................................................................ G-20

c 6th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989

3. PREMIUM DETERMINATION 3. Expense Fees are not subject to modification by

the provisions of any rating plans or other rating
Single Limit Liability, or Bodily Injury and Property rules (e.g., Classifications, Safe Driver Insur-
Damage Liability; Medical Payments; Comprehensive ance Plan, Increased Limits factors, Physical
and Collision premiums are determined as follows: Damage Deductible factors, etc.).
A. Refer to the Classification Rule to determine the 4. Expense Fees are subject to the Cancellation
applicable Classification, Rating Factor and Statisti- and Suspension provisions of this manual.
cal Code.
5. Expense Fees apply to the rates for Miscel-
B. Model Year and Symbol Determination laneous Types vehicles as follows:
1. Refer to the Model Year/Age Group Rule to de- a. Motorcycles, Go Carts and Similar Vehicles
termine the model year/age of the auto and refer
to the Symbol and Identification Section for the Add the expense fees to the B.I., P.D.,
appropriate symbol of the auto. Comprehensive, Collision and, if applicable,
No-Fault rates that apply.
When model year is used in rating and the rates
for a model year are not displayed in the rate b. Snowmobiles and All-Terrain Vehicles, Dune
pages, use the rates shown for the latest model Buggies, Golf Carts and Antique Autos
year. Add the expense fees to the Liability rates
2. If no Rating Symbol is shown in the Symbol and and, if applicable, No-Fault rates.
Identification (S&I) Section, use the following c. Classic Autos, Electric Autos and Motor
procedure to determine an interim rating symbol. Homes
a. If the S&I Section displays a rating symbol Add the expense fees to the Liability, Physi-
for the PRIOR MODEL YEAR version of the cal Damage and, if applicable, No-Fault
same vehicle, use the prior model year's rates.
Rating Symbol for the new model year vehi- d. Recreational Trailers
Add the expense fees to the Comprehensive
b. If the S&I Section does NOT display a rating and Collision rates.
symbol for the PRIOR MODEL YEAR ver-
sion of the same vehicle, assign a symbol G. When a surcharge is applicable under the Certified
based on the cost new of the auto, using the Risk – Financial Responsibility Laws Rule, the sur-
Price/Symbol Chart located in the reference charge is to be applied to the liability premium de-
pages of the S&I Section. termined by the foregoing provisions.
C. Refer to Territory Definitions to determine the territo-
rial schedule code number for the location where 4. CLASSIFICATIONS
the auto is principally garaged.
This rule does not apply to risks rated in accordance with
Note the Miscellaneous Types Rule unless otherwise specified.
When a risk is statutorily required to have, or is eli- Refer to Section C. below for definitions of terms used in
gible for, a coverage that is not available in the terri- this rule.
tory of principal garaging, use the registration ad-
dress to determine the territory for that coverage. A. Autos owned by an individual, or owned jointly by
two or more relatives or resident individuals are
D. Refer to the State Rate Sheets to determine base classified as follows:
rates for the desired coverage for the appropriate
territory. 1. Primary Classification
E. For Stated Amount Comprehensive multiply the rate a. Classify the auto according to the age, sex
by the limit of liability to determine the Base Pre- and marital status of the operators, the use
mium. of the auto and the eligibility of youthful op-
erators for the Driver Training and/or Good
F. The premium for each coverage is determined by Student classes, and
multiplying the base rate by the appropriate rating
factor and adding the appropriate Expense Fees b. Determine the applicable factor from the
according to the following rule: Primary Rating Factor tables.
EXPENSE FEES 2. Secondary Classification
1. Refer to State Rate pages to determine the ap- a. Refer to the Symbol and Identification Sec-
plicable Expense Fees. tion to determine if the auto is:
2. Expense Fees are added separately to the pre- (1) Standard performance,
mium for the Single Limit Liability or Bodily Injury (2) Intermediate performance,
and Property Damage Liability, Comprehensive,
Collision and No-Fault Coverages applying to (3) High performance, or
each auto. (4) Sports.

G-2 10th Edition 2-92

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1992

4. CLASSIFICATIONS (Cont'd) 2. Farm family co-partnerships or farm family cor-

b. Determine if the auto is: An owned private passenger auto principally
(1) a single car, or garaged on a farm or ranch shall be classified
and rated in accordance with Rule 4.A., pro-
(2) part of a multi-car risk. vided the vehicle is:
c. Refer to the Safe Driver Insurance Plan, to a. not experience rated, and
classify automobiles according to the provi-
sions of the Plan. b. not used in an occupation other than farming
or ranching, or
d. Refer to the Secondary Rating Factor table
to determine the appropriate factor to be c. used only in driving to or from work.
added to, or subtracted from the Primary C. Definitions
Rating Factor.
1. Use Classifications
3. Classification Changes
a. BUSINESS USE means that the use of the
Compute premium adjustments on a pro rata auto is required by or customarily involved in
basis when changes in Primary and Secondary the duties of the applicant or any other per-
Rating Classifications are made. This includes son customarily operating the auto, in an oc-
the addition or deletion of an operator during the cupation, profession or business, other than
policy term. going to or from the principal place of occu-
Exceptions: pation, profession or business.
1. A policy shall not be changed mid-term because b. FARM USE means the auto is principally
of the attained age of an operator of the auto. garaged on a farm or ranch, and
2. A policy shall not be changed mid-term to affect (1) it is not customarily used in going to or
a change in the Driving Record Sub- from work other than farming or ranch-
Classification. ing, or driving to or from school, and
3. Policies exceeding one year: (2) it is not customarily used in any occupa-
tion other than farming or ranching.
The attained age of an operator shall be recog-
nized during the 2nd and 3rd annual policy peri- c. PLEASURE USE means:
ods or the portion of these years affected. (1) no BUSINESS USE.
4. A policy shall not be changed mid-term solely (2) personal use including driving to or from
due to a change in symbol assignment based on work or school
a review of loss experience.
(a) less than 3 road miles one way; and
B. Private Passenger Autos owned by corporations,
co-partnerships, or unincorporated associations and (b) 3 or more, but less than 15, road
covered by a Personal Auto Policy. miles one way for not more than 2
days per week or not more than 2
1. Corporations, co-partnerships or unincorporated weeks in any 5 week period.
associations owning fewer than five motor vehi-
cles: d. WORK LESS THAN 15 MILES means:
An owned private passenger auto principally (1) no BUSINESS USE.
furnished to a specified individual shall be clas- (2) personal use including driving to or from
sified and rated as if owned by that individual in work or school
accordance with Rule 4.A., provided that auto is (a) 3 or more, but less than 15, road
not used for business purposes. This rule does miles one way if such usage is more
not apply to autos which are eligible for rating as than 2 days per week or more than 2
van pools in the Commercial Lines Manual – Di- weeks per 5 week period; or
vision 1 – Automobile.

G-3 6th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989

4. CLASSIFICATIONS (Cont'd) d. RESIDENT means anyone residing in the

same household.
(b) 15 or more road miles one way, for Exceptions:
not more than 2 days per week or not
more than 2 weeks in any 5 week pe- 1. A person in active military service with the
riod. armed forces of the United States of America is
not considered a resident in the applicant's
e. WORK 15 OR MORE MILES means: household unless this person customarily oper-
(1) no BUSINESS USE. ates the auto.
(2) personal use including driving to or from 2. If a YOUTHFUL UNMARRIED FEMALE OP-
work or school 15 or more road miles ERATOR or a YOUTHFUL UNMARRIED MALE
one way more than 2 days per week or OPERATOR is a student residing at an educa-
more than 2 weeks in any 5 week period. tional institution over 100 road-miles from the
auto's place of principal garaging, the auto is
f. An auto driven part way to or from work or rated as if the student is MARRIED.
school, such as to a railroad or bus depot,
whether or not the auto is parked at the de- Note: For the purpose of Exception 2, if the
pot during the day, shall be considered as rating factor for a married youthful opera-
driving to or from work or school. tor is greater than the factor for an un-
married youthful operator, use the lower
LIABILITY COVERAGE ONLY factor and corresponding statistical code.
g. An auto used in the business of the U.S. 3. Driver Training
Government by one of its employees may be
classified and rated as PLEASURE USE, The applicable Driver Training Classification
WORK LESS THAN 15 MILES or WORK 15 applies to each Youthful Operator under 21
OR MORE MILES when the federal employ- years of age where "Satisfactory Evidence" is
ees using autos in government business en- presented that such operator has successfully
dorsement is used to limit coverage. completed a driver education course meeting
the following standards:
2. Age, Sex and Marital Status Classifications
a. The course included a minimum of 30 clock
a. YOUTHFUL OPERATOR means an appli- hours of classroom instruction plus a mini-
cant or any other operator resident in the mum of 6 clock hours of actual driving ex-
same household as the applicant, who cus- perience per student. These requirements
tomarily operates the auto, and is one of the may be met in either of the following ways:
(1) A minimum of 6 clock hours per student
(1) YOUTHFUL UNMARRIED FEMALE OP- of actual driving experience exclusive of
ERATOR – unmarried female under 25 observation time in the car.
years of age;
In this case, part of the required 30 clock
(2) YOUTHFUL MARRIED MALE OPERA- hours of classroom instruction can be
TOR – married male under 25 years of met by the time spent in an approved
age; simulated practice driving trainer.
(3) YOUTHFUL UNMARRIED MALE OP- Use of the driving trainer must be author-
ERATOR – unmarried male under 25 ized by the State Department of Educa-
years of age who is not an owner or tion or other responsible educational
principal operator; agency.
(4) YOUTHFUL UNMARRIED MALE (2) A minimum of 3 clock hours per student
OWNER OR PRINCIPAL OPERATOR – of actual driving experience exclusive of
unmarried male under 30 years of age observation-time in the car, and
who is an owner or principal operator.
A minimum of 12 clock hours per student
b. AGE means the age attained on the last in an approved practice driving trainer.
In this case only time spent in excess of
c. MARRIED means a married person living 12 clock hours may be counted as part
with his or her spouse and includes a person of the required 30 clock hours of class-
widowed, divorced or legally separated only room instruction.
if such a person has custody of one or more
resident children.

