Special Considerations in Paediatric Intensive Care. Anaesth Int Care Med 2023. In-Press

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Special considerations in Learning objectives

paediatric intensive care After reading this article, you should be able to:
C list the critical therapies that define care in the paediatric

Sarah Edmunds intensive care unit

C describe some of the techniques of management of airway,
Arun Ghose
ventilation and circulation in paediatric critical care
Matthew Harvey
C recognize the differences in management of sepsis, acute

respiratory distress syndrome and traumatic brain injury in children

Paediatric critical care units (PCCU) provide care to the most critically
ill or injured children. Children are admitted to PCCU with a wide vari- Airway management
ety of illnesses, injuries and following a range of surgical procedures. Paediatric airway management is a cause of much anxiety, but a
High staff-to-patient ratios are required both because of the potentially structured, team approach can reduce the incidence of adverse
rapid evolution of critical illness in children, as well as the complexity events.
of the supportive therapies offered. Definitive evidence for specific The paediatric airway differs anatomically from the adult in a
paediatric therapies is often limited with extrapolation taken from number of ways, including having a large occiput, large tongue, a
adult experience, but there are increasing international collaborative high and anterior larynx and a highly compliant trachea. The
efforts that have produced consensus treatment guidelines that small diameter of paediatric airways results in higher resistance
serve to promote the use of best practice therapies. This article re- to air flow and increased chance of airway obstruction. Knowl-
views therapies and techniques that define care in the PCCU and in edge of these differences is important in airway management in
particular outline principles of management of acute respiratory PCCU, as is considering how these change over the age range of
distress syndrome (ARDS), septic shock and traumatic brain injury children seen in PCCU.
(TBI). Neonatal and cardiac intensive care medicine topics are outside Airway opening manoeuvres supported by appropriate patient
the scope of this article. positioning (e.g. a shoulder roll in an infant, due to a relatively
Keywords Airway; brain; intensive care; paediatric; sepsis; support; large occiput) are the essential foundation of initial airway
ventilation management. In trauma patients, manual inline C-spine immo-
bilization should be used.
Royal College of Anaesthetists CPD Skills Framework: Paediatrics, inten- Pre-oxygenation should be performed, gentle invasive posi-
sive care management and emergency management
tive pressure ventilation is often used and consideration given to
apnoeic oxygenation, as low or impaired functional residual ca-
pacity reduces time to desaturation. Decompressing the stomach
Around 20,000 children are admitted to paediatric critical care
using a nasogastric tube can be helpful if bag-mask ventilation
units (PCCU) in the UK each year, with an average admission
causes abdominal insufflation.
rate of 143 per 100,000 childhood population per year.1 The
The correct sized endotracheal tube (ETT) and depth is
majority of children admitted to PCCU are under 1 year of age
calculated using the formulae:
(Figure 1). Around 40% of PCCU admissions are planned, with
 Internal diameter endotracheal size ¼ (age/4) þ 4 mm
the remainder being emergency presentations. Respiratory and
(where age >1 year) for uncuffed tubes. The appropriate
cardiovascular causes each account for nearly 30% of patients
cuffed ETT size being 0.5 mm smaller.
presenting to PCCU (Figure 2). Children differ from adults in
 Approximate depth in cm ¼ age/2 þ 12 (to the lips for oral
many ways, including anatomy, physiology and response to
intubation) OR age/2 þ 15 (at the nares for nasal
drugs; for this reason they need to be managed differently and
this article seeks to illustrate some of these differences in
Smaller tracheal tubes have proportionally higher resistances to
flow and small reductions in ETT diameter, for example from
secretions, will have a more pronounced effect with smaller sized
tubes. The wider bore, uncuffed tube may prove better than the
Sarah Edmunds FRACP is a Senior Trainee in Paediatric Critical Care smaller bore cuffed tube in some circumstances Additionally, even
at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Melbourne, Australia. Conflicts of small changes in position of the tube can compromise ventilation
interest: none declared. in infants. Cuffed ETTs may ensure a reliable airway seal, reduce
aspiration incidence and allow greater sophistication of ventilation
Arun Ghose MBCHB FRCPCH PGDip is a Consultant in Paediatric Critical
Care at Birmingham Children’s Hospital & Consultant in Paediatric technique. There have been concerns around the use of cuffed
Critical Care Retrieval with the KIDS (Kids Intensive Care & Decision tubes in infants because of the risk of subglottic stenosis but no
Support) service, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared. difference in the rate of complications has been demonstrated,
particularly with the use of microcuff (high volume, low pressure)
Matthew Harvey MBCHB MRCPCH PGCert is a Consultant in Paediatric
Critical Care at Birmingham Children’s Hospital & Consultant in devices.2 Cuff pressure should be routinely monitored with the use
Paediatric Critical Care Retrieval with the KIDS (Kids Intensive Care & of a manometer and should be kept below 20 cmH2O. The use of
Decision Support) service, UK. Conflicts of interest: none declared. cuff manometers can help prevent tracheal injury.

