Mechanics Slide 1-2

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Analytic Mechanics: Statics

CLO-1: Define and explain principles of engineering mechanics
(i.e. statics and dynamics) related to Civil engineering domain.
What is Mechanics? Introduction to Sl Units.
❖ Syllabus The Concepts of A Rigid Body,
Definitions and Concepts Of Forces,
1~2 Components of Force,
Classification of Force Systems.
Hibbeler, R.C. 13th Edition (2014). Engineering Mechanics: Statics, SI Edition,
Prentice Hall. Fourteenth edition
Prof. Dr. Engr. Muhammad Abu Eusuf, P. Saturday, 21 January,

Course CIE: Continuous Attendance 10 Marks

Assessments Internal Evaluation Class test/ Assignment/ 10 Marks
Mid-term 30 Marks
SEE: Semester End Examination 50 Marks


Saturday, 21 January, 2023

1.1 Mechanics is the foundation of most engineering sciences and is an obligatory

What Is Mechanics? Introduction To Sl Units.

prerequisite to study. Mechanics is an applied science dealing with physical
phenomena which describes and predicts the conditions of rest or motion of bodies
under the action of forces.
Categories of Mechanics:
1 Rigid bodies: Statics- Equilibrium of bodies- at rest and move with constant velocity
Dynamics- Accelerated motion of bodies
2 Deformable bodies
3 Fluids: Incompressible and Compressible

Saturday, 21 January, 2023

1.2 Fundamentals Concepts: Basic Quantities

What Is Mechanics? Introduction To Sl Units.

a) Length (locate the position of a point in space); b) Space (associated with the concept of the
position of a point P given in terms of three coordinates measured from a reference point or origin); c)
Mass (measure of a quantity of matter); d) Time (succession of events); e) Force - (a “push” or
“pull” exerted by one body on another)
In Newtonian Mechanics, space, time, and mass are absolute concepts, independent of each other. Force,
however, is not independent of the other three. The force acting on a body is related to the mass of the
body and the variation of its velocity with time.
Particles: (a very small amount of matter/ mass with negligible
size and assumed to occupy a single point in space, also called Point Mass).

2) Rigid body: (a combination of a large number of particles at

FIXED positions to each other)

3) Concentrated force: (the effect of a loading)

Saturday, 21 January, 2023
1) First law:
“A particle originally at rest, or moving in a straight line with
constant velocity, will remain in this state provided that the

Newton’s Three laws

particle is not subjected to an unbalanced force”

2) Second law:
“A particle acted upon by an unbalanced force F experiences
an acceleration a that has the same direction as the force
and a magnitude that is directly proportional to the force”

3) Third law:
“The mutual forces of action and reaction between two
particles are equal and, opposite and collinear”
Saturday, 21 January, 2023
SI units
❖ SI System Specifies Length in meters (m), Time in Seconds (S) and

Newton’s Law of Gravitational Attraction

Mass in Kilograms (Kg)
❖ Force Unit, Newton (N), is Derived from F = ma
At The Standard Location, g = 9.806 65 m/s2
For Calculations, We use, g = 9.81 m/s2
Thus, W = mg (g = 9.81m/s2). Hence, a body of mass 1 kg has a weight of 9.81
N, a 2-kg body weighs 19.62 N

Space Diagram:
A sketch showing
the physical
conditions of the
Next to Numerical Calculation Free-Body Diagram: Saturday, 21 January,
Dimensional Homogeneity
1) Each term must be expressed in the
same units
2) Regardless of how the equation is
evaluated, It maintains its dimensional
3) All terms can be replaced by a
consistent set of units

