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Jasper Kent V.

CAED500C (575)

The animal that best represents me is an ant. Ant is known as hardworking and
consistent. They were always preparing for their future, such as stocking food on their
inventory to have something to eat when unforeseen events happen that may force
them to stop their daily activities. Ants are industrious. They keep working hard even
though no one is watching them. They focus on their objectives and goals, which is
essential for them. Moreover, the sociability trait is observed in ants. They cooperate to
finish their tasks. These characteristics influenced me to work hard, collaborate with
colleagues, and focus on my goals.
Ants struggle every day to find food. They encounter problems on their paths. Like me, I
need help finding a source of income to supply my needs and wants. I encounter
problems in the way. But, just like ants, I never surrender nor give up. I keep hassling
for my goals and future.
Ants' traits and characteristics results inspire me to adapt them for self-growth. Hard
work, dynamic, friendly, and perseverance are the characteristics that I need to achieve
my goals. I will develop these qualities because it will be one of my best assets in my
future career.

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