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE xxx:xxx 1 Ó 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Edmunds S et al., Special considerations in paediatric intensive care, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine, https://

Admissions by age and sex to UK paediatric intensive care units,





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Unknown
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
Age (years)

Male Female

From Paediatric Intensive Care Audit Network Annual Report 2019

(published December 2019): Universities of Leeds and Leicester.

Figure 1

Induction agents should be carefully considered depending on Non-invasive respiratory support

the clinical situation, particularly in cases where a child is hae- There is increasing use of non-invasive respiratory support in
modynamically unstable. Common induction agents include: PCCU, in particular high-flow nasal prongs. These deliver hu-
ketamine (1e2 mg/kg), fentanyl (2e5 micrograms/kg) and midified gas with a controlled oxygen content. This is adminis-
rocuronium (0.6e1.2 mg/kg). tered using nasal cannula at a relatively high flow rate (e.g. 2e3
litres/kg/minute), at or above the normal minute volume for the
child. Proposed mechanisms of action include ‘washout’, whereby
Respiratory support
the anatomical dead-space of the upper airway is reduced or
The respiratory system in infants and children differs from eliminated by flushing with fresh gas; delivery of positive airway
adults. Infants in particular have limited respiratory reserve. pressure; and reduction of the nasal anatomic contribution
Ventilation is primarily diaphragmatic, so enlarged abdominal to upper airway resistance. Positive airway pressure devices
organs or a gas-filled stomach can splint the diaphragm and (continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and bi-level positive
reduce an infant’s ability to be ventilated easily. The chest wall is airway pressure (BiPAP)) are also commonly used for a variety of
more compliant and minute ventilation is rate dependent as in- obstructive and restrictive lung diseases. Non-invasive PPV mo-
fants have few ways to increase tidal volumes. Infants and dalities can also have favourable haemodynamic effects by
children have a relatively large physiological dead space and this decreasing left ventricular afterload and are often used after
can be exacerbated by ventilation equipment and therefore extubation to wean from respiratory support.
impair CO2 clearance so should be attempted to be kept to a
minimum. Mechanical ventilation
Knowledge of cardiopulmonary interactions is important Conventional mechanical ventilation in PCCU can be divided into
when managing any child on mechanical ventilation.3 Positive control mode and support mode ventilation.3 In control modes of
pressure ventilation (PPV) results in an increased mean airway ventilation, the work of breathing is borne entirely by the
pressure, which in turn impedes right ventricular preload, ventilator, whereas in support mode ventilation the patient’s
whereas positive intrathoracic pressure decreases left ventric- native respiratory efforts are augmented. Early in the course of
ular afterload by reducing the left ventricular outflow trans- therapy control modes predominate, whereas during weaning
mural pressure gradient. This results in improved systemic stages support modes are increasingly used. Combinations of
blood flow and for this reason PPV may be considered as a these two modes are also commonly used.
means of supporting cardiac output in left ventricular Volume control (VC) and pressure control (PC) are the basic
dysfunction. forms of control mode ventilation. In both VC and PC ventilation,

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE xxx:xxx 2 Ó 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Edmunds S et al., Special considerations in paediatric intensive care, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine, https://

Primary diagnostic group of admissions to UK paediatric intensive

care units, for patients aged less than 16 years, 2016–2018


Admissions (%) 25




Body wall
and cavities








From Paediatric Intensive Care Audit Network Annual Report 2019
(published December 2019): Universities of Leeds and Leicester.

Figure 2

the frequency and duration of respiratory cycle are set. In VC Synchronized intermittent mandatory ventilation (SIMV) refers
ventilation, the tidal volume is set. This tidal volume is delivered to a control mode ventilation, during which the patient can take
by means of a constant gas flow over the duration of the inspi- additional spontaneous breaths between mechanical breaths.
ration. In this form of ventilation, airway pressure increases over These additional breaths are pressure supported as in PS
the course of each inspiration and peak airway pressure varies ventilation.
with changes in lung mechanics. In contrast, with PC ventilation, Permissive hypercapnia be allowed in ventilated patients in
a prescribed maximum airway pressure is maintained over the PCCU, which allows patients to be ventilated with lower plateau
course of each breath, resulting in a diminishing flow pattern and pressures and tidal volumes that reduce ventilator-induced lung
variable tidal volumes depending on the lung pathology. Pres- injury.
sure control ventilation reduces the risk of barotrauma by con- Two modes of ventilation e airway pressure release ventila-
trolling the pressure delivered, but unregulated volumes can tion (APRV) and high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) e
result in volutrauma with the opposite being true for volume are used most frequently for refractory, or challenging ventila-
control. Dual control modes are increasingly used in the PCCU in tion. APRV is a relatively newer mode of ventilation that allows
an attempt to get the benefits of each mode. In a dual control spontaneous breathing throughout the ventilation cycle and is
mode the tidal volumes are set as with a VC mode, but gas flow time cycled, alternating between two levels of positive airway
patterns are manipulated by the ventilator to approximate the pressure, with the main time on the high level and a brief expi-
constant inspiratory airway pressure of a PC mode. This means ratory release to facilitate ventilation. This mode should facilitate
pressure is constant across the inspiratory phase, in contrast to recruitment, increase mean airway pressure while limiting peak
volume control mode where flow is constant across the inspira- pressures and avoid atelectotrauma. It has been reported to be of
tory phase and airway pressure is variable. The ventilator adjusts benefit in adults with acute respiratory distress syndrome
its pressure control as needed to maintain the target tidal volume (ARDS); however, in paediatrics there is limited evidence with
so it is independently able to account for breath-to-breath vari- some concerns of harm and APRV should only be used as a
ability in patient compliance. In pressure support ventilation, the rescue therapy when conventional ventilation has failed.4 High-
timing and duration of each breath is determined by the patient, frequency ventilation modes are used commonly as rescue
with each breath being supported, or augmented, by the appli- modes in the PCCU. HFOV is a non-conventional ventilation
cation of a prescribed amount of additional airway pressure. mode in which a constant mean airway pressure is applied

