CBSE Sample Paper For Class 11 Chemistry Mock Paper 1 With Solutions

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Time Allowed: 3Hours Maximum marks: 70

(i) All questions are compulsory.
(ii) There are 26 questions in total. Questions 1 to 5 carry one mark
each; questions 6 to 10 carry two marks each, questions 11 to 22
carry three marks each, question 23 carry four marks and questions
24 to 26 carry 5 marks each.
(iii) There is no overall choice.
(iv) Use of calculator is not permitted.
(v) You may use the following physical constants wherever
Write de-Broglie expression for wavelength of matter wave.
λ =

Draw the Lewis dot structure of CO32- ion.


What is the value of the gas constant in S.I. units ?

R = 8·314 KPa *dm3 *mol –1 *K–1 .
Name the type of reactions that occur at cathode in an
electrochemical cell.
. Reduction reaction.
Write the structures of two complex metal hydrides which are used as
reducing agent is organic synthesis.
Sol:. LiAlH4 and NaBH4
What is the S.I. unit of mass? How is it defined?
The S.I. unit of mass is kilogram (kg), 1 Mass of a substance is the
amount of matter present in it
7. An compound on analysis gave the following percentage
=K 31.84%,
= Cl 28.98%,
= 0 39.18%

Calculate the empirical formula of the compound.

Solution 7:

Element Percentage Atomic Relative Simple
mass number of ratio of
atoms atoms
K 31.84 39.00 31.84
= 0.816
39.00 0.814
Cl 28.98 35.5 39.18
= 2.449
16 0.814
O 39.18 16.00 39.18
= 2.449
16 0.814
Empirical formula = KClO3

8. Does the number of moles of reaction products increase, decrease

or remain same when each of the following equilibrium is subjected
to a decrease in pressure by increasing volume? [2]
PC15 ( g ) ⇔ PC13 ( g ) + C12 ( g )
Ca0 ( s ) + CO 2 ( g ) ⇔ CaCO3 ( s )
.Applying Le Chatelier’s principle,
Sol. Upon decreasing the pressure equilibrium shifts towards the
direction in which the pressure increases, i.e., no. of moles of gaseous
substances is more. Thus, moles of reaction products will:
(a) increase
(b) decrease

9. What are herbicides? Give two examples of herbicides.
Solution 9: Herbicides are used to kill weeds and undesirable
vegetation in crop. For example, sodium chlorate ( NaClO ) and 2, 4-

dichlorophenoxy acid.
10. Write IUPAC names of the following compounds:
CH 3CH = C ( CH 3 )2
( b ) CH 2
= CH
= —C C — CH 3

Soution 10: (a) 2-methylbut-2-ene (b) pen-1en-3yne

11. Write s, p, d and f electronic configuration of phosphorus (15),
chromium (24) and copper (29).
Solution 11: (a) P15 = 1s 2, 2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 3 1
(b) Cr24 = 1s 2, 2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 3d 5 , 4s 1 1
(c) Cu29 = 1s 2, 2s 2 2p 6 , 3s 2 3p 6 3d 10 , 4s 1
12. In Millikan’s experiment, static electric charge on the oil drops
has been obtained by shining X-rays. If the static electric charge in
the oil drop is – 1.282 x 10-18 C, calculate the number of electrons
present in it.
Solution 12:
Number of electrons
= Total charge in oil drop /Charge on 1 electron

= 1.282* 10- 1 C/-1.6022* 10 − 19
= 0·800 × 10= 8·0 electrons

13. Write the resonance structures for S03, NO2 and NO3–.
Solution 13:

14. Consider the reaction:

2S2 O32 − ( aq ) + I 2 ( s ) 
→ S4 O62− ( aq ) + 2I – ( aq )

S2 O32− ( aq ) + 2Br2 ( / ) + 5H 2 O ( l ) 
→ 2SO 4 2− ( aq ) + 4Br – ( aq ) + 10 H + ( aq )

Why does the same reductant, thiosulphate react differerently with

iodine and bromine?
Solution 14:
The average O.N. of S in S2 O3 2– is +2 while in S4 O6 2– it is +
2·5. The O.N. of S in SO4 2– is +6. Since Br2 is a stronger oxidizing
agent than I2 , it oxidizes S of S2 O3 2– to a higher oxidation state of
+6 and hence forms SO4 2– ion. I2 , however, being a weaker
oxidizing agent oxidizes S of S2 O32– ion to a lower oxidation of
+2·5 in S4 O6 2– ion. It is because of this reason that thiosulphate
reacts differently with Br2 and I2
15. Explain the following:
(a) A solution of H2O2 cannot be stored for a long period.
(b) Anhydrous BaO2 cannot be used to prepare H2O2 by reacting
with acid.
(c) Liquid hydrogen cannot be used easily as a fuel.
Solution 15:
(a) Pure hydrogen peroxide is an unstable liquid and decomposes
into water and oxygen either upon standing or upon heating.
2H 2 O 2 ( l ) → 2H 2 O ( l ) + O2 ( g ) ,
H = –196·0 kJ

(b) Anhydrous barium peroxide is not used because barium sulphate

forms a protective layer around unreacted barium peroxide which
prevents its further participation in the chemical reaction.
BaO + H SO → BaSO + H O (c) The reaction 2H + O → 2H O is extremely
2 2 4 4 2 2 2 2 2

exothermic in nature
16. Which is expected to have highest boiling point: [3]
NH 3 , ( CH 3 )3 N or PH 3
? Explain why?
Solution 16: NH3 has the strongest intermolecular hydrogen bonding
and therefore, is expected to have the highest boiling point.
17. If 35.0 cm3 of 0.050 M Ba(NO3)2 are mixed with 25.0 cm3 of
0.020 M NaF, will any BaF2 precipitate ? Ksp of BaF2 is
1.7 × 10 at 298K .

Solution 17:
[Ba2+] before mixing = 0·05 m [Ba2+]
After mixing = 0 05 2 = 0·025 m ½
Similarly, [F- ] before mixing = 0·02 m ∴
[F– ] after mixing = 0 02 2 ⋅ = 0·01 m ½
Thus, ionic product
 Ba 2+   F –  2
= ( 0·025 ) ( 0·01) 2
= 2·5 × 10 –6 K sp
= for BaF2
= 1·7 × 10 –6

Since the ionic product is more than solubility product, thus BaF2
will get precipitation.

18. (a) Which type of intermolecular forces exist between NaCl and
(b) What will be the pressure of the gaseous mixture when 0.5 L of
112 at 0.8 bar and 2.0 L of O2 at 0.7 bar are introduced in a 1 L
vessel at 27°C?
Solution 18 : (a) Ion dipole interaction. 1
(b) Calculation of partial pressure of H2 in 1 L vessel P1 = 0·8 bar,
V1 = 0·5 L P2 = ? V2 = 1·0 L As temperature remains constant, P1
V1 = P2 V2 (0·8 bar) (0·5 L) = P2 (1·0 L) or P2 = 0·40 bar, i.e., PH2
= 0·40 bar.
Calculation of partial pressure of O2 in 1 L vessel P V ' ' 1 1 = P V ' '
2 2 (0·7 bar) (2·0 L) = P ' 2 (1 L)
P ' 2 = 1·4 bar
i.e., PO2 = 1·4 bar
∴ Total pressure
= PH 2 + PO 2
= 0·4 bar + 1·4 bar
= 1·8 bar

19. A large number of fish are suddenly found floating dead on a

lake. There is no evidence of toxic dumping but you find an
abundance of phytoplankton. Suggest a reason for the fish kill.
Solution 19: Excessive phytoplankton (organic pollutants like grass,
roots, leaves, submerged plants etc.) present in water is usually
biodegradable. This organic matter is biologically decomposed by
large population of micro-organisms. During the process of
biodegradation micro-organisms consume excess of dissolved oxygen
from the lake. As a consequence, the vital level of dissolve oxygen in
lake (10 ppm) reduced considerably wich is fatal for aquatic life.
When this level falls below 6 ppm. the fish cannot survive. Hence,
they die and float dead on the lake.
20. What happens when
(1) Propene undergoes ozonolysis.
(2) Ethanol is heated with conc. H2SO4.
(3) Phenol is treated with Zn dust.
Solution 20:

21. (1) Write IUPAC name of C H CH CHO and ( CH )

6 5 2 3 2 — CH ( NH 2 ) – CH 2
(2) Write an example of geometrical isomerism.
(3) What do you mean by resonance energy ?
Solution 21: (1) 2– phenyl ethanol and ½ + ½ 2– amino 2-methyl
=C C CH 3 cis − but − 2 − ene CH 3 H H C
= C CH 3 trans − but − 2 − ene H CH 3 H

(3) Resonance energy is defined as the difference in internal energy

of the resonance hybrid and the most stable canonical structure
22.(a) What happens when calcium nitrate is heated?
(b) Beryllium and magnesium do not give color to flame whereas
other alkaline earth metals do so. Why ?
2Ca ( NO3 )2 → 2CaO + 4NO 2 + O 2
Solution 22: (a)
(b) Due to small size, the ionization enthalpies of Be and Mg are
much higher than those of other alkaline earth metals. Therefore, they
need large amount of energy for excitation of their valence electrons
to higher energy levels. Since such a larger amount of energy is not
available in Bunsen flame, therefore, these metals do not impart any
colour to the flame.
23. A quantitative measure of the tendency of an element to lose
electron is given by its ionization enthalpy. It represents the energy
required to remove an electron from an isolated gaseous atom in its
ground state. Energy is always required to remove electrons from an
atom and hence ionization enthalpies are always positive. The second
ionization enthalpy will be higher than the first ionization enthalpy
because it is more difficult to remove an electron from a positively
charged ion than from a neutral atom.
Now answer the following questions:

(i) Which of the following pairs of elements would you expect to
have lower ionization enthalpy: [2]
(a) Cl or F (b) Cl or S (c) K or Ar (d) Kr or Xe
(ii) The first ionization enthalpy values (in kJ mol-1) of group 13
elements are:
B Al Ga In T1
801 577 579 558 589
How would you explain this deviation from the general trend?
Solution 23: (i) (a) Cl is expected to have lower first ionization
(b) S is expected to have lower first ionization enthalpy.
(c) K is expected to have lower first ionization enthalpy.
(d) Xe is expected to have lower first ionization enthalpy.
(ii) As we move down the group Atomic size increases. We know
I.E. ∝ 1/ Atomic size, hence it is expected that on moving down the
group I.E. should decrease. 1 The deviation is due to weak screening
or shielding effect of d-orbital due to which atomic size decreases
and Ionization energy increases.
24. (i) What is meant by entropy driven reaction ? How can the
reaction with positive change of enthalpy and entropy be made
entropy driven?

(ii) When an ideal gas expands into vacuum, there is neither
absorption nor evolution of heat. Why?
Solution 24: (i) The free energy change of a reaction is given by ∆G
= ∆H – T∆S For a reaction to be spontaneous, ∆G should be –ve. 1
Dominate over enthalpy factor. Such reaction are therefore, called
entropy driven. This can happen in either of the following two ways:
(a) ∆S should be so large that even if T is low, T∆S should be greater
than ∆H.
(b) If ∆S is small. T should be so large that T∆S > ∆H .

(ii) In an ideal gas, there are no intermolecular forces of attraction.

Hence, no energy is required to overcome these forces. Moreover,
when a gas expands against vacuum, work done is zero (because Pext
= 0). Hence, internal energy of the system does not change, i.e., there
is no absorption or evolution of heat.
25:Give the IUPAC name of the following compounds :

Solution 25:
(a) Propyl benzene

(b) 3-methylpentanenitrile
(c) 2, 5- dimethylheptane
(d) 3- bromo-3-chloroheptane
(e) 3-chloropropanol

26. (a) Suggest reasons why the B-F bond lengths in BF3 (130 pm)
and BE4– (143 pm) differ
(b) Explain structures of diborane and boric acid.
Solution 26: (a) BF3 is a planar molecule in which B is sp2–
hybridized. It has an empty 2p-orbital. F-atom has three lone pairs of
electrons in the 2p-orbitals. Because of similar sizes, pπ-pπ back
bonding occurs in which a lone pair of electrons is transferred from F
to B. As a result of this back bonding, B—F bond acquires some
double bond character. In contrast, in [BF4 ] – ion, B is sp3–
hybridized and hence does not an empty p-orbital available to accept
the electrons donated by the F atom. Consequently, in [BF4 ] – , B—
F is a purely single bond. Since double bonds are shorter than single
bonds, therefore, the B—F bond length in BF3 is shorter (130 pm)
than B–F bond length [143 pm] in [BF4 ] – .
(b) Structure of diborane—In diborane, the four terminal hydrogen
atoms and the two boron atoms lie in one plane. Above and below

this plane, there are two bridging hydrogen atoms. The four terminal
B–H bonds are regular bonds while the two bridge (B—H—B) bonds
are different and known as banana bonds (3-centre-2-electron bridge

Structure of boric acid—Boric acid has a layer structure in which H3

BO3 units are joined by hydrogen.


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