G-4 5th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989

4. CLASSIFICATIONS (Cont'd) (3) when in a school maintaining a numeri-

cal grade, must have at least a 3 in a 4,
Use of the driving trainer must be author- 3, 2, 1 point system or its equivalent.
ized by the State Department of Educa- (4) student is included in a "Dean's List,"
tion or other responsible educational "Honor Roll" or comparable list indicating
agency. scholastic achievement.
b. The course was conducted by instructors A classification change resulting from a
certified by the State Department of Educa- change in the scholastic standing of the stu-
tion or other responsible educational dent can not be effected between anniver-
agency, and sary dates of the policy.
c. The course was conducted by a recognized 5. a. Single Car Risks
secondary school, college or university and
had the approval of the State Department of If the number of youthful operators exceeds
Education or other responsible educational the number of autos, the Youthful Operator
agency, or Classifications with the highest Primary Rat-
ing Factors apply. In determining such clas-
d. The course was conducted by other schools, sifications any Driver Training and/or Good
and such course and school had the ap- Student qualification shall apply.
proval and supervision of the State Depart-
ment of Education or other responsible edu- b. Multi-Car Risks
cational agency; or (1) The applicable Multi-Car Rating Factor
e. The course was conducted by a commercial applies if more than one private passen-
driving school under the jurisdiction of the ger auto is owned by an individual or
Motor Vehicle Department, provided that by owned jointly by two or more relatives or
Statute or Regulation such school meets the resident individuals, and two or more
same requirements as schools having offi- autos are insured in the same company
cial sanction from the responsible state for any of the following coverages:
educational agency. single limit liability, bodily injury liability,
f. "Satisfactory Evidence" is a certificate property damage liability, medical pay-
signed by a school official certifying to the ments, no-fault, comprehensive or colli-
fulfillment of the requirements in a., b., and sion insurance.
c., or d. or e. above. (2) The applicable "Youthful Operator" Clas-
4. Good Student sifications shall be applied as follows:
The applicable Good Student Classification ap- Determine the number of Youthful Op-
plies provided: erators and the Primary Rating Factor for
each at the Pleasure Use Classification.
a. The owner or operator is –
(a) If there are more cars than Youthful
(1) at least 16 years of age, and Operators, or an equal number of
(2) a full time high school, college or univer- cars and Youthful Operators, assign
sity student. operators to cars as follows:
b. A certified statement from a school official is (i) Each principal Youthful Operator
presented to the Company on each anniver- to the car principally operated.
sary date of the policy indicating that the (ii) Remaining Youthful Operators to
student has met one of the following re- remaining cars in the order of
quirements during the immediately preced- highest rated Youthful Operator
ing school semester: to the car with the highest Total
(1) is in the upper 20% of his/her class Base Premium without regard to
scholastically, or the cars operated.
(2) maintains a "B" average, or its equiva- (iii) Any remaining cars at the appro-
lent. priate No Youthful Operator clas-
If the letter grading system can not be
averaged then no grade can be below

G-5 5th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989

4. CLASSIFICATIONS (Cont'd) 6. Vehicles Equipped with Anti-Theft Devices

These discounts apply to comprehensive cover-
(b) If there are more Youthful Operators age only. To qualify, the vehicle must be
than cars, assign Youthful Operators equipped with:
to cars as follows:
a. a hood lock which can be released only from
(i) Select the Youthful Operators inside the vehicle, and
with the highest Pleasure Use
rating factors equal to the num- b. a device meeting the criteria of either para-
ber of cars. graph 1. or 2. below.
(ii) Of those selected, assign any If a vehicle is equipped with more than one
principal operators to the cars qualifying device, only the single highest
they principally operate. discount shall apply.
(iii) Of those selected and remaining Refer to Company for required evidence of installa-
after principal operator assign- tion of anti-theft devices meeting the following crite-
ment, assign operators to cars in ria prior to granting a discount.
the order of highest rated Youth- 1. Alarm ONLY (Cov. Code 1) and Active Dis-
ful Operator to the car with the abling Devices (Cov. Code 2)
highest Total Base Premium. A 5% discount on Comprehensive Coverage
After assigning Youthful Operators to cars shall be afforded on vehicles equipped with
on the basis of the primary Pleasure Use (1) alarm only devices which sound an audi-
factors, each factor must be adjusted for the ble alarm that can be heard at a distance of
actual car use before determining and apply- at least 300 feet for a minimum of three min-
ing the Secondary Rating Factor. utes, or (2) active disabling devices which
(3) If the TOTAL BASE PREMIUM is the disable the vehicle by making the fuel, igni-
same for each car, the classification for tion or starting system inoperative. A dis-
any youthful operator who is not the abling device is categorized as active if a
principal operator of any of the autos is separate manual step IS required to engage
applied to the auto with the lowest rated the device.
use classification. 2. Passive Disabling Devices (Cov. Code 3)
TOTAL BASE PREMIUM is the sum of A 15% discount on Comprehensive Cover-
the base premiums for single limit liability age shall be afforded on vehicles equipped
or bodily injury and property damage li- with passive disabling devices which disable
ability, medical payments, no-fault, com- the vehicle by making the fuel, ignition or
prehensive and collision coverages that starting system inoperative. A disabling de-
apply to the auto. vice is categorized as passive if a separate
(4) If all operators in the household are age manual step is NOT required to engage the
65 or over, the "Principal Operator Age device.
65 or Over" classification applies to all 7. Passive Restraint Discount
autos. The following discounts apply to Medical Pay-
If there are operators in the household ments and/or any No-Fault Coverage only. To
under age 65, apply the "Principal Op- qualify, the private passenger auto must be
erator Age 65 or Over" classification to equipped with a factory installed automatic oc-
the auto principally operated by the Age cupant restraint, conforming to the federal crash
65 or Over operator, unless a Youthful protection requirements, and meeting the crite-
Operator classification is applicable. The ria of either paragraph a. or b. below:
age of the operator shall be disregarded a. 20% discount shall be afforded when the
for the purpose of rating autos in excess restraint is installed in the driver-side-only
of the number of Age 65 or Over opera- position.
b. 30% discount shall be afforded when the
restraints are installed in both front outboard
seat positions.

G-6 5th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989

4. CLASSIFICATIONS (Cont'd) 2. The SDIP does not apply to policies written for a
term in excess of 12 months unless such policy
8. Panel trucks, pickups and vans provides for an annual adjustment of premium.
a. Liability and Physical Damage: Rate as pri- 3. For a private passenger auto not eligible for the
vate passenger. For non-symbolled pickups, Plan add 0.20 to the Rating Factor otherwise
determine a symbol based on original cost applicable. Refer to Statistical Plan for codes.
new from the tables on page 1 of the Symbol B. Definitions
and Identification Section.
1. Driving Record Points
b. When a pickup is used to transport a
non-permanently attached camper body, or a. Convictions
to transport a camper body or cover with no Points shall be assigned for convictions dur-
facilities for cooking and sleeping: ing the experience period for motor vehicle
(1) Add the cost of the camper body or violations of the applicant or any other cur-
cover to the cost of the pickup and de- rently resident operator as follows:
termine a symbol from the tables on (1) Three points are assigned for conviction
page 1 of the Symbol and Identification of:
Section. (a) driving while intoxicated or under the
(2) Rate according to Paragraph a. influence of drugs; or
c. When a pickup is used to transport a per- (b) failure to stop and report when in-
manently attached camper body with facili- volved in an accident; or
ties for cooking and sleeping, refer to the (c) homicide or assault arising out of the
Motor Homes Section of the Miscellaneous operation of a motor vehicle; or
Types Rule.
(d) driving while license is suspended or
(2) Two points are assigned for the accumu-
SECTION I lation of points under a State Point Sys-
tem or a series of convictions requiring
The SDIP applies to policies written in companies authoriz-
the filing of evidence of Financial Re-
ing its use. For companies electing not to use the Plan see
sponsibility under any Financial Respon-
Section II of this Rule.
sibility Law as of the effective date of the
When SDIP is used it is to be applied to all eligible autos. policy.
A. Eligibility (3) One point is assigned for conviction of
An auto is eligible for rating under this Plan if it is: any other moving traffic violation result-
ing in:
1. Owned by an individual or owned jointly by two
or more relatives or resident individuals. (a) suspension or revocation of an op-
erator's license, or
2. Furnished to an individual by a corporation,
partnership or unincorporated association own- (b) the filing of evidence of financial re-
ing less than 5 motor vehicles and not used for sponsibility under any Financial Re-
business purposes. sponsibility Law required as of the ef-
fective date of the policy.
3. Owned by a family partnership or family corpora-
tion, provided the vehicle is: b. Accidents
a. garaged on a farm or ranch; and Points shall be assigned for each accident
that occurred during the experience period,
b. not rated as part of a fleet; and involving the applicant or any current resi-
c. not used in any occupation other than farm- dent operator, while operating an auto.
ing or ranching. (1) One point is assigned for each auto ac-
Exceptions: cident that results in:
1. The SDIP does not apply to an auto that is used (a) bodily injury, or death; or
in the business of driver training. (b) total damage to all property including
his or her own in excess of $300.