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE xxx:xxx 3 Ó 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Edmunds S et al., Special considerations in paediatric intensive care, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine, https://

without interruption. Removal of carbon dioxide is achieved with of receptors appears to change both acutely and chronically,
very small tidal volumes, delivered at a high frequency (4e16 depending on clinical status; for example, critically unwell in-
cycles per second). Because there is no release of airway pressure fants show significant b2 down-regulation.6 Corticosteroids may
during HFOV, lung recruitment, and thus oxygenation, is opti- help restore b receptor density and decrease the catecholamines
mized for any given airway pressure. Inspiration and expiration required in catecholamine-resistant hypotension.
are active processes driven by piston motion. The theoretical Type III phosphodiesterase inhibitors inhibit the metabolism
benefit of HFOV is its ability to recruit and maintain gas exchange of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), which causes pe-
units by using a higher mean airway pressure compared to ripheral vascular relaxation as well as increased myocardial
conventional ventilation as well as reducing risk of lung injury contractility. Phosphodiesterase inhibitors such as milrinone also
and pneumothorax associated with volutrauma and atelecto- enhance the re-uptake of intracellular calcium, causing improved
trauma. HFOV has not shown benefit in adult patients with diastolic relaxation. Milrinone has also been shown to work in
ARDS, but neonatal and paediatric studies are suggestive of po- synergy with adrenaline and reduce the dose of adrenaline
tential benefit and HFOV may still be used as a rescue method for required. In patients with poor ventricular function where
children with severe ARDS and those with refractory hypoxia afterload reduction may be beneficial, the combination of milri-
and/or hypercapnia. High-frequency jet ventilation (HFJV) de- none and adrenaline is often used.
livers small breaths as brief pulses of pressure surrounding a An increase in extracellular calcium ions leads to an increase
prescribed mean airway pressure. Expiration is passive in this in myocardial contractility in neonates and infants. Hypo-
mode. The favourable inspiratory:expiratory ratio permits its use calcaemia is common in infants and in these circumstances cal-
in a variety of conditions, including air leak syndromes and cium salts may act to aid myocardial contractility, but at normal
obstructive conditions. concentrations the major effect is an increase in vascular resis-
tance rather than inotropy so caution is advocated when used as
Inotropic and vasoactive medications an inotrope in these settings.
The choice of inotrope used in children is subject to contro-
Continuous infusions of inotropic and vasoactive medications
versy and there have been very few randomized controlled trials.
are used to provide haemodynamic support for patients in PCCU.
There is no ideal inotropic drug and there are advantages and
Inotropic and vasoactive medications commonly used in the
disadvantages of each agent related to the patient and conse-
PCCU are summarized in Table 1. The catecholamines exert their
quent pathology, drug pharmacology, method of administration
effect via stimulation of a and b adrenergic receptors located in
and cost.7
myocardial and peripheral vascular tissue.5 The a1 receptors are
present on vascular smooth muscles; activation leads to
Renal replacement therapy
increased systemic vascular resistance. The a2 receptors are
present in the central nervous system as well as blood vessels, Renal replacement therapies are used in PCCU for a number of
the gastrointestinal tract and other areas. They are not clinically reasons, to:8
important in terms of inotropes but they have clinical use as anti-  restore fluid balance
hypertensives and sedatives. b1 receptors are present in the heart  normalize serum solutes and electrolytes
and kidney; stimulation results in increased heart rate and  normalize acid/base balance
contractility of the myocardium as well as increased renin release  eliminate drugs and toxins.
from the kidneys. b2 receptors are present in smooth muscles of Continuous methods of renal replacement therapy are fav-
airway, blood vessels among others and are also present in the oured in the unstable, critically ill patient. The two most
myocardium but much less predominant than b1 receptors. commonly used modalities are peritoneal dialysis and contin-
Stimulation leads to bronchodilation and vasodilation as well as uous veno-venous haemofiltration. Intermittent haemodialysis is
some chronotropic and inotropic effect. The number and affinity less commonly used due to the rapid fluid removal which can be

