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Background of the Study

Due to its perceived operational flexibility (i.e., allows motorcycle riders to

weave through traffic) and affordable acquisition cost, the motorcycle has

become a popular mode of transportation. However, with increased utilization, its

involvement in road crashes has likewise increased (Napalang et al.,2018).

Motorcycle accidents are a significant public health issue worldwide. The use of

helmets has been proven to reduce the risk of head injury and death in

motorcycle crashes, and many countries have implemented laws mandating their

use (Liu, Ivers, Norton, Boufous, Blows & Lo, 2008). However, despite the known

benefits, many people, including university students, refuse to utilize helmets

when riding bikes, mopeds, or motorcycles (Brandon, Pierre, Dawoud

& Gutierrez, 2020). Although these laws tend to be controversial, may contain

ethical issues, and are likely to be more difficult to implement due to pushback,

they have generally been successful in increasing helmet use and reducing

injuries ( Sheikh, Cook & Ashcroft, 2004).

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has

conducted extensive research on the impact of helmet use on motorcycle

accidents. The findings reveal that motorcyclists who ride without safety helmets

are 40% more likely to suffer a fatal head injury compared to those who wear

helmets. Furthermore, NHTSA reports that helmet use has resulted in a 37%

reduction in mortality and a 65% reduction in head injury for riders involved in a
crash (Vaca & Burns, 2001). In the Philippines, the mandatory use of helmet law

was first enacted in 2009 through Republic Act. No. 1005, which requires all

motorcycle riders to wear standard protective helmets while driving a motorcycle.

Despite the law, however, compliance with the mandatory helmet law remains

low. That is why there are road accidents with thousands of people losing their

lives or sustaining injuries every year. According to the Philippine Statistics

Authority (PSA), there were 11, 490 road crash incidents in 2020, resulting in

8,693 injuries and 9,048 deaths. Motorcycles are a particularly vulnerable mode

of transportation, accounting for 44% of all road crash deaths in the country.

Helmets are widely recognized as one of the most effective measures to prevent

head injuries in the event of a motorcycle accident (Liu et al., 2018).

According to a report by the Ministry of Health of the Bangsamoro

Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) the lack of compliance with

the mandatory helmet law and poor enforcement of regulation has also

contributed to a high number of motorcycle accident-related injuries and fatalities

in the region. In 2019 there were 1,391 motorcycle-related accidents in BARMM

resulting in 479 deaths (Laurel, 2020). The report emphasized the need for

stricter enforcement of the helmet law and the implementation of awareness

campaigns used to promote helmet use among motorcycle riders.

From the report made by the local government unit (LGU) of Parang,

Maguindanao del Norte, the lack of compliance with the mandatory helmet law

and poor enforcement of regulations have also contributed to the high number of

motorcycle accidents-related injuries and fatalities in the municipality. In 2019,

there were 56 reported motorcycle-related accidents in Parang, resulting in 23

deaths and 36 injuries. The report emphasized the need for stricter enforcement

of the helmet law and the implementation of awareness campaigns to promote

helmet use among motorcycle riders.

Based on the arguments mentioned above, this study entitled "Challenges

in the Implementation of Mandatory Use of Helmet for Motorcycle Riders" is

relevant and timely and must be pursued to do more regarding this issue.
Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the challenges in the implementation of mandatory

use of motorcycle helmets for riders.

Specifically, this study aims to answer the following:

1. What are the challenges encountered by the police officers in the

implementation of mandatory helmet use among motorcycle riders?

2. What are the possible strategies that will help to strengthen the helmet-

wearing rate among motorcycle riders?

Significance of the Study

The study and its findings will be relevant and could be helpful to the following:

To the motorcycle riders, this study will provide them a deeper understanding

of the use and purpose of implementing the mandatory use of helmets.

To the Parang, Maguindanao Local Government Unit. This study will help

them gain a tangible activity in relation to impart the necessary awareness and

understanding regarding mandatory use of helmets not only to motorcycle riders

especially to students and also including the whole community.

To the Police officers, this study will help them evaluate the effectiveness of the

implementation on mandatory helmet use among motorcycle riders particularly to

students and provide them the necessary information to strengthen these regulations.
To the School, this study will serve as a guide for the teachers and school

administration to monitor and help enforce the mandatory use of helmets among

motorcycle riders, specifically to students that will help lessen the numbers of violators

in the community.

To the students, it will serve as a basis of their awareness and understanding

on the importance of the implementation of mandatory use of motorcycle helmets.

To the future researchers, this study will serve as a basis for further studies

related to the motivations and perceived barriers toward eating healthy among


Scope and Limitation

The research study will focus on the challenges encountered by the police

officers in the implementation of mandatory helmet use including the possible strategies

that will help to strengthen the helmet-wearing rate among motorcycle riders.

Definition of Terms

In order to have a better understanding of the study, the following terms were

defined operationally.

Challenges- it refers to the issues or problems experienced by the police official

during the implementation of mandatory helmet use among motorcycle riders.

Compliance- this refers to the application of mandatory helmet law among

motorcycle riders.
Helmet- it refers type of helmet used by motorcycle riders that contributes

to motorcycle safety by protecting the rider's head in the event of an impact.

Factors- this refers to the reasons that influence the motorcycle riders to resist

wearing helmets.

Fatal- refers to an occurrence that is capable of causing death.

Helmet law- refers to the RA 10054 an act mandating all motorcycle riders to

wear standard protective motorcycle helmets while driving and providing penalties


Implementation- it refers to the process of implementing a mandatory or judicial

order effectively for the purpose of achieving a specific goal and reason.

Mandatory- this refers to the legal order or law that a person must abide as it is

for the good and necessary.

Motorcycle riders - this refers to the students of Illana Bay Integrated Computer

College, Inc. who own or use to ride motorcycles.

Resistance- this refers to the defiance or disobedience of motorcycle riders in

the implementation of mandatory helmet use of helmet.

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