VN Daily Activity

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Hello I’m Moh.

Dafa sayyid muzaqi

You can call me dafa
My student identification number is zero fifty seven
I have a plan after graduation from here to work as a
quality control officer in a food company, namely PT
sentra food Indonesia
And this is my daily activity as a quality controller at PT
sentra food Indonesia, which of course is a quality
controller responsible for ensuring that the food products
produced by the company meet the established quality
I wake up early at four in the morning (4.00 am), I got up
of my bed and went to the bathroom, I took a shower and
took ablution to prepare for morning prayers, after prayer
I made my bed then get ready to work. At half past six
(5.30 am) before i going to work I always make time for
breakfast, I think I had breakfast until half past seven in
the morning (6.30 am). then I continued to go to my place
of work, the journey form home to my place work was
only about thirty minutes, I arrived at my place of work at
around seven in the morning.
After arriving at my work, I usually get ready to do my
job as a quality control person and greet several partners
at my workplace before starting work at eight o’clock
(8.00 am). Here when I started working, as quality control
of course, I carry out tasks such as product inspection to
ensure compliance with established quality standards,
then conduct laboratory testing to check the nutrional
content, microbial safety and other contaminants in the
product, I also monitor production processes to ensure
that they meet quality problems that may arise during the
productions process, also carries out development and
quality improvement and don’t forget that I also have to
make an accurate report on the results of the testing and
monitoring. Then I rest from twelve to one o’clock (12.00
pm - 01.00 pm), during my lunch break I usually go to eat
in the canteen with my colleagues an do midday prayers.
After the afternoon break I continued working until five
o’clock in the afternoon (05.00 pm).
After work was finished I went home at five in the
afternoon, when I got home around half past six (05.30) in
the afternoon I immediately cleaned myself, took a
shower and prepared to do the maghrib pray then pray
isha’ at seven o’clock (07.00 pm), then after finishing the
evening prayer at around seven and fifteen minutes
(07.15 pm) I gathered with my family to have dinner
together and spend time with my family. And at around
nineteen pm (09.00 pm) I rested and slept to return to my
activity the next day.
And that’s my daily activity as a quality controller
Thank you for listening

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