G-7 6th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989

5. SAFE DRIVER INSURANCE PLAN (SDIP) (Cont'd) h. accidents occurring when using auto
in response to an emergency if the
(2) One point is assigned if, during the ex- operator of the auto at the time of
perience period there were two or more accident was a paid or volunteer
accidents each of which resulted in member of any Police or Fire De-
damage to property but have not been partment, First Aid Squad, or any law
assigned a point under (1) above. enforcement agency. This exception
does not include an accident occur-
Exceptions: ring after the auto ceases to be used
1. No points are assigned for accidents in response to such emergency.
incurred by an operator demonstrated to c. Inexperienced Operator
be a named insured or a principal opera-
tor of an auto insured under a separate If the principal operator of the auto has no
policy; and surcharge for an accident, but has been li-
censed less than three years, one point is
2. No points are assigned for accidents assigned.
occurring under the following circum-
stances: d. Refund of Surcharged Premium
a. auto lawfully parked (if the parked If a point has been assigned for an accident
vehicle rolls from the parked position and it is later determined that the accident
then any such accident is charged to falls under one of the exceptions in this rule,
the person who parked the auto); or the company shall refund to the insured the
increased portion of the premium generated
b. the applicant, owner or other resident by the accident.
operator reimbursed by, or on behalf
of, a person who is responsible for 2. Experience Period
the accident or has judgment against The experience period shall be the three years
such person; or immediately preceding the date of application or
c. auto is struck in the rear by another the preparation of the renewal.
vehicle and the applicant or other C. Driving Record Sub-Classification
resident operator has not been con-
victed of a moving traffic violation in The driving record sub-classification shall be deter-
connection with this accident, or mined from the number of Driving Record Points
accumulated during the experience period as fol-
d. operator of the other auto involved in lows:
the accident was convicted of a mov-
ing traffic violation and the applicant Number of Driving Record
or resident operator was not con- Driving Record Points Sub-Classification
victed of a moving traffic violation in 0 0
connection with the accident; or 1 1
2 2
e. auto operated by the applicant or any 3 3
resident operator is struck by a "hit- 4 or more 4
and-run" vehicle, if the accident is
reported to the proper authority D. Multi-Car Risk
within 24 hours by the applicant or 1. Two Car Risk
resident operator; or
The Driving Record Sub-Classification, as de-
f. accidents involving damage by con- termined above, shall apply to each auto as
tact with animals or fowl; or shown under the Multi-Car Section in the Sec-
g. accidents involving Physical Dam- ondary Table.
age, limited to and caused by flying 2. Three or More Car Risk
gravel, missiles, or falling objects; or
Any points developed under SDIP are assigned
to the two cars with the highest Total Base Pre-
miums. The remaining autos are rated at Sub-
Class O.
TOTAL BASE PREMIUM is the sum of the base
premium for Single Limit Liability, or Bodily In-
jury and Property Damage Liability; Medical
Payments: No-Fault; Comprehensive; Collision
Coverages that apply to the auto.

G-8 4th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989

5. SAFE DRIVER INSURANCE PLAN (SDIP) (Cont'd) Use the following Secondary Rating Factors and Codes:
E. Administration of SDIP 1971 and Later Model Autos
1. New Business Single Car Code Factor
a. Initial information necessary to assign the Standard Performance 19 +0.00
proper Driving Record Sub-Classification Intermediate Performance (i) 39 +0.15
shall be obtained from an application signed High Performance (h) 59 +0.30
personally by the applicant. Sports (s) 79 +0.15
Sports Premium (p) 99 +0.15
b. The signature of the applicant on all applica-
tions received from an agent, broker or so- Multi-Car
licitor shall be certified by such agent, broker Standard Performance 29 -0.15
or solicitor. Intermediate Performance (i) 49 +0.00
High Performance (h) 69 +0.15
2. Renewal Business Sports (s) 89 +0.00
Information necessary to assign proper renewal Sports Premium (p) 09 +0.00
Driving Record Sub-Classification shall be de- 1970 and Prior Model Autos
termined from any one or combination of the fol-
lowing: Single Car Code Factor
a. Company's own records; or Non-High Performance 19 +0.00
High Performance 59 +0.00
b. Motor Vehicle records; or
c. An application signed by the applicant and
producer. Non-High Performance 29 -0.15
High Performance 69 -0.15
For companies electing not to use SDIP, rate eligible pri-
vate passenger autos by adding 0.20 to the Rating Factor
otherwise applicable.

G-9 3rd Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989



Age and Sex Pleasure Less than 15 or Business Farm
Use 15 Miles More Miles Use Use

Only Operator in
Household is a Factor .90 1.15 1.35 1.35 .80
Female Age 30-64 Code 8131– – 8132– – 8133– – 8138– – 8139– –

Principal Operator Factor .90 1.15 1.35 1.35 .80

is Age 65 or over Code 8021– – 8022– – 8023– – 8138– – 8028– –

Factor 1.00 1.25 1.45 1.45 90

All Other Code 8111– – 8112– – 8133– – 8118– – 8119– –
Not eligible for Good Student Credit


AGE Pleasure Use Drive to Work Pleasure Use Drive to Work
or Farm Use or Business Use or Farm Use or Business Use
WITHOUT 17 or Factor 1.75 2.00 1.95 2.20
DRIVER Less Code 8211-- 8212– – 8311– – 8312– –
18 Factor 1.60 1.85 1.85 2.10
Code 8221– – 8222– – 8321– – 8322– –
19 Factor 1.50 1.75 1.75 2.00
Code 8231– – 8232– – 8331– – 8332– –
20 Factor 1.25 1.50 1.65 1.90
Code 8241– – 8242– – 8341– – 8342– –
WITH 17 or Factor 1.60 1.85 1.70 1.95
DRIVER Less Code 8261– – 8262– – 8361– – 8362– –
18 Factor 1.50 1.75 1.65 1.90
Code 8271– – 8272– – 8371– – 8372– –
19 Factor 1.40 1.65 1.60 1.85
Code 8281– – 8282– – 8381– – 8382– –
20 Factor 1.20 1.45 1.55 1.80
Code 8291– – 8292– – 8391– – 8392– –
DRIVER thru Factor 1.10 1.35∗ 1.30 1.55
TRAINING 24 Code 8461– – 8462– – 8411– – 8412– –
∗ If the auto is classified as "Work 15 or More Miles," the applicable Primary Rating Factor shall be 1.45 (Code 8113– –).
If the auto is classified as "Business Use," the applicable Primary Rating Factor shall be 1.45 (Code 8118– –).

G-10 3rd Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989


AGE Not Owner or Principal Operator Owner or Principal Operator
Pleasure Use Drive to Work Pleasure Use Drive to Work
or Farm Use or Business Use or Farm Use or Business Use
WITHOUT 17 or Factor 2.70 2.95 3.50 3.75
DRIVER Less Code 8511– – 8512– – 8711– – 8712– –
18 Factor 2.50 2.75 3.30 3.55
Code 8521– – 8522– – 8721– – 8722– –
19 Factor 2.35 2.60 3.10 3.35
Code 8531– – 8532– – 8731– – 8732– –
20 Factor 2.20 2.45 2.85 3.10
Code 8541– – 8542– – 8741– – 8742– –
WITH 17 or Factor 2.25 2.50 3.10 3.35
DRIVER Less Code 8561– – 8562– – 8761– – 8762– –
18 Factor 2.10 2.35 2.90 3.15
Code 8571– – 8572– – 8771– – 8772– –
19 Factor 2.00 2.25 2.70 2.95
Code 8581– – 8582– – 8781– – 8782– –
20 Factor 1.90 2.15 2.55 2.80
Code 8591– – 8592– – 8791– – 8792– –
DRIVER thru Factor 1.50 1.75 2.30 2.55
TRAINING 24 Code 8611– – 8612– – 8811– – 8812– –
DRIVER thru Factor AS NO YOUTHFUL 1.65 1.90
TRAINING 29 Code OPERATOR 8911– – 8912– –

G-11 3rd Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989



AGE Pleasure Use Drive to Work Pleasure Use Drive to Work

or Farm Use or Business Use or Farm Use or Business Use
WITHOUT 17 or Factor 1.50 1.75 1.60 1.85
DRIVER Less Code 8214– – 8215– – 8314– – 8315– –
18 Factor 1.35 1.60 1.50 1.75
Code 8224– – 8225– – 8324– – 8325– –
19 Factor 1.25 1.50 1.40 1.65
Code 8234– – 8235– – 8334– – 8335– –
20 Factor 1.10 1.35 1.30 1.55
Code 8244– – 8245– – 8344– – 8345– –
WITH 17 or Factor 1.35 1.60 1.35 1.60
DRIVER Less Code 8264– – 8265– – 8264– – 8265– –
TRAINING 18 Factor 1.25 1.50 1.30 1.55
Code 8274– – 8275– – 8374– – 8375– –
19 Factor 1.15 1.40∗ 1.25 1.50
Code 8284– – 8285– – 8384– – 8385– –
20 Factor 1.05 1.30 1.20 1.45
Code 8294– – 8295– – 8394– – 8395– –
DRIVER thru Factor 1.00 1.25∗ 1.15 1.40∗
TRAINING 24 Code 8464– – 8465– – 8414– – 8415– –

∗If the auto is classfied as "Work 15 or More Miles," the applicable Primary Rating Factor Shall be 1.45 (Code 8113– –).
If the auto is classified as "Business Use," the applicable Primary Rating Factor shall be 1.45 (Code 8118– –).

