Business Result B1 Unit 5 Exercises

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13} Practice file Working with words 1. Usea word from A and aword from B to complete the sentences, A B oll supoly population enessy world growth renewable domand global shortage ceneray. development 1 People will take the more seriously ‘wen they can no longer afford to run their ears 2 The 3. Where there is situation of a country improv. energy —__eriis of all and gasis running ont the financial Wind and water are sourze: of ——— ‘means that there will be nine billion people living on the planet by 2050 6 More countries need more al th -se days so the a has increased 7 Governments are hoping to find new oll elds to avoid an 2 Complete the text with the correct form of a verb that means the same as the words in brackets. Population growth and economic development are also having a devastating effect on te world’s wator supply. The sstuation is “deteriorating (getting worse) rapidly and experts = (Rhunk) that two-Afths ofthe people in the world already face weter shortages. A Swiss bank > (predicts) that by 2025 around 60% of the population will nct have enough water to live on. ‘The problem isnot thet water is * —(comina to an end), but that there are more of us ta share it. One: of the solutions lies in (aking better the ranagement of water distribution, If everyone takes a more responsible attitude to how they use ths resource, disaster may be avoided. Business communication 1. Put these words in the right order. 41 find / the /I5/ likely / solution / 10 / government /a _ verament likely so find a solution 2 2 I /have / we / factory / close / wont / hope to / the 3. stalf/ support / will / The / decision / denaitely / the 4 you / successful / think / will / the / Do / strike / be e/ won't / probably / oll / start / shortage / untit / 2015 6 world / unlikely / supply / water / The /is / to /-of 2. Rewrite these sentences with the words given 1 Will the manager listen to our demands? (ikely) Ic the manager likely to listen ta oxr demands? 2 Will they nnd a substitute for cil? (Likely) Are they —__ ’ 3. The plastics industry is likely to notice the effects first (probably) ‘The plastics industry 4 Petrol prices will probably rise dramatically. (ikely) Petrol prices as 5 They're sure the oil supply won't last forever (defmnitely) ‘The oll supply 6 Thope they'll invest more money in renewable energy, (hopefully) — in senewable energy. 3. Aand Bare discussing climate change. Complete their conversation with words from thelist. Hopetully likely are probably will think A So. do you think , To. The polar iee caps nave aiready started to melt and many coastal areas likely to be flooded by the sea cof them will die measures :o prot because they dont, so leliving mci A What can we do to help? B Well. the best way isto help cut carbon emissions, Global Wwiduals red to slow down if companies bon footprint. ‘The next few years will be crucial to the Future of the human race. the Language at work | Future predictions will / won't Form See page 17, Use Use wilto talk about something that is certain to happen. Inte future more pecple will wark from home. Use won't to talk about something that is certain not to happen. Employees won't stay tn the same ot all ther working if may / might (not) Form ray / righ ct) * vet Use 1 Use may or mihto talk about something that will possibly happen. Office buicings may look completely cfferent in the future Employece might have sharea desk with heir colleagues. 2 Use may not or might not o talk about something that possibly wwon'theppen J the fare people mary not retire watt theyre 10. Workers might not commateso much because of he olf ers 3 May and mighr both have the same meaning and are used in the same way. reed Language Going tis as0 used to make predictions, but oaly when the otedicton is based on vibe evidence Bo cust! The speaker i going to stat. (She's 0ing tomards the mcrophone) ook cut the winow. Is gong orain (There are a lot cof biac clouds.) Rewrite the sentences with will, won't, may / might. or ‘may not / might not 1 Pethaps / the CEO / visitthe office this aftemoon CLO may visit the office this afternoon 2 Tm sure / we / finish the report today 3 Pethaps /the manager / not in her office right now 4 Pethsps /your secretary / know when the meetings 5 Iimsure /1/ not / get the job I applied for Pethans / they / not give wea pay rise this ye 7 Tmsure /he / not go on any more businets tripe Complete the dialogue with wil, may / might, may not / ‘ight rot, or won'tand the verb in brackets. A Doyou think you'll be working for the same company in ure. | ny look for look for) rent job if 'm still earning the same salary. sends on my prometion prospects, toe. ! hope | (es}a manager by then, and I certainly — feel] very sat'sled with my job if Tm stillin the same posttion, How about you? A Idont thinkmy company (exise)in ten years’ time, We make the plastic casing for mobile hones, but without oil, we can't manufacture the plastic , but | mots ——————— (lose) my ob once there's en ail shortage B Why don't you try to ind 2 new job now while you've got the chance? ‘A. Tmthinking about it, but I still haven't decided. 1 —_ (apply) for ‘2 now job until 'm really gare my company is going to lose, I've seen alot of F & D jobs on the internet, so Tm. sure 17 (Gna) ir difficult to change companies. spualy amin | ET ayy e19eG

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