Commonly used inotropic and vasoactive medications in the paediatric intensive care unit
Drug Mechanism Contractility HR Diastolic function SVR PVR Dose

Adrenaline a, b stimulation [[ [[ 4 [ [ 0.02e0.5 mcg/kg/min

Noradrenaline a > b stimulation [ 4 4 [[ [ 0.02e0.5 mcg/kg/min
Dopamine a, b stimulation [ [ 4 [ [ 2e15 mcg/kg/min
Dobutamine b > a stimulation [ [ 4 Y Y 2e15 mcg/kg/min
Milrinone Phosphodiesterase III inhibition [ 4 [ Y Y 0.25e0.75 mcg/kg/min
Phenylephrine a stimulation 4 4 4 [[ 4 0.1e2 mcg/kg/min
Vasopressin V1 receptor agonist 4 4 4 [[ 4 0.0003e0.008 units/kg/min

HR, heart rate; mcg, micrograms; min, minute; PVR, pulmonary vascular resistance; SVR, systemic vascular resistance. a effects increase relative to b effects (increased
SVR, PVR) at higher dose range.
Adapted from: Peters C, Pitfield A, Froese N. Special considerations in paediatric intensive care. Anaesth. Intensive Care Med. 2017; 18(11):572e580.

Table 1

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a drawback in critically ill, haemodynamically unstable patients Multi-lumen catheters are frequently used and are available in a
where they may be intravascularly dry. variety of sizes; for example a 4 French 5 cm catheter can be used
Peritoneal dialysis relies on the exchange of fluids and elec- in the right internal jugular position in a typical full-term
trolytes between the blood and dialysis fluid by using the peri- neonate. The choice of vascular access device depends upon
toneal membrane as a dialysing membrane. It is generally well the likely nature, duration and frequency of treatment as well as
tolerated and relatively simple to implement. Cycles of dialysate likely future needs for vascular access.
are infused into the peritoneal cavity via a peritoneal catheter, Catheter placement is performed by the Seldinger technique
allowed to dwell, drained and then replaced by fresh dialysate. and ultrasound guidance has now replaced surface landmark
Dialysate fluids typically contain physiological concentrations of techniques and is associated with a decrease in both number of
sodium, chloride, magnesium, calcium and a base such as insertion attempts and inadvertent arterial puncture. Catheter tip
lactate, acetate or bicarbonate. Dialysis fluid is available with position can be confirmed on X-ray. Catheter-related blood-
varying glucose concentrations between 1.5% and 4.25% with a stream infection is a common complication that can be mini-
higher glucose concentration promoting increased fluid removal mized by strict adherence to prevention guidelines, often pro-
due to an increased osmolality, but it can cause hyperglycaemia. moted as bundled care. These include maximal barrier pre-
Typically, dialysis volumes are between 10 and 40 ml/kg/cycle. cautions, chlorhexidine skin preparation at the time of inser-
Larger volumes promote increased fluid and solute exchange but tion, aseptic handling of accessing the line and prompt removal
can cause increased intra-abdominal pressure swings that of unnecessary lines.
contribute cyclical decreases in blood pressure and impairment Venous thrombosis at the site of cannulation is increasingly
of ventilation. recognized. Diagnosis requires a high index of suspicion and
Continuous renal replacement therapies used in the PCCU confirmation with ultrasound Doppler imaging. Treatment in-
include slow continuous ultrafiltration (SCUF), continuous veno- volves prompt removal of the catheter and consideration of
venous hemofiltration (CVVH), continuous veno-venous hae- anticoagulation with low-molecular-weight heparin or warfarin.
modialysis (CVVHD), and continuous venovenous hemodiafil-
tration (CVVHDF). With SCUF, blood is passed through a Critical care ultrasonography
semipermeable membrane with water and small solutes removed There is increasing use of bedside ultrasonography in the pae-
continuously via convection. With CVVH, a larger ultrafiltrate diatric critical care setting. Procedural use of ultrasound is well-
volume is removed and partially replaced by a balanced salt established and is now standard of care for central vascular ac-
solution. CVVHD is similar to intermittent haemodialysis, in that cess. Benefits include decreased complications, decreased num-
solutes and water move between blood and dialysis fluid across ber of attempts, increased success rates and shorter procedure
an extracorporeal semipermeable membrane. CVVHDF combines times.10 Ultrasonography can also be used for guiding thor-
the benefits of CVVHF and CVVHD, utilizing convection as well acentesis, localization of structures for peripheral and central
as diffusion. neuraxial blocks and guidance for soft tissue (abscess drainage)
A major limitation of all continuous renal replacement ther- and abdominal (paracentesis) procedures.
apies in children, particularly infants, is the requirement for Goal-directed echocardiography (GDE) in the intensive care
large-bore central vascular access. A double-lumen central unit can permit rapid assessment of cardiac preload, function and
venous catheter is commonly placed to facilitate this, commonly for detection of pericardial effusions. GDE is accomplished by
in the internal jugular vein in smaller children with the femoral acquiring four basic views: parasternal longitudinal axis, para-
vein also being an option in the older child. In the neonate, a 6.5 sternal short axis, apical four chamber and subxiphoid. This
French catheter is required. For all methods of continuous renal combination of views provides information about preload and
replacement therapy, anticoagulation is required to prevent contractility of the right and left ventricles, the left ventricular
thrombus in the circuit as the artificial tubing and filters used are outflow tract, the pericardium and depending on expertise gross
prone to clot. Regional anticoagulation using citrate or systemic valvular lesions such as vegetations or chamber wall defects.
anticoagulation using heparin are commonly used. Regional Use of point of care ultrasonography (POCUS) is also increasing
anticoagulation is achieved by pre-filter administration of citrate with regards to lung, abdominal and cranial applications and
to bind calcium, and post-filter or patient administration of cal- guidelines regarding their application are being developed.
cium to maintain normal patient calcium concentration. Citrate
lock can occur, particularly in the setting of liver failure causing Extracorporeal life support
citrate to accumulate and a very high total calcium but a normal Extracorporeal life support (ECLS) is a technique of mechanical
ionized calcium. replacement of heart and/or lung function that can be used to
support children with severe cardiac, respiratory or cardiorespi-
ratory failure.11 The mode of ECLS chosen depends on the
physiological state of the patient. Systemic anticoagulation is
Central venous catheterization required to prevent clotting in the ECLS circuit in either mode.
Central venous catheters are used commonly in PCCU, with in- Cardiac failure requires venoarterial (VA) ECLS where a
dications including provision of secure vascular access, delivery venous cannula is placed in a large systemic vein or right atrium
of vasoactive and inotropic drugs, administration of concentrated with the arterial cannula placed in a large systemic artery. In this
parenteral nutrition solutions and for central venous pressure case oxygenated blood is returned to the arterial system,
monitoring.9 Common sites for catheter placement include the bypassing the heart and lungs and providing near total me-
internal jugular vein, subclavian vein and the femoral vein. chanical haemodynamic support.