Significant Figures
1) Accuracy of a number is specified by the number of significant figures it contains
2) A significant figure is any digit including zero e.g. 5604 and 34.52 have four significant numbers
3) When numbers begin or end with zero, we make use of prefixes to clarify the number of significant
figures e.g. 400 as one significant figure would be 0.4(103)
Saturday, 21 January, 2023
Rounding Off Numbers
1) Accuracy obtained would never be better than the accuracy of the problem data
2) Calculators or computers involve more figures in the answer than the number of significant figures in the
3) Calculated results should always be “rounded off” to an appropriate number of significant figures

1) Retain a greater number of digits for accuracy
2) Work out computations so that numbers that are approximately equal
3) Round off final answers to three significant figures
to solve problems, it is important to present work
in a logical and orderly ways as suggested:
1) Correlate Actual Physical Situation With Theory
2) Draw Any Diagrams And Tabulate The Problem Data Convert to 2 km/h to m/s.
3) Apply Principles In Mathematics Forms
4) Solve Equations Which are Dimensionally Homogenous
5) Report The Answer With Significance Figures
6) Technical Judgment and Common Sense Saturday, 21 January,

Components of forces

Saturday, 21 January, 2023


Saturday, 21 January, 2023


Saturday, 21 January, 2023


Saturday, 21 January, 2023


Saturday, 21 January, 2023


Saturday, 21 January, 2023


For Practice

Saturday, 21 January, 2023


Saturday, 21 January, 2023

For Practice

Saturday, 21 January, 2023

For Practice

Saturday, 21 January, 2023

Components o forces

Saturday, 21 January, 2023


Components of forces
Saturday, 21
January, 2023

Components of forces
Saturday, 21
January, 2023

Components of forces
Saturday, 21 January, 2023

Components of forces
Saturday, 21
January, 2023

Classification of Saturday, 21 January, 2023

1. For a static’s problem your calculations show the final answer as 12345.6 N. What will you
write as your final answer?
A) 12345.6 N B) 12.3456 kN C) 12 kN D) 12.3 kN E) 123 kN
2. In the three-step approach to problem solving called IPE, what does P stand for?
A) Position B) Plan C) Problem D) Practical E) Possible
3. Evaluate the situation in which mass (kg), force (N), and length (m) are the base units and recommend
one of the following.

A) A new system of units will have to be formulated.
B) Only the unit of time have to be changed from second to something else.
C) No changes are required.
D) The above situation is not feasible.
4. Give the most appropriate reason for using three significant figures in reporting results of typical
engineering calculations.
A) Historically slide rules could not handle more than three significant figures.
B) Three significant figures gives better than one-percent accuracy.
C) Telephone systems designed by engineers have area codes consisting of three figures.
D) Most of the original data used in engineering calculations do not have accuracy better than oneSaturday, 21 January, 2023

❖ To show how To Add Forces and
CLO-2 Solve problems of statics and dynamics
Resolve Them Into Components

Outlines and
related to Civil engineering domain using
Using Parallelogram Theorem

Objectives .
principles of engineering mechanics.
❖ To Express Force And Position
In Cartesian Vector Form And
2.1 Scalars and Vectors Explain How To Determine The
2.2 Vector Operations Vector’s Magnitude And
2.3 Vector Addition of Forces Direction
2.4 Addition of a System of Coplanar Forces ❖ To Introduce The Dot Product
2.5 Cartesian Vectors In Order To Determine Angle
2.6 Addition and Subtraction of Cartesian Vectors Between Two Vectors Or The
2.7 Position Vectors Projection Of One Vector Onto
2.8 Force Vector Directed along a Line Another.
2.9 Dot Product

Saturday, 21 January, 2023

Scalars Vectors Force is a vector quantity

Operations & Addition Coplanar Forces

Scalars & Vectors Force Vectors, Vector
Examples Mass, Volume Force, velocity, Acceleration
Characteristics It has a magnitude It has a magnitude and
(positive or direction
Addition rule Simple Arithmetic Parallelogram law
Special notation None Bold font, a line, an arrow or

