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Grade 2

Holistic Progress Card
This card is an individualized and comprehensive representation of a student's progress. This is a
suggestive exemplar card based on the NIPUN BHARAT Guidelines prepared for classes Pre-school
1 to grade 3. CBSE afiliated schools may adopt / adapt the card as per their requirement, context,
locality and priorities.

> Assessment is a comprehensive and continuous process, based on the developmental
goals and identified competencies at various stages.
> HPC builds on continuous assessment to present a picture of the student's progress across
a specific time. It provides disaggregated reporting, unlike a single score or letter grade in a
subject area.
> A comprehensive list of age/grade-wise outcomes is given in the Foundation Literacy
and Numeracy Framework, NIPUN, which are expected to be covered during classroom
> However, for the purpose of reporting the progress of a student, selected competencies
that represent the critical areas of instruction and development are highlighted in this Card
along with each developmental goal.
> These goals are to be met with the use of activity-based and experiential learning
pedagogy by the teacher to enable a child to develop competencies. Observation and
discussions by a teacher are also integral part of pedagogy required.
> Teachers can select the crucial competencies required to be displayed in the progress
card. If a child attains the desired level of Competency, more competencies can be added
by the teacher for that particular child.
> These are to be interpreted with the following levels of attainment:

Beginner The student is at the beginning stage of the target competency and
needs a great deal of support and handholding.
The student is able to meet some part of target competency
independently but needs some (occasional) support and handholding.

The student is able to meet the target competency independently,

without any support.

> When a child is at the beginner level, it would be desirable that a teacher includes a narrative
how she/he will support the child and what parental support is required.
> For the purpose of representation of the level in the card, schools must select any non-
hierarchical and neutral icon such as a flower, tree, smiley etc.
> Teachers must keep the record of the baseline level for each student at the beginning of the
session. Child's records of the previous class can be the baseline.
> The Progress Card document is a combination of a child's own expression of self as well as
the teacher's assessment of the child on the mentioned standards. There is also a section on
Self-Assessment and Peer-Assessment, which shall reflect child's self-reflection and peer-
reflection on the basis of some tasks of activity based/ experiential learning.
> To make parents an integral part of a child's learning progress, a section on Parents'
Feedback on certain aspects is also given.
> This gives a complete picture of the child and provides an evidence as well as an opportunity
to the child to present her growth in the progress review over years.
> Finally, a pictorial evidence of the child's work is represented in the portfolio section. This
will essentially present the child's work in the task assigned.

Grade 2
A Glimpse of Myself

Note: Paste a photo or draw a picture of you and your family in the given space above
A Glimpse of my family

Note: Paste a photo or draw a picture of you and your family in the given space above
All about Me

My name is.....

My Height is
my _______ hand spans

My Weight is
Things I like.....
________ kgs


My Friends.....
My Favourite.....




Developmental Goal 1: Health
And Well Being (HW)
Key Competencies: Development of pro-social
behaviour, Motor Skills.

Term 1 Term 2

Learning Outcomes Beginner Progressing Proficient Beginner Progressing Proficient

HW 5.7
Cope with emotions appropriately in
various situations
Eg: Tell the teacher that she / he is
angry because of a reason.

HW 5.8
Select games / play equipment
according to their own choices,
preference, and interest.
Prosocial behaviour

HW 5.10
Enjoys playing with other children,
follows rules, and demonstrates
leadership / initiative as and when

HW 5.11
Shows team spirit, teaches games and
sports activities to other children in a

HW 5.13a
Demonstrates proper use of toilet,
cleanliness after toilet uses, exhibits
cleanliness of self and environment
hygiene and healthy eating practices.
HW 5.13b
Health and

Identifies locally available varieties and

different tastes and shows awareness
about seasonal food items, vegetables,
fruits, etc.

HW 5.16
Demonstrates eye, hand and neuro-
muscular coordination and motor
fitness and develops strength,
judgment and decision making.

HW 5.17
Takes initiative in creative activities,
dance, music, drama, role play,
mimicry, imitation, etc.
Motor Skills

HW 5.18 a
Shows precision fine motor activities,
like drawing, colouring, writing, etc.

HW 5.18 b
Uses coordinated movements while
using writing / colouring tools.
Teacher's Overall Remarks :
Developmental Goal 2 : Effective Communication
Key Competencies: Active Listening and Speaking, Making and maintaining
a meaningful Conversation, Collaboration, Writing with
Term 1 Term 2

Learning Outcomes Beginner Progressing Proficient Beginner Progressing Proficient

ECL 1 5.4
Creates rhyming words and
words with similar sounds,
orally and in writing from the
familiar poems and songs.

ECL 1 5.5 a
Predicts and reads textbooks
and children’s literature in
familiar context.

ECL 1 5.5 b
Expresses their responses, likes-
First Language Skills

dislikes, and asks questions.

ECL 1 5.5 c
Attempts to read familiar and
unfamiliar text and talks about it.
For example-predicts with the
help of print and pictures, sound-
symbol association identifying
the words with the use of prior
knowledge and experiences

ECL 1 5.7
Talks about characters and
events based on the stories
poems and other texts.

ECL 1 5. 8
Writes making use of appropriate
First Language Skills

words / sentences (conventional

writing) and different forms of

ECL 1 5.9
Extends the story in writing using
imagination and creativity.

ECL 2-5.1 a
Expresses verbally her or his
likes/dislikes about the
characters, story line, etc., in
English or home language.
Second Language Acquisition

ECL 2-5.2
Sings songs or rhymes with
action. Forms new rhyming

ECL 2-5.10
Writes selective rhyming words in

ECL 2-5.12
Read texts other than the
textbooks such as children's
magazines, etc.
Teacher's Overall Remarks :
Developmental Goal 3: Involved Learners
Key Competencies: Sensory Development, Numeracy, Concept Formation, Problem
Solving, Experimentation, Sequencing, Classification, Enviornmental Awareness.

Term 1 Term 2
Learning Outcomes Beginner Progressing Proficient Beginner Progressing Proficient

IL 5.1

Identifies simple observable

features of objects, plants, animals
in the immediate surroundings.

L5.2 a
Identifies objects, signs, places,
common activities in the immediate

IL 5.8 c

Demonstrates awareness and

sensitivity towards environmental
concerns (example - not wasting food,
throwing waste in bin, keeping water
and food for birds and animals, etc.)
and concept

IL 5.6


Applies seriation in ordering numbers,

measurement, etc.

ILM 5.9
Counts objects up to 100 in group of

ILM 5.11
Reads and writes number names and
numerals for numbers up to 999.

ILM 5.13

Compares and forms the greatest and

smallest two-digit numbers (with and
without repetition of given digits).

ILM 5.16
Appreciates and applies relationship
between addition and subtraction of

ILM 5.20

Represents an amount up to Rs. 100

using notes and coins.

ILM 5.25
Identifies and describes basic 2D
Concept formation

shapes such as rectangle, triangle,

circle, and other shapes around
her/him. For example, the pages of a
book are rectangular and has 4 sides,
4 corners, trace of a bangle has no
Term 1 Term 2

Learning Outcomes Beginner Progressing Proficient Beginner Progressing Proficient

ILM 5.27
Observes and generalises the
patterns in numbers like in
Concept formation

multiplication tables, 1-100 number

grid or objects in the environment.

ILM 5.29
Identifies the days of the week and
months of the year using a calendar
in her daily life events.

ILM 5. 30

Demonstrates interest / curiosity in


newer technology as per child’s


Teacher's Overall Remarks :

Self-Assessment and
Peer-Assessment Sheet

Self-reflection on interdisciplinary activity/task done by the child.

Example: clay work, drawing, playing a game, coloring, puppet-making, model-making, etc.

The teacher must help the children filling this sheet, if required by children.
(For small children, teachers may fill based on observation and discussion).

1. Activity I enjoy
the most

2. Activity that I
find difficult to do

3. Activity that I
enjoy doing with my

Peer Feedback from classmate(s)

Collaborative game/activity such as colouring together, playing a game, etc. done in pair/group.

I am helpful. Never Mostly Always Never Mostly Always

I can share things. Never Mostly Always Never Mostly Always

I can do activities together with others Never Mostly Always Never Mostly Always

This sheet can be filled after continuous observation, interaction and discussion with a child over a period
of 2-3 months and should not be filled randomly on one specific day.
Parents Feedback

Aspect Term 1 Term 2

My child enjoys
participating in

My child can
be supported

I would also
like to

Display selected work done by student in various experiential and inter-

disciplinary tasks done in class to fulfill the competencies in DG – 1, DG – 2 & DG – 3.

DG 2- Ria does an art installation on her

family tree and speaks about her family

DG 2 - Ria made her own memory cards of body parts and

matched it to her own body and on a adult's body

DG 1 - Rahul is very proficient in fine motor skills in drawing, coordination, cutting and stitching.
DG 2 –
Rahul spoke about his 'doll' using simple sentences to describe the different parts of the body.
DG 3 – Rahul shows concerns and sensitivity towards plants
Some quotes

Graphic design:
Unnati Saraph

Illustrations: Himendra Singh Negi

Art and Design Faculty,Mahatma

Gandhi International School,
Ahmedabad. SCHOOL LOGO

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