Foreign Language Translation Reading

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1) What are the three main differences between pedagogical and real translation?

What point
does Lesznyák make?

Pedological and real translation are different in object, function and the addressee of the


- Pedalogical translation improves lerarner to learn a language proficiency. It is achieved by

practicing or testing language knowledge.
- Real translation; the transated text is the goal of the process.


- Real translation: information about the reality that the text bears.
- Pedagogical translation : information about language level of learners proficiency.


- RT: target language reader.

- PT: language teacher or the examiner.

2 In Extract 2, how does the author qualify Kaudy´s argument regarding real translation and
pedagogical translation?

We can speak of real translation if the aim of translation is to develop translation skills. The kind of
translation that is practiced in translator training institutions would qualify as real translation.

She states that we can not speak of real translation in the true sense because the addressee of the
translation if the teacher not a real world target reader.

Function and object would mark pedagogical translations.

3) In extract 3, explain why the author believes that written translation class activities may not
help when learning a second language?

Because they prevent the contextualized or situationalized use of language in spoken communication,
out-of-context phrases can be viewed as being harmful to the process of learning a foreign language.

4) In extract 4, paraphrase what the author writes about Lado´s ideas on teaching translation.

He asserts that translation is a psychologically more difficult skills to master than speaking, listening, or
writing since it requires fluency in a second language, although it can be learned independently if

5) In the 2nd paragraph of extract 4, what hedging language is used to describe Lengyel and
Navracsics´s findings on the human brain?

There is some evidence to suggest that…

6) What were the results of Lengyel and Navracsics´s experiment, and what conclusion did they
draw from them?

The human brain is predisposed to learn more than one language. In the experiment, they show that
there was a general improvement observed in the children’s performance from grade to grade. This
confirmed that thanslation is a latent component of language competence which, to a certain extent,
develops itself.

7) Why do the names Fodor and Anderson appear in extract 4? Why does the writer not omit
their names? Justify your answer.

Because they are cited, paraphrasing what they have previously argument in a book, article or essay.
The names must be written in order to

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