G-12 6th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989


AGE Not Owner or Principal Operator Owner or Principal Operator
Pleasure Use Drive to Work Pleasure Use Drive to Work
or Farm Use or Business Use or Farm Use or Business Use
WITHOUT 17 or Factor 2.05 2.30 2.70 2.95
DRIVER Less Code 8514– – 8515– – 8714– – 8715– –
18 Factor 1.90 2.15 2.50 2.75
Code 8524– – 8525– – 8724– – 8725– –
19 Factor 1.80 2.05 2.30 2.55
Code 8534– – 8535– – 8734– – 8735– –
20 Factor 1.65 1.90 2.10 2.35
Code 8544– – 8545– – 8744– – 8745– –
WITH 17 or Factor 1.75 2.00 2.50 2.75
DRIVER Less Code 8564– – 8565– – 8764– – 8765– –
18 Factor 1.60 1.85 2.30 2.55
Code 8574– – 8575– – 8774– – 8775– –
19 Factor 1.50 1.75 2.15 2.40
Code 8584– – 8585– – 8784– – 8785– –
20 Factor 1.35 1.60 2.05 2.30
Code 8594– – 8595– – 8794– – 8795– –
DRIVER thru Factor 1.20 1.45 2.00 2.25
TRAINING 24 Code 8614– – 8615– – 8814– – 8815– –

G-13 7th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989

The Rating Factors applicable to the Vehicle Type, Single or Multi-Car Risks and risks with one or more points assigned un-
der the Safe Driver Insurance Plan shall be determined by the addition, or subtraction, of the appropriate Factor from the ap-
plicable table below to the Primary Rating Factor.

Table Applicable to 1971 and Later Model Autos

Vehicle Type 0 1 2 3 4
Single Car
Standard Performance Factor +0.00 +0.40 +0.90 +1.50 +2.20
Code* 10 11 12 13 14
Intermediate Performance Factor +0.15 +0.55 +1.05 +1.65 +2.35
(i) Code* 30 31 32 33 34
High Performance Factor +0.30 +0.70 +1.20 +1.80 +2.50
(h) Code* 50 51 52 53 54
Sports Factor +0.15 +0.55 +1.05 +1.65 +2.35
(s) Code* 70 71 72 73 74

Standard Performance Factor –0.15 +0.05 +0.30 +0.60 +0.95
Code* 20 21 22 23 24
Intermediate Performance Factor +0.00 +0.20 +0.45 +0.75 +1.10
(i) Code* 40 41 42 43 44
High Performance Factor +0.15 +0.35 +0.60 +0.90 +1.25
(h) Code* 60 61 62 63 64
Sports Factor +0.00 +0.20 +0.45 +0.75 +1.10
(s) Code* 80 81 82 83 84

Table Applicable to 1970 and Prior Model Autos

Vehicle Type 0 1 2 3 4
Single Car
Factor +0.00 +0.40 +0.90 +1.50 +2.20
Non-High Performance Code* 10 11 12 13 14
High Performance Code* 50 51 52 53 54
Factor –0.15 +0.05 +0.30 +0.60 +0.95
Non-High Performance Code* 20 21 22 23 24
High Performance Code* 60 61 62 63 64

* These two digits are to be appended to the four-digit code corresponding to the Primary Rating Factor to which the Factor
in this table is added or subtracted.

G-14 5th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989


AND COLLISION COVERAGES Bodily Injury Liability, or
A. Where Model Year Is Used in Rating Property Damage Liability.
1. The model year of the auto is the year assigned Premium for other coverages which may also be in-
by the auto manufacturer. cluded in the policy shall be in addition to the minimum
2. Rebuilt or Structurally Altered Autos – the model annual premium.
year of the chassis determines the model year The minimum annual premium charge is not subject to
of the auto. reduction except – in the event of cancellation or short
3. If the rates from a model year are not displayed term policy, the minimum annual premium charge shall
in the rate pages, use the rates shown for the be adjusted on a pro rata or short rate basis, as the
latest model year. conditions require.
B. Where Age Is Used in Rating
1. Age is determined as follows:
Age Group Definition A. No policy may be written for a period longer than 12
months for Liability Coverage or 36 months for
1 Autos of current model year* Physical Damage Coverage.
B. Premium charged for policy terms not exceeding 12
2 Autos of first preceding year
months is as follows:
3 Autos of second preceding year 1. Twelve Month Policies –
Charge the annual premium or minimum pre-
4 Autos of third preceding year mium whichever applies.
2. Three and Six Month Policies –
5 Autos of fourth preceding year
a. For a specified 3 or 6 month period the pre-
mium charge is 25% or 50% respectively, of
6 All Other Autos the annual or minimum annual premium
* The "current model year," as used in this whichever applies.
section, changes effective October 1 of each b. Policies issued for a 3 or 6 months period
calendar year regardless of the actual intro- with an effective date on the 29th, 30th, and
duction of the makes and models. 31st of any month.
2. Rebuilt or Structurally Altered Autos – the age of The first policy can be extended from the
the chassis determines the age of the autos. effective date to the first day of the calendar
C. Coding applicable whether Model Year or Age is month following the expiration of the policy.
used in rating: Premium for this extended coverage of 1 to
1. Policies effective July 1, 1980 and subsequent: 3 days may be waived.
Code the last two digits of the model year, for 3. Other Short Term Policies written for less than
example, code 1980 vehicles as 80, 1981 as 81, 12 months and other than 3 or 6 months –
etc. Such policies shall be written on a pro rata basis
2. Policies effective prior to July 1, 1980: in accordance with the Pro Rata Table in the
Cancellation rule.
Description Code
Current Model Year 1
First Preceding Model Year 2 The premium is computed Pro Rata:
Second Preceding Model Year 3 1. When coverage is written to secure a com-
Third Preceding Model Year 4 mon policy date with other coverages or
Fourth Preceding Model Year 5 lines of insurance.
Fifth and Prior Model Year 6
2. When a policy is issued on a short rate basis
to replace an outstanding policy of a com-
7. MINIMUM PREMIUM RULE pany in liquidation, provided the new policy
is based upon the rules and rates in effect at
The minimum annual premium charge is $10 for each the time replacement is made and shall be
policy, certificate, declaration or binder covering one or in effect for a period equal to the unexpired
more of the following perils; term of the outstanding policy.

G-15 5th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989

8. POLICY PERIOD (Cont'd) C. Adjustments of $5 or less:

1. If an outstanding policy is amended and results
3. When a statutory policy is required by a state or in a premium adjustment of $5 or less, the
municipality to expire on a fixed date and the amount:
policy is written to expire on such date.
a. may be waived, or
C. Long Term Physical Damage Policies written for a
term in excess of 12 months – Determine premium b. may be made subject to a minimum of $5.
as follows: except that the actual return premium shall be
1. 1st 12 months: returned at the request of the insured.
Charge the first year premium or minimum pre- 2. Minimum premium of $5 applies if an insured
mium, whichever applies. requests the following during the policy period:
2. 2nd 12 months: a. additional coverage,
In addition to the above, charge the second year b. an increase in limits of liability,
premium or minimum premium whichever ap- c. a reduced deductible.
plies. 3. Companies need not refund a return premium of
If the term is more than 12 months but less than less than $5 if the insured requests the follow-
24 months, charge pro rata of such second year ing:
premium or minimum premium whichever is lar- a. cancellation of coverage,
ger, for the period in excess of 12 months.
b. reduction in limits of liability,
3. 3rd 12 months:
c. increase in deductible,
In addition to the premium for the 1st and 2nd
12 months periods, charge the third year except that actual return premium shall be re-
premium or minimum premium whichever turned at the request of the insured.
applies. 4. If the limits of liability are increased because of
If the term is more than 24 months but less than a change in the limits prescribed under any fi-
36 months charge the pro rata of such third year nancial responsibility law, the additional pre-
premium or minimum premium, whichever is mium charge shall be the actual difference in
larger, for the period in excess of 24 months. premium charges. If $5 or less, it may be
charged or waived.
Note: Calculation of the premium for the 2nd and
3rd 12 month periods, or pro rata part
thereof shall recognize: 10. CANCELLATION
1. The attained age of operator(s) during a A. If a policy, vehicle or form of coverage is cancelled,
previous 12 month period;
1. By the company:
2. Any change in the model year/age group of
the insured auto, during a previous 12 month Compute return premium pro rata.
period; 2. By the insured:
3. Any change in sub-classification under the a. For one-year policies –
Safe Driver Insurance Plan.
Compute return premium at 90% of the pro
4. A change in symbol assignment based on a rata unearned premium for one year.
review of loss experience.
b. For two-year or three-year policies –
(1) If cancelled during the first year, the re-
turn premium shall be the sum of (a)
A. All changes requiring premium adjustments shall be 90% of the pro rata unearned premium
computed pro rata. for the first year, and (b) the full annual
premium for the second and third year.
B. If an auto or a form of coverage that was cancelled
from a policy at the request of the insured is rein- (2) If cancelled after the first year, the first
stated within 30 days, the premium shall be the year premium shall be fully earned and
same as the amount that was returned at the time of the full pro rata unearned premium for
cancellation. the remaining policy term shall be re-