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Pure respiratory failure can be supported by using venove- The Pediatric Acute Lung Injury Consensus Conference
nous (VV) ECLS whereby both cannulae are placed in large (PALICC) publishing a paediatric-specific definition for ARDS in
systemic veins. Oxygenated blood is returned to the venous 2015.13 An important difference compared with adult definitions
system, to be further pumped to the systemic circulation by the is the use of oxygen saturations and oxygenation index instead of
child’s heart. requiring invasive monitoring to obtain PaO2. The PARDS defi-
Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation (eCPR) is nition is described in Table 2. The mortality of PARDS is reported
emerging as a common approach to cardiac arrest whereby ECLS to vary from between 10% and 33% and depends on both the
is used as a rescue support technique for children with refractory underlying cause and severity but is less than ARDS in adults.
cardiac arrest. Treatment of PARDS should include treating the underlying
Contraindications to ECLS include technical reasons, cause, as well as respiratory support to ensure oxygenation and
including small size as well as lethal underlying disease, un- ventilation despite lung dysfunction.14 Both mechanical ventila-
controlled haemorrhage or irreversible brain damage. Compli- tion and high levels of inspired oxygen are themselves a cause of
cations in children include haemorrhage from the surgical site, lung injury. Ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) can occur due
intracranial haemorrhage or stroke as well as infection. Although to barotrauma, atelectotrauma and volutrauma. Ventilatory
ECLS is a powerful support tool, its use is appropriate only in strategies in ARDS are aimed at limiting FiO2 and minimizing
cases in which there is reasonable expectation of recovery from VILI. To achieve this, small tidal volumes are recommended (3
the underlying organ dysfunction or if it is used as a bridging e6 ml/kg if poor compliance and 5e8 ml/kg if preserved
treatment prior to transplant. compliance) and limiting peak plateau pressures to 30 cmH2O.
Optimal positive end-expiratory pressure should be determined
Specific clinical scenarios by improvement in FiO2 and lung compliance. Permissive
hypoxaemia (88e92% in severe PARDS) and permissive hyper-
Paediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome capnia (pH 7.15e7.3 in moderate/severe PARDS).
(PARDS) Prone positioning is also used in PARDS and can improve
PARDS is an acute lung injury characterized by pulmonary oxygenation. Lung consolidation in ARDS is non-homogenous
inflammation, alveolar oedema and hypoxaemic respiratory and is predominately located in dependent, dorsal lung units.
failure. This can be triggered by a variety of pulmonary or extra- The prone position brings the more aerated lung units into a
pulmonary causes. In one description of PARDS the primary dependent position where pulmonary blood flow is preferentially
aetiologies were pneumonia (35%), aspiration (15%), sepsis distributed. Prone positioning has been shown to reduce mor-
(13%), near-drowning (9%), concomitant cardiac disease (7%) tality in adults with severe ARDS but this conclusion is not
and other conditions (21%).12 supported by paediatric data. Likewise, use of HFOV has shown

Paediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome (PARDS) definition

Age Exclude patients with perinatal-related lung disease
Timing Within 7 days of known clinical insult
Origin of oedema Respiratory failure not fully explained by cardiac failure or fluid overload
Chest imaging Chest imaging findings of new infiltrate(s) consistent with acute pulmonary parenchymal disease
Oxygenation Non-invasive mechanical ventilation Invasive mechanical ventilation
PARDS (No severity stratification) Mild Moderate Severe
Full face mask bi-level ventilation or CPAP  5 cmH2O2 4  OI < 8 8  OI < 16 OI  16
PF ratio  300 5  OSI < 7.51 7.5  OSI < 12.31 OSI  12.31
SF ratio  264 1

Special populations
Cyanotic heart disease Standard criteria above for age, timing, origin of oedema and chest imaging with an acute deterioration in
oxygenation not explained by underlying cardiac disease.3
Chronic lung disease Standard criteria above for age, timing and origin of oedema with chest imaging consistent with new infiltrate and
acute deterioration in oxygenation from baseline that meet oxygenation criteria above.3
Left-ventricular dysfunction Standard criteria for age, timing and origin of oedema with chest imaging changes consistent with new infiltrate and
acute deterioration in oxygenation that meet criteria above not explained by left-ventricular dysfunction.

From: Paediatric acute respiratory distress syndrome consensus recommendations from the Paediatric Acute Lung Injury Consensus Conference. Pediatr Crit Care Med
2015; 16 (5):428-39.
Use PaO2-based metric when available. If PaO2 is not available, wean FiO2 to maintain SpO2  97% to calculate oxygen saturation index (OSI; [FiO2  mean airway
pressure  100]/SpO2:FiO2 (SF) ratio.
For non-intubated patients treated with supplemental oxygen or nasal modes of non-invasive ventilation.
Acute respiratory distress syndrome severity groups stratified by oxygenation index (OI; [FiO2  mean airway pressure  100]/PaO2) or OSI should not be applied to
children with chronic lung disease who normally receive invasive mechanical ventilation or children with cyanotic congenital heart disease. CPAP, continuous positive
airway pressure; OI, oxygenation index; OSI, oxygen saturation index; PF, PaO2:FiO2.