Application Of Vector Addition

❖ There are 3- concurrent forces acting on
the hook due to the chains.
❖ We need to decide if the hook will fail
(bend or break). • The resultant is equivalent to
the diagonal of a parallelogram
❖ To do this, we need to know the which contains the two forces
resultant or total force acting on the in adjacent legs.
hook as a result of the three chains. Vectors Operations Saturday, 21 January, 2023
• Vector: parameters possessing magnitude and direction which add

Force Vectors, Vector Operations & Addition

according to the parallelogram law. E.g: displacements,
velocities, accelerations.
• Scalar: parameters possessing magnitude but not direction. E.g:
mass, volume, temperature. Indicated by letters in italic such as A

Coplanar Forces
Vector classifications:
- Fixed or bound vectors have well defined points of application that
cannot be changed without affecting an analysis.
- Free vectors may be freely moved in space without changing their
effect on an analysis.
- Sliding vectors may be applied anywhere along their line of action
without affecting an analysis.

• Equal vectors have the same magnitude and direction.

• Negative vector of a given vector has the same magnitude and
the opposite direction.
Saturday, 21 January, 2023
Multiplication & Division of a Vector by a Scalar

Vector Operations & Addition Coplanar Forces

❖Product Of Vector A And Scalar A = Aa
❖Magnitude =
❖Law Of Multiplication Applies E.G. A/A = ( 1/A ) A, A≠0

❖ Addition of 2-vectors A and B gives a resultant vector R by the

parallelogram law
❖ Result R can be found by triangle construction
❖ Communicative e.g. R = A + B = B + A
❖ Special case: Vectors A & B are collinear (both have the same
line of action)

Saturday, 21 January, 2023

• Vector Subtraction

Vector Operations & Addition Coplanar Forces

- Special case of addition e.g. R’ = A – B = A + ( - B )
- Rules of Vector Addition Applies

Experimental evidence shows that a force is a vector quantity since it has

a specified magnitude, direction, and sense and it adds according to the
parallelogram of law. 2- common problems in statics involve either
finding the resultant force, knowing its components, or resolving a
known force in two components. Saturday, 21 January, 2023
Experimental evidence shows that a force is a vector quantity since it has a specified magnitude,

Vector Operations & Addition Coplanar Forces

direction, and sense and it adds according to the parallelogram of law. 2- common problems in
statics involve either finding the resultant force, knowing its components, or resolving a known
force in two components.

Finding A Resultant Force Trigonometry

1) Redraw half portion of the
Parallelogram Law Is Carried Out To Find The Resultant Force parallelogram
2) Magnitude of the resultant force
can determine by the law of
3) Direction if the resultant force
can be determined by the law of
Resultant, Fr = ( F1 + F2 ) sines
4) Magnitude of the 2- components
can determine by the law of
Saturday, 21 January, 2023
Procedure for Analysis

Vector Operations & Addition Coplanar Forces

Parallelogram Law
❖ Make A Sketch Using The Parallelogram Law
❖ 2 Components Forces Add To Form The Resultant Force
❖ Resultant Force Is Shown By The Diagonal Of The Parallelogram
❖ The Components Is Shown By The Sides Of The Parallelogram

1) Redraw half portion of the parallelogram
2) Magnitude of the resultant force can determine by the law of
3) Direction if the resultant force can be determined by the law of
4) Magnitude of the two components can determine by the law of sines
Saturday, 21 January, 2023
1 The screw eye is subjected to two forces, F1 and F2. Determine the magnitude

Vector Operations & Addition Coplanar Forces

and direction of the resultant force.
Parallelogram Law Law of Sines

Direction Φ of FR
magnitude of FR
and angle θ
measured from
the horizontal
Law of

Saturday, 21 January, 2023

1 The screw eye is subjected to two forces, F1 and F2. Determine the magnitude

Vector Operations & Addition Coplanar Forces

and direction of the resultant force.
Parallelogram Law Law of Sines

Direction Φ of FR
magnitude of FR
and angle θ
measured from
the horizontal
Law of

