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College of Arts and Sciences sta Faction - Mathematics epeen in tase a Pm O58 0 Seti equated wth the essential terms and concepts of the aon method, what also matters is you should also be able tO Preble concepts in coking problems. SoWe te following nd 2.5 hours of review tine, What numberof audits and lax ‘eturns wil bring in maimum revenue? 3. Agroner has 50 acres of Produce an acre of cats, ‘*- Asma petroleum company owns wo refineries, Refinery 1 costs P25 000 pr day ta pete, andi can produce 300 bal of hih-srade ol. 200 bern of mscerhereds ol and 160 barelsoflomgrade oll each day. Refinery 2 ls nener and more node costs 30000 per day to operate, andit can produce 300 bares of hgh of 280 bares of mecium-grade ol, and 400 barels of ln-grade al each day, The carpany ‘has orers totaling 35,000 bares of ighrrade ci, 30.000 barrels medhum-grase ek ‘2nd 40,000 bares of tow-grade ol, How many days should the company tun cosh ‘refinery to minimize is costs and sill meet ts orders? 5. stool company has two mils. Mil costs P70,000 per day to operate, anit ean ‘produce 400 tons of high-grade see, $09 tons of medum-grade steel, snd 400 tons of low-grade stel each day. Mil 2 costs P60,000 per day to operate, and it ean produce 350 tons of high-grade steel 600 tons of medium-grad sea and 40 tens oftorgrade set each day. The company has orders totaling 100,000 tons of highrado thee, 150,000 tons of meclu-grade soo, and 124,500 fons of ln-grade stem How many ays shoulé the company run each milo minimize ks costs and still the orders? 6. company has budgeled a maximum of PG00,000 fr advertising a cevlain product ‘onal. Each minute of television time costs PS0,000 and aach one-page newspaper ‘28 coats P 15,000. Each television ai expected to be viewed by 15 miion Viowor, and ‘cach newspaper ad is expecied o be seen by 3 miion reader. The company’s market "esearch deparment advises the company to use at last 8 elevsion ads and at last 4 8 Neu "dog OY. tunao 10. aces Basti Arts and Scie ities 8UM Comets orl Baneation Mathematss sonatas ee as ee area 20 How shod he advertising bogel be alcatel maximize he tat ‘A warchouse operator has 24,000 3r@ meters of foor space in which to store Iwo osc. Each uso poets 20 amare ts or space ad cost P12 er Gay to store, Each unit of produc I requires 20 square meters cf Noor space and [28 8 per aya te. Theta rag cot pc ay cana excme PZ. ‘A merchant plans to sell two modele of horn computers at costs of P250 and P5400, ‘fesPectively. The #250 model ylolds a profit of P46 and the P400 model yields a profit of P50. The mechan estates al he a mnt demand nl ot xed 250 nts id tie namber fens each mol ht sud e socked inode tomasinze ‘Assume that he merchant des ot want vet mre than 70,000 compute ‘evenoy. Aso sls votypes cas, and Th store cuna ays PE and PA for ech one unity And respecting One untoftays Ale rot P2 we sito ys B yelss a prt of PB. The stor owner estates tat no rae tan 7000 toy wl Be sols every month adhe does alana es moe fan P20 00 neta of tse Lye. How many units of each pe fe shud be socked nod fo mano Nt ronal oft ‘Nina Grane ey tht eed and goon tur, She ha pose consisting of 10 ener, 2 bacup sce, an 150 sferet mucins ance fo wen repdatons 80 ptomercan ory pps once cringe tur, Aa cot ogee nce, + baccup sige and 2 muselns fer ech show whoo lor ato fergures dancers, 2 bacup ser an 1 mustsan each ng Ita cb cone els Gre 175. wlan rena stows her P00 igh hon many each show saul She sche sot her neame amas an wats that mania neo? 2) Near your tov 4 FY jt i et Bond Hoye #0 Moc 2 wows aon + 9044 O84 08 Bret agp ste oa NA O84, 5 B00, ows Boe + Hoyt Ge = 1.007 eo orn nem ret eo ri a ore Ss Se has er eee ae o. eR ens [eg es ree WOR yma tte wlio on om 0 5 pl Ewommaee eee o% |? o% oy om GA] Oo om -on vu —} ae tk eemireneee) ba oe 2D Min 2 2) vx a JD ina: ae c0084 0 08. 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