Table 2

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no difference in mortality, duration of mechanical ventilation or There is limited evidence to suggest that intravenous corti-
length of stay. costeroids in children who have septic shock resistant to cate-
Inhaled nitric oxide (iNO), a potent pulmonary vasodilator, is cholamine treatment. Likewise, literature does not support using
also used in ARDS to improve oxygenation by matching venti- insulin to maintain tight glucose control. ECLS is recommended
lation and perfusion. It does this as it is preferentially delivered to to be used as a rescue therapy in children with septic shock, only
adequately ventilated areas of lung. However, this resulted in if refractory to all other treatments. The group’s findings of both
improvement in oxygenation but not mortality. Likewise use of initial resuscitation in sepsis and fluid and inotrope management
surfactant and steroids are not currently recommended as routine are summarized in Figures 3 and 4.15
therapy in ARDS.
Management of traumatic brain injury in children
Paediatric intensive care management of sepsis Primary brain injury occurs at the time of trauma and can only be
Sepsis is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in children addressed by injury prevention measures; these include cam-
and accounts for approximately 8% of patients admitted to PCCU paigns around road safety, for example. An important cause of
in high-income countries. Mortality ranges from 4% to 50% traumatic brain injury (TBI) in children is non-accidental injury,
depending on illness severity, risk factors and geographic loca- particularly in children under 2 years of age.
tion. Most children who die from sepsis suffer from refractory Secondary brain injury occurs in the hours to days after the
shock and/or multi-organ dysfunction. Early identification and primary insult and results from reduced perfusion of surviving
appropriate resuscitation and management are critical to opti- neural tissue, oxygen and metabolite delivery and clearance of
mizing outcomes for children with sepsis. metabolic waste and toxins. Brain swelling results from vaso-
The Surviving Sepsis Campaign was formed by the Society of genic and cytotoxic oedema and occurs within the closed
Critical Care Medicine, European Society of Intensive Care compartment of the skull, which can lead to intracranial hyper-
Medicine and the International Sepsis Forum in 2001 to develop tension, cerebral herniation, focal ischaemic injury and brain-
evidence-based guidelines for the management of patients with stem compression. Sustained elevation of intracranial pressure
sepsis. Subsequent to this a paediatric specific guideline was (ICP) therefore represents a key variable in the occurrence and
published in 2020.15 Septic shock in children was defined as severity of secondary brain injury. Management of TBI in PCCU
severe infection leading to cardiovascular dysfunction (including focuses on minimizing secondary brain injury.
hypotension, need for treatment with a vasoactive medication, or The third edition of the Guidelines for the Management of
impaired perfusion) and ‘sepsis-associated organ dysfunction’ as Paediatric Severe Traumatic Brain Injury is an update of a
severe infection leading to cardiovascular and/or non- multidisciplinary international group and provides a compre-
cardiovascular organ dysfunction. hensive consensus view of current evidence in paediatrics.16
As in adults, administration of appropriate antibiotics within 1 These findings are summarized in Figure 5.
hour of making the diagnosis of sepsis is of paramount impor- There are a number of aspects of care that should be used for
tance with empiric broad-spectrum therapy recommended prior all children with severe traumatic brain injuries. An appropriate
to narrowing antimicrobial coverage once the pathogen is level of analgesia and sedation should be maintained, which is
identified. generally a benzodiazepine and opioid combination. Routine use
Intravenous fluid resuscitation of up to 40e60 ml/kg (given in of neuromuscular blockade is not recommended because seizure
10e20 ml/kg per bolus) over the first hour, titrated to clinical activity can be masked but may be required to control shivering
markers of cardiac output is recommended in early shock. with its increased metabolic demand.
However, in resource-limited settings without the availability of Controlled mechanical ventilation should be used with an FiO2
intensive care the group recommended against large amounts of to achieve a target PaO2 of 90e100 mmHg and minute ventilation
bolus fluid administration. Crystalloid solutions were preferred adjusted to maintain a low normal PaCO2 of 35e40 mmHg.
over colloid solutions. Normothermia (<38 C) should be maintained in children with TBI
Vasoactive infusions were recommended after 40e60 ml/kg with moderate hypothermia (<35 C) recommended to be reserved
of fluid resuscitation if patients continue to have abnormal as an option for treatment for refractory raised ICP.
perfusion, with adrenaline or noradrenaline preferred over Early and aggressive reversal of hypoxia and hypotension are
dopamine. Adrenaline is recommended if there is myocardial crucial in management of children with severe TBI. There should
dysfunction. Vasopressin was recommended in children who be careful examination for extracranial injuries, aggressive
have septic shock resistant to high-dose catecholamines. Hae- replacement of blood loss and treatment of hypotension. A target
modynamic therapy should be titrated to therapeutic endpoints, of normovolaemia should be used while targeting a sodium
including normalization of physiological markers such as heart concentration of >140 mmol/litre. Coagulopathy should also be
rate, perfusion and urine output and laboratory markers such as treated to avoid further bleeding. Other simple measures include:
trends in blood lactate. promoting venous drainage of the head by keeping the head in
There is currently no evidence specific to support the early the midline position and raising the head of the bed by 30 . There
intubation of children with refractory shock without respiratory are insufficient data that treatment of seizures improves out-
failure. However, a high metabolic demand from refractory comes in paediatric TBI; however, either phenytoin or levetir-
shock can be at least in part mitigated by early invasive me- acetam are commonly used prophylactically depending on local
chanical ventilation. It should be noted that intubating children protocols and more commonly if there is blood in the ventricles
with septic shock is a high-risk procedure and caution should be on CT. Continuous EEG or monitoring is often used particularly
taken to avoid worsening hypotension during intubation. with neuromuscular blockade.

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE xxx:xxx 7 Ó 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Edmunds S et al., Special considerations in paediatric intensive care, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine, https://

Fluid and inotrope management algorithm for paediatric sepsis

Fluid and Vasoactive-Inotrope

Management Algorithm For Children
Healthcare Systems
WITH Intensive Care ! Healthcare Systems
WITHOUT Intensive Care

Abnormal perfusion with Abnormal perfusion Abnormal perfusion

or without hypotension WITHOUT WITH hypotension*
are absent, administer are absent, administer
bolus unless
there are signs of
• Repeat assessment of • Assess the hemodynamic
dehydration with
hemodynamic response
(e.g. diarrhea).
boluses, 10–20 mL/kg, until mL/kg, until hypotension
shock resolves or signs of • Start maintenance resolves or signs of

• Assess cardiac function. • Monitor • Assess cardiac

hemodynamics function (if available).
• Consider epinephrine
if there is myocardial • Consider epinephrine/
dysfunction or epinephrine/ • Consider vasoactive– norepinephrine if
norepinephrine if shock inotropic support hypotension persists
persists after 40–60 mL/kg (if available). after 40 mL/kg or
(or sooner if signs of
overload develop.

Fluid in mL/kg should be dosed as ideal body weight.

Shock resolved, perfusion improved

• Do not give more • Consider • Monitor for signs/symptoms
of recurrent shock.

*Hypotension SBP SBP SBP Presence of all 3 World

in healthcare < 50 mm Hg < 60 mm Hg < 70 mm Hg Health Organization criteria:
systems WITHOUT in children in children in children OR cold extremities, prolonged
intensive care is aged < 12 aged 1 to 5 aged > 5
months years years weak, fast pulse

© 2020 the Society of Critical CAre Medicine and the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, All Rights Reserved.

Reproduced with permission Weiss SL, Peter MJ, Alhazzani W, et al. Surviving Sepsis Campaign International Guidelines for the
Management of Septic Shock and Sepsis-Associated Organ Dysfunction in Children.Ped Crit Care Med. 2020; 21(2):e52-e106.
Copyright © 2020 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine.