Saturday, 21 January, 2023

❖ x and y axes are designated positive
and negative

2.4 Addition of a System of Coplanar Forces

❖ Components of forces expressed as
algebraic scalars


❖ Cartesian unit vectors i and j are used to designate the x and y
❖ Unit vectors i and j have dimensionless magnitude of unity ( = 1 )
❖ Magnitude is always a positive quantity, represented by scalars Fx
and Fy

Saturday, 21 January, 2023

❖ Cartesian unit vectors i and j are used to designate the x and y directions
❖ Unit vectors i and j have dimensionless magnitude of unity ( = 1 )

2.4 Addition of a System of Coplanar Forces

❖ Magnitude is always a positive quantity, represented by scalars Fx and Fy


❖ To determine resultant of several coplanar forces:
❖ Resolve force into x and y components
❖ Addition of the respective components using scalar
❖ Resultant force is found using the parallelogram law
❖ Cartesian vector notation

Saturday, 21 January, 2023

Coplanar Force Resultants
❖ Vector resultant is therefore

2.4 Addition of a System of Coplanar Forces

If scalar notation are used

❖ In all cases we have

❖ Magnitude of FR can be
found by Pythagorean
Saturday, 21 January, 2023
Example 2.5: Determine x and y components of F1 and F2
acting on the boom. Express each force as a Cartesian vector.
Scalar Notation

2.4 Addition of a System of Coplanar Forces

Hence, From The Slope Triangle, We Have

By Similar Triangles We Have

Scalar Notation:

Cartesian Vector Notation:

Saturday, 21 January, 2023


2.4 Addition of a System of Coplanar Forces

Example 2.5: Determine x and y components of F1 and F2
acting on the boom. Express each force as a Cartesian vector.

By Similar Triangles We Have

Scalar Notation

Cartesian Vector Notation:

Hence, From The Slope Triangle,
We Have:

Scalar Notation:
Cartesian Vector Notation

Saturday, 21 January, 2023


2.4 Addition of a System of Coplanar Forces

Example 2.5: Determine x and y components of F1 and F2
acting on the boom. Express each force as a Cartesian vector.

By Similar Triangles We Have

Scalar Notation

Cartesian Vector Notation:

Hence, From The Slope Triangle,
We Have:

Scalar Notation:
Cartesian Vector Notation

Saturday, 21 January, 2023


2.4 Addition of a System of Coplanar Forces

Example 2.6: The link is subjected to two forces F1
and F2. Determine the magnitude and orientation of
the resultant force.
Scalar Notation:

From vector addition, direction

angle θ is


Saturday, 21 January, 2023


2.4 Addition of a System of Coplanar Forces

Example 2.6: The link is subjected to two forces F1
and F2. Determine the magnitude and orientation of
the resultant force.

Solution II Cartesian Vector Notation

F1 = { 600COS30°I + 600SIN30°J } N
F2 = { -400SIN45°I + 400COS45°J } N

FR = F1 + F2
= (600COS30ºN - 400SIN45ºN)I
+ (600SIN30ºN + 400COS45ºN)J
= {236.8I + 582.8J}N
The Magnitude and Direction of FR are determined in the same manner as before.

Saturday, 21 January, 2023

1. Which one of the Following is A Scalar Quantity? A) Force B) Position C) Mass D) Velocity

Force Vectors, Vector Operations & Addition

2. For vector addition, you have to use ______ law.
A) Newton’s Second; B) the arithmetic; C) Pascal’s and D) the parallelogram
3. Can you resolve a 2-D vector along two directions, which are not at 90° to each other?
A) Yes, but not uniquely. B) No. C) Yes, uniquely.

Coplanar Forces
4. Can you resolve a 2-D vector along three directions (say at 0, 60, and 120°)?
A) Yes, but not uniquely. B) No. C) Yes, uniquely.

Saturday, 21 January, 2023

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