G-16 5th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989

10. CANCELLATION (Cont'd) 2. In like manner, express the effective date of the
policy by year and decimal part of a year and
c. For Three-Month and Six-month policies or subtract from the cancellation date.
other policy terms of less than one year – 3. The difference in the case of 1 year policies,
Compute return premium at 90% of the pro represents the percentage of the annual pre-
rata unearned premium for the policy term. mium which is to be retained by the company.
Exceptions: 4. For 6 Month Term Policies, the difference be-
tween cancellation date and effective date mul-
Compute return premium on a pro rata basis in the tiplied by two represents the percentage of the
following cases: semi-annual term premium which is to be re-
1. If the insured has disposed of the insured vehi- tained by the carrier.
cle and takes out a new policy in the same com- 5. For 3 Month Term Policies, the difference be-
pany on another vehicle, to become effective tween cancellation date and effective date mul-
within thirty days of the date of cancellation. tiplied by four represents the percentage of the
2. If the insured auto is repossessed under terms quarter-annual term premium which is to be re-
of a financing agreement. tained by the carrier.
3. In a multi-car situation: Example:
a. if one vehicle is cancelled from the policy Cancellation date May 19, 1976 ......................
and the policy remains in force on other ve- Effective date March 2, 1976...........................
hicles, or .214
b. if a policy is cancelled and there remains in Earned premium for a 1 Year Term Policy will therefore
force with the same company in the name of be .214 times the annual premium.
the insured or spouse, residents in the same For a 6 Month Term Policy: Multiply .214 by 2.
household, a concurrent policy covering an- (.214 x 2 =.428). Earned premium will be .428 times the
other vehicle. semi-annual term premium.
4. If the insured enters the armed forces of the For a 3 Month Term Policy: Multiply .214 by 4.
United States of America. (.214 x 4 =.856). Earned premium will be .856 times
5. If the insured auto is stolen or destroyed (total or the quarter-annual term premium.
constructive loss) and cancellation is requested Note: As it is not customary to charge for the extra day
by the insured (February 29th) which occurs one year in every
a. within 30 days following the date the auto is four years this table shall also be used for each
stolen or destroyed, or such year.
b. within 15 days of the time the auto was de-
termined by the company
(1) to be unrecoverable if stolen, or
(2) to be a total or constructive loss.
6. If a vehicle or form of coverage is cancelled from
a policy and the policy remains in force.
B. Instructions for Use of PRO RATA TABLES
1. Express the date of cancellation by year and
decimal part of a year by combining the calen-
dar year with the decimal appearing opposite
the month and day in the Pro Rata Table, e.g.,
March 7, 1976 is designated as 1976.181.

G-17 8th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989


January February March April May June
Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day
of of of of of of of of of of of of
Month Year Ratio Month Year Ratio Month Year Ratio Month Year Ratio Month Year Ratio Month Year Ratio
1 1 .003 1 32 .088 1 60 .164 1 91 .249 1 121 .332 1 152 .416
2 2 .005 2 33 .090 2 61 .167 2 92 .252 2 122 .334 2 153 .419
3 3 .008 3 34 .093 3 62 .170 3 93 .255 3 123 .337 3 154 .422
4 4 .011 4 35 .096 4 63 .173 4 94 .258 4 124 .340 4 155 .425
5 5 .014 5 36 .099 5 64 .175 5 95 .260 5 125 .342 5 156 .427
6 6 .016 6 37 .101 6 65 .178 6 96 .263 6 126 .345 6 157 .430
7 7 .019 7 38 .104 7 66 .181 7 97 .266 7 127 .348 7 158 .433
8 8 .022 8 39 .107 8 67 .184 8 98 .268 8 128 .351 8 159 .436
9 9 .025 9 40 .110 9 68 .186 9 99 .271 9 129 .353 9 160 .438
10 10 .027 10 41 .112 10 69 .189 10 100 .274 10 130 .356 10 161 .441
11 11 .030 11 42 .115 11 70 .192 11 101 .277 11 131 .359 11 162 .444
12 12 .033 12 43 .118 12 71 .195 12 102 .279 12 132 .362 12 163 .447
13 13 .036 13 44 .121 13 72 .197 13 103 .282 13 133 .364 13 164 .449
14 14 .038 14 45 .123 14 73 .200 14 104 .285 14 134 .367 14 165 .452
15 15 .041 15 46 .126 15 74 .203 15 105 .288 15 135 .370 15 166 .455
16 16 .044 16 47 .129 16 75 .205 16 106 .290 16 136 .373 16 167 .458
17 17 .047 17 48 .132 17 76 .208 17 107 .293 17 137 .375 17 168 .460
18 18 .049 18 49 .134 18 77 .211 18 108 .296 18 138 .378 18 169 .463
19 19 .052 19 50 .137 19 78 .214 19 109 .299 19 139 .381 19 170 .466
20 20 .055 20 51 .140 20 79 .216 20 110 .301 20 140 .384 20 171 .468
21 21 .058 21 52 .142 21 80 .219 21 111 .304 21 141 .386 21 172 .471
22 22 .060 22 53 .145 22 81 .222 22 112 .307 22 142 .389 22 173 .474
23 23 .063 23 54 .148 23 82 .225 23 113 .310 23 143 .392 23 174 .477
24 24 .066 24 55 .151 24 83 .227 24 114 .312 24 144 .395 24 175 .479
25 25 .068 25 56 .153 25 84 .230 25 115 .315 25 145 .397 25 176 .482
26 26 .071 26 57 .156 26 85 .233 26 116 .318 26 146 .400 26 177 .485
27 27 .074 27 58 .159 27 86 .236 27 117 .321 27 147 .403 27 178 .488
28 28 .077 28 59 .162 28 87 .238 28 118 .323 28 148 .405 28 179 .490
29 29 .079 29 88 .241 29 119 .326 29 149 .408 29 180 .493
30 30 .082 30 89 .244 30 120 .329 30 150 .411 30 181 .496
31 31 .085 31 90 .247 31 151 .414

G-18 7th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989


July August September October November December
Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day Day
of of of of of of of of of of of of
Month Year Ratio Month Year Ratio Month Year Ratio Month Year Ratio Month Year Ratio Month Year Ratio
1 182 .499 1 213 .584 1 244 .668 1 274 .751 1 305 .836 1 335 .918
2 183 .501 2 214 .586 2 245 .671 2 275 .753 2 306 .838 2 336 .921
3 184 .504 3 215 .589 3 246 .674 3 276 .756 3 307 .841 3 337 .923
4 185 .507 4 216 .592 4 247 .677 4 277 .759 4 308 .844 4 338 .926
5 186 .510 5 217 .595 5 248 .679 5 278 .762 5 309 .847 5 339 .929
6 187 .512 6 218 .597 6 249 .682 6 279 .764 6 310 .849 6 340 .932
7 188 .515 7 219 .600 7 250 .685 7 280 .767 7 311 .852 7 341 .934
8 189 .518 8 220 .603 8 251 .688 8 281 .770 8 312 .855 8 342 .937
9 190 .521 9 221 .605 9 252 .690 9 282 .773 9 313 .858 9 343 .940
10 191 .523 10 222 .608 10 253 .693 10 283 .775 10 314 .860 10 344 .942
11 192 .526 11 223 .611 11 254 .696 11 284 .778 11 315 .863 11 345 .945
12 193 .529 12 224 .614 12 255 .699 12 285 .781 12 316 .866 12 346 .948
13 194 .532 13 225 .616 13 256 .701 13 286 .784 13 317 .868 13 347 .951
14 195 .534 14 226 .619 14 257 .704 14 287 .786 14 318 .871 14 348 .953
15 196 .537 15 227 .622 15 258 .707 15 288 .789 15 319 .874 15 349 .956
16 197 .540 16 228 .625 16 259 .710 16 289 .792 16 320 .877 16 350 .959
17 198 .542 17 229 .627 17 260 .712 17 290 .795 17 321 .879 17 351 .962
18 199 .545 18 230 .630 18 261 .715 18 291 .797 18 322 .882 18 352 .964
19 200 .548 19 231 .633 19 262 .718 19 292 .800 19 323 .885 19 353 .967
20 201 .551 20 232 .636 20 263 .721 20 293 .803 20 324 .888 20 354 .970
21 202 .553 21 233 .638 21 264 .723 21 294 .805 21 325 .890 21 355 .973
22 203 .556 22 234 .641 22 265 .726 22 295 .808 22 326 .893 22 356 .975
23 204 .559 23 235 .644 23 266 .729 23 296 .811 23 327 .896 23 357 .978
24 205 .562 24 236 .647 24 267 .732 24 297 .814 24 328 .899 24 358 .981
25 206 .564 25 237 .649 25 268 .734 25 298 .816 25 329 .901 25 359 .984
26 207 .567 26 238 .652 26 269 .737 26 299 .819 26 330 .904 26 360 .986
27 208 .570 27 239 .655 27 270 .740 27 300 .822 27 331 .907 27 361 .989
28 209 .573 28 240 .658 28 271 .742 28 301 .825 28 332 .910 28 362 .992
29 210 .575 29 241 .660 29 272 .745 29 302 .827 29 333 .912 29 363 .995
30 211 .578 30 242 .663 30 273 .748 30 303 .830 30 334 .915 30 364 .997
31 212 .581 31 243 .666 31 304 .833 31 365 1.000

G-19 9th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989

11. WHOLE DOLLAR PREMIUM D. If collision coverage, written under other than the
Personal Auto Policy, or liability coverages is sus-
The premium for each exposure shall be rounded to the pended on all owned autos, coverage for which
nearest whole dollar, separately for each coverage pro- separate premiums apply – including uninsured mo-
vided by the policy. torists coverage, underinsured motorists coverage,
medical payments coverage, non-owned auto or ex-
A premium involving $.50 or more shall be rounded to tended liability coverage provided under the use of
the next higher whole dollar. other autos provisions – may be continued in force
This procedure shall apply to all interim premium ad- without premium adjustment for these coverages.
justments, including endorsements or cancellations at E. If liability or collision is suspended on all private
the request of the insured. In the case of cancellation by passenger autos owned by an individual or husband
the company, the return premium may be carried to the and wife, use of other autos coverage, for liability
next higher whole dollar. only, afforded without separate premium charge un-
The phrase "each exposure" as used herein shall mean der a Personal Auto Policy may be continued in
each premium developed (after the application of all force. In this case, 80% pro rata of the owned auto
applicable adjustments) for (1) each auto, if written on a premium calculated in accordance with the provi-
per car basis, and (2) for all other business. sions of this rule shall be returned to the insured
upon reinstatement of the coverages.
12. RULES FOR DETERMINING PHYSICAL DAMAGE F. Insurance covering a private passenger auto which
BASE RATES FOR SYMBOLS NOT DISPLAYED is withdrawn from service for a period of at least
ON STATE RATE SHEETS thirty (30) consecutive days because of a strike,
may be suspended. Pro rata return premium on
Refer to State Exception Pages for Comprehensive and such vehicles shall be granted in accordance with
Collision coverage factors. Section (C) provided the insured furnishes the com-
pany with a letter requesting the return premium.
The letter shall be written on the insured's letter-
13. SUSPENSION head, signed by an executive of the company and
A. Under any policy providing just physical damage shall include the following:
coverage, only Collision may be suspended. 1. A description of each auto.
B. Liability coverages may not be suspended for risks 2. The dates between which it was laid up because
for which a financial responsibility filing is in effect. of the strike.
C. Insurance may be suspended by endorsement in 3. A statement by the insured that he agrees to
accordance with the following provisions provided reimburse the company for any payment made
the period of suspension is at least thirty (30) con- by the company on account of any accident,
secutive days: claim or suit involving a coverage for an auto
1. Insurance may be reinstated upon the named described in the letter for which return premium
insured's request effective not earlier than re- has been allowed by the company.
ceipt of such request by the company or any of
its authorized representatives. 14. MISCELLANEOUS COVERAGES
2. The reinstatement of insurance endorsement
A. Uninsured Motorists Coverage
shall not extend the policy beyond its original
expiration date. 1. Owners – (Class Code – Refer to Statistical
3. Pro rata premium credit shall be granted for the
period of suspension upon reinstatement. Com- This form of coverage may be afforded only if
panies can retain a minimum of ninety days single limit liability or bodily injury liability cover-
premium calculated on a pro rata basis for the age has been purchased.
policy period. If this form of insurance is purchased it must
4. If the policy expires during the period of suspen- apply to all vehicles on the policy.
sion, the named insured shall be entitled to pro a. Basic Limits – The rates shown on the State
rata return premium in accordance with the Exception or Rate Pages are the minimum
foregoing provisions of this rule with respect to limits available and are the financial respon-
the minimum period of suspension and mini- sibility law limits of the state.
mum premium retention by the company.

G-20 6th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989


a. Rates are displayed on the State Exception
b. Increased Limits – Increased Limits may be Pages.
afforded but may not be in excess of the
single limit liability or bodily injury liability lim- b. Rates are not subject to classification rating
its on the policy. Rates are shown on the or modification by any rating plan.
State Exception or Rate Pages. C. Deductible Insurance
c. Rates – Rates apply in accordance with the 1. Deductible Liability Insurance – is not available
following designations: for vehicles classified and rated according to the
(1) Individual or Husband and Wife: rules of this manual.
The insured named in the Declarations 2. Comprehensive Deductibles For Which No
of the policy is an individual or husband Premium Is Shown – Refer to State Exception
and wife. Pages.
(2) All Others: 3. Collision Deductibles For Which No Premium Is
Shown – Refer to State Exception Pages.
The insured named in the Declarations
of the policy is other than an individual or 4. Percentage Of Loss Deductibles For Compre-
husband and wife. hensive And Collision Coverages – Refer to
State Exception Pages.
(3) Additional Persons:
D. Extended Transportation Expenses Coverage
This insurance may be extended only to
an executive officer, partner or employee 1. Eligibility. Only policies providing Comprehen-
of the named insured who does not own sive Coverage may be afforded either Extended
an auto at the additional persons rate for Transportation Expenses Coverage or Increased
each named individual. Limits Transportation Expenses Coverage.
(4) Rates: 2. Rating. The rates for this coverage are not sub-
ject to classification rating or modification by any
The rates are not subject to classification rating plan.
rating or modification by any rating plan.
Annual Rate
2. Non-owners (Class Code 9900) Coverage Per Auto
If a named non-owned policy is extended to af- $15/$450 Extended Transportation
ford Uninsured Motorists coverage, the rate for Expenses Coverage (Cov. Code 704) $12
such extension of coverage shall be the appli-
cable uninsured motorist rate for the first auto $30/$900 Increased Limits
shown on the State Exception or Rate Sheet for Transportation Expenses
owners. Coverage (Cov. Code 706) $25
B. Underinsured Motorists Coverage 3. Endorsement. Attach the extended transporta-
tion expenses coverage endorsement to the pol-
1. Basic Limits – Protection for this coverage up to icy.
the Financial Responsibility law limits is pro-
vided under the Uninsured Motorists Coverage E. Towing and Labor Costs
endorsement. 1. This coverage may be written only for Private
2. Increased Limits – Increased limits of underin- Passenger Autos.
sured motorists coverage may be afforded un- 2. The available limits and rates are:
der the following conditions:
Limit Per Rate Per Car,
a. only if increased limits uninsured motorists Disablement Per Year
coverage is afforded. $ 25 $4
b. increased limits uninsured and underinsured 50 6
motorists insurance must be afforded at the 75 8
same limits. 3. Attach the towing and labor costs coverage en-
c. underinsured motorists coverage must apply dorsement.
to all vehicles insured under the policy.
The underinsured motorists coverage endorsement
must be attached.

G-21 7th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989

14. MISCELLANEOUS COVERAGES (Cont'd) c. accessories used with electronic equipment

permanently installed in the auto, and not
F. Audio, Visual and Data Electronic Equipment and specifically designed solely for the reproduc-
Tapes, Records, Discs and Other Media Coverage tion of sound.
(Cov. Code 014). Refer to the coverage for audio, visual, and data
1. Coverage is available for loss to any of the fol- electronic equipment and tapes, records, discs
lowing, if at the time of loss they are contained and other media endorsement for extent of cov-
in a vehicle described in the policy for which this erage.
coverage is provided: 2. Coverage is not available for radar detectors.
a. tapes, records, discs or other media used 3. Develop the premium independently for each
with audio, visual or data reproduction, re- covered auto as follows:
ceiving or transmitting equipment perma-
nently installed in the auto. a. Audio, visual and electronic equipment in-
cluding its accessories (Cov. Code 014).
b. any electronic equipment not specifically
designed solely for the reproduction of (1) Determine the limit of liability based
sound, that receives or transmits audio, vis- upon the total cost new of this electronic
ual or data signals. equipment permanently installed in that
auto and the cost new of its accessories.
This coverage applies only if the equipment Do not include the cost of tapes, records,
is: discs or other media in determining this
(1) permanently installed in the auto at the limit.
time of loss; Additional coverage for $200 worth of
(2) not necessary for the normal operation tapes, records, discs or other media ap-
of the auto or monitoring of the auto’s plies at no additional charge when cov-
operating systems; and erage is provided for audio, visual and
data electronic equipment.
(3) not an integral part of the same unit
housing any sound reproducing equip- (2) Select the premium from the table below:
ment permanently installed in the open- Total Cost
ing of the dash or console of the auto. New of Equipment
This opening must be normally used by and Accessories Premium
the manufacturer for installation of a ra- $ 0 – 500 $ 30
dio. 501 – 1,000 60
Types of electronic equipment not specifi- 1,001 – 1,500 90
cally designed solely for the reproduction of 1,501 – 2,000 120
sound for which coverage may be pur- 2,001 – 2,500 150
chased include, but are not limited to: 2,501 – 3,000 180
(1) citizens band radios; 3,001 – 3,500 210
3,501 – 4,000 240
(2) telephones; 4,001 – 4,500 270
(3) two-way mobile radios; 4,501 – 5,000 300
5,001 and over Refer to
(4) scanning monitor receivers; Company
(5) television monitor receivers; b. Tapes, records, discs and other media only
(6) video cassette recorders; (Cov. Code 064).
(7) audio cassette recorders; and When coverage is not purchased for audio,
visual and data electronic equipment, cover-
(8) personal computers. age for $200 worth of tapes, records, discs
Note: Electronic equipment which is spe- and other media is available for an additional
cifically designed solely for the re- premium charge of $15 per auto, per year.
production of sound and permanently 4. Attach the coverage for audio, visual and data
installed in the auto at the time of electronic equipment and tapes, records, discs
loss, along with accessories used and other media endorsement to the policy.
with such equipment, is automatically
covered under the policy without ad- G. This section is reserved for future use.
ditional premium charge.

G-22 5th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989

14. MISCELLANEOUS COVERAGES (Cont'd) I. Mexico Coverage

1. At the option of the company, and at the request
H. Customizing Equipment Coverage of the insured, a policy may be extended to ap-
Comprehensive and Collision coverage for custom- ply to accidents occurring in Mexico on a trip of
izing equipment may be purchased on a stated ten days or less if within twenty-five miles of the
amount basis for any panel truck, pickup or van in- United States border.
sured for physical damage coverage. Refer to the 2. Rate – $6 per year.
customizing equipment coverage (stated amount in-
surance) endorsement for extent of coverage. 3. Attach the Mexico coverage endorsement.
1. The cost of customized equipment should not be 4. Modification – This premium shall not be subject
considered when determining the symbol of the to classification rating or modification by the
vehicle. Safe Driver Insurance Plan.
2. The customizing charge determined in this rule
is the only charge for customized equipment on 15. CERTIFIED RISKS – FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY
a vehicle. LAWS
3. The charge for customizing is made only when A. Surcharges
the customizing equipment coverage (stated
1. Surcharges apply to Liability coverages only.
amount insurance) endorsement is attached.
2. For SDIP rated risks, the Rating Factor shall be
Rate as follows:
increased by .10.
1. Refer to state rate pages, use the territory and
3. In all other cases the appropriate charges
any physical damage deductible applicable to
shown below shall be applied to the final pre-
the vehicle.
mium for the affected coverages for the period
2. Multiply the Symbol 5 rate for the current model of time the certificate is required but not more
year by the following factor to obtain the stated than three years (after 3 years a 5% surcharge
amount rate per $100 of customizing: applies) as follows:
Comprehensive – For all model years: .032 a. 50% for driving a motor vehicle while intoxi-
Collision – For all model years: .014 cated, or failing to stop and report when in-
volved in an accident, or homicide or assault
3. Multiply the stated amount rate for customizing arising out of the operation of a motor vehi-
by the desired limit of coverage to obtain the cle.
stated amount customizing Base Rate.
b. 25% for driving a motor vehicle at an exces-
4. Multiply the customizing Base Rate by the vehi- sive rate of speed or in a reckless manner,
cles classification rating factor to determine the where an injury to person or damage to
premium for stated amount Comprehensive and property actually results therefrom.
Collision customizing coverage.
c. 5% for any other reason requiring filing.
Notes: (a) The customizing equipment cover-
age (stated amount insurance) en- B. Owners
dorsement shall be attached. 1. If an owner is required to file evidence of finan-
(b) If Comprehensive or Collision cover- cial responsibility for owned autos and for the
age for customizing is purchased, operation of autos which he does not own, the
the vehicle must have the corre- additional premium shall be computed by apply-
sponding Comprehensive or Colli- ing the proper surcharge to the sum of the pre-
sion coverage. mium for the highest rated auto owned by the
insured and the total non-ownership liability
(c) The customizing deductibles shall be premium, modified in accordance with any ap-
the same as the vehicle deductibles. plicable rating plan.
2. In all other cases, the additional premium shall
be computed by applying the proper surcharge
to the premium for the highest rated auto owned
by the insured modified in accordance with any
applicable rating plan.

G-23 5th Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1976, 1989

15. CERTIFIED RISKS – FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY b. When there is Primary Liability insurance in
effect on the auto or if the auto is used in the
LAWS (Cont'd)
business of the United States Government,
C. Non-owners charge the premiums per person shown in
the table below. The premiums are for the
1. If a policy is written to insure a named individual, minimum financial responsibility requirement
the additional premium shall be computed by limits in the State.
applying the proper surcharge to the premium
for the policy. Bodily Property Single
2. If coverage is provided under a policy which has Person Named Injury Damage Limit
been extended to cover a named individual in
accordance with Rule 17. – Extended Insured Named or Spouse $4 $1 $6
Non-Owned Liability Coverage, the additional Relative 8 2 12
premium shall be computed by applying the
proper surcharge to: 2. The insured named in the policy, the spouse if a
resident of the same household, or a resident
a. the rates for the highest rated auto insured relative who is furnished an auto for regular use
under the policy for the rating territory in and is employed by a garage:
which the named individual is located, or
a. When garage has no liability insurance
b. if there is no auto at such location, 170% of charge 170% of Base Rate for Liability.
the private passenger Base Rates for the
territory in which the named individual is lo- b. When garage has liability insurance, refer to
cated. Company.
3. In all other situations, charge the premiums per
16. NAMED NON-OWNER POLICY person shown in the table below. The premiums
are for the minimum financial responsibility re-
(For individuals who do not own an auto) quirement limits in the State.
A. Liability and Medical Payments Coverage – charge
50% of the premium that would apply if such indi- Bodily Property Single
vidual owned an auto. Person Named Injury Damage Limit
B. Uninsured motorists Insurance – Refer to the State Insured Named or Spouse $3 $1 $5
Exception or Rate Sheets. Charge the "first auto" Relative 5 2 9
Uninsured Motorists rate applicable to owners.
Attach the named non-owner coverage endorsement. B. Medical Payments – Premiums per person – avail-
able only if Single Limit Liability or Bodily Injury and
Property Damage coverages are extended.
Medical Payments Auto Furnished Auto Not
Attach the extended non-owned coverage for named indi- Limit of Policy for Regular Furnished for
vidual endorsement. to which attached Use Regular Use
A. Liability coverage – Liability coverage may be ex-
tended to an individual described below: $ 500 $ 4 $ 2
1. The insured named in the policy, the spouse if a 1,000 5 3
resident of the same household, or a resident
relative who is furnished an auto for regular use 2,000 6 4
but is NOT employed by a garage:
a. When no Primary Liability insurance is in 5,000 9 7
effect on the auto, charge 50% of the liability
premium which would apply if the furnished 10,000 17 15
auto were being specifically insured as an
owned auto by the individual.

G-24 1st Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1989

18. INCREASED LIMITS a. To determine base rates for symbols not

displayed on rate pages, use the factors in
A. Refer to State Exception Pages to determine the rule 12. for 1981 and Later Model Years and
factors to be applied to the appropriate basic limits the Symbol 5 rate for the model year of the
rates for Single Limit Liability, Bodily Injury or Prop- motor home.
erty Damage Liability. b. For Motor Homes with a stated amount
For limits not displayed on a State Exception Page, value of $65,001 and over, increase the
refer to company. Symbol 20 base rates (as calculated in a.)
as follows: (Statistical Code – Use the code
B. Medical Payments Increased Limits for Symbol 21 (A))
Medical Payments coverage for limits greater than (1) Comprehensive – 1.7% for each $1,000
$5,000 may be afforded. The base rates for higher or part of $1,000 in excess of $65,000.
limits shall be the $5,000 Medical Payments Base
Rates increased by the following: (2) Collision – 1.4% for each $1,000 or part
of $1,000 in excess of $65,000.
Medical Payments Additional Base Rate c. Motor Homes used in driving to or from work
Limits Above $5,000 or used in business – Classify and rate as
$ 10,000 $ 8 private passenger autos, using the base
25,000 23 rates calculated in a. and b.
50,000 35 d. Pleasure Use Motor Homes – Charge 35%
75,000 45 of the base rates calculated in a. and b. (The
100,000 50 Safe Driver Insurance Plan does not apply.)
e. Expense Fees – add the appropriate ex-
19. MISCELLANEOUS TYPES pense fees, according to the Premium De-
termination rule.
A. Motor Homes (Class Code 943700).
f. For custom built Motor Homes, the model
A motor home is a self-propelled motor vehicle with year of the chassis determines the model
a living area that is an integral part of the vehicle year of the motor home.
chassis, or a pickup with a permanently attached
5. Covered Property Coverage
camper body. The living area or camper body must
consist of facilities for cooking and sleeping. Attach the covered property coverage endorse-
ment to the policy.
Attach the miscellaneous type vehicle and the mis-
cellaneous type vehicle amendment (motor homes) Deductible Rate Per $100
endorsements to the policy. $ 50 $1.45
COVERAGES 6. Liability, Medical Payments, Comprehensive,
1. Motor Homes used in driving to or from work or Collision and Covered Property Coverages may
used in business – Classify and rate as private be extended to apply while a motor home is
passenger autos. rented to others. To determine the additional
2. Pleasure Use Motor Homes – Charge 50% of premium, apply the following factor separately to
the otherwise applicable All Other Class/Plea- the otherwise applicable motor home coverage
sure Use rates for private passenger autos. (The premium:
Safe Driver Insurance Plan does not apply.) Number of Weeks
a. Expense Fees – add the appropriate ex- Rented Per Year Factor
pense fees, according to the Premium De- 1–4 .50
termination rule. Over 4 1.00
PHYSICAL DAMAGE B. Trailers Designed for Use With Private Passenger
3. Determine the stated amount value, including Autos.
the value of any custom built additions. LIABILITY
4. For all model years, assign a symbol based on A Personal Auto Policy affording liability coverage covers
the stated amount, from the table for 1981 and trailers designed for use with a private passenger auto,
Subsequent Model Years on page 1 of the Sym- pickup, panel truck or van without additional premium
bol and Identification Section. charge and without specific description of the trailer.

G-25 1st Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1989

19. MISCELLANEOUS TYPES (Cont'd) C. Motorcycles, Mopeds, Motorscooters, Motorbikes,

Go-Carts And Any Other Similar Motor Vehicles Not
Exceptions: Coverage is not provided for a trailer Used For Business Purposes.
(1) used for business purposes with other Attach the miscellaneous type vehicle endorsement.
than a private passenger auto or owned LIABILITY
pickup, panel truck or van, or
Charge the following percentages of the Private Pas-
(2) when no auto is owned by the insured. senger Liability Base Rate:
MEDICAL PAYMENTS Engine Size Operator Under All Other
A Personal Auto Policy affording medical payments cc Age 25 Operators
coverage provides coverage for trailers without addi- 0–50 (Code 922100) (Code 9231000)
tional premium charge and without specific description 60% 40%
of the trailer if designed for use with a private passen-
ger auto, pickup, panel truck or van. 51–100 (Code 922100) (Code 923100)
80% 50%
Exceptions: Coverage is not provided for a trailer
101–200 (Code 922200) (Code 923200)
(1) used for business purposes with other 100% 60%
than a private passenger auto or owned
pickup, panel truck or van, or 201–360 (Code 922300) (Code 923300)
120% 75%
(2) when no auto is owned by the insured, or
361–500 (Code 922400) (Code 923400)
(3) located for use as a residence or prem- 140% 90%
501–800 (Code 922500) (Code 923500)
Liability and Medical Payments Coverage is afforded 801–1000 (Code 922600) (Code 923600)
without additional premium charge for farmwagons and 180% 120%
farm implements when attached to a private passenger
auto, pickup, panel truck or van. over 1000 (Code 922600) (Code 923600)
200% 135%
Passenger Hazard Exclusion – Reduce Split Limit Bod-
Trailers are to be insured as separate items with sepa- ily Injury Liability rate by 40% or the Single Limit Liability
rate premiums shown for each unit. The deductible ap- rate by 20%.
plies separately to each unit. Attach the coverage for
Uninsured Motorists – 200% of private passenger rate.
damage to your auto (stated amount maximum limit of
liability) endorsement. Medical Payments – Refer to company.
1. Recreational Trailers (Refer to Stat Plan) Non- PHYSICAL DAMAGE
self-propelled recreational units equipped as 1. Comprehensive – All Vehicles
living quarters (including cooking, dining,
plumbing or refrigeration facilities). To be Charge the following percentages of the Symbol
eligible for coverage, insured must maintain a 5 private passenger Comprehensive rate for the
separate and permanent residence other than applicable model year:
the recreational trailer.
All Model Years
Comprehensive and Collision – Use Motor
Home rates. Original Operator Under All Other
Covered Property Coverage – Use Motor Home Cost New Age 25 Operators
rates. Attach the covered property coverage en- $ 0 – $ 400 85 % 60 %
dorsement. 401 – 600 85 % 60 %
601 – 900 110 % 70 %
2. All Other Trailers (Refer to Stat Plan) 901 – 1,200 160 % 110 %
For rates refer to State Rate Pages or Exception 1,201 – 1,500 215 % 145 %
Pages. 1,501 – 1,800 270 % 180 %
1,801 – 2,100 325 % 215 %
2,101 – 2,400 380 % 250 %
2,401 – 2,700 430 % 290 %
2,701 and over +20% of +12% of
Symbol 5 Symbol 5
for each $100 for each $100
over $2,700 over $2,700

G-26 1st Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1989

19. MISCELLANEOUS TYPES (Cont'd) E. Dune Buggies

A dune buggy is a motor vehicle of the private pas-
2. Collision – All Vehicles senger type designed or modified for use principally
Charge the following percentages of the Symbol off public roads.
5 private passenger Collision rate for the appli- All premiums apply for the period of coverage.
cable model year:
All Model Years Attach the miscellaneous type vehicle endorsement.
Original Operator Under All Other 1. Registered Dune Buggies
Cost New Age 25 Operators Classify and rate as private passenger autos
$ 0 – 400 45 % 30 %
401 – 600 70 % 45 % 2. Non-registered Dune Buggies –
601 – 900 100 % 65 % Class Code – 943200 (Including Passenger
901 – 1,200 120 % 80 % Hazard)
1,201 – 1,500 140 % 95 % Class Code – 943400 (Excluding Passenger
1,501 – 1,800 160 % 105 % Hazard)
1,801 – 2,100 180 % 120 % LIABILITY, MEDICAL PAYMENTS
2,101 – 2,400 215 % 140 % AND UNINSURED MOTORISTS
2,401 – 2,700 245 % 160 % a. Liability – Charge 90% of private passenger
2,701 and over +13% of +9% of base rates.
Symbol 5 Symbol 5
for each $100 for each $100 b. Passenger Hazard Exclusion – Reduce Split
over $2,700 over $2,700 Limit Bodily Injury Liability rate by 40% or
the Single Limit Liability rate by 20%.
D. Snowmobiles and All-Terrain Vehicles
c. Medical Payments – Charge private passen-
(Class Code – 959000) (Including Passenger Haz- ger base rate.
(Class Code – 967000) (Excluding Passenger Haz- d. Uninsured Motorists – Charge private pas-
ard) senger rate.
A snowmobile is a motor vehicle designed for use
principally on snow or ice, using wheels or crawler – PHYSICAL DAMAGE
type treads or belts for locomotion across land, ice
or snow. This does not include a vehicle using air- Rate per
plane ice or snow. This does not include a vehicle Coverage Deductible $100
using airplane type propellers or fans. Attach the
snowmobile endorsement. Comprehensive $ 100 $2.10
200 1.70
An all-terrain vehicle is a four or six wheel motor
vehicle equipped with balloon tires or crawler Collision 200 6.30
treads, designed for use on rugged terrain or rug- 300 5.10
ged terrain and water. Attach the miscellaneous F. Golf Carts (Class Code 943500)
type vehicle endorsement. A golf cart is a three or four wheel motor vehicle
All premiums apply for the period of coverage. with limited speed capabilities designed to carry
LIABILITY, MEDICAL PAYMENTS AND golfers and their equipment around a golf course.
UNINSURED MOTORISTS All premiums apply for the period of coverage.
1. Liability – Charge 50% of private passenger Attach the miscellaneous type vehicle endorsement.
base rates. LIABILITY
2. Passenger Hazard Exclusion – Reduce Split Charge 25% of Private Passenger base rates. The
Limit Bodily Injury Liability rate by 40% or the premiums are subject to a minimum premium (ap-
Single Limit Liability rate by 20%. plicable to the minimum financial responsibility re-
3. Medical Payments – $500 limit only – Charge quirement limits in the State) of:
200% of Private Passenger base rate subject to $10 – Bodily Injury
a $10 minimum. $ 5 – Property Damage
4. Uninsured Motorists – Charge the private pas- $15 – Single Limit Liability
senger rate.
Rate per
Coverage Deductible $100
Comprehensive $ 100 $2.00
200 1.60
Collision 200 1.75
300 1.60

G-27 1st Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1989

19. MISCELLANEOUS TYPES (Cont'd) I. Classic Autos

A classic auto is a motor vehicle of the private pas-
PHYSICAL DAMAGE senger type which is 10 or more years old and may
Rate per be used on a regular basis. Its value is significantly
Coverage Deductible $100 higher than the average value of other autos of the
same make and model year.
Comprehensive $ 100 $.70
300 .75 Classify and rate as a private passenger auto.
G. Antique Autos (Class Code 962000) PHYSICAL DAMAGE
An antique auto is a motor vehicle of the private Attach the coverage for damage to your auto (stated
passenger type which is 25 or more years old and is amount maximum limit of liability) endorsement.
maintained primarily for use in exhibitions, club ac- 1. Determine the stated amount of coverage appli-
tivities, parades and other functions of public inter- cable to the vehicle.
est, and occasionally used for other purposes.
2. Assign a symbol based on the stated amount,
LIABILITY from the table for 1981 and subsequent model
Charge 40% of private passenger base rates. The years on Page 1 of the Symbol and Identification
premiums are subject to a minimum premium (ap- Section.
plicable to the minimum financial responsibility re- 3. Classify and rate as a private passenger auto
quirement limits in the State) of: using the base rate for the current model year.
$10 – Bodily Injury
$ 5 – Property Damage 20. RATING TERRITORIES
$15 – Single Limit Liability
A. The State Rate Pages display rates by territory.
UNDERINSURED MOTORISTS AND NO-FAULT B. The Territory Pages contain the definition and code
for each rating territory.
Charge private passenger base rates or premiums.
1. Each territory includes a specific area for rating
Note: No-Fault coverages are to be afforded only purposes. The following provisions apply:
where required.
a. Any city, town, borough or village not men-
PHYSICAL DAMAGE tioned within a defined territory, but falling
Attach the coverage for damage to your auto (stated within its boundaries, shall take the rate for
amount maximum limit of liability) endorsement. that territory.
Rate per b. If a city, town, borough or village extends
Coverage Deductible $100 into more than one territory, the rates for the
higher rated territory apply to the entire city,
Comprehensive $ 100 $1.05 town, borough or village.
200 .85
c. If a street or other public way serves as a
Collision 200 1.20 dividing line between two territories, except
300 1.10 when the public way serves as a boundary
H. Electric Autos line of any political subdivision such as a
An electric auto is a motor vehicle of the private state, county, city, town, etc., the rates ap-
passenger type that is run by electric power and it is plicable to the lower rated of the two territo-
not used for commercial purposes. ries shall apply to autos principally garaged
on either side of the street.
2. The Territory Pages also contain a List of Impor-
Charge 75% of the applicable private passenger base rate. tant Cities and Towns indicating the territories to
MEDICAL PAYMENTS, UNINSURED AND which they are assigned. Refer to a map to de-
UNDERINSURED MOTORISTS AND NO-FAULT termine the rating territory for a town not listed.
Charge private passenger base rates or premiums.
Charge the applicable private passenger base rate.

G-28 1st Edition 12-89

Copyright, Insurance Services Office, Inc., 1989

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