Figure 3

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE xxx:xxx 8 Ó 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Edmunds S et al., Special considerations in paediatric intensive care, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine, https://

Management of paediatric sepsis algorithm

Initial Resuscitation
Algorithm for Children
Systematic Screening for
! Sepsis in Children !
Within 1 SHOCK SUSPECTED Within 3
hour of initial hours of initial
recognition of Suspicion of
septic shock Expedited sepsis
Shock evaluation

Diagnostic evaluation supports

sepsis-associated organ dysfunction

1 2 3 4 5 6
Obtain Collect Start empiric Measure Start vasoactive
IV/IO blood broad-spectrum lactate. bolus(es) if shock agents if shock
access. culture. antibiotics. is present.* persists.*

Respiratory support
Assess for Peditaric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Infectious source control Continuous Fluid and vasoactive titration*


Advanced hemodynamic monitoring if shock persists

• ± hydrocortisone • Avoid hypoglycemia VA or VV ECLS for refractory shock or

for refractory shock** • Antimicrobial oxygenation/ventilation failure (after addressing
• Nutritional support stewardship other causes of shock and respiratory failure)

is present or b) it is a low-resource setting without hypotension. Fluid in mL/kg should be dosed as ideal
body weight.

© 2020 the Society of Critical CAre Medicine and the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, All Rights Reserved.

Reproduced with permission Weiss SL, Peter MJ, Alhazzani W, et al. Surviving Sepsis Campaign International Guidelines for the
Management of Septic Shock and Sepsis-Associated Organ Dysfunction in Children.Ped Crit Care Med. 2020; 21(2):e52-e106.
Copyright © 2020 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine.

Figure 4

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE xxx:xxx 9 Ó 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article as: Edmunds S et al., Special considerations in paediatric intensive care, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine, https://

Management of paediatric severe traumatic brain injury: 2019 consensus and guidelines-based
algorithm for first and second tier therapies

TBI (GCS ≤ 8)
Surgery as tempo of disease progression; interventions may need to be bypassed, repeated or initiated concurrently.
Cranial CT
indicated * ICP 20-25 for > 5 min; more rapidly for ICP > 25 mmHg
**Mannitol could be substituted
Insert ICP Monitor
# Monitor EEG
Baseline Care Maintain appropriate analgesia/sedation Herniation Pathway
Continue mechanical ventilation; maintain adequate arterial oxygenation; PaCO2 ~35 mmHg
Maintain normothermia (<38ºC) If signs and symptoms of herniation
Ensure appropriate intravascular volume status (CVP)δ • Pupillary dilation
Maintain Hgb > 7 g/dL (mimimum); higher levels may be optimal based on advaned monitoring • Hypertension/bradycardia
Treat coagulopathy • Extensor posturing
Elevate HOB 30º
Phenytoin or Levetiracetam/Consider continuous EEG monitoring throughout the management course Emergent Treatment:
Begin nutrition as early as feasible and treat hypoglycemia Hyperventilation titrate to reverse pupillary dilation
FiO2 = 1.0
ICP Pathway Bolus mannitol or hypertonic saline
CPP Pathway Maintain CPP Open EVD to continuous drainage
Appropriate for age ↑ ICP Ψ* Emergency CT
PbrO2 Pathway Minimum 40 mmHg
Yes No
If PbrO2 monitoring CSF drainage if ventriculostomy present
is used maintain
minimum of ↓ CPP Carefully wean To Surgery if
↑ ICP Ψ*
> 10 mmHg or withdraw indicated
Yes No ICP, CPP and/or
intravascular volume Bolus and/or infusion of hypertonic saline** PbrO2 directed
status [CVP] δ therapy
↓ PbrO2 Vasosuppressor infusion ↑ ICP Ψ*
Bolus of hypertonic Yes No Neurological
saline examination
Raise FiO2 Additional analgesia/sedation
may help guide
weaning or
↑ ICP Ψ*
withdrawal of
↓ PbrO2 Yes No therapy and/or
Neuromuscular blockade # extent of
Adjust PaCO2 ↑ ICP Ψ*
Optimize Hgb ↓ CPP Yes No
Additional hypertonic saline/hyperosmolar therapy
φNote: When ICP-directed care is deemed to be
↓ PbrO2
↑ ICP Ψ*
factors such as the level of ICP, the tempo of disease
Yes No progression and others.

φSecond Tier Therapy

From: Kochanek PM, Tasker RC, Bell MJ et al. Management of paediatric severe traumatic brain injury: 2019 Consensus and
guidelines-based algorithm for first and second tier therapies. Pediatric Critical Care Medicine 20(3):269-279, March 2019

Figure 5

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ment might include a barbiturate infusion, moderate hypothermia 7 Clifford M. Inotropes in children. Aus Anaesth 2005; 129e34.
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Please cite this article as: Edmunds S et al., Special considerations in paediatric intensive care